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Space and Economics
Chapter 6: Regional disparities

Wim Heijman (Wageningen, the Netherlands)

August 10, 2009
6. Regional disparities
 6.1 Principles
 6.2 The regional economic structure
 6.3 Evaluation of the three regions
 6.4 Shift and share analysis
 6.5 Regional economic implications
 6.6 A disparity measure: the gini coefficient
 6.7 Allocation of structural funds and changing
 regional income distribution
 6.8 Application: regional disparities in Romania
 6.9 Application: shift share analysis of China
 6.10 Clusters and shift share analysis
Figure 6.1: Income distribution (GDP per inhabitant, NUTS 2 level, 2003).
6.1 Principles

Figure 6.2: Deviation of income concepts in terms of percentage from the Dutch average (per capita) in 1997.
6.1 Principles











                      0   10000   20000   30000   40000   50000   60000   70000

Figure 6.3: GDP and HDI of the 27 EU countries in 2005
6.1 Principles

Table 6.1: Employment (number of jobs) in three regions in 1992 and 2002.
                           1992          2002 index 2002 (1992=100)
 Greece                    3807          3914                        103
 The Netherlands           6986          8340                        119
 Ireland                   1155          1765                        153
 EU15                    157991       170550                         108
Source: European Commission (2004).
6.2 The regional economic structure

 Table 6.2: Economic structure of the EU15-countries.
                      Number of jobs x1000
                                                     Index 2002
  sector               1992       2002              (1992=100)
  Services           103116     121056                      117
  Industry            45794      42638                       93
  Agriculture          8843       6822                       77
  Total              157911     170550                      108
 Source: European Commission (2004).
6.2 The regional economic structure

                     EU15                                                Greece

                   6%                                      agriculture
          29%                                                                       services
                                  65%                        industry

Figure 6.4: Regional economic structure (employment) of Greece compared to the structure of EU15 in
6.2 The regional economic structure

               EU15                                                   The Netherlands

        agriculture                                                       Agriculture
            6%                                                                4%
 industry                                                        24%

                              65%                                                        Services

  Figure 6.5: Regional economic structure (employment) of The Netherlands compared to the structure of
       EU15 in 1992.
6.2 The regional economic structure

               EU15                                                       Ireland


                            services                       28%

  Figure 6.6: Regional economic structure (employment) of Ireland compared to the structure of EU15 in
6.3 Evaluation of the three regions

Table 6.3: Evaluation of the expected economic growth of the three regions.
                                         Greece          The Netherlands      Ireland
 Economic structure                        —                     +               —
 Specific regional circumstances           —                     —              ++
 Total                                     —                    +/—              +
6.4 Shift and share analysis

Table 6.4: Example shift and share analysis.
     (1)    (2)    (3)      (4)     (5)     (6)      (7)        (8)             (9)             (10)      (11)            (12)
i   Wij0   Wijt    Wi0      Wit     Wijt                      (2)- (7)    n                    (7)-(9)    Wij 0           Wi 0
                                            Wit Wit                      ∑Wit
                                                      Wij 0                                               n               n
                                    Wij 0   Wi 0 Wi 0                    i =1
                                                                                       Wij 0             ∑W       ij 0   ∑W       i0

                                                                         i =1
                                                                                                         i =1            i =1

1      6      6     7654     6956   1.00    0.91       5.45      0.55             6.26           -0.81          0.01            0.05
2    205    182    45148    45387   0.89    1.01     206.09    -24.09           214.03           -7.95          0.35            0.31
3    105     93    36909    38580   0.89    1.05     109.75    -16.75           109.63            0.13          0.18            0.25
4    193    228    15571    18202   1.18    1.17     225.61      2.39           201.50           24.11          0.33            0.11
5     78     68    41536    44162   0.87    1.06      82.93    -14.93            81.44            1.49          0.13            0.28
Σ    587    577   146818   153287                    629.83    -52.83           612.86           16.97          1.00            1.00
Wij0: Employment in sector i in region j in year 0 (starting year).
Wijt: Employment in sector i in region j in year t (final year).
Sector 1: Agriculture, hunting, forestry and fishing; Sector 2: Industry; Sector 3: Commercial Services;
Sector 4: Financial intermediation, real estate, renting and business activities; Sector 5: Public Services.
6.4 Shift and share analysis

