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Inbound Marketing - 6 raisons
d'investir dans vos propres Blogs!

Vous désirez sans doute profiter de l'effet de levier de l'Inbound Marketing [Marketing
d'attraction], du Content Marketing, du Social Media Marketing, du Paid Owned Earned
[POE] ou de toute autre forme de Marketing 2.0.

Voici mon point de vue sur l'exploitation de Blogs en propre par les équipes ventes/
marketing/bizdev/techniques des différentes entités de votre entreprise, et ce notamment en
environnement B2B.

Pour commencer:

6 [mauvaises] raisons pour écarter les [owned] Blogs d'une
démarche d'Inbound Marketing:

    1. Les Blogs, c'est quelque chose de personnel [et non "corporate"]. C'est donc
        à chaque collaborateur de décider de bloguer, mais pas à nous, Marketing/
    2. Les Blogs, ça prend du temps. Nos équipes Marketing se réduisent. Nous n'avons
        donc pas le temps d'exploiter des Blogs.
    3. Nous avons beaucoup de mal à mobiliser des Experts pour écrire des articles. Le
        contenu des Blogs serait donc trop pauvre.
    4. Nous préférons nous concentrer sur la création de contenus marketing et
        publicitaires que nous postons sur nos sites corporate et dont nous faisons la
        promotion au travers de Twitter, Facebook, LinnkedIn afin d'obtenir des RT et autres
        relais de type "Earned".
    5. Les blogueurs externes ont bien plus d'abonnés et de crédibilité que nos propres
        Blogs. Il suffit qu'ils relaient nos contenus ou écrivent des articles sur nous et nous
        aurons plein de trafic sur nos Landing Pages corporate.
    6. Les Blogs, c'est du passé. Twitter and Facebook sont bien plus à la mode!
Je pourrais réfuter ces arguments qui sont clairement le fruit d'une méconnaissance des
mécanismes de l'Inbound Marketing [domaine en fait peu connu par nos équipes Marketing
traditionnelles!], mais voici plutôt:

6 bonnes raisons de mettre vos propres Blogs au coeur de votre
stratégie Paid Owned Earned:
   1. Les Blogs générent des Contenus variés, ce qui est au coeur d'une démarche POE
   2. Les Contenus créent des opportunités de partage au travers des autres médias
      POE, dont Twitter, LinkedIn, Viadeo... et de relais par les autres blogueurs influents
   3. Les Contenus partagés créent de la visibilité [de manière naturelle, organique, dans
      les moteurs de recherche] et de la crédibilité [les blogueurs créent la perception
      de "thought leadership"],
   4. Les Contenus visibles et crédibles permettent aux prospects de vous contacter
      [inbound marketing], mais aussi, avant, de nourrir leur réflexion [meilleur nurturing]
      et de réduire leur cycles d'achat et de vente.
   5. Blogs et Evènements sont complémentaires et se renforcent mutuellement. En
      effet, les évènements créent du contenu [eg desccriptifs d'ateliers et présentations
      postées dans Slideshare et intégrées dans des Blogs], et les Blogs créent du trafic
      pour les évènements. Bénéfice complémentaire, un Blog exploité conjointement avec
      Slideshare permet de mettre très rapidement des présentations à disposition des
      participants à une manifestation.
   6. Les Experts sont nombreux et beaucoup d'entre-eux disposent de contenus variés,
      au delà des seuls points de vue originaux: Présentations existantes ou créées pour
      un évènement [à poster bien sûr sur Slideshare], relais d'articles issus de leur veille/
      curation, annonces de réunions et autres évènements liés à leur domaine...

Je peux témoigner de l'intérêt des Blogs propres en environnement

Ma propre expérience d'animateur du Club Alliances [éditeurs SaaS] et du Club Cloud
des Partenaires [fournisseurs et partenaires Cloud] m'a montré la puissance de l'intégration
de Blogs au coeur de ce que Marketor et moi avons appelé depuis plusieurs années
maintenant une "Infrastructure Marketing 2.0".
2012.06.17 - Owned Blogs - Club Cloud des Partenaires - Loic Simon
View more PowerPoint from Club Cloud des Partenaires

Alors, prêts à démarrer et à nourrir votre/vos propre(s) blog(s)?

                 Loic Simon
                 Cloud Channel Development Executive - IBM
                 +33 6 76 75 40 71

Content marketing : 5 bonnes raisons
de lancer votre blog
Le blog d’entreprise, un gadget ? Et pourtant, c’est grâce à ce moyen peu coûteux, au cœur
de toute bonne stratégie d’inbound et de content marketing, que vous pourrez durablement
vous démarquer de vos concurrents en créant une relation privilégiée avec vos cibles. Cinq
bonnes raisons de vous laisser tenter.

Raison n° 1 : pour attirer de nouveaux clients, ciblés et qualifiés
   ●   Le Web vous offre un espace d’expression illimité, profitez-en : vous avez tout le
       loisir de communiquer sur vos services, vos valeurs ou votre activité. Une publication
       riche et régulière d’articles booste le développement de votre présence en ligne,
       en adéquation avec votre identité et votre image de marque.
   ●   Optimisé pour le Web, ce contenu vous permet de renforcer vos mots clés, et
       ainsi d’apparaître plus facilement en première page des résultats de recherche sur
       Google. L’objectif : être trouvé par vos cibles et générer du trafic !
●   Vous vous adressez à votre coeur de cible et l’amenez vers vous : l’occasion de
       conserver la trace de vos visiteurs et de mettre en place un nurturing, en leur
       fournissant régulièrement le contenu qui leur permettra d’avancer dans leur réflexion
       et de revenir vers vous au moment opportun.

Raison n° 2 : pour communiquer directement avec votre public
   ●   Le schéma de vente traditionnel a bien changé : aujourd’hui, l’internaute se met lui-
       même en quête des informations dont il a besoin avant de procéder à un achat. Sur
       le segment du BtoB, près de 93% des acheteurs vont chercher une réponse à
       leur(s) question(s) sur Internet, via un moteur de recherche ou auprès de leur
       communauté. A vous d’être là pour leur répondre !
   ●   Abolissez les barrières : qu’elle soit en phase de sensibilisation, d’investigation ou
       de validation d’une solution, vous avez tout à gagner à communiquer en direct avec
       votre cible. Vous établissez un lien en direct avec vos prospects et vous montrez
       proactifs dans la résolution de leurs problématiques.

Raison n° 3 : pour affirmer votre expertise
   ●   Un blog reflète vos idées et votre façon d’appréhender votre domaine d’expertise et
       votre marché. Même si vous n’êtes pas le seul à posséder ces compétences, vous
       défendez votre manière de conduire votre business.
   ●   Actualité de votre profession, analyse de tendances métier, partage de contenus
       pertinents, retours d’expérience… Votre activité vous offre une matière solide pour
       alimenter vos publications, et démontrer au passage l’étendue de votre expertise.
   ●   Vous savez de quoi vous parlez, et vous le faites bien ? En partageant vos
       connaissances, vous sensibilisez votre public à votre problématique.
       L’occasion de booster votre crédibilité et d’inciter vos interlocuteurs à vous suivre.

Raison n° 4 : pour favoriser l’engagement de vos cibles
   ●   Wikipédia a raison : « Le blog d’entreprise permet une communication moins
       officielle, plus réactive et une interactivité en temps réel ».
   ●   Grâce aux commentaires postés sur votre blog, aux réponses aux questions que
       vous posez à vos lecteurs (live chat, formulaires de contact, etc.) et aux statistiques
       de consultation (pages les plus vues, mots clés les plus recherchés, contenus les
       plus partagés), vous affinez votre connaissance de vos prospects et de vos
       clients. Vous êtes chaque jour davantage en mesure de leur proposer des solutions
       en parfaite adéquation avec leurs attentes.
   ●   Ecoutés, ces derniers se sentent plus proches de vous. Dans une relation de
       confiance, ils ont envie de s’engager à vos côtés. Votre communauté grandit ; vous
       vous démarquez par rapport à la concurrence.

Raison n° 5 : pour développer vos ventes, vos marges et votre
   ●   Vous avez bonne réputation en ligne ? Grâce à l’ensemble des raisons que nous
       venons de citer, nul doute que l’impact principal se situera sur votre génération
       de leads et votre capacité à convertir un public séduit en prospects, puis des
       prospects engagés en clients.

Vous l’avez compris, le contenu reste votre meilleur outil de création de trafic et
de fidélisation : selon une étude Forrester Research, il arrive en première position des
solutions pour faire revenir un internaute sur un site. Une stratégie de communication
efficace doit cependant être intégrée : il est nécessaire de faire vivre son blog en relayant
les messages sur les canaux pertinents, en prenant garde à adapter son message et son
contenu au relais utilisé.
Vous aimeriez lancer votre blog mais vous n’avez clairement pas de temps à y
consacrer ? Vous avez besoin de savoir-faire, de compétences et de stratégies
adaptées ? Découvrez nos offres et contactez-nous, nous avons la réponse à votre
besoin. A bientôt !

