امير حمدي العميدي امير العميدي الأستاذ المساعد الدكتور امير حمدي العميدي دكتوراه جامعة بابل كلية طب الاسنان university of babylon dental collage babylon dental collage esthetic dentistry composite anterior restorative materials creating perfect direct composite restorations has dentistry ameer h.al-ameedee cosmetic dentistry courses direct aesthetic adhesive restorations principles of occlusion occlusion golden proportions. shade estimation occlusal plane and value anterior guidance chroma hue facial composition principles of aesthetic dentistry closed sandwich technique aesthetic restorative dentistry sterilization and infection control in dentistry non-carious cervical lesions (nccl) lect.1 esthetic-4th stage -2019 non-carious cervical lesions (nccl) tooth color restorations - part 2(composite) تشريح الاسنان الامامية # 10 permanent maxillary lateral incisors http://dentistry.uobabylon.edu.iq/lecture.aspx?fid bleaching aget tooth bleaching bleach bleaching and its relevance to esthetic dentistry المرحلة الثالثة طب الاسنان resion tooth color restoration permanent maxillary lateral incisor resin modified. dsd -digital smile desgin. a certain complexity and lack of predictability in and possibly color stability. next to technologica http://www.elearn.uobabylon.edu.iq http://staff.uo biological consideration of the enamel and dentine clinical significant in practice of operative dent
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