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ESL course 
ESL overview: 
English as a second language is the use or study of English by speakers with different native languages. English is a language which has great reach and influence; it is taught all over the world under many different circumstances. English is considered to be one of the most important languages for a variety of reasons. Most international businesses and schooling are conducted in English. Therefore, the number of English learners has significantly increased throughout the years. 
Course description: 
CIP’s premium and intensive course are characterized by a customized level of education from basic to advanced where speaking, pronunciation, vocabulary, writing, reading and grammar are all covered. Learners involved in this program can choose among 3 curriculum options and be able to select and change instructors on their own. This course is classed into 6 formats Premium, start learner and Intensive A-D, depending on the number of one-on-one native speakers, and learners can pick any of them. Learners will participate in 9 hours regular and optional classes every day. 
Format Classes Premium Native 1:1 (4H) + Native small group (2H) + Optional classes with native (2H) + Sunday optional class 
Intensive A 
Native 1:1 (2H) + Non-native 1:1 (3H) + Native small group (2H) + Optional classes with native (2H) + Sunday optional class Intensive B Native 1:1 (2H) + Non-native 1:1 (1H) + Native small group (2H) + Optional classes with native (2H) + Sunday optional class 
Intensive C 
Native 1:1 (1H) + Non-native 1:1 (3H) + Native small group (2H) + Optional classes with native (2H) + Sunday optional class Intensive D Native 1:1 (1H) + Non-native 1:1 (1H) + Native small group (2H) + Optional classes with native (2H) + Sunday optional class 
Start learner 
Non-native 1:1 (5H) + Native small group (2H) + Optional classes with native (2H) + Sunday optional class 
-1H is 45 minutes 
Type of class Subjects 1:1 Class Speaking (Pronunciation), Listening, Writing, Grammar, Reading, Vocabulary 
Group class 
This is America, This is Canada, Group discussion, Let’s start English 1/2, Speaking and Expressions, Phrasal Verbs, Conversation/Vocabulary/Articulation, Culture and Leisure, Speaking and Listening, Speaking and Expression, Focus on Pronunciation, Historical Events, Pronunciation and speaking, English for Business Option class Pronunciation, Fluency Phrases, This is America, This is Canada
-9 Curriculum options: 
1. English for the world traveler 
2. English for the highschool/college/university student 
3. English for the beginner 
4. English for the hotel and catering industry 
5. English for Job hunting 
6. English for customer care 
7. English for aviation 
8. English for cabin crew 
9. English for travel and tourism industry 
Course requirements: 
- There is no level requirement for this course. 
- Students are expected to come and participate in class so that they may reach the objectives for successful completion of the course. They must maintain a total attendance of 80% or higher. 
- Students are required to take the scheduled weekly simulation exams and monthly progress test, and submit all their homework. 
Course objectives: 
This course gives students the opportunity to practice and enhance all language competencies- reading, writing, speaking, grammar and vocabulary. Course objectives are categorized according to skills, and upon successful completion of the course, learners will be able to: 
Listening and Speaking: 
- Give formal class presentations (10 minutes long) 
- Listen actively to a variety of authentic lectures, radio programs, presentations and conversations for main ideas, details and inferences. 
- Participate in formal and informal conversations and group discussions using conversation management techniques to share ideas, solve problems and make decisions. 
- Show development of appropriate pronunciation, intonation, word and sentence stress. 
- Show that their grammar errors rarely impede communication with most English speakers. 
- Understand and use colloquial and formal language appropriately. 
- Understand and use a range of idioms and some technical and academic vocabulary. 
Writing and Grammar: - Use various techniques to pre-write, outline, peer-edit, revises, and self-edit. - Recognize essay elements (attention-getter, thesis statement, topic sentences, supporting details, summary, and memorable statement) and incorporate these elements into their essays. - Give support with specific evidence. - Organize and connect evidence with appropriate transition techniques. - Write various types of essays: cause and effect, comparison and contrast, definition, division and classification, narration, argumentation/persuasion, and research. - Express their ideas effectively by using and putting into practice appropriate grammatical structures. - Use correct punctuation. Reading and Vocabulary: - Find the meaning of vocabulary using context clues and decoding strategies. - Understand a wider range of content words, technical language, and idiomatic expressions. - Find main ideas and supporting details. - Discover implied meanings, make inferences and analogies. - Discover relationships between ideas by attention to transition words and phrases in a text.
- Understand author’s purpose and tone. - Distinguish between facts and opinions. 
