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How to React Native
Дмитрий Ульянов
JavaScript Developer
2 проекта
10 месяцев
2-3 JS разработчика
1 нативный разработчик
Кто использует React Native?
Чем хорош React?
Компонентный подход
One way data flow
Virtual DOM
React - это reconciler
ReactDOM - это renderer
React Native - тоже renderer
JS Native
Движок JavaScript Core.
Babel под капотом и свой
react-native пресет
Поддержка ES6 и ES7 фич
Полифиллы для ES6-ES7 методов
Object, Array и String;
а также для XMLHttpRequest, fetch,
консоли, тайм-аутов и тд.
Быстрый старт
Create React Native App
Компоненты и стили
import { StyleSheet } from 'react-native'
import * as Styles from '@styles'
export default StyleSheet.create({
default: {
fontSize: Styles.fontSizes.normal,
fontFamily: Styles.fonts.primaryFont,
color: Styles.colors.dark,
bold: {
fontWeight: ‘bold’
"/* other styles "*/
import { create } from ‘react-native-platform-stylesheet'
export default create({
default: {
fontSize: 18,
ios: {
fontFamily: 'Helvetica'
android: {
fontFamily: 'Roboto'
components/text/styles.js, платформозависимый код
import { create } from ‘react-native-platform-stylesheet'
export default create({
default: {
fontSize: 18,
ios: {
fontFamily: 'Helvetica'
android: {
fontFamily: 'Roboto'
components/text/styles.js, платформозависимый код
"/* ""... "*/
"rnpm": {
"assets": [
Кладем свои шрифты в fonts/
и обновляем package.json
$ react-native link assets
import styles from './styles.js'
const Text = ({children, ""...props}) !=> {
const {
bold, color, style: styleExtension,
} = props
const style = [
styles.default, styleExtension,
bold !&& styles.bold, color !&& { color },
return (
<RNText {""...otherProps} style={style}>
components/text/index.js, теперь со стилями
import styles from './styles.js'
const Text = ({children, ""...props}) !=> {
const {
bold, color, style: styleExtension,
} = props
const style = [
styles.default, styleExtension,
bold !&& styles.bold, color !&& { color },
return (
<RNText {""...otherProps} style={style}>
components/text/index.js, теперь со стилями
Использование компонента Text
<Text>Default text!"</Text>
<Text bold>Bold text!"</Text>
<Text color=“teal”>
Colored text!
Использование компонента Text
<Text>Default text!"</Text>
<Text bold>Bold text!"</Text>
<Text color=“teal”>
Colored text!
import Color from 'color'
const teal = Color('teal')
const gray = Color('dimgray')
const darker = color !=> color.darken(0.25)
const withOpacity = color !=> color.alpha(0.8)
export default {
dark: gray,
darker: darker(gray),
primary: teal,
primaryWithOpacity: withOpacity(teal),
styles/colors.js, используем npm модуль color
Платформозависимый код
const OS = Platform.OS "// 'android' or 'ios'
const platform ={
ios: 'ios',
android: 'android'
├── filename.js "// кросплатформенный файл
├── filename.ios.js "// iOS
└── "// Android
Готовые компоненты

• React Native Material Design

• React Native Material Kit
Animated API LayoutAnimation API
class SpinningImage extends React.Component {
spinValue = new Animated.Value(0)
componentDidMount() { this.spin() }
spin = () => {
Animated.timing(this.spinValue, {
toValue: 1,
duration: 2000,
easing: Easing.linear,
useNativeDriver: true,
render() {
const spin = this.spinValue.interpolate({
inputRange: [0, 1],
outputRange: ['0deg', '360deg']
const transform = [{rotate: spin}]
const style = [styles.image, {transform}]
return (
<Animated.Image style={style}
if (Platform.OS === 'android') {
class BoxWithSizeChanges extends React.Component {
state = {size: 200}
increaseSize = () => {
// OR LayoutAnimation.configureNext(CUSTOM_CONFIG)
this.setState(state => ({size: state.size + 50}))
render() {
const {size} = this.state
const sizes = {height: size, width: size}
const style = [, sizes]
return (
<Box style={style}/>
<Button onPress={this.increaseSize}
title=‘Make him bigger!’/>
Animated API LayoutAnimation API
Real World React Native
<Animatable.Text animation="slideInDown"
Up and down you go
<Animatable.Text animation="pulse"
style={{textAlign: 'center'}}>
React Native решения “из коробки”
React Native решения “из коробки”
Комьюнити решения
Примеры, компоненты Router & Scene
<Scene key="root">
<Scene key="home" component={Home} title="Home" "/>
<Scene key="about" component={About} title="About" "/>
<Scene key="wrapper" hideNavBar>
{"/* Nested scenes "*/}
Примеры, использование Actions
<Scene key="root">
<Scene key="home" component={Home} title="Home" "/>
<Scene key="about" component={About} title="About" "/>
<Scene key="wrapper" hideNavBar>
{"/* Nested scenes "*/}
class About extends React.Component {
goHome = () "=> Actions['home']()
popHome = () "=> Actions.pop()
goHomeWithParams = () "=> Actions['home']({
iWillBeAvailableThroughPropsAtHome: ‘Hi there!’
