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Production Diary: Culture of the Digital Age
09:10 Monday, 4th
of April 2022
Havingall of the pre-workoutof the way now,thisisthe start of productionformy take on the project.
Havingmany thingstodo, thatall includesgatheringacollectionof few secondclips,filmthe three
interviewees,create aslipcoverfora propusingphotoshop,thenusingpremierproIwill use thatto put
togethera quicklogothat will needtobe burntontoa disc goingwiththe same propas the slipcover.
Basically,puttingtogetheraphysical copyof the documentarywhichwill be usedforthe opening.The
lastobjective tomention,ishavingthe scriptrecorded.
Right,so here ismylayoutplanso far:
From todaybeingthe fourthof April,the deadlinehasbeensetremainingtobe the thirteenthof May.
Givingme a total of six weeksfromthisFridaywithtwoof those weeksbeingthe Springhalf-term,
meaningIam unable touse certainsoftware.So,the weekwe come backhas to be the start of post-
production,thatismy goal.
As of thisweek,todayIwill begingatheringthe small shotsIneed.Tomorrow,forthe firsthalf of the
day I will be workingonthe slipcase withthe secondIwill spendthe lasttwohoursI have makinguse of
the recordingstudio,gettingthe voice-overdone.Wednesday,more filmingwillgetdone andIwill geta
discI can burn.Thursday,I will be awaymostof the dayfilmingforanotherproject,butIdo have one
hour where Ican spenditon premierproputtingthe logotogether.Andhopefully,if Icanget itdone by
Thursday,I can getthe introto the documentaryfilmed.Thataswell,aslongas the slipcoverhasbeen
put together.ButThursdayismy lastchance forthat openingasthe way I have envisionedit,requires
the cupboardI have inmy room,if I can’t getit done thenthenI will have torethinkthe openingdue to
me movinghouse onthe upcomingFriday.
As forthisFriday,the interview sectionwill be filmed.Followedbythe completionof anyleftover
productionwork.Since Iwon'tbe able tobeginthe editingprocesstill the weekwe come back,Iwill
requesttotake out one of the college cameraswithapodcastfor any additional filmingthatcanget
done,givingme more footage toaccess.
09:10 Tuesday, 5th
of April 2022
Withsomethingcomingupyesterday,Iwasunable tomake a start withfilming.Firstthings firsttoday
though,a start on the slipcoverandtitle willbe made readyforfilmingthe openingsequence.Thenlater
today,the script forthe voice overworkwill be recordedinthe studio.
Havingmade a start onthe design,the photoshoothasbeendone.Itdidtake a while tomake a start as I
was aftera room witha clearwall and a computerona deskthatI couldpull out to getbehind.Taking
aboutten minutesorso,we ran intoa lecturerwhohelpedusoutwithfindingaworkable space.
Findingourselvesatthe bagof one of the art classrooms,there wasonlyone issue withthe setupwe
couldfind,andthat was the backdrop.Inthe middle of the wall,there wasanoticeable sectionfullof
socketsthat wouldhave ruinedthe scene Iwasgoingfor. To solve this,we were giventwosheetsof
paperof the size A1 withpinstocover upthe wall.
Whenit came to takingthe picturesnow,itdidtake tookup plentyof time fromusattemptingtoget
the image right.Needingaclearone of the computeron itsown,the mainissue we keptrunninginto
was catchingour reflectionsinthe screen.AlthoughIbelievedthiswassomethingIcoulddeal withand
sort out overinphotoshop,we still aimedtogetthe blackscreenon itsown.
Then,there wasstruggle gettingthe perfectportraitimage evenwiththe use of the tripod.Withthe
helpof Jenny,she tookcontrol overtakingthe picture forthe frontal view andhad to getcreative with
the set up.
By creative,she hadto place the tripodonthe chairwithher whengoingfora highenoughframe.
Thanksto thismethodthough,Igot what I wasafter inthe end.From there,itwasontothe back view.
Pullingthe table out,Iwasable to getbehinditandfinishoff the photoshoot.Thistime,withJennyas
the model.Again,itwasa bittough withthe wiresinthe wayand a short space to shoot,but we
managedto pushthe computerslightlymore forwardandgotit done.
Takingup the opportunity,Ihave beenpresentedwiththe chance togetbothmy scriptaudiorecorder,
as well asgettingone of the interviewsfilmed.Anotherplanthathadcome to mind,since formostof
whatI needto getdone has to be done usingsoftware Ionlyhave accessto incollege,wastouse
DaVinci Resolve forthe editingof the title.Since itisn’tsomethingIshouldfullyinvestin,itgetsthe
scene outof the way quicker.Just,onlyissue thereisIam unsure if I couldburnthe product fromthere
ontoa plaindisc.Mainlysince the device Iowndoesn’thave adisctray. I guessitall dependsonif I am
able to transferthe clip.
Annoyingly,planshadtochange.The studiodidn’tworkas neededwithone micworkingwhilstthe
otherdidn’tgivinganormal soundingaudioalongside averyquietone.Unable togetthissortedwith
the mainlecturerawaywhoknewhowto work the studio,thishasledme to have to getthistask done
Avoidingdoingnothingthough,Imade astart withthe openingtitlesequence usingDaVinci.Even
though,I wasriskingwastingmytime.
18:43 Thursday, 7th
of April 2022
Yesterday,Ihad notime to getanythingdone painfully.Buttoday,Imanagedto getthe prop work
printedreadytofilmandam on updatingthisdiaryrightbefore Ibegin.Printingthe sheetouttwice,
theyhad bothturnedoutwrong as well asunfinished,butIwill have tomake doas there isn’tenough
time to getall done withmovingtomorrow.Imayaim to complete the printworkandrefilmwhen Ican,
justthe scene will have toplayout differentlydue tousmovingtomorrow forcingme to have to
relocate the shot.
