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Financial Literacy Report No: 15 of 17
Asha presents inspirational tips to help
you and your loved one create financial
independence with:
‘How to Nurture Your
Kids Towards Financial
Inspirational financial education and guidance to
help you plan and create the life you want to live!
This is Priceless info, all kids
should be taught and
encouraged to do this!
Luv Asha x
Report 15. Inspirational tips ~ 'How to Nurture Your kids Towards Financial Success' ~ Page 2
This information contained in this report does not constitute professional financial advice, it is produced with the sincere
desire to improve the reader’s financial literacy and act as a source of inspiration towards an enhanced financial future.
The author and distributor of this report are not responsible for any actions taken as a direct result of reading the contents.
We strongly recommend you seek professional advice prior to entering into any financial agreements as a result of the
information contained in this report.
How to nurture your kids towards financial success.
I’m going to show you a great way to give your kids the best possible start towards a solid
and prosperous financial future by instilling the right habits and disciplines.
Of course, all parents naturally want the best for their kids, it’s only human nature to want
your kids to become high achievers and financially successful. The sad fact is, our schooling
system doesn’t teach our kids even the basics about money management.
Unfortunately, we are now living in a credit dominated society
which means your kids are growing up into a society where a credit
culture is acceptable and normal (they don’t know any different).
There is nothing wrong with credit if handled well, but as we know all too well, the rapidly
growing ‘have it today, worry about paying for it tomorrow’ culture, can be a very
expensive way to live!
Why Danger?
We all think kids get it easy (and they do!) but there is actually a lot of mental pressure on
them today, especially as they go through their teens. They’re expected to study hard and
get good grades, meanwhile their hormones are going crazy and they are constantly being
bombarded with clever manipulative advertising telling them what they should have & how
they should look.
But worst of all, kids are under enormous pressure from their peers
just to ‘fit in’. This means they’ve got to have the latest clothes,
trainers, games etc, just to be accepted with the ‘in crowd’.
Add all this together and you have a child who becomes a very good
salesperson and manipulator to get you to buy all of these things (the
joy of parenthood!).
The problem occurs when the child gets accustomed to getting everything they want (most
parents are guilty to a degree because you love them and naturally want them to be happy)
but this causes 2 big problems:
 They have no appreciation of the value of money
 They are very likely to continue this trend of wanting and having everything
after they flee the nest (bring on the credit!)
Warning!! There’s
potential danger
on the horizon for
your kids!
Report 15. Inspirational tips ~ 'How to Nurture Your kids Towards Financial Success' ~ Page 3
Kids need a role model
It’s highly likely that your kids will grow up and very closely model your
attitudes, beliefs and spending habits with regards to money because
that’s what they are familiar with. This may come as good news or bad
news, only you know the truth .
You can see evidence of this everywhere. You will very often see families where generations
after generation are welfare recipients and conversely, you see wealthy families where all
subsequent generations become wealthy with seemingly very little effort. The common
name for this is social conditioning.
So….if your actions and the way you value and manage money right now as a parent is
going to have a very large impact on your kid’s future…
…I’m sure you’ll agree, it would make perfect sense to nurture them with the
appropriate information so good money management skills and the right habits
become second nature to give them a solid grounding for their future?
Keeping it simple is the key
Kids will find the subject of money very boring if they hear phrases such as Compound
Interest, Investment & Dividend as these are completely meaningless to them. The key is to
teach them concepts that are logical and inspiring to them.
The following is an excellent way for kids to understand the concept of saving and investing
and an ideal way of inspiring them to do it.
It is a discussion between a financial adviser and a classroom full of young children aged
between 6 and 10, the adviser is attempting to explain compounding interest:
Adviser: “How many of you have ever planted a seed?”
Children: (All hands went up.)
Adviser: “What did you grow?”
Children: “Carrots, sunflowers, lettuces, peas, flowers etc.”
Adviser: “What happens if you don’t plant a seed?”
Children: “You don’t get anything.” (Kids are smart! They looked at him
like he was an idiot for even asking such a stupid question.)
Adviser: “If your parents had planted a pine tree when you were born,
how tall would it be now?”
Children: (Much discussion) “6 – 10 ft.”
Adviser: “If your grandparents had planted a pine tree when your mum
and dad were born, how tall would it be now?”
Children: (More discussion) “40 – 50 ft.”
Adviser: “How tall would the pine tree be now if it was planted when
your grandparents were born?”
Children: (More discussion) “100 ft.”
Adviser: “Now, what happens if you don’t plant a tree at all?”
Children: (In unison…) “YOU GET NOTHING!!!”
Adviser: “What would you have if you planted a tree every year?”
Children: “A FOREST!”
The Adviser then explained that he helps people grow money. One little girl piped
up, “Oh, you grow money trees.” (“Yes, I help people grow money trees.”)
Report 15. Inspirational tips ~ 'How to Nurture Your kids Towards Financial Success' ~ Page 4
Adviser: “What happens if you ‘plant’ money every year?”
Children “You’ll be rich.”
Adviser: “What happens if you don’t ‘plant’ money?”
Children “You’ll be poor.”
10 simple questions that explain the process of wealth creation and the children
got it right off the bat.
If you don’t plant any money, you’re likely to be poor in the future. If you plant just a little
money every year, you will be rich as you’ll have a forest of money trees to take care of you
and your family.
It’s actually common sense when you view it in simplistic terms, yet so people many kid
themselves they’ll get round to doing it one day!
Please note, the wording is not intended to encourage greed, the word rich is used for
motivational and inspirational purposes as it strikes a powerful and exciting chord in most
kids minds.
Another Way of Explaining the concept of interest
Telling your kid to put their savings into an account to gain the interest is fairly
meaningless. But if you explain that if they lend their money to the bank/building society,
the bank/building society will pay them for borrowing it which means they will have even
more money without doing anything – this is far more exciting and inspiring to them.
Turning them into a financial success – it starts with 2 Piggybanks!
This simple exercise could potentially be worth Millions to your child’s financial future!
In fact it can have such an impact it should be mandatory in every single school and it all
boils down to just one thing ~ Habit.
Before we get to the exercise, you first need to understand a little bit about habits:
Q. Do you ever wake up in the morning and sit on the side
of the bed and think to yourself, shall I get dressed today?
