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  - the object:     numbers & positional number systems
                    -> question 1: what is a concept?

  - question 2:     what cognitive mechanisms allow us to understand
                    such a system ?

  - assumptions:    - people learn by adapting their understanding,
                        building on previously learnt structures
                    - people continuously “construct” an ad hoc
                        understanding and test its effective power, only
                        over time leading to stable structures

  - the approach:   confront subjects with example “problems” and look
                    how they “make sense” of it

                    qualitative interviews + online study

  - some results
number representation

 “The way we do arithmetic is intimately related to the way we represent
 the numbers we deal with.”
                                         Donald Knuth, TAOCP Vol. II, p.195
number representation

         0, 1, 2, 3, ...
number representation

         0, 1, 2, 3, ...
         “zero”, “one”, “two”, “three”, ...
number representation

         0, 1, 2, 3, ...
         “zero”, “one”, “two”, “three”, ...
         0 = ∅, 1 = {∅}, 2 = {{∅}}, ...
number representation

         0, 1, 2, 3, ...
         “zero”, “one”, “two”, “three”, ...
         0 = ∅, 1 = {∅}, 2 = {{∅}}, ...
         0 = ∅, 1 = {∅}, 2={∅,{∅}}, ...
number representation

         0, 1, 2, 3, ...
         “zero”, “one”, “two”, “three”, ...
         0 = ∅, 1 = {∅}, 2 = {{∅}}, ...
         0 = ∅, 1 = {∅}, 2={∅,{∅}}, ...
operating with number representation

have to allow for what we
actually do with numbers in
daily life, e.g.:

- mental arithmetic

- strategic decomposition

        Mental Calculations.
        Nikolay Bogdanov-Belsky. 1895.
operating with number representation
positional number systems

     ... + a3 · 103 + a2 ·102 + a1 · 101 + a0 · 100

    with an is a digit from a finite set of at least two symbols
how does counting actually work?

 Principles/requisites that make up counting
how does counting actually work?

 Principles/requisites that make up counting

 ●   number symbols
 ●   incrementing digits
 ●   position expansion
 ●   carry-over
 ●   the special role of zero
how does counting actually work?

 Principles/requisites that make up counting

 ●   number symbols
 ●   incrementing digits
 ●   position expansion
 ●   carry-over
 ●   the special role of zero

 The crucial point with base notation is the repeated application of
 “incrementing digits” at different positions.
answer 1: the concept of number

 ➔ we do not have every number (infinite instances) represented

 ➔instead, we have procedures to generate numbers and operate
  with them

 So whenever we face a number symbol, we know what can be done
 with it.
research question 2

 - what cognitive mechanisms allow people to learn number systems?

 - what strategies do they use to cope with problems?

 - how do people learn to “orient themselves” in systems like base
theoretic assumptions

 "If we do not want to believe that ideas are innate or God-given, but the
 result of subjective thinkers' conceptual activity, we have to devise a
 model of how elementary mathematical ideas could be constructed - and
 such a model will be plausible only if the raw material it uses is itself not
                                              (von Glasersfeld, p.64, 2006)
theoretic assumptions                                                           Anschauung

 - where we began
                                                             Operationale             Linking
                                                             Verknüpfung             metaphors

                                    one-one                                          Abtraktion
   early arithmetic

subitzing                                                             tagging

                       Objektidentität     Objektpermanenz

                                 Einheit             SNWS
theoretic assumptions

 - in the light of our discussion of positional number systems, learning
 numbers requires the understanding of a system of regularities, and
 cannot merely be an upscaling of an innate “number sense”

 - Piaget's notion of “SCHEMA”

 - mechanisms of “ASSIMILATION” and “ACCOMODATION”

     - Dubinsky's differentiation:
         - extraction
         - coordination
         - encapsulation
         - generalisation
the experiments

 - 12 qualitative case studies (video and tablet recordings)

 - quantitative online study (so far 58 subjects)
the qualitative studies

 - 30-40 min. sessions

 - interview situation (as little guidance as possible, as much as necessary)

 - let the subjects construct their own solutions (if possible)

       The essential idea of the experiment was to let subjects construct a
       coherent system themselves. This approach reflects the idea that
       learning and understanding is essentially a construction by the
       individual, in the conflict between the schemes he already possesses
       and a problem that cannot be readily assimilated. We therefore let
       subjects substantially elaborate on their ideas.