Anotherdowner,Ihaven’tbeenable tofinishthe openingtitle sequence eitherwiththe hoursbeing
filledup.So,whenitcomesto gettingthatdone,I will have tosee whatI can getdone duringpost-
production.Oragain,may as well getthe editcomplete anduse thatforthe reshootand see how that
turns out.Onlythingis,that won'tgetdone till aroundthe 25th
I believe whichiswhenthe post-
productionstage ismeantto begin.
Havingall setup readyto film,thatall includedaCanoncamera, the SD card, an emptyCD followedby
the photoshoppedslipcase andacase originallythere forabootlegcopyof the ‘Nightat the Museum’
Whenit came to switchingthe coversoutthough,turnsout the one I had designedwasasize toobigfor
the case.
Andthat’s afterI attemptedtrimmingitdown.Notwantingtolose asmuch as I wouldhave toget this
filmed,Iamwillingtoreattemptthe coverdesigntomorrow andfilmthe sceneelsewhereasas
mentioned,Iwon'thave the same access to filminthe same locationasplannedfromtomorrow.
13:59 Friday, 15th
of April 2022
Right,I apologise forthe large gapas betweenthenandnow the dayshave beenverybusyforme.Bit
have beencomplete whilstothershave beenleft,thatIwill gothroughnow...
Fridaythe 8th
: I had succeededincompletingthe slipcoverpropdesignbythe endof the college dayand
had evensucceeded inprintingitoutcorrectly,alreadynow forfilming.Onlythingis,Ihaven’tbegun
productionyetbutI still have justovera weekwhichIknow I will succeedingatheringplentyof footage
once I am able to dedicate anupcomingdayor two to filming.
One part of productionIwashopingto getdone that same Friday,washavingthe interviewsandscript
all recordedreadyforreturningtocollege.ButwhenIhad requestedusingthe recordingstudio,they
had beenbookedall dayforanothersetof studentsonanothercourse.Therefore,all thatwill have to
be done firstthingwhenwe returnon Tuesdaythe 26th
Whenit came to the end of the day, I hadbookedouta CanonDSLR camera out witha chargerto go
withitso I have it handyonce I do beginshootingwhichwill startedsoonenough.
Andthat is all I have gotto update for now.
21:27 Tuesday, 19th
of April 2022
Again,nofilminghasbeenstartedyetasthe past few dayshave continuedtobe a busytime.But all
sortednowI believe,here tosaythattomorrow the camerawill 100% be broughtoutas I will begin
filmingformydocumentary.Startingtomorrow,thatgivesme atotal of six daysto geteverythingdone.
Andsince I am onlyafterquickshotsto include inthe documentary,Ishouldhave plentybythe time
college comesaroundgivingme the accessneededtobeginpost-production.
Aboutthe openingsequence,Iwasactuallyhopingtohave thatfilmedbutliterallybeingnine o-clock,I
have onlyjustbeenable tositdownin myown bedroom.Icouldstill getitdone now,butthere isan
issue withdoingso.Forthe scene,I wantnatural lightingfroma window.Butwithitbeinglate,that
cannot happen...doesn’thelpthere isn’tevenawindow inthe locationasscriptedanymore.So,whatI
will have todo isuse anotherperson'sroomto film, the othertelliesinthe house don’thave abuilt-in
disctray the same as scriptedeithersoluckilytofix thatissue,Icanplugin a 3D Blu-rayDVDplayerI
own.Thingis there aswell,Ican’t move forwardwiththe title reveal editasitwouldn’twork.Iwill just
have to do whatI can to get that done duringpost-production.Myonlyconcernaboutdoingthat isif
the shot isn’tstraight,meaningwhenthe title getsaddedontopof that that wouldalso be a bitwobbly.
I couldalwayscut the scene shortedthoughactually,have the camerashow the discbeingplacedthen
transitionfromthe loadingscreenontothe title itself onPremierPro.Iquite like the soundof thatto be
fair,can evensee itplayinginmyhead.JustfingerscrossedIcan get what'sinmy headonto the editing
Double-confirminghere,Ican guarantee filmingwill begintomorrow.
11:30 Wednesday,20th
of April 2022
Before settingoff forfilming,Iwantedtogeta headstart by fittingthe printintothe slipcoverof aDVD
case.Focusingmore on the edgesfirst,plentyhadtocome off and evenwhenIthoughtitwasenough...
It wasn’t.
Gettingmore off now,it startedto become a painwithhow much I was havingtoremove.Beingina
rush forthe bus, belowisthe resultof whatI have beenleftwith.
As youwill be able tosee,the computedlooksasif to be inthe middle nomore withonlyhave of the
mouse left.Still abitbumpybuteventhoughitwill be oncamerafor literally2seconds,Idon’twantto
take off any more than whatalreadyhas been.
The back lookscleaner,andthe edge of the paperlinesupagainstthe text.Yesno one will be reading
that, butI don’twant to have to cut anyof it off.
As forthe middle,Iam startingto thinkIhad made that a bit toobit toowide andthat it wouldhave
gone betterif the blankspaceswasslimmeddownslightly.Eventhem,whatwassupposedtobe rightin
the centre,isn’t.More too far to the right,but that will be due tome cuttingmore off the frontpage
than the back. Too badI wouldn’thave beenable toremove anyof the middle withoutitlooking
Overall,itlookslike abootleggedDVD.BetterthannothingIsuppose.
