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Lesson Plan Four
Alumno Residente: Cintia Beramendi
Período de Práctica: 3, nivel Secundario
Institución Educativa: E.S.B N°306
Dirección: Paraná 36, Bahía Blanca, Buenos Aires.
Sala / Grado / Año - sección: 2°A
Cantidad de alumnos: 30
Nivel lingüístico del curso: elemental
Tipo de Planificación: Clase
Unidad Temática: Hábitos saludables
Clase Nº: 4
Fecha: 6 de Noviembre de 2015
Hora: 09:40hs
Duración de la clase: 120 minutos.
Fecha de primera entrega: Domingo 1 de Noviembre de 2015.
Teaching points:
 Revision of simple present
 Modals (should/shouldn’t)
 Gerunds
Aims: During this lesson, learners will be able to:
 Develop their communicative competence by starting informal conversation about
different types of food and healthy habits.
 Develop their speaking skills while expressing likes and dislikes and conducting a
class survey.
 Develop their listening skills while listening to a dialogue about two kids talking
about food.
Language focus:
Lexis Function Structure Pronunciation
Revision Verbs in the
simple present:
eat, like, drink,
have, do, read,
watch, exercise,
walk, swim, run,
smoke, and
Types of food:
fruits (orange,
banana, kiwi,
(lettuce, potato,
carrot, broccoli,
milk, yogurt,
meat, chicken.
likes and
dislikes towards
different types
of food.
Do you like
eating apples?
Yes, I do/No, I
don’t. What
types of food do
you like? I like
meat. Does she
like eating
Yes, she
does/No, she
Production of
/b/ as in
New Junk food, dairy
grains, seeds,
sugary food,
servings, soda
pop, illnesses,
diseases, heart
Talk about
healthy and
habits and what
people should
or shouldn’t eat
to have a
healthy lifestyle.
Modals: should/
shouldn’t. E.g:
you should eat
vegetables. You
shouldn’t eat
junk food every
Gerunds: eating
too much junk
food is bad for
your health.
Production of
/θ/ as in
Teaching approach: CLIL.
Integration of skills: speaking, listening and reading skills will be integrated in the lesson
since students will express their likes and dislikes about different types of food, and will
talk about healthy and unhealthy habits. They’ll listen to a dialogue about two children
talking about their likes and dislikes and they’ll do some written activities.
Materials and resources: Pictures, worksheets, CD player, chalk and duster.
Pedagogical use of ICT in class or at home: In this lesson, students will listen to a
dialogue about two children talking about their likes and dislikes about food. In case the
CD player doesn’t work, the teacher will record the dialogue in a pen-drive and take a
small speaker to the classroom.
Seating arrangement: students will be sitting in pairs in order to do the activities
proposed by the teacher, and walking around the classroom when conducting the survey.
Possible problems / difficulties and their possible solutions during the class:
Students may be tired as the English lesson is the last one they have on Fridays, so some
of them may not be willing to work, but the teacher will try to encourage them to work
telling that it is a very interesting lesson that may change their eating habits.
Classroom management strategies: The teacher will make students be active
participants during most part of the lesson; and propose them different types of activities to
cover for different learning styles and to avoid monotony and boredom.
Potential problems students may have with the language: students may have some
problems in resorting to vocabulary related to the topic using the foreign language, but the
teacher will take pictures and start the lesson with a brainstorming activity for students to
activate previous knowledge.
Instances of collaborative work in class: students will work in pairs, so that they have to
discuss different ideas to answer questions or doing the different activities proposed.
Besides, they’ll collaborate with each other when conducting the class survey.
Assessment: The teacher will assess students’ participation and collaboration during the
lesson. She will observe students when working so as to determine who is working and
how; and who is not.
Routine: 10 minutes
Purpose: to greet students and let them know that the lesson has started.
I’ll enter the room and say “Good morning students! How are you?”
