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Based on the Report from the Surgeon General

 Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes PhD, LMHC, CRC, NCC
Mental health and mental illness require
    the broad focus of a public health
    Mental disorders are disabling conditions.
    Mental health and mental illness are
    points on a continuum.
    Mind and body are inseparable.
    Stigma is a major obstacle preventing
    people from getting help.
Mental health is fundamental to health.

    Mental illnesses are real health conditions.

    The efficacy of mental health treatments is well documented.

    A range of treatments exists for most mental disorders.

    Minorities have less access to mental health services than do
    whites.1 They are less likely to receive needed care. When
    they receive care, it is more likely to be poor in quality.
    Barriers deterring minorities from seeking treatment or
    operating to reduce its quality once they reach treatment
    include the cost of care, societal stigma, and the fragmented
    organization of services, clinicians’ lack of awareness of
    cultural issues, bias, or inability to speak the client’s
    language, and the client’s fear and mistrust of treatment.
Minorities’ struggles with racism and
    discrimination affect their mental health and
    contribute to their lower economic, social,
    and political status.

    The cumulative interplay of all of these
    barriers is likely responsible for mental health

    All racial and ethnic groups are highly
    heterogeneous, including a diverse mix of
To better understand the nature and
    extent of mental health disparities

    To present the evidence on the need for
    mental health services

    To document promising directions toward
    the elimination of mental health disparities
The four major minority groups are
    projected to account for almost 40 percent
    of the population by 2025.