Posté par Faustine Amoré
Experte en stratégie de contenu
Depuis 2012, Faustine collabore avec 1min30 pour aider les entreprises à établir leur
notoriété et leur expertise autour de la création et la diffusion de contenus personnalisés,
notamment digitaux, via une approche et une méthodologie adaptés à l’univers du Web.
Entrepreneure spécialisée dans la conception et l'exécution de stratégies éditoriales,
Faustine est par ailleurs auteur et scénariste. Elle passe sa vie à écrire, donc.

Extending the life of your content
By Claire Atwell Posted Mar 29, 2012 Filed in: Inbound Marketing, Search Engine
Optimization, Blogging, Internet Marketing, Clients
                                                 One of the most important factors of
                                                 Search Engine Optimization is regularly
                                                 posting good content on your website. But
                                                 a list of your favorite TV shows or what you
                                                 ate for breakfast isn’t exactly ideal. In a
                                                 perfect world, you should be consistently
                                                 creating compelling content that is relevant
                                                 to your target audience and optimized for
                                                 keywords you’d like to rank highly for.
                                                 But realistically, coming up with something
                                                 brand-new to post to your blog every week
                                                 can be a huge time burden, especially
                                                 when your primary concern is to serve your
                                                 customers. So, why not extend the life of
                                                 content you already have? These can be
                                                 articles you’ve written for other
                                                 publications, marketing materials your
company uses or presentations from talks or seminars.
Here’s a recent example of some content repurposing we did for one of our clients we help
with SEO, the Raleigh business and intellectual property law firm Whitmeyer Tuffin, PLLC.,
which produced some very successful results.

1. It started with a lecture.
Randy Whitmeyer often lectures to classes at local universities on intellectual property
law. Such was the case a few weeks ago, when Randy spoke to Dr. Ted Baker’s
entrepreneurship students at N.C. State. Naturally, he put together a powerpoint
presentation to accompany his talk covering intellectual property basics for entrepreneurs.
2. The presentation was uploaded to slideshare...
Rather than file it away for the next lecture, we added his presentation to the Whitmeyer
Tuffin slideshare account so the information could be viewed and shared easily. The firm
uses slideshare fairly frequently to publish presentations, which are then added to their
website. Not only do these slides inform current and potential clients, it also establishes the
Whitmeyer Tuffin attorneys as thought leaders in their industry.

3. And repurposed into a blog post..
Extracting and tweaking the information from this particular presentation would create
more SEO value for their website than just embedding the slideshare. So, we used the
biggest takeaway points to write an optimized blog post, the Top 10 Intellectual Property
Mistakes Made by Emerging Companies. Because Randy had already put thought in to the
presentation, it wasn't difficult or time-consuming to recycle the information from the slides
for the website.

4. Which was submitted to directories and shared on Twitter.
To get the most out of any content you post, it should be promoted across the web to drive
traffic back to the site and (hopefully) generate a few external links. This is usually pretty
successful for an interesting, informative post such as this one, particularly when shared in
the right places. The blog post became the subject of a Whitmeyer Tuffin tweet, and was
submitted to several directories geared toward entrepreneurs.

5. The result?
The post was viewed hundreds of times in the first five days after being shared, and is
now the second-most viewed page on the site (after the homepage.) The post’s link on the
Startups subreddit drove 136 new visits alone. Overall, traffic to the Whitmeyer Tuffin site
has more than doubled since last month, primarily due to directory referrals. The post is also
ranking on the first page of Google for intellectual property mistakes.
This is just one example of how content that's already been created can be recycled
into a successful website post. Where are some other places you look for site content to

B2B Startup Marketing | Blog Your Way
to Leads
By Joel York on February 29, 2012
                                    B2B startup marketing is tough. It used to be that you
                                    could polish off a high level message and a slide deck
                                    and let the salesperson handle it from there. Today,
                                    online marketing is the primary driver of revenue at the
                                    typical B2B startup. The new breed of B2B buyer
                                    expects your online content to be engaging, valuable
                                    and deep, and is unlikely to engage your salesperson if
                                    you don’t deliver. However, B2B content can be
                                    excruciatingly difficult to produce. It’s technical, complex,
                                    dry and requires deep subject matter expertise to be
truly valuable. Plus, it usually must be done on a
                                      shoestring budget, yesterday.

                                      The B2B Startup Marketing Blog
                                   Every B2B startup marketing professional knows that
                                   they need a blog, but not everyone recognizes it’s
                                   central importance in getting the B2B startup marketing
                                   effort off the ground. After all, its just a corporate blog,
and who reads corporate blogs right? Wrong! Perhaps it’s the terminology that is getting in
the way. Your corporate blog should a) not be corporate and b) not be a blog, as in a Web
log of what’s going on at your company. What it should be is a publishing platform for
creating engaging, valuable and deep content for the new breed of B2B buyer by following
the Top Ten Be’s of the Best B2B Blogs. But, that’s just the beginning. A successful blog
should provide enormous leverage to your B2B startup marketing effort and enable you to
generate leads faster, cheaper and more effectively.

The Shortest Path to Deep Content
Creativity is a process, not a plan. Turning technical, complex, dry B2B marketing content
into something interesting, engaging and compelling doesn’t just happen because you set
a date to complete a new video or whitepaper. You need time to think it over. Free your
creative juices. Then, hone your ideas into something really cool. In the meantime, you can

Your B2B startup marketing blog should be a crucible of creativity. You can try out your
ideas piecemeal, one post at a time, until they converge into that fantastic whitepaper,
webinar or video series. Regular readers of Chaotic Flow (thank you!) will recognize that
this is an integral aspect of how I develop this blog.The Top Ten Do’s and Don’ts of SaaS
Success didn’t just spring into my mind all at once: one, two three…ten. They are a result of
ideas I played out one post at a time. This is the case for all the whitepapers you see over
on the right. Most often, I will outline a series of blog posts with the intent that if they turn out
good enough, I can quickly and easily reshape them into a whitepaper.

Get Instant Results Through SEO and Social Media
On the Web, the medium is quite literally the message. As you hone your great ideas one
post at a time on your B2B startup marketing blog, you immediately open online channels
for demand generation. Instead of waiting three months for results as you write and rewrite
that magnum opus whitepaper or produce that expensive viral video, you can be generating
leads today through SEO and social media with the half-baked ideas on your B2B startup
marketing blog. And leads, today not tomorrow, are uniformly the number one priority of
every B2B startup marketing plan. You have to master some technical online marketing
tricks to do this, but they are not difficult. Just start every blog post with a keyword in mind,
and SEO as you write. Then, make sure to spread your posts through RSS, LinkedIn,
Twitter, etc., building back links along the way. That’s about all there is to it. Really.

Integrate Blog Content Into the Buying Experience
Don’t let your blog hang off the side of your website. If you follow the two tips above to
leverage your B2B startup marketing blog as a publishing platform, then you should have
lot’s of great stuff you want your prospects and customers to read. You can re-purpose
your blog content into presentations, brochures, videos, and whitepapers, but you can also
use it pretty much as is throughout your website, marketing campaigns and newsletters. In
fact, the RSS feed from your B2B startup marketing blog can be used to accomplish this
automatically as you publish new content.

Capture Your Prospects
If you treat your B2B startup marketing blog as a corporate blog, your prospects will probably
ignore it, so you probably won’t be thinking about lead capture. However, if you follow the
Top Ten Be’s of the Best B2B Blogs and you buy into the publishing platform recipe above,
then your prospects will be flocking to your B2B startup marketing blog in droves. You
should be thinking about lead capture. Be sure to encourage your readers to subscribe to
your RSS feed, follow you on Twitter, and wherever else you publish your blog content. That
will keep them coming back to read and engage, if not yet to buy. If you have a free trial,
make sure your readers know it. And, there is no harm in mixing the occasional product
announcement or highlight into your otherwise unbiased, useful, engaging blog posts.
You’ve worked hard to make your B2B startup marketing blog useful for your prospects;
make sure you capture your leads.

69% of Businesses Attribute Blogging
to Increased Leads [Data]
Posted by Rebecca Corliss
Fri, Sep 23, 2011 @ 04:00 PM
HubSpot customers are leaders in inbound marketing, but in 2011, which strategies were
most effective for converting visitors and leads?
The 2011 HubSpot ROI Study, conducted by two MBA students from MIT and Babson,
found that 69% of businesses surveyed attributed their lead generation success to blogging.
The study also found that 75% of businesses believed SEO was a primary factor. Social
media came in third with 47%, just a hair shy of triple that of paid search.
So what does this mean for marketers today?
If blogging is not yet a key factor in your marketing strategy, it may be time to clean out
the closet and evaluate how your other marketing channels are helping you reach your
marketing goals -- or not. Whatever channel or strategy is performing the worst, commit to
putting it aside for five months to give yourself some time to start a blog.
Afraid you don't have the chops for blogging? Write down three questions that your
customers have asked you in the past month or so. Then answer one of those questions
aloud to a friend or colleague who doesn't know the topic well. After you've successfully
verbally communicated your answer to your friend, run to a computer and draft out your
answer in written form. If done right, blogging will also help you dramatically improve
your search engine optimization, which also proves to be a key lead generating factor for
businesses. So get to it, and start blogging. You can do it!
Did this data surprise you? Does the data reflect your own marketing results?