"/* render etc "*/
Примеры, вспомогательные функции
const createScene = (key, {title, ""...props}) "=>
<Scene key={key}
sceneStyle={{padding: 64}}
renderLeftButton={() "=> <MenuToggle "/>}
title={(title "|| key).toUpperCase()}
{""...props} "/>
const Scenes = (
<Scene key="drawer" component={Drawer}>
<Scene key="wrapper">
{createScene('home', {component: Home, initial: true})}
{createScene('about', {component: About})}
{createScene('logout', {component: Logout, title: 'Log Out'})}
Примеры, Drawer
import Drawer from 'react-native-drawer'
import { DefaultRenderer, Keyboard } from 'react-native-router-flux'
"/* Drawer render "*/
const {navigationState, onNavigate} = props
return (
<Drawer {""...drawerProps}
content={<WrappedComponent "/>}
<DefaultRenderer onNavigate={onNavigate}
navigationState={navigationState.children[0]} "/>
Примеры, Sub-scenes
const ProfileScenes = (
<Scene key="profile" component={Profile} title="My Profile">
<Scene key="profile/view" "/>
<Scene key="profile/edit" editMode
rightTitle="Save" onRight={saveProfile}
leftTitle="Cancel" onLeft={backToViewMode} "/>
<Scene key="profile/save" save "/>
Примеры, Switch
component={connect(state "=> ({session: getSession(state)}))(Switch)}
selector={props "=> props.session ? 'main' : 'unauthorized'}
<Scene key="unauthorized" component={Unauthorized} "/>
<Scene key="main" component={Main} "/>
Примеры, StackNavigator
Home: {
screen: HomeScreen,
navigationOptions: ({navigation}) "=> ({
title: 'Home',
headerRight: <Button onClick={navigation.navigate('somewhere')} "/>,
header: <CustomHeader "/>
"/* other screen props "*/
"/* other screens "*/
}, {
headerMode: 'float',
initialRouteName: 'Home'
"/* other StackNavigator props "*/
Примеры, TabNavigator
Home: {
screen: HomeScreen,
navigationOptions: ({navigation}) "=> ({
tabBarLabel: 'Home',
tabBarIcon: ({tintColor}) "=> <Icon tint={tintColor}"/>
"/* other tabs "*/
}, {
tabBarComponent: TabBarBottom,
tabBarOptions: {
activeTintColor: 'teal', "/* other tabBar props "*/
"/* other TabNavigator props "*/
Примеры, DrawerNavigator
Home: {
screen: HomeScreen,
navigationOptions: ({navigation}) "=> ({
drawerLabel: 'Home',
drawerIcon: ({tintColor}) "=> <Icon tint={tintColor}"/>
"/* other tabs "*/
}, {
activeTintColor: 'teal',
contentComponent: props "=>
<ScrollView><DrawerItems {""...props} "/>"</ScrollView>
"/* other DrawerNavigator props "*/
Примеры, nested navigators
Tabs: {
screen: TabNavigator({ "/* tabs "*/ })
Stack: {
screen: StackNavigator({ "/* screens "*/ })
Примеры, screen props
this.props.navigation = {
"/* few more "*/
routeName: 'Profile',
actions: [
routeName: 'Friends',
Работа с данными
Getting Started with Redux Building React Applications
with Idiomatic Redux
Набор джентльмена
redux && react-redux
redux-logger / redux-devtools
ducks modular structure
import { createAction, handleActions } from 'redux-actions'
import { moduleName } from './config' // moduleName = 'todosModule'
const initialState = {todos: []}
// MAY export action type, if it should be accessible
// in other parts of the app (e.g. redux-saga or other module)
const TODO_ADD = `${moduleName}/TODO_ADD`
// MUST export creators
export const addTodo = createAction(TODO_ADD)
// MUST export reducer as default
export default handleActions({
[TODO_ADD]: (state, {payload}) => ({todos: […state, payload]})
}, initialState);
// selectors, sagas, epics etc. MAY also be named export
import { createSelector } from 'reselect'
import { moduleName } from ‘./config'