FindingmyselfinSunderlandtownbyhalf twelve,Iwasgivenplentyof opportunitytocapture plentyof
useful footage.Fromjustgettingoff the bus,there wassomanyaroundme sat on theirmobile devices
whichwasexactlythe shotsI wasafter.
Notdoingso whenI couldhave,a fewshotshave beengainedmakingastart.
Havinga sillymoment,Ihadforgottenaboutthe fact youhave to manuallyadjustthe focus.Sowhenit
came to capturingwhatI was aimingat,I had believedsomethingwaswrongwiththe cameraitself with
it notfocusingonce I zoomedin.Luckily,thatwasn’tthe case.
18:00 Thursday, 22nd
ofApril 2022
Back in the house now,more filminghasbeendone.Stayingout,Ileftone house aroundelevento get
the bus home.Duringthatjourney,the camerabatteryhad diedjustasI was on gettingafew shots.
Good thingis,I leantouta batterypack charger so once I got home,Iwas able to charge it.
Givingittime to getfullycharged,soonenoughIwas back out.
Headingbackto the towninSunderland,afew bitsof footage hadbeencreatedduringthe travel there.
Thenonce in town,a lotof wonderinghadbeendone givingme alotmore shotsto playwith.Many
withsettingsfromthe busstationitself, afew shopsincludingHMV,CashConvertorsandGenerator,
McDonaldsand thenthe Metro train.And that hasme done fortoday.
More will be neededstill,sotomorrowIwill be headingtothe cinematofindif I couldgetthe
permissionIwouldneedtofilm withinthe building.Mainlywantingtogetpermissionasgoingtothe
cinemaswitha camerawouldlooka bitdodgy,forcopyrightand legal reasons.So,if Ican’t getit done,
it shouldn’tbe anissue atall.
14:53 Friday, 23rd
of April 2022
Wakingup thismorning,Iwasn’tfeelingmybestest.Showingsymptomsof acoldor an allergyeven,I
decidedratherthanheadingtothe cinemas,Idecidedtojustheadhome todayand gatherwhat I can
whilstIheadthere to take a COVIDtest.
A fewconcernscame to mindas I didn’thave enoughfootage,butIalsodidn’twanttorisk passingiton
if the resultcame back positive.Aswell,Iwouldbe behindoneditingasIcan onlydo that incollege.
I do nothave it.
So,anotherchance at filming,wasted.Istill didgetsome done thoughonthe wayhere sotoday hasn’t
beencompletelyempty.Justif onlythe travel wasn’ttoomuchI wouldheadback.
Tomorrow,SundayandMonday I have work,but I won'tletmy tiresome stopme fromgettingshots
09:51 Sunday, 24th
of April 2022
Well thishasbeena strange turn of events.All dayyesterdayIhadbeenina lotof pain,soit as
suggestedtome to do anothertest.Doingsoafterwork,the resultcame back positive.Now today,Idid
anotherone to confirmit,and nosecondline showedupagain.Iam unable todo anotherat thisgiven
time sowill continue asnormal andwill actuallygetfootage done consideringIdidn’tyesterday.
Rightnow,I am on figuringouthowto filmthe openingsequence asitisclear to me,I can’t doit inmy
ownroom. The onlyoptionsIhave are my sisters’room, whichbothof whomare still asleep.Asforthe
otherroom,my parents,butI doubtmam wouldappreciate me messingaboutinthere sowill waiton
the siblings'roomtoget that done.
As forthe cinemaidea,Iwill mostlikelygetthatdone afterworktodayas I finishearlierthanIwill
tomorrowpreventingme fromtravellingsolate basedonthe amountof time itnow takesme.Any
othershotswill be filmedonthe wayandback all todayand tomorrow.
09:25 Tuesday, 26th
of April 2022
I was aimingtoupdate thisearlierbuthadn’tgotround toit till now.
Both SundaynightandMonday, I have beengoingthroughthe filmingplansin myhead.Andnowthat
we’re backin college withatotal of three weekstogeteverythingdone,here iswhatIhave come up
I had decidednottocarry on filmingfromSundaydue toan issue withthe cameraI forgotto mention.
For some reason,the device wouldswitchitself off evenwithafull charge.Andwhenitcame to me
filming,Iwouldonlybe able torecorda few secondsof footage until itwouldautomaticallystop.Ihad
evenwatchedthe secondsaddupand noticedonce ithit15 secondsthatwasthe mostI couldcapture.
So whenitcame to filmingthe openingsequence,Iwouldneedmore time thanthatpershot due to a
longeractiontakingplace.Itwas doable forthe few secondshots,justanythingotherIwasn’table to
do.Followingthe same situation,Ihadalsodecidedtoholdonfilminginthe cinema.
As of the “filminginthe cinema”piece,Ihadan idea.Butthe more I thoughtaboutit,the lesslikelyit
seemedtobe.AlreadyIhadbeendebatingonthe use of interviewsasIstartedto believe itwouldn’tfit
inwell,butI mayas well getthemrecordedsotheyare there incase.Thenwiththe idea,I thought
maybe I couldrequesttointerviewanemployee atthe movie theatres.Askthemafew questions
relatingtoyoungpeople goingtothe movies.Just,withitbeingabusyplace half of the time,Ididn’t
thinkanyone wouldbe willingtostepaside totalkto the camerafor thisproject.
Final note,havingonlysomuchfootage at the minute,whenitcomestoaddingmore and knowingwhat
to film,itwouldbe easiertohave the audiotogether.Soonce that’srecorded,Iwill have abetteridea
of whatI shouldfilm.