 - “obfuscated” quaternary system, using symbols {A,B,C,D}
the qualitative studies


  1. “What comes next?”

  2. “Why?”
the qualitative studies


       D ° C → BB

       BB ° B → ?
the qualitative studies
A   BC
 B   BD

     CA   {6}                  DA {5}                   CAA {1}
     CB                        DB                       CBB
     CC   use next symbol,     DC “A” was omitted, so   CCC 2nd place without A
     CD   vary rightmost       DD also omit "C"         CDD 3rd place without A,B
     DA   place                                             4th place w/o A,B,C
     DC   "accept exception"                                 differing variants for
                                                             other places
A   BC
                                   B   BD

                                       CA   {6}                  DA {5}                   CAA {1}
                                       CB                        DB                       CBB
                                       CC   use next symbol,     DC “A” was omitted, so   CCC 2nd place without A
                                       CD   vary rightmost       DD also omit "C"         CDD 3rd place without A,B
                                       DA   place                                             4th place w/o A,B,C
                                       DC   "accept exception"                                 differing variants for
                                                                                               other places
 E new symbol, new sequence

EA new symbol, new combinations

DE append new symbols
A   BC
                                   B   BD

                                       CA   {6}                       DA {5}                   CAA {1}
                                       CB                             DB                       CBB
                                       CC   use next symbol,          DC “A” was omitted, so   CCC 2nd place without A
                                       CD   vary rightmost            DD also omit "C"         CDD 3rd place without A,B
                                       DA   place                                                  4th place w/o A,B,C
                                       DC   "accept exception"                                      differing variants for
                                                                                                    other places
 E new symbol, new sequence

EA new symbol, new combinations

DE append new symbols

                                                                 AA {4}

                                                                    complete "missing"
A                     BC
                                   B                     BD

                                                         CA   {6}                       DA {5}                   CAA {1}
                                                         CB                             DB                       CBB
                                                         CC   use next symbol,          DC “A” was omitted, so   CCC 2nd place without A
                                                         CD   vary rightmost            DD also omit "C"         CDD 3rd place without A,B
                                                         DA   place                                                  4th place w/o A,B,C
                                                         DC   "accept exception"                                      differing variants for
                                                                                                                      other places
 E new symbol, new sequence

EA new symbol, new combinations

DE append new symbols

AAA {2}                           BAA {1}                                          AA {4}                          CAA {1}

     omitting AA after D was           omit AAA                                       complete "missing"                next place, next
     "one-off" exception                                                              combinations                      symbol
                                       always B in the leftmost
                                       place                                                                            pyramid-like growth
the qualitative studies

  points of interest:

  - the aspects subjects mention

  - problems that they mention

  - solutions and respective explanations

  problems our subjects face:

  - missing AA's

  - order of variation in multiple digit sequences
      (BAA → BBA, BAA → BAB, …)

  - A = 1? (0-omitting habit)
the qualitative studies - observations

Extraction: Many known operations “pop up” and are used while
subjects try to find a „good“ continuation; e.g.:

   -   lexical order
   -   repetition (in cycles of 4)
   -   enlarging string ( e.g. BA → BAA)
   -   implicit counting (automatic, without explicit understanding)
   -   explicit counting (knowledge about the system)
   -   usage of known tools, e.g. counting with fingers

Coordination: Operations are being ordered sequentially and
hierarchically, e.g.:
    - increasing digits. A then B then C then D
    - turntaking, e.g. switch between increasing digits and enlarging
    the sequence
the qualitative studies - observations

Application & Evaluation of ones ideas. “Running” the coordinated operation
and checking whether it works or „makes sense“; via some kind of judgement
about e.g.:

   - interviewers reaction
   - recognition value
   - homogeneity / systematicity of the invented system

       - “strong solutions” / “Occam's Razor”
       - e.g. is generalisation possible? Can I repeat that type of operation?