export const getTodos = state => state[moduleName].todos
export const getVisibilityFilter = state => state[moduleName].filter
export const getVisibleTodos = createSelector(
[getTodos, getVisibilityFilter],
(todos, visibilityFilter) => {
switch (filter) {
case 'SHOW_ALL':
return todos
return todos.filter(todo => todo.completed)
return todos.filter(todo => !todo.completed)
// todoList.js | import * as todosSelectors from '@modules/todos/selectors'
Сайд-эффекты в Redux
const a = <div onClick={
() => dispatch(actions.loadUser(userId))
export const loadUser = userId =>
async dispatch => {
try {
const user = await userService.load(userId)
} catch (err) {
const a = <div onClick={
() => dispatch(actions.userNameClicked(userId))
function * watchUserNameClickAndLoad () {
yield * takeLatest(USER_NAME_CLICKED, loadUser)
function * loadUser ({payload}) {
try {
const user = yield call(userService.load, payload)
yield put(userLoaded(user))
catch (err) {
yield put(userLoadFailed(err))
Императивный flow
Декларативные сайд-эффекты
Мощь генераторов
Огромное кол-во хелперов
Хелперы / Эффекты
• take (watcher)
• takeLatest (cancels previous)
• takeEvery
• call (blocking)
• fork (non-blocking)
• put (saga dispatch)
• select (saga mapState)
• delay
• cancel
• race && all (like in Promises)
redux-saga: login flow example
function * authorization () {
// Check the storage for cached token and profile
let [token, profile] = yield [
// so now user may be logged in...
redux-saga: login flow example
// ...or may not, so we gonna wait for it
if (!token) {
const {payload: credentials} = yield take(profileActions.SIGN_IN)
const {response, error} = yield call(authRequest, credentials)
if (error) {
yield put(profileActions.signInFailed(error))
token = response.token
profile = response.profile
yield [
call(auth.setToken, token),
call(auth.setProfile, profile),
redux-saga: login flow example
// Now when we have token and profile
// We can let user in
yield put(profileActions.signInSuccess({token, profile}))
yield take(profileActions.SIGN_OUT)
token = profile = null
yield [
yield put(stackActions.clear())
yield put(profileActions.signOutSuccess())
redux-saga: login flow example
function * authorization () {
// Check the storage for cached token and profile
let [token, profile] = yield [call(auth.getToken), call(auth.getProfile)]
while (true) {
if (!token) {…} /* Receive token and profile data */
yield put(profileActions.signInSuccess({token, profile}))
yield take(profileActions.SIGN_OUT)
/* Other signOut stuff */
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@reactjs @reactnative @dan_abramov@Vjeux
@JI @grabbou @tylermcginnis33 @koltal
По максимуму используйте PropTypes и DefaultProps
Для клавиатуры используйте KeyboardAvoidingView
Внимательно изучайте документацию
Не пренебрегайте селекторами
Найдите в себе силы разобраться с Redux-Saga - не пожалеете
Не забывайте убивать console.log, когда льете в прод
И конечно же пишите на React Native - он крутой
inline-советы напоследок

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How to React Native

  • 1. How to React Native
  • 3. 2 проекта 10 месяцев 2-3 JS разработчика 1 нативный разработчик
  • 8. React - это reconciler
  • 9. ReactDOM - это renderer
  • 10. React Native - тоже renderer
  • 12. JS Движок JavaScript Core. Babel под капотом и свой react-native пресет Поддержка ES6 и ES7 фич Полифиллы для ES6-ES7 методов Object, Array и String; а также для XMLHttpRequest, fetch, консоли, тайм-аутов и тд.
  • 14. Create React Native App
  • 15.