CIP’s teaching Philosophy: 
CIP produces students who are confident and prepared for a competitive world by aiding them in becoming proficient in English. CIP teachers: 
1. Give knowledge and facilitate understanding- CIP teachers reinforce previous knowledge and use both old and new knowledge to build a greater understanding of more complex topics. 
2. Help and challenge- CIP teachers challenge their students to produce quality work in class and other activities. This can be done if they are also helped to develop the skills necessary to make that possible. 
3. Respect and support students- ESL teaching involves consideration of the culture and uniqueness of each student. Each student has their own learning style, speed of progress, beliefs on how to learn and personality, therefore each class in CIP is personalized by the teacher accordingly. 
Recommended study duration: 
4 weeks- 24 weeks. In CIP, students are recommended to attend the IELTS, TOEIC or Business course once they reach pre-intermediate or pre-intermediate advanced level. 
Instructional methods and duration of level development: 
One of the biggest concerns for CIP students is how to learn English. Students often ask what the correct techniques and methods are to master this universal language. CIP believes that students are on the right path, and have discovered the best techniques which CIP teachers employ for each student. Below is a list of methods for each area based on the CIP level chart for students. The time frame for each level often depends on the study habits and learning pace of the student. 
Level Duration of level development Instructional approach Level 100 – PRE-BEGINNER The lowest level of ESL students, with no vocabulary 2 weeks - Use of pictures to introduce vocabulary to teach “concrete” ideas i.e. ball, watch, man, car, etc. - Emphasis on repetition of basic words - Introduction of basic elementary vocabulary (GRADE 1) - Writing exercises, repetitive word patterns - Slow and relaxed speaking exercises 
Level 101 – BEGINNER 
Elementary level of ESL students, with basic words and a few common phrases 
2-3 weeks 
- Introduction and strong emphasis to basic reading and vocabulary (GRADE 1 elementary) 
- Basis phrases and common words are reviewed daily 
- Introduction to listening exercises with repetition to strengthen understanding 
- Repetition of common phrases and expressions 
- Focus on reading exercises to reinforce pronunciation Level 101A – BEGINNER ADVANCED 2-3 weeks - Continued focus on learning basic vocabulary (GRADE 1-2 elementary)
Just above the 101 level, but shows improvement in speech and vocabulary. - Emphasis on intonation and pronunciation using relaxed and slow speech - Repetitive writing exercises given to student for memorization of words and ideas - Focus on reading for comprehension - Introduction to basic speaking and conversation using learning elementary words and expressions 
Level 201 – ELEMENTARY 
The student is more comfortable with common phrases and expressions. 
2-3 weeks 
- Introduction to basic grammar learning about nouns, verbs, and adjectives. 
- Focus on basic conversation, and understanding general topics for discussion 
- Writing is a primary focus to assist with creation of ideas and details of thoughts 
- Reading exercises often given for homework in order to prepare student’s mind for subsequent lessons 
- Reinforcement on pronunciation and intonation to improve listener understanding of the student. Level 201A – ELEMENTARY ADVANCED The student is able to understand basic conversation, and shows a competency level slightly greater than the 201 level students. 2-3 weeks - Continued review on basic grammar, while being introduced to more complex structured sentences - Emphasis on speaking with detail or “concrete speaking” - Supported explanations of English culture to students to learn the effective ways of communication with native speakers - Abstract vocabulary (common adjectives and idiomatic expressions) are an essential part of the 201A level (GRADE 3-4 LEVEL) - Reading exercises to support understand basic ideas, and to further build upon student’s thoughts in English 
Student has the ability to have basic conversations with natives using basic common expressions and words; knows how to respond quickly with some confidence. 
3-4 weeks 
- Advanced grammar is the key to this level to help beautify the communication of the student 
- Pronunciation and intonation are developed through repetition of word exercises and readings 
- Class lessons are now geared toward discussions on various topics rather than only introduction of vocabulary 
- Strong emphasis on providing details to stories, using synonyms and antonyms 
- Concentrated effort on vocabulary to
enhance attractiveness of communication Level 301A – PRE- INTERMEDIATE-ADVANCED Speaking level has improved from the basic and elementary levels; student is familiar and comfortable with basic expressions and can demonstrate limited self- opinions with some detail. 3-4 weeks - Introduction to speaking on different life topics is a priority to this level - Students learn the value of ‘connectors’ while speaking i.e. on the other hand, at the same time, in other words - Writing exercises are emphasized to develop creative thinking and speaking skills - Advanced grammar is a continued part of focus to develop commonly spoken communication - Reinforcement of speaking with deeper explanations of idiomatic expressions and vocabulary (GRADE 4-5) - Discussions on English culture in English speaking countries are essential improve communication with native speakers. 