→ A dynamic process of testing, observing, and reordering.
the quantitative study

  How can we quantify the investigation of cognitive mechanisms?

  What kind of experimental set-up is needed?

  ●   Investigate problems people had in the case studies (corroborate qualitative

  ●   20-30 min. online experiment

  ●   “supervised” control group
the quantitative study

  How can we quantify the investigation of cognitive mechanisms?
  What kind of experimental set-up is needed?

  ● participants have to see the system and try to understand it by rating how much
    sense certain continuations make, here participants need to detect and extract
    certain regularities in the system
  ● Implicit feed-back is given by using one of the possible continuations in the last
    block as the next “given”

  Measured data of the participants:
  ● Time needed
  ● Rating of the continuations
  ● Aspects clicked as being part of the continuation

  Cognitive mechanisms:
  ● Extraction/Internalization: Detecting relevant aspects of the process of
    continuation, mental re-enactment

           BA    L1.1                 AA   L1.2                     E   L1.3               AA   L1.4
           BB    LB:                  AB   LB:                      F   LB:                BB   LB:
           BC    LA:                  AC   LA:                      G   LA:                CC   LA:
           BD                         AD                            H                      DD

           CA    L2.1                 DA   L2.2                     E   L2.3              CAA   L2.4
           CB    LB:                  DB   LB:                      F   LB:               CBB   LB:
           CC    LA:                  DC   LA:                      G   LA:               CCC   LA:
           CD                         DD                            H                     CDD

          DA     L3.1                 AA   L3.2                   BAA   L3.3              DAA   L3.4
          DB     LB:                  AB   LB:                    BAB   LB:               DBB   LB:
          DC     LA:                  AC   LA:                    BAC   LA:               DCC   LA:
          DD                          AD                          BAD                     DDD

          BAA    L4.1                 AA   L4.2                   BBA   L4.3              AAA   L4.4
          BAB    LB:                  AB   LB:                    BBB   LB:               AAB   LB:
          BAC    LA:                  AC   LA:                    BBC   LA:               AAC   LA:
          BAD                         AD                          BBD                     AAD

Solution types
     ABCD - System      A - problem        new symbols   new position          precox   middle variation
the quantitative study
the quantitative study

  Results training-phase I:
the quantitative study

  Results training-phase I:
the quantitative study

  Results training-phase I:
the quantitative study

  Results training-phase I:
the quantitative study
Lauf 1.1
                                 A B C D > BA BB BC BD
keine der Aussagen scheint mir sinnvoll
                                   A fehlt
        alle Kombinationen verwenden
                      D löst Übergang aus
           einen Buchstaben auslassen
                   links Zeichen anfügen
             links versetzt Folge A bis D
                     rechts immer A bis D
           blockweise zusammenfügen
           neue Zeichen des Alphabets
                                             0   5   10    15        20        25        30        35    40   45   50

                                          Lauf 1.2
                                  A B C D > AA AB AC AD
keine der Aussagen scheint mir sinnvoll
                                   A fehlt
        alle Kombinationen verwenden
                      D löst Übergang aus
           einen Buchstaben auslassen
                   links Zeichen anfügen
             links versetzt Folge A bis D
                     rechts immer A bis D
           blockweise zusammenfügen
           neue Zeichen des Alphabets
                                             0   5    10        15        20        25        30        35    40   45
Lauf 1.3
                                    ABCD > EFGH
keine der Aussagen scheint mir sinnvoll
                                   A fehlt
        alle Kombinationen verwenden
                      D löst Übergang aus
           einen Buchstaben auslassen
                   links Zeichen anfügen
             links versetzt Folge A bis D
                     rechts immer A bis D
           blockweise zusammenfügen
           neue Zeichen des Alphabets
                                             0   5   10   15   20   25   30   35   40   45

                                         Lauf 1.4
                                 A B C D > AA BB CC DD
keine der Aussagen scheint mir sinnvoll
                                   A fehlt
        alle Kombinationen verwenden
                      D löst Übergang aus
           einen Buchstaben auslassen
                   links Zeichen anfügen
             links versetzt Folge A bis D
                     rechts immer A bis D
           blockweise zusammenfügen
           neue Zeichen des Alphabets
                                             0   5   10   15   20   25   30   35   40   45
the quantitative study

  How can we quantify the investigation of cognitive mechanisms?

