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Black Swans &
                             White Elephants

                            Return On Investment
                           In Business Intelligence

  David M Walker

  Data Management
   & Warehousing

ETIS ‒ Istanbul ‒ Oct 09
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Black Swans &
              White Elephants

             Return On Investment
            In Business Intelligence

Black Swans &
                   White Elephants

                  Return On Investment
                 In Business Intelligence

BI Environment

October 2009
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Black Swans &
                   White Elephants

                  Return On Investment
                 In Business Intelligence

BI Environment

  Thank You

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Moving To MicroServices
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Data Works Berlin 2018 - Worldpay - PCI Compliance
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An introduction to data virtualization in business intelligence
An introduction to data virtualization in business intelligenceAn introduction to data virtualization in business intelligence
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Building an analytical platform
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Building an analytical platform
Gathering Business Requirements for Data Warehouses
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Gathering Business Requirements for Data Warehouses
Data warehousing change in a challenging environment
Data warehousing change in a challenging environmentData warehousing change in a challenging environment
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Building a data warehouse of call data records
Building a data warehouse of call data recordsBuilding a data warehouse of call data records
Building a data warehouse of call data records
Struggling with data management
Struggling with data managementStruggling with data management
Struggling with data management
A linux mac os x command line interface
A linux mac os x command line interfaceA linux mac os x command line interface
A linux mac os x command line interface
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Conspectus data warehousing appliances – fad or future
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Using the right data model in a data mart


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  • 2. !"#$%&'(&')&*"+#,"&#' !  -'."%/(%,0&1"',"0+$%"'$+"2'#('"*03$0#"'#4"'"516"&17'(/'0&' 6&*"+#,"&#'(%'#('1(,.0%"'#4"'"516"&17'(/'0'&$,8"%'(/' 269"%"&#'6&*"+#,"&#+:';('1031$30#"'!<)='#4"'8"&">#'?%"#$%&@'(/' 0&'6&*"+#,"&#'6+'26*62"2'87'#4"'1(+#'(/'#4"'6&*"+#,"&#A'#4"' %"+$3#'6+'"B.%"++"2'0+'0'."%1"&#0C"'(%'0'%0#6(:'' !  ;4"'%"#$%&'(&'6&*"+#,"&#'/(%,$30D' !"#$%$&'()*$+,-.$#*/012.0*2$3$4-12$-+$#*/012.0*25$ 4-12$-+$#*/012.0*2$ !  !"#$%&'(&'6&*"+#,"&#'6+'0'*"%7'.(.$30%',"#%61'8"10$+"'(/'6#+' *"%+0#636#7'0&2'+6,.3616#7:';40#'6+='6/'0&'6&*"+#,"&#'2("+'&(#'40*"' 0'.(+6#6*"'!<)='(%'6/'#4"%"'0%"'(#4"%'(..(%#$&6#6"+'E6#4'0'46C4"%' !<)='#4"&'#4"'6&*"+#,"&#'+4($32'&(#'8"'$&2"%#0F"&:'
  • 3. G('E4"%"'0%"'#4"'!<)'H"#%61+I' !  J3"0%37'*03$6&C'K)'6+'&(#'0&'"B01#'+16"&1"'0&2'(/#"&'1(,"+'2(E&' #(',6&2+"#:'J(,.0%6&C'K)'#('0'1(33"C"'"2$10#6(&D')#',07'8"' "B."&+6*"'0&2'#6,"L1(&+$,6&C='8$#'#4"%"'0%"',0&7'3"++' #0&C683"'8"&">#+='36F"'6&1%"0+"2'"0%&6&C'.(E"%'0&2'(*"%033' 6,.%(*"2'M$036#7'(/'36/"='E4614'1(,"'7"0%+'30#"%:' !  )#N+'&(#'"0+7'#('."%+$02"'+(,"(&"'#('C('#('1(33"C"'80+"2'(&'0' .$%"37'>&0&1603'(%'&$,8"%+'C0,"='0&2'#4"'+0,"'#46&C'C("+'/(%' K):''O($'P$+#'40*"'#('8"36"*"'#40#'K)'6+'08+(3$#"37'"++"&#603'/(%'7($' 0+'0&'(%C0&6Q0#6(&'#('6&*"+#='#40#'#46+'6+'0'/$&20,"&#03'1(%"' 1(,."#"&17'#40#'7($'40*"'#('40*": ' '' K633'R(+#,0&&='S61"'T%"+62"&#'U'-&037+#='V0%#&"%='H0%14'WXXY'
  • 4. Z40#'6+'V((2'K)I' !  V((2'K)'6+'#4"'/$+6(&'(/'#4"'%6C4#'6&/(%,0#6(&='#4"'%6C4#'#6,"=' #4"'%6C4#'/(%,0#='0&2'#4"'%6C4#'4$,0&'0&2[(%'+7+#",'%"+($%1"+:' )/'E"'E6+4'#('6,.%(*"'K)='E"'0+F'#4"+"'M$"+#6(&+D' !  ('8$+6&"++'$+"%+'40*"'#4"'6&/(%,0#6(&'&""2"2='E4"&'#4"7'&""2'6#=' #(',0F"'2"16+6(&+I' !  ('#4(+"'."(.3"'40*"'#4"'"B."%#6+"='#%06&6&C'0&2',6&2+"#'#('$+"' #40#'6&/(%,0#6(&'6&'#4"'8"+#'E07'/(%'#4"'C((2'(/'#4"'(%C0&6Q0#6(&I' !  -%"'#4"7'2(6&C'#4"6%'P(8'8"##"%'8"10$+"'(/'#4"'6&/(%,0#6(&'8"6&C' 2"36*"%"2I' !  R(E',$14'269"%"&1"'2("+'#40#'6&/(%,0#6(&',0F"'#('#4",I'' (%(#47'H633"%='K)'H"#%61+='']"8'WXX^' !  ;4"'8"+#'0..%(014'#('"*03$0#6&C'0'K)'+(3$#6(&'6+'0'#"14&6103' %"*6"E'1(,86&"2'E6#4'0'8$+6&"++'$+"%'."%1".#6(&'+$%*"7'
  • 5. T%(.(+6#6(&' !  _('(%C0&6+0#6(&'40+'"*"%'2"36*"%"2'#4"'!<)'(%6C6&0337' .%(,6+"2D' !  ;4"'8$+6&"++'40+',(*"2'(&'6&'#4"'#6,"'6#'#0F"+'#('2"*"3(.' #4"'?(%6C6&03@'+(3$#6(&',"0&6&C'#40#'#4"'*03$"'40+'26,6&6+4"2' !  ';4"'86CC"+#'C06&+'0&2'3(++"+'40*"'1(,"'/%(,'K301F'GE0&+' 0&2'&(#'.30&&"2'"*"&#+' !  ;4"'86CC"+#'1(+#+'40*"'1(,"'/%(,'Z46#"'`3".40&#+'0&2'#4"' /063$%"'#('%"1(C&6+"'E4"%"'#4"'1(+#+'0%"'4622"&' !  G(,"'?,06&37'#4(+"'46C437'1(,,6##"2'#('K)@'40*"'/0%' "B1""2"2'#4"'.%(,6+"2'!<)'8$#',(+#'/063'#('0146"*"'6#'' !  `*"&'6/'#4"'2"*"3(.,"&#'1(+#+'0%"'(&'8$2C"#'#4"'(&LC(6&C' <T`a'1(+#+'0%"'4622"&'0&2'/0%'($#LE"6C4'#4"'#4"'8"&">#'
  • 6. K301F'GE0&+' !  R6C4L6,.01#='40%2L#(L.%"261#='0&2'%0%"'"*"&#+'8"7(&2'#4"'%"03,' (/'&(%,03'"B."1#0#6(&+' !  ;4"'#"%,'K301F'GE0&'1(,"+'/%(,'#4"'bc#4'1"&#$%7'`$%(."0&' 0++$,.#6(&'#40#'N-33'+E0&+'0%"'E46#"N:')&'#40#'1(&#"B#='0'8301F' +E0&'E0+'0'+7,8(3'(/'+(,"#46&C'#40#'E0+'6,.(++683"'(%'1($32' &(#'"B6+#:')&'#4"'bY#4'J"&#$%7='#4"'26+1(*"%7'(/'8301F'+E0&+'6&' Z"+#"%&'-$+#%0360',"#0,(%.4(+"2'#4"'#"%,'#('1(&&(#"'#40#'0' ."%1"6*"2'6,.(++68636#7',07'01#$0337'1(,"'#('.0++:'
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  • 25. Black Swans & White Elephants Return On Investment In Business Intelligence THANK YOU
  • 26. Black Swans & White Elephants Return On Investment In Business Intelligence BI Environment Benchmark October 2009
  • 27. !<)';0%C"#'`&*6%(&,"&#' K"&14,0%F'h'<1#(8"%'WXX^' !  ("+'7($%'(%C0&6+0#6(&'40*"'#4"'08636#7'#(' !  !"1(C&6+"'K301F'GE0&+'I' !  -*(62'K$6326&C'Z46#"''`3".40&#+'I' !  ;4"'K"&14,0%F'3((F+'0#'#4"'F"7+'#('+$11"++' !  ;"14&(3(C7'['!"+($%1"+'['H"#4(2+'['T%"261#6(&+' !  -++"++'E4"#4"%'7($'10&',""#'-gg'(/'#4"'/(33(E6&C'' !  )/'7($'10&f#',""#'0&'6#",'6#'6+'1(+#6&C'7($',(&"7' !  (&f#'6C&(%"'0'+#0#","&#'P$+#'8"10$+"'7($'2(&f#'0C%""'E6#4'6#'
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  • 34. Black Swans & White Elephants Return On Investment In Business Intelligence BI Environment Benchmark Thank You