Student now has a basic understanding of conversation; can easily deal with native English speakers at a basic level, and can communicate self- opinions and personal experiences. 
4 weeks 
- Main focus is creative thinking and abstract conversations 
- Readings are based on advanced topics i.e. news articles, academic books, web articles 
- Vocabulary (GRADE 6) and idiomatic expressions are a strong focus for this level 
- Examinations of listening files and/or short videos to learn how words and expressions are used in various situations 
- Encouragement to give full detail to stories, opinion, and experiences when communicating 
- Public speaking is introduced to the student for confidence building Level 401A – INTERMEDIATE- ADVANCED Student shows the ability to communicate at a relaxed level, and commits less grammar mistakes when speaking on general topics of interest. 4 weeks - Abstract thinking is the focus of this level - Emphasis on learning to connect simple ideas to complex details - Business terminology and idioms in general business are introduced - Slight reminders and review of grammar if mistakes are made orally or in writing - Conversations based more on current news and events - Emphasis on student presentations to reinforce confidence while speaking with few or many people 
Student can communicate at an advanced level, and can utilize higher level vocabularies with 
5-8 weeks 
- Discussions about general business are a common theme in lessons 
- Idiomatic professional expressions are explained in more detail 
- Logic and systematic processes are part of
minimal grammar mistakes. 
student presentations 
- Student research on advanced topics are assignments given to students 
- General topics unfamiliar to students are introduced to learn advanced communication. Level 501A – UPPER- INTERMEDIATE-ADVANCED Student has the ability to communicate, as well as, motivate others while speaking in a wide range of topics. 5-8 weeks - Learning how to respond to native responses in an appropriate manner on profound topics - Introduction to understanding facial expressions and the ability to “read between the lines” - Pronunciation and intonation techniques to enhance significance and meanings of speaker’s messages - Relating to various English speakers, native and non-native, alike - Academic writing a main focus for this level 
Level 601 – ADVANCED 
Student speaks with almost complete fluency during professional occasions, academic and social gatherings. 
5-8 weeks 
- Facial expressions and assumptions in various occasions are reviewed and discussed 
- Introduction to paraphrase lengthy experiences into simple words 
- Technical English in a wide of topics are discussed along with specific words related to individual areas Level 701 – SENIOR Fluency is achieved. Communication is precise, and the student’s communication comparable to a native. 5-8 weeks - Specified areas of English for future goals of the student to work in a targeted area is discussed - Further discussions on unique and specific topics are practiced - Listening and conversation is the main focus of this student
Text and additional resources/materials: Text Listening Reading Writing Speaking Vocabulary Grammar Listening Comprehension  
Talk, Talk, Talk 
Speaking Listening Expression    
Person to person 
 Side by side       
Introduction to Academic writing 
 First steps in academic writing    
Fundamentals of academic writing 
 American headway       
Grammar in Use 
 Oxford Grammar  
Reading issues 
 People places and things 
Impact issues 
Active Skills for reading     
Vocabulary in use 
•Level 201 
4 weeks 
•Level 301 
8 weeks 
•Level 401 
12 weeks
Course outline according to duration and option: 
1-4 weeks 5-8 weeks 9-12 weeks Option 1- English for the World traveler - Learn about common expressions when traveling - Learn about important traveling vocabulary - Understand basic English culture “on the road” - Practice easy conversation while traveling - Deeper understanding of commonly used expressions - Opportunities to rehearse learned idioms and expressions - Basic idiomatic expressions - Drills on role playing/real-life situations - English immersion. Students have the opportunity to practice daily communication - Deeper understanding of English culture, and how to relate and communicate with native English speakers 
Option 2- English for the High School/College Student 
- Emphasis on Grammar structure 
- Studies focused on academic vocabulary 
- Learn creative thinking and writing 
- Understanding basic English culture in different English-Speaking countries 
- Academic writing and advanced understanding of reading passages 
- Studies focused on academic vocabulary 
- Emphasis on academic listening to enhance understanding 
- Learn creative thinking and writing 
- Understanding English culture in different English- Speaking countries 
- Concentration on English pronunciation and intonation to effectively communicate 
- Emphasis on understanding advanced abstract and concrete topics 
- Advanced speaking topics on various topics related to business, technology, people, issues, world news Option 3- English for the beginner - Learn basic vocabulary (Grade 1 and 2 elementary vocabulary) - Practice easy basic phrases and conversation - Emphasis on pronunciation and listening skills - Reading exercises to develop vocabulary - Learn basic- intermediate vocabulary (Grade 3-4 elementary vocabulary) - Practice easy basic phrases and conversation - Speaking emphasis to improve communication - In-depth discussions on grammar and structure of spoken and written - Reading exercises to develop vocabulary - Detailed discussions on various ways to utilize vocabulary in diverse situations - Speaking emphasis to improve communication - Repetitive listening practice sessions to
English - Emphasis on pronunciation and listening skills develop understanding - Intermediate- advanced level idiomatic expressions - Understanding English culture in different English- Speaking countries 
Option 4- English for the Hotel and catering industry 
- Learn the common International Organization Abbreviation. 