A. Of course you don’t, you do it automatically without having to
think as you have formed the habit through constant repetition.
We are all creatures of habit whether we like it or not, here’s an
analogy to explain how a habit forms in your brain:
Can I make a suggestion
that you teach your kids this
‘money tree’ concept to help
them understand creating
wealth is a process and they
need to start planting now!
Report 15. Inspirational tips ~ 'How to Nurture Your kids Towards Financial Success' ~ Page 5
Habits can either be conducive or destructive towards our well-being, depending on what
they are, the following simple exercise takes the power of habit and combines it with the
power of compounding to produce huge financial potential for very little (automatic) effort
once the habit is formed!!!
Imagine every time you carry out an action you weave a small thread (i.e. connection across
your neural pathways in your brain), the first thread is very fragile and can very easily be
broken, the second thread is just as fragile but interwoven with the first thread produces a
greater combined strength.
As each subsequent thread is woven each time this specific action is carried out, the
combined overall strength of these fragile threads is increasing and before you know it, over a
period of time these single fragile threads have combined together and have now formed to
make a ‘rope’. If you now try and break the habit, you will meet with a lot of resistance, as
you have no longer just got little threads to break but the whole rope.
If you repeat an action long enough the brain will naturally and unconsciously want
to keep doing it, we refer to it as habit.
2 Piggybank Exercise
Step 1. Buy (or get) 2 piggybanks for each child you have.
Step 2. Label one of them Saving & the other Spending.
Step 3. Decide the percentage split, as your kids are to split 100% of money
received between the 2 piggybanks (It is suggested 10% savings as the
absolute minimum)
Step 4. Label each Piggybank (example below) with the chosen percentage,
e.g. 20% (savings), 80% (Spending).
Step 5. Under Saving write “I save (20%) of all my income as I know this
habit will make me rich”
Step 6. Under Spending write “I am free to spend (80%) of my income
however I like.”
This exercise is purely about habit, you want your kids to have the habit absolutely
ingrained so they will automatically put a certain percentage of their income to work
for them throughout their lives. You can worry about where to invest it later.
“I save 20% of
all my income as I
know this habit will
make me rich.”
“I am free to
spend 80% of
my income
however I like.”
Report 15. Inspirational tips ~ 'How to Nurture Your kids Towards Financial Success' ~ Page 6
Piggybank Exercise Notes
Note 1: Just £1 a day will turn into a £1,000,000 over 56 years compounding at an
average of 10%. Remember this exercise is to deeply instil the habit so your kids will
automatically do it when they start earning themselves. In the early years it is far
more important to just do it and focus on the long term potential (not just focus on
the total accumulated).
Note 2: we always recommend a percentage of income to inflation proof it so the
amount saved/invested increases in line with future pay increases/promotions and
keeps it well ahead of inflation (as £1,000,000 wouldn’t have much spending power
in 56 years’ time).
Note 3: the percentage saved is purely for further investment (planting money
trees) to create future prosperity, it is not to be used for short term purchases, e.g.
new bike, new clothes. If kids want to save for something specific, they need to use
the spending element to do this.
Note 4: If your kids are teenagers they may think it’s a bit childish to have 2
piggybanks, so let them set up 2 savings accounts instead. It doesn’t really matter
what format they do it in as long as they embrace the concept and start the habit of
saving a portion of all they receive.
Creating the Million…
Once we’ve created the habit of taking a percentage of all income received, we need to put
it to work for us and grow it. The following table shows what a £1,000 a year will return at
different rates and terms:
Rate of Return (%)
5% 8% 10% 12% 15% 20%
0 £1,000 £1,000 £1,000 £1,000 £1,000 £1,000
5 £5,802 £6,336 £6,716 £7,115 £7,754 £8,929
10 £13,207 £15,645 £17,531 £19,655 £23,350 £31,150
15 £22,657 £29,324 £34,950 £41,753 £54,717 £86,442
20 £34,719 £49,423 £63,003 £80,699 £117,810 £224,023
25 £50,114 £78,954 £108,182 £149,334 £244,712 £566,377
30 £69,761 £122,346 £180,944 £270,293 £499,959 £1,418,257
35 £94,836 £186,102 £298,127 £483,463 £1,013,353 £3,538,007
40 £126,840 £279,781 £486,852 £859,142 £2,045,954 £8,812,629
Let’s put this in perspective, £1,000 per year is £20 per week roughly speaking, or based on
10% of income, it represents 10% of a £10,000 annual income.
The point I’m making is that with a national average wage in the region of £25,000 even
somebody on £10,000 could easily retire a millionaire if they continually invest 10%
throughout their working lifetime and get a decent return.
Look at the square highlighted in orange it shows a total accumulated
investment fund of £486,852 based on an average return of 10%.
Now look at the square highlighted in red it shows a total accumulated
investment fund of £859,142 based on an average return of 12%.
Report 15. Inspirational tips ~ 'How to Nurture Your kids Towards Financial Success' ~ Page 7
Just imagine if your child was earning £30,000 or more and put away a
minimum of 10% or 20% for investment?
There’s no trick to it, it’s purely discipline until the habit is formed, and
then the habit takes over.
Useful Points….
1. In the earlier years and teenage years it’s not too important how much they
accumulate, its installing the discipline and habit that counts so when they do get to
earn regularly its second nature.
2. For a lot of us adults, putting away a minimum of 10% each month will take a lot of
effort and discipline at first as we may have to undo years of old habits and
conditioning. Fortunately, your kids won’t have this problem as the majority of the
money they receive is ‘bonus’ money, i.e. money they can do what they want with,
as they don’t have regular expenses.
3. Explain the benefit about becoming rich to inspire them. You will need to monitor
them to make sure they do this properly which could take a long time (until it’s a
deeply ingrained habit). It is suggested you open an interest paying account if they
don’t already have one and pay in the savings proceeds on a regular basis. In
addition to this, get them to keep a simple record of all money they receive along
the following lines (a notebook will do):
Date Amount Description 20% 80%
4 Aug £2.50 Pocket Money 50p £2.00
11 Aug £2.50 Pocket Money 50p £2.00
13 Aug £5.00 Gift from Gran £1.00 £4.00
18 Aug £2.50 Pocket Money 50p £2.00
22 Aug £3.00 For washing Dads car 60p £2.40
25 Aug £2.50 Pocket Money 50p £2.00
Total £18.00 £3.60 £14.40
4. This exercise also teaches them accountability, they can see how much comes in,
they will probably be shocked at how much it actually is, if you can get them to go
one step further and account for every single penny they spend they will be ahead of
more than 97% of the adult population and will see how much they waste, increasing
the chances of them saving even more.