SS: Good morning teacher! Fine, and you?
T: Very good, thank you! Please sit down, turn off your phones and listen to me that I’m
going to call the roll, ok?
Transition: Very good! Let’s write the date! What day is today? (teacher writes the date on
the board)
Warm up: 15 minutes
Purpose: to contextualize the topics
The teacher will start the lesson asking students: “I’m hungry I woke up later today and I
didn’t have time to have breakfast. Is that ok? Is it good for my health? SS: No, it isn’t. T:
you’re right! Did you have breakfast today? (SS’ answer) What time do you usually wake
up? (SS’ answer); Do you usually go to bed early? (SS’ answer); What do you usually
have for breakfast? Do you drink coffee? tea? Milk? And what do you eat? Do you eat
toast? Biscuits? (SS’ answers). what about lunch and dinner? Do you like eating broccoli?
SS’ answer. T: Do you like eating salads? SS: yes, I do/No, I don’t. T: and what about
sweets and chocolates? Do you like eating chocolate? SS: Yes, I do/No I don’t. (the
teacher will write healthy habits and unhealthy habits on the board).
Healthy habits Unhealthy habits
Then, she’ll show students some pictures for them to activate previous knowledge and
classify them into healthy and unhealthy habits with the help of the teacher.
So, she’ll say: “Look at this picture! Is eating sweets good for your health? They contain
too much sugar. Where should we stick it? SS: unhealthy habits! T: yes! very good! Look
at this picture: Is doing some exercise healthy? (SS’ answer) Where should I stick it? SS:
healthy habits. T: yes, very good! What about this one? Is watching TV a healthy habit?
Ss: No, it isn’t! T: so, Where should I stick it? SS: Unhealthy habits! (and we’ll continue
until we stick all the pictures).
Transition: Good job! So, in order to have healthy lifestyles, doing exercise, getting up
early, among other aspects, are important, but food plays a main role in our health. Do you
remember the food pyramid you’ve studied with your science teacher? Which are the most
important groups of food and the less ones? Let’s see.
Presentation: 15 minutes
Purpose: to introduce new structures and vocabulary.
The teacher will give students a worksheet for them to classify different groups of food into
a food pyramid.
(The worksheet is taken form )
T: Ok students, here you have a food pyramid and you have to label each item next to the
right group of food, ok? You have 7 minutes! SS: Ok.
After a few minutes the teacher will say: “Have you finished? SS: yes! T: Ok, let’s check!
(the teacher will draw a big pyramid on the board and will write the names of each group of
food as students name and place them) Number one has to do with milk, yoghurt and
cheese group. Where did you label it? SS: answer. T: very good! And number two? (until
all the items are labeled) So, what do you think? is eating fat healthy? (pointing to this
group on the board) SS: no! T: very good. Eating fat isn’t healthy. (the teacher will write the
sentence on one side of the board and underline “eating”). So, we shouldn’t eat too much
fat. (Writing the sentence next to the first one on the board). Is eating vegetables healthy?
SS: yes! T: good! Eating vegetables is healthy (writing the sentence under the previous
one). So, we should eat more vegetables, right? (again, she’ll write the sentence on the
board, and continue discussing with students until all the groups are analyzed)
Answer key: (from the bottom to the top)
Transition: good job students!
Activity 1: 30 minutes
Purpose: for students to develop their reading comprehension skills, speaking skills, and
become conscious about healthy habits.
Now, we’re going to read a text about healthy and unhealthy food, and habits. Junk food is
the opposite to healthy food, right? For example eating hamburguers is eating Junk food.
And, How many spoonfuls of sugar do you have with your breakfast? (showing the
following picture)
I always take one spoonful of sugar with my tea. And you? (SS’ answer). How much
exercise do you usually do?
Ok, now read the text in pairs, so that you can help each other with new vocabulary, ok?