- Learn how to write Holiday Brochures, Documentation and common paperworks. 
- Know the types of Accommodation and Tariffs 
- Airline, Airport, Hotel Terminology 
- Knowing Basic Food 
- Difference in Vocabulary Between American and British 
- Knowing Currencies 
- Familiarize with common Job 
- Learn how to handle Phone calls from taking to making reservation 
- Common tips in customer service such as how to apologies and how to give polite request and response 
- How to deal with customer complaints 
- Review in Grammar based on Hotel and restaurant environment 
- Talking about working environment 
- Idioms that are being used in Hotels and Restaurants 
- Knowing different nationalities 
- How to explain and making instruction especially in directions 
- Taking orders over the phone 
- How to handle complaints 
- Common two word expression in the industry 
- Types of Holidays and Tourism 
- How to pay bills 
- Payment Queries 
- Review in Taking calls and dealing with complains 
- How to apply and to ace an interview Option 5- English for Job Hunting - Learning word formation, to create complex structure. Also, vocabulary about work and study these includes individuals and position at work. - Learning how to do research in job that a - Vocabulary about leisure and lifestyle, travel and environment. - Create effective cover letter - How to ace an interview - Learning vocabulary about societies and institutions. - Learning media, health and technology jargons - Functional
candidate wants to apply and the preparation needed. - Writing resumes and CVs Vocabulary - Advanced interview Techniques and the ability to do follow ups 
Option 6- English for Customer Care 
- Introduction in Customer care, what are the importance of Customer care, how to handle customer over the phone and face to face. 
- How to handle customer over the phone, and best practices in call centers. 
- Delivering customer care through writing and how to deal with complains and challenges 
- Further knowledge in handling phone calls, handling orders and enquiries. 
- Knowing how to book and make arrangement through phone and email, changing plans and schedules. 
- Handling complaints and problems and practice doing mock calls. Option 7- English for Aviation - Introduction to Air Communication, procedure in Pre-Flight. - Knowledge in Ground Movements, Departure and Cruising protocols - En Route Events, Contacts and Approach and Landing procedure. - Knowledge about asking information, and describing actions and positions. - Navigation and Topographical features - Taking about safety, security measures and medical emergencies - Studying words about Weather, Verbs and movements, Prefixes, types of damage. - Working with conflicts and restraint 
Option 8- English for Cabin Crew 
- Learn how to verify some information to the customer, how to request politely. 
- Work on presentation skills 
- Know formal and informal language 
- Learn comfort expression 
- How to give options to passengers 
- Handling transaction 
- Identify problems and resolving them 
- Different in Empathy and sympathy 
- Learn how to do reporting, expressing obligations and making recommendation. 