  • 17. components/text/styles.js import { StyleSheet } from 'react-native' import * as Styles from '@styles' export default StyleSheet.create({ default: { fontSize: Styles.fontSizes.normal, fontFamily: Styles.fonts.primaryFont, color: Styles.colors.dark, }, bold: { fontWeight: ‘bold’ }, "/* other styles "*/ })
  • 18. import { create } from ‘react-native-platform-stylesheet' export default create({ default: { fontSize: 18, ios: { fontFamily: 'Helvetica' }, android: { fontFamily: 'Roboto' } } }) components/text/styles.js, платформозависимый код
  • 19. import { create } from ‘react-native-platform-stylesheet' export default create({ default: { fontSize: 18, ios: { fontFamily: 'Helvetica' }, android: { fontFamily: 'Roboto' } } }) components/text/styles.js, платформозависимый код
  • 20. { "/* ""... "*/ "rnpm": { "assets": [ "fonts" ] } } Кладем свои шрифты в fonts/ и обновляем package.json $ react-native link assets 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
  • 21. import styles from './styles.js' const Text = ({children, ""...props}) !=> { const { bold, color, style: styleExtension, ""...otherProps } = props const style = [ styles.default, styleExtension, bold !&& styles.bold, color !&& { color }, ] return ( <RNText {""...otherProps} style={style}> {children} "</RNText> ) } components/text/index.js, теперь со стилями
  • 22. import styles from './styles.js' const Text = ({children, ""...props}) !=> { const { bold, color, style: styleExtension, ""...otherProps } = props const style = [ styles.default, styleExtension, bold !&& styles.bold, color !&& { color }, ] return ( <RNText {""...otherProps} style={style}> {children} "</RNText> ) } components/text/index.js, теперь со стилями
  • 23. Использование компонента Text <View> <Text>Default text!"</Text> <Text bold>Bold text!"</Text> <Text color=“teal”> Colored text! "</Text> "</View>
  • 24. Использование компонента Text <View> <Text>Default text!"</Text> <Text bold>Bold text!"</Text> <Text color=“teal”> Colored text! "</Text> "</View>
  • 25. import Color from 'color' const teal = Color('teal') const gray = Color('dimgray') const darker = color !=> color.darken(0.25) const withOpacity = color !=> color.alpha(0.8) export default { dark: gray, darker: darker(gray), primary: teal, primaryWithOpacity: withOpacity(teal), } styles/colors.js, используем npm модуль color
  • 26. Платформозависимый код const OS = Platform.OS "// 'android' or 'ios' const platform ={ ios: 'ios', android: 'android' }) ├── filename.js "// кросплатформенный файл ├── filename.ios.js "// iOS └── "// Android
  • 29. • MRN • React Native Material Design • React Native Material Kit
  • 31. Animated API LayoutAnimation API class SpinningImage extends React.Component { spinValue = new Animated.Value(0) componentDidMount() { this.spin() } spin = () => { this.spinValue.setValue(0) Animated.timing(this.spinValue, { toValue: 1, duration: 2000, easing: Easing.linear, useNativeDriver: true, }).start(this.spin) } render() { const spin = this.spinValue.interpolate({ inputRange: [0, 1], outputRange: ['0deg', '360deg'] }) const transform = [{rotate: spin}] const style = [styles.image, {transform}] return ( <View> <Animated.Image style={style} source={myImage}/> </View> ) } } if (Platform.OS === 'android') { UIManager.setLayoutAnimationEnabledExperimental(true); } class BoxWithSizeChanges extends React.Component { state = {size: 200} increaseSize = () => { LayoutAnimation.spring() // OR LayoutAnimation.configureNext(CUSTOM_CONFIG) this.setState(state => ({size: state.size + 50})) } render() { const {size} = this.state const sizes = {height: size, width: size} const style = [, sizes] return ( <View> <Box style={style}/> <Button onPress={this.increaseSize} title=‘Make him bigger!’/> </View> ) } }
  • 33. Real World React Native Animations
  • 34. oblador/react-native-animatable <Animatable.Text animation="slideInDown" iterationCount={5} direction="alternate"> Up and down you go </Animatable.Text> <Animatable.Text animation="pulse" easing="ease-out" iterationCount="infinite" style={{textAlign: 'center'}}> ❤ </Animatable.Text>
