agileindia2019 talk continuous delivery and devops case study design innovation keynote business agility agile mindset culture executive leadership transformation agile architecture ux coaching kubernetes cloud software architecture continuous delivery workshop management hiring teams work skills design teams team efficiency automation tooling open source demonstration apocalypse team design strategic domain driven design domain driven design functional coverage test isolation fail fast tutorial agile coach product owner product discovery mergers and acquisitions enterprise agile alexa rapid alignment managed chaos risk taking startup grofers public cloud vulnerabilities micro services customer engagement mvp game thinking design thinking self organizing teams central technology governance loyalty emotional connection brand learning agile transformation practices transparency self management docker security cloud native iaas infrastructure as a service paas platform as a service infrastructure as code metrics high performing organizations devops message driven elastic resilient responsive reactive manifesto big up front design software engineering craftsmanship decision making raci collaboration stable teams team formation silicon valley machine learning artificial intelligence mindset growth modern teams failure blame no blame ownership leadership coaching
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