5. Consider this…the rules on stakeholder pensions allow children of any age to
now have one, it has to be in a parents name until the age of 18 and then it can be
transferred back to the child. Bearing in mind the tax benefits of a pension over a
long period of time, a stakeholder pension offers huge long term potential benefits
and is an excellent way to get money working for your kids and is something you
should seriously consider.
An Idea
The entitlement to child benefit also arises with a new born baby,
now of course, with a new born baby there will be a lot of extra
But, if you could manage on the pre-birth income and not need
the child benefit, you could channel this money straight into a
stakeholder pension or savings/investment account for your new
born child and give them a great financial start in life, just a thought!
Here’s another exercise for your kids...
Report 15. Inspirational tips ~ 'How to Nurture Your kids Towards Financial Success' ~ Page 8
Teaching them financial responsibility
The fastest way for your kids to learn about money is for them to take on some
responsibility whilst under your supervision.
Try Benchmarking
This is an alternative if you are buying for kids who must have the
latest trainers, mobile, clothes label etc. Set a benchmark price that
you will contribute, e.g. high price training shoes, you set
and pay a benchmark of say £30.00, and if they choose anything
over that price they must pay the difference from their own means.
Strangely enough, parents who have adopted this approach have found that their children
more often than not, choose something less expensive than their original request. Once
again, they will readily spend your money for their benefit but will think twice if it’s their
own money, try it!
Try this:
 Go through all your regular spending and work out on average, how much
you spend on your kids each month, this doesn’t include necessities such as
food or clothes for school etc, but things like new clothes, new trainers,
computer games, toys, sweets, treats, cinema, Pizza Hut etc.
 Let’s say it comes to £150 a month.
 Now at the beginning of each month give your child the £150 and tell them
it’s their money and they are in complete control of their spending. Tell them
you will buy the food and pay for school dinners as normal but that’s it,
everything else they want has to come out of their £150 budget, anything left
at the end of the month is theirs to keep.
 This will seem like a lot of money to them at first!
 They will very quickly start to realise the true value of money!
Everybody is good at spending somebody else’s money, but when it’s your
own it’s a different matter. At first they may go a little crazy as it seems like
a lot of money, but then they will start to realise how quickly it goes.
 The likelihood is they will begin to start spending wisely, compare prices and
decide they don’t really need the latest computer game, or the £30 trainers
will suffice instead of the £75 pair. They will also learn about sacrifice, if there
is a must have item it may mean sacrificing the usual treats to get it.
 Be tough with them, don’t go soft and top it up because they’ve spent it all,
let them go without and learn the hard way, these will be very valuable
lessons for their future. Let them make mistakes, it’s better to make a
mistake now and learn the lesson than make a big mistake later in life when
you’re not around to help and advice.
Finally, give lots of encouragement and take every opportunity to discuss things
with them offering advice and tips where you can. Your kids will learn some very
valuable lessons.
Report 15. Inspirational tips ~ 'How to Nurture Your kids Towards Financial Success' ~ Page 9
15 Tips to Nurture your kids Financial Intelligence
1. Explain the use of money. Begin as early as age three. Show
how things are bought and sold at the supermarket, toy store, etc.
Children need to see the real world use of money.
2. Give children a weekly allowance. Most parents have children
earn their allowance through good behaviour, responsibility and
household jobs. If you attach money to chores, be sure you don't
get manipulated. Don't take away allowance as punishment.
3. Increase allowances as children grow. Increasing responsibilities should result in
increased allowance. Also, it is a good incentive to give extra allowance for extra work.
4. Introduce expenses. As allowance increases, the scope of expenses should widen. For
example, teenagers should earn more allowance, but they should then have to use their
allowance for dating and entertainment. Teens who insist on buying clothes with designer
labels should pay the extra cost.
5. Teach home budgeting. Explain how a finite amount of money needs to be distributed
for food, clothing, mortgage or rent, utilities, car expenses, etc. Include older children in
family financial planning. Don't overprotect your children from this.
6. Teach wise consumerism. Have your children compare the same product in different
size packaging to determine the best value. When children grow older, explain how and why
you choose certain products. Compare prices at different restaurants.
7. Start a savings account. Most children can comprehend the need for savings by age
ten. Remember that children are naturally impulsive. In this age of advertising
bombardment, children have a tendency to be impulsive spenders. Encourage your child to
save a certain percentage of allowance.
8. Start a current account. Some sixteen-year-olds are ready for a
current account and a limited credit card. You want them to learn how
to manage these tools while you are still around to keep things from
getting out of control.
9. Set financial goals. Discuss plans for paying for university or
college. Have them calculate tuition costs, living expenses, etc.
10. Encourage them to earn their own money. The best way for children to learn about
money is to get their own job as soon as they are old enough. Help them find a job that is
safe, has reasonable hours and includes friendly people.
11. Help them learn the differences between needs, wants, and wishes. This will
prepare them for making good spending decisions in the future.
12. Introduce the value of saving versus spending. Explain and
demonstrate the concept of earning interest income on savings.
Consider paying interest on money children save at home; children can
help calculate the interest and see how fast money accumulates through
the power of compound interest. An excellent incentive is to offer to
match whatever they save.
Incentive to help them get momentum
Kids love rewards so why not help to boost their new saving/investment pot by offering to
match whatever they save? Their motivation will go through the roof!
Report 15. Inspirational tips ~ 'How to Nurture Your kids Towards Financial Success' ~ Page 10
13. Teach the dangers of borrowing and paying interest. If you
Charge interest on small loans you make to them, they will learn quickly
how expensive it is to rent someone else's money for a specified period of
time. For instance, paying for a £499 TV over 18 months at £31.85 a
month at 18.8 percent interest means the buyer really pays about £575.