    Mental disorders affect about 1 in 5 adults
    and children in the U.S.(DHHS, 1999).
Mental Health The successful performance of
  mental function, resulting in productive activities,
  fulfilling relationships with other people, and the
  ability to adapt to change and to cope with
 Mental Illness The term that refers collectively
  to all mental disorders associated with distress
  and/or impaired functioning.
 Mental Health Problems Signs and symptoms
  of insufficient intensity or duration to meet the
  criteria for any mental disorder.
Most people think of “race” as biological.
 Different cultures classify people into racial
  groups according to a set of characteristics that
  are socially significant.
 The concept of race is especially potent when
  certain social groups are separated, treated as
  inferior or superior, and given differential access
  to power and other valued resources.
 Ethnicity refers to a common heritage shared by a
  particular group.
Heritage includes similar history, language, rituals,
    and preferences for music and foods.
    Culture is a common set of beliefs, norms, and
    “Cultural identity” refers to the culture with which
    someone identifies.
    A key aspect of any culture is that it is dynamic.
    “Acculturation” refers to the socialization process by
    which minority groups gradually learn and adopt
    selective elements of the dominant culture.
    The dominant culture for much of U.S. history has
    centered on the beliefs, norms, and values of white
    Americans of Judeo-Christian origin.
Western medicine has become a cornerstone of
    health worldwide.
    Disability is impairment in one or more areas of
    functioning at home, work, school, or in the
    community (American Psychiatric Association
    [APA], 1994).
    The formal diagnosis of a mental disorder is made by
    a clinician and hinges upon three components:
  1. A patient’s description of the nature, intensity, and
      duration of symptoms
  2. Signs from a mental status examination
  3. A clinician’s observation and interpretation of the
      patient’s behavior, including functional
Manifestations of mental disorders and other physical
  disorders vary with age, gender, race, ethnicity, and
 Patients from one culture may manifest and
  communicate symptoms in a way poorly understood in
  the culture of the clinician.
 Words such as “depressed” and “anxious” are absent
  from the languages of some American Indians and
  Alaska Natives.
 Clinicians must determine whether patients’ symptoms
  significantly impair their functioning.
Think of a time when you encountered a
    client who was presenting with symptoms
    that were significantly culturally influenced.
    How did you respond? How were you able to
    identify those symptoms as being culturally
    based? Please share your responses in the
    discussion forum. Thank you.
Idioms of distress are ways in which different cultures
    express, experience, and cope with feelings of distress.
     Somatization, or the expression of distress through physical
      symptoms are common in Puerto Ricans, Mexican Americans,
      and whites.
    Culture-bound syndromes are clusters of symptoms much
    more common in some cultures than in others.
     For example, some Latino patients, especially women from the
      Caribbean, display ataque de nervios, a condition that includes
      screaming uncontrollably, attacks of crying, trembling, and
      verbal or physical aggression.
    Numerous culture-bound syndromes are given in the DSM–
    IV “Glossary of Culture-Bound Syndromes.”
The “Outline for Cultural Formulation” in DSM–IV
    highlights five distinct aspects of the cultural context
    of illness and their relevance to diagnosis.
    During diagnosis, it is important to:
     Inquire about patients’ cultural identity.
     Explore possible cultural explanations of the illness,
      ▪ patients’ idioms of distress
      ▪ the meaning and perceived severity of their symptoms in
        relation to the norms of the patients’ cultural reference group
      ▪ their current preferences for, as well as past experiences with,
        professional and popular sources of care.
Consider cultural factors related to the psychosocial
    environment and levels of functioning.
    Critically examine cultural elements in the patient-
    clinician relationship to assess for communication
    Render an overall cultural assessment for diagnosis and
The Public Health Approach
     Defines the problem using surveillance
      processes to establish the nature, trends,
      incidence and prevalence of the problem.
     Identifies risk and protective factors
      associated with the problem.
     Designs, develops, and evaluates the
      effectiveness and generalizability of
     Disseminates successful models (Hamburg,
      1998; Mercy et al., 1993).
Public health goals are points on a continuum.
  Promotion refers to active steps to enhance
  mental health.
 Prevention refers to active steps to protect against
 Promotion and prevention hinge on the
  identification of modifiable risk and protective
     The modifiability of a risk or protective factor is a
      prerequisite for developing interventions.
     Risk and protective factors vary across
      individuals, ages, genders, and cultures.
       Genetic vulnerability
       Gender
       Low birth weight
       Neuropsychological deficits
       Language disabilities
       Chronic physical illness
       Below-average intelligence
       Child abuse or neglect
       Severe marital discord
       Social disadvantage
       Overcrowding or large family size
       Paternal criminality
       Maternal mental disorder
       Admission to foster care
    Community or social
       Violence
       Poverty
       Community disorganization
       Inadequate schools
       Racism and discrimination
Resilience: the capacity to bounce back
    from adversity.

    Resilient adaptation comes about as a
    result of an individual’s situation in
    interaction with protective factors in the
    social environment.
10 characteristics of resilient African American families:
    1. Strong economic base
    2. Achievement orientation
    3. Role adaptability
    4. Spirituality
    5. Extended family bonds
    6. Racial pride
    7. Respect and love
    8. Resourcefulness
    9. Community involvement
    10. Family unity (Gary et al., 1983)
Think of a client you have worked with who
    was remarkably resilient. What qualities or
    characteristics did that person have? What
    factors contributed to their resiliency? Please
    share your responses in the discussion forum.
    Thank you.
       Positive temperament
       Above-average intelligence
       Social competence
       Spirituality or religion
       Smaller family structure
       Supportive relationships with parents
       Good sibling relationships
       Adequate rule setting and monitoring by parents
    Community or social
     Commitment to schools
     Availability of health and social services
     Social cohesion
Traumatic experiences are particularly common
    for certain populations:
     Veterans
     Inner city residents
     Immigrants
  Suicide rates vary greatly across countries and
  U.S. ethnic sub-groups (Moscicki, 1995).
 Suicide rates among males in the United States
  are highest for American Indians and Alaska
  Natives (Kachur et al., 1995).
 Rates are lowest for African American women
  (Kachur et al., 1995).
Culture relates to how people cope with
    everyday problems and more extreme
    types of adversity.