                Table 6.5 Results of shift share analysis
Actual Shift                       Differential Shift                    Proportionality Shift
              Wt n                         n
                                                  Wit                          n
                                                                                    W       W        
S a = ∑Wijt −    ∑Wij 0            S d = ∑ Wijt −
                                                       Wij 0  = −52.83 S p = ∑  it Wij 0 − t Wij 0  = 16.97
                                                                                                    
              W0 i =1                    i =1     Wi 0                       i =1  Wi 0   W0       
      i =1

= 577 −
                 × 587 = − 35.86                                         S p = Sa − Sd
                                                                        = —35.86 — (—52.83) = 16.97
Relative Actual shift:             Relative Differential shift:         Relative Proportionality Shift:
       − 35.86                            − 52.83                              16.97
RS a =         = −0.06             RS d =          = −0.09              RS p =       = 0.03
         587                                587                                 587
Figure 6.7: Selected NUTS 2 area’s in the EU15
6.4 Shift and share analysis

  Figure 6.8: Results
6.5 Regional economic implications

     Figure 6.9: left: areas with a high density of logistics and transport; right: areas with more
         than 200 inhabitants /km2
6.5 Regional economic implications

       Table 6.6: Boudeville classification.
       Type 1:           RS p > 0, RS d > 0, RS p > RS d . So: RS a > 0.
       Type 2            RS p > 0, RS d > 0, RS p < RS d . So: RS a > 0.
       Type 3            RS p < 0, RS d > 0, RS p < RS d . So: RS a > 0.
       Type 4            RS p > 0, RS d < 0, RS p > RS d . So: RSa > 0.
       Type 5            RS p > 0, RS d < 0, RS p < RS d . So: RSa < 0.
       Type 6            RS p < 0, RS d > 0, RS p > RS d . So: RSa < 0.
       Type 7            RS p < 0, RS d < 0, RS p < RS d . So: RS a < 0.
       Type 8            RS p < 0, RS d < 0, RS p > RS d . So: RS a < 0.
       Source: Boudeville, 1966.
6.6 A disparity measure: the gini coefficient

Table 6.7: Distribution of income.
 (1)         (2)            (3)      (4)        (5)         (6)      (7)
 income      number of total         %          %           %        %
 class       people         income   people     people acc. income   income acc.

   0-10       2            10         20      20             5.0       5.0
  10-20       3            45         30      50            22.5      27.5
  20-30       3            75         30      80            37.5      65.0
  30-40       2            70         20      100           35.0     100.0
  Total      10           200        100                   100.0
6.6 A disparity measure: the gini coefficient

       y   100                                                        D




             O                                                        E
                 0   10   20   30   40   50   60   70   80   90   100

  Figure 6.10: Lorenz curve.
6.6 A disparity measure: the gini coefficient

     The Brown Formula:

     OABCD          OED - OEDCBA
g=              =                        =
      OED               OED
                               (         )    m
                                                 (       )(         )
   0.5 × 100 × 100 − ∑ xi − xi −1 yi −1 − 0.5 ∑ xi − xi −1 yi − yi −1
 =                   i =1                    i =1                     =
                             0.5 × 100 × 100
 =1− ∑ x − x(i    i −1 i
                         y +y
                             i −1
                                   .     )
       i =1
6.6 A disparity measure: the gini coefficient

      0.5 × 100 × 100 − 0.5 × 20 × 50 − 5 × 30 − 0.5 × 22.5 × 30 − 30 × 27.5 − 0.5 × 37.5 × 30 − 20 × 65 − 0.5 × 35 × 20
g =                                                                                                                        =
                                                       0.5 × 100 × 100
      5000 - 3575
 =                  = 0.285.

          Approximat ion :                                                 g = x − y.
6.7 Allocation of Structural Funds and changing regional income distribution

                                           β   γ
                            Fi = αPi I i ,
         LnFi = Lnα + βLnPi + γLnI i .
  LnFi = − 0.42158 + 1.43129 LnPi − 0.33426 LnI i .                   R 2 = 0.87
                ( −2.64 )       ( 7.19 )           ( −2.05 )
Share in Structural Funds (%)

                              Austria                                         25
                         Great Britain

Real allocation
                       Czech Republic

Predicted allocation
                                                                                   6.7 Allocation of structural funds and changing regional income distribution
Figure 6.12: GDP growth in the EU 1995 2004
6.7: Allocation of structural funds and changing regional income distribution