14. Make sure any credit cards aren’t misused. Credit cards have a message: "spend!"
Some students report using the cards for cash advances and also to meet every day needs,
instead of for emergencies (as originally planned). Many of those same students find
themselves having to cut back on classes to fit in part-time jobs just to pay for their credit
card purchases.
15. Teach them to set financial goals. Young or old, people rarely reach goals they
haven't set. Nearly every toy or other item children ask their parents to buy them can
become the object of a goal-setting session. Such goal-setting helps children learn to plan
and become responsible for themselves.
Further financial education
Can I recommend you encourage them to read the other reports if they’re inspired (and old
enough) to want to learn more about getting ahead financially. The main 2 I would
recommend are:
 Report 3 “Why you Should Focus on Building Pipelines”
 Report 4 “How to Plant and Grow Money Trees”
Understanding there are only 2 ways to earn money and passive income is the key!
Report 15 Summary
Keep it simple and develop good habits
Kids need to be inspired to save money long term so it’s important to keep it simple and
make it fun by using concepts such as growing money trees. The objective is purely to get
them in the habit of saving and investing a portion of all money received.
2 Piggybank Exercise
Get your kids doing this as soon as possible in some format whether it’s 2 piggybanks or 2
bank accounts and get them to account for it all.
Give them responsibility
The fastest way for your kids to learn about money is for them to take on some real
responsibility whilst under your supervision. Perhaps give them a month’s entertainment
allowance to control (based on the principle: once it’s spent, that’s it until next month) so
they can experience the real world and learn how to budget.
Children need to learn the value of
money, how to earn it and how to
manage it. But don't overdo it.
Spending money on something
impractical once in a while
(e.g. spa treatment for the
dog) is always fun .
Report 15. Inspirational tips ~ 'How to Nurture Your kids Towards Financial Success' ~ Page 11
Final Thought:
Start planting all this knowledge in your kid’s minds today along with the right
encouragement and inspiration and hopefully they’ll be eternally grateful one day. Perhaps,
they’ll be taking care of you too one day, in lots of luxury I hope .
Final Word:
“You don’t have to know how you’re going to get there, but you do need to
know where you want to go.”
Wishing you all the best,
Asha x Be patient, it
will take time to
develop their
skills but it’ll be
worth it 
Report 15. Inspirational tips ~ 'How to Nurture Your kids Towards Financial Success' ~ Page 12
Links to the other 16 free reports in the series:
The basic foundations of wealth creation:
Report 1: Understanding the Cashflow Quadrant.
Report 2: The 4 Essential Money Skills.
Key concepts to building wealth (you’ll love these, they’re fun!):
Report 3: Why You Should Focus on Building Pipelines.
Report 4: How to Plant and Grow Money Trees.
Powerful principles to accelerate wealth creation:
Report 5: The Magic Money Multiplier ~ Compounding.
Report 6: The Power of Leverage.
Taking control of your current financial affairs:
Report 7: Find Out How You Are Doing with a Financial Health Check.
Report 8: The 3 Cornerstones of Intelligent Financial Planning.
Report 9: Put Your Finances on Autopilot towards financial freedom.
Practical tips to enhance your current financial position:
Report 10: Pay your Mortgage Off Early & Save a Fortune in Interest.
Report 11: The Complete House Buyers Guide in 7 steps.
Report 12: The Fastest Way out of Debt and Dealing with Distress.
Practical tips to help you create financial independence:
Report 13: How to Build a Significant Property Portfolio.
Report 14: How to Get 25% Guaranteed Risk Free Investment.
Inspirational tips to help you create financial independence:
Report 16: The Magic Formula for retiring early!
Report 17: Action Plan & Guidance to Help You Put it all Together.
Recommended reading list to continue your financial education:
Report 15. Inspirational tips ~ 'How to Nurture Your kids Towards Financial Success' ~ Page 13
The Richest Man in Babylon George S Clason
The ancient Babylonians were the first people to discover the universal
laws of prosperity. In his classic bestseller, George S. Clason reveals their
secrets for creating, growing, and preserving wealth. The key is to wisely
invest 10% of all you earn.
Rich Dad Poor Dad Robert T Kiyosaki
Explodes the myth that you need to earn a high income to become rich
and why parents can't rely on the school system to teach their kids about
money. It will teach you what to teach your kids about money for their
future financial success
Rich Dad’s Cashflow Quadrant Robert T Kiyosaki
In the sequel to Rich Dad Poor Dad, learn how there are four types of
people who make up the world of business but it's the business owners
and the investors (not the employees and the self-employed) who can
create great wealth by accelerating their cash flow through asset building.
Secrets of the Millionaire Mind T Harv Eker
Have you ever wondered why some people seem to achieve wealth
effortlessly while others work just as hard but still struggle financially? T.
Harv Eker explains how you too can master the inner game of money so that
you will not only achieve financial success but keep it once you have it. Each
of us has a personal money and success blueprint already ingrained in our
subconscious minds, and it is this blueprint that will determine the course of
our financial lives if we’re not careful
Real Estate Riches Dolf De Roos
Considered as one of the world leading authorities on property investment,
De Roos shows why investing in property is so astoundingly simple and
lucrative. Topics include: negotiations and submitting offers; increasing the
value of your property; and dealing with laws, rules and regulations. De
Roos opens up and gives an insider's view of his approach, attitudes,
techniques and secrets in the real estate game.
The 3 + 1 Plan Brett Alegre Wood (FREE COPY)
The 3 + 1 Plan is a step-by-step guide that will show you how, with just
four properties, you will be able to fund the lifestyle you have always
wanted. Even before you retire. It's time to educate yourself financially.
Showing you time-proven strategies that will safely guide you through any
economic boom, bust, recession or downturn.
Report 15. Inspirational tips ~ 'How to Nurture Your kids Towards Financial Success' ~ Page 14
I started out as a ‘meeter and greeter’ in a financial practise
as clients walked through the door, my job was to give them a
warm welcome. After the initial hello and fuss they would take
a a seat in the meeting room where I would continue getting to
know them over a cup of tea as they waited for their adviser.
If they were agreeable, I was even allowed to stay in the
meeting room as long as I sat quietly on the floor.
Being a cocker spaniel with huge ears, I couldn’t help but take in all this valuable financial information.
So anyway, through sheer repetition, I started to become very well versed in all aspects of financial planning
and picked up lots of valuable strategies along with important concepts and principles that can help
everybody enhance their financial position.