Read more:

41 Fresh Blog Post Ideas For Your
Company Blog
Posted by Janet Aronica
Mon, Sep 19, 2011 @ 03:15 PM
This is an excerpt from our new ebook – 100 Content Ideas for Community Managers. For
                                       tips like these for Twitter and Facebook, download
                                       the eBook here.
                                       Creating consistent and helpful blog content is a
                                       great way to build community and trust around your
                                       brand for your prospects. It's how you draw the right
                                       potential customers to your website. But cranking
                                       out daily content is challenging. How can you keep
                                       the blog post ideas flowing? How can you keep the
                                       content fresh and prevent yourself from re-hashing
                                       the same old thing.
                                       Here’s a brainstorm of some ideas to get you
                                       started, or just keep you going.

                                        Multi-media and Visuals
                                        1. Do a screencast with Screenr of your product and
share it on your blog.
2. Show a step-by-step guide on how to do something in a screencast, how-to video, or
show the steps in a series of photos.
3. Create a music video for your company and post it on the blog.
4. Share a cartoon or create an original one.

How-to’s and Tips
5. Write a how-to article. Give instructions with screenshots or photos on the steps someone
needs to take to do something.
6. Point out common mistakes in your industry and offer solutions on how to fix or avoid
7. Offer a list of benefits for doing something.
8. Share a list of some things to avoid.
9. Relate your how-to content to a current event or a celebrity. Example: “5 _____ Lessons
from Lady Gaga” or “What the Election Teaches Us About ____”

Use Existing Content
10. Take the contrarian position – Find someone else’s article that you agree or disagree
with. Introduce your blog post with what you specifically agree or disagree with it, and
support your argument with a few concise points.
11. Do a weekly or daily links-roundup of relevant news for your community.
12. Find tips in other content, create a list of those tips and give links to those articles as the
13. Share an excerpt from an ebook or white paper with a call to action to download it for the
rest of the information.
14. Share an excerpt from an upcoming webinar with a call to action to get the rest of the
content in the webinar.
15. Share your slides from a recent presentation.
16. Share conference takeaways.
17. Do a round-up of last year’s/last month’s/last week’s most popular posts.
18. Re-interpret existing content: Collect the top motivational YouTube videos for your
audience, top ebooks, top webinars or infographics.

Incorporate Other Platforms
19. Create a Slideshare presentation of new statistics related to your space and share that
in a blog post. Tag the Slideshare presentation with relevant keywords for your company to
leverage SEO benefits of the platform.
20. Ask a question on Twitter and share the results with a Storify embed.
21. Collect Tweets from a webinar or conference hashtag, show them off with Storify and
offer your own takeaways in the blog post.

22. Respond to industry research with your own perspective. Offer a fresh angle to spark
23. Do a survey with Survey Monkey among your community members and create an
infographic based on the results.
24. Do a poll of your Twitter community with a Twtpoll or your Facebook community with a
Facebook Question and post the results on your blog.
25. Do an in-depth case study about one company, or offer a few examples of how other
companies do something successfully.

Thought Leadership
26. Record an interview with an expert in your field and post it to your blog.
27. Get experts to offer a tip and do a round-up of their recommendations.
28. Feature guest posts from industry experts.
29. Publish responses to frequently asked questions about your industry.
30. Create a list of trends to watch.
31. Compare and contrast: Different products, different approaches, different companies,
different people, different places, etc.
32. Do a review of other non-competitive products or services that your community cares
33. Be a journalist: Be the first in your space to offer industry takeaways about breaking
34. Explain what a current event or topic in the news means for your industry or community.
Example: “What ____ Means for ____.” “Why _____ Matters for _____.”
35. De-bunk common myths.

Make it About Your Community
36. Interview your favorite customer.
36. Post a Flickr slideshow of pictures from a recent event.
37. Run a contest and give away something relevant to your community.
38. Ask for guest posts from community members.
39. If you have company news to share, talk about it in a way that makes it about the reader.
Example: If someone gets promoted, talk about how why were successful. Inspire your
40. Publish a post relevant to the current season or holiday.
41. Outline the top practical use cases for your product, service etc.

Read more:

How to Overcome the 7 Most Crippling
Blogging Challenges
Posted by Corey Eridon
Wed, Jan 18, 2012 @ 10:15 AM

                                                                        We hear it all the
                                                                        time: "I know
                                                                        blogging is
                                                                        important, but
                                                                        ..." "But I don't
                                                                        have any
                                                                        time." "But I can't
                                                                        write." But, but,
                                                                        but. Well luckily,
                                                                        every business
                                                                        blogging challenge
                                                                        we've heard has a
                                                                        solution that you
                                                                        can implement
                                                                        immediately if you
                                                                        truly want to keep
                                                                        that New Year's
blogging resolution. Take a look at the most common objections we hear to starting or
maintaining a regular blogging regiment, and learn how you can overcome those
impediments to become a business blogging rock star.

1. "I don't know how to design my blog."
First of all, make sure your blog resides on a subdomain or subdirectory of your website. For
example, or It would be a bad idea for us to publish our
blog on a different domain, like, because our website would not reap any
SEO credit.
Now that we have that out of the way, let's talk about the layout of your blog. It doesn't have
to be complicated! There are a few components you should include, though. First, you ought
to have social follow and sharing buttons as part of every blog post. If you don't know the
difference between the two types or how to include them on your blog, check out our guide
to creating social sharing and follow buttons. You'll also want to include post previews,
categorization by subject matter so readers can easily find more information about the
subject matters that interest them, and calls-to-action so you can convert blog readers into
leads. There are many other things you can include on your blog, but if you start with the
basics we've mentioned here, you'll be off to a great start.

2. "Who has the time?"
Not being able to find the time to blog is a very common problem. Lessen the burden by
asking your CMO if you may require employees to contribute a certain number of posts
per month. This is something HubSpot has implemented with great success; it also offers
multiple perspectives in your content, letting different areas of expertise shine through and
benefit your readers. You can also lighten the load by reaching out to guest contributors,
which also gives you the opportunity to benefit from their reach and possibly get a valuable
inbound link.
But to find time for you to blog (and ensure your employees keep up their end of the bargain)
it's wise to work off of deadlines. Staring at a blank page can be intimidating and often
results in wasted hours or, worse, no blog post at all. Set and enforce reasonable deadlines
for blog submissions so both you and your employees stay accountable.
Finally, check out some of our tips on how to blog faster. If you're committed to business
blogging, you will have to sacrifice some time in your day to make it happen; them's the
breaks. But it can be a much less timely endeavor if you follow some of these suggestions
for faster blogging.

3. "There's nothing to write about."
When drafting this post, I reached out to my Twitter community to ask them their most
common question. Kate Brodock responded immediately with a very common struggle --
lack of good topics -- and a great solution. Go to your RSS and read your industry's news.
You might find a timely topic about which you should report -- for which Google and by
extension your SEO manager will love you -- or you'll simply get inspiration by reading all of
the things happening in your industry.

                                                                                 You can
also take a trip to visit your sales team to ask them some of the common questions they
are receiving from prospects. These can provide great fodder for blog posts because of the
potential for creating evergreen content, not to mention that if everyone's having an issue,
you certainly want to be the one to provide a valuable answer!
You'll probably find that some days you're teeming with great content ideas, and other days
the well has run dry. On the days when your creativity spikes, document your topic ideas
in an editorial calendar to which you can refer on those days when you're suffering writer's
block. Or simply consult our list of 100 blog content ideas that can help get you out of a
blogging rut.

4. "I'm not a writer."
Not everyone is a natural writer. But many of the things that typically trip up employees
when they're asked to blog is not a writing inability; it's hang-ups that plague them from
either the depths of their subconscious, or possibly high school English class. Make sure
you and anyone else who is worried about being a "bad writer" knows that blogging has a
totally different set of rules. To be a great blogger, all you have to do is write about what you
know in a way that's natural to you. Don't get caught up in fancy language; frankly, it makes
your blog less engaging, anyway. I always tell people to write like they speak, and not worry
about length. When you've said what you want to say, you're done, and you can move on!
And don't forget that people love visual content. Consider shooting a quick how-to video, or if
you're graphically inclined, doodle a humorous cartoon that comments on your industry. You
can even curate a list or publish excerpts from some of the long-form content (e.g. ebooks,
whitepapers) you've already written. If you're having trouble stringing sentences together,
leverage your other talents and assets to keep your blog fed.