    Culture is integral in fostering different
    ways of coping.
Some minority groups are more likely to
    delay seeking treatment until symptoms are
    more severe.
    Minorities are less inclined to seek
    treatment from mental health specialists.
    Minorities turn more often to primary care
    and informal sources of care such as:
     Clergy
     Traditional healers
     Family and friends
Mistrust is a major barrier to the receipt of mental
    health treatment by minorities.
    Mistrust toward health care providers can be inferred
    from a group’s attitudes toward government-operated
    Stigma was portrayed as the “most formidable
    obstacle to future progress in the arena of mental
    illness and health” (DHHS, 1999).
     a cluster of negative attitudes and beliefs that
      motivate the general public to fear, reject, avoid, and
      discriminate against people with mental illness
      (Corrigan & Penn, 1999).
Migration can influence mental health.
  Acculturative stress occurs while adapting to a new
  culture (Berry et al., 1987).
 Refugees who leave because of extreme threat
  experience more trauma than do voluntary immigrants.
 The psychological stress associated with immigration
  tends to be concentrated in the first three years after
     An initial euphoria often characterizes the first year,
      followed by a strong disenchantment and demoralization
      reaction during the second year.
     The third year includes a gradual return to well-being.
    Chinese immigrants who have been here less than
    one year have fewer symptoms of distress than those
    here for several years.
The emphasis on verbal communication is
    unique to the mental health field.
    Diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders
    depend to a large extent on verbal
    The emphasis on verbal communication
    yields greater potential for miscommunication
    when clinician and patient come from
    different cultural backgrounds, even if they
    speak the same language.
Misdiagnosis can arise from clinician bias
    and stereotyping of ethnic and racial