  What kind of experimental set-up is needed?

  ● Participants have to continue the given sequence on their own
  ● Implicit feed-back is given by using one of the possible continuations as the next

  Measured data of the participants:
  ● Time needed
  ● Continuation chosen (possibility of scoring)

  Cognitive mechanisms:
  ● Extraction/Internalization: Detecting relevant aspects of the process of
    continuation, mental re-enactment
  ● Coordination of detected aspects to create a solution
the quantitative study
the quantitative study

  Results consolidation phase:
the quantitative study

  How can we quantify the investigation of cognitive mechanisms?

  What kind of experimental set-up is needed?

  ● participants have to give the successor/predecessor for a given item

  Measured data of the participants:
  ● Time needed
  ● Last/next item answered

  Cognitive mechanisms:
  ● Coordination of detected aspects to create a solution
  ● Encapsulation of coordinated detected aspects (?)
the quantitative study
the quantitative study

  Results testing-phase:
preliminary results from the quantitative study
the quantitative study

 further ideas for analysis:

 -   look at the system aspects

 -   correlation of “correct” system aspects with performance

 -   cluster-analysis of the data; distance btw. subjects with respect to certain
     dimensions -> division into groups
system aspects

                                               system aspects

                                  A ist ein Platzhalter

                        als erste neue Stelle immer B

                 links versetzt A, B, C, D wiederholen

                        rechts A, B, C, D wiederholen

                  jedes zweite Zeichen überspringen

                        einen Buchstaben auslassen

          blockweise Zusammenfügen von Teilfolgen

alle Kombinationen von Buchstaben werden verwendet

              keine der Aussagen scheint mir sinnvoll
                                                          0     10   20   30   40   50   60
A few explanations

- „A = 0 B = 1 C = 2 D = 3 Rechnen Base 4“

- „base(4) = { A, B, C, D }; erster Stellenübertrag verwendet B statt A, das macht
mich wahnsinnig... ansonsten wie normale Zahlenbasis.“

- „polyadisches System, mit den Zeichen Zeichen B, C, D, mit Ausnahme, an
rechtester Stelle fängt es immer mit dem Zusatzzeichen A an.“
A few explanations

 Wenn rechts kein D steht, dann ändere diese Position in den
 nächsthöheren Buchstaben.

 Wenn rechts ein D steht, dann
 1. Wenn links daneben kein D steht, dann ändere das D in ein A und
 den Buchstaben daneben in den nächsthöheren Buchstaben.
 2. Wenn links daneben ein D steht, dann ändere DD in BAA.

 (Das geht so nicht, da dann alle Zeichenketten länger als 3 nur B's
 links hätten. So ungefähr habe ich zuvor fortgesetzt.
 Vielleicht sollte man eher sagen, dass
 1. Wenn links neben dem D nicht nur D's stehen, dann zähle wie im
 4er-System eins weiter.
 2. Falls dort nur D's stehen, dann tritt an die Stelle die Zeichenkette
 der gleichen Länge nur aus A's mit noch einem B links davon.)
A few explanations

        zuerst: folge A,b,c,d rechts,
        dann an nächster stelle links eins weiterzählen (in der
        Folge a,b,c,d), dann erst wieder rechts durchzählen von
        a bis d. dann kann links wieder eins weitergezählt
        werden. (Diese Beschreibung passt für die ersten zwei
        Stellen). Insgesamt: Es wird immer ganz rechts von A bis
        D durch gezählt, zählt man dann noch eins weiter muss
        eine Stelle links weitergezählt werden, dann wieder
        rechts. Dieses Weiterzählen wird eventuell noch weiter
        nach links verschoben, wenn an der ersten stelle links
        schon D steht.
your speculations about the online experiment

        Ich habe die Vermutung, versagt zu haben. Das
        Experiment geht bestimmt darauf ein, welche Regeln
        Menschen nutzen, um Folgen zu konstruieren, obwohl es
        stets viele Möglichkeiten gibt, eine Folge

        Wollt ihr wissen wie wir mathematisch vorgehen?