5. "I don't know what to look for in a freelancer."
If you're really not up for the task of writing, there's always the option to hire a freelance
writer. But if you've ever tried or talked to someone who has, you may be scared away from
the experience because of unreliable or under-qualified writers. To ensure you're working
with a great writer, treat them like another employee of your company. Talk to them on the
phone, ask them about their expertise in your industry, ask for several writing samples that
pertain to the topics you discuss on your blog. If you treat this relationship like one between
an employee and employer, you'll find a more reliable freelance writer that understands your
That also means, however, that you may have to pay a little bit more to get the quality you
need. This is particularly true for those in a complex industry. Invest the money and time up
front to train your freelance writer to ensure they understand your business model, industry,
and blog objectives; once you are both on the same page, you'll be able to pull back and
know that you've put your blog content into safe, reliable hands.

6. "Nobody is reading my blog."
You're putting time and effort into creating remarkable blog content, consistently, and then
nobody reads it. That's a huge bummer. If you're creating valuable, helpful content on a
regular basis, there are a couple of things you can do to get your blog more visibility.
First, put a link to your blog on your homepage and in your navigation so it can be easily
accessed from anywhere on your website. Follow this logic by also including it on each of
your social media accounts, all of which provide the option to include at least one outbound
link in your profile information. And speaking of social media, are you sharing your blog
content on all of these social networks? If not, get started. Social media and blogging are
inextricably tied. By tweeting and posting your blog content, you will grow your social reach,
and by growing your social reach, you will get more visitors to your blog.
Finally, consider that one of the most common ways people find information is through
organic search. Your blog posts should all be optimized for relevant keyword phrases,
particularly the less competitive long-tail keyword phrases. As you create more and more
keyword optimized content, you'll be found more frequently in search engines and receive a
big boost in blog visitors from organic search traffic.

7. "I don't know how to prove my blog's ROI."
A lot of people have anecdotally accepted that business blogging is important for marketing
success. But they don't believe it enough to start doing it. Is your boss one of those people?
Are you one of those people? Consider these data points about companies who blog: they
enjoy 55% more website visitors, 97% more inbound links, have a 62% cheaper cost
per lead, and 57% of them have acquired a customer through their company blog.
Once you get started, showing the ROI from a consistently updated business blog will be
cake. Generate monthly reports that show how much traffic your blog has driven, how many
times your content is shared in social media and how much your social reach has grown,
how many inbound links you've received, and how many leads you've received from calls-
to-action on your blog posts. Presenting your boss with indisputable data that proves the
ROI of your blog is the best way to ensure it sticks around as part of your inbound marketing

Read more:

Everything You Need to Sell Your Boss
on Business Blogging
Posted by Paul Rios
Thu, Dec 29, 2011 @ 10:30 AM
                                                 You're an inbound marketing convert. You
                                                 believe in the importance of creating
                                                 relevant and interesting content for your
                                                 prospects to consume. You've been
reading up on search engine optimization,
                                                and have started applying the best
                                                practices to your website. You even
                                                opened up a company Facebook page and
                                                Twitter account, though your venture into
                                                Google+ is still tenuous. All of that has
                                                been pretty easy to integrate into your day
                                                to day marketing responsibilities, but
                                                there's one thing you really want to make
                                                more time for: blogging.
                                                There's just one problem. Writing blog
                                                content on a regular basis requires time
                                                that you just don't have. To get the time,
                                                you'll have to lobby your boss for more
                                                resources, and that means convincing your
                                                boss that blogging is actually worth your
                                                time, your effort, and his money. So how
do you go about doing that? This blog post (how meta is that?) will give you the facts,
research, and know-how to explain the benefits of business blogging to a tentative boss and
debunk many of the common myths inbound marketing professionals are frequently faced
with during these difficult conversations.

Is blogging really effective? What results will we
Nothing like some cold, hard data to prove a point. How does this sound?
   ● The average company that blogs generates 55% more website visitors, 97% more
       inbound links, and 434% more indexed pages. (Tweet This Stat!)
   ● HubSpot's 2011 ROI Study shows that 69% of businesses attribute their lead
       generation success to blogging. (Tweet This Stat!)
   ● 57% of businesses have acquired a customer through their company blog. (Tweet
       This Stat!)
   ● The Nielsen Company shows that US internet users spend 3X more time on blogs
       and social networks than in email. (Tweet This Stat!)
   ● Inbound marketing, of which blogging is a crucial part, costs 62% less per lead than
       outbound marketing. (Tweet This Stat!)
Bet you got your boss' attention now, eh? You can find more statistics to impress your boss
and make your point in this compilation of 100 interesting inbound marketing data points.

But won't blogging open us up for negative
Whenever you put anything out on the internet, you open yourself up to negative comments.
You can't let that stop you from creating a meaningful internet presence. That being said,
blog comments are not only far less frequent than they were even just a few years ago, but
the importance with which they are regarded has also decreased. If you're operating your
business on the up and up and your content is honest and genuine, you have little to fear in
terms of commenter backlash.
And just as with any reputation management issue you're confronted with in business, if
you face it head on and operate as a compassionate human being instead of a faceless
corporation, you have the opportunity to turn those naysayers into your biggest fans.
This sounds like a huge time investment. Who is
going to write it all?
To determine how much time you'll need to dedicate to your blog, you have to take a look at
the competition. Are your organic competitors blogging twice a week? Multiple times a day?
Not at all? To outperform them with your inbound marketing, you need to also outperform
them with blogging.
Once you've determined the frequency, you'll know how much support you need. Can you
handle this yourself? Or do you need a new hire dedicated exclusively to blogging? Many
organizations, including HubSpot, require specific employees to contribute a minimum
number of blog posts a month. This solution helps feed your blog with quality content,
provides more than one voice for a valuable mix of perspectives, and doesn't put undue
burden on any one member of your organization.

Does anyone here even know how to blog?
Blogging doesn't come naturally to everyone, but the barrier to entry is very low. Think of
it this way. If you're in sales, you can answer questions about your products and services,
right? If you're in marketing, you can write copy that positions your company correctly, right?
If you're a C-level exec, you sure didn't get to that position without knowing a thing or two
about your industry, right? You have the knowledge you need to blog, you just need to learn
the best practices that make up a great blog post. Luckily, those best practices are not only
simple, but we've already written them all down for you.
The best blogs aren't long, complex, and full of stuffy language and industry jargon. They're
succinct, specific, and engaging. As long as your topic is helpful, you can write just like you
talk -- and your prospects will love it. Oh, we also came up with 100 content ideas to make it
even easier for you to get started.

Will this help with our SEO and social media
Yes, yes, yes. Not only is blogging one of the most important means of achieving SEO
greatness, it will be extremely difficult to see consistent and meaningful SEO
improvements without blogging. One of the most important ways a search engine knows
to return your website in search results is based on the quality of your content and the
frequency at which you publish it. Blogging is a simple, low-cost solution to this. Blogging
also makes it far more likely that your content will be shared on social media networks and
receive inbound links from other websites, two more crucial aspects that boost your SEO
street cred.
Speaking of social media, you can (and should) add social media share and follow buttons
to every blog post you write. If you don't know how to create these buttons, here's a cheat
sheet that will tell you everything you need to know. Your blog content will not only help you
get more followers on your social media networks, but your social media networks will help
you get more blog readers. Blogging and social media are two peas in a pod; as your reach
expands on one, so it does on the other.

Read more:
Cloud Channel Marketing - Mes 6 plus
6 prédictions pour 2012 - Loic Simon,
Club Cloud des Partenaires
Envoyer par e-mailBlogThis!Partager sur TwitterPartager sur Facebook

En tant qu'animateur du Club Cloud des Partenaires, je constate que le Marketing vers,
avec, de et entre nos partenaires Cloud évolue pour prendre en compte la poussée des
médias / réseaux sociaux, elle-même accélérée par la pénétration des smartphones et
autres tablettes, mais également par les inévitables restrictions budgétaires [crise oblige!].

Après des prédictions 2011 un peu polémiques [mais assez "spot on" dans les faits], voici 6
plus 6 prédictions plus "mesurées" pour 2012:

2012 sera une année de transition pour les équipes Marketing qui
continueront à...
   1. Hésiter à co-financer des actions mutualisées de Marketing d'attraction [inbound].
   2. Allouer la majorité des budgets au télémarketing et aux événements clients.
   3. Créer des landing pages publicitaire remplies de formulaires inquisiteurs [et
   4. Faire des présentations désuètes remplies de bullet points, de logos publicitaires et
      de ©.
   5. Repousser la mise en oeuvre de Blogs par crainte [fausse barbe!] d'un manque de
      contenus réguliers.
   6. Exploiter Twitter surtout comme un outil promotionnel et publicitaire.
Mais 2012 sera l'année propice pour...
  1. Exploiter vraiment les Medias Sociaux et autres outils du Marketing 2.0 [cf image ci-
  2. Organiser la production et le partage de contenus d'experts, notamment au travers
     de Blogs
  3. Publier des documents réutilisables [eg des Powerpoint - pas des PDF - sans ©
     décourageant...] et aider les partenaires et les clients à produire et à partager du
  4. Utiliser des applications SaaS pour gérer notre PRM [Partner Relationship
     Management] et la collaboration entre nos partenaires.
  5. Faire collaborer des coopétiteurs, en poussant notamment nos partenaires à
     mutualiser des actions marketing avec leurs confrères.
  6. Combiner "offline" et "online", en associant par exemple des
     évènements "physiques" avec des contenus et actions en ligne.
Et vous, quelles sont vos prédictions pour 2012 ?

