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Midterm Project
Fatih Özlü
Information Systems
Middle East Technical University
1. MQTT ANDROID APPLICATION.....................................................................................3
1.1. Overview ...........................................................................................................3
1.2. Definitions, Abbreviations and Acronyms ......................................................................3
1.3. Design of the Application .........................................................................................3
1.4. Platform ............................................................................................................7
1.5. Testing the Application ...........................................................................................8
2. TECHNOLOGIES USED IN THE PROJECT......................................................................... 14
2.1. AChartEngine .................................................................................................... 14
2.2. MQTT from PAHO ............................................................................................... 14
2.3. ActiveMQ Broker Configuration ............................................................................... 17
3. REFERENCES........................................................................................................ 18
1.1. Overview
This document is prepared as a project for IS 748 lecture. The document is based on the
implementation project of the lecture. In this project, an Android application is implemented
by using MQTT for communication. It is thought to be client of a CEP (Complex Event
Processing) engine developed for IS 589 Master Project, which is based on collecting sensor
data from classroom environment and extracting complex events. This Android project is the
high-level application part of the Master Project to visualize sensor data and inform the
1.2. Definitions, Abbreviations and Acronyms
CEP Complex Event Processing
JMS Java Messaging Service
M2M Machine-to-Machine
MQTT MQ Telemetry Transport
1.3. Design of the Application
In this implementation project, Android client will be informed about condition of a smart
classroom. The condition contains information like ambient temperature and light status,
motion detection, etc. Phone-Server communication will be based on MQTT (a topic based
publish-subscribe model). According to the proposed design, a mobile client could be able to
subscribe several pre-defined topics and will be notified whenever the server publishes a
message on any of the subscribed topics. Mobile application will use MQTT protocol for
communicating with the server (Figure 1).
In addition, mobile clients will show meaningful information rules defined in the CEP engine
to inform users to trigger events like opening air conditioner, or opening the windows in the
classroom as well as statistics about the server data that is collected from sensors. So the
application will subscribe predefined topics to be informed, whenever event occurs, the
message about the event will be published to the user. The user can be able to monitor
these messages/events.
The application is implemented in Eclipse environment by using Java programming language
in Android platform. The application is composed from four packages each of which is
separated for a different purpose (Figure 2). graphics package is used for visual purposes
to show sensor data by using charts on time axis. The data package is used for storing the
sensor data on the application side to retrieve in case of needs from other packages. In
mqtt package, communication with the broker is implemented to get messages over a topic
based messaging system. client package is used for showing context information on a
tabbed structure by using Android Activity classes. This is the starting point of the
application and it contains the user interface tabs for making several operations.
MQTT Client
sensor data
Figure 1 System design
Figure 2 Package Diagram
1.3.1. client Package
In this package, main operations are managed by using Activity classes on Tabbed layout.
For each operation of the application, there are several Activity classes started from the
MainActivity class. MainActivity is the container class of the other Activity classes
Figure 3 client Package Class Diagram
In addition, MainActivity takes published messages from MQTTConnectorTask class that
deals with receiving messages from subscribed messages from the broker. The MainActivity
forwards the relevant message to the active Activity class. By this way, active Activity class
can update the display to show new messages on the screen. Each derived concrete Activity
class is used for different purpose. DoorInActiviy, DoorOutActivity, WallTeacherActivity,
WallWindowActivity, WindowActiviy is used for demonstrating the classroom setups to
provide monitoring the sensors deployed to these places. SettingsActivity is responsible for
starting/stopping the application or exiting from the application and setting the broker
server url of the application, since the broker can be interchangeable with respect to needs.
GraphicsActivity is used for visualizing the sensor data on charts and graphics. It is designed
as extendable as possible; so the classroom temperature of the inside and the outside is
used for the present, but other sensors can be added to the system easily to show on
charts, as well. CEPInfoActivity is used to monitor complex events extracted from the CEP
engine on the broker side.
1.3.2. data Package
This package contains classes of the sensors used in the classroom. Each sensor value is
stored on the SensorDataFactory to use in charts or for monitoring, etc.
Figure 4 data Package Class Diagram
1.3.3. graphics Package
This package contains classes for showing the sensor data on the charts. The design is
flexible and extendable to add new types of the sensors to visualize. Each sensor data is
inserted to the dataset of the SensorChart of the current sensor type.
Figure 5 graphics Package Class Diagram
1.4. Platform
The properties of the each platform and library used in the project is given in Table 1.
Table 1.4-1 Platforms and Libraries used in the Project
Apache ActiveMQ Version 5.7.0
Eclipse SDK Version: 3.7.1
Android Platform Version: 2.3.3
achartengine-1.0.0.jar for charting the sensor data
org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.jar for communicating and getting messages
from the broker
1.5. Testing the Application
For testing the application, CEP on the broker is simulated the real time environment of the
classroom. To this simulation, the stored sensor data is retrieved from the database and
sent to the rule machine, as if the sensors are working in the real time. The CEP engine on
the broker side is even run to process messages and extract high level information. In
addition, the sensor data which is read from the database is also published to the topics that
the Android client listens. Therefore, the Android application can receive messages from
both sensor data topics and the CEP machine topics.
Listened Topic Source: Clasroom Setup /
Hall Effect – 0 Door Setup Out
Infrared Proximity – 0 Door Setup Out
Optical – 0 Door Setup Out
Motion - 0 Door Setup Out
Infrared Proximity – 1 Door Setup In
Temp - 1 Outside(Window) Setup
Light - 1 Outside(Window) Setup
Electret - 0 Wall Setup Teacher
Temp - 0 Wall Setup Teacher
Light - 0 Wall Setup Teacher
Motion - 1 Wall Setup Window
Light – 2 Wall Setup Window
Esper CEP Engine
1.5.1.Starting ActiveMQ Broker
Apcahe ActiveMQ Broker is started from the batch file activemq.bat located in the activemq
installation folder. When the batch file is called from the command line, the broker is
executed on the machine (Figure 6). After the broker is started, the publishers and
subscribers get ready for communicating over publish-subscribe topics. This messaging is
based on JMS (Java Messaging Service), but in this project, the broker is configured to
support MQTT Connections to receive and send MQTT messages, which are, some kind of
publish/subscribe messaging service. The configuration is mentioned, in the next sections.
Figure 6 Starting ActiveMQ Broker
1.5.2.Starting Simulator and CEP Engine
JMSToEsper Java application is implemented for simulating the classroom environment. This
application reads data from database and both publishes messages to corresponding topics
and starts the CEP engine to take events for extracting complex events. When the
application is executed, the sensor data which is stored on the database with time stamp is
published in the real time sequence as the order and duration of the real time. If the user
wants, the simulation can be speeded up to 2x, 4x, or faster to see messages more fast
moving from the real time.
Figure 7 Starting the Simulator - CEP Engine
1.5.3. Running Android Application
After starting both the Simulator with CEP Engine and the broker, the mobile application can
be run. When the application is executed, Settings menu is opened by default. From this
menu, users can start the application to receive messages or can update the url of broker.
Figure 8 Settings Menu and Updating the Broker URL
The application can be started or stopped, whenever the user wants. The example screens of
the application is given in Figure 9.
After starting, the application will display a message about connecting to the topics. The
messages comes from the server side could be monitored from the Tabs located on the
upper side of the screen. The tabs are located corresponsding to the classroom sensor
setups. There are 4 four setups: DoorIn, DoorOut, WallTeacher, WallWindow and Window
setups. Door setups are located to the door of the classroom; Wall setups are located on the
inside wall of the classroom; Window setup is located to the outside of the classroom’s
window. The complex events extracted from CEP Rule Machine Esper are given in tab CEP
Info. Example screens from these setups are given in below Figures 10-11.
Figure 9 Starting(left)/Stopping(right) the Application
Figure 10 Screens from DoorOut and Window Setups
Figure 11 Screens from Extracted CEPInformation and WallTeacher Setup
Lastly, user can see the chart of the temperature of the inside and the outside of the
classroom, until the present time from the Graphics tab (Figure 12).
Figure 12 Monitoring the Classroom Inside and Outside Temperature on Chart
2.1. AChartEngine
AChartEngine is a charting library for Android applications [1]. It is used for several kinds of
chart types, as given in [1]:
 line chart
 area chart
 scatter chart
 time chart
 bar chart
 pie chart
 bubble chart
 doughnut chart
 range (high-low) bar chart
 dial chart / gauge
 combined (any combination of line, cubic line, scatter, bar, range bar, bubble) chart
 cubic line chart
In this project, I used the line chart for two series (inside and outside temperature) with X
time axis. The collected data could be also shown in other charts, since the design is flexible
to use other charts.
AChartEngine is currently at the 1.0.0 release and it is free to use. It is licensed under
Apache License 2.0. This library is also open-source; the source codes can be reachable from
its repository on the Web.
2.2. MQTT from PAHO
MQTT [2], which is a lightweight publish/subscribe messaging protocol and widely used in
sensors, home automation, mobile applications and such small devices which also is used in
this study. MQTT is a (M2M) machine-to-machine publish/subscribe messaging protocol
based on topic structure. The topic structure is used for messaging between subscribers and
publishers. The publisher send messages over a predefined topic, the consumers
(subscribers) receive messages from the topics to which they subscribe.
There are several open source and free MQTT Clients and Brokers (Servers) to be used for
this type messaging for different platforms and programming languages such as C, C++,
Java, Python, Delphi, PHP etc. as given below:
Servers / Brokers for MQTT (taken from [3])
IBM WebSphere MQ Telemetry
It provides full MQTT v3.1 support with WebSphere MQ. Supports Java (MIDP and above) and
C clients.
IBM Lotus Expeditor micro broker
Part of the Lotus Expeditor product, micro broker is an OSGi Java implementation of MQTT
server. It provides Java (including JMS), C# and C clients.
Really Small Message Broker
It provides complete MQTT v3.1 support, and a C client API.
An Open Source MQTT server with C, C++, Python and JavaScript clients.
Eclipse Paho
The Eclipse Paho project hosts a version of the mosquitto broker for the Machine-to-Machine
Industry Working Group [4].
A node.js MQTT server.
webMethods Nirvana Messaging
A messaging engine with support for many different transports. It also supports MQTT.
An AMQP message broker – with an MQTT plugin.
Apache ActiveMQ
ActiveMQ has a support for MQTT with configuration.
Apache Apollo
A Java MQTT broker.
IBM WebSphere Message Broker
It supports MQTT v3.
Clients for MQTT (taken from [3]): Only C,C++ and Java Clients are given:
 Eclipse Paho – a C client (based on the IBM WebSphere MQ Telemetry C client)
 libmosquitto – a C client library provided with the mosquitto server
 IBM WebSphere MQ Telemetry provides a C client API (largely identical to Eclipse Paho)
 IBM Lotus Expeditor micro broker includes a C client API
 liblwmqtt - a very lightweight C client undeveloped – use Eclipse Paho instead
 libmosquittopp – a C++ client library provided with the mosquitto server
 Eclipse Paho - a Java client (based on the IBM WebSphere MQ Telemetry Java client)
 MeQanTT
 mqtt-client – a Fusesource Java MQTT client with a variety of API styles
 moquette-mqtt – a Java client
 IBM WebSphere MQ Telemetry provides a Java client API
 IBM Lotus Expeditor micro broker includes two Java client APIs
Javascript / node.js
In this project, as a broker, ActiveMQ Broker [5] is used and as a client, Eclipse Paho [6]
MQTT Client is used. Paho Client is developed under Eclipse Technology Project as open
source. It is given a solution as Machine-to-Machine (M2M) from Eclipse Project. First
releases are aimed to be developed for MQTT Java and C client code. The client library is
used in the mobile application.
2.3. ActiveMQ Broker Configuration
To make integrity of MQTT with ActiveMQ, which is broker of the publish/subscribe
messaging and supports MQTT protocol connection, configuration is done on the broker side.
To enable MQTT on ActiveMQ [5], given xml code is inserted in to the configuration file of
broker ActiveMQ:
<transportConnector name="mqtt"
This enables ActiveMQ to support connection comes from MQTT clients for 60 seconds. After
60 seconds, the broker stops hanging inactive connections. The default port of MQTT is 1883
for TCP/IP, for secure connections, MQTT could be able to use TCP/IP port 8883 over SSL.
[1] "AChartEngine Web Site," [Online]. Available: [Accessed
2 1 2013].
[2] "MQ Telemetry Transport," [Online]. Available: [Accessed 25 12 2012].
[3] "MQTT Softwares," [Online]. Available: [Accessed 2 1 2013].
[4] "Machine-to-Machine Industry Working Group," [Online]. Available: [Accessed 1 1 2013].
[5] "MQTT on Apache ActiveMQ," [Online]. Available:
[Accessed 26 12 2012].
[6] "Paho Project," [Online]. Available: [Accessed 28 12

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Android Implementation using MQTT Protocol

  • 1. IS 748 – MOBILE PERVASIVE COMPUTING Midterm Project MQTT ANDROID APPLICATION IMPLEMENTATION Fatih Özlü 1777762 Information Systems Middle East Technical University 06.01.2013
  • 2. 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. MQTT ANDROID APPLICATION.....................................................................................3 1.1. Overview ...........................................................................................................3 1.2. Definitions, Abbreviations and Acronyms ......................................................................3 1.3. Design of the Application .........................................................................................3 1.4. Platform ............................................................................................................7 1.5. Testing the Application ...........................................................................................8 2. TECHNOLOGIES USED IN THE PROJECT......................................................................... 14 2.1. AChartEngine .................................................................................................... 14 2.2. MQTT from PAHO ............................................................................................... 14 2.3. ActiveMQ Broker Configuration ............................................................................... 17 3. REFERENCES........................................................................................................ 18
  • 3. 3 1. MQTT ANDROID APPLICATION 1.1. Overview This document is prepared as a project for IS 748 lecture. The document is based on the implementation project of the lecture. In this project, an Android application is implemented by using MQTT for communication. It is thought to be client of a CEP (Complex Event Processing) engine developed for IS 589 Master Project, which is based on collecting sensor data from classroom environment and extracting complex events. This Android project is the high-level application part of the Master Project to visualize sensor data and inform the users. 1.2. Definitions, Abbreviations and Acronyms CEP Complex Event Processing JMS Java Messaging Service M2M Machine-to-Machine MQTT MQ Telemetry Transport 1.3. Design of the Application In this implementation project, Android client will be informed about condition of a smart classroom. The condition contains information like ambient temperature and light status, motion detection, etc. Phone-Server communication will be based on MQTT (a topic based publish-subscribe model). According to the proposed design, a mobile client could be able to subscribe several pre-defined topics and will be notified whenever the server publishes a message on any of the subscribed topics. Mobile application will use MQTT protocol for communicating with the server (Figure 1). In addition, mobile clients will show meaningful information rules defined in the CEP engine to inform users to trigger events like opening air conditioner, or opening the windows in the classroom as well as statistics about the server data that is collected from sensors. So the application will subscribe predefined topics to be informed, whenever event occurs, the message about the event will be published to the user. The user can be able to monitor these messages/events.
  • 4. 4 The application is implemented in Eclipse environment by using Java programming language in Android platform. The application is composed from four packages each of which is separated for a different purpose (Figure 2). graphics package is used for visual purposes to show sensor data by using charts on time axis. The data package is used for storing the sensor data on the application side to retrieve in case of needs from other packages. In mqtt package, communication with the broker is implemented to get messages over a topic based messaging system. client package is used for showing context information on a tabbed structure by using Android Activity classes. This is the starting point of the application and it contains the user interface tabs for making several operations. publish /subscribe publish /subscribe sensor events complex events ACTIVEMQ BROKER (SERVER) Android MQTT Client MQTT Protocol Classroom Setups Collecting sensor data CEP Engine Figure 1 System design
  • 5. 5 Figure 2 Package Diagram 1.3.1. client Package In this package, main operations are managed by using Activity classes on Tabbed layout. For each operation of the application, there are several Activity classes started from the MainActivity class. MainActivity is the container class of the other Activity classes Figure 3 client Package Class Diagram
  • 6. 6 In addition, MainActivity takes published messages from MQTTConnectorTask class that deals with receiving messages from subscribed messages from the broker. The MainActivity forwards the relevant message to the active Activity class. By this way, active Activity class can update the display to show new messages on the screen. Each derived concrete Activity class is used for different purpose. DoorInActiviy, DoorOutActivity, WallTeacherActivity, WallWindowActivity, WindowActiviy is used for demonstrating the classroom setups to provide monitoring the sensors deployed to these places. SettingsActivity is responsible for starting/stopping the application or exiting from the application and setting the broker server url of the application, since the broker can be interchangeable with respect to needs. GraphicsActivity is used for visualizing the sensor data on charts and graphics. It is designed as extendable as possible; so the classroom temperature of the inside and the outside is used for the present, but other sensors can be added to the system easily to show on charts, as well. CEPInfoActivity is used to monitor complex events extracted from the CEP engine on the broker side. 1.3.2. data Package This package contains classes of the sensors used in the classroom. Each sensor value is stored on the SensorDataFactory to use in charts or for monitoring, etc. Figure 4 data Package Class Diagram 1.3.3. graphics Package This package contains classes for showing the sensor data on the charts. The design is flexible and extendable to add new types of the sensors to visualize. Each sensor data is inserted to the dataset of the SensorChart of the current sensor type.
  • 7. 7 Figure 5 graphics Package Class Diagram 1.4. Platform The properties of the each platform and library used in the project is given in Table 1. Table 1.4-1 Platforms and Libraries used in the Project Apache ActiveMQ Version 5.7.0 Eclipse SDK Version: 3.7.1 Android Platform Version: 2.3.3 achartengine-1.0.0.jar for charting the sensor data org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.jar for communicating and getting messages from the broker
  • 8. 8 1.5. Testing the Application For testing the application, CEP on the broker is simulated the real time environment of the classroom. To this simulation, the stored sensor data is retrieved from the database and sent to the rule machine, as if the sensors are working in the real time. The CEP engine on the broker side is even run to process messages and extract high level information. In addition, the sensor data which is read from the database is also published to the topics that the Android client listens. Therefore, the Android application can receive messages from both sensor data topics and the CEP machine topics. Listened Topic Source: Clasroom Setup / CEP Hall Effect – 0 Door Setup Out Infrared Proximity – 0 Door Setup Out Optical – 0 Door Setup Out Motion - 0 Door Setup Out Infrared Proximity – 1 Door Setup In Temp - 1 Outside(Window) Setup Light - 1 Outside(Window) Setup Electret - 0 Wall Setup Teacher Temp - 0 Wall Setup Teacher Light - 0 Wall Setup Teacher Motion - 1 Wall Setup Window Light – 2 Wall Setup Window Esper CEP Engine 1.5.1.Starting ActiveMQ Broker Apcahe ActiveMQ Broker is started from the batch file activemq.bat located in the activemq installation folder. When the batch file is called from the command line, the broker is executed on the machine (Figure 6). After the broker is started, the publishers and subscribers get ready for communicating over publish-subscribe topics. This messaging is based on JMS (Java Messaging Service), but in this project, the broker is configured to support MQTT Connections to receive and send MQTT messages, which are, some kind of publish/subscribe messaging service. The configuration is mentioned, in the next sections.
  • 9. 9 Figure 6 Starting ActiveMQ Broker 1.5.2.Starting Simulator and CEP Engine JMSToEsper Java application is implemented for simulating the classroom environment. This application reads data from database and both publishes messages to corresponding topics and starts the CEP engine to take events for extracting complex events. When the application is executed, the sensor data which is stored on the database with time stamp is published in the real time sequence as the order and duration of the real time. If the user wants, the simulation can be speeded up to 2x, 4x, or faster to see messages more fast moving from the real time.
  • 10. 10 Figure 7 Starting the Simulator - CEP Engine 1.5.3. Running Android Application After starting both the Simulator with CEP Engine and the broker, the mobile application can be run. When the application is executed, Settings menu is opened by default. From this menu, users can start the application to receive messages or can update the url of broker. Figure 8 Settings Menu and Updating the Broker URL
  • 11. 11 The application can be started or stopped, whenever the user wants. The example screens of the application is given in Figure 9. After starting, the application will display a message about connecting to the topics. The messages comes from the server side could be monitored from the Tabs located on the upper side of the screen. The tabs are located corresponsding to the classroom sensor setups. There are 4 four setups: DoorIn, DoorOut, WallTeacher, WallWindow and Window setups. Door setups are located to the door of the classroom; Wall setups are located on the inside wall of the classroom; Window setup is located to the outside of the classroom’s window. The complex events extracted from CEP Rule Machine Esper are given in tab CEP Info. Example screens from these setups are given in below Figures 10-11. Figure 9 Starting(left)/Stopping(right) the Application
  • 12. 12 Figure 10 Screens from DoorOut and Window Setups Figure 11 Screens from Extracted CEPInformation and WallTeacher Setup
  • 13. 13 Lastly, user can see the chart of the temperature of the inside and the outside of the classroom, until the present time from the Graphics tab (Figure 12). Figure 12 Monitoring the Classroom Inside and Outside Temperature on Chart
  • 14. 14 2. TECHNOLOGIES USED IN THE PROJECT 2.1. AChartEngine AChartEngine is a charting library for Android applications [1]. It is used for several kinds of chart types, as given in [1]:  line chart  area chart  scatter chart  time chart  bar chart  pie chart  bubble chart  doughnut chart  range (high-low) bar chart  dial chart / gauge  combined (any combination of line, cubic line, scatter, bar, range bar, bubble) chart  cubic line chart In this project, I used the line chart for two series (inside and outside temperature) with X time axis. The collected data could be also shown in other charts, since the design is flexible to use other charts. AChartEngine is currently at the 1.0.0 release and it is free to use. It is licensed under Apache License 2.0. This library is also open-source; the source codes can be reachable from its repository on the Web. 2.2. MQTT from PAHO MQTT [2], which is a lightweight publish/subscribe messaging protocol and widely used in sensors, home automation, mobile applications and such small devices which also is used in this study. MQTT is a (M2M) machine-to-machine publish/subscribe messaging protocol based on topic structure. The topic structure is used for messaging between subscribers and publishers. The publisher send messages over a predefined topic, the consumers (subscribers) receive messages from the topics to which they subscribe.
  • 15. 15 There are several open source and free MQTT Clients and Brokers (Servers) to be used for this type messaging for different platforms and programming languages such as C, C++, Java, Python, Delphi, PHP etc. as given below: Servers / Brokers for MQTT (taken from [3]) IBM WebSphere MQ Telemetry It provides full MQTT v3.1 support with WebSphere MQ. Supports Java (MIDP and above) and C clients. IBM Lotus Expeditor micro broker Part of the Lotus Expeditor product, micro broker is an OSGi Java implementation of MQTT server. It provides Java (including JMS), C# and C clients. Really Small Message Broker It provides complete MQTT v3.1 support, and a C client API. Mosquitto An Open Source MQTT server with C, C++, Python and JavaScript clients. Eclipse Paho The Eclipse Paho project hosts a version of the mosquitto broker for the Machine-to-Machine Industry Working Group [4]. MQTT.js A node.js MQTT server. eMQTT webMethods Nirvana Messaging A messaging engine with support for many different transports. It also supports MQTT. RabbitMQ An AMQP message broker – with an MQTT plugin. Apache ActiveMQ ActiveMQ has a support for MQTT with configuration. Apache Apollo Moquette A Java MQTT broker. IBM WebSphere Message Broker It supports MQTT v3.
  • 16. 16 Clients for MQTT (taken from [3]): Only C,C++ and Java Clients are given: ActionScript C  Eclipse Paho – a C client (based on the IBM WebSphere MQ Telemetry C client)  libmosquitto – a C client library provided with the mosquitto server  IBM WebSphere MQ Telemetry provides a C client API (largely identical to Eclipse Paho)  IBM Lotus Expeditor micro broker includes a C client API  liblwmqtt - a very lightweight C client undeveloped – use Eclipse Paho instead C++  libmosquittopp – a C++ client library provided with the mosquitto server Delphi Erlang Java  Eclipse Paho - a Java client (based on the IBM WebSphere MQ Telemetry Java client)  MeQanTT  mqtt-client – a Fusesource Java MQTT client with a variety of API styles  moquette-mqtt – a Java client  IBM WebSphere MQ Telemetry provides a Java client API  IBM Lotus Expeditor micro broker includes two Java client APIs Javascript / node.js LotusScript .NET Objective-C Perl PHP Python Ruby
  • 17. 17 In this project, as a broker, ActiveMQ Broker [5] is used and as a client, Eclipse Paho [6] MQTT Client is used. Paho Client is developed under Eclipse Technology Project as open source. It is given a solution as Machine-to-Machine (M2M) from Eclipse Project. First releases are aimed to be developed for MQTT Java and C client code. The client library is used in the mobile application. 2.3. ActiveMQ Broker Configuration To make integrity of MQTT with ActiveMQ, which is broker of the publish/subscribe messaging and supports MQTT protocol connection, configuration is done on the broker side. To enable MQTT on ActiveMQ [5], given xml code is inserted in to the configuration file of broker ActiveMQ: <transportConnectors> <transportConnector name="mqtt" uri="mqtt://localhost:1883?transport.defaultKeepAlive=60000"/> </transportConnectors> This enables ActiveMQ to support connection comes from MQTT clients for 60 seconds. After 60 seconds, the broker stops hanging inactive connections. The default port of MQTT is 1883 for TCP/IP, for secure connections, MQTT could be able to use TCP/IP port 8883 over SSL.
  • 18. 18 3. REFERENCES [1] "AChartEngine Web Site," [Online]. Available: [Accessed 2 1 2013]. [2] "MQ Telemetry Transport," [Online]. Available: [Accessed 25 12 2012]. [3] "MQTT Softwares," [Online]. Available: [Accessed 2 1 2013]. [4] "Machine-to-Machine Industry Working Group," [Online]. Available: [Accessed 1 1 2013]. [5] "MQTT on Apache ActiveMQ," [Online]. Available: [Accessed 26 12 2012]. [6] "Paho Project," [Online]. Available: [Accessed 28 12 2012].