Try to infer new meaning through context. Notice that the last paragraph of the text has
empty spaces. That is for you to complete with should or shouldn’t according to what you
consider it is right or wrong at the time of talking about healthy habits.
(the text is adapted from the book “Oxford Heroes 2”; “face 2 face”, elementary students
book, unit 10” and “Howdy friends” level 2)
What is and isn’t good for you?
Do you love eating junk food? Do love eating hamburguers, chips, sweets and
cola? You shouldn’t eat so much of it!
We all know that junk food isn’t good for us. That’s why it’s called “junk food”,
because “junk” means “rubbish”. Do you know that there are tenspoonfuls of
sugar in a can of soft drink?; Fruit drinks are mostly sugar and water and
colouring. There isn’t much fruit in them. Besides, there are a lot of chemicals
in chocolate.; and one ice cream has as much as fat as two pizzas.
So, “What is good for you?”. Vegetablesand fruit are healthy.Carrots and
tomatoes are good for your eyes. And Do you know that fruit gives you
energy?; What about water? Water is essential for life. Your body needs it
because it has 80% of water. Doctors recommend a litre a day-minimum!
Exercise is also good for you. You can ride a bike, run, swim, and play football
or basketball. Regular exercise,that is four times a week for 30 minutes, is
very good for your health.
There are many things you can do to have a healthy lifestyle. Here are some
important tips:
 You ___________eat a lot of fried food. And you _________only eat red
meat once a week. Meat is high in fat.
 You _________eat fish twice or three timesa week. Fishis good because
it is low in fat and high in Omega-3 oils.
 You _________eat a lot of salt. We should eat about 1g of salt a day, but
most people eat about 6g!
 You ___________ eat more fruit and vegetables. We need at least five
portions a day.
 You _________smoke or drink alcohol! They may give you cancer.
Have you finished completing the last paragraph? Who can start reading the first
sentence? SS: Me! T: ok, what did you write? (different students will participate until we
check all the sentences) T: very good students!
Answer key:
 shouldn’t/ should
 should
 shouldn’t
 should
 shouldn’t
Now, as you finish reading the text, do the following activity: (The questions are created by
Answer the following questions:
1) What is “junk food”?
2) What types of food are included in the “junk food” category?
3) How many spoonfuls of sugar are there in a can of soft drink?
4) What do chocolates, pizza and ice cream contain?
5) What should we eat to “eat healthy”?
6) What do doctors recommend?
7) Should we do any exercise? How much exercise should we do?
8) What are the main tips we should take into account to have a healthy lifestyle?
After finishing the activity, the teacher will ask students to compare their answers with the
class. The teacher will say: Ok, students have you finished? Can we discuss the
questions? What is junk food? (we’ll discuss all the questions and then, the teacher will
ask students some questions about their habits). T: Do you like eating junk food? What do
you eat? Do eat too much salt with your meals? Do you do exercise? How much? What do
you do?
Transition: Ok, now you have a better idea of what we should or shouldn’t do to have
healthy habits, right? Let’s listen to two friends, and see how healthy they are.
Activity 2: 25 minutes
Purpose: for students to listen to the pronunciation of different types of food and drinks and
develop their listening skills while listening to a dialogue and speaking skills when
discussing it.
T: Please before listening to the dialogue draw a chart like the following:
Daisy Tom
Doesn’t like
Pay attention and write down the types of food that are mentioned in the dialogue, in the
correct place. Then, we’ll discuss how healthy these kids’ diets are. We’re going to listen to
it twice. So, don’t worry if you can’t complete it the first time you listen to it. (The dialogue
is from “New Headway”, elementary students’ book unit 9, track 9.1 )
T: Did you understand the dialogue? Please, discuss these children’s likes and dislikes
with your partner. Then, order the ideas on the chart writing down sentences about these
children’s likes and dislikes. Here is an example (the teacher will write on the board):
Daisy likes eating _______ and ________. But she doesn’t like eating _______.
Daisy likes drinking________ and________, but she doesn’t like drinking________.
Do this with the two children, and then we check together. (After some minutes) What
does Daisy like eating? SS’ answers. T: good! And what about Tom? SS’ answers. So, is
eating healthy part of these kids’ diet? What do you think? Why? SS’ answers. Would you
give them some advice? What should they eat? What should they change? Please, give
these children some advice to have a healthy eating and healthy habits. Take into account
the information in the text from the previous activity. You may work in pairs. In order to
give them some advice, you will write sentences such as the following:
1) Tom, you shouldn’t drink beer, it is bad for your health. You should drink….,
because it is…
Write at least 6 sentences giving these children some advice.
After some minutes the teacher will ask: “Have you finished? Can we check? Who can
start reading? SS: Me! T: ok! (we check the activity with the whole class).
Transition: Excellent job!
Activity 3: 20 minutes
Purpose: to promote students’ autonomy and foster communicative interaction.
Now, we are going to conduct a class survey in order to know how healthy your partners
are. In pairs, you are going to create a set of 8 questions to ask your partners. In order to
create the questions, you have to take into account the information we’ve been working
with during the class, ok? You can ask for instance, What do you have for breakfast? Do
you like eating junk food? Do you do any exercise? How much exercise do you do? You
may create a chart like the following:
QUESTION Person 1 (Name) Person 2 (name) Person 3 (name)
Please, first design the questions and then show them to me to check them. Then, you
add the questions in your chart and start your survey, ok? SS: ok!
(The teacher will walk around the classroom in order to monitor students and help them in
case they need it. After students finish their surveys they’ll discuss their findings with the
Transition: Very good! Did you like the activity?
Closure: 5 minutes
Purpose: to let students know the lesson has finished
Did you like todays’ lesson? What did you like the most? (SS’ answer). Now you know
what you should or shouldn’t do to have healthy habits. So, I hope you take them into
account to be as healthy as possible! This was my last lesson with you, so we have to say
goodbye! Thank you for sharing this experience with me!
Have a nice weekend! And great holidays!

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Lesson plan four

  • 1. Lesson Plan Four Alumno Residente: Cintia Beramendi Período de Práctica: 3, nivel Secundario Institución Educativa: E.S.B N°306 Dirección: Paraná 36, Bahía Blanca, Buenos Aires. Sala / Grado / Año - sección: 2°A Cantidad de alumnos: 30 Nivel lingüístico del curso: elemental Tipo de Planificación: Clase Unidad Temática: Hábitos saludables Clase Nº: 4 Fecha: 6 de Noviembre de 2015 Hora: 09:40hs Duración de la clase: 120 minutos. Fecha de primera entrega: Domingo 1 de Noviembre de 2015. Teaching points:  Revision of simple present  Modals (should/shouldn’t)  Gerunds
  • 2. Aims: During this lesson, learners will be able to:  Develop their communicative competence by starting informal conversation about different types of food and healthy habits.  Develop their speaking skills while expressing likes and dislikes and conducting a class survey.  Develop their listening skills while listening to a dialogue about two kids talking about food. Language focus: Lexis Function Structure Pronunciation Revision Verbs in the simple present: eat, like, drink, have, do, read, watch, exercise, walk, swim, run, smoke, and take. Types of food: fruits (orange, banana, kiwi, strawberry, apple), vegetables (lettuce, potato, carrot, broccoli, pumpkin, cauliflower), milk, yogurt, meat, chicken. Expressing likes and dislikes towards different types of food. Do you like eating apples? Yes, I do/No, I don’t. What types of food do you like? I like meat. Does she like eating vegetables? Yes, she does/No, she doesn’t. Production of /b/ as in “banana”. New Junk food, dairy products, grains, seeds, sugary food, servings, soda pop, illnesses, diseases, heart attack. Talk about healthy and unhealthy habits and what people should or shouldn’t eat to have a healthy lifestyle. Modals: should/ shouldn’t. E.g: you should eat more vegetables. You shouldn’t eat junk food every day. Gerunds: eating too much junk food is bad for your health. Production of /θ/ as in “healthy”
