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 Automatic Program Analysis using Dynamic Binary Instrumentation

                                            Sunil Kumar


Dynamic Binary Instrumentation involves execution of a given program in a controlled environment
sometimes over a VM while tracing its runtime context and analyzing the program behavior by
introduction of custom instrumentation code at various point during the lifetime of the program. In
this paper we use PIN, a heavyweight instrumentation framework developed by Intel in order to
perform behavior analysis of binary programs automatically at runtime.
Some of the major challenges in Software Security Research include Vulnerability
Identification/Discovery, Vulnerability Analysis, Exploit Development and Malicious Software
Analysis. Identification of vulnerability in software requires knowledge of unintended or
weakly coded parts of the software. One possible way to identify them is see the use of
functions with well-known bugs like “strcpy”. In exploit development, one need to know
what input triggers the bug and how was it passed to the program. A malware is a piece of
code which performs unwanted behaviour when executes. During analysis it is very
important to know what this “unwanted behaviour” is. In this paper we have attempt to
address these challenges using PIN, a Dynamic Binary Instrumentation (DBI) engine
developed by Intel Corporation. Although PIN supports many platforms, our discussion will
be mostly in context of Windows environment. Finally we introduce a custom tool which we
developed mainly for the purpose of learning and understanding the internals of PIN that
can perform automatic behaviour analysis of programs.

Using debugger is one of the commonly used techniques for dynamic program analysis.
Analysts attach debuggers to programs and set breakpoints at various addresses to identify
which functions with what parameters are called to perform required tasks. This technique
is used in vulnerability identification to identify usage of known vulnerable functions and the
parameters. Exploit writers use this technique to identify the actual input that triggered the
bug and the source of input by analysing runtime memory dumps. One problem with
debuggers is that most of the time they use well known APIs to function and malware
writers use anti-debug techniques to make debugging very difficult. This paper suggests PIN,
a Dynamic Binary Instrumentation Engine for performing analysis of programs as an
alternative to debuggers. PIN does not use techniques used by debuggers like setting
breakpoints etc. so is capable of circumventing most anti-debug techniques. We developed
a PinTool called “Puncture” to records all the activities performed with Windows registry,
files, and network connections. Pin APIs are explained in the context of Puncture for better
Binary Instrumentation
Instrumentation is a technique of inserting extra code into an application to observe its
behaviour. Instrumentation can be performed at various stages: at source code level,
compile time, post link time or at run time.

Binary Instrumentation is a way of analysing behaviour of a program by inserting extra code
at certain places in the program at runtime. It is very useful where source code is not
available and one cannot insert extra lines and recompile it. A typical example is Microsoft
Windows Platform where source code is typically not available and kernel interface cannot
be adopted to support observability.

Binary instrumentation created a new version of binary by inserting instrumentation code in
it. For example, the binary can be instrumented to insert code before every instruction with
memory reference to simulate and control cache and memory operations.

With the features available with binary instrumentation, it is possible to do complete system
emulation by providing custom system call interfaces, system and user binaries, devices etc.
to provide a sandbox like environment to the binary in question. This makes the analysis of
malwares possible without compromising the real host system.

Pin is a Dynamic Binary Instrumentation Engine developed by Intel Corporation. Pin is based
on post-link optimizer “Spike”. Pin can perform software instrumentation of Windows, Linux
and MacOS platforms on 32bit or 64bit architecture. Pin is the underlying infrastructure for
commercial products like Intel Parallel Studio tools. Pin is provided free of charge from Intel

Pin performs the instrumentation by running unmodified application in a process-level
virtual machine [1]. Pin intercepts the execution of application at first instruction and inserts
the instrumentation code as and when required. The application with inserted
instrumentation code is cached for subsequent executions as well to avoid instrumentation
overhead. Unlike DLL injection used in exploit development, no new thread is created to run
the code of PinVM or PinTool. They are executed by existing application threads only.
However PinTool can create new threads if required.

Pin provides a C/C++ API to write custom instrumentation code known as PinTools in form
libraries (DLL files on Windows) and can be built by most common compilers. PinTools
usually have two kinds of routines: Instrumentation Routines and Analysis Routines.

An instrumentation routine identifies the point or conditions where instrumentation code
needs to be inserted and a pointer to the analysis routine. Instrumentation routines are
executed once in lifecycle of process and define “when” a PinTool should gain the control of
execution. Instrumentation happens on only and all instructions that are ever executed. Pin
can even instrument self-modifying-code because instructions are instrumented in just
before they executed (Just-In-Time mode).

An analysis routine is the piece of code which is executed when the specific condition or
point is hit during execution of program. These routines are executed whenever the “when”
is triggered. It defines “what” to do when PinTool gains execution control.

(Img1: Workflow of Pin on Windows Platform [1].)