    Clinicians often reflect the attitudes and
    discriminatory practices of their society.
Every society influences mental health treatment by how
    it organizes, delivers, and pays for mental health
    “De facto mental health systems” lack of a single set of
    organizing principles.
    There are four major sectors for receiving mental health
     The specialty mental health sector
     The general medical and primary care sector
     The human services sector which is made up of social
      welfare (housing, transportation, and employment), criminal
      justice, educational, religious, and charitable services.
     The voluntary support network
How aware are you of your personal attitudes
    about cultural differences? How about
    societal influences? How do you practice
    awareness and find balance? We would love
    for you to share your responses in the
    discussion forum. Thank you.
Subtle genetic differences impact how medications are
    Lifestyle factors including diet, rates of smoking, alcohol
    consumption, and use of alternative or complementary
    treatments can interact with medications.
    Ethnopsychopharmacology investigates ethnic
    variations that affect medication dosing.
    African Americans and Asians are more likely to be slow
    metabolizers of several medications for psychosis and
    depression (Lin et al., 1997).
    Clinicians who are unaware of these differences may
    prescribe doses that are too high for minority patients
    by giving them the dose normally prescribed for whites.
How racism jeopardizes the mental health of
         minorities. Three general ways are proposed:
          Racial stereotypes and negative images can be
          internalized, denigrating individuals’ self-worth
          and adversely affecting their social and psycho-
          logical functioning.
          Racism and discrimination by societal
          institutions have resulted in minorities’ lower
          socioeconomic status in which poverty, crime,
          and violence are persistent stressors that can
          affect mental health.
          Racism and discrimination are stressful events
          that can directly lead to psychological distress
          (Williams & Williams-Morris, 2000).
Culture influences many aspects of mental illness,
       Symptom expression
       Coping style
       Social supports
       Willingness to seek treatment
    The cultures of the clinician and the service system
    influence diagnosis, treatment, and service delivery.
    Cultural/social influences are not the only determinants
    of mental illness and patterns of service utilization for
    Mental disorders are highly prevalent across all
    Cultural and social factors contribute to the causation of
    mental illness, yet that contribution varies by disorder.
Mental illness is the product of a complex
    interaction among biological, psychological, social,
    and cultural factors.
    The role of any one of these major factors can be
    stronger or weaker depending on the specific
    Within the United States, overall rates of mental
    disorders for most minority groups are largely
    similar to those for whites.
    Ethnic and racial minorities in the United States
    face a social and economic environment of
    inequality that takes a toll on mental health.
Living in poverty has the most measurable impact
    on rates of mental illness.
    People who are impoverished are about two to
    three times more likely than those in the highest
    stratum to have a mental disorder.
    Racism and discrimination are stressful events that
    adversely affect health and mental health.
    They place minorities at risk for mental disorders
    such as depression and anxiety.
    Stigma discourages major segments of the
    population, majority and minority alike, from seeking
Concerning clients who live in poverty, have you noted a
    difference in their response to treatment? How do you
    adapt their treatment plan to meet their needs? Please
    take a moment to share your responses in the discussion
    forum. Thank you.
Attitudes toward mental illness held by minorities
    are as unfavorable as attitudes held by whites.
    Mistrust of mental health services is an important
    reason deterring minorities from seeking treatment.
    The cultures of ethnic and racial minorities alter the
    types of mental health services they use.
    Cultural misunderstandings or communication
    problems between patients and clinicians may
    prevent minorities from using services and receiving
    appropriate care.
African Americans have made great strides in
    education, income, and other indicators of social
    African Americans have overall rates of distress
    symptoms and mental illness similar to those of
    Many African Americans are found in high-need
    populations whose members have high levels of
    mental illness.
    3.5 times as many African Americans as white
    Americans are homeless. None of them are
    included in community surveys.
The mental health problems of persons in high-
    need populations are especially likely to occur
    jointly with substance abuse problems, as well as
    with HIV infection or AIDS.
    African Americans may be more likely to use
    alternative therapies.
    Disparities in access to mental health services are
    partly attributable to financial barriers.
Few African American mental health specialists are
    African Americans are overrepresented in areas
    where few providers choose to practice.
    African Americans with mental health needs are
    unlikely to receive treatment.
    African Americans are more likely to be incorrectly
    They are more likely to be diagnosed as suffering
    from schizophrenia and less likely to be diagnosed
    as suffering from an affective disorder.
American Indian and Alaska Native youth and
    adults suffer a disproportionate burden of mental
    health problems compared with other Americans.
    Indian and Native people who are homeless,
    incarcerated, and victims of trauma are
    There is significant co-morbidity in regard to mental
    and substance abuse disorders.
    Little is known about either the use of mental health
    services by American Indians and Alaska Natives,
    or whether those who need treatment actually
    obtain it.
Major changes in the financing and organization of
    mental health care are underway in American Indian
    and Alaska Native communities.
    The knowledge base underpinning treatment
    guidelines for mental health care has been built with
    little specific analysis of the benefit to ethnic
    minority groups.
    Traditional healing practices and spirituality usually
    complement, rather than compete with, medical
    Preventive and promotive approaches are favored
    in these communities.
    Interventions are needed to promote the strengths,
    resiliencies, and other psychosocial resources.
Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders can be
         characterized in four important ways:
       Their population in the U.S. is increasing
    2. They are diverse, with some subgroups
       experiencing higher rates of social, health,
       and mental health problems.
    3. AA/PIs may collectively exhibit a wide range of
       strengths and risk factors.
    4. Very little national data is available that
       describe the prevalence of mental disorders
       using standardized DSM criteria.
Overall prevalence of disorders does not significantly
  differ from that of other Americans, although the
  distribution of disorders may be different.
 AA/PIs have the lowest rates of utilization of mental
  health services among ethnic populations.
 The low utilization of mental health services is
  attributable to:
     Stigma
     Lack of financial resources
     Conceptions of health and treatment that differ from those
      under-lying Western mental health services
     Cultural inappropriateness of services
     The use of alternative resources within the AA/PI
The system of mental health services currently in
  place fails to provide for the vast majority of
 Latino youth are at a significantly high risk for poor
  mental health outcomes.
 Resilience is indicated by the lower rates of
  mental disorders for Mexican-born adults and
  children and island-born Puerto Rican adults
  compared with the rates for those born in the
  United States.