  • 36. React Native решения “из коробки” NavigatorIOS Navigator NavigationExperimental
  • 37. React Native решения “из коробки” NavigatorIOS Navigator NavigationExperimental
  • 41. Примеры, компоненты Router & Scene <Router> <Scene key="root"> <Scene key="home" component={Home} title="Home" "/> <Scene key="about" component={About} title="About" "/> <Scene key="wrapper" hideNavBar> {"/* Nested scenes "*/} "</Scene> "</Scene> "</Router>
  • 42. Примеры, использование Actions <Router> <Scene key="root"> <Scene key="home" component={Home} title="Home" "/> <Scene key="about" component={About} title="About" "/> <Scene key="wrapper" hideNavBar> {"/* Nested scenes "*/} "</Scene> "</Scene> "</Router> class About extends React.Component { goHome = () "=> Actions['home']() popHome = () "=> Actions.pop() goHomeWithParams = () "=> Actions['home']({ iWillBeAvailableThroughPropsAtHome: ‘Hi there!’ }) "/* render etc "*/ }
  • 43. Примеры, вспомогательные функции const createScene = (key, {title, ""...props}) "=> <Scene key={key} sceneStyle={{padding: 64}} renderLeftButton={() "=> <MenuToggle "/>} title={(title "|| key).toUpperCase()} {""...props} "/> const Scenes = ( <Scene key="drawer" component={Drawer}> <Scene key="wrapper"> {createScene('home', {component: Home, initial: true})} {createScene('about', {component: About})} {createScene('logout', {component: Logout, title: 'Log Out'})} "</Scene> "</Scene> )
  • 44. Примеры, Drawer import Drawer from 'react-native-drawer' import { DefaultRenderer, Keyboard } from 'react-native-router-flux' "/* Drawer render "*/ const {navigationState, onNavigate} = props return ( <Drawer {""...drawerProps} open={navigationState.isOpen} content={<WrappedComponent "/>} onOpenStart={Keyboard.dismissKeyboard}> <DefaultRenderer onNavigate={onNavigate} navigationState={navigationState.children[0]} "/> "</Drawer> )
  • 45. Примеры, Sub-scenes const ProfileScenes = ( <Scene key="profile" component={Profile} title="My Profile"> <Scene key="profile/view" "/> <Scene key="profile/edit" editMode rightTitle="Save" onRight={saveProfile} leftTitle="Cancel" onLeft={backToViewMode} "/> <Scene key="profile/save" save "/> "</Scene> ) Примеры, Switch <Scene key="root" tabs={true} unmountScenes component={connect(state "=> ({session: getSession(state)}))(Switch)} selector={props "=> props.session ? 'main' : 'unauthorized'} > <Scene key="unauthorized" component={Unauthorized} "/> <Scene key="main" component={Main} "/> "</Scene>
  • 47. Примеры, StackNavigator StackNavigator({ Home: { screen: HomeScreen, navigationOptions: ({navigation}) "=> ({ title: 'Home', headerRight: <Button onClick={navigation.navigate('somewhere')} "/>, header: <CustomHeader "/> "/* other screen props "*/ }) }, About, "/* other screens "*/ }, { headerMode: 'float', initialRouteName: 'Home' "/* other StackNavigator props "*/ })
  • 48. Примеры, TabNavigator TabNavigator({ Home: { screen: HomeScreen, navigationOptions: ({navigation}) "=> ({ tabBarLabel: 'Home', tabBarIcon: ({tintColor}) "=> <Icon tint={tintColor}"/> }) }, Feed, "/* other tabs "*/ }, { tabBarComponent: TabBarBottom, tabBarOptions: { activeTintColor: 'teal', "/* other tabBar props "*/ }, "/* other TabNavigator props "*/ })
  • 49. Примеры, DrawerNavigator DrawerNavigator({ Home: { screen: HomeScreen, navigationOptions: ({navigation}) "=> ({ drawerLabel: 'Home', drawerIcon: ({tintColor}) "=> <Icon tint={tintColor}"/> }) }, Profile, "/* other tabs "*/ }, { activeTintColor: 'teal', contentComponent: props "=> <ScrollView><DrawerItems {""...props} "/>"</ScrollView> "/* other DrawerNavigator props "*/ })
  • 50. Примеры, nested navigators StackNavigator({ Tabs: { screen: TabNavigator({ "/* tabs "*/ }) }, Stack: { screen: StackNavigator({ "/* screens "*/ }) } })
  • 51. Примеры, screen props this.props.navigation = { dispatch, goBack, navigate, "/* few more "*/ } NavigationActions NavigationActions.navigate({ routeName: 'Profile', actions: [ NavigationActions.navigate({ routeName: 'Friends', }) ] })
  • 53. Redux
  • 54. Getting Started with Redux Building React Applications with Idiomatic Redux
  • 55. Набор джентльмена redux && react-redux redux-logger / redux-devtools ducks modular structure redux-actions reselect redux-saga redux-persist