            Loic Simon
            Business Development - Partenaires Cloud
   - +33 6 76 75 40 71

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Owned Blogs and Social Media - B2B - Curation and PoV - Loic Simon - Club Cloud des Partenaires

  • 1. Inbound Marketing - 6 raisons d'investir dans vos propres Blogs! Vous désirez sans doute profiter de l'effet de levier de l'Inbound Marketing [Marketing d'attraction], du Content Marketing, du Social Media Marketing, du Paid Owned Earned [POE] ou de toute autre forme de Marketing 2.0. Voici mon point de vue sur l'exploitation de Blogs en propre par les équipes ventes/ marketing/bizdev/techniques des différentes entités de votre entreprise, et ce notamment en environnement B2B. Pour commencer: 6 [mauvaises] raisons pour écarter les [owned] Blogs d'une
  • 2. démarche d'Inbound Marketing: 1. Les Blogs, c'est quelque chose de personnel [et non "corporate"]. C'est donc à chaque collaborateur de décider de bloguer, mais pas à nous, Marketing/ Communication... 2. Les Blogs, ça prend du temps. Nos équipes Marketing se réduisent. Nous n'avons donc pas le temps d'exploiter des Blogs. 3. Nous avons beaucoup de mal à mobiliser des Experts pour écrire des articles. Le contenu des Blogs serait donc trop pauvre. 4. Nous préférons nous concentrer sur la création de contenus marketing et publicitaires que nous postons sur nos sites corporate et dont nous faisons la promotion au travers de Twitter, Facebook, LinnkedIn afin d'obtenir des RT et autres relais de type "Earned". 5. Les blogueurs externes ont bien plus d'abonnés et de crédibilité que nos propres Blogs. Il suffit qu'ils relaient nos contenus ou écrivent des articles sur nous et nous aurons plein de trafic sur nos Landing Pages corporate. 6. Les Blogs, c'est du passé. Twitter and Facebook sont bien plus à la mode! Je pourrais réfuter ces arguments qui sont clairement le fruit d'une méconnaissance des mécanismes de l'Inbound Marketing [domaine en fait peu connu par nos équipes Marketing traditionnelles!], mais voici plutôt: 6 bonnes raisons de mettre vos propres Blogs au coeur de votre stratégie Paid Owned Earned: 1. Les Blogs générent des Contenus variés, ce qui est au coeur d'une démarche POE 2. Les Contenus créent des opportunités de partage au travers des autres médias POE, dont Twitter, LinkedIn, Viadeo... et de relais par les autres blogueurs influents [Earned]. 3. Les Contenus partagés créent de la visibilité [de manière naturelle, organique, dans les moteurs de recherche] et de la crédibilité [les blogueurs créent la perception de "thought leadership"], 4. Les Contenus visibles et crédibles permettent aux prospects de vous contacter [inbound marketing], mais aussi, avant, de nourrir leur réflexion [meilleur nurturing] et de réduire leur cycles d'achat et de vente. 5. Blogs et Evènements sont complémentaires et se renforcent mutuellement. En effet, les évènements créent du contenu [eg desccriptifs d'ateliers et présentations postées dans Slideshare et intégrées dans des Blogs], et les Blogs créent du trafic pour les évènements. Bénéfice complémentaire, un Blog exploité conjointement avec Slideshare permet de mettre très rapidement des présentations à disposition des participants à une manifestation. 6. Les Experts sont nombreux et beaucoup d'entre-eux disposent de contenus variés, au delà des seuls points de vue originaux: Présentations existantes ou créées pour un évènement [à poster bien sûr sur Slideshare], relais d'articles issus de leur veille/ curation, annonces de réunions et autres évènements liés à leur domaine... Je peux témoigner de l'intérêt des Blogs propres en environnement B2B: Ma propre expérience d'animateur du Club Alliances [éditeurs SaaS] et du Club Cloud des Partenaires [fournisseurs et partenaires Cloud] m'a montré la puissance de l'intégration de Blogs au coeur de ce que Marketor et moi avons appelé depuis plusieurs années maintenant une "Infrastructure Marketing 2.0".
  • 3. 2012.06.17 - Owned Blogs - Club Cloud des Partenaires - Loic Simon View more PowerPoint from Club Cloud des Partenaires Alors, prêts à démarrer et à nourrir votre/vos propre(s) blog(s)? Loic Simon Cloud Channel Development Executive - IBM +33 6 76 75 40 71 Content marketing : 5 bonnes raisons de lancer votre blog Le blog d’entreprise, un gadget ? Et pourtant, c’est grâce à ce moyen peu coûteux, au cœur de toute bonne stratégie d’inbound et de content marketing, que vous pourrez durablement vous démarquer de vos concurrents en créant une relation privilégiée avec vos cibles. Cinq bonnes raisons de vous laisser tenter. Raison n° 1 : pour attirer de nouveaux clients, ciblés et qualifiés ● Le Web vous offre un espace d’expression illimité, profitez-en : vous avez tout le loisir de communiquer sur vos services, vos valeurs ou votre activité. Une publication riche et régulière d’articles booste le développement de votre présence en ligne, en adéquation avec votre identité et votre image de marque. ● Optimisé pour le Web, ce contenu vous permet de renforcer vos mots clés, et ainsi d’apparaître plus facilement en première page des résultats de recherche sur Google. L’objectif : être trouvé par vos cibles et générer du trafic !
  • 4. Vous vous adressez à votre coeur de cible et l’amenez vers vous : l’occasion de conserver la trace de vos visiteurs et de mettre en place un nurturing, en leur fournissant régulièrement le contenu qui leur permettra d’avancer dans leur réflexion et de revenir vers vous au moment opportun. Raison n° 2 : pour communiquer directement avec votre public ● Le schéma de vente traditionnel a bien changé : aujourd’hui, l’internaute se met lui- même en quête des informations dont il a besoin avant de procéder à un achat. Sur le segment du BtoB, près de 93% des acheteurs vont chercher une réponse à leur(s) question(s) sur Internet, via un moteur de recherche ou auprès de leur communauté. A vous d’être là pour leur répondre ! ● Abolissez les barrières : qu’elle soit en phase de sensibilisation, d’investigation ou de validation d’une solution, vous avez tout à gagner à communiquer en direct avec votre cible. Vous établissez un lien en direct avec vos prospects et vous montrez proactifs dans la résolution de leurs problématiques. Raison n° 3 : pour affirmer votre expertise ● Un blog reflète vos idées et votre façon d’appréhender votre domaine d’expertise et votre marché. Même si vous n’êtes pas le seul à posséder ces compétences, vous défendez votre manière de conduire votre business. ● Actualité de votre profession, analyse de tendances métier, partage de contenus pertinents, retours d’expérience… Votre activité vous offre une matière solide pour alimenter vos publications, et démontrer au passage l’étendue de votre expertise. ● Vous savez de quoi vous parlez, et vous le faites bien ? En partageant vos connaissances, vous sensibilisez votre public à votre problématique. L’occasion de booster votre crédibilité et d’inciter vos interlocuteurs à vous suivre. Raison n° 4 : pour favoriser l’engagement de vos cibles ● Wikipédia a raison : « Le blog d’entreprise permet une communication moins officielle, plus réactive et une interactivité en temps réel ». ● Grâce aux commentaires postés sur votre blog, aux réponses aux questions que vous posez à vos lecteurs (live chat, formulaires de contact, etc.) et aux statistiques de consultation (pages les plus vues, mots clés les plus recherchés, contenus les plus partagés), vous affinez votre connaissance de vos prospects et de vos clients. Vous êtes chaque jour davantage en mesure de leur proposer des solutions en parfaite adéquation avec leurs attentes. ● Ecoutés, ces derniers se sentent plus proches de vous. Dans une relation de confiance, ils ont envie de s’engager à vos côtés. Votre communauté grandit ; vous vous démarquez par rapport à la concurrence. Raison n° 5 : pour développer vos ventes, vos marges et votre business ● Vous avez bonne réputation en ligne ? Grâce à l’ensemble des raisons que nous venons de citer, nul doute que l’impact principal se situera sur votre génération de leads et votre capacité à convertir un public séduit en prospects, puis des prospects engagés en clients. Vous l’avez compris, le contenu reste votre meilleur outil de création de trafic et de fidélisation : selon une étude Forrester Research, il arrive en première position des solutions pour faire revenir un internaute sur un site. Une stratégie de communication efficace doit cependant être intégrée : il est nécessaire de faire vivre son blog en relayant les messages sur les canaux pertinents, en prenant garde à adapter son message et son
  • 5. contenu au relais utilisé. Vous aimeriez lancer votre blog mais vous n’avez clairement pas de temps à y consacrer ? Vous avez besoin de savoir-faire, de compétences et de stratégies adaptées ? Découvrez nos offres et contactez-nous, nous avons la réponse à votre besoin. A bientôt ! Posté par Faustine Amoré Experte en stratégie de contenu Depuis 2012, Faustine collabore avec 1min30 pour aider les entreprises à établir leur notoriété et leur expertise autour de la création et la diffusion de contenus personnalisés, notamment digitaux, via une approche et une méthodologie adaptés à l’univers du Web. Entrepreneure spécialisée dans la conception et l'exécution de stratégies éditoriales, Faustine est par ailleurs auteur et scénariste. Elle passe sa vie à écrire, donc. Extending the life of your content By Claire Atwell Posted Mar 29, 2012 Filed in: Inbound Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Blogging, Internet Marketing, Clients One of the most important factors of Search Engine Optimization is regularly posting good content on your website. But a list of your favorite TV shows or what you ate for breakfast isn’t exactly ideal. In a perfect world, you should be consistently creating compelling content that is relevant to your target audience and optimized for keywords you’d like to rank highly for. But realistically, coming up with something brand-new to post to your blog every week can be a huge time burden, especially when your primary concern is to serve your customers. So, why not extend the life of content you already have? These can be articles you’ve written for other publications, marketing materials your company uses or presentations from talks or seminars. Here’s a recent example of some content repurposing we did for one of our clients we help with SEO, the Raleigh business and intellectual property law firm Whitmeyer Tuffin, PLLC., which produced some very successful results. 1. It started with a lecture. Randy Whitmeyer often lectures to classes at local universities on intellectual property law. Such was the case a few weeks ago, when Randy spoke to Dr. Ted Baker’s entrepreneurship students at N.C. State. Naturally, he put together a powerpoint presentation to accompany his talk covering intellectual property basics for entrepreneurs.
  • 6. 2. The presentation was uploaded to slideshare... Rather than file it away for the next lecture, we added his presentation to the Whitmeyer Tuffin slideshare account so the information could be viewed and shared easily. The firm uses slideshare fairly frequently to publish presentations, which are then added to their website. Not only do these slides inform current and potential clients, it also establishes the Whitmeyer Tuffin attorneys as thought leaders in their industry. 3. And repurposed into a blog post.. Extracting and tweaking the information from this particular presentation would create more SEO value for their website than just embedding the slideshare. So, we used the biggest takeaway points to write an optimized blog post, the Top 10 Intellectual Property Mistakes Made by Emerging Companies. Because Randy had already put thought in to the presentation, it wasn't difficult or time-consuming to recycle the information from the slides for the website. 4. Which was submitted to directories and shared on Twitter. To get the most out of any content you post, it should be promoted across the web to drive traffic back to the site and (hopefully) generate a few external links. This is usually pretty successful for an interesting, informative post such as this one, particularly when shared in the right places. The blog post became the subject of a Whitmeyer Tuffin tweet, and was submitted to several directories geared toward entrepreneurs. 5. The result? The post was viewed hundreds of times in the first five days after being shared, and is now the second-most viewed page on the site (after the homepage.) The post’s link on the Startups subreddit drove 136 new visits alone. Overall, traffic to the Whitmeyer Tuffin site has more than doubled since last month, primarily due to directory referrals. The post is also ranking on the first page of Google for intellectual property mistakes. This is just one example of how content that's already been created can be recycled into a successful website post. Where are some other places you look for site content to repurpose? B2B Startup Marketing | Blog Your Way to Leads By Joel York on February 29, 2012 B2B startup marketing is tough. It used to be that you could polish off a high level message and a slide deck and let the salesperson handle it from there. Today, online marketing is the primary driver of revenue at the typical B2B startup. The new breed of B2B buyer expects your online content to be engaging, valuable and deep, and is unlikely to engage your salesperson if you don’t deliver. However, B2B content can be excruciatingly difficult to produce. It’s technical, complex, dry and requires deep subject matter expertise to be
  • 7. truly valuable. Plus, it usually must be done on a shoestring budget, yesterday. The B2B Startup Marketing Blog Imperative Every B2B startup marketing professional knows that they need a blog, but not everyone recognizes it’s central importance in getting the B2B startup marketing effort off the ground. After all, its just a corporate blog, and who reads corporate blogs right? Wrong! Perhaps it’s the terminology that is getting in the way. Your corporate blog should a) not be corporate and b) not be a blog, as in a Web log of what’s going on at your company. What it should be is a publishing platform for creating engaging, valuable and deep content for the new breed of B2B buyer by following the Top Ten Be’s of the Best B2B Blogs. But, that’s just the beginning. A successful blog should provide enormous leverage to your B2B startup marketing effort and enable you to generate leads faster, cheaper and more effectively. The Shortest Path to Deep Content Creativity is a process, not a plan. Turning technical, complex, dry B2B marketing content into something interesting, engaging and compelling doesn’t just happen because you set a date to complete a new video or whitepaper. You need time to think it over. Free your creative juices. Then, hone your ideas into something really cool. In the meantime, you can blog. Your B2B startup marketing blog should be a crucible of creativity. You can try out your ideas piecemeal, one post at a time, until they converge into that fantastic whitepaper, webinar or video series. Regular readers of Chaotic Flow (thank you!) will recognize that this is an integral aspect of how I develop this blog.The Top Ten Do’s and Don’ts of SaaS Success didn’t just spring into my mind all at once: one, two three…ten. They are a result of ideas I played out one post at a time. This is the case for all the whitepapers you see over on the right. Most often, I will outline a series of blog posts with the intent that if they turn out good enough, I can quickly and easily reshape them into a whitepaper. Get Instant Results Through SEO and Social Media On the Web, the medium is quite literally the message. As you hone your great ideas one post at a time on your B2B startup marketing blog, you immediately open online channels for demand generation. Instead of waiting three months for results as you write and rewrite that magnum opus whitepaper or produce that expensive viral video, you can be generating leads today through SEO and social media with the half-baked ideas on your B2B startup marketing blog. And leads, today not tomorrow, are uniformly the number one priority of every B2B startup marketing plan. You have to master some technical online marketing tricks to do this, but they are not difficult. Just start every blog post with a keyword in mind, and SEO as you write. Then, make sure to spread your posts through RSS, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc., building back links along the way. That’s about all there is to it. Really. Integrate Blog Content Into the Buying Experience Don’t let your blog hang off the side of your website. If you follow the two tips above to leverage your B2B startup marketing blog as a publishing platform, then you should have lot’s of great stuff you want your prospects and customers to read. You can re-purpose
  • 8. your blog content into presentations, brochures, videos, and whitepapers, but you can also use it pretty much as is throughout your website, marketing campaigns and newsletters. In fact, the RSS feed from your B2B startup marketing blog can be used to accomplish this automatically as you publish new content. Capture Your Prospects If you treat your B2B startup marketing blog as a corporate blog, your prospects will probably ignore it, so you probably won’t be thinking about lead capture. However, if you follow the Top Ten Be’s of the Best B2B Blogs and you buy into the publishing platform recipe above, then your prospects will be flocking to your B2B startup marketing blog in droves. You should be thinking about lead capture. Be sure to encourage your readers to subscribe to your RSS feed, follow you on Twitter, and wherever else you publish your blog content. That will keep them coming back to read and engage, if not yet to buy. If you have a free trial, make sure your readers know it. And, there is no harm in mixing the occasional product announcement or highlight into your otherwise unbiased, useful, engaging blog posts. You’ve worked hard to make your B2B startup marketing blog useful for your prospects; make sure you capture your leads. 69% of Businesses Attribute Blogging to Increased Leads [Data] Posted by Rebecca Corliss Fri, Sep 23, 2011 @ 04:00 PM HubSpot customers are leaders in inbound marketing, but in 2011, which strategies were most effective for converting visitors and leads? The 2011 HubSpot ROI Study, conducted by two MBA students from MIT and Babson, found that 69% of businesses surveyed attributed their lead generation success to blogging. The study also found that 75% of businesses believed SEO was a primary factor. Social media came in third with 47%, just a hair shy of triple that of paid search.
  • 9. So what does this mean for marketers today? If blogging is not yet a key factor in your marketing strategy, it may be time to clean out the closet and evaluate how your other marketing channels are helping you reach your marketing goals -- or not. Whatever channel or strategy is performing the worst, commit to putting it aside for five months to give yourself some time to start a blog. Afraid you don't have the chops for blogging? Write down three questions that your customers have asked you in the past month or so. Then answer one of those questions aloud to a friend or colleague who doesn't know the topic well. After you've successfully verbally communicated your answer to your friend, run to a computer and draft out your answer in written form. If done right, blogging will also help you dramatically improve your search engine optimization, which also proves to be a key lead generating factor for businesses. So get to it, and start blogging. You can do it! Did this data surprise you? Does the data reflect your own marketing results? Read more: Blogging-to-Increased-Leads-Data.aspx#ixzz1yysIHu34 41 Fresh Blog Post Ideas For Your Company Blog Posted by Janet Aronica Mon, Sep 19, 2011 @ 03:15 PM This is an excerpt from our new ebook – 100 Content Ideas for Community Managers. For tips like these for Twitter and Facebook, download the eBook here. Creating consistent and helpful blog content is a great way to build community and trust around your brand for your prospects. It's how you draw the right potential customers to your website. But cranking out daily content is challenging. How can you keep the blog post ideas flowing? How can you keep the content fresh and prevent yourself from re-hashing the same old thing. Here’s a brainstorm of some ideas to get you started, or just keep you going. Multi-media and Visuals 1. Do a screencast with Screenr of your product and share it on your blog. 2. Show a step-by-step guide on how to do something in a screencast, how-to video, or show the steps in a series of photos. 3. Create a music video for your company and post it on the blog. 4. Share a cartoon or create an original one. How-to’s and Tips 5. Write a how-to article. Give instructions with screenshots or photos on the steps someone needs to take to do something. 6. Point out common mistakes in your industry and offer solutions on how to fix or avoid