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Multicultural Counseling

  • 1. Based on the Report from the Surgeon General Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes PhD, LMHC, CRC, NCC
  • 2. Mental health and mental illness require  the broad focus of a public health approach. Mental disorders are disabling conditions.  Mental health and mental illness are  points on a continuum. Mind and body are inseparable.  Stigma is a major obstacle preventing  people from getting help.
  • 3. Mental health is fundamental to health.  Mental illnesses are real health conditions.  The efficacy of mental health treatments is well documented.  A range of treatments exists for most mental disorders.  Minorities have less access to mental health services than do  whites.1 They are less likely to receive needed care. When they receive care, it is more likely to be poor in quality. Barriers deterring minorities from seeking treatment or  operating to reduce its quality once they reach treatment include the cost of care, societal stigma, and the fragmented organization of services, clinicians’ lack of awareness of cultural issues, bias, or inability to speak the client’s language, and the client’s fear and mistrust of treatment.
  • 4. Minorities’ struggles with racism and  discrimination affect their mental health and contribute to their lower economic, social, and political status. The cumulative interplay of all of these  barriers is likely responsible for mental health disparities. All racial and ethnic groups are highly  heterogeneous, including a diverse mix of people.
  • 5. To better understand the nature and  extent of mental health disparities To present the evidence on the need for  mental health services To document promising directions toward  the elimination of mental health disparities
  • 6. The four major minority groups are  projected to account for almost 40 percent of the population by 2025. Mental disorders affect about 1 in 5 adults  and children in the U.S.(DHHS, 1999).
  • 7. Mental Health The successful performance of  mental function, resulting in productive activities, fulfilling relationships with other people, and the ability to adapt to change and to cope with adversity.  Mental Illness The term that refers collectively to all mental disorders associated with distress and/or impaired functioning.  Mental Health Problems Signs and symptoms of insufficient intensity or duration to meet the criteria for any mental disorder.
  • 8. Most people think of “race” as biological.   Different cultures classify people into racial groups according to a set of characteristics that are socially significant.  The concept of race is especially potent when certain social groups are separated, treated as inferior or superior, and given differential access to power and other valued resources.  Ethnicity refers to a common heritage shared by a particular group.
  • 9. Heritage includes similar history, language, rituals,  and preferences for music and foods. Culture is a common set of beliefs, norms, and  values. “Cultural identity” refers to the culture with which  someone identifies. A key aspect of any culture is that it is dynamic.  “Acculturation” refers to the socialization process by  which minority groups gradually learn and adopt selective elements of the dominant culture. The dominant culture for much of U.S. history has  centered on the beliefs, norms, and values of white Americans of Judeo-Christian origin.
  • 10. Western medicine has become a cornerstone of  health worldwide. Disability is impairment in one or more areas of  functioning at home, work, school, or in the community (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 1994). The formal diagnosis of a mental disorder is made by  a clinician and hinges upon three components: 1. A patient’s description of the nature, intensity, and duration of symptoms 2. Signs from a mental status examination 3. A clinician’s observation and interpretation of the patient’s behavior, including functional impairment.
  • 11. Manifestations of mental disorders and other physical  disorders vary with age, gender, race, ethnicity, and culture.  Patients from one culture may manifest and communicate symptoms in a way poorly understood in the culture of the clinician.  Words such as “depressed” and “anxious” are absent from the languages of some American Indians and Alaska Natives.  Clinicians must determine whether patients’ symptoms significantly impair their functioning.
  • 12. Think of a time when you encountered a  client who was presenting with symptoms that were significantly culturally influenced. How did you respond? How were you able to identify those symptoms as being culturally based? Please share your responses in the discussion forum. Thank you.