        GDPi 2005 = αYi join + β ,
        g   2005
            i      = γYi   join

     GDPi 2005 = − 398.057 Yi join + 815,566.7,                       R 2 = 0.556.
                           ( −5.367 )                ( 5.540 )

     g i2005 = 0.075735Yi join − 146.558,                        R 2 = 0.353.
                    ( 3.619 )           ( −3.528 )
6.8: Application: regional disparities in Romania

                                    population-GDP disparity, 1998                                                    population-GDP disparity, 2002
                        100%                                                                              100%

                        80%                                                                               80%
cumulative income (%)

                                                                                    cumulative area (%)
                        60%                                                                               60%

                        40%                                                                               40%

                        20%                                                                               20%

                         0%                                                                                0%
                               0%    20%        40%       60%          80%   100%                                0%     20%        40%       60%          80%   100%

                                           cumulative population (%)                                                          cumulative population (%)

                           Figure 6.13: Income distribution for Romania 1998 (g = 0.156) and 2002 (g = 0.205).
6.8: Application: regional disparities in Romania

                                    population-GDP disparity, 1998
                                                                                                                      population-GDP disparity, 2002

cumulative income (%)


                                                                                    cumulative area (%)



                               0%    20%        40%       60%          80%   100%
                                                                                                                 0%     20%        40%       60%          80%   100%
                                           cumulative population (%)
                                                                                                                              cumulative population (%)

                               Figure 6.14: Distribution of population in Romania for 1998 (g = 0.246) and
                               2002 (g = 0.253).
6.8: Application: regional disparities in Romania

                                    GDP-area disparity, 1998                                                     GDP-area disparity, 2002

cumulative income (%)


                                                                             cumulative income (%)



                               0%   20%     40%       60%       80%   100%
                                                                                                            0%   20%     40%       60%       80%   100%
                                          cumulative area (%)
                                                                                                                       cumulative area (%)

                        Figure 6.15: Spatial distribution of production in Romania for 1998 (g = 0.288) and 2002
                        (g = 0.314). .
6.8: Application: regional disparities in Romania

      Romania 2002 / Euro per inhabitant
          1105 - 1837
          1837 - 2568
          2568 - 3300          RO041               RO034
          3300 - 4032
                                                      RO015                                         RO033
          4032 - 4763 RO014      RO040
                                                           RO036           RO030
                                                                                            RO013            RO048
                                                    RO042          RO018         RO025
                     RO046       RO031                                                       RO050          RO044

                                                                                            RO020                           RO047
                                                                                   RO039                    RO017
                         RO022                     RO049
                                     RO029                   RO012
                                                      RO038                                      RO021              RO024
                                                                   RO045           RO028

                                                                     0                                        300 Kilometers

 Figure 6.16: Romania: regional income distribution (in Euro’s) in 2002.
6.8: Application: regional disparities in Romania

 Romania 2002 / Income per km2
     51 - 78
     78 - 125
     125 - 197            RO041               RO034
     197 - 368
                                                 RO015                                           RO033
     368 - 38707    RO014   RO040
                                                      RO036           RO030
                                                                                        RO013             RO048
                                               RO042          RO018         RO025
                RO046       RO031                                                         RO050          RO044

                                                                                        RO020                            RO047
                                                                              RO039                      RO017
                    RO022                     RO049
                                RO029                   RO012
                                                 RO038                                        RO021              RO024
                                                              RO045           RO028

                                                                0                                          300 Kilometers

 Figure 6.17: Romania: Territorial income distribution (in Euro’s) in 2002. .
6.9: Application: Shift share analysis of China

Figure 6.18: Population density in China 2004
6.9: Application: Shift share analysis of China

 Table 6.8: Gini-coefficients for China
  Gini-coefficient                   1996         2004     increase
  Population density                 0.6404       0.6440   0.56%
  GDP                                0.2401       0.2696   12.28%
  Territorial density of GDP         0.7175       0.7322   2.05%
 Source: Jingjing (2007).
6.9: Application: Shift share analysis of China

Figure 6.19: GDP per capita 2004.
6.9: Application: Shift share analysis of China

Figure 6.20: Territorial GDP distribution 2004
6.9: Application: Shift share analysis of China

        Figure 6.21: Relative actual shift
6.9: Application: Shift share analysis of China

   Figure 6.22: Relative differential shift
6.9: Application: Shift share analysis of China

Figure 6.23: Relative proportionality shift
6.10: Application: clusters and shift share analysis

              100,00                                                                      100,00

               80,00                                                                       80,00



                                                                                          4 0,00
              4 0,00



                                                                                                   -0,04   -0 ,03   -0,0 2   -0,01   0,0 0   0,01   0,02   0,03   0,04
                            -0,10           0,00              0,10   0,20
                                                                                                                      relative proportionality shift
                                    relati ve differential shift

                       Figure 6.24: Figure 6.24: Scatter diagram of Huggins rank and relative differential shift (left panel), and
                       relative proportionality shift (right panel) for European regions (NUTS 2).