- Describing things from Jobs to Luggages Option 9- English for travel and tourism Industry - produce a range of simple language which is sufficiently accurate and clear to be understood by a listener - demonstrate an understanding of the different types of travelers and tourists, - Use the specialized language of the travel and tourism industry - Understand simple information and/or instructions related to the tourism industry and act upon these or respond appropriately when required - contribute to and - Ability to understand international travel and tourism discipline - Ability in excellent written, oral communication
the ways in which they travel and the types of accommodation available to them - Demonstrate an understanding of the working roles of people in the hotel, catering, airline, ground transport and tourism industries. interact effectively in a variety of simulated practical tourism related tasks skills and clear expression in more than one language - Ability of team work and worldview and adaption of different culture 
Sample Timetable-(Intensive A): Time Subject Class type 8:00-8:45 am TOEIC Vocabulary Optional group class 
8:50- 9:35 am 
Speaking and pronunciation 
Native 1:1 10:30-11:15 am Reading Filipino 1:1 
11:20-12:05 pm 
Speaking and vocabulary 
Group 12:05 -12:50 pm Lunch 
12:55-1:40 pm 1:45-2:30 pm Vacant 
2:35- 3:20 pm 
Reading and speaking 
Group 3:25- 4:10 pm Grammar and vocabulary Filipino 1:1 
4:15-5:00 pm 
Filipino 1:1 5:05-5:50 pm Listening Native 1:1 
6:30-7:15 pm 
IELTS Vocabulary 
Optional group class 
Pre- intermediate level 
3.5- 4 band score

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CIP - ESL courses information

  • 1. ESL course ESL overview: English as a second language is the use or study of English by speakers with different native languages. English is a language which has great reach and influence; it is taught all over the world under many different circumstances. English is considered to be one of the most important languages for a variety of reasons. Most international businesses and schooling are conducted in English. Therefore, the number of English learners has significantly increased throughout the years. Course description: CIP’s premium and intensive course are characterized by a customized level of education from basic to advanced where speaking, pronunciation, vocabulary, writing, reading and grammar are all covered. Learners involved in this program can choose among 3 curriculum options and be able to select and change instructors on their own. This course is classed into 6 formats Premium, start learner and Intensive A-D, depending on the number of one-on-one native speakers, and learners can pick any of them. Learners will participate in 9 hours regular and optional classes every day. Format Classes Premium Native 1:1 (4H) + Native small group (2H) + Optional classes with native (2H) + Sunday optional class Intensive A Native 1:1 (2H) + Non-native 1:1 (3H) + Native small group (2H) + Optional classes with native (2H) + Sunday optional class Intensive B Native 1:1 (2H) + Non-native 1:1 (1H) + Native small group (2H) + Optional classes with native (2H) + Sunday optional class Intensive C Native 1:1 (1H) + Non-native 1:1 (3H) + Native small group (2H) + Optional classes with native (2H) + Sunday optional class Intensive D Native 1:1 (1H) + Non-native 1:1 (1H) + Native small group (2H) + Optional classes with native (2H) + Sunday optional class Start learner Non-native 1:1 (5H) + Native small group (2H) + Optional classes with native (2H) + Sunday optional class -1H is 45 minutes Type of class Subjects 1:1 Class Speaking (Pronunciation), Listening, Writing, Grammar, Reading, Vocabulary Group class This is America, This is Canada, Group discussion, Let’s start English 1/2, Speaking and Expressions, Phrasal Verbs, Conversation/Vocabulary/Articulation, Culture and Leisure, Speaking and Listening, Speaking and Expression, Focus on Pronunciation, Historical Events, Pronunciation and speaking, English for Business Option class Pronunciation, Fluency Phrases, This is America, This is Canada
  • 2. -9 Curriculum options: 1. English for the world traveler 2. English for the highschool/college/university student 3. English for the beginner 4. English for the hotel and catering industry 5. English for Job hunting 6. English for customer care 7. English for aviation 8. English for cabin crew 9. English for travel and tourism industry Course requirements: - There is no level requirement for this course. - Students are expected to come and participate in class so that they may reach the objectives for successful completion of the course. They must maintain a total attendance of 80% or higher. - Students are required to take the scheduled weekly simulation exams and monthly progress test, and submit all their homework. Course objectives: This course gives students the opportunity to practice and enhance all language competencies- reading, writing, speaking, grammar and vocabulary. Course objectives are categorized according to skills, and upon successful completion of the course, learners will be able to: Listening and Speaking: - Give formal class presentations (10 minutes long) - Listen actively to a variety of authentic lectures, radio programs, presentations and conversations for main ideas, details and inferences. - Participate in formal and informal conversations and group discussions using conversation management techniques to share ideas, solve problems and make decisions. - Show development of appropriate pronunciation, intonation, word and sentence stress. - Show that their grammar errors rarely impede communication with most English speakers. - Understand and use colloquial and formal language appropriately. - Understand and use a range of idioms and some technical and academic vocabulary. Writing and Grammar: - Use various techniques to pre-write, outline, peer-edit, revises, and self-edit. - Recognize essay elements (attention-getter, thesis statement, topic sentences, supporting details, summary, and memorable statement) and incorporate these elements into their essays. - Give support with specific evidence. - Organize and connect evidence with appropriate transition techniques. - Write various types of essays: cause and effect, comparison and contrast, definition, division and classification, narration, argumentation/persuasion, and research. - Express their ideas effectively by using and putting into practice appropriate grammatical structures. - Use correct punctuation. Reading and Vocabulary: - Find the meaning of vocabulary using context clues and decoding strategies. - Understand a wider range of content words, technical language, and idiomatic expressions. - Find main ideas and supporting details. - Discover implied meanings, make inferences and analogies. - Discover relationships between ideas by attention to transition words and phrases in a text.