I thinkthat’sall I neededtomentionoverthe weekend,buthere are myplansto getit all done:
Today beingTuesday,Iamgoingto take the opportunitytogetthe voice overworkrecorded,the script
isat handso won'tbe longnowtill it'sall on one file.Thenif Ihave time,the stitchingwillbeginbeing
put together.
At the endof the day,I will be lendingoutanothercameraandwill filmlittlebitsonmywayhome.
Tomorrow,notneedingtobe incollege,Iwill filmwhat’sgoingtobe the openingscene onthe morning
whilstmysistersare outfor school.That wayI can get whatI needdone withouttheminmyway.Then
by the afternoon,Iwill headbackoverto the college topickupa tripodwhichwill be usedwhilstIfilm
at the SunderlandEmpire.Thatof course,I getthe permissionneeded.
So thisWednesdayshouldbe myfinal dayforshooting.
Withtwo others, the interviewprocessisnow inthe works.
Usinga canon camerawitha tripod,we alsohave a microphone thatwill be usedtocapture whatis
said.So,afterthis,I will have twoof the interviewsdone.
Havinga slightissue atfirst,the someone had previouslybrokenthe adapteronthe micthatallowsitto
attach to the camera. Overcomingthis,maskingtape andglue tac had come to the rescue.
Movingon now,onlyone interviewhadgotdone as there wasn’tenoughtime tocomplete the second
one withso manyenteringthe roominterruptingus.Butone wasdone withsome verygoodanswers,
doable enoughforthe documentary.
At thismomentintime,Iam back inthe recordingstudioreadytomake a start on the voice-overpart.
09:11 Wednesday,27th
of April 2022
Back in college now,Iamhopingto getback inthe same recordingstudioasI wasyesterdayasI didn’t
have the time to finishwhatneededtogetdone.
Beinginthere until half four,Ionlyhad half anhour withthe setup as before thatI was being
interviewedforanother'sdocumentary.Igotas muchas I coulddone withmanyretakesforme to go
throughpreventinghavingtodeal withmessyaudio.Sosofar,I have the openingaudiowiththe startof
the firsttopicrecorded.
Gettinghere overtenminutesago,Iwas aimingtoget an earlystartbut unfortunatelythe personwho
helpssetthe equipmentupiscurrentlyunavailable.Justonwaitingnow tomake a start.
Withbeingintheirso late also,Ineverhad time tobookout one of the college cameras.Butonce I get
what’sneededdone today,Iwill be onthatto spendthe restof the nightfilming.
Unfortunately,Iwasunsuccessful withgettingintothe recordingstudiowithothersbeingbusywithitall
day.Anotherattemptwill be made tomorrow.
Thistime though,anothercamerahas beenbroughtoutto capture more footage.Mainlytocollectthe
shotsneededtocreate the openingscene.Gettinghome aroundhalf three,Ididn’thave enoughtimeto
use the settinginmindwiththe sistersgettinghere notlongafter.
In the morning,they,asusual,will be headingforthe quarterto eightbusat aroundhalf past. Once they
leave,Iwill seteverythingupandbeginfilming.
12:30 Thursday, 28th
of April 2022
As I saidyesterday,the openingsequencehasnow beenfilmedallowingme tofinallymove ontothe
post-productionstage of thisproject.
Before beginning,more hadbeenchoppedoff of the slipcoverasthe bumpinesshadbotheredme.
Then,to make itslightlymore real,inserts were placedinside the case takenfroma‘Grease’DVD.
Goingfor one of themas the otherhad the movie title onit,turnsoutthe otheron itsownwas toothin
and wouldfall out.Grabbingthe spare inserts,theyhadthenbeenplacedinside aswell but underneath
the paramountone so the camera wouldn’tcatchit.
Here is the setupbefore filming:
Andhere isthe same location,justchangedaroundforfilming.
All (butthe TV) seenonthe drawersinthe previousimage hadbeenremovedmakingroomfor a BLU-
RAY playertobe pluggedin.
Grabbinga fewrandomDVDS,theywere all ploppeddownthe side of those same drawerswiththe
mainprop placedontop makingiteasierforme to grab.
Filmingdidbeginbefore thischange,butIwasn’tthatfar along in anyways.FirstusinganemptyCD,I
thendecidedtofindaburnt DVD as once the disc wentintothe playernochange had beenmade tothe
TV.Onlya popup to say the discwas unreadable.Onthe huntfora differentdiscIcoulduse,a
bootlegged‘Frozen’dischadbeenfoundwiththe titlebarelysee-ablewhichwasgoodenoughtomove
on with.
Havingthe remainingCD,an ideacame to mindratherthan puttingitaway.UsuallywithDVDs,youget
people trade discswiththe playerandplace the unusedone aside ratherthanbackin itscase.So, to add
affect,thatis whatI wentfor.
18:04 Monday, 5th
of May 2022
Beinga busytime,Ihave beenunable tokeepthisdiaryupto date,evenwhenitshouldhave been
finishedwithwaybefore now,buthere isthe lastupdate Ihave to make:
Last Tuesday,Iwas finallyable tomake astart withgettingthe voice overrecorded.
Althoughanhour anda half seemedlike longenoughtogetthroughthe whole script,turnsoutit
wasn’t.Didn’thelpwiththe interruptions andhavingtorepeatmostof the lines,butIgot halfwaydone.
Filmingisnowcompletelyfinishedwithastart oneditingalreadymade.
Unable to gainaccess to the recordingstudiorunninguptothe deadline,Iamnow havingto use the
voice recorderonmy mobile device,soIam still able togetthe documentarydone.
A final bitof productionIhad wentthroughforthisprojectincludesrecordingthe soundsmade bya
Andthat is all I have gotto mentionIbelieve.