  • 56. erikras/ducks-modular-redux import { createAction, handleActions } from 'redux-actions' import { moduleName } from './config' // moduleName = 'todosModule' const initialState = {todos: []} // MAY export action type, if it should be accessible // in other parts of the app (e.g. redux-saga or other module) const TODO_ADD = `${moduleName}/TODO_ADD` // MUST export creators export const addTodo = createAction(TODO_ADD) // MUST export reducer as default export default handleActions({ [TODO_ADD]: (state, {payload}) => ({todos: […state, payload]}) }, initialState); // selectors, sagas, epics etc. MAY also be named export redux/modules/todos/index.js
  • 57. import { createSelector } from 'reselect' import { moduleName } from ‘./config' export const getTodos = state => state[moduleName].todos export const getVisibilityFilter = state => state[moduleName].filter export const getVisibleTodos = createSelector( [getTodos, getVisibilityFilter], (todos, visibilityFilter) => { switch (filter) { case 'SHOW_ALL': return todos case 'SHOW_COMPLETED': return todos.filter(todo => todo.completed) case 'SHOW_ACTIVE': return todos.filter(todo => !todo.completed) } } ) // todoList.js | import * as todosSelectors from '@modules/todos/selectors' redux/modules/todos/selectors.jsreactjs/reselect
  • 59. Redux-Thunk const a = <div onClick={ () => dispatch(actions.loadUser(userId)) }>{username}</div> export const loadUser = userId => async dispatch => { try { const user = await userService.load(userId) dispatch(userLoaded(user)) } catch (err) { dispatch(userLoadFailed(err)) } } const a = <div onClick={ () => dispatch(actions.userNameClicked(userId)) }>{username}</div> function * watchUserNameClickAndLoad () { yield * takeLatest(USER_NAME_CLICKED, loadUser) } function * loadUser ({payload}) { try { const user = yield call(userService.load, payload) yield put(userLoaded(user)) } catch (err) { yield put(userLoadFailed(err)) } }
  • 60. Императивный flow + Декларативные сайд-эффекты + Мощь генераторов + Огромное кол-во хелперов
  • 61. Хелперы / Эффекты • take (watcher) • takeLatest (cancels previous) • takeEvery • call (blocking) • fork (non-blocking) • put (saga dispatch) • select (saga mapState) • delay • cancel • race && all (like in Promises) etc.
  • 62. redux-saga: login flow example function * authorization () { // Check the storage for cached token and profile let [token, profile] = yield [ call(auth.getToken), call(auth.getProfile), ] // so now user may be logged in... }
  • 63. redux-saga: login flow example // ...or may not, so we gonna wait for it if (!token) { const {payload: credentials} = yield take(profileActions.SIGN_IN) const {response, error} = yield call(authRequest, credentials) if (error) { yield put(profileActions.signInFailed(error)) continue } token = response.token profile = response.profile yield [ call(auth.setToken, token), call(auth.setProfile, profile), ] }
  • 64. redux-saga: login flow example // Now when we have token and profile // We can let user in yield put(profileActions.signInSuccess({token, profile})) yield take(profileActions.SIGN_OUT) token = profile = null yield [ call(auth.removeToken), call(auth.removeProfile), ] yield put(stackActions.clear()) yield put(profileActions.signOutSuccess())
  • 65. redux-saga: login flow example function * authorization () { // Check the storage for cached token and profile let [token, profile] = yield [call(auth.getToken), call(auth.getProfile)] while (true) { if (!token) {…} /* Receive token and profile data */ yield put(profileActions.signInSuccess({token, profile})) yield take(profileActions.SIGN_OUT) /* Other signOut stuff */ } }
  • 69. Twitter @reactjs @reactnative @dan_abramov@Vjeux @JI @grabbou @tylermcginnis33 @koltal
  • 70. По максимуму используйте PropTypes и DefaultProps Для клавиатуры используйте KeyboardAvoidingView Внимательно изучайте документацию Не пренебрегайте селекторами Найдите в себе силы разобраться с Redux-Saga - не пожалеете Не забывайте убивать console.log, когда льете в прод И конечно же пишите на React Native - он крутой inline-советы напоследок