        Ich vermute, dass es darum geht, wie sehr man von
        seinen Erfahrungen im Dezimalsystem 'verblendet' ist.

        Funktionsweise Stellenwertsystem.
        Vor- und Nachteile davon.
        => durch Experiment viel sichtbarer als nur anhand der

 cycle of abstraction (“construction & trial & error & correction”)

    - extracting of operations (one „sees“ patterns)
    - coordination of these operations (hierarchical and sequential
    - through ongoing application of the operations
    - and checking for problems

 → results in a system of operations, that realises a successor

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  • 1. outline - the object: numbers & positional number systems -> question 1: what is a concept? - question 2: what cognitive mechanisms allow us to understand such a system ? - assumptions: - people learn by adapting their understanding, building on previously learnt structures - people continuously “construct” an ad hoc understanding and test its effective power, only over time leading to stable structures - the approach: confront subjects with example “problems” and look how they “make sense” of it qualitative interviews + online study - some results
  • 2. number representation “The way we do arithmetic is intimately related to the way we represent the numbers we deal with.” Donald Knuth, TAOCP Vol. II, p.195
  • 3. number representation 0, 1, 2, 3, ...
  • 4. number representation 0, 1, 2, 3, ... “zero”, “one”, “two”, “three”, ...
  • 5. number representation 0, 1, 2, 3, ... “zero”, “one”, “two”, “three”, ... 0 = ∅, 1 = {∅}, 2 = {{∅}}, ...
  • 6. number representation 0, 1, 2, 3, ... “zero”, “one”, “two”, “three”, ... 0 = ∅, 1 = {∅}, 2 = {{∅}}, ... 0 = ∅, 1 = {∅}, 2={∅,{∅}}, ...
  • 7. number representation 0, 1, 2, 3, ... “zero”, “one”, “two”, “three”, ... 0 = ∅, 1 = {∅}, 2 = {{∅}}, ... 0 = ∅, 1 = {∅}, 2={∅,{∅}}, ...
  • 8. operating with number representation have to allow for what we actually do with numbers in daily life, e.g.: - mental arithmetic - strategic decomposition Mental Calculations. Nikolay Bogdanov-Belsky. 1895.
  • 9. operating with number representation
  • 10. positional number systems ... + a3 · 103 + a2 ·102 + a1 · 101 + a0 · 100 with an is a digit from a finite set of at least two symbols
  • 11. how does counting actually work? Principles/requisites that make up counting
  • 12. how does counting actually work? Principles/requisites that make up counting ● number symbols ● incrementing digits ● position expansion ● carry-over ● the special role of zero
  • 13. how does counting actually work? Principles/requisites that make up counting ● number symbols ● incrementing digits ● position expansion ● carry-over ● the special role of zero The crucial point with base notation is the repeated application of “incrementing digits” at different positions.
  • 14. answer 1: the concept of number ➔ we do not have every number (infinite instances) represented ➔instead, we have procedures to generate numbers and operate with them So whenever we face a number symbol, we know what can be done with it.
  • 15. research question 2 - what cognitive mechanisms allow people to learn number systems? - what strategies do they use to cope with problems? - how do people learn to “orient themselves” in systems like base notation?
  • 16. theoretic assumptions "If we do not want to believe that ideas are innate or God-given, but the result of subjective thinkers' conceptual activity, we have to devise a model of how elementary mathematical ideas could be constructed - and such a model will be plausible only if the raw material it uses is itself not mathematical." (von Glasersfeld, p.64, 2006)
  • 17. theoretic assumptions Anschauung Zahlkonzept Verfahren - where we began Produktivität Operationale Linking Verknüpfung metaphors Systematitzität Conceptual Symbolizing Blending Erhaltung Kompositionalität Reflektierende distributing one-one Abtraktion correspondence early arithmetic turn-taking (relation/subit.) Vielheit subitzing tagging Objektidentität Objektpermanenz alignment Einheit SNWS prä- numerisch