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Production diary.docx

  • 1. Production Diary: Culture of the Digital Age 09:10 Monday, 4th of April 2022 Havingall of the pre-workoutof the way now,thisisthe start of productionformy take on the project. Havingmany thingstodo, thatall includesgatheringacollectionof few secondclips,filmthe three interviewees,create aslipcoverfora propusingphotoshop,thenusingpremierproIwill use thatto put togethera quicklogothat will needtobe burntontoa disc goingwiththe same propas the slipcover. Basically,puttingtogetheraphysical copyof the documentarywhichwill be usedforthe opening.The lastobjective tomention,ishavingthe scriptrecorded. Right,so here ismylayoutplanso far: From todaybeingthe fourthof April,the deadlinehasbeensetremainingtobe the thirteenthof May. Givingme a total of six weeksfromthisFridaywithtwoof those weeksbeingthe Springhalf-term, meaningIam unable touse certainsoftware.So,the weekwe come backhas to be the start of post- production,thatismy goal. As of thisweek,todayIwill begingatheringthe small shotsIneed.Tomorrow,forthe firsthalf of the day I will be workingonthe slipcase withthe secondIwill spendthe lasttwohoursI have makinguse of the recordingstudio,gettingthe voice-overdone.Wednesday,more filmingwillgetdone andIwill geta discI can burn.Thursday,I will be awaymostof the dayfilmingforanotherproject,butIdo have one hour where Ican spenditon premierproputtingthe logotogether.Andhopefully,if Icanget itdone by Thursday,I can getthe introto the documentaryfilmed.Thataswell,aslongas the slipcoverhasbeen put together.ButThursdayismy lastchance forthat openingasthe way I have envisionedit,requires the cupboardI have inmy room,if I can’t getit done thenthenI will have torethinkthe openingdue to me movinghouse onthe upcomingFriday. As forthisFriday,the interview sectionwill be filmed.Followedbythe completionof anyleftover productionwork.Since Iwon'tbe able tobeginthe editingprocesstill the weekwe come back,Iwill requesttotake out one of the college cameraswithapodcastfor any additional filmingthatcanget done,givingme more footage toaccess. 09:10 Tuesday, 5th of April 2022 Withsomethingcomingupyesterday,Iwasunable tomake a start withfilming.Firstthings firsttoday though,a start on the slipcoverandtitle willbe made readyforfilmingthe openingsequence.Thenlater today,the script forthe voice overworkwill be recordedinthe studio. 10:53 Havingmade a start onthe design,the photoshoothasbeendone.Itdidtake a while tomake a start as I was aftera room witha clearwall and a computerona deskthatI couldpull out to getbehind.Taking
  • 2. aboutten minutesorso,we ran intoa lecturerwhohelpedusoutwithfindingaworkable space. Findingourselvesatthe bagof one of the art classrooms,there wasonlyone issue withthe setupwe couldfind,andthat was the backdrop.Inthe middle of the wall,there wasanoticeable sectionfullof socketsthat wouldhave ruinedthe scene Iwasgoingfor. To solve this,we were giventwosheetsof paperof the size A1 withpinstocover upthe wall.
  • 3. Whenit came to takingthe picturesnow,itdidtake tookup plentyof time fromusattemptingtoget the image right.Needingaclearone of the computeron itsown,the mainissue we keptrunninginto was catchingour reflectionsinthe screen.AlthoughIbelievedthiswassomethingIcoulddeal withand sort out overinphotoshop,we still aimedtogetthe blackscreenon itsown. Then,there wasstruggle gettingthe perfectportraitimage evenwiththe use of the tripod.Withthe helpof Jenny,she tookcontrol overtakingthe picture forthe frontal view andhad to getcreative with the set up.
  • 4.
  • 5. By creative,she hadto place the tripodonthe chairwithher whengoingfora highenoughframe. Thanksto thismethodthough,Igot what I wasafter inthe end.From there,itwasontothe back view. Pullingthe table out,Iwasable to getbehinditandfinishoff the photoshoot.Thistime,withJennyas the model.Again,itwasa bittough withthe wiresinthe wayand a short space to shoot,but we managedto pushthe computerslightlymore forwardandgotit done. 15:05 Takingup the opportunity,Ihave beenpresentedwiththe chance togetbothmy scriptaudiorecorder, as well asgettingone of the interviewsfilmed.Anotherplanthathadcome to mind,since formostof whatI needto getdone has to be done usingsoftware Ionlyhave accessto incollege,wastouse DaVinci Resolve forthe editingof the title.Since itisn’tsomethingIshouldfullyinvestin,itgetsthe scene outof the way quicker.Just,onlyissue thereisIam unsure if I couldburnthe product fromthere ontoa plaindisc.Mainlysince the device Iowndoesn’thave adisctray. I guessitall dependsonif I am able to transferthe clip. 16:14 Annoyingly,planshadtochange.The studiodidn’tworkas neededwithone micworkingwhilstthe otherdidn’tgivinganormal soundingaudioalongside averyquietone.Unable togetthissortedwith the mainlecturerawaywhoknewhowto work the studio,thishasledme to have to getthistask done Friday.