In a nutshell, as the information wasn’t much use to me, my instincts told me there was only one thing to do,
start my own free financial academy and share it all with the world so everybody can benefit , I sincerely
hope you find the information useful.
Asha xx
Twitter: @financedog
You tube: Asha’s Financial Academy

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Report 15a - How to Nurture Your Kids Towards Financial Success

  • 1. Financial Literacy Report No: 15 of 17 Asha presents inspirational tips to help you and your loved one create financial independence with: ‘How to Nurture Your Kids Towards Financial Success’ Inspirational financial education and guidance to help you plan and create the life you want to live! This is Priceless info, all kids should be taught and encouraged to do this! Luv Asha x
  • 2. Report 15. Inspirational tips ~ 'How to Nurture Your kids Towards Financial Success' ~ Page 2 Disclaimer This information contained in this report does not constitute professional financial advice, it is produced with the sincere desire to improve the reader’s financial literacy and act as a source of inspiration towards an enhanced financial future. The author and distributor of this report are not responsible for any actions taken as a direct result of reading the contents. We strongly recommend you seek professional advice prior to entering into any financial agreements as a result of the information contained in this report. How to nurture your kids towards financial success. I’m going to show you a great way to give your kids the best possible start towards a solid and prosperous financial future by instilling the right habits and disciplines. Of course, all parents naturally want the best for their kids, it’s only human nature to want your kids to become high achievers and financially successful. The sad fact is, our schooling system doesn’t teach our kids even the basics about money management. Unfortunately, we are now living in a credit dominated society which means your kids are growing up into a society where a credit culture is acceptable and normal (they don’t know any different). There is nothing wrong with credit if handled well, but as we know all too well, the rapidly growing ‘have it today, worry about paying for it tomorrow’ culture, can be a very expensive way to live! Why Danger? We all think kids get it easy (and they do!) but there is actually a lot of mental pressure on them today, especially as they go through their teens. They’re expected to study hard and get good grades, meanwhile their hormones are going crazy and they are constantly being bombarded with clever manipulative advertising telling them what they should have & how they should look. But worst of all, kids are under enormous pressure from their peers just to ‘fit in’. This means they’ve got to have the latest clothes, trainers, games etc, just to be accepted with the ‘in crowd’. Add all this together and you have a child who becomes a very good salesperson and manipulator to get you to buy all of these things (the joy of parenthood!). The problem occurs when the child gets accustomed to getting everything they want (most parents are guilty to a degree because you love them and naturally want them to be happy) but this causes 2 big problems:  They have no appreciation of the value of money  They are very likely to continue this trend of wanting and having everything after they flee the nest (bring on the credit!) Warning!! There’s potential danger on the horizon for your kids!
  • 3. Report 15. Inspirational tips ~ 'How to Nurture Your kids Towards Financial Success' ~ Page 3 Kids need a role model It’s highly likely that your kids will grow up and very closely model your attitudes, beliefs and spending habits with regards to money because that’s what they are familiar with. This may come as good news or bad news, only you know the truth . You can see evidence of this everywhere. You will very often see families where generations after generation are welfare recipients and conversely, you see wealthy families where all subsequent generations become wealthy with seemingly very little effort. The common name for this is social conditioning. So….if your actions and the way you value and manage money right now as a parent is going to have a very large impact on your kid’s future… …I’m sure you’ll agree, it would make perfect sense to nurture them with the appropriate information so good money management skills and the right habits become second nature to give them a solid grounding for their future? Keeping it simple is the key Kids will find the subject of money very boring if they hear phrases such as Compound Interest, Investment & Dividend as these are completely meaningless to them. The key is to teach them concepts that are logical and inspiring to them. The following is an excellent way for kids to understand the concept of saving and investing and an ideal way of inspiring them to do it. It is a discussion between a financial adviser and a classroom full of young children aged between 6 and 10, the adviser is attempting to explain compounding interest: Adviser: “How many of you have ever planted a seed?” Children: (All hands went up.) Adviser: “What did you grow?” Children: “Carrots, sunflowers, lettuces, peas, flowers etc.” Adviser: “What happens if you don’t plant a seed?” Children: “You don’t get anything.” (Kids are smart! They looked at him like he was an idiot for even asking such a stupid question.) Adviser: “If your parents had planted a pine tree when you were born, how tall would it be now?” Children: (Much discussion) “6 – 10 ft.” Adviser: “If your grandparents had planted a pine tree when your mum and dad were born, how tall would it be now?” Children: (More discussion) “40 – 50 ft.” Adviser: “How tall would the pine tree be now if it was planted when your grandparents were born?” Children: (More discussion) “100 ft.” Adviser: “Now, what happens if you don’t plant a tree at all?” Children: (In unison…) “YOU GET NOTHING!!!” Adviser: “What would you have if you planted a tree every year?” Children: “A FOREST!” The Adviser then explained that he helps people grow money. One little girl piped up, “Oh, you grow money trees.” (“Yes, I help people grow money trees.”)
  • 4. Report 15. Inspirational tips ~ 'How to Nurture Your kids Towards Financial Success' ~ Page 4 Adviser: “What happens if you ‘plant’ money every year?” Children “You’ll be rich.” Adviser: “What happens if you don’t ‘plant’ money?” Children “You’ll be poor.” 10 simple questions that explain the process of wealth creation and the children got it right off the bat. If you don’t plant any money, you’re likely to be poor in the future. If you plant just a little money every year, you will be rich as you’ll have a forest of money trees to take care of you and your family. It’s actually common sense when you view it in simplistic terms, yet so people many kid themselves they’ll get round to doing it one day! Please note, the wording is not intended to encourage greed, the word rich is used for motivational and inspirational purposes as it strikes a powerful and exciting chord in most kids minds. Another Way of Explaining the concept of interest Telling your kid to put their savings into an account to gain the interest is fairly meaningless. But if you explain that if they lend their money to the bank/building society, the bank/building society will pay them for borrowing it which means they will have even more money without doing anything – this is far more exciting and inspiring to them. Turning them into a financial success – it starts with 2 Piggybanks! This simple exercise could potentially be worth Millions to your child’s financial future! In fact it can have such an impact it should be mandatory in every single school and it all boils down to just one thing ~ Habit. Before we get to the exercise, you first need to understand a little bit about habits: Q. Do you ever wake up in the morning and sit on the side of the bed and think to yourself, shall I get dressed today? A. Of course you don’t, you do it automatically without having to think as you have formed the habit through constant repetition. We are all creatures of habit whether we like it or not, here’s an analogy to explain how a habit forms in your brain: Can I make a suggestion that you teach your kids this ‘money tree’ concept to help them understand creating wealth is a process and they need to start planting now!