  • 13. Idioms of distress are ways in which different cultures  express, experience, and cope with feelings of distress.  Somatization, or the expression of distress through physical symptoms are common in Puerto Ricans, Mexican Americans, and whites. Culture-bound syndromes are clusters of symptoms much  more common in some cultures than in others.  For example, some Latino patients, especially women from the Caribbean, display ataque de nervios, a condition that includes screaming uncontrollably, attacks of crying, trembling, and verbal or physical aggression. Numerous culture-bound syndromes are given in the DSM–  IV “Glossary of Culture-Bound Syndromes.”
  • 14. The “Outline for Cultural Formulation” in DSM–IV  highlights five distinct aspects of the cultural context of illness and their relevance to diagnosis. During diagnosis, it is important to:   Inquire about patients’ cultural identity.  Explore possible cultural explanations of the illness, including: ▪ patients’ idioms of distress ▪ the meaning and perceived severity of their symptoms in relation to the norms of the patients’ cultural reference group ▪ their current preferences for, as well as past experiences with, professional and popular sources of care.
  • 15. Consider cultural factors related to the psychosocial  environment and levels of functioning. Critically examine cultural elements in the patient-  clinician relationship to assess for communication barriers. Render an overall cultural assessment for diagnosis and  care.
  • 16. The Public Health Approach   Defines the problem using surveillance processes to establish the nature, trends, incidence and prevalence of the problem.  Identifies risk and protective factors associated with the problem.  Designs, develops, and evaluates the effectiveness and generalizability of interventions.  Disseminates successful models (Hamburg, 1998; Mercy et al., 1993).
  • 17. Public health goals are points on a continuum.  Promotion refers to active steps to enhance  mental health.  Prevention refers to active steps to protect against illness.  Promotion and prevention hinge on the identification of modifiable risk and protective factors.  The modifiability of a risk or protective factor is a prerequisite for developing interventions.  Risk and protective factors vary across individuals, ages, genders, and cultures.
  • 18. Individual   Genetic vulnerability  Gender  Low birth weight  Neuropsychological deficits  Language disabilities  Chronic physical illness  Below-average intelligence  Child abuse or neglect
  • 19. Family   Severe marital discord  Social disadvantage  Overcrowding or large family size  Paternal criminality  Maternal mental disorder  Admission to foster care Community or social   Violence  Poverty  Community disorganization  Inadequate schools  Racism and discrimination
  • 20. Resilience: the capacity to bounce back  from adversity. Resilient adaptation comes about as a  result of an individual’s situation in interaction with protective factors in the social environment.
  • 21. 10 characteristics of resilient African American families:  1. Strong economic base 2. Achievement orientation 3. Role adaptability 4. Spirituality 5. Extended family bonds 6. Racial pride 7. Respect and love 8. Resourcefulness 9. Community involvement 10. Family unity (Gary et al., 1983)
  • 22. Think of a client you have worked with who  was remarkably resilient. What qualities or characteristics did that person have? What factors contributed to their resiliency? Please share your responses in the discussion forum. Thank you.
  • 23. Individual   Positive temperament  Above-average intelligence  Social competence  Spirituality or religion Family   Smaller family structure  Supportive relationships with parents  Good sibling relationships  Adequate rule setting and monitoring by parents Community or social   Commitment to schools  Availability of health and social services  Social cohesion
  • 24. Traumatic experiences are particularly common  for certain populations:  Veterans  Inner city residents  Immigrants Suicide rates vary greatly across countries and  U.S. ethnic sub-groups (Moscicki, 1995).  Suicide rates among males in the United States are highest for American Indians and Alaska Natives (Kachur et al., 1995).  Rates are lowest for African American women (Kachur et al., 1995).
  • 25. Culture relates to how people cope with  everyday problems and more extreme types of adversity. Culture is integral in fostering different  ways of coping.
  • 26. Some minority groups are more likely to  delay seeking treatment until symptoms are more severe. Minorities are less inclined to seek  treatment from mental health specialists. Minorities turn more often to primary care  and informal sources of care such as:  Clergy  Traditional healers  Family and friends