  • 18. theoretic assumptions - in the light of our discussion of positional number systems, learning numbers requires the understanding of a system of regularities, and cannot merely be an upscaling of an innate “number sense” - Piaget's notion of “SCHEMA” - mechanisms of “ASSIMILATION” and “ACCOMODATION” - Dubinsky's differentiation: - extraction - coordination - encapsulation - generalisation
  • 19. the experiments - 12 qualitative case studies (video and tablet recordings) - quantitative online study (so far 58 subjects)
  • 20. the qualitative studies - 30-40 min. sessions - interview situation (as little guidance as possible, as much as necessary) - let the subjects construct their own solutions (if possible) The essential idea of the experiment was to let subjects construct a coherent system themselves. This approach reflects the idea that learning and understanding is essentially a construction by the individual, in the conflict between the schemes he already possesses and a problem that cannot be readily assimilated. We therefore let subjects substantially elaborate on their ideas. - “obfuscated” quaternary system, using symbols {A,B,C,D}
  • 21. the qualitative studies A B C D BA BB 1. “What comes next?” 2. “Why?”
  • 22. the qualitative studies A B C D BA BB ... DD BAA B°B→C C°B→D D ° C → BB BB ° B → ?
  • 24. A BC B BD C D BA BB CA {6} DA {5} CAA {1} CB DB CBB CC use next symbol, DC “A” was omitted, so CCC 2nd place without A CD vary rightmost DD also omit "C" CDD 3rd place without A,B DA place 4th place w/o A,B,C DB DC "accept exception" differing variants for other places DD
  • 25. A BC B BD C D BA BB CA {6} DA {5} CAA {1} CB DB CBB CC use next symbol, DC “A” was omitted, so CCC 2nd place without A CD vary rightmost DD also omit "C" CDD 3rd place without A,B DA place 4th place w/o A,B,C DB DC "accept exception" differing variants for other places DD E new symbol, new sequence EA new symbol, new combinations DE append new symbols
  • 26. A BC B BD C D BA BB CA {6} DA {5} CAA {1} CB DB CBB CC use next symbol, DC “A” was omitted, so CCC 2nd place without A CD vary rightmost DD also omit "C" CDD 3rd place without A,B DA place 4th place w/o A,B,C DB DC "accept exception" differing variants for other places DD E new symbol, new sequence EA new symbol, new combinations DE append new symbols AA {4} complete "missing" combinations
  • 27. A BC B BD C D BA BB CA {6} DA {5} CAA {1} CB DB CBB CC use next symbol, DC “A” was omitted, so CCC 2nd place without A CD vary rightmost DD also omit "C" CDD 3rd place without A,B DA place 4th place w/o A,B,C DB DC "accept exception" differing variants for other places DD E new symbol, new sequence EA new symbol, new combinations DE append new symbols AAA {2} BAA {1} AA {4} CAA {1} omitting AA after D was omit AAA complete "missing" next place, next "one-off" exception combinations symbol always B in the leftmost place pyramid-like growth
  • 28. the qualitative studies points of interest: - the aspects subjects mention - problems that they mention - solutions and respective explanations problems our subjects face: - missing AA's - order of variation in multiple digit sequences (BAA → BBA, BAA → BAB, …) - A = 1? (0-omitting habit)
  • 29. the qualitative studies - observations Extraction: Many known operations “pop up” and are used while subjects try to find a „good“ continuation; e.g.: - lexical order - repetition (in cycles of 4) - enlarging string ( e.g. BA → BAA) - implicit counting (automatic, without explicit understanding) - explicit counting (knowledge about the system) - usage of known tools, e.g. counting with fingers Coordination: Operations are being ordered sequentially and hierarchically, e.g.: - increasing digits. A then B then C then D - turntaking, e.g. switch between increasing digits and enlarging the sequence