The execution of Pin begins with the launcher process (pin.exe) which injects Pin VMM
(Virtual Machine Monitor) (pinvm.dll) and pin-tool.dll in application’s address space.

Pin keeps the control of execution by copying application and instrumentation code to
software code cache and rewriting braches so that control remain in the cache. The program
is always executed from the cache and original program is kept for reference.

As a dynamic instrumentation system and to be useful in behaviour analysis of programs Pin
provides as much observability as it can, yet providing enough isolation so that actual
behaviour of the program is unchanged. It notifies Thread/Process Creation/Destruction,
Library Load/Unload.

As a process level VM, Pin has full control on everything executed in User space but loses
control in kernel mode. To manage the execution of system call and regain the control after
returning from kernel mode, Pin monitors some of the system calls. Every Pin monitored
system call has a wrapper function in ntdll.dll system library that loads the system call
number and invokes the system call. Pin captures the system call number and arguments by
attaching debugger to a dummy process and single stepping through monitored system calls
wrapper functions [1]. It is not possible to monitor all the system calls because many system
calls are undocumented feature on Windows and there is not always a one-to-one mapping
of wrapper functions. To handle this situation Pin implements a “System Gate” to intercept
the system calls and switches to VMM when an ‘int 2e’ or ‘sysenter’ instruction on 32bit
platform or ‘syscall’ on 64bit architecture is encountered [1].

Pin provides a debugging interface also where one can attach debugger of choice to debug
the running process under Pin. Extending the features of debugger is also available through

Pin Instrumentation API:
Pin provides two modes of Instrumentation: JIT (Just In Time) Mode and Probe Mode.

In JIT mode the instrumented application’s code and instrumentation code is generated and
cached in the software cache for execution. This provides more control over the execution
because code is generated by Pin-VM. JIT is the preferred mode of Instrumentation.

In Probe mode the instrumented binary is modified in place. Because the code is not copied
to code cache, the instrumentation is a bit faster with the cost of losing some functionality
and granularity is limited to Routine level.

Five levels of instrumentation granularities are provided by Pin:
    1. INS (Instruction Level):-- Instruction is the unit of execution that can be addressed
        individually on given platform.
    2. BBL (Basic Block Level):-- Basic Block is a set of Instructions start with one entry point
        and ends on first control transfer instruction [2].
    3. Trace (Trace Level):-- Trace is a sequence of continuous instruction with one entry
        point [2]. A trace starts usually from a target of a jump and ends at an unconditional
        jump instruction.
    4. RTN (Routine Level):-- Routine level instrumentation allows instrumentation of
        methods or functions in defined in the application or its dependencies. This is
        achieved by utilizing the symbol information available in export section and in
        external debug symbol (.pdb) files.
    5. IMG (Image Level):-- Image level instrumentation allows handling load/unload
        events for Images linked to the application and navigating sections of images loaded.
This section describes a small subset of the functions made available to PinTool writers
through Pin API in the context of a PinTool named ‘Puncture’ created by us to log activities
performed by the application.

On Windows system a fairly good picture of the behaviour of a given application can be
developed by monitoring its interaction with file system, registry, other processes and the
network [8]. To log all these activities we created 3 modules to wrap commonly used
functions of following APIs:

    RegistryAPI
    FIleAPI
    NetworkAPI
Details will be discussed later in this section.

As discussed earlier, PinTools are basically libraries linked dynamically to application i.e. a
DLL file on Windows. All the PinTools are must export their “main” function. So C code of a
minimal PinTool that does not perform any instrumentation is listed below:

  int main(int argc, char * argv[])
                 return -1;
         return 0;

PIN_Init() initializes the instrumentation engine and passes the initial arguments, one of
them is the application name. PIN_StartProgram() start the actual execution of application
and never returns. Hence all instrumentation tasks are performed before calling

If symbol information is required as in the case of Routine level instrumentation,
PIN_InitSymbols() is called even before PIN_Init() to initialize Symbol support. Symbols are
retrieved from standard symbol locations. Pin uses DBGHELP.DLL to provide symbol support
and perhaps is the only external dependency.

Most of the instrumentation routines are actually callback routines called on specific events,
for example to perform the cleanup tasks like closing log files, network connections etc. a
“Fini” callback routine is registered using PIN_AddFiniFunction(fn, VOID* v) which is called
after the analysis is finished.

In order to capture the arguments passed and their corresponding return values to function
called by application and to be able to log them, we used two approaches:

        Replace the old signature of functions with custom signatures.
        Register callback routines just before function starts and function returns.

All routine level instrumentations are performed when Image that contains the routine is
loaded. A callback for image load is registered by calling IMG_AddInstrumentFunction (IMG
img, VOID *v) where parameter ‘img’ is the object representing the loaded image in memory
and “v” is pointer to an optional user defined argument passed when it was called.