  • 3. Teaching approach: CLIL. Integration of skills: speaking, listening and reading skills will be integrated in the lesson since students will express their likes and dislikes about different types of food, and will talk about healthy and unhealthy habits. They’ll listen to a dialogue about two children talking about their likes and dislikes and they’ll do some written activities. Materials and resources: Pictures, worksheets, CD player, chalk and duster. Pedagogical use of ICT in class or at home: In this lesson, students will listen to a dialogue about two children talking about their likes and dislikes about food. In case the CD player doesn’t work, the teacher will record the dialogue in a pen-drive and take a small speaker to the classroom. Seating arrangement: students will be sitting in pairs in order to do the activities proposed by the teacher, and walking around the classroom when conducting the survey. Possible problems / difficulties and their possible solutions during the class: Students may be tired as the English lesson is the last one they have on Fridays, so some of them may not be willing to work, but the teacher will try to encourage them to work telling that it is a very interesting lesson that may change their eating habits. Classroom management strategies: The teacher will make students be active participants during most part of the lesson; and propose them different types of activities to cover for different learning styles and to avoid monotony and boredom. Potential problems students may have with the language: students may have some problems in resorting to vocabulary related to the topic using the foreign language, but the teacher will take pictures and start the lesson with a brainstorming activity for students to activate previous knowledge. Instances of collaborative work in class: students will work in pairs, so that they have to discuss different ideas to answer questions or doing the different activities proposed. Besides, they’ll collaborate with each other when conducting the class survey. Assessment: The teacher will assess students’ participation and collaboration during the lesson. She will observe students when working so as to determine who is working and how; and who is not. Procedures: Routine: 10 minutes Purpose: to greet students and let them know that the lesson has started.
  • 4. I’ll enter the room and say “Good morning students! How are you?” SS: Good morning teacher! Fine, and you? T: Very good, thank you! Please sit down, turn off your phones and listen to me that I’m going to call the roll, ok? Transition: Very good! Let’s write the date! What day is today? (teacher writes the date on the board) Warm up: 15 minutes Purpose: to contextualize the topics The teacher will start the lesson asking students: “I’m hungry I woke up later today and I didn’t have time to have breakfast. Is that ok? Is it good for my health? SS: No, it isn’t. T: you’re right! Did you have breakfast today? (SS’ answer) What time do you usually wake up? (SS’ answer); Do you usually go to bed early? (SS’ answer); What do you usually have for breakfast? Do you drink coffee? tea? Milk? And what do you eat? Do you eat toast? Biscuits? (SS’ answers). what about lunch and dinner? Do you like eating broccoli? SS’ answer. T: Do you like eating salads? SS: yes, I do/No, I don’t. T: and what about sweets and chocolates? Do you like eating chocolate? SS: Yes, I do/No I don’t. (the teacher will write healthy habits and unhealthy habits on the board). Healthy habits Unhealthy habits Then, she’ll show students some pictures for them to activate previous knowledge and classify them into healthy and unhealthy habits with the help of the teacher. So, she’ll say: “Look at this picture! Is eating sweets good for your health? They contain too much sugar. Where should we stick it? SS: unhealthy habits! T: yes! very good! Look at this picture: Is doing some exercise healthy? (SS’ answer) Where should I stick it? SS: healthy habits. T: yes, very good! What about this one? Is watching TV a healthy habit? Ss: No, it isn’t! T: so, Where should I stick it? SS: Unhealthy habits! (and we’ll continue until we stick all the pictures).