  • 10. them. 7. Offer a list of benefits for doing something. 8. Share a list of some things to avoid. 9. Relate your how-to content to a current event or a celebrity. Example: “5 _____ Lessons from Lady Gaga” or “What the Election Teaches Us About ____” Use Existing Content 10. Take the contrarian position – Find someone else’s article that you agree or disagree with. Introduce your blog post with what you specifically agree or disagree with it, and support your argument with a few concise points. 11. Do a weekly or daily links-roundup of relevant news for your community. 12. Find tips in other content, create a list of those tips and give links to those articles as the sources. 13. Share an excerpt from an ebook or white paper with a call to action to download it for the rest of the information. 14. Share an excerpt from an upcoming webinar with a call to action to get the rest of the content in the webinar. 15. Share your slides from a recent presentation. 16. Share conference takeaways. 17. Do a round-up of last year’s/last month’s/last week’s most popular posts. 18. Re-interpret existing content: Collect the top motivational YouTube videos for your audience, top ebooks, top webinars or infographics. Incorporate Other Platforms 19. Create a Slideshare presentation of new statistics related to your space and share that in a blog post. Tag the Slideshare presentation with relevant keywords for your company to leverage SEO benefits of the platform. 20. Ask a question on Twitter and share the results with a Storify embed. 21. Collect Tweets from a webinar or conference hashtag, show them off with Storify and offer your own takeaways in the blog post. Research 22. Respond to industry research with your own perspective. Offer a fresh angle to spark conversation. 23. Do a survey with Survey Monkey among your community members and create an infographic based on the results. 24. Do a poll of your Twitter community with a Twtpoll or your Facebook community with a Facebook Question and post the results on your blog. 25. Do an in-depth case study about one company, or offer a few examples of how other companies do something successfully. Thought Leadership 26. Record an interview with an expert in your field and post it to your blog. 27. Get experts to offer a tip and do a round-up of their recommendations. 28. Feature guest posts from industry experts. 29. Publish responses to frequently asked questions about your industry. 30. Create a list of trends to watch. 31. Compare and contrast: Different products, different approaches, different companies, different people, different places, etc. 32. Do a review of other non-competitive products or services that your community cares about. 33. Be a journalist: Be the first in your space to offer industry takeaways about breaking news. 34. Explain what a current event or topic in the news means for your industry or community. Example: “What ____ Means for ____.” “Why _____ Matters for _____.”
  • 11. 35. De-bunk common myths. Make it About Your Community 36. Interview your favorite customer. 36. Post a Flickr slideshow of pictures from a recent event. 37. Run a contest and give away something relevant to your community. 38. Ask for guest posts from community members. 39. If you have company news to share, talk about it in a way that makes it about the reader. Example: If someone gets promoted, talk about how why were successful. Inspire your audience. 40. Publish a post relevant to the current season or holiday. 41. Outline the top practical use cases for your product, service etc. Read more: For-Your-Company-Blog.aspx#ixzz1yysnWZsQ How to Overcome the 7 Most Crippling Blogging Challenges Posted by Corey Eridon Wed, Jan 18, 2012 @ 10:15 AM We hear it all the time: "I know blogging is important, but ..." "But I don't have any time." "But I can't write." But, but, but. Well luckily, every business blogging challenge we've heard has a solution that you can implement immediately if you truly want to keep that New Year's blogging resolution. Take a look at the most common objections we hear to starting or maintaining a regular blogging regiment, and learn how you can overcome those impediments to become a business blogging rock star. 1. "I don't know how to design my blog." First of all, make sure your blog resides on a subdomain or subdirectory of your website. For example, or It would be a bad idea for us to publish our blog on a different domain, like, because our website would not reap any SEO credit. Now that we have that out of the way, let's talk about the layout of your blog. It doesn't have
  • 12. to be complicated! There are a few components you should include, though. First, you ought to have social follow and sharing buttons as part of every blog post. If you don't know the difference between the two types or how to include them on your blog, check out our guide to creating social sharing and follow buttons. You'll also want to include post previews, categorization by subject matter so readers can easily find more information about the subject matters that interest them, and calls-to-action so you can convert blog readers into leads. There are many other things you can include on your blog, but if you start with the basics we've mentioned here, you'll be off to a great start. 2. "Who has the time?" Not being able to find the time to blog is a very common problem. Lessen the burden by asking your CMO if you may require employees to contribute a certain number of posts per month. This is something HubSpot has implemented with great success; it also offers multiple perspectives in your content, letting different areas of expertise shine through and benefit your readers. You can also lighten the load by reaching out to guest contributors, which also gives you the opportunity to benefit from their reach and possibly get a valuable inbound link. But to find time for you to blog (and ensure your employees keep up their end of the bargain) it's wise to work off of deadlines. Staring at a blank page can be intimidating and often results in wasted hours or, worse, no blog post at all. Set and enforce reasonable deadlines for blog submissions so both you and your employees stay accountable. Finally, check out some of our tips on how to blog faster. If you're committed to business blogging, you will have to sacrifice some time in your day to make it happen; them's the breaks. But it can be a much less timely endeavor if you follow some of these suggestions for faster blogging. 3. "There's nothing to write about." When drafting this post, I reached out to my Twitter community to ask them their most common question. Kate Brodock responded immediately with a very common struggle -- lack of good topics -- and a great solution. Go to your RSS and read your industry's news. You might find a timely topic about which you should report -- for which Google and by extension your SEO manager will love you -- or you'll simply get inspiration by reading all of the things happening in your industry. You can also take a trip to visit your sales team to ask them some of the common questions they are receiving from prospects. These can provide great fodder for blog posts because of the potential for creating evergreen content, not to mention that if everyone's having an issue, you certainly want to be the one to provide a valuable answer! You'll probably find that some days you're teeming with great content ideas, and other days the well has run dry. On the days when your creativity spikes, document your topic ideas in an editorial calendar to which you can refer on those days when you're suffering writer's block. Or simply consult our list of 100 blog content ideas that can help get you out of a blogging rut. 4. "I'm not a writer." Not everyone is a natural writer. But many of the things that typically trip up employees when they're asked to blog is not a writing inability; it's hang-ups that plague them from
  • 13. either the depths of their subconscious, or possibly high school English class. Make sure you and anyone else who is worried about being a "bad writer" knows that blogging has a totally different set of rules. To be a great blogger, all you have to do is write about what you know in a way that's natural to you. Don't get caught up in fancy language; frankly, it makes your blog less engaging, anyway. I always tell people to write like they speak, and not worry about length. When you've said what you want to say, you're done, and you can move on! And don't forget that people love visual content. Consider shooting a quick how-to video, or if you're graphically inclined, doodle a humorous cartoon that comments on your industry. You can even curate a list or publish excerpts from some of the long-form content (e.g. ebooks, whitepapers) you've already written. If you're having trouble stringing sentences together, leverage your other talents and assets to keep your blog fed. 5. "I don't know what to look for in a freelancer." If you're really not up for the task of writing, there's always the option to hire a freelance writer. But if you've ever tried or talked to someone who has, you may be scared away from the experience because of unreliable or under-qualified writers. To ensure you're working with a great writer, treat them like another employee of your company. Talk to them on the phone, ask them about their expertise in your industry, ask for several writing samples that pertain to the topics you discuss on your blog. If you treat this relationship like one between an employee and employer, you'll find a more reliable freelance writer that understands your industry. That also means, however, that you may have to pay a little bit more to get the quality you need. This is particularly true for those in a complex industry. Invest the money and time up front to train your freelance writer to ensure they understand your business model, industry, and blog objectives; once you are both on the same page, you'll be able to pull back and know that you've put your blog content into safe, reliable hands. 6. "Nobody is reading my blog." You're putting time and effort into creating remarkable blog content, consistently, and then nobody reads it. That's a huge bummer. If you're creating valuable, helpful content on a regular basis, there are a couple of things you can do to get your blog more visibility. First, put a link to your blog on your homepage and in your navigation so it can be easily accessed from anywhere on your website. Follow this logic by also including it on each of your social media accounts, all of which provide the option to include at least one outbound link in your profile information. And speaking of social media, are you sharing your blog content on all of these social networks? If not, get started. Social media and blogging are inextricably tied. By tweeting and posting your blog content, you will grow your social reach, and by growing your social reach, you will get more visitors to your blog.