When Image is loaded we can get the name/path of image by calling IMG_Name(img) as
std::string object. Once we have identified the right image for instrumentation by comparing
names, we iterate over symbols in image to identify the routines we required to instrument.
Names retrieved from symbols may not exactly match name of the routines we need to
instrument because of name-mangling of overloaded functions by compiler to keep them
unique. To handle name mangling, Pin provides PIN_UndecorateSymbolName to un-mangle
the names. Once we have identified the name, we obtain RTN object of the routine using
RTN_FindByAddress (IMG_LowAddress(img) + SYM_Value(sym)). SYM_Value returns the
offset of routine from Image Base Address i.e. IMG_LowAddress.

Following code listing is part of the pintool to replace the signature of “socket” function
from ws2_32.dll.

 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
        IMG_AddInstrumentFunction(Image, 0);

          return 0;

 void Image(IMG img, void *v)
        const char *lpImageName = StripPath(IMG_Name(img).c_str());

          //Instrument Registry API
          if(!_strnicmp(lpImageName, "ADVAPI32.DLL",15))
void Image_WS2_32(IMG img, void *v)
    RTN rtn;
    PROTO proto;

       for(SYM sym = IMG_RegsymHead(img); SYM_Valid(sym); sym = SYM_Next(sym))
         string sUndecFuncName = PIN_UndecorateSymbolName(SYM_Name(sym),
         if("socket" == sUndecFuncName)
            rtn = RTN_FindByAddress(IMG_LowAddress(img)+SYM_Value(sym));
              "socket", PIN_PARG(int), PIN_PARG(int), PIN_PARG(int), PIN_PARG_END());

               RTN_ReplaceSignature(rtn, (AFUNPTR) jwSocket, IARG_PROTOTYPE,


To replace signature of routine, a prototype object (PROTO) is allocated and passed to
RTN_ReplaceSignature. PROTO_Allocate takes rerurn type, calling convention of the target
routine, name of the routine and list of parameters. Parameters are in the pair of Type&Size.
PIN_PARG macro is provided to create Type&Size pair of arguments. End of list is marked by

In JIT mode signature is replaces using RTN_ReplaceSignature allows us to add new or
remove old parameters of the routine. This is not allowed in probe mode, new signature
must match original signature. RTN_ReplaceSignature takes replaced RTN object (rtn),
pointer to new routine ((AFUNPTR)jwSocket), prototype of replaced routine
(IARG_PROTOTYPE, proto)) and list of parameters for the new routine ending with
IARG_END and returns pointer to original routine. Other parameters are explained below:

        IARG_CONTEXT:                  pointer to the execution context (CONTEXT*).
        IARG_ORIG_FUNCPTR:             pointer to the original routine (AFUNPTR).
        IARG_FUNCARG_ENTRYPOINT_VALUE, 0: Value of the first parameter passed to the
         routine. Needs to type casted properly before use.
        ... is the place holder for (IARG_FUNCARG_ENTRYPOINT_VALUE, n) where n is the
         zero-based index of original parameter. Order of original parameters may change or
         parameters can be skipped if not required for analysis function.
It is very common to call the original routine from analysis routine. This can be done using
PIN_CallApplicationFunction as described below in “jwSocket” analysis function which
replaced original “socket” function earlier.

  int jwConnect(CONTEXT *ctxt, AFUNPTR fpOrigin, WINDOWS::SOCKET socket,
  WINDOWS::PSOCKADDR pSocketName, int iNameLen)

            PIN_CallApplicationFunction(ctxt, PIN_ThreadId(), CALLINGSTD_STDCALL,
            fpOrigin, PIN_PARG(int*), &iResult, PIN_PARG(WINDOWS::SOCKET), socket,
            PIN_PARG(WINDOWS::PSOCKADDR), pSocketName, PIN_PARG(int), iNameLen,



The parameters are explained below:

         ctxt:           pointer to the context of the execution.
         PIN_ThreadId() returns zero-based id of the executing thread assigned by Pin and is
          used here as Id of thread that will execute the function.
         CALLINGSTD_STDCALL: calling convention of the function
         fpOrigin:      address of the function to execute.
         PIN_PARG(int*), &iResult: address of the int variable in Type,Size,Value format
          where return value will be stored.
         PIN_PARG(TypeOf(N)),N, ..., PIN_PARG_END(): List of input parameters passed in
          form of Type,Size,Value to the routine. End of list is marked with PIN_PARG_END.