  • 5. Report 15. Inspirational tips ~ 'How to Nurture Your kids Towards Financial Success' ~ Page 5 Habits can either be conducive or destructive towards our well-being, depending on what they are, the following simple exercise takes the power of habit and combines it with the power of compounding to produce huge financial potential for very little (automatic) effort once the habit is formed!!! Imagine every time you carry out an action you weave a small thread (i.e. connection across your neural pathways in your brain), the first thread is very fragile and can very easily be broken, the second thread is just as fragile but interwoven with the first thread produces a greater combined strength. As each subsequent thread is woven each time this specific action is carried out, the combined overall strength of these fragile threads is increasing and before you know it, over a period of time these single fragile threads have combined together and have now formed to make a ‘rope’. If you now try and break the habit, you will meet with a lot of resistance, as you have no longer just got little threads to break but the whole rope. If you repeat an action long enough the brain will naturally and unconsciously want to keep doing it, we refer to it as habit. 2 Piggybank Exercise Step 1. Buy (or get) 2 piggybanks for each child you have. Step 2. Label one of them Saving & the other Spending. Step 3. Decide the percentage split, as your kids are to split 100% of money received between the 2 piggybanks (It is suggested 10% savings as the absolute minimum) Step 4. Label each Piggybank (example below) with the chosen percentage, e.g. 20% (savings), 80% (Spending). Step 5. Under Saving write “I save (20%) of all my income as I know this habit will make me rich” Step 6. Under Spending write “I am free to spend (80%) of my income however I like.” This exercise is purely about habit, you want your kids to have the habit absolutely ingrained so they will automatically put a certain percentage of their income to work for them throughout their lives. You can worry about where to invest it later. “I save 20% of all my income as I know this habit will make me rich.” “I am free to spend 80% of my income however I like.”
  • 6. Report 15. Inspirational tips ~ 'How to Nurture Your kids Towards Financial Success' ~ Page 6 Piggybank Exercise Notes Note 1: Just £1 a day will turn into a £1,000,000 over 56 years compounding at an average of 10%. Remember this exercise is to deeply instil the habit so your kids will automatically do it when they start earning themselves. In the early years it is far more important to just do it and focus on the long term potential (not just focus on the total accumulated). Note 2: we always recommend a percentage of income to inflation proof it so the amount saved/invested increases in line with future pay increases/promotions and keeps it well ahead of inflation (as £1,000,000 wouldn’t have much spending power in 56 years’ time). Note 3: the percentage saved is purely for further investment (planting money trees) to create future prosperity, it is not to be used for short term purchases, e.g. new bike, new clothes. If kids want to save for something specific, they need to use the spending element to do this. Note 4: If your kids are teenagers they may think it’s a bit childish to have 2 piggybanks, so let them set up 2 savings accounts instead. It doesn’t really matter what format they do it in as long as they embrace the concept and start the habit of saving a portion of all they receive. Creating the Million… Once we’ve created the habit of taking a percentage of all income received, we need to put it to work for us and grow it. The following table shows what a £1,000 a year will return at different rates and terms: Rate of Return (%) After (years) 5% 8% 10% 12% 15% 20% 0 £1,000 £1,000 £1,000 £1,000 £1,000 £1,000 5 £5,802 £6,336 £6,716 £7,115 £7,754 £8,929 10 £13,207 £15,645 £17,531 £19,655 £23,350 £31,150 15 £22,657 £29,324 £34,950 £41,753 £54,717 £86,442 20 £34,719 £49,423 £63,003 £80,699 £117,810 £224,023 25 £50,114 £78,954 £108,182 £149,334 £244,712 £566,377 30 £69,761 £122,346 £180,944 £270,293 £499,959 £1,418,257 35 £94,836 £186,102 £298,127 £483,463 £1,013,353 £3,538,007 40 £126,840 £279,781 £486,852 £859,142 £2,045,954 £8,812,629 Let’s put this in perspective, £1,000 per year is £20 per week roughly speaking, or based on 10% of income, it represents 10% of a £10,000 annual income. The point I’m making is that with a national average wage in the region of £25,000 even somebody on £10,000 could easily retire a millionaire if they continually invest 10% throughout their working lifetime and get a decent return. Look at the square highlighted in orange it shows a total accumulated investment fund of £486,852 based on an average return of 10%. Now look at the square highlighted in red it shows a total accumulated investment fund of £859,142 based on an average return of 12%.
  • 7. Report 15. Inspirational tips ~ 'How to Nurture Your kids Towards Financial Success' ~ Page 7 Just imagine if your child was earning £30,000 or more and put away a minimum of 10% or 20% for investment? There’s no trick to it, it’s purely discipline until the habit is formed, and then the habit takes over. Useful Points…. 1. In the earlier years and teenage years it’s not too important how much they accumulate, its installing the discipline and habit that counts so when they do get to earn regularly its second nature. 2. For a lot of us adults, putting away a minimum of 10% each month will take a lot of effort and discipline at first as we may have to undo years of old habits and conditioning. Fortunately, your kids won’t have this problem as the majority of the money they receive is ‘bonus’ money, i.e. money they can do what they want with, as they don’t have regular expenses. 3. Explain the benefit about becoming rich to inspire them. You will need to monitor them to make sure they do this properly which could take a long time (until it’s a deeply ingrained habit). It is suggested you open an interest paying account if they don’t already have one and pay in the savings proceeds on a regular basis. In addition to this, get them to keep a simple record of all money they receive along the following lines (a notebook will do): Date Amount Description 20% 80% 4 Aug £2.50 Pocket Money 50p £2.00 11 Aug £2.50 Pocket Money 50p £2.00 13 Aug £5.00 Gift from Gran £1.00 £4.00 18 Aug £2.50 Pocket Money 50p £2.00 22 Aug £3.00 For washing Dads car 60p £2.40 25 Aug £2.50 Pocket Money 50p £2.00 Total £18.00 £3.60 £14.40 4. This exercise also teaches them accountability, they can see how much comes in, they will probably be shocked at how much it actually is, if you can get them to go one step further and account for every single penny they spend they will be ahead of more than 97% of the adult population and will see how much they waste, increasing the chances of them saving even more. 5. Consider this…the rules on stakeholder pensions allow children of any age to now have one, it has to be in a parents name until the age of 18 and then it can be transferred back to the child. Bearing in mind the tax benefits of a pension over a long period of time, a stakeholder pension offers huge long term potential benefits and is an excellent way to get money working for your kids and is something you should seriously consider. An Idea The entitlement to child benefit also arises with a new born baby, now of course, with a new born baby there will be a lot of extra expense. But, if you could manage on the pre-birth income and not need the child benefit, you could channel this money straight into a stakeholder pension or savings/investment account for your new born child and give them a great financial start in life, just a thought! Here’s another exercise for your kids...