  • 14. Finally, consider that one of the most common ways people find information is through organic search. Your blog posts should all be optimized for relevant keyword phrases, particularly the less competitive long-tail keyword phrases. As you create more and more keyword optimized content, you'll be found more frequently in search engines and receive a big boost in blog visitors from organic search traffic. 7. "I don't know how to prove my blog's ROI." A lot of people have anecdotally accepted that business blogging is important for marketing success. But they don't believe it enough to start doing it. Is your boss one of those people? Are you one of those people? Consider these data points about companies who blog: they enjoy 55% more website visitors, 97% more inbound links, have a 62% cheaper cost per lead, and 57% of them have acquired a customer through their company blog. Once you get started, showing the ROI from a consistently updated business blog will be cake. Generate monthly reports that show how much traffic your blog has driven, how many times your content is shared in social media and how much your social reach has grown, how many inbound links you've received, and how many leads you've received from calls- to-action on your blog posts. Presenting your boss with indisputable data that proves the ROI of your blog is the best way to ensure it sticks around as part of your inbound marketing strategy. Read more: Most-Crippling-Blogging-Challenges.aspx#ixzz1yywPytUo Everything You Need to Sell Your Boss on Business Blogging Posted by Paul Rios Thu, Dec 29, 2011 @ 10:30 AM You're an inbound marketing convert. You believe in the importance of creating relevant and interesting content for your prospects to consume. You've been
  • 15. reading up on search engine optimization, and have started applying the best practices to your website. You even opened up a company Facebook page and Twitter account, though your venture into Google+ is still tenuous. All of that has been pretty easy to integrate into your day to day marketing responsibilities, but there's one thing you really want to make more time for: blogging. There's just one problem. Writing blog content on a regular basis requires time that you just don't have. To get the time, you'll have to lobby your boss for more resources, and that means convincing your boss that blogging is actually worth your time, your effort, and his money. So how do you go about doing that? This blog post (how meta is that?) will give you the facts, research, and know-how to explain the benefits of business blogging to a tentative boss and debunk many of the common myths inbound marketing professionals are frequently faced with during these difficult conversations. Is blogging really effective? What results will we see? Nothing like some cold, hard data to prove a point. How does this sound? ● The average company that blogs generates 55% more website visitors, 97% more inbound links, and 434% more indexed pages. (Tweet This Stat!) ● HubSpot's 2011 ROI Study shows that 69% of businesses attribute their lead generation success to blogging. (Tweet This Stat!) ● 57% of businesses have acquired a customer through their company blog. (Tweet This Stat!) ● The Nielsen Company shows that US internet users spend 3X more time on blogs and social networks than in email. (Tweet This Stat!) ● Inbound marketing, of which blogging is a crucial part, costs 62% less per lead than outbound marketing. (Tweet This Stat!) Bet you got your boss' attention now, eh? You can find more statistics to impress your boss and make your point in this compilation of 100 interesting inbound marketing data points. But won't blogging open us up for negative comments? Whenever you put anything out on the internet, you open yourself up to negative comments. You can't let that stop you from creating a meaningful internet presence. That being said, blog comments are not only far less frequent than they were even just a few years ago, but the importance with which they are regarded has also decreased. If you're operating your business on the up and up and your content is honest and genuine, you have little to fear in terms of commenter backlash. And just as with any reputation management issue you're confronted with in business, if you face it head on and operate as a compassionate human being instead of a faceless corporation, you have the opportunity to turn those naysayers into your biggest fans.
  • 16. This sounds like a huge time investment. Who is going to write it all? To determine how much time you'll need to dedicate to your blog, you have to take a look at the competition. Are your organic competitors blogging twice a week? Multiple times a day? Not at all? To outperform them with your inbound marketing, you need to also outperform them with blogging. Once you've determined the frequency, you'll know how much support you need. Can you handle this yourself? Or do you need a new hire dedicated exclusively to blogging? Many organizations, including HubSpot, require specific employees to contribute a minimum number of blog posts a month. This solution helps feed your blog with quality content, provides more than one voice for a valuable mix of perspectives, and doesn't put undue burden on any one member of your organization. Does anyone here even know how to blog? Blogging doesn't come naturally to everyone, but the barrier to entry is very low. Think of it this way. If you're in sales, you can answer questions about your products and services, right? If you're in marketing, you can write copy that positions your company correctly, right? If you're a C-level exec, you sure didn't get to that position without knowing a thing or two about your industry, right? You have the knowledge you need to blog, you just need to learn the best practices that make up a great blog post. Luckily, those best practices are not only simple, but we've already written them all down for you. The best blogs aren't long, complex, and full of stuffy language and industry jargon. They're succinct, specific, and engaging. As long as your topic is helpful, you can write just like you talk -- and your prospects will love it. Oh, we also came up with 100 content ideas to make it even easier for you to get started. Will this help with our SEO and social media presence? Yes, yes, yes. Not only is blogging one of the most important means of achieving SEO greatness, it will be extremely difficult to see consistent and meaningful SEO improvements without blogging. One of the most important ways a search engine knows to return your website in search results is based on the quality of your content and the frequency at which you publish it. Blogging is a simple, low-cost solution to this. Blogging also makes it far more likely that your content will be shared on social media networks and receive inbound links from other websites, two more crucial aspects that boost your SEO street cred. Speaking of social media, you can (and should) add social media share and follow buttons to every blog post you write. If you don't know how to create these buttons, here's a cheat sheet that will tell you everything you need to know. Your blog content will not only help you get more followers on your social media networks, but your social media networks will help you get more blog readers. Blogging and social media are two peas in a pod; as your reach expands on one, so it does on the other. Read more: Your-Boss-on-Business-Blogging.aspx#ixzz1yyxGDOoO
  • 17. Cloud Channel Marketing - Mes 6 plus 6 prédictions pour 2012 - Loic Simon, Club Cloud des Partenaires Envoyer par e-mailBlogThis!Partager sur TwitterPartager sur Facebook En tant qu'animateur du Club Cloud des Partenaires, je constate que le Marketing vers, avec, de et entre nos partenaires Cloud évolue pour prendre en compte la poussée des médias / réseaux sociaux, elle-même accélérée par la pénétration des smartphones et autres tablettes, mais également par les inévitables restrictions budgétaires [crise oblige!]. Après des prédictions 2011 un peu polémiques [mais assez "spot on" dans les faits], voici 6 plus 6 prédictions plus "mesurées" pour 2012: 2012 sera une année de transition pour les équipes Marketing qui continueront à... 1. Hésiter à co-financer des actions mutualisées de Marketing d'attraction [inbound]. 2. Allouer la majorité des budgets au télémarketing et aux événements clients. 3. Créer des landing pages publicitaire remplies de formulaires inquisiteurs [et repousseurs] 4. Faire des présentations désuètes remplies de bullet points, de logos publicitaires et de ©. 5. Repousser la mise en oeuvre de Blogs par crainte [fausse barbe!] d'un manque de contenus réguliers. 6. Exploiter Twitter surtout comme un outil promotionnel et publicitaire.
  • 18. Mais 2012 sera l'année propice pour... 1. Exploiter vraiment les Medias Sociaux et autres outils du Marketing 2.0 [cf image ci- dessus] 2. Organiser la production et le partage de contenus d'experts, notamment au travers de Blogs 3. Publier des documents réutilisables [eg des Powerpoint - pas des PDF - sans © décourageant...] et aider les partenaires et les clients à produire et à partager du contenu. 4. Utiliser des applications SaaS pour gérer notre PRM [Partner Relationship Management] et la collaboration entre nos partenaires. 5. Faire collaborer des coopétiteurs, en poussant notamment nos partenaires à mutualiser des actions marketing avec leurs confrères. 6. Combiner "offline" et "online", en associant par exemple des évènements "physiques" avec des contenus et actions en ligne.
  • 19. Et vous, quelles sont vos prédictions pour 2012 ? Loic Simon Business Development - Partenaires Cloud - +33 6 76 75 40 71