Another approach of doing this is inserting analysis calls on the boundaries of routine. This
approach is described in following code listing where “SetFilePointer” method from
“kernel32.dll”                               is                               instrumented.

  else if("SetFilePointer" == sUndecFuncName)
         rtn = RTN_FindByAddress(IMG_LowAddress(img)+SYM_Value(sym));
                RTN_InsertCall(rtn, IPOINT_BEFORE, (AFUNPTR) b4SetFilePointer,
                              IARG_ADDRINT, FALSE, IARG_FUNCARG_ENTRYPOINT_VALUE, 0,
                              IARG_FUNCARG_ENTRYPOINT_VALUE, 1,
                              IARG_FUNCARG_ENTRYPOINT_VALUE, 3, IARG_END);
                RTN_InsertCall(rtn, IPOINT_AFTER, (AFUNPTR) OnFileReturn,
                              IARG_ADDRINT, SETFILE_PTR, IARG_ADDRINT, ' ',
                              IARG_FUNCRET_EXITPOINT_VALUE, IARG_END);
Challenges and Limitations
First challenge we have encountered with Pin was control on I/O. In instrumentation,
console I/O is usually gets locked by application once PIN_StartProgram is called hence is
not available to PinTool. In the case of GUI application, we couldn’t see a single line of
output on console by PinTool. The only reliable way of handling this was File I/O, which is
recommended in Pin documentation. Another problem with I/O was that we need to Open
all files preferably in “main” function and is not allowed in Analysis routines. So it is not
possible to create a per thread log file unless the number of threads application will create is
known before instrumentation begins.

Pin does not recommend using Platform API directly in PinTools.

retrieve value of parameters passed by reference after function returns, mostly resulted in
incorrect values. Using RTN_ReplaceSignature is the reliable way in this scenario.

With the Windows APIs that result Handle e.g “CreateFile” instead of a primitive type like
int, float etc. analysis         routines received “0” or “Null” handles when
RTN_InsertCall(...,IPOINT_AFTER,...,     IARG_FUNCRET_EXITPOINT_VALUE,...)          while
RTN_ReplaceSignature returned correct value.

Using RTN_InsertCall(...,IPOINT_AFTER,...) sometimes result in more calls of analysis function
than expected because Pin finds and instrument all the “RET” instruction in routine.

Indentifying right Windows API to for instrumentation is another big challenge. Windows
mostly provides two versions of same function; a Unicode version (suffix ’W’) and an ASCII
version (suffix ‘A’) while developers call function with no suffix, that is replaced based on
Project’s build environment. In instrumentation PinTool must instrument the function
present in binary or instrument both of them. Some Unicode version of function internally
calls ASCII version or vice-versa; in this case we might see more calls than expected.

Pin loses control when program is running in kernel mode hence might not be good enough
to analyse rootkits written mostly to work in kernel mode.
Although Dynamic Binary Instrumentation tools like Pin are developed primarily for
analysing behaviour of program in different context like code coverage, deadlock detection
etc., they can very much be used for identifying security related issues also, like file and
network activities, system modification or usage of vulnerable APIs in development.
Researchers can use these tools to implement techniques like Taint-analysis, to identify
vulnerabilities and develop exploits. This becomes more useful when using Debugger is not
feasible due to anti-debugging techniques in malwares because Pin does not use platform’s
debug API for instrumentation.

   [1]. Dynamic Program Analysis of Microsoft Windows Application {Alex Skaletsky, Tevi Devor,
        Nadav Chachmon, Robert Cohn, Kim Hazelwood, Vladimir Vladimirov, Moshe Bach}
   [2]. Pin: Intel’s Dynamic Binary Instrumentation Engine (CGO2010).{Robert Cohn, Tevi Devor}
   [3]. Analysing Parallel Programs with Pin. { Moshe Bach, Mark Charney, Robert Cohn, Elena
        Demikhovsky, Tevi Devor, Kim Hazelwood, Aamer Jaleel, Chi-Keung Luk, Gail Lyons, Harish
        Patil, and Ady Tal}
   [4]. Controlling Program Execution through Binary Instrumentation. {Heidi Pan, Krste Asanovi´c ,
        Robert Cohn, Chi-Keung Luk}
   [5]. Dynamic Binary Instrumentation and Tools for Supporting Multi-Threaded Applications.
        {Mosche Bach}
   [6]. Pin: Building Customized Program Analysis Tools with Dynamic Instrumentation. {Chi-Keung
        Luk, Robert Cohn, Robert Muth, Harish Patil, Artur Klauser, Geoff Lowney, StevenWallace,
        Vijay Janapa Reddi, Kim Hazelwood}
   [7]. Hands-on Pin For Architecture, Operating system and Program Analysis.{Kim Hazelwood,
        Vijay Janapa Reddi}
   [8]. Practical Malware Analysis (BlackHat DC 2007).{Kris Kendall}
   [9]. Pin: Pin 2.8 User Guide. {}

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Paper sharing_Edge based intrusion detection for IOT devicesYOU SHENG CHEN

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nullcon 2011 - Automatic Program Analysis using Dynamic Binary Instrumentation