  • 8. Report 15. Inspirational tips ~ 'How to Nurture Your kids Towards Financial Success' ~ Page 8 Teaching them financial responsibility The fastest way for your kids to learn about money is for them to take on some responsibility whilst under your supervision. Try Benchmarking This is an alternative if you are buying for kids who must have the latest trainers, mobile, clothes label etc. Set a benchmark price that you will contribute, e.g. high price training shoes, you set and pay a benchmark of say £30.00, and if they choose anything over that price they must pay the difference from their own means. Strangely enough, parents who have adopted this approach have found that their children more often than not, choose something less expensive than their original request. Once again, they will readily spend your money for their benefit but will think twice if it’s their own money, try it! Try this:  Go through all your regular spending and work out on average, how much you spend on your kids each month, this doesn’t include necessities such as food or clothes for school etc, but things like new clothes, new trainers, computer games, toys, sweets, treats, cinema, Pizza Hut etc.  Let’s say it comes to £150 a month.  Now at the beginning of each month give your child the £150 and tell them it’s their money and they are in complete control of their spending. Tell them you will buy the food and pay for school dinners as normal but that’s it, everything else they want has to come out of their £150 budget, anything left at the end of the month is theirs to keep.  This will seem like a lot of money to them at first!  They will very quickly start to realise the true value of money! Everybody is good at spending somebody else’s money, but when it’s your own it’s a different matter. At first they may go a little crazy as it seems like a lot of money, but then they will start to realise how quickly it goes.  The likelihood is they will begin to start spending wisely, compare prices and decide they don’t really need the latest computer game, or the £30 trainers will suffice instead of the £75 pair. They will also learn about sacrifice, if there is a must have item it may mean sacrificing the usual treats to get it.  Be tough with them, don’t go soft and top it up because they’ve spent it all, let them go without and learn the hard way, these will be very valuable lessons for their future. Let them make mistakes, it’s better to make a mistake now and learn the lesson than make a big mistake later in life when you’re not around to help and advice. Finally, give lots of encouragement and take every opportunity to discuss things with them offering advice and tips where you can. Your kids will learn some very valuable lessons.
  • 9. Report 15. Inspirational tips ~ 'How to Nurture Your kids Towards Financial Success' ~ Page 9 15 15 Tips to Nurture your kids Financial Intelligence 1. Explain the use of money. Begin as early as age three. Show how things are bought and sold at the supermarket, toy store, etc. Children need to see the real world use of money. 2. Give children a weekly allowance. Most parents have children earn their allowance through good behaviour, responsibility and household jobs. If you attach money to chores, be sure you don't get manipulated. Don't take away allowance as punishment. 3. Increase allowances as children grow. Increasing responsibilities should result in increased allowance. Also, it is a good incentive to give extra allowance for extra work. 4. Introduce expenses. As allowance increases, the scope of expenses should widen. For example, teenagers should earn more allowance, but they should then have to use their allowance for dating and entertainment. Teens who insist on buying clothes with designer labels should pay the extra cost. 5. Teach home budgeting. Explain how a finite amount of money needs to be distributed for food, clothing, mortgage or rent, utilities, car expenses, etc. Include older children in family financial planning. Don't overprotect your children from this. 6. Teach wise consumerism. Have your children compare the same product in different size packaging to determine the best value. When children grow older, explain how and why you choose certain products. Compare prices at different restaurants. 7. Start a savings account. Most children can comprehend the need for savings by age ten. Remember that children are naturally impulsive. In this age of advertising bombardment, children have a tendency to be impulsive spenders. Encourage your child to save a certain percentage of allowance. 8. Start a current account. Some sixteen-year-olds are ready for a current account and a limited credit card. You want them to learn how to manage these tools while you are still around to keep things from getting out of control. 9. Set financial goals. Discuss plans for paying for university or college. Have them calculate tuition costs, living expenses, etc. 10. Encourage them to earn their own money. The best way for children to learn about money is to get their own job as soon as they are old enough. Help them find a job that is safe, has reasonable hours and includes friendly people. 11. Help them learn the differences between needs, wants, and wishes. This will prepare them for making good spending decisions in the future. 12. Introduce the value of saving versus spending. Explain and demonstrate the concept of earning interest income on savings. Consider paying interest on money children save at home; children can help calculate the interest and see how fast money accumulates through the power of compound interest. An excellent incentive is to offer to match whatever they save. Incentive to help them get momentum Kids love rewards so why not help to boost their new saving/investment pot by offering to match whatever they save? Their motivation will go through the roof!