  • 3. - Understand author’s purpose and tone. - Distinguish between facts and opinions. CIP’s teaching Philosophy: CIP produces students who are confident and prepared for a competitive world by aiding them in becoming proficient in English. CIP teachers: 1. Give knowledge and facilitate understanding- CIP teachers reinforce previous knowledge and use both old and new knowledge to build a greater understanding of more complex topics. 2. Help and challenge- CIP teachers challenge their students to produce quality work in class and other activities. This can be done if they are also helped to develop the skills necessary to make that possible. 3. Respect and support students- ESL teaching involves consideration of the culture and uniqueness of each student. Each student has their own learning style, speed of progress, beliefs on how to learn and personality, therefore each class in CIP is personalized by the teacher accordingly. Recommended study duration: 4 weeks- 24 weeks. In CIP, students are recommended to attend the IELTS, TOEIC or Business course once they reach pre-intermediate or pre-intermediate advanced level. Instructional methods and duration of level development: One of the biggest concerns for CIP students is how to learn English. Students often ask what the correct techniques and methods are to master this universal language. CIP believes that students are on the right path, and have discovered the best techniques which CIP teachers employ for each student. Below is a list of methods for each area based on the CIP level chart for students. The time frame for each level often depends on the study habits and learning pace of the student. Level Duration of level development Instructional approach Level 100 – PRE-BEGINNER The lowest level of ESL students, with no vocabulary 2 weeks - Use of pictures to introduce vocabulary to teach “concrete” ideas i.e. ball, watch, man, car, etc. - Emphasis on repetition of basic words - Introduction of basic elementary vocabulary (GRADE 1) - Writing exercises, repetitive word patterns - Slow and relaxed speaking exercises Level 101 – BEGINNER Elementary level of ESL students, with basic words and a few common phrases 2-3 weeks - Introduction and strong emphasis to basic reading and vocabulary (GRADE 1 elementary) - Basis phrases and common words are reviewed daily - Introduction to listening exercises with repetition to strengthen understanding - Repetition of common phrases and expressions - Focus on reading exercises to reinforce pronunciation Level 101A – BEGINNER ADVANCED 2-3 weeks - Continued focus on learning basic vocabulary (GRADE 1-2 elementary)
  • 4. Just above the 101 level, but shows improvement in speech and vocabulary. - Emphasis on intonation and pronunciation using relaxed and slow speech - Repetitive writing exercises given to student for memorization of words and ideas - Focus on reading for comprehension - Introduction to basic speaking and conversation using learning elementary words and expressions Level 201 – ELEMENTARY The student is more comfortable with common phrases and expressions. 2-3 weeks - Introduction to basic grammar learning about nouns, verbs, and adjectives. - Focus on basic conversation, and understanding general topics for discussion - Writing is a primary focus to assist with creation of ideas and details of thoughts - Reading exercises often given for homework in order to prepare student’s mind for subsequent lessons - Reinforcement on pronunciation and intonation to improve listener understanding of the student. Level 201A – ELEMENTARY ADVANCED The student is able to understand basic conversation, and shows a competency level slightly greater than the 201 level students. 2-3 weeks - Continued review on basic grammar, while being introduced to more complex structured sentences - Emphasis on speaking with detail or “concrete speaking” - Supported explanations of English culture to students to learn the effective ways of communication with native speakers - Abstract vocabulary (common adjectives and idiomatic expressions) are an essential part of the 201A level (GRADE 3-4 LEVEL) - Reading exercises to support understand basic ideas, and to further build upon student’s thoughts in English Level 301 – PRE-INTERMEDIATE Student has the ability to have basic conversations with natives using basic common expressions and words; knows how to respond quickly with some confidence. 3-4 weeks - Advanced grammar is the key to this level to help beautify the communication of the student - Pronunciation and intonation are developed through repetition of word exercises and readings - Class lessons are now geared toward discussions on various topics rather than only introduction of vocabulary - Strong emphasis on providing details to stories, using synonyms and antonyms - Concentrated effort on vocabulary to
