games gamelet apple game energy efficiency procedural content generation energy oled bhojan mobile anand cloud computing ai power human visual system vr samsung stream streaming gamelets anuflora international pcg artificial intelligence multimedia ios phone game map generation visual system hvs mobile cloud computing mcc xr mr ar art augmented reality virtual reality healthcare cloudlet edge computing 5g power saving oleds oled display file streaming unreal engine mobile cloud game cloud game super streamer genetic algorithm ga ann artificial neural network behaviour control dda dynamic difficulty adjustment particle swarm optimization pso game balancing tital teaching tool annotations sntboard web media html5 showntell collaborative editing whiteboard show tell show and tell audio annotations collaborative drawing show n' tell web sockets tutorial recording collaboration web audio video recording wifi pairing-free authentication-free short message messaging bluetooth mobile communication proximity android message transfer automatic proximity- based sms design mumble wi-fi direct battery pcc organic light-emitting diode human cloud surgery engineerinsg medicine simulation smarglass microsoft htc google facebook oculus metaverse mm machine learning image processing big data mixed reality analytics music web and facebook smartphones security and shipping oil and gas hospitality tourism training education manufacturing video streaming model cloudhide acmmm acm multimedia interaction latency remote rendering latency hiding cloud gaming asynchronous multiplayer mobile game human imitating bots arena bots mobile ai trends robots computer vision visual perception based localisation pvs graphics andriod potentially visible set vpl 3d 4g lte 3g next generation cloud game el-pincel amoled adaptive display power web design elpincel vision computing
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