  • 27. Mistrust is a major barrier to the receipt of mental  health treatment by minorities. Mistrust toward health care providers can be inferred  from a group’s attitudes toward government-operated institutions. Stigma was portrayed as the “most formidable  obstacle to future progress in the arena of mental illness and health” (DHHS, 1999). Stigma   a cluster of negative attitudes and beliefs that motivate the general public to fear, reject, avoid, and discriminate against people with mental illness (Corrigan & Penn, 1999).
  • 28. Migration can influence mental health.  Acculturative stress occurs while adapting to a new  culture (Berry et al., 1987).  Refugees who leave because of extreme threat experience more trauma than do voluntary immigrants.  The psychological stress associated with immigration tends to be concentrated in the first three years after arrival.  An initial euphoria often characterizes the first year, followed by a strong disenchantment and demoralization reaction during the second year.  The third year includes a gradual return to well-being. Chinese immigrants who have been here less than  one year have fewer symptoms of distress than those here for several years.
  • 29. The emphasis on verbal communication is  unique to the mental health field. Diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders  depend to a large extent on verbal communication. The emphasis on verbal communication  yields greater potential for miscommunication when clinician and patient come from different cultural backgrounds, even if they speak the same language.
  • 30. Misdiagnosis can arise from clinician bias  and stereotyping of ethnic and racial minorities. Clinicians often reflect the attitudes and  discriminatory practices of their society.
  • 31. Every society influences mental health treatment by how  it organizes, delivers, and pays for mental health services. “De facto mental health systems” lack of a single set of  organizing principles. There are four major sectors for receiving mental health  care:  The specialty mental health sector  The general medical and primary care sector  The human services sector which is made up of social welfare (housing, transportation, and employment), criminal justice, educational, religious, and charitable services.  The voluntary support network
  • 32. How aware are you of your personal attitudes  about cultural differences? How about societal influences? How do you practice awareness and find balance? We would love for you to share your responses in the discussion forum. Thank you.
  • 33. Subtle genetic differences impact how medications are  metabolized. Lifestyle factors including diet, rates of smoking, alcohol  consumption, and use of alternative or complementary treatments can interact with medications. Ethnopsychopharmacology investigates ethnic  variations that affect medication dosing. African Americans and Asians are more likely to be slow  metabolizers of several medications for psychosis and depression (Lin et al., 1997). Clinicians who are unaware of these differences may  prescribe doses that are too high for minority patients by giving them the dose normally prescribed for whites.
  • 34. How racism jeopardizes the mental health of  minorities. Three general ways are proposed: Racial stereotypes and negative images can be 1. internalized, denigrating individuals’ self-worth and adversely affecting their social and psycho- logical functioning. Racism and discrimination by societal 2. institutions have resulted in minorities’ lower socioeconomic status in which poverty, crime, and violence are persistent stressors that can affect mental health. Racism and discrimination are stressful events 3. that can directly lead to psychological distress (Williams & Williams-Morris, 2000).
  • 35. Culture influences many aspects of mental illness,  including:  Symptom expression  Coping style  Social supports  Willingness to seek treatment The cultures of the clinician and the service system  influence diagnosis, treatment, and service delivery. Cultural/social influences are not the only determinants  of mental illness and patterns of service utilization for minorities Mental disorders are highly prevalent across all  populations Cultural and social factors contribute to the causation of  mental illness, yet that contribution varies by disorder.
  • 36. Mental illness is the product of a complex  interaction among biological, psychological, social, and cultural factors. The role of any one of these major factors can be  stronger or weaker depending on the specific disorder. Within the United States, overall rates of mental  disorders for most minority groups are largely similar to those for whites. Ethnic and racial minorities in the United States  face a social and economic environment of inequality that takes a toll on mental health.