  • 1. IVIZ TECHNO SOLUTIONS PVT. LTD. Puncture Automatic Program Analysis using Dynamic Binary Instrumentation Sunil Kumar 2/14/2011 Dynamic Binary Instrumentation involves execution of a given program in a controlled environment sometimes over a VM while tracing its runtime context and analyzing the program behavior by introduction of custom instrumentation code at various point during the lifetime of the program. In this paper we use PIN, a heavyweight instrumentation framework developed by Intel in order to perform behavior analysis of binary programs automatically at runtime.
  • 2. Abstract Some of the major challenges in Software Security Research include Vulnerability Identification/Discovery, Vulnerability Analysis, Exploit Development and Malicious Software Analysis. Identification of vulnerability in software requires knowledge of unintended or weakly coded parts of the software. One possible way to identify them is see the use of functions with well-known bugs like “strcpy”. In exploit development, one need to know what input triggers the bug and how was it passed to the program. A malware is a piece of code which performs unwanted behaviour when executes. During analysis it is very important to know what this “unwanted behaviour” is. In this paper we have attempt to address these challenges using PIN, a Dynamic Binary Instrumentation (DBI) engine developed by Intel Corporation. Although PIN supports many platforms, our discussion will be mostly in context of Windows environment. Finally we introduce a custom tool which we developed mainly for the purpose of learning and understanding the internals of PIN that can perform automatic behaviour analysis of programs. Introduction Using debugger is one of the commonly used techniques for dynamic program analysis. Analysts attach debuggers to programs and set breakpoints at various addresses to identify which functions with what parameters are called to perform required tasks. This technique is used in vulnerability identification to identify usage of known vulnerable functions and the parameters. Exploit writers use this technique to identify the actual input that triggered the bug and the source of input by analysing runtime memory dumps. One problem with debuggers is that most of the time they use well known APIs to function and malware writers use anti-debug techniques to make debugging very difficult. This paper suggests PIN, a Dynamic Binary Instrumentation Engine for performing analysis of programs as an alternative to debuggers. PIN does not use techniques used by debuggers like setting breakpoints etc. so is capable of circumventing most anti-debug techniques. We developed a PinTool called “Puncture” to records all the activities performed with Windows registry, files, and network connections. Pin APIs are explained in the context of Puncture for better understanding.
  • 3. Binary Instrumentation Instrumentation is a technique of inserting extra code into an application to observe its behaviour. Instrumentation can be performed at various stages: at source code level, compile time, post link time or at run time. Binary Instrumentation is a way of analysing behaviour of a program by inserting extra code at certain places in the program at runtime. It is very useful where source code is not available and one cannot insert extra lines and recompile it. A typical example is Microsoft Windows Platform where source code is typically not available and kernel interface cannot be adopted to support observability. Binary instrumentation created a new version of binary by inserting instrumentation code in it. For example, the binary can be instrumented to insert code before every instruction with memory reference to simulate and control cache and memory operations. With the features available with binary instrumentation, it is possible to do complete system emulation by providing custom system call interfaces, system and user binaries, devices etc. to provide a sandbox like environment to the binary in question. This makes the analysis of malwares possible without compromising the real host system. PIN Pin is a Dynamic Binary Instrumentation Engine developed by Intel Corporation. Pin is based on post-link optimizer “Spike”. Pin can perform software instrumentation of Windows, Linux and MacOS platforms on 32bit or 64bit architecture. Pin is the underlying infrastructure for commercial products like Intel Parallel Studio tools. Pin is provided free of charge from Intel at[1] Pin performs the instrumentation by running unmodified application in a process-level virtual machine [1]. Pin intercepts the execution of application at first instruction and inserts the instrumentation code as and when required. The application with inserted instrumentation code is cached for subsequent executions as well to avoid instrumentation overhead. Unlike DLL injection used in exploit development, no new thread is created to run the code of PinVM or PinTool. They are executed by existing application threads only. However PinTool can create new threads if required. Pin provides a C/C++ API to write custom instrumentation code known as PinTools in form libraries (DLL files on Windows) and can be built by most common compilers. PinTools usually have two kinds of routines: Instrumentation Routines and Analysis Routines. An instrumentation routine identifies the point or conditions where instrumentation code needs to be inserted and a pointer to the analysis routine. Instrumentation routines are executed once in lifecycle of process and define “when” a PinTool should gain the control of