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Chapter 6: Regional Disparities

  • 1. Space and Economics Chapter 6: Regional disparities Author Wim Heijman (Wageningen, the Netherlands) August 10, 2009
  • 2. 6. Regional disparities 6.1 Principles 6.2 The regional economic structure 6.3 Evaluation of the three regions 6.4 Shift and share analysis 6.5 Regional economic implications 6.6 A disparity measure: the gini coefficient 6.7 Allocation of structural funds and changing regional income distribution 6.8 Application: regional disparities in Romania 6.9 Application: shift share analysis of China 6.10 Clusters and shift share analysis
  • 3. Figure 6.1: Income distribution (GDP per inhabitant, NUTS 2 level, 2003).
  • 4. 6.1 Principles Figure 6.2: Deviation of income concepts in terms of percentage from the Dutch average (per capita) in 1997.
  • 5. 6.1 Principles 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 HDI 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 GDP Figure 6.3: GDP and HDI of the 27 EU countries in 2005
  • 6. 6.1 Principles Table 6.1: Employment (number of jobs) in three regions in 1992 and 2002. x1000 1992 2002 index 2002 (1992=100) Greece 3807 3914 103 The Netherlands 6986 8340 119 Ireland 1155 1765 153 EU15 157991 170550 108 Source: European Commission (2004).
  • 7. 6.2 The regional economic structure Table 6.2: Economic structure of the EU15-countries. Number of jobs x1000 Index 2002 sector 1992 2002 (1992=100) Services 103116 121056 117 Industry 45794 42638 93 Agriculture 8843 6822 77 Total 157911 170550 108 Source: European Commission (2004).
  • 8. 6.2 The regional economic structure EU15 Greece agriculture 6% agriculture 24% industry 29% services 51% services 65% industry 25% Figure 6.4: Regional economic structure (employment) of Greece compared to the structure of EU15 in 1992.
  • 9. 6.2 The regional economic structure EU15 The Netherlands agriculture Agriculture 6% 4% Industry industry 24% 29% services 65% Services 72% Figure 6.5: Regional economic structure (employment) of The Netherlands compared to the structure of EU15 in 1992.
  • 10. 6.2 The regional economic structure EU15 Ireland agriculture agriculture 6% 14% industry 29% industry services services 28% 58% 65% Figure 6.6: Regional economic structure (employment) of Ireland compared to the structure of EU15 in 1992.
  • 11. 6.3 Evaluation of the three regions Table 6.3: Evaluation of the expected economic growth of the three regions. Greece The Netherlands Ireland Economic structure — + — Specific regional circumstances — — ++ Total — +/— +
  • 12. 6.4 Shift and share analysis Table 6.4: Example shift and share analysis. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) i Wij0 Wijt Wi0 Wit Wijt (2)- (7) n (7)-(9) Wij 0 Wi 0 Wit Wit ∑Wit Wij 0 n n Wij 0 Wi 0 Wi 0 i =1 n Wij 0 ∑W ij 0 ∑W i0 ∑W i =1 i0 i =1 i =1 1 6 6 7654 6956 1.00 0.91 5.45 0.55 6.26 -0.81 0.01 0.05 2 205 182 45148 45387 0.89 1.01 206.09 -24.09 214.03 -7.95 0.35 0.31 3 105 93 36909 38580 0.89 1.05 109.75 -16.75 109.63 0.13 0.18 0.25 4 193 228 15571 18202 1.18 1.17 225.61 2.39 201.50 24.11 0.33 0.11 5 78 68 41536 44162 0.87 1.06 82.93 -14.93 81.44 1.49 0.13 0.28 Σ 587 577 146818 153287 629.83 -52.83 612.86 16.97 1.00 1.00 Wij0: Employment in sector i in region j in year 0 (starting year). Wijt: Employment in sector i in region j in year t (final year). Sector 1: Agriculture, hunting, forestry and fishing; Sector 2: Industry; Sector 3: Commercial Services; Sector 4: Financial intermediation, real estate, renting and business activities; Sector 5: Public Services.