  • 37. Living in poverty has the most measurable impact  on rates of mental illness. People who are impoverished are about two to  three times more likely than those in the highest stratum to have a mental disorder. Racism and discrimination are stressful events that  adversely affect health and mental health. They place minorities at risk for mental disorders  such as depression and anxiety. Stigma discourages major segments of the  population, majority and minority alike, from seeking help.
  • 38. Concerning clients who live in poverty, have you noted a  difference in their response to treatment? How do you adapt their treatment plan to meet their needs? Please take a moment to share your responses in the discussion forum. Thank you.
  • 39. Attitudes toward mental illness held by minorities  are as unfavorable as attitudes held by whites. Mistrust of mental health services is an important  reason deterring minorities from seeking treatment. The cultures of ethnic and racial minorities alter the  types of mental health services they use. Cultural misunderstandings or communication  problems between patients and clinicians may prevent minorities from using services and receiving appropriate care.
  • 40. African Americans have made great strides in  education, income, and other indicators of social well-being. African Americans have overall rates of distress  symptoms and mental illness similar to those of whites. Many African Americans are found in high-need  populations whose members have high levels of mental illness. 3.5 times as many African Americans as white  Americans are homeless. None of them are included in community surveys.
  • 41. The mental health problems of persons in high-  need populations are especially likely to occur jointly with substance abuse problems, as well as with HIV infection or AIDS. African Americans may be more likely to use  alternative therapies. Disparities in access to mental health services are  partly attributable to financial barriers.
  • 42. Few African American mental health specialists are  available. African Americans are overrepresented in areas  where few providers choose to practice. African Americans with mental health needs are  unlikely to receive treatment. African Americans are more likely to be incorrectly  diagnosed. They are more likely to be diagnosed as suffering  from schizophrenia and less likely to be diagnosed as suffering from an affective disorder.
  • 43. American Indian and Alaska Native youth and  adults suffer a disproportionate burden of mental health problems compared with other Americans. Indian and Native people who are homeless,  incarcerated, and victims of trauma are overrepresented. There is significant co-morbidity in regard to mental  and substance abuse disorders. Little is known about either the use of mental health  services by American Indians and Alaska Natives, or whether those who need treatment actually obtain it.
  • 44. Major changes in the financing and organization of  mental health care are underway in American Indian and Alaska Native communities. The knowledge base underpinning treatment  guidelines for mental health care has been built with little specific analysis of the benefit to ethnic minority groups. Traditional healing practices and spirituality usually  complement, rather than compete with, medical care. Preventive and promotive approaches are favored  in these communities. Interventions are needed to promote the strengths,  resiliencies, and other psychosocial resources.
  • 45. Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders can be  characterized in four important ways: Their population in the U.S. is increasing 1. rapidly. 2. They are diverse, with some subgroups experiencing higher rates of social, health, and mental health problems. 3. AA/PIs may collectively exhibit a wide range of strengths and risk factors. 4. Very little national data is available that describe the prevalence of mental disorders using standardized DSM criteria.
  • 46. Overall prevalence of disorders does not significantly  differ from that of other Americans, although the distribution of disorders may be different.  AA/PIs have the lowest rates of utilization of mental health services among ethnic populations.  The low utilization of mental health services is attributable to:  Stigma  Lack of financial resources  Conceptions of health and treatment that differ from those under-lying Western mental health services  Cultural inappropriateness of services  The use of alternative resources within the AA/PI communities.
  • 47. The system of mental health services currently in  place fails to provide for the vast majority of Latinos.  Latino youth are at a significantly high risk for poor mental health outcomes.  Resilience is indicated by the lower rates of mental disorders for Mexican-born adults and children and island-born Puerto Rican adults compared with the rates for those born in the United States.