  • 4. execution. Instrumentation happens on only and all instructions that are ever executed. Pin can even instrument self-modifying-code because instructions are instrumented in just before they executed (Just-In-Time mode). An analysis routine is the piece of code which is executed when the specific condition or point is hit during execution of program. These routines are executed whenever the “when” is triggered. It defines “what” to do when PinTool gains execution control. (Img1: Workflow of Pin on Windows Platform [1].) The execution of Pin begins with the launcher process (pin.exe) which injects Pin VMM (Virtual Machine Monitor) (pinvm.dll) and pin-tool.dll in application’s address space. Pin keeps the control of execution by copying application and instrumentation code to software code cache and rewriting braches so that control remain in the cache. The program is always executed from the cache and original program is kept for reference. As a dynamic instrumentation system and to be useful in behaviour analysis of programs Pin provides as much observability as it can, yet providing enough isolation so that actual behaviour of the program is unchanged. It notifies Thread/Process Creation/Destruction, Library Load/Unload. As a process level VM, Pin has full control on everything executed in User space but loses control in kernel mode. To manage the execution of system call and regain the control after returning from kernel mode, Pin monitors some of the system calls. Every Pin monitored
  • 5. system call has a wrapper function in ntdll.dll system library that loads the system call number and invokes the system call. Pin captures the system call number and arguments by attaching debugger to a dummy process and single stepping through monitored system calls wrapper functions [1]. It is not possible to monitor all the system calls because many system calls are undocumented feature on Windows and there is not always a one-to-one mapping of wrapper functions. To handle this situation Pin implements a “System Gate” to intercept the system calls and switches to VMM when an ‘int 2e’ or ‘sysenter’ instruction on 32bit platform or ‘syscall’ on 64bit architecture is encountered [1]. Pin provides a debugging interface also where one can attach debugger of choice to debug the running process under Pin. Extending the features of debugger is also available through DebugAPI. Pin Instrumentation API: Pin provides two modes of Instrumentation: JIT (Just In Time) Mode and Probe Mode. In JIT mode the instrumented application’s code and instrumentation code is generated and cached in the software cache for execution. This provides more control over the execution because code is generated by Pin-VM. JIT is the preferred mode of Instrumentation. In Probe mode the instrumented binary is modified in place. Because the code is not copied to code cache, the instrumentation is a bit faster with the cost of losing some functionality and granularity is limited to Routine level. Five levels of instrumentation granularities are provided by Pin: 1. INS (Instruction Level):-- Instruction is the unit of execution that can be addressed individually on given platform. 2. BBL (Basic Block Level):-- Basic Block is a set of Instructions start with one entry point and ends on first control transfer instruction [2]. 3. Trace (Trace Level):-- Trace is a sequence of continuous instruction with one entry point [2]. A trace starts usually from a target of a jump and ends at an unconditional jump instruction. 4. RTN (Routine Level):-- Routine level instrumentation allows instrumentation of methods or functions in defined in the application or its dependencies. This is achieved by utilizing the symbol information available in export section and in external debug symbol (.pdb) files. 5. IMG (Image Level):-- Image level instrumentation allows handling load/unload events for Images linked to the application and navigating sections of images loaded.
  • 6. Puncture This section describes a small subset of the functions made available to PinTool writers through Pin API in the context of a PinTool named ‘Puncture’ created by us to log activities performed by the application. On Windows system a fairly good picture of the behaviour of a given application can be developed by monitoring its interaction with file system, registry, other processes and the network [8]. To log all these activities we created 3 modules to wrap commonly used functions of following APIs:  RegistryAPI  FIleAPI  NetworkAPI Details will be discussed later in this section. As discussed earlier, PinTools are basically libraries linked dynamically to application i.e. a DLL file on Windows. All the PinTools are must export their “main” function. So C code of a minimal PinTool that does not perform any instrumentation is listed below: #include<pin.H> int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { if(PIN_Init(argc,argv)) return -1; PIN_StartProgram(); return 0; } PIN_Init() initializes the instrumentation engine and passes the initial arguments, one of them is the application name. PIN_StartProgram() start the actual execution of application and never returns. Hence all instrumentation tasks are performed before calling PIN_StartProgram. If symbol information is required as in the case of Routine level instrumentation, PIN_InitSymbols() is called even before PIN_Init() to initialize Symbol support. Symbols are retrieved from standard symbol locations. Pin uses DBGHELP.DLL to provide symbol support and perhaps is the only external dependency. Most of the instrumentation routines are actually callback routines called on specific events, for example to perform the cleanup tasks like closing log files, network connections etc. a
  • 7. “Fini” callback routine is registered using PIN_AddFiniFunction(fn, VOID* v) which is called after the analysis is finished. In order to capture the arguments passed and their corresponding return values to function called by application and to be able to log them, we used two approaches:  Replace the old signature of functions with custom signatures.  Register callback routines just before function starts and function returns. All routine level instrumentations are performed when Image that contains the routine is loaded. A callback for image load is registered by calling IMG_AddInstrumentFunction (IMG img, VOID *v) where parameter ‘img’ is the object representing the loaded image in memory and “v” is pointer to an optional user defined argument passed when it was called. When Image is loaded we can get the name/path of image by calling IMG_Name(img) as std::string object. Once we have identified the right image for instrumentation by comparing names, we iterate over symbols in image to identify the routines we required to instrument. Names retrieved from symbols may not exactly match name of the routines we need to instrument because of name-mangling of overloaded functions by compiler to keep them unique. To handle name mangling, Pin provides PIN_UndecorateSymbolName to un-mangle the names. Once we have identified the name, we obtain RTN object of the routine using RTN_FindByAddress (IMG_LowAddress(img) + SYM_Value(sym)). SYM_Value returns the offset of routine from Image Base Address i.e. IMG_LowAddress. Following code listing is part of the pintool to replace the signature of “socket” function from ws2_32.dll. int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { ... IMG_AddInstrumentFunction(Image, 0); PIN_AddFiniFunction(Fini,0); PIN_StartProgram(); return 0; } void Image(IMG img, void *v) { const char *lpImageName = StripPath(IMG_Name(img).c_str()); //Instrument Registry API if(!_strnicmp(lpImageName, "ADVAPI32.DLL",15)) Image_WS2_32(img,v); ... }
  • 8. void Image_WS2_32(IMG img, void *v) { RTN rtn; PROTO proto; for(SYM sym = IMG_RegsymHead(img); SYM_Valid(sym); sym = SYM_Next(sym)) { string sUndecFuncName = PIN_UndecorateSymbolName(SYM_Name(sym), UNDECORATION_NAME_ONLY); if("socket" == sUndecFuncName) { rtn = RTN_FindByAddress(IMG_LowAddress(img)+SYM_Value(sym)); if(RTN_Valid(rtn)) { proto = PROTO_Allocate(PIN_PARG(WINDOWS::SOCKET), CALLINGSTD_STDCALL, "socket", PIN_PARG(int), PIN_PARG(int), PIN_PARG(int), PIN_PARG_END()); RTN_ReplaceSignature(rtn, (AFUNPTR) jwSocket, IARG_PROTOTYPE, proto,IARG_CONTEXT, IARG_ORIG_FUNCPTR, IARG_FUNCARG_ENTRYPOINT_VALUE ,0,IARG_FUNCARG_ENTRYPOINT_VALUE, 1, IARG_FUNCARG_ENTRYPOINT_VALUE, 2, IARG_END); PROTO_Free(proto); } } ... } To replace signature of routine, a prototype object (PROTO) is allocated and passed to RTN_ReplaceSignature. PROTO_Allocate takes rerurn type, calling convention of the target routine, name of the routine and list of parameters. Parameters are in the pair of Type&Size. PIN_PARG macro is provided to create Type&Size pair of arguments. End of list is marked by PIN_PAG_END(). In JIT mode signature is replaces using RTN_ReplaceSignature allows us to add new or remove old parameters of the routine. This is not allowed in probe mode, new signature must match original signature. RTN_ReplaceSignature takes replaced RTN object (rtn), pointer to new routine ((AFUNPTR)jwSocket), prototype of replaced routine (IARG_PROTOTYPE, proto)) and list of parameters for the new routine ending with IARG_END and returns pointer to original routine. Other parameters are explained below:  IARG_CONTEXT: pointer to the execution context (CONTEXT*).  IARG_ORIG_FUNCPTR: pointer to the original routine (AFUNPTR).  IARG_FUNCARG_ENTRYPOINT_VALUE, 0: Value of the first parameter passed to the routine. Needs to type casted properly before use.  ... is the place holder for (IARG_FUNCARG_ENTRYPOINT_VALUE, n) where n is the zero-based index of original parameter. Order of original parameters may change or parameters can be skipped if not required for analysis function.