  • 5. enhance attractiveness of communication Level 301A – PRE- INTERMEDIATE-ADVANCED Speaking level has improved from the basic and elementary levels; student is familiar and comfortable with basic expressions and can demonstrate limited self- opinions with some detail. 3-4 weeks - Introduction to speaking on different life topics is a priority to this level - Students learn the value of ‘connectors’ while speaking i.e. on the other hand, at the same time, in other words - Writing exercises are emphasized to develop creative thinking and speaking skills - Advanced grammar is a continued part of focus to develop commonly spoken communication - Reinforcement of speaking with deeper explanations of idiomatic expressions and vocabulary (GRADE 4-5) - Discussions on English culture in English speaking countries are essential improve communication with native speakers. Level 401 – INTERMEDIATE Student now has a basic understanding of conversation; can easily deal with native English speakers at a basic level, and can communicate self- opinions and personal experiences. 4 weeks - Main focus is creative thinking and abstract conversations - Readings are based on advanced topics i.e. news articles, academic books, web articles - Vocabulary (GRADE 6) and idiomatic expressions are a strong focus for this level - Examinations of listening files and/or short videos to learn how words and expressions are used in various situations - Encouragement to give full detail to stories, opinion, and experiences when communicating - Public speaking is introduced to the student for confidence building Level 401A – INTERMEDIATE- ADVANCED Student shows the ability to communicate at a relaxed level, and commits less grammar mistakes when speaking on general topics of interest. 4 weeks - Abstract thinking is the focus of this level - Emphasis on learning to connect simple ideas to complex details - Business terminology and idioms in general business are introduced - Slight reminders and review of grammar if mistakes are made orally or in writing - Conversations based more on current news and events - Emphasis on student presentations to reinforce confidence while speaking with few or many people Level 501 – UPPER- INTERMEDIATE Student can communicate at an advanced level, and can utilize higher level vocabularies with 5-8 weeks - Discussions about general business are a common theme in lessons - Idiomatic professional expressions are explained in more detail - Logic and systematic processes are part of
  • 6. minimal grammar mistakes. student presentations - Student research on advanced topics are assignments given to students - General topics unfamiliar to students are introduced to learn advanced communication. Level 501A – UPPER- INTERMEDIATE-ADVANCED Student has the ability to communicate, as well as, motivate others while speaking in a wide range of topics. 5-8 weeks - Learning how to respond to native responses in an appropriate manner on profound topics - Introduction to understanding facial expressions and the ability to “read between the lines” - Pronunciation and intonation techniques to enhance significance and meanings of speaker’s messages - Relating to various English speakers, native and non-native, alike - Academic writing a main focus for this level Level 601 – ADVANCED Student speaks with almost complete fluency during professional occasions, academic and social gatherings. 5-8 weeks - Facial expressions and assumptions in various occasions are reviewed and discussed - Introduction to paraphrase lengthy experiences into simple words - Technical English in a wide of topics are discussed along with specific words related to individual areas Level 701 – SENIOR Fluency is achieved. Communication is precise, and the student’s communication comparable to a native. 5-8 weeks - Specified areas of English for future goals of the student to work in a targeted area is discussed - Further discussions on unique and specific topics are practiced - Listening and conversation is the main focus of this student
  • 7. Text and additional resources/materials: Text Listening Reading Writing Speaking Vocabulary Grammar Listening Comprehension  Talk, Talk, Talk    Speaking Listening Expression    Person to person       Side by side       Introduction to Academic writing    First steps in academic writing    Fundamentals of academic writing    American headway       Grammar in Use  Oxford Grammar  Reading issues      People places and things Impact issues    Active Skills for reading     Vocabulary in use   •Level 201 •ELEMENTARY 4 weeks •Level 301 •PRE- INTERMEDIATE 8 weeks •Level 401 •INTERMEDIATE 12 weeks
  • 8. Course outline according to duration and option: 1-4 weeks 5-8 weeks 9-12 weeks Option 1- English for the World traveler - Learn about common expressions when traveling - Learn about important traveling vocabulary - Understand basic English culture “on the road” - Practice easy conversation while traveling - Deeper understanding of commonly used expressions - Opportunities to rehearse learned idioms and expressions - Basic idiomatic expressions - Drills on role playing/real-life situations - English immersion. Students have the opportunity to practice daily communication - Deeper understanding of English culture, and how to relate and communicate with native English speakers Option 2- English for the High School/College Student - Emphasis on Grammar structure - Studies focused on academic vocabulary - Learn creative thinking and writing - Understanding basic English culture in different English-Speaking countries - Academic writing and advanced understanding of reading passages - Studies focused on academic vocabulary - Emphasis on academic listening to enhance understanding - Learn creative thinking and writing - Understanding English culture in different English- Speaking countries - Concentration on English pronunciation and intonation to effectively communicate - Emphasis on understanding advanced abstract and concrete topics - Advanced speaking topics on various topics related to business, technology, people, issues, world news Option 3- English for the beginner - Learn basic vocabulary (Grade 1 and 2 elementary vocabulary) - Practice easy basic phrases and conversation - Emphasis on pronunciation and listening skills - Reading exercises to develop vocabulary - Learn basic- intermediate vocabulary (Grade 3-4 elementary vocabulary) - Practice easy basic phrases and conversation - Speaking emphasis to improve communication - In-depth discussions on grammar and structure of spoken and written - Reading exercises to develop vocabulary - Detailed discussions on various ways to utilize vocabulary in diverse situations - Speaking emphasis to improve communication - Repetitive listening practice sessions to