  • 6. Avoidingdoingnothingthough,Imade astart withthe openingtitlesequence usingDaVinci.Even though,I wasriskingwastingmytime. 18:43 Thursday, 7th of April 2022 Yesterday,Ihad notime to getanythingdone painfully.Buttoday,Imanagedto getthe prop work printedreadytofilmandam on updatingthisdiaryrightbefore Ibegin.Printingthe sheetouttwice, theyhad bothturnedoutwrong as well asunfinished,butIwill have tomake doas there isn’tenough time to getall done withmovingtomorrow.Imayaim to complete the printworkandrefilmwhen Ican, justthe scene will have toplayout differentlydue tousmovingtomorrow forcingme to have to relocate the shot. Anotherdowner,Ihaven’tbeenable tofinishthe openingtitle sequence eitherwiththe hoursbeing filledup.So,whenitcomesto gettingthatdone,I will have tosee whatI can getdone duringpost- production.Oragain,may as well getthe editcomplete anduse thatforthe reshootand see how that turns out.Onlythingis,that won'tgetdone till aroundthe 25th I believe whichiswhenthe post- productionstage ismeantto begin. 19:31 Havingall setup readyto film,thatall includedaCanoncamera, the SD card, an emptyCD followedby the photoshoppedslipcase andacase originallythere forabootlegcopyof the ‘Nightat the Museum’ sequel. Whenit came to switchingthe coversoutthough,turnsout the one I had designedwasasize toobigfor the case.
  • 7. Andthat’s afterI attemptedtrimmingitdown.Notwantingtolose asmuch as I wouldhave toget this filmed,Iamwillingtoreattemptthe coverdesigntomorrow andfilmthe sceneelsewhereasas mentioned,Iwon'thave the same access to filminthe same locationasplannedfromtomorrow. 13:59 Friday, 15th of April 2022 Right,I apologise forthe large gapas betweenthenandnow the dayshave beenverybusyforme.Bit have beencomplete whilstothershave beenleft,thatIwill gothroughnow... Fridaythe 8th : I had succeededincompletingthe slipcoverpropdesignbythe endof the college dayand had evensucceeded inprintingitoutcorrectly,alreadynow forfilming.Onlythingis,Ihaven’tbegun productionyetbutI still have justovera weekwhichIknow I will succeedingatheringplentyof footage once I am able to dedicate anupcomingdayor two to filming. One part of productionIwashopingto getdone that same Friday,washavingthe interviewsandscript all recordedreadyforreturningtocollege.ButwhenIhad requestedusingthe recordingstudio,they had beenbookedall dayforanothersetof studentsonanothercourse.Therefore,all thatwill have to be done firstthingwhenwe returnon Tuesdaythe 26th . Whenit came to the end of the day, I hadbookedouta CanonDSLR camera out witha chargerto go withitso I have it handyonce I do beginshootingwhichwill startedsoonenough. Andthat is all I have gotto update for now. 21:27 Tuesday, 19th of April 2022 Again,nofilminghasbeenstartedyetasthe past few dayshave continuedtobe a busytime.But all sortednowI believe,here tosaythattomorrow the camerawill 100% be broughtoutas I will begin
  • 8. filmingformydocumentary.Startingtomorrow,thatgivesme atotal of six daysto geteverythingdone. Andsince I am onlyafterquickshotsto include inthe documentary,Ishouldhave plentybythe time college comesaroundgivingme the accessneededtobeginpost-production. Aboutthe openingsequence,Iwasactuallyhopingtohave thatfilmedbutliterallybeingnine o-clock,I have onlyjustbeenable tositdownin myown bedroom.Icouldstill getitdone now,butthere isan issue withdoingso.Forthe scene,I wantnatural lightingfroma window.Butwithitbeinglate,that cannot happen...doesn’thelpthere isn’tevenawindow inthe locationasscriptedanymore.So,whatI will have todo isuse anotherperson'sroomto film, the othertelliesinthe house don’thave abuilt-in disctray the same as scriptedeithersoluckilytofix thatissue,Icanplugin a 3D Blu-rayDVDplayerI own.Thingis there aswell,Ican’t move forwardwiththe title reveal editasitwouldn’twork.Iwill just have to do whatI can to get that done duringpost-production.Myonlyconcernaboutdoingthat isif the shot isn’tstraight,meaningwhenthe title getsaddedontopof that that wouldalso be a bitwobbly. I couldalwayscut the scene shortedthoughactually,have the camerashow the discbeingplacedthen transitionfromthe loadingscreenontothe title itself onPremierPro.Iquite like the soundof thatto be fair,can evensee itplayinginmyhead.JustfingerscrossedIcan get what'sinmy headonto the editing software. Double-confirminghere,Ican guarantee filmingwill begintomorrow. 11:30 Wednesday,20th of April 2022 Before settingoff forfilming,Iwantedtogeta headstart by fittingthe printintothe slipcoverof aDVD case.Focusingmore on the edgesfirst,plentyhadtocome off and evenwhenIthoughtitwasenough... It wasn’t.
  • 9. Gettingmore off now,it startedto become a painwithhow much I was havingtoremove.Beingina rush forthe bus, belowisthe resultof whatI have beenleftwith. As youwill be able tosee,the computedlooksasif to be inthe middle nomore withonlyhave of the mouse left.Still abitbumpybuteventhoughitwill be oncamerafor literally2seconds,Idon’twantto take off any more than whatalreadyhas been.
  • 10. The back lookscleaner,andthe edge of the paperlinesupagainstthe text.Yesno one will be reading that, butI don’twant to have to cut anyof it off.