  • 13. 6.4 Shift and share analysis Table 6.5 Results of shift share analysis Actual Shift Differential Shift Proportionality Shift n Wt n n  Wit  n W W  S a = ∑Wijt − ∑Wij 0 S d = ∑ Wijt −  Wij 0  = −52.83 S p = ∑  it Wij 0 − t Wij 0  = 16.97    W0 i =1 i =1  Wi 0  i =1  Wi 0 W0  i =1 = 577 − 153287 × 587 = − 35.86 S p = Sa − Sd 146818 = —35.86 — (—52.83) = 16.97 Relative Actual shift: Relative Differential shift: Relative Proportionality Shift: − 35.86 − 52.83 16.97 RS a = = −0.06 RS d = = −0.09 RS p = = 0.03 587 587 587
  • 14. Figure 6.7: Selected NUTS 2 area’s in the EU15
  • 15. 6.4 Shift and share analysis Figure 6.8: Results
  • 16. 6.5 Regional economic implications Figure 6.9: left: areas with a high density of logistics and transport; right: areas with more than 200 inhabitants /km2
  • 17. 6.5 Regional economic implications Table 6.6: Boudeville classification. Type 1: RS p > 0, RS d > 0, RS p > RS d . So: RS a > 0. Type 2 RS p > 0, RS d > 0, RS p < RS d . So: RS a > 0. Type 3 RS p < 0, RS d > 0, RS p < RS d . So: RS a > 0. Type 4 RS p > 0, RS d < 0, RS p > RS d . So: RSa > 0. Type 5 RS p > 0, RS d < 0, RS p < RS d . So: RSa < 0. Type 6 RS p < 0, RS d > 0, RS p > RS d . So: RSa < 0. Type 7 RS p < 0, RS d < 0, RS p < RS d . So: RS a < 0. Type 8 RS p < 0, RS d < 0, RS p > RS d . So: RS a < 0. Source: Boudeville, 1966.
  • 18. 6.6 A disparity measure: the gini coefficient Table 6.7: Distribution of income. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) income number of total % % % % class people income people people acc. income income acc. 0-10 2 10 20 20 5.0 5.0 10-20 3 45 30 50 22.5 27.5 20-30 3 75 30 80 37.5 65.0 30-40 2 70 20 100 35.0 100.0 Total 10 200 100 100.0
  • 19. 6.6 A disparity measure: the gini coefficient y 100 D C 65 50 B 27.5 A 5 O E 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 x Figure 6.10: Lorenz curve.
  • 20. 6.6 A disparity measure: the gini coefficient The Brown Formula: OABCD OED - OEDCBA g= = = OED OED m ( ) m ( )( ) 0.5 × 100 × 100 − ∑ xi − xi −1 yi −1 − 0.5 ∑ xi − xi −1 yi − yi −1 = i =1 i =1 = 0.5 × 100 × 100 m =1− ∑ x − x(i i −1 i )( y +y i −1 . ) i =1
  • 21. 6.6 A disparity measure: the gini coefficient 0.5 × 100 × 100 − 0.5 × 20 × 50 − 5 × 30 − 0.5 × 22.5 × 30 − 30 × 27.5 − 0.5 × 37.5 × 30 − 20 × 65 − 0.5 × 35 × 20 g = = 0.5 × 100 × 100 5000 - 3575 = = 0.285. 5000 Approximat ion : g = x − y.
  • 22. 6.7 Allocation of Structural Funds and changing regional income distribution β γ Fi = αPi I i , LnFi = Lnα + βLnPi + γLnI i . LnFi = − 0.42158 + 1.43129 LnPi − 0.33426 LnI i . R 2 = 0.87 ( −2.64 ) ( 7.19 ) ( −2.05 )
  • 23. Share in Structural Funds (%) 0 5 10 15 20 Austria 25 Belgium Denmark Finland France Germany Great Britain Greece Ireland Italy Luxembourg Real allocation Netherlands Portugal Spain Sweden Cyprus Czech Republic Predicted allocation Estonia Hungary Latvia Lithuania Malta Poland Slovakia Slovenia 6.7 Allocation of structural funds and changing regional income distribution
  • 24. Figure 6.12: GDP growth in the EU 1995 2004
  • 25. 6.7: Allocation of structural funds and changing regional income distribution GDPi 2005 = αYi join + β , g 2005 i = γYi join +δ, GDPi 2005 = − 398.057 Yi join + 815,566.7, R 2 = 0.556. ( −5.367 ) ( 5.540 ) g i2005 = 0.075735Yi join − 146.558, R 2 = 0.353. ( 3.619 ) ( −3.528 )