  • 5. Transition: Good job! So, in order to have healthy lifestyles, doing exercise, getting up early, among other aspects, are important, but food plays a main role in our health. Do you
  • 6. remember the food pyramid you’ve studied with your science teacher? Which are the most important groups of food and the less ones? Let’s see. Presentation: 15 minutes Purpose: to introduce new structures and vocabulary. The teacher will give students a worksheet for them to classify different groups of food into a food pyramid. (The worksheet is taken form ) T: Ok students, here you have a food pyramid and you have to label each item next to the right group of food, ok? You have 7 minutes! SS: Ok.
  • 7. After a few minutes the teacher will say: “Have you finished? SS: yes! T: Ok, let’s check! (the teacher will draw a big pyramid on the board and will write the names of each group of food as students name and place them) Number one has to do with milk, yoghurt and cheese group. Where did you label it? SS: answer. T: very good! And number two? (until all the items are labeled) So, what do you think? is eating fat healthy? (pointing to this group on the board) SS: no! T: very good. Eating fat isn’t healthy. (the teacher will write the sentence on one side of the board and underline “eating”). So, we shouldn’t eat too much fat. (Writing the sentence next to the first one on the board). Is eating vegetables healthy? SS: yes! T: good! Eating vegetables is healthy (writing the sentence under the previous one). So, we should eat more vegetables, right? (again, she’ll write the sentence on the board, and continue discussing with students until all the groups are analyzed) Answer key: (from the bottom to the top) 4-5-3-1-6-2 Transition: good job students! Activity 1: 30 minutes Purpose: for students to develop their reading comprehension skills, speaking skills, and become conscious about healthy habits. Now, we’re going to read a text about healthy and unhealthy food, and habits. Junk food is the opposite to healthy food, right? For example eating hamburguers is eating Junk food. And, How many spoonfuls of sugar do you have with your breakfast? (showing the following picture) I always take one spoonful of sugar with my tea. And you? (SS’ answer). How much exercise do you usually do? Ok, now read the text in pairs, so that you can help each other with new vocabulary, ok? Try to infer new meaning through context. Notice that the last paragraph of the text has empty spaces. That is for you to complete with should or shouldn’t according to what you consider it is right or wrong at the time of talking about healthy habits. (the text is adapted from the book “Oxford Heroes 2”; “face 2 face”, elementary students book, unit 10” and “Howdy friends” level 2)
  • 8. What is and isn’t good for you? Do you love eating junk food? Do love eating hamburguers, chips, sweets and cola? You shouldn’t eat so much of it! We all know that junk food isn’t good for us. That’s why it’s called “junk food”, because “junk” means “rubbish”. Do you know that there are tenspoonfuls of sugar in a can of soft drink?; Fruit drinks are mostly sugar and water and colouring. There isn’t much fruit in them. Besides, there are a lot of chemicals in chocolate.; and one ice cream has as much as fat as two pizzas. So, “What is good for you?”. Vegetablesand fruit are healthy.Carrots and tomatoes are good for your eyes. And Do you know that fruit gives you energy?; What about water? Water is essential for life. Your body needs it because it has 80% of water. Doctors recommend a litre a day-minimum! Exercise is also good for you. You can ride a bike, run, swim, and play football or basketball. Regular exercise,that is four times a week for 30 minutes, is very good for your health. There are many things you can do to have a healthy lifestyle. Here are some important tips:  You ___________eat a lot of fried food. And you _________only eat red meat once a week. Meat is high in fat.  You _________eat fish twice or three timesa week. Fishis good because it is low in fat and high in Omega-3 oils.  You _________eat a lot of salt. We should eat about 1g of salt a day, but most people eat about 6g!  You ___________ eat more fruit and vegetables. We need at least five portions a day.  You _________smoke or drink alcohol! They may give you cancer. Have you finished completing the last paragraph? Who can start reading the first sentence? SS: Me! T: ok, what did you write? (different students will participate until we check all the sentences) T: very good students! Answer key:  shouldn’t/ should  should  shouldn’t  should  shouldn’t
  • 9. Now, as you finish reading the text, do the following activity: (The questions are created by me) Answer the following questions: 1) What is “junk food”? 2) What types of food are included in the “junk food” category? 3) How many spoonfuls of sugar are there in a can of soft drink? 4) What do chocolates, pizza and ice cream contain? 5) What should we eat to “eat healthy”? 6) What do doctors recommend? 7) Should we do any exercise? How much exercise should we do? 8) What are the main tips we should take into account to have a healthy lifestyle? After finishing the activity, the teacher will ask students to compare their answers with the class. The teacher will say: Ok, students have you finished? Can we discuss the questions? What is junk food? (we’ll discuss all the questions and then, the teacher will ask students some questions about their habits). T: Do you like eating junk food? What do you eat? Do eat too much salt with your meals? Do you do exercise? How much? What do you do? Transition: Ok, now you have a better idea of what we should or shouldn’t do to have healthy habits, right? Let’s listen to two friends, and see how healthy they are. Activity 2: 25 minutes Purpose: for students to listen to the pronunciation of different types of food and drinks and develop their listening skills while listening to a dialogue and speaking skills when discussing it. T: Please before listening to the dialogue draw a chart like the following: Daisy Tom Likes Doesn’t like Pay attention and write down the types of food that are mentioned in the dialogue, in the correct place. Then, we’ll discuss how healthy these kids’ diets are. We’re going to listen to
  • 10. it twice. So, don’t worry if you can’t complete it the first time you listen to it. (The dialogue is from “New Headway”, elementary students’ book unit 9, track 9.1 ) Script: T: Did you understand the dialogue? Please, discuss these children’s likes and dislikes with your partner. Then, order the ideas on the chart writing down sentences about these children’s likes and dislikes. Here is an example (the teacher will write on the board): Daisy likes eating _______ and ________. But she doesn’t like eating _______.
  • 11. Daisy likes drinking________ and________, but she doesn’t like drinking________. Do this with the two children, and then we check together. (After some minutes) What does Daisy like eating? SS’ answers. T: good! And what about Tom? SS’ answers. So, is eating healthy part of these kids’ diet? What do you think? Why? SS’ answers. Would you give them some advice? What should they eat? What should they change? Please, give these children some advice to have a healthy eating and healthy habits. Take into account the information in the text from the previous activity. You may work in pairs. In order to give them some advice, you will write sentences such as the following: 1) Tom, you shouldn’t drink beer, it is bad for your health. You should drink…., because it is… Write at least 6 sentences giving these children some advice. After some minutes the teacher will ask: “Have you finished? Can we check? Who can start reading? SS: Me! T: ok! (we check the activity with the whole class). Transition: Excellent job! Activity 3: 20 minutes Purpose: to promote students’ autonomy and foster communicative interaction. Now, we are going to conduct a class survey in order to know how healthy your partners are. In pairs, you are going to create a set of 8 questions to ask your partners. In order to create the questions, you have to take into account the information we’ve been working with during the class, ok? You can ask for instance, What do you have for breakfast? Do you like eating junk food? Do you do any exercise? How much exercise do you do? You may create a chart like the following: QUESTION Person 1 (Name) Person 2 (name) Person 3 (name) Please, first design the questions and then show them to me to check them. Then, you add the questions in your chart and start your survey, ok? SS: ok!
  • 12. (The teacher will walk around the classroom in order to monitor students and help them in case they need it. After students finish their surveys they’ll discuss their findings with the class) Transition: Very good! Did you like the activity? Closure: 5 minutes Purpose: to let students know the lesson has finished Did you like todays’ lesson? What did you like the most? (SS’ answer). Now you know what you should or shouldn’t do to have healthy habits. So, I hope you take them into account to be as healthy as possible! This was my last lesson with you, so we have to say goodbye! Thank you for sharing this experience with me! Have a nice weekend! And great holidays!