  • 30. the qualitative studies - observations Application & Evaluation of ones ideas. “Running” the coordinated operation and checking whether it works or „makes sense“; via some kind of judgement about e.g.: - interviewers reaction - recognition value - homogeneity / systematicity of the invented system - “strong solutions” / “Occam's Razor” - e.g. is generalisation possible? Can I repeat that type of operation? → A dynamic process of testing, observing, and reordering.
  • 31. the quantitative study How can we quantify the investigation of cognitive mechanisms? What kind of experimental set-up is needed? ● Investigate problems people had in the case studies (corroborate qualitative analysis) ● 20-30 min. online experiment ● “supervised” control group
  • 32. the quantitative study How can we quantify the investigation of cognitive mechanisms? What kind of experimental set-up is needed? Training-phase: ● participants have to see the system and try to understand it by rating how much sense certain continuations make, here participants need to detect and extract certain regularities in the system ● Implicit feed-back is given by using one of the possible continuations in the last block as the next “given” Measured data of the participants: ● Time needed ● Rating of the continuations ● Aspects clicked as being part of the continuation Cognitive mechanisms: ● Extraction/Internalization: Detecting relevant aspects of the process of continuation, mental re-enactment
  • 33. A B C D BA L1.1 AA L1.2 E L1.3 AA L1.4 BB LB: AB LB: F LB: BB LB: BC LA: AC LA: G LA: CC LA: BD AD H DD CA L2.1 DA L2.2 E L2.3 CAA L2.4 CB LB: DB LB: F LB: CBB LB: CC LA: DC LA: G LA: CCC LA: CD DD H CDD DA L3.1 AA L3.2 BAA L3.3 DAA L3.4 DB LB: AB LB: BAB LB: DBB LB: DC LA: AC LA: BAC LA: DCC LA: DD AD BAD DDD BAA L4.1 AA L4.2 BBA L4.3 AAA L4.4 BAB LB: AB LB: BBB LB: AAB LB: BAC LA: AC LA: BBC LA: AAC LA: BAD AD BBD AAD Solution types ABCD - System A - problem new symbols new position precox middle variation
  • 35. the quantitative study Results training-phase I:
  • 36. the quantitative study Results training-phase I:
  • 37. the quantitative study Results training-phase I:
  • 38. the quantitative study Results training-phase I:
  • 40. Lauf 1.1 A B C D > BA BB BC BD keine der Aussagen scheint mir sinnvoll A fehlt verdoppeln alle Kombinationen verwenden D löst Übergang aus einen Buchstaben auslassen links Zeichen anfügen links versetzt Folge A bis D rechts immer A bis D blockweise zusammenfügen neue Zeichen des Alphabets 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Lauf 1.2 A B C D > AA AB AC AD keine der Aussagen scheint mir sinnvoll A fehlt verdoppeln alle Kombinationen verwenden D löst Übergang aus einen Buchstaben auslassen links Zeichen anfügen links versetzt Folge A bis D rechts immer A bis D blockweise zusammenfügen neue Zeichen des Alphabets 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
  • 41. Lauf 1.3 ABCD > EFGH keine der Aussagen scheint mir sinnvoll A fehlt verdoppeln alle Kombinationen verwenden D löst Übergang aus einen Buchstaben auslassen links Zeichen anfügen links versetzt Folge A bis D rechts immer A bis D blockweise zusammenfügen neue Zeichen des Alphabets 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Lauf 1.4 A B C D > AA BB CC DD keine der Aussagen scheint mir sinnvoll A fehlt verdoppeln alle Kombinationen verwenden D löst Übergang aus einen Buchstaben auslassen links Zeichen anfügen links versetzt Folge A bis D rechts immer A bis D blockweise zusammenfügen neue Zeichen des Alphabets 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
  • 42. the quantitative study How can we quantify the investigation of cognitive mechanisms? What kind of experimental set-up is needed? Consolidation-phase: ● Participants have to continue the given sequence on their own ● Implicit feed-back is given by using one of the possible continuations as the next “given” Measured data of the participants: ● Time needed ● Continuation chosen (possibility of scoring) Cognitive mechanisms: ● Extraction/Internalization: Detecting relevant aspects of the process of continuation, mental re-enactment ● Coordination of detected aspects to create a solution