  • 26. 6.8: Application: regional disparities in Romania population-GDP disparity, 1998 population-GDP disparity, 2002 100% 100% 80% 80% cumulative income (%) cumulative area (%) 60% 60% 40% 40% 20% 20% 0% 0% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% cumulative population (%) cumulative population (%) Figure 6.13: Income distribution for Romania 1998 (g = 0.156) and 2002 (g = 0.205).
  • 27. 6.8: Application: regional disparities in Romania population-GDP disparity, 1998 population-GDP disparity, 2002 100% 100% 80% cumulative income (%) 80% cumulative area (%) 60% 60% 40% 40% 20% 20% 0% 0% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% cumulative population (%) cumulative population (%) Figure 6.14: Distribution of population in Romania for 1998 (g = 0.246) and 2002 (g = 0.253).
  • 28. 6.8: Application: regional disparities in Romania GDP-area disparity, 1998 GDP-area disparity, 2002 100% 100% 80% cumulative income (%) 80% cumulative income (%) 60% 60% 40% 40% 20% 20% 0% 0% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% cumulative area (%) cumulative area (%) Figure 6.15: Spatial distribution of production in Romania for 1998 (g = 0.288) and 2002 (g = 0.314). .
  • 29. 6.8: Application: regional disparities in Romania Romania 2002 / Euro per inhabitant 1105 - 1837 1837 - 2568 RO016 2568 - 3300 RO041 RO034 RO043 3300 - 4032 RO015 RO033 4032 - 4763 RO014 RO040 RO037 RO023 RO036 RO030 RO013 RO048 RO011 RO010 RO042 RO018 RO025 RO046 RO031 RO050 RO044 RO020 RO047 RO039 RO017 RO022 RO049 RO029 RO012 RO026 RO032 RO019 RO035 RO038 RO021 RO024 RO027 RO045 RO028 0 300 Kilometers N Figure 6.16: Romania: regional income distribution (in Euro’s) in 2002.
  • 30. 6.8: Application: regional disparities in Romania Romania 2002 / Income per km2 51 - 78 78 - 125 RO016 125 - 197 RO041 RO034 RO043 197 - 368 RO015 RO033 368 - 38707 RO014 RO040 RO037 RO023 RO036 RO030 RO013 RO048 RO011 RO010 RO042 RO018 RO025 RO046 RO031 RO050 RO044 RO020 RO047 RO039 RO017 RO022 RO049 RO029 RO012 RO026 RO032 RO019 RO035 RO038 RO021 RO024 RO027 RO045 RO028 0 300 Kilometers N Figure 6.17: Romania: Territorial income distribution (in Euro’s) in 2002. .
  • 31. 6.9: Application: Shift share analysis of China Figure 6.18: Population density in China 2004
  • 32. 6.9: Application: Shift share analysis of China Table 6.8: Gini-coefficients for China Gini-coefficient 1996 2004 increase Population density 0.6404 0.6440 0.56% GDP 0.2401 0.2696 12.28% Territorial density of GDP 0.7175 0.7322 2.05% Source: Jingjing (2007).
  • 33. 6.9: Application: Shift share analysis of China Figure 6.19: GDP per capita 2004.
  • 34. 6.9: Application: Shift share analysis of China Figure 6.20: Territorial GDP distribution 2004
  • 35. 6.9: Application: Shift share analysis of China Figure 6.21: Relative actual shift
  • 36. 6.9: Application: Shift share analysis of China Figure 6.22: Relative differential shift
  • 37. 6.9: Application: Shift share analysis of China Figure 6.23: Relative proportionality shift
  • 38. 6.10: Application: clusters and shift share analysis 100,00 100,00 80,00 80,00 Hugginsrank 60,00 Hugginsrank 60,00 4 0,00 4 0,00 20,00 20,00 0,00 0,00 -0,04 -0 ,03 -0,0 2 -0,01 0,0 0 0,01 0,02 0,03 0,04 -0,10 0,00 0,10 0,20 relative proportionality shift relati ve differential shift Figure 6.24: Figure 6.24: Scatter diagram of Huggins rank and relative differential shift (left panel), and relative proportionality shift (right panel) for European regions (NUTS 2).