infertility pregnancy ivf male infertility iui azoospermia endometriosis icsi cystic fibrosis semen analysis oligospermia laparoscopy y chromosome microdeletion varicocele pelvic pain karyotype cryptorchidism klinefelter syndrome antioxidants amh fertility progesterone high risk pregnancy miscarriage asthenospermia subfertility sperm count fsh hysteroscopy transrectal ultrasound nonobstructive azoospermia testicular sperm extraction low amh mumps orchitis chocolate cyst scrotal ultrasound obstructive azoospermia cbavd undescended testicles teratospermia dhea unexplained infertility endometrioma pharmaceutical pcos sperm motility semen mri-fus gnrh agonists fibroid letrozole surgery pelvic ultrasound diabetes preterm labour robertsonian translocation tvs mri adenomyosis low sperm count klinefelter's syndrome testicular microlithiasis tese hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism testicular sperm aspiration varicocele infertility sperm dna fragmentation semen fructose oligoasthenoteratospermia who 2021 semen analysis rpl poseidon criteria bologna criteria growth hormone low afc blastocyst embryo transfer lupin tesa doctor donor sperm art ejaculation who 2010 sperm morphology sperm gnrh analogue uterine artery embolization menstrual bleeding gnrh myomectomy ulipristal acetate egg donation afc menopause ovarian reserve diabetic diet overt diabetes diabetes in ppregnancy gdm testosterone estrogen clomiphene ovary ovulation induction implantation cannulation adhesion polyp uterus pregnancy loss ambiguous genitalia reciprocal translocation bladder endometriosis debate eshre endometriosis bowel injury ureter anastomosis bowel anastomosis bowel excision radical excision deep infiltrating endometriosi undescended testis hypogonadism adenomyoma doppler ultrasound figo sclassification of fibroi submucosal fibroid endometrial polyp musa consensus bleeding pain ultrasound testicular fnac surgical sperm retreival cryptozpsermia egg donation ivf donor oocyte social egg freezing gonadotropin diminished ovarian reserve poor ovarian response poor responder antral follicle count antioxidants male factor bilateral absent vas who semen analysis natural conception ivflaparoscopy embryo loading embryology soft catheter hard catheter maximum implantation potential tvs guided embryo transfer ultrasound guided embryo trans transmyometrial embryo transfe pyospermia hypospadias pituitary tumour dr sujoy dasgupta microtese ivf icsi oligosepermia assisted reproduction cancer endometriosis grading of endometriosis peritoneal endometriosis deep endometriosis asrm score efs score tube testicular failure orchitis epididymal cyst testicular cancer severe male infertility ultrasound scrotum cftr oat male subfertility cystectomy laparoscopic ovarian drilling hydrosalpinx hysteroscopic cannulation fallopian tube block genetic problem septate uterus bmi thyroid disease recurrent pregnancy loss eshre guideline antioxidant male fertility pus cells semen egg quality live birth rate pregnancy rate social egg freezing' premature menopause antral follicular count antimullerian hormone '' poor ovarian reserve art act tubal factor difficult iui ohss tube block cleavage ectopic pregnancy hyfosy hsg sonosalpingography hycosy sis ssg tubal patency tesicular tumour phimosis scrotum ivf' immunoglobulin igg ivf failure repeated miscarriage prp sildenafil success rate estradiol thin endometrium endometrium live birth gonadotrophin dienogest twin pregnancy vaginal progesterone asthenospermia' infertiity indian law surrogacy expectation presentation ntd dha cobalamine vitamin b12 folic acid myoma medical representative pharma overweight obesity diet por sperm wash counselling lubrication female penis size dysparaeunia vaginal dryness orgasm erection sex desire libido sex drive japan west bengal who lng-ius mirena leuprolide acetate sprm dysmenorrhoea hysterectomy medical misoprostol mifepristone mma mva contraception maternal mortality safe abortion abortion dhea-s donor ovum pof premature ovarian failure insulin metformin ogtt digestion placenta tetany osteoporosis preeclampsia vitamin d calcium aromatase lh preservation septum asherman tubal block threatened miscarriage repeated pregnancy loss luteal phase defect recurrent miscarriage luteal phase support dysdrogesterone fogsi statement promise trial unexplained miscarriage torch test bad obstetric history immunological thyroid 1st trimester aspirin kkaryotype hcg unexplaied rpl antiphospholipid antibody heparin tramadol pulmonary thromboembolism severe pre-eclamsia influenza acute myocardial infarction 36 weeks of pregnancy respiratory distress dyspnoea peripartum cardiomyopathy shortness of breath asthma multiple pregnancy thrombosis harm prom bed rest depression women's health syndromic approach iucd sexual health std adolescent condom pid hiv
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