  • 11. As forthe middle,Iam startingto thinkIhad made that a bit toobit toowide andthat it wouldhave gone betterif the blankspaceswasslimmeddownslightly.Eventhem,whatwassupposedtobe rightin the centre,isn’t.More too far to the right,but that will be due tome cuttingmore off the frontpage than the back. Too badI wouldn’thave beenable toremove anyof the middle withoutitlooking dodgier. Overall,itlookslike abootleggedDVD.BetterthannothingIsuppose. 16:43 FindingmyselfinSunderlandtownbyhalf twelve,Iwasgivenplentyof opportunitytocapture plentyof useful footage.Fromjustgettingoff the bus,there wassomanyaroundme sat on theirmobile devices whichwasexactlythe shotsI wasafter. Notdoingso whenI couldhave,a fewshotshave beengainedmakingastart. Havinga sillymoment,Ihadforgottenaboutthe fact youhave to manuallyadjustthe focus.Sowhenit came to capturingwhatI was aimingat,I had believedsomethingwaswrongwiththe cameraitself with it notfocusingonce I zoomedin.Luckily,thatwasn’tthe case. 18:00 Thursday, 22nd ofApril 2022
  • 12. Back in the house now,more filminghasbeendone.Stayingout,Ileftone house aroundelevento get the bus home.Duringthatjourney,the camerabatteryhad diedjustasI was on gettingafew shots. Good thingis,I leantouta batterypack charger so once I got home,Iwas able to charge it. Givingittime to getfullycharged,soonenoughIwas back out. Headingbackto the towninSunderland,afew bitsof footage hadbeencreatedduringthe travel there. Thenonce in town,a lotof wonderinghadbeendone givingme alotmore shotsto playwith.Many withsettingsfromthe busstationitself, afew shopsincludingHMV,CashConvertorsandGenerator, McDonaldsand thenthe Metro train.And that hasme done fortoday. More will be neededstill,sotomorrowIwill be headingtothe cinematofindif I couldgetthe permissionIwouldneedtofilm withinthe building.Mainlywantingtogetpermissionasgoingtothe cinemaswitha camerawouldlooka bitdodgy,forcopyrightand legal reasons.So,if Ican’t getit done, it shouldn’tbe anissue atall. 14:53 Friday, 23rd of April 2022 Wakingup thismorning,Iwasn’tfeelingmybestest.Showingsymptomsof acoldor an allergyeven,I decidedratherthanheadingtothe cinemas,Idecidedtojustheadhome todayand gatherwhat I can whilstIheadthere to take a COVIDtest. A fewconcernscame to mindas I didn’thave enoughfootage,butIalsodidn’twanttorisk passingiton if the resultcame back positive.Aswell,Iwouldbe behindoneditingasIcan onlydo that incollege. Thankfullythough... I do nothave it. So,anotherchance at filming,wasted.Istill didgetsome done thoughonthe wayhere sotoday hasn’t beencompletelyempty.Justif onlythe travel wasn’ttoomuchI wouldheadback.
  • 13. Tomorrow,SundayandMonday I have work,but I won'tletmy tiresome stopme fromgettingshots done. 09:51 Sunday, 24th of April 2022 Well thishasbeena strange turn of events.All dayyesterdayIhadbeenina lotof pain,soit as suggestedtome to do anothertest.Doingsoafterwork,the resultcame back positive.Now today,Idid anotherone to confirmit,and nosecondline showedupagain.Iam unable todo anotherat thisgiven time sowill continue asnormal andwill actuallygetfootage done consideringIdidn’tyesterday. Rightnow,I am on figuringouthowto filmthe openingsequence asitisclear to me,I can’t doit inmy ownroom. The onlyoptionsIhave are my sisters’room, whichbothof whomare still asleep.Asforthe otherroom,my parents,butI doubtmam wouldappreciate me messingaboutinthere sowill waiton the siblings'roomtoget that done. As forthe cinemaidea,Iwill mostlikelygetthatdone afterworktodayas I finishearlierthanIwill tomorrowpreventingme fromtravellingsolate basedonthe amountof time itnow takesme.Any othershotswill be filmedonthe wayandback all todayand tomorrow. 09:25 Tuesday, 26th of April 2022 I was aimingtoupdate thisearlierbuthadn’tgotround toit till now. Both SundaynightandMonday, I have beengoingthroughthe filmingplansin myhead.Andnowthat we’re backin college withatotal of three weekstogeteverythingdone,here iswhatIhave come up with: I had decidednottocarry on filmingfromSundaydue toan issue withthe cameraI forgotto mention. For some reason,the device wouldswitchitself off evenwithafull charge.Andwhenitcame to me filming,Iwouldonlybe able torecorda few secondsof footage until itwouldautomaticallystop.Ihad evenwatchedthe secondsaddupand noticedonce ithit15 secondsthatwasthe mostI couldcapture. So whenitcame to filmingthe openingsequence,Iwouldneedmore time thanthatpershot due to a longeractiontakingplace.Itwas doable forthe few secondshots,justanythingotherIwasn’table to do.Followingthe same situation,Ihadalsodecidedtoholdonfilminginthe cinema. As of the “filminginthe cinema”piece,Ihadan idea.Butthe more I thoughtaboutit,the lesslikelyit seemedtobe.AlreadyIhadbeendebatingonthe use of interviewsasIstartedto believe itwouldn’tfit inwell,butI mayas well getthemrecordedsotheyare there incase.Thenwiththe idea,I thought maybe I couldrequesttointerviewanemployee atthe movie theatres.Askthemafew questions relatingtoyoungpeople goingtothe movies.Just,withitbeingabusyplace half of the time,Ididn’t thinkanyone wouldbe willingtostepaside totalkto the camerafor thisproject. Final note,havingonlysomuchfootage at the minute,whenitcomestoaddingmore and knowingwhat to film,itwouldbe easiertohave the audiotogether.Soonce that’srecorded,Iwill have abetteridea of whatI shouldfilm. I thinkthat’sall I neededtomentionoverthe weekend,buthere are myplansto getit all done:
  • 14. Today beingTuesday,Iamgoingto take the opportunitytogetthe voice overworkrecorded,the script isat handso won'tbe longnowtill it'sall on one file.Thenif Ihave time,the stitchingwillbeginbeing put together. At the endof the day,I will be lendingoutanothercameraandwill filmlittlebitsonmywayhome. Tomorrow,notneedingtobe incollege,Iwill filmwhat’sgoingtobe the openingscene onthe morning whilstmysistersare outfor school.That wayI can get whatI needdone withouttheminmyway.Then by the afternoon,Iwill headbackoverto the college topickupa tripodwhichwill be usedwhilstIfilm at the SunderlandEmpire.Thatof course,I getthe permissionneeded. So thisWednesdayshouldbe myfinal dayforshooting. 11:59 Withtwo others, the interviewprocessisnow inthe works. Usinga canon camerawitha tripod,we alsohave a microphone thatwill be usedtocapture whatis said.So,afterthis,I will have twoof the interviewsdone. Havinga slightissue atfirst,the someone had previouslybrokenthe adapteronthe micthatallowsitto attach to the camera. Overcomingthis,maskingtape andglue tac had come to the rescue.