  • 10. Report 15. Inspirational tips ~ 'How to Nurture Your kids Towards Financial Success' ~ Page 10 13. Teach the dangers of borrowing and paying interest. If you Charge interest on small loans you make to them, they will learn quickly how expensive it is to rent someone else's money for a specified period of time. For instance, paying for a £499 TV over 18 months at £31.85 a month at 18.8 percent interest means the buyer really pays about £575. 14. Make sure any credit cards aren’t misused. Credit cards have a message: "spend!" Some students report using the cards for cash advances and also to meet every day needs, instead of for emergencies (as originally planned). Many of those same students find themselves having to cut back on classes to fit in part-time jobs just to pay for their credit card purchases. 15. Teach them to set financial goals. Young or old, people rarely reach goals they haven't set. Nearly every toy or other item children ask their parents to buy them can become the object of a goal-setting session. Such goal-setting helps children learn to plan and become responsible for themselves. Further financial education Can I recommend you encourage them to read the other reports if they’re inspired (and old enough) to want to learn more about getting ahead financially. The main 2 I would recommend are:  Report 3 “Why you Should Focus on Building Pipelines”  Report 4 “How to Plant and Grow Money Trees” Understanding there are only 2 ways to earn money and passive income is the key! Report 15 Summary Keep it simple and develop good habits Kids need to be inspired to save money long term so it’s important to keep it simple and make it fun by using concepts such as growing money trees. The objective is purely to get them in the habit of saving and investing a portion of all money received. 2 Piggybank Exercise Get your kids doing this as soon as possible in some format whether it’s 2 piggybanks or 2 bank accounts and get them to account for it all. Give them responsibility The fastest way for your kids to learn about money is for them to take on some real responsibility whilst under your supervision. Perhaps give them a month’s entertainment allowance to control (based on the principle: once it’s spent, that’s it until next month) so they can experience the real world and learn how to budget. Children need to learn the value of money, how to earn it and how to manage it. But don't overdo it. Spending money on something impractical once in a while (e.g. spa treatment for the dog) is always fun .
  • 11. Report 15. Inspirational tips ~ 'How to Nurture Your kids Towards Financial Success' ~ Page 11 Final Thought: Start planting all this knowledge in your kid’s minds today along with the right encouragement and inspiration and hopefully they’ll be eternally grateful one day. Perhaps, they’ll be taking care of you too one day, in lots of luxury I hope . Final Word: “You don’t have to know how you’re going to get there, but you do need to know where you want to go.” Wishing you all the best, Asha x Be patient, it will take time to develop their skills but it’ll be worth it 
  • 12. Report 15. Inspirational tips ~ 'How to Nurture Your kids Towards Financial Success' ~ Page 12 Links to the other 16 free reports in the series: The basic foundations of wealth creation: Report 1: Understanding the Cashflow Quadrant. Report 2: The 4 Essential Money Skills. Key concepts to building wealth (you’ll love these, they’re fun!): Report 3: Why You Should Focus on Building Pipelines. Report 4: How to Plant and Grow Money Trees. Powerful principles to accelerate wealth creation: Report 5: The Magic Money Multiplier ~ Compounding. Report 6: The Power of Leverage. Taking control of your current financial affairs: Report 7: Find Out How You Are Doing with a Financial Health Check. Report 8: The 3 Cornerstones of Intelligent Financial Planning. Report 9: Put Your Finances on Autopilot towards financial freedom. Practical tips to enhance your current financial position: Report 10: Pay your Mortgage Off Early & Save a Fortune in Interest. Report 11: The Complete House Buyers Guide in 7 steps. Report 12: The Fastest Way out of Debt and Dealing with Distress. Practical tips to help you create financial independence: Report 13: How to Build a Significant Property Portfolio. Report 14: How to Get 25% Guaranteed Risk Free Investment. Inspirational tips to help you create financial independence: Report 16: The Magic Formula for retiring early! Report 17: Action Plan & Guidance to Help You Put it all Together. Recommended reading list to continue your financial education:
  • 13. Report 15. Inspirational tips ~ 'How to Nurture Your kids Towards Financial Success' ~ Page 13 The Richest Man in Babylon George S Clason The ancient Babylonians were the first people to discover the universal laws of prosperity. In his classic bestseller, George S. Clason reveals their secrets for creating, growing, and preserving wealth. The key is to wisely invest 10% of all you earn. Rich Dad Poor Dad Robert T Kiyosaki Explodes the myth that you need to earn a high income to become rich and why parents can't rely on the school system to teach their kids about money. It will teach you what to teach your kids about money for their future financial success Rich Dad’s Cashflow Quadrant Robert T Kiyosaki In the sequel to Rich Dad Poor Dad, learn how there are four types of people who make up the world of business but it's the business owners and the investors (not the employees and the self-employed) who can create great wealth by accelerating their cash flow through asset building. Secrets of the Millionaire Mind T Harv Eker Have you ever wondered why some people seem to achieve wealth effortlessly while others work just as hard but still struggle financially? T. Harv Eker explains how you too can master the inner game of money so that you will not only achieve financial success but keep it once you have it. Each of us has a personal money and success blueprint already ingrained in our subconscious minds, and it is this blueprint that will determine the course of our financial lives if we’re not careful Real Estate Riches Dolf De Roos Considered as one of the world leading authorities on property investment, De Roos shows why investing in property is so astoundingly simple and lucrative. Topics include: negotiations and submitting offers; increasing the value of your property; and dealing with laws, rules and regulations. De Roos opens up and gives an insider's view of his approach, attitudes, techniques and secrets in the real estate game. The 3 + 1 Plan Brett Alegre Wood (FREE COPY) The 3 + 1 Plan is a step-by-step guide that will show you how, with just four properties, you will be able to fund the lifestyle you have always wanted. Even before you retire. It's time to educate yourself financially. Showing you time-proven strategies that will safely guide you through any economic boom, bust, recession or downturn.
  • 14. Report 15. Inspirational tips ~ 'How to Nurture Your kids Towards Financial Success' ~ Page 14 I started out as a ‘meeter and greeter’ in a financial practise as clients walked through the door, my job was to give them a warm welcome. After the initial hello and fuss they would take a a seat in the meeting room where I would continue getting to know them over a cup of tea as they waited for their adviser. If they were agreeable, I was even allowed to stay in the meeting room as long as I sat quietly on the floor. Being a cocker spaniel with huge ears, I couldn’t help but take in all this valuable financial information. So anyway, through sheer repetition, I started to become very well versed in all aspects of financial planning and picked up lots of valuable strategies along with important concepts and principles that can help everybody enhance their financial position. In a nutshell, as the information wasn’t much use to me, my instincts told me there was only one thing to do, start my own free financial academy and share it all with the world so everybody can benefit , I sincerely hope you find the information useful. Luv Asha xx Web: Twitter: @financedog Facebook: You tube: Asha’s Financial Academy Email: