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Je ne suis pas sûr que vous survivrez éthiquement et moralement à cette histoires
d’ancêtres du futur, “Nos ancêtres, les Vénusiens ou les Martiens”, ici simplement les Noirs
d’Afrique Noire d’aujourd’hui vus comme les ancêtres des esclaves ou anciennement
esclaves noirs d’Amérique, du Maryland précisément. Les racines sont dans les fleurs des
arbres à fleur, dans les frondaisons fleuries de quelque rouge flamboyant ou jaune rooibos.
Les Roots des esclaves noirs d’Amérique sont dans les Africains d’aujourd’hui. Mais cela
n’est qu’un détail et les “roots” ne sont qu’une production cinématographique ou télévisuelle
de plus. Nelson Mandela est l’ancêtre de Sally Hemings et de son fils, esclave comme elle
même qu’il est le rejeton, rejeté vraiment, de Thomas Jefferson dont il ne porte pas le nom
et qui en a fait son esclave de maison à la Maison Blanche où il sert les repas à son “père”
le président et ses relations blanches. Les noirs mangent à la cuisine, y compris le rejeton
Qu’on prenne la Mary du Maryland, dans un sens ou dans un autre, on n’a que des
situations tordues. Mary II (1662-1694), la Reine de l’Angleterre de la Glorieuse Révolution,
1688, et de la Bill of Rights, 1689, règne sur un état, le Maryland, où la majorité de la
population est noire et n’a aucun habeas corpus, quoi qu’en dise ou puisse en dire Bessora,
il est vrai sur des blancs.
Dans les années 1630, la colonie de St. Mary's City a été fondée. Très vite, les
premiers esclaves africains ont été importés [comme des marchandises, du matériel ou du
bétail] dans la province du Maryland en 1642 afin de développer l'économie d'une manière
similaire à celle de la Virginie, le tabac étant la culture de base, à forte intensité de main-
d'œuvre. En 1755, environ 40 % de la population du Maryland était composée d'Afro-
Américains, pour la plupart réduits en esclavage. En 1790, la population totale était de 319
728 personnes, dont environ 150 000 esclaves.
Et de toute façon l’autre Mary que les Américains voient derrière ce Maryland, c’est
la concubine du Saint Esprit qui a pris corps un soir dans le Temple de Jérusalem où Mary
tissait le voile, l’un des nombreux voiles de Salomé et de sa danse, qui a pris corps disais-
je sous la forme d’un des prêtres de ce Temple qui avait eu tout à coup et soudainement
une envie urgente qu’il satisfit sur la première enfant venue, enfin pas tout à) fait enfant car
elle avait plus de treize ans, même si ce plus n’était qu’un à peine treize ans.
Dans ce contexte de production d’enfants, parfois devenus Messies et fils de quelque
Dieu, on ne sera pas surpris que la plantation des esclaves concernés soit une ferme laitière
qui fait son beurre, j’entends du fric, avec le lait de ces esclaves que l’on traie tous les jours
et qui donnent du lait de façon permanente à condition qu’on les traite comme des vaches
et qu’on fasse en sorte qu’elles soient enceintes tous les dix-huit mois, non pas pour
permettre la survie de l’espèce ou de la communauté, mais pour permettre la continuation
du profit du planteur éleveur d’esclaves femelles qu’il fait monter par tous les blancs
possibles et qui vendra le lait à prix d’or, et les enfants après quatre ou cinq ans à prix
d’uranium. L’or est tellement désuet et périmé quand on parle d’esclavage. Tintin en a fait
de l’or noir, désignant justement ainsi les esclaves de ce commerce, côté Océan Indien et
Mer Rouge. Alors parlons d’uranium noir qui a en plus de sa valeur une influence irradiante
qui s’ajoute à la profondeur mentale de tous les irradiés blancs, pas des noirs qui n’ont pas
de mental, profond ou pas profond, simplement pas de mental du tout.
Reprenons à zéro après ce délire.
L’histoire commence à la fin du 17ème siècle au Maryland, en fait en Cornouailles,
mais ce n’est qu’une racine nostalgique qui n’est pas la vraie racine de l’histoire. Fille laitière
d’une ferme de Cornouailles, elle sera déportée au Maryland pour sept ans d’esclavage bien
mérité – elle le dit elle-même – car elle a renversé le pot de lait qu’elle ramenait à la ferme.
Pauvre …
Perrette, sur sa tête ayant un Pot au lait
Bien posé sur un coussinet,
Prétendait arriver sans encombre à la ville.
Légère et court vêtue elle allait à grands pas,
Ayant mis ce jour-là, pour être plus agile,
Cotillon simple, et souliers plats.
Adieu Cornouailles, Angleterre, Grande Bretagne et Royaume Uni. L’esclavage n’est
qu’un plus où on ne peut pas tomber plus bas. Et sept ans c’est rien quand on en a même
pas treize, peut-être seulement dix ou onze, l’âge normal de mariage des filles en Angleterre
en ce temps-là comme dans les colonies d’ailleurs dont le Maryland n’est qu’un exemple
Et notre Perrette se retrouve fille de plantation, c’est-à-dire esclave corvéable,
taillable et baisable à merci. Plantation laitière qui nourrit une étable de femmes noires et
quelques esclaves à durée limitée blanches venues d’Angleterre par décision de justice.
Elles doivent être enceintes tous les dix-huit mois pour qu’elles produisent du lait de façon
continue. Notez que quand elles sont enceintes les soumettre à des rapports sexuels est un
gaspillage monumental puisqu’elles ne peuvent pas le devenir davantage et qu’en plus cela
risque de provoquer des complications comme fausses-couches et traumatismes multiples
chez le bébé, s’il naît. Oh ! combien ils savent tout cela nos planteurs et leurs personnel
Tant qu’on parle de cette situation épineuse qui vous monte l’épine en obélisque en
plein centre de la place de la concorde, on suit la ligne du temps normal. Mais quand
l’esclavage s’arrête, pour notre cornouaillaise après sept ans et quelques prolongations, on
quitte la ligne normale du temps et on essaie de retrouver les ancêtres de ces esclaves
noires, et on les retrouve donc en Afrique où les esclaves noires ont leurs racines. Merci,
seigneur, Merci mon Dieu, Merci Petit Jésus. Et tout pourra peut-être finir bien avec
quelques millions de mort en cours de route, mais les survivants seront « heureux d’être et
peureux de paraître, et ils paniqueront devant la perspective inéluctable de disparaître qu’ils
diaboliseront ». Mais tout cela n’est valable que pour les noirs, même s’ils n’ont qu’une seule
goutte de sang noir. Qu’en est-il alors des blancs, les descendants des planteurs ou
esclavagistes qui n’ont pas la moindre goutte de sang noir ? Et c’est alors qu’ils s’imaginent
que leurs ancêtres sont les Européens, du moins tant qu’ils restent sans la moindre goutte
de sang « coloré » et depuis 1917 ou à peu près ils ont décidé, ces descendants
d’esclavagistes, que l’Europe était leur terrain de football américain, leur terrain de jeu, leur
cour de récréation, et qu’on se le dise bien entre les deux oreilles, nous n’enverrons pas de
militaires mais vous aurez tout le matériel possible même si vous ne savez pas trop vous
en servir. Qu’importe le coût pourvu qu’on ait la guerre. C’est là la différence d’avec les noirs.
Ce sont les noirs d’Afrique qui aujourd’hui s’installent aux USA, deviennent même Président
s’ils ont eu la chance de naître d’un parent américain et sur le sol américain.
Pervers je vous dis, et Bessora nous perd dans les dédales d’une généalogie mentale
qui n’en finit pas de nous tirailler, de tirailleur indigène en tirailleur sénégalais, jusqu’aux
limites extrême d’un irréalisme qui nous prend à la gorge et nous prend la tête et nous fait
nous demander, mais à quoi bon de savoir, pourquoi il y avait dans un cimetière bordelais
une enterrée noire du treizième siècle momifiée par le calcaire et que j’ai vue, sans toucher,
au moins deux fois quand j’étais gamin et qui a disparue depuis un certain temps, et j’ai
vérifié lors de ma dernière visite. Alors nous avons tous du sang noir, au moins une goutte,
nous les natifs authentiques de cette bonne ville de Bordeaux, et que dire des esclaves qui
sont passés à Bordeaux dans les maisons du commerce triangulaire du quai des Chartrons
entre la Halle au tabac aujourd’hui devenu centrer culturel et le quai de Bacalan du port à la
morue (Bacalan en Occitan et Bacalhau en Portugais) qui détenait les esclaves, ou
quelques esclaves dans les arrières de certaines maisons, comme le 95, et qui devaient en
vendre quelques uns ou quelques unes pour devenir les bonnes de quelques maisons de
la bourgeoisie du bouchon. Nous avons tous des ancêtres africains, et alors !?
Je dois dire que je me suis un peu perdu dans les souvenirs d’Afrique et mes amis
africains, comme Pierre Ngeyitala de Kinshasa que j’ai aimé comme un frère, un frère noir,
comme moi j’étais le frère blanc de ce nouvel ordre religieux racial, un ordre mental et
spirituel qui refuse d’être daltonien, « color blind » qu’ils disent les blancs américains qui ne
veulent pas voir la couleur des gens : nous sommes tous les mêmes saperlipopette,
éliminons les différences de couleur, de toutes les couleurs, mêmes toutes celles de l’arc
en ciel. Le problème est de savoir comment on peut le faire : le lance-flamme comme
Mussolini en Éthiopie, les fours crématoires comme Hitler en Pologne at en Allemagne, une
bonne guerre tribale comme au Congo ou au Rwanda ? Il a fallu deux guerres mondiales
en Europe pour éliminer les minorités allemandes en Pologne. Imaginez combien de
guerres mondiales il faudra pour éliminer tous les gens de couleur. Tous les gens de
couleur ? Même les japonais et les Sud-Coréens ? Ou faire comme H.G. Wells et faire une
seule exception pour les juifs car ils acceptent de se marier avec des non-juifs, