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           Excel Scripting in QTP
Excel File / Work Book Operations
'Objects in Excel Object Model

a) Excel Application - Excel Application Object

b) Excel Workbook / File       - Workbook Object

c) Excel Worksheet / sheet            - Worksheet

Note: Without creating Work Book Object and Work Sheet Object,
we can perform all Excel Application Operations using Excel
Application(Main) Object, but for user friendliness we use those

'Creating Excel Application Object

Set Variable=CreateObject("Excel.Application")'Create Excel
Application Object
Dim objExcel
Set objExcel=CreateObject("Excel.Application")

Important Operations on Excel files for Test Automation Using QuickTest
Professional (QTP)

a) Create Excel Files

b) Open Excel Files


c) Copy Excel Files

d) Delete Excel Files

e) Move Excel Files

f) Read Data

e) Read Data for Data driven Testing

f) Write Data

g) Write Test Result

h) Comparing data (One to one)

i) Comparing data (One to Many)

j) Comparing data (Many to one)

k) Comparing data (Many to Many Exact)

l) Comparing data (Many to Many Textual)

m) Searching for strings

1) 'Create Excel file /Work book
Dim objExcel
Set objExcel=CreateObject("Excel.Application")
objExcel.Visible=True 'To view the Operations
objExcel.Workbooks.Add 'Creatining Excel file / workbook
objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs "C:Documents and

objExcel.Quit 'To Quit the Excel Application
Set objExcel=Nothing


2) 'Check the existence of the File If exists then open the file and
enter some data

' If Not exists Create the Excel file /Work book and enter some data
Dim objExcel, objFso, FilePath
FilePath="C:Documents and
Set objFso=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objExcel=CreateObject("Excel.Application")

If objFso.FileExists(FilePath) Then
       objExcel.Workbooks.Open (FilePath)
       objExcel.Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(1,1)="VB Script"
       objExcel.ActiveSheet.Cells(2,2)="VB Script"
       objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs (Filepath)
End If

objExcel.Quit 'To Quit the Excel Appliction
Set objExcel=Nothing

3) 'Fetch Test Data directly from an Excel file and perform Data
driven testing for Login Operation

Dim objExcel, objWorkbook, objWorksheet
'Create Excel application Object that can be used to perform operations
on Excel Appliction
Set objExcel=CreateObject("Excel.Application")
'Create WorkBook Object using Excel application Object that can be used
to perform operations on Excel Work Books
Set objWorkbook=objExcel.Workbooks.Open ("C:Documents and
'Create Work sheet object Using Work Book Object, that can be used to
perform operations on Excel Sheets
Set objWorksheet=objWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")

For i= 2 to Rows_Count Step 1
SystemUtil.Run "C:Program FilesHPQuickTest
FilesHPQuickTest Professionalsamplesflightapp","open"

Dialog("Login").WinEdit("Agent Name:").Set objWorksheet.Cells(i,"A")
Dialog("Login").WinEdit("Password:").Set objWorksheet.Cells(i,"B")
Wait 1
Window("Flight Reservation").Close

Set objWorksheet=Nothing
Set objWorkbook=Nothing
Set objExcel=Nothing
4) 'Fetch Test Data directly from an Excel file and perform Data
driven testing for Login Operation

'Export Test Results to the same file
Dim objExcel, objWorkbook, objWorksheet
'Create Excel application Object that can be used to perform operations
on Excel Appliction
Set objExcel=CreateObject("Excel.Application")
'Create WorkBook Object using Excel application Object that can be used
to perform operations on Excel Work Books
Set objWorkbook=objExcel.Workbooks.Open ("C:Documents and
'Create Work sheet object Using Work Book Object , that can be used to
perform operations on Excel Sheets
Set objWorksheet=objWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")

For i= 2 to Rows_Count Step 1
SystemUtil.Run "C:Program FilesHPQuickTest
FilesHPQuickTest Professionalsamplesflightapp","open"
Dialog("Login").WinEdit("Agent Name:").Set objWorksheet.Cells(i,"A")
Dialog("Login").WinEdit("Password:").Set objWorksheet.Cells(i,"B")
Wait 1

If Window("Flight Reservation").Exist(12) Then
      Window("Flight Reservation").Close
      objWorksheet.Cells(i,"C")="Login Successful"

objWorksheet.Cells(i,"C")="Login Filed"
End If

Set objWorksheet=Nothing
Set objWorkbook=Nothing
Set objExcel=Nothing

5) 'Fetch Test Data directly from an Excel file and perform Data
driven testing for Login Operation

'Export Test Results & Error Messgae to the same file
Dim objExcel, objWorkbook, objWorksheet, rows_Count

Set objExcel=CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set objWorkbook=objExcel.Workbooks.Open ("C:Documents and
Set objWorksheet=objWorkbook.Worksheets(1)

objWorksheet.Cells(1,3)="Test Result"
objWorksheet.Cells(1,4)="Error Message"


For i= 2 to rows_Count Step 1
      SystemUtil.Run "C:Program FilesHPQuickTest
FilesHPQuickTest Professionalsamplesflightapp","open"
      Dialog("Login").WinEdit("Agent Name:").Set objWorksheet.Cells(i,
      Dialog("Login").WinEdit("Password:").Set objWorksheet.Cells(i, "B")

If Window("Flight Reservation").Exist(12) Then
           Window("Flight Reservation").Close
objWorksheet.Cells(i, 3)="Login Successful"
objWorksheet.Cells(i, 3)="Login Failed"

objWorksheet.Cells(i, 4)=Dialog("Login").Dialog("Flight
Reservations").Static("Agent name must be at").GetROProperty ("text")
End If

Set objWorksheet=Nothing
Set objWorkbook=Nothing
Set objExcel=Nothing
Using While...Wend Loop
Dim objExcel, objWorkbook, objWorksheet, rows_Count, i

Set objExcel=CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set objWorkbook=objExcel.Workbooks.Open ("C:Documents and
Set objWorksheet=objWorkbook.Worksheets(1)

objWorksheet.Cells(1,3)="Test Result"
objWorksheet.Cells(1,4)="Error Message"

 i= 2
While i<= rows_Count
      SystemUtil.Run "C:Program FilesHPQuickTest
FilesHPQuickTest Professionalsamplesflightapp","open"
      Dialog("Login").WinEdit("Agent Name:").Set objWorksheet.Cells(i,
      Dialog("Login").WinEdit("Password:").Set objWorksheet.Cells(i, "B")

If Window("Flight Reservation").Exist(12) Then
           Window("Flight Reservation").Close
objWorksheet.Cells(i, 3)="Login Successful"
objWorksheet.Cells(i, 3)="Login Failed"
objWorksheet.Cells(i, 4)=Dialog("Login").Dialog("Flight
Reservations").Static("Agent name must be at").GetROProperty ("text")

End If

Set objWorksheet=Nothing
Set objWorkbook=Nothing
Set objExcel=Nothing

7) 'Capture Link names from Google home page and export to
Excel file 3rd sheet

Dim ObjExcel,ObjWorkbook,ObjWorksheet
Dim oLink,Links,myLink,i

Set ObjExcel=CreateObject("Excel.Application")

Set ObjWorkbook=ObjExcel.Workbooks.Open("C:Documents and

Set ObjWorksheet=ObjWorkbook.Worksheets(3)
      ObjWorksheet.Cells(1,1)="Link Names"
Set oLink=Description.Create



For i=0 to Links.Count-1 step 1




Set ObjWorksheet=Nothing

Set ObjWorkbook=Nothing


Set ObjExcel=Nothing
8) 'Capture Button names from Login Dialog (Flight Reservation
Application) and export to Excel file 3rd sheet

Dim ObjExcel,ObjWorkbook,ObjWorksheet
Dim oButton,Buttons,myButton,i

Set ObjExcel=CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set ObjWorkbook=ObjExcel.Workbooks.Open("C:Documents and
Set ObjWorksheet=ObjWorkbook.Worksheets(2)

      ObjWorksheet.Cells(1,1)="Button Names"

Set oButton=Description.Create
oButton("Class Name").value="WinButton"
Set Buttons=Dialog("text:=Login").ChildObjects(oButton)

For i=0 to Buttons.Count-1 step 1

Set ObjWorksheet=Nothing
Set ObjWorkbook=Nothing
Set ObjExcel=Nothing
9) ' Read/capture order numbers and customer names from 1 - 10
orders in Flight Reservation window

' and export to excel file 2nd sheet
Dim objExcel, objWorkBook, objWorkSheet, ord, C_Name
Set objExcel = createobject("Excel.Application")
Set objWorkBook = objExcel.Workbooks.Open("C:Documents and
Set objWorkSheet = objWorkBook.Worksheets(2)
objWorkSheet.cells(1,1) = "Order No."
objWorkSheet.cells(1,2) = "C-Name"

For ord= 1 to 10 Step 1
      Window("Flight Reservation").Activate
      Window("Flight Reservation").WinButton("Button").Click
      Window("Flight Reservation").Dialog("Open
Order").WinCheckBox("Order No.").Set "ON"
      Window("Flight Reservation").Dialog("Open
Order").WinEdit("Edit").Set ord
      Window("Flight Reservation").Dialog("Open
      Wait 1
      C_Name = Window("Flight
objWorkSheet.cells(ord+1,1) = ord
objWorkSheet.cells(ord+1,2) =C_Name

Set objWorkSheet=Nothing
Set objWorkBook=Nothing
Set objExcel=Nothing

10) One to One Comparison and Exact match
'Capture Button names from Login Dialog (Flight Reservation
Application) and Perform One to One Comparison and Exact match

Dim ObjExcel,ObjWorkbook,ObjWorksheet
Dim oButton,Buttons,myButton,i

Set ObjExcel=CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set ObjWorkbook=ObjExcel.Workbooks.Open("C:Documents and
Set ObjWorksheet=ObjWorkbook.Worksheets(2)


Set oButton=Description.Create
oButton("Class Name").value="WinButton"
Set Buttons=Dialog("text:=Login").ChildObjects(oButton)

For i=0 to Buttons.Count-1 step 1
      ObjWorksheet.Cells(i+2, 2)=myButton

rows_Count= ObjWorksheet.usedrange.rows.count
For j= 2 to rows_Count step 1
Expected=ObjWorksheet.Cells(j, 1)
Actual=ObjWorksheet.Cells(j, 2)

If Expected=Actual Then
ObjWorksheet.Cells(j, 3)="Pass"
ObjWorksheet.Cells(j, 3)="Fail"
End If

Set ObjWorksheet=Nothing
Set ObjWorkbook=Nothing
Set ObjExcel=Nothing

11) One to One Textual Comparison
'Capture Button names from Login Dialog (Flight Reservation
Application) and Perform and Perform One to One Textual Comparison

Dim ObjExcel,ObjWorkbook,ObjWorksheet
Dim oButton,Buttons,myButton,i

Set ObjExcel=CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set ObjWorkbook=ObjExcel.Workbooks.Open("C:Documents and
Set ObjWorksheet=ObjWorkbook.Worksheets(2)


Set oButton=Description.Create
oButton("Class Name").value="WinButton"
Set Buttons=Dialog("text:=Login").ChildObjects(oButton)

For i=0 to Buttons.Count-1 step 1
      ObjWorksheet.Cells(i+2, 2)=myButton
rows_Count= ObjWorksheet.usedrange.rows.count
For j= 2 to rows_Count step 1

Expected=ObjWorksheet.Cells(j, 1)
Actual=ObjWorksheet.Cells(j, 2)

If StrComp (Expected,Actual,1)=0 Then
ObjWorksheet.Cells(j, 3)="Pass"
ObjWorksheet.Cells(j, 3)="Fail"
End If

Set ObjWorksheet=Nothing
Set ObjWorkbook=Nothing
Set ObjExcel=Nothing
12) Many to Many Comparison
'Capture Button names from Login Dialog (Flight Reservation
Application) and Perform and Perform Many to Many Comparison

Dim ObjExcel,ObjWorkbook,ObjWorksheet
Dim oButton,Buttons,myButton,i

Set ObjExcel=CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set ObjWorkbook=ObjExcel.Workbooks.Open("C:Documents and
Set ObjWorksheet=ObjWorkbook.Worksheets(2)


Set oButton=Description.Create
oButton("Class Name").value="WinButton"
Set Buttons=Dialog("text:=Login").ChildObjects(oButton)

For i=0 to Buttons.Count-1 step 1
      ObjWorksheet.Cells(i+2, 2)=myButton
rows_Count= ObjWorksheet.usedrange.rows.count

For j= 2 to rows_Count step 1
Expected=ObjWorksheet.Cells(j, 1)

For k=2 to rows_Count step 1
      Actual=ObjWorksheet.Cells(k, 2)

 If Expected=Actual Then
       Flag =1
       Exit for
       Flag= 0
 End If

If Flag=1 Then
ObjWorksheet.Cells(j, 3)="Pass"
ObjWorksheet.Cells(j, 3)="Fail"
End If

Set ObjWorksheet=Nothing
Set ObjWorkbook=Nothing
Set ObjExcel=Nothing

13) Many to Many Textual Comparison

'Capture Button names from Login Dialog (Flight Reservation
Application) and Perform and Perform Many to Many Textual

'Capture Button names from Google home page and export to Excel file
3rd sheet

Dim ObjExcel,ObjWorkbook,ObjWorksheet
Dim oButton,Buttons,myButton,i

Set ObjExcel=CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set ObjWorkbook=ObjExcel.Workbooks.Open("C:Documents and
Set ObjWorksheet=ObjWorkbook.Worksheets(2)



Set oButton=Description.Create
oButton("Class Name").value="WinButton"
Set Buttons=Dialog("text:=Login").ChildObjects(oButton)

For i=0 to Buttons.Count-1 step 1
      ObjWorksheet.Cells(i+2, 2)=myButton
rows_Count= ObjWorksheet.usedrange.rows.count

For j= 2 to rows_Count step 1
Expected=ObjWorksheet.Cells(j, 1)

For k=2 to rows_Count step 1
      Actual=ObjWorksheet.Cells(k, 2)

 If StrComp (Expected,Actual,1)= 0 Then
       Flag =1
       Exit for
       Flag= 0
 End If

If Flag=1 Then
ObjWorksheet.Cells(j, 3)="Pass"
ObjWorksheet.Cells(j, 3)="Fail"
End If

Set ObjWorksheet=Nothing
Set ObjWorkbook=Nothing
Set ObjExcel=Nothing

14) 'Create Excel file and Rename 1st sheet as "Module", 2nd
Sheet as "Test Case", 'and 3rd Sheet as "Test Step"
Dim objExcel
Set objExcel=CreateObject("Excel.Application")

Wait 4
Wait 4

objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs "C:Documents and

Set objExcel=Nothing
15) 'Create an Excel file and add one more

Dim objExcel
Set objExcel=CreateObject("Excel.Application")
objExcel.Workbooks.Add 'Creating Work Book
objExcel.Worksheets.Add 'Creating Work Sheet
Wait 4
objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs "C:Documents and

Set objExcel=Nothing
15) 'Capture Button names from Login Dialog (Flight Reservation
Application) and perform Many to Many Complete Comparison

Capture Button names from Google home page and export to Excel file
3rd sheet

Dim ObjExcel,ObjWorkbook,ObjWorksheet
Dim oButton,Buttons,myButton,i

Set ObjExcel=CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set ObjWorkbook=ObjExcel.Workbooks.Open("C:Documents and
Set ObjWorksheet=ObjWorkbook.Worksheets(2)



Set oButton=Description.Create
oButton("Class Name").value="WinButton"
Set Buttons=Dialog("text:=Login").ChildObjects(oButton)

For i=0 to Buttons.Count-1 step 1
      ObjWorksheet.Cells(i+2, 2)=myButton
rows_Count= ObjWorksheet.usedrange.rows.count

x =0

For j= 2 to rows_Count step 1
      Expected=ObjWorksheet.Cells(j, 1)
      flag = 0
      For k=2 to rows_Count step 1
            Actual=ObjWorksheet.Cells(k, 2)
            If StrComp (Expected,Actual,1)= 0 Then
            Flag =1
            End If
            x=x+1 ' increment the comparison count

       If Flag=1 Then
             ObjWorksheet.Cells(j, 3)="Pass"
             ObjWorksheet.Cells(j, 3)="Fail"
       End If
       msgbox x 'inner loop comparison values
       msgbox x ' Total number of comparisons

Set ObjWorksheet=Nothing
Set ObjWorkbook=Nothing
Set ObjExcel=Nothing


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Excel Scripting

  • 1. Visit: for QTP Information Excel Scripting in QTP Excel File / Work Book Operations -------------------------------------------------- 'Objects in Excel Object Model a) Excel Application - Excel Application Object b) Excel Workbook / File - Workbook Object c) Excel Worksheet / sheet - Worksheet ------------------------------------------------------ Note: Without creating Work Book Object and Work Sheet Object, we can perform all Excel Application Operations using Excel Application(Main) Object, but for user friendliness we use those objects. 'Creating Excel Application Object Set Variable=CreateObject("Excel.Application")'Create Excel Application Object Dim objExcel Set objExcel=CreateObject("Excel.Application") Important Operations on Excel files for Test Automation Using QuickTest Professional (QTP) a) Create Excel Files b) Open Excel Files 1
  • 2. c) Copy Excel Files d) Delete Excel Files e) Move Excel Files f) Read Data e) Read Data for Data driven Testing f) Write Data g) Write Test Result h) Comparing data (One to one) i) Comparing data (One to Many) j) Comparing data (Many to one) k) Comparing data (Many to Many Exact) l) Comparing data (Many to Many Textual) m) Searching for strings Examples: --------------------------------------------- 1) 'Create Excel file /Work book Dim objExcel Set objExcel=CreateObject("Excel.Application") objExcel.Visible=True 'To view the Operations objExcel.Workbooks.Add 'Creatining Excel file / workbook objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs "C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorDesktopgcreddy.xls" objExcel.Quit 'To Quit the Excel Application Set objExcel=Nothing ----------------------------------------------------------- 2
  • 3. 2) 'Check the existence of the File If exists then open the file and enter some data ' If Not exists Create the Excel file /Work book and enter some data Dim objExcel, objFso, FilePath FilePath="C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorDesktopgcreddy.xls" Set objFso=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set objExcel=CreateObject("Excel.Application") If objFso.FileExists(FilePath) Then objExcel.Workbooks.Open (FilePath) objExcel.Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(1,1)="VB Script" objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.Save Else objExcel.Workbooks.Add objExcel.ActiveSheet.Cells(2,2)="VB Script" objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs (Filepath) End If objExcel.Quit 'To Quit the Excel Appliction Set objExcel=Nothing ------------------------------------------------------ 3) 'Fetch Test Data directly from an Excel file and perform Data driven testing for Login Operation Dim objExcel, objWorkbook, objWorksheet 'Create Excel application Object that can be used to perform operations on Excel Appliction Set objExcel=CreateObject("Excel.Application") 'Create WorkBook Object using Excel application Object that can be used to perform operations on Excel Work Books Set objWorkbook=objExcel.Workbooks.Open ("C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorDesktopinput.xls") 'Create Work sheet object Using Work Book Object, that can be used to perform operations on Excel Sheets Set objWorksheet=objWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1") Rows_Count=objWorksheet.usedrange.rows.count For i= 2 to Rows_Count Step 1 SystemUtil.Run "C:Program FilesHPQuickTest Professionalsamplesflightappflight4a.exe","","C:Program FilesHPQuickTest Professionalsamplesflightapp","open" 3
  • 4. Dialog("Login").Activate Dialog("Login").WinEdit("Agent Name:").Set objWorksheet.Cells(i,"A") Dialog("Login").WinEdit("Password:").Set objWorksheet.Cells(i,"B") Wait 1 Dialog("Login").WinButton("OK").Click Window("Flight Reservation").Close Next objExcel.Quit Set objWorksheet=Nothing Set objWorkbook=Nothing Set objExcel=Nothing ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4) 'Fetch Test Data directly from an Excel file and perform Data driven testing for Login Operation 'Export Test Results to the same file Dim objExcel, objWorkbook, objWorksheet 'Create Excel application Object that can be used to perform operations on Excel Appliction Set objExcel=CreateObject("Excel.Application") 'Create WorkBook Object using Excel application Object that can be used to perform operations on Excel Work Books Set objWorkbook=objExcel.Workbooks.Open ("C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorDesktopinput.xls") 'Create Work sheet object Using Work Book Object , that can be used to perform operations on Excel Sheets Set objWorksheet=objWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1") objWorksheet.Cells(1,3)="Results" Rows_Count=objWorksheet.usedrange.rows.count For i= 2 to Rows_Count Step 1 SystemUtil.Run "C:Program FilesHPQuickTest Professionalsamplesflightappflight4a.exe","","C:Program FilesHPQuickTest Professionalsamplesflightapp","open" Dialog("Login").Activate Dialog("Login").WinEdit("Agent Name:").Set objWorksheet.Cells(i,"A") Dialog("Login").WinEdit("Password:").Set objWorksheet.Cells(i,"B") Wait 1 Dialog("Login").WinButton("OK").Click If Window("Flight Reservation").Exist(12) Then Window("Flight Reservation").Close objWorksheet.Cells(i,"C")="Login Successful" 4
  • 5. Else SystemUtil.CloseDescendentProcesses objWorksheet.Cells(i,"C")="Login Filed" End If Next objWorkbook.Save objExcel.Quit Set objWorksheet=Nothing Set objWorkbook=Nothing Set objExcel=Nothing 5) 'Fetch Test Data directly from an Excel file and perform Data driven testing for Login Operation 'Export Test Results & Error Messgae to the same file Dim objExcel, objWorkbook, objWorksheet, rows_Count Set objExcel=CreateObject("Excel.Application") Set objWorkbook=objExcel.Workbooks.Open ("C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorDesktopinput.xls") Set objWorksheet=objWorkbook.Worksheets(1) objWorksheet.Cells(1,3)="Test Result" objWorksheet.Cells(1,4)="Error Message" rows_Count=objWorksheet.usedrange.rows.count For i= 2 to rows_Count Step 1 SystemUtil.Run "C:Program FilesHPQuickTest Professionalsamplesflightappflight4a.exe","","C:Program FilesHPQuickTest Professionalsamplesflightapp","open" Dialog("Login").Activate Dialog("Login").WinEdit("Agent Name:").Set objWorksheet.Cells(i, 1) Dialog("Login").WinEdit("Password:").Set objWorksheet.Cells(i, "B") Dialog("Login").WinButton("OK").Click If Window("Flight Reservation").Exist(12) Then Window("Flight Reservation").Close objWorksheet.Cells(i, 3)="Login Successful" Else objWorksheet.Cells(i, 3)="Login Failed" 5
  • 6. objWorksheet.Cells(i, 4)=Dialog("Login").Dialog("Flight Reservations").Static("Agent name must be at").GetROProperty ("text") SystemUtil.CloseDescendentProcesses End If Next objWorkbook.Save objExcel.Quit Set objWorksheet=Nothing Set objWorkbook=Nothing Set objExcel=Nothing 6) Using While...Wend Loop ------------------------ Dim objExcel, objWorkbook, objWorksheet, rows_Count, i Set objExcel=CreateObject("Excel.Application") Set objWorkbook=objExcel.Workbooks.Open ("C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorDesktopinput.xls") Set objWorksheet=objWorkbook.Worksheets(1) objWorksheet.Cells(1,3)="Test Result" objWorksheet.Cells(1,4)="Error Message" rows_Count=objWorksheet.usedrange.rows.count i= 2 While i<= rows_Count SystemUtil.Run "C:Program FilesHPQuickTest Professionalsamplesflightappflight4a.exe","","C:Program FilesHPQuickTest Professionalsamplesflightapp","open" Dialog("Login").Activate Dialog("Login").WinEdit("Agent Name:").Set objWorksheet.Cells(i, 1) Dialog("Login").WinEdit("Password:").Set objWorksheet.Cells(i, "B") Dialog("Login").WinButton("OK").Click If Window("Flight Reservation").Exist(12) Then Window("Flight Reservation").Close objWorksheet.Cells(i, 3)="Login Successful" Else objWorksheet.Cells(i, 3)="Login Failed" objWorksheet.Cells(i, 4)=Dialog("Login").Dialog("Flight Reservations").Static("Agent name must be at").GetROProperty ("text") SystemUtil.CloseDescendentProcesses 6
  • 7. End If i=i+1 Wend objWorkbook.Save objExcel.Quit Set objWorksheet=Nothing Set objWorkbook=Nothing Set objExcel=Nothing 7) 'Capture Link names from Google home page and export to Excel file 3rd sheet Dim ObjExcel,ObjWorkbook,ObjWorksheet Dim oLink,Links,myLink,i Set ObjExcel=CreateObject("Excel.Application") Set ObjWorkbook=ObjExcel.Workbooks.Open("C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorDesktopinput.xls") Set ObjWorksheet=ObjWorkbook.Worksheets(3) ObjWorksheet.Cells(1,1)="Link Names" Set oLink=Description.Create oLink("micclass").value="Link" Set Links=Browser("title:=Google").Page("title:=Google").ChildObjects(oLink ) For i=0 to Links.Count-1 step 1 myLink=Links(i).GetRoProperty("text") ObjWorksheet.Cells(i+2,1)=myLink Next ObjWorkbook.Save ObjExcel.Quit Set ObjWorksheet=Nothing Set ObjWorkbook=Nothing 7
  • 8. Set ObjExcel=Nothing ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8) 'Capture Button names from Login Dialog (Flight Reservation Application) and export to Excel file 3rd sheet Dim ObjExcel,ObjWorkbook,ObjWorksheet Dim oButton,Buttons,myButton,i Set ObjExcel=CreateObject("Excel.Application") Set ObjWorkbook=ObjExcel.Workbooks.Open("C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorDesktopinput.xls") Set ObjWorksheet=ObjWorkbook.Worksheets(2) ObjWorksheet.Cells(1,1)="Button Names" Set oButton=Description.Create oButton("Class Name").value="WinButton" Set Buttons=Dialog("text:=Login").ChildObjects(oButton) For i=0 to Buttons.Count-1 step 1 myButton=Buttons(i).GetRoProperty("text") ObjWorksheet.Cells(i+2,1)=myButton Next ObjWorkbook.Save ObjExcel.Quit Set ObjWorksheet=Nothing Set ObjWorkbook=Nothing Set ObjExcel=Nothing ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 9) ' Read/capture order numbers and customer names from 1 - 10 orders in Flight Reservation window ' and export to excel file 2nd sheet Dim objExcel, objWorkBook, objWorkSheet, ord, C_Name Set objExcel = createobject("Excel.Application") Set objWorkBook = objExcel.Workbooks.Open("C:Documents and SettingsgcrDesktopSample.xls") Set objWorkSheet = objWorkBook.Worksheets(2) objWorkSheet.cells(1,1) = "Order No." objWorkSheet.cells(1,2) = "C-Name" 8
  • 9. For ord= 1 to 10 Step 1 Window("Flight Reservation").Activate Window("Flight Reservation").WinButton("Button").Click Window("Flight Reservation").Dialog("Open Order").WinCheckBox("Order No.").Set "ON" Window("Flight Reservation").Dialog("Open Order").WinEdit("Edit").Set ord Window("Flight Reservation").Dialog("Open Order").WinButton("OK").Click Wait 1 C_Name = Window("Flight Reservation").WinEdit("Name:").GetROProperty("text") objWorkSheet.cells(ord+1,1) = ord objWorkSheet.cells(ord+1,2) =C_Name Next objWorkBook.Save objExcel.Quit Set objWorkSheet=Nothing Set objWorkBook=Nothing Set objExcel=Nothing 10) One to One Comparison and Exact match ---------------------------------------- 'Capture Button names from Login Dialog (Flight Reservation Application) and Perform One to One Comparison and Exact match Dim ObjExcel,ObjWorkbook,ObjWorksheet Dim oButton,Buttons,myButton,i Set ObjExcel=CreateObject("Excel.Application") Set ObjWorkbook=ObjExcel.Workbooks.Open("C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorDesktopinput.xls") Set ObjWorksheet=ObjWorkbook.Worksheets(2) ObjWorksheet.Cells(1,2)="Buttons" Set oButton=Description.Create oButton("Class Name").value="WinButton" Set Buttons=Dialog("text:=Login").ChildObjects(oButton) For i=0 to Buttons.Count-1 step 1 myButton=Buttons(i).GetRoProperty("text") ObjWorksheet.Cells(i+2, 2)=myButton 9
  • 10. Next rows_Count= ObjWorksheet.usedrange.rows.count For j= 2 to rows_Count step 1 Expected=ObjWorksheet.Cells(j, 1) Actual=ObjWorksheet.Cells(j, 2) If Expected=Actual Then ObjWorksheet.Cells(j, 3)="Pass" Else ObjWorksheet.Cells(j, 3)="Fail" End If Next ObjWorkbook.Save ObjExcel.Quit Set ObjWorksheet=Nothing Set ObjWorkbook=Nothing Set ObjExcel=Nothing 11) One to One Textual Comparison ------------------------------ 'Capture Button names from Login Dialog (Flight Reservation Application) and Perform and Perform One to One Textual Comparison Dim ObjExcel,ObjWorkbook,ObjWorksheet Dim oButton,Buttons,myButton,i Set ObjExcel=CreateObject("Excel.Application") Set ObjWorkbook=ObjExcel.Workbooks.Open("C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorDesktopinput.xls") Set ObjWorksheet=ObjWorkbook.Worksheets(2) ObjWorksheet.Cells(1,2)="Buttons" Set oButton=Description.Create oButton("Class Name").value="WinButton" Set Buttons=Dialog("text:=Login").ChildObjects(oButton) For i=0 to Buttons.Count-1 step 1 myButton=Buttons(i).GetRoProperty("text") ObjWorksheet.Cells(i+2, 2)=myButton Next rows_Count= ObjWorksheet.usedrange.rows.count For j= 2 to rows_Count step 1 10
  • 11. Expected=ObjWorksheet.Cells(j, 1) Actual=ObjWorksheet.Cells(j, 2) If StrComp (Expected,Actual,1)=0 Then ObjWorksheet.Cells(j, 3)="Pass" Else ObjWorksheet.Cells(j, 3)="Fail" End If Next ObjWorkbook.Save ObjExcel.Quit Set ObjWorksheet=Nothing Set ObjWorkbook=Nothing Set ObjExcel=Nothing -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12) Many to Many Comparison ----------------------------------- 'Capture Button names from Login Dialog (Flight Reservation Application) and Perform and Perform Many to Many Comparison Dim ObjExcel,ObjWorkbook,ObjWorksheet Dim oButton,Buttons,myButton,i Set ObjExcel=CreateObject("Excel.Application") Set ObjWorkbook=ObjExcel.Workbooks.Open("C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorDesktopinput.xls") Set ObjWorksheet=ObjWorkbook.Worksheets(2) ObjWorksheet.Cells(1,2)="Buttons" Set oButton=Description.Create oButton("Class Name").value="WinButton" Set Buttons=Dialog("text:=Login").ChildObjects(oButton) For i=0 to Buttons.Count-1 step 1 myButton=Buttons(i).GetRoProperty("text") ObjWorksheet.Cells(i+2, 2)=myButton Next rows_Count= ObjWorksheet.usedrange.rows.count For j= 2 to rows_Count step 1 Expected=ObjWorksheet.Cells(j, 1) 11
  • 12. For k=2 to rows_Count step 1 Actual=ObjWorksheet.Cells(k, 2) If Expected=Actual Then Flag =1 Exit for else Flag= 0 End If next If Flag=1 Then ObjWorksheet.Cells(j, 3)="Pass" Else ObjWorksheet.Cells(j, 3)="Fail" End If Next ObjWorkbook.Save ObjExcel.Quit Set ObjWorksheet=Nothing Set ObjWorkbook=Nothing Set ObjExcel=Nothing ------------------------------------------------------------------- 13) Many to Many Textual Comparison 'Capture Button names from Login Dialog (Flight Reservation Application) and Perform and Perform Many to Many Textual Comparison ----------------------------------- 'Capture Button names from Google home page and export to Excel file 3rd sheet Dim ObjExcel,ObjWorkbook,ObjWorksheet Dim oButton,Buttons,myButton,i Set ObjExcel=CreateObject("Excel.Application") Set ObjWorkbook=ObjExcel.Workbooks.Open("C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorDesktopinput.xls") Set ObjWorksheet=ObjWorkbook.Worksheets(2) ObjWorksheet.Cells(1,2)="Buttons" 12
  • 13. Set oButton=Description.Create oButton("Class Name").value="WinButton" Set Buttons=Dialog("text:=Login").ChildObjects(oButton) For i=0 to Buttons.Count-1 step 1 myButton=Buttons(i).GetRoProperty("text") ObjWorksheet.Cells(i+2, 2)=myButton Next rows_Count= ObjWorksheet.usedrange.rows.count For j= 2 to rows_Count step 1 Expected=ObjWorksheet.Cells(j, 1) For k=2 to rows_Count step 1 Actual=ObjWorksheet.Cells(k, 2) If StrComp (Expected,Actual,1)= 0 Then Flag =1 Exit for else Flag= 0 End If next If Flag=1 Then ObjWorksheet.Cells(j, 3)="Pass" Else ObjWorksheet.Cells(j, 3)="Fail" End If Next ObjWorkbook.Save ObjExcel.Quit Set ObjWorksheet=Nothing Set ObjWorkbook=Nothing Set ObjExcel=Nothing ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- 14) 'Create Excel file and Rename 1st sheet as "Module", 2nd Sheet as "Test Case", 'and 3rd Sheet as "Test Step" Dim objExcel Set objExcel=CreateObject("Excel.Application") 13
  • 14. objExcel.Visible=True objExcel.Workbooks.Add objExcel.Worksheets("Sheet1").Name="Module" Wait 4 objExcel.Worksheets("Sheet2").Name="TestCase" Wait 4 objExcel.Worksheets("Sheet3").Name="TestStep" objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs "C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorDesktopabcd.xls" objExcel.Quit Set objExcel=Nothing ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15) 'Create an Excel file and add one more Dim objExcel Set objExcel=CreateObject("Excel.Application") objExcel.Visible=True objExcel.Workbooks.Add 'Creating Work Book objExcel.Worksheets.Add 'Creating Work Sheet Wait 4 objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs "C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorDesktopabcde.xls" objExcel.Quit Set objExcel=Nothing ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- 15) 'Capture Button names from Login Dialog (Flight Reservation Application) and perform Many to Many Complete Comparison Capture Button names from Google home page and export to Excel file 3rd sheet Dim ObjExcel,ObjWorkbook,ObjWorksheet Dim oButton,Buttons,myButton,i Set ObjExcel=CreateObject("Excel.Application") Set ObjWorkbook=ObjExcel.Workbooks.Open("C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorDesktopinput.xls") Set ObjWorksheet=ObjWorkbook.Worksheets(2) ObjWorksheet.Cells(1,2)="Buttons" 14
  • 15. Set oButton=Description.Create oButton("Class Name").value="WinButton" Set Buttons=Dialog("text:=Login").ChildObjects(oButton) For i=0 to Buttons.Count-1 step 1 myButton=Buttons(i).GetRoProperty("text") ObjWorksheet.Cells(i+2, 2)=myButton Next rows_Count= ObjWorksheet.usedrange.rows.count x =0 For j= 2 to rows_Count step 1 Expected=ObjWorksheet.Cells(j, 1) flag = 0 For k=2 to rows_Count step 1 Actual=ObjWorksheet.Cells(k, 2) If StrComp (Expected,Actual,1)= 0 Then Flag =1 End If x=x+1 ' increment the comparison count next If Flag=1 Then ObjWorksheet.Cells(j, 3)="Pass" Else ObjWorksheet.Cells(j, 3)="Fail" End If msgbox x 'inner loop comparison values Next msgbox x ' Total number of comparisons ObjWorkbook.Save ObjExcel.Quit Set ObjWorksheet=Nothing Set ObjWorkbook=Nothing Set ObjExcel=Nothing 15