  • 9. English - Emphasis on pronunciation and listening skills develop understanding - Intermediate- advanced level idiomatic expressions - Understanding English culture in different English- Speaking countries Option 4- English for the Hotel and catering industry - Learn the common International Organization Abbreviation. - Learn how to write Holiday Brochures, Documentation and common paperworks. - Know the types of Accommodation and Tariffs - Airline, Airport, Hotel Terminology - Knowing Basic Food - Difference in Vocabulary Between American and British - Knowing Currencies - Familiarize with common Job - Learn how to handle Phone calls from taking to making reservation - Common tips in customer service such as how to apologies and how to give polite request and response - How to deal with customer complaints - Review in Grammar based on Hotel and restaurant environment - Talking about working environment - Idioms that are being used in Hotels and Restaurants - Knowing different nationalities - How to explain and making instruction especially in directions - Taking orders over the phone - How to handle complaints - Common two word expression in the industry - Types of Holidays and Tourism - How to pay bills - Payment Queries - Review in Taking calls and dealing with complains - How to apply and to ace an interview Option 5- English for Job Hunting - Learning word formation, to create complex structure. Also, vocabulary about work and study these includes individuals and position at work. - Learning how to do research in job that a - Vocabulary about leisure and lifestyle, travel and environment. - Create effective cover letter - How to ace an interview - Learning vocabulary about societies and institutions. - Learning media, health and technology jargons - Functional
  • 10. candidate wants to apply and the preparation needed. - Writing resumes and CVs Vocabulary - Advanced interview Techniques and the ability to do follow ups Option 6- English for Customer Care - Introduction in Customer care, what are the importance of Customer care, how to handle customer over the phone and face to face. - How to handle customer over the phone, and best practices in call centers. - Delivering customer care through writing and how to deal with complains and challenges - Further knowledge in handling phone calls, handling orders and enquiries. - Knowing how to book and make arrangement through phone and email, changing plans and schedules. - Handling complaints and problems and practice doing mock calls. Option 7- English for Aviation - Introduction to Air Communication, procedure in Pre-Flight. - Knowledge in Ground Movements, Departure and Cruising protocols - En Route Events, Contacts and Approach and Landing procedure. - Knowledge about asking information, and describing actions and positions. - Navigation and Topographical features - Taking about safety, security measures and medical emergencies - Studying words about Weather, Verbs and movements, Prefixes, types of damage. - Working with conflicts and restraint Option 8- English for Cabin Crew - Learn how to verify some information to the customer, how to request politely. - Work on presentation skills - Know formal and informal language - Learn comfort expression - How to give options to passengers - Handling transaction - Identify problems and resolving them - Different in Empathy and sympathy - Learn how to do reporting, expressing obligations and making recommendation. - Describing things from Jobs to Luggages Option 9- English for travel and tourism Industry - produce a range of simple language which is sufficiently accurate and clear to be understood by a listener - demonstrate an understanding of the different types of travelers and tourists, - Use the specialized language of the travel and tourism industry - Understand simple information and/or instructions related to the tourism industry and act upon these or respond appropriately when required - contribute to and - Ability to understand international travel and tourism discipline - Ability in excellent written, oral communication
  • 11. the ways in which they travel and the types of accommodation available to them - Demonstrate an understanding of the working roles of people in the hotel, catering, airline, ground transport and tourism industries. interact effectively in a variety of simulated practical tourism related tasks skills and clear expression in more than one language - Ability of team work and worldview and adaption of different culture Sample Timetable-(Intensive A): Time Subject Class type 8:00-8:45 am TOEIC Vocabulary Optional group class 8:50- 9:35 am Speaking and pronunciation Native 1:1 10:30-11:15 am Reading Filipino 1:1 11:20-12:05 pm Speaking and vocabulary Group 12:05 -12:50 pm Lunch 12:55-1:40 pm 1:45-2:30 pm Vacant 2:35- 3:20 pm Reading and speaking Group 3:25- 4:10 pm Grammar and vocabulary Filipino 1:1 4:15-5:00 pm Writing Filipino 1:1 5:05-5:50 pm Listening Native 1:1 6:30-7:15 pm IELTS Vocabulary Optional group class Entry Pre- intermediate level 301 3.5- 4 band score