  • 44. the quantitative study Results consolidation phase:
  • 45. the quantitative study How can we quantify the investigation of cognitive mechanisms? What kind of experimental set-up is needed? testing-phase: ● participants have to give the successor/predecessor for a given item Measured data of the participants: ● Time needed ● Last/next item answered Cognitive mechanisms: ● Coordination of detected aspects to create a solution ● Encapsulation of coordinated detected aspects (?)
  • 47. the quantitative study Results testing-phase:
  • 48. preliminary results from the quantitative study
  • 49. the quantitative study further ideas for analysis: - look at the system aspects - correlation of “correct” system aspects with performance - cluster-analysis of the data; distance btw. subjects with respect to certain dimensions -> division into groups
  • 50. system aspects system aspects A ist ein Platzhalter als erste neue Stelle immer B links versetzt A, B, C, D wiederholen rechts A, B, C, D wiederholen jedes zweite Zeichen überspringen einen Buchstaben auslassen blockweise Zusammenfügen von Teilfolgen alle Kombinationen von Buchstaben werden verwendet keine der Aussagen scheint mir sinnvoll 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
  • 51. A few explanations - „A = 0 B = 1 C = 2 D = 3 Rechnen Base 4“ - „base(4) = { A, B, C, D }; erster Stellenübertrag verwendet B statt A, das macht mich wahnsinnig... ansonsten wie normale Zahlenbasis.“ - „polyadisches System, mit den Zeichen Zeichen B, C, D, mit Ausnahme, an rechtester Stelle fängt es immer mit dem Zusatzzeichen A an.“
  • 52. A few explanations Wenn rechts kein D steht, dann ändere diese Position in den nächsthöheren Buchstaben. Wenn rechts ein D steht, dann 1. Wenn links daneben kein D steht, dann ändere das D in ein A und den Buchstaben daneben in den nächsthöheren Buchstaben. 2. Wenn links daneben ein D steht, dann ändere DD in BAA. (Das geht so nicht, da dann alle Zeichenketten länger als 3 nur B's links hätten. So ungefähr habe ich zuvor fortgesetzt. Vielleicht sollte man eher sagen, dass 1. Wenn links neben dem D nicht nur D's stehen, dann zähle wie im 4er-System eins weiter. 2. Falls dort nur D's stehen, dann tritt an die Stelle die Zeichenkette der gleichen Länge nur aus A's mit noch einem B links davon.)
  • 53. A few explanations zuerst: folge A,b,c,d rechts, dann an nächster stelle links eins weiterzählen (in der Folge a,b,c,d), dann erst wieder rechts durchzählen von a bis d. dann kann links wieder eins weitergezählt werden. (Diese Beschreibung passt für die ersten zwei Stellen). Insgesamt: Es wird immer ganz rechts von A bis D durch gezählt, zählt man dann noch eins weiter muss eine Stelle links weitergezählt werden, dann wieder rechts. Dieses Weiterzählen wird eventuell noch weiter nach links verschoben, wenn an der ersten stelle links schon D steht.
  • 54. your speculations about the online experiment Ich habe die Vermutung, versagt zu haben. Das Experiment geht bestimmt darauf ein, welche Regeln Menschen nutzen, um Folgen zu konstruieren, obwohl es stets viele Möglichkeiten gibt, eine Folge weiterzudenken. Wollt ihr wissen wie wir mathematisch vorgehen? Ich vermute, dass es darum geht, wie sehr man von seinen Erfahrungen im Dezimalsystem 'verblendet' ist. Funktionsweise Stellenwertsystem. Vor- und Nachteile davon. => durch Experiment viel sichtbarer als nur anhand der Zahlzeichen
  • 56. discussion cycle of abstraction (“construction & trial & error & correction”) - extracting of operations (one „sees“ patterns) - coordination of these operations (hierarchical and sequential order) - through ongoing application of the operations - and checking for problems → results in a system of operations, that realises a successor function.