software software development agile software testing communication business software maintenance agile software development legacy code women who code women in tech leadership copywriting writing content marketing content strategy small business test driven development team building message architecture coding empathy driven development empathy technical debt product development technology software remodeling scrum brand voice non-profit organization collaboration technical skills career type-a perfectionist growth mindset imposter syndrome learn to code kanban behavior driven development menders productivity startup personas demographics audience segmentation archetypes psychographics branding culture of content mission statement marketing strategy social media entrepreneur communications online communities physics systems code quality refactoring conflict management innovation entropy community product management devex professional development software archaeology trust engineering continuous improvement project management estimates empathy maps git commit messages user experience corgibytes documentation management product owner makers change management teams vulnerability dvorak keyboard typing open source tdd baby personal experience child care maternal bias conferences website #lavacon #lavacon2014 #contentstrategy core values pitch benefits vision statement features value proposition elevator pitch government organization brand voice style guide culture design publishing community management online writing public relations market research
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