  • 15. 14:52 Movingon now,onlyone interviewhadgotdone as there wasn’tenoughtime tocomplete the second one withso manyenteringthe roominterruptingus.Butone wasdone withsome verygoodanswers, doable enoughforthe documentary. At thismomentintime,Iam back inthe recordingstudioreadytomake a start on the voice-overpart. 09:11 Wednesday,27th of April 2022 Back in college now,Iamhopingto getback inthe same recordingstudioasI wasyesterdayasI didn’t have the time to finishwhatneededtogetdone. Beinginthere until half four,Ionlyhad half anhour withthe setup as before thatI was being interviewedforanother'sdocumentary.Igotas muchas I coulddone withmanyretakesforme to go throughpreventinghavingtodeal withmessyaudio.Sosofar,I have the openingaudiowiththe startof the firsttopicrecorded. Gettinghere overtenminutesago,Iwas aimingtoget an earlystartbut unfortunatelythe personwho helpssetthe equipmentupiscurrentlyunavailable.Justonwaitingnow tomake a start. Withbeingintheirso late also,Ineverhad time tobookout one of the college cameras.Butonce I get what’sneededdone today,Iwill be onthatto spendthe restof the nightfilming. 16:21 Unfortunately,Iwasunsuccessful withgettingintothe recordingstudiowithothersbeingbusywithitall day.Anotherattemptwill be made tomorrow. Thistime though,anothercamerahas beenbroughtoutto capture more footage.Mainlytocollectthe shotsneededtocreate the openingscene.Gettinghome aroundhalf three,Ididn’thave enoughtimeto use the settinginmindwiththe sistersgettinghere notlongafter.
  • 16. In the morning,they,asusual,will be headingforthe quarterto eightbusat aroundhalf past. Once they leave,Iwill seteverythingupandbeginfilming. 12:30 Thursday, 28th of April 2022 As I saidyesterday,the openingsequencehasnow beenfilmedallowingme tofinallymove ontothe post-productionstage of thisproject. Before beginning,more hadbeenchoppedoff of the slipcoverasthe bumpinesshadbotheredme. Then,to make itslightlymore real,inserts were placedinside the case takenfroma‘Grease’DVD.
  • 17. Goingfor one of themas the otherhad the movie title onit,turnsoutthe otheron itsownwas toothin and wouldfall out.Grabbingthe spare inserts,theyhadthenbeenplacedinside aswell but underneath the paramountone so the camera wouldn’tcatchit. Here is the setupbefore filming: Andhere isthe same location,justchangedaroundforfilming.
  • 18. All (butthe TV) seenonthe drawersinthe previousimage hadbeenremovedmakingroomfor a BLU- RAY playertobe pluggedin. Grabbinga fewrandomDVDS,theywere all ploppeddownthe side of those same drawerswiththe mainprop placedontop makingiteasierforme to grab. Filmingdidbeginbefore thischange,butIwasn’tthatfar along in anyways.FirstusinganemptyCD,I thendecidedtofindaburnt DVD as once the disc wentintothe playernochange had beenmade tothe TV.Onlya popup to say the discwas unreadable.Onthe huntfora differentdiscIcoulduse,a bootlegged‘Frozen’dischadbeenfoundwiththe titlebarelysee-ablewhichwasgoodenoughtomove on with.
  • 19. Havingthe remainingCD,an ideacame to mindratherthan puttingitaway.UsuallywithDVDs,youget people trade discswiththe playerandplace the unusedone aside ratherthanbackin itscase.So, to add affect,thatis whatI wentfor. 18:04 Monday, 5th of May 2022 Beinga busytime,Ihave beenunable tokeepthisdiaryupto date,evenwhenitshouldhave been finishedwithwaybefore now,buthere isthe lastupdate Ihave to make: Last Tuesday,Iwas finallyable tomake astart withgettingthe voice overrecorded. Althoughanhour anda half seemedlike longenoughtogetthroughthe whole script,turnsoutit wasn’t.Didn’thelpwiththe interruptions andhavingtorepeatmostof the lines,butIgot halfwaydone. Filmingisnowcompletelyfinishedwithastart oneditingalreadymade.
  • 20. Unable to gainaccess to the recordingstudiorunninguptothe deadline,Iamnow havingto use the voice recorderonmy mobile device,soIam still able togetthe documentarydone. A final bitof productionIhad wentthroughforthisprojectincludesrecordingthe soundsmade bya PSP. Andthat is all I have gotto mentionIbelieve.