regulation 1223/2009 cosmetics cosmetics responsible person ce.way cpnp product information file cosmetics notification pif cosmetics legislation eu eu cosmetics legislation nanomaterials cosmetics labeling gmp directive 76/768/eec good manufacturing practice cosmetic product safety report cosmetic product claims cosmetics definition product classification eu cosmetics flammable eu responsible person extremely flammable aerosol containers labeling directive 2008/47/ec directive 94/1/ec directive 75/324/eec labelling aerosol labeling reproductive toxicity toxicocinetics carcinogenicity skin sensitisation repeate dose toxicity animal testing ban cosmetics animal testing animal welfare animal testing cosmetic gmp cosmetic good manufacturing practice iso 22716 sunscreen products cosmetics claims substantiation regulation 655/2013 eu cosmetics notification cosmetics registration sccs cosmetic claims expiration date cosmetics packaging cosmetic ingredients nominal quantity precautions for use date of minimum durability ci batch number inci period after opening cosmetics safety information safety assessor proof of the effect claimed cosmetics safety assessment cosmetic legislation eu cosmetic labeling cosmetics notification eu responsible person eu cosmetic products borderline products regulation cosmetic definition
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