#consumer behavior interviews observation admissible believable complete reliable authentic fives rules of evidence writing authority accuracy status quo use of emotional appeals use of reasoning examples use of evidence impact on audience persuasive message of policy persuasive message of value persuasive message of fact business communication four zones number of species by class total in the world microorganisms specie hydrosphere exosphere biosphere decomposers consumers producers atmosphere social constituents biological constituents physical constituents troposphere lithosphere thermosphere mesosphere components environment marketing analysis financial assistance sources of capital for ventur venture development critical factors angel investors angel financing new ventures startups pitfalls in selecting new vens the evaluation process why new venture fail challenges of new venture the venture capital market informal risk capital sources of equity sources of debt debt vs equity for entrepreneurial ventures sources of capital nature of business vision mission competitive advantage the rise of modern corner stor challenges swot analysis marketing strategy competition financial projection location and target market inventory and pricing introduction convenience store market analysis surbanes oxley act credit default swap components of interest rate cash flow interest rate financial system presentation characteristics detail types oral communication skills communication #straight rebuy #stages #sellers #buyers #buying situation #organizational buying #buying behavior #product features #types of innovation #adoption #innovation #diffusion #processing of mrp & erp #bill of material #master schedule #completedetail #graphs #operationmanager #detailwisetopic #erp #mrp #operationmanagement
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