  • 9. It is very common to call the original routine from analysis routine. This can be done using PIN_CallApplicationFunction as described below in “jwSocket” analysis function which replaced original “socket” function earlier. int jwConnect(CONTEXT *ctxt, AFUNPTR fpOrigin, WINDOWS::SOCKET socket, WINDOWS::PSOCKADDR pSocketName, int iNameLen) { ... PIN_CallApplicationFunction(ctxt, PIN_ThreadId(), CALLINGSTD_STDCALL, fpOrigin, PIN_PARG(int*), &iResult, PIN_PARG(WINDOWS::SOCKET), socket, PIN_PARG(WINDOWS::PSOCKADDR), pSocketName, PIN_PARG(int), iNameLen, PIN_PARG_END()); ... } The parameters are explained below:  ctxt: pointer to the context of the execution.  PIN_ThreadId() returns zero-based id of the executing thread assigned by Pin and is used here as Id of thread that will execute the function.  CALLINGSTD_STDCALL: calling convention of the function  fpOrigin: address of the function to execute.  PIN_PARG(int*), &iResult: address of the int variable in Type,Size,Value format where return value will be stored.  PIN_PARG(TypeOf(N)),N, ..., PIN_PARG_END(): List of input parameters passed in form of Type,Size,Value to the routine. End of list is marked with PIN_PARG_END. Another approach of doing this is inserting analysis calls on the boundaries of routine. This approach is described in following code listing where “SetFilePointer” method from “kernel32.dll” is instrumented. else if("SetFilePointer" == sUndecFuncName) { rtn = RTN_FindByAddress(IMG_LowAddress(img)+SYM_Value(sym)); if(RTN_Valid(rtn)) { RTN_Open(rtn); RTN_InsertCall(rtn, IPOINT_BEFORE, (AFUNPTR) b4SetFilePointer, IARG_ADDRINT, FALSE, IARG_FUNCARG_ENTRYPOINT_VALUE, 0, IARG_FUNCARG_ENTRYPOINT_VALUE, 1, IARG_FUNCARG_ENTRYPOINT_VALUE, 3, IARG_END); RTN_InsertCall(rtn, IPOINT_AFTER, (AFUNPTR) OnFileReturn, IARG_ADDRINT, SETFILE_PTR, IARG_ADDRINT, ' ', IARG_FUNCRET_EXITPOINT_VALUE, IARG_END); RTN_Close(rtn); } }
  • 10. Challenges and Limitations First challenge we have encountered with Pin was control on I/O. In instrumentation, console I/O is usually gets locked by application once PIN_StartProgram is called hence is not available to PinTool. In the case of GUI application, we couldn’t see a single line of output on console by PinTool. The only reliable way of handling this was File I/O, which is recommended in Pin documentation. Another problem with I/O was that we need to Open all files preferably in “main” function and is not allowed in Analysis routines. So it is not possible to create a per thread log file unless the number of threads application will create is known before instrumentation begins. Pin does not recommend using Platform API directly in PinTools. Using RTN_InsertCal(..., IPOINT_AFTER,...,IARG_FUNCARG_ENTRYPOINT_VALUE,...) to retrieve value of parameters passed by reference after function returns, mostly resulted in incorrect values. Using RTN_ReplaceSignature is the reliable way in this scenario. With the Windows APIs that result Handle e.g “CreateFile” instead of a primitive type like int, float etc. analysis routines received “0” or “Null” handles when RTN_InsertCall(...,IPOINT_AFTER,..., IARG_FUNCRET_EXITPOINT_VALUE,...) while RTN_ReplaceSignature returned correct value. Using RTN_InsertCall(...,IPOINT_AFTER,...) sometimes result in more calls of analysis function than expected because Pin finds and instrument all the “RET” instruction in routine. Indentifying right Windows API to for instrumentation is another big challenge. Windows mostly provides two versions of same function; a Unicode version (suffix ’W’) and an ASCII version (suffix ‘A’) while developers call function with no suffix, that is replaced based on Project’s build environment. In instrumentation PinTool must instrument the function present in binary or instrument both of them. Some Unicode version of function internally calls ASCII version or vice-versa; in this case we might see more calls than expected. Pin loses control when program is running in kernel mode hence might not be good enough to analyse rootkits written mostly to work in kernel mode.
  • 11. Conclusions Although Dynamic Binary Instrumentation tools like Pin are developed primarily for analysing behaviour of program in different context like code coverage, deadlock detection etc., they can very much be used for identifying security related issues also, like file and network activities, system modification or usage of vulnerable APIs in development. Researchers can use these tools to implement techniques like Taint-analysis, to identify vulnerabilities and develop exploits. This becomes more useful when using Debugger is not feasible due to anti-debugging techniques in malwares because Pin does not use platform’s debug API for instrumentation. References [1]. Dynamic Program Analysis of Microsoft Windows Application {Alex Skaletsky, Tevi Devor, Nadav Chachmon, Robert Cohn, Kim Hazelwood, Vladimir Vladimirov, Moshe Bach} [2]. Pin: Intel’s Dynamic Binary Instrumentation Engine (CGO2010).{Robert Cohn, Tevi Devor} [3]. Analysing Parallel Programs with Pin. { Moshe Bach, Mark Charney, Robert Cohn, Elena Demikhovsky, Tevi Devor, Kim Hazelwood, Aamer Jaleel, Chi-Keung Luk, Gail Lyons, Harish Patil, and Ady Tal} [4]. Controlling Program Execution through Binary Instrumentation. {Heidi Pan, Krste Asanovi´c , Robert Cohn, Chi-Keung Luk} [5]. Dynamic Binary Instrumentation and Tools for Supporting Multi-Threaded Applications. {Mosche Bach} [6]. Pin: Building Customized Program Analysis Tools with Dynamic Instrumentation. {Chi-Keung Luk, Robert Cohn, Robert Muth, Harish Patil, Artur Klauser, Geoff Lowney, StevenWallace, Vijay Janapa Reddi, Kim Hazelwood} [7]. Hands-on Pin For Architecture, Operating system and Program Analysis.{Kim Hazelwood, Vijay Janapa Reddi} [8]. Practical Malware Analysis (BlackHat DC 2007).{Kris Kendall} [9]. Pin: Pin 2.8 User Guide. {}