neural network ai cloud computing machine learning scalability virtual servers virtualization github heroku microsoft azure iaas paas saas ec2 aws data center server computing cloud reverse guidance texture enhance texture feature extraction convolution neural network object recognition image processing high intrinsic images concealed object conceal concaeal object detection bigdata data mining clusters reduce map hadoop mapreduce programming mapreduce big data training neurons gating unit gru deep learning deep network depth of neural network vanishing gradient problem lstm gradient descent cost function loss function stochastic gradient descent highway network adarsha dhakal clean water water weather crop air temperature sensors k-means clustering svm irrigation management irrigation internet of things internet iot data science information technology knowledge engineering knowledge elicitation knowledge management knowledge concept sorting concept shape curve software derivative butt and brodlie fritsch and carlson positivity interpolation convex interpolation monotonity shape preserving interpolation linear interpolation rational cubic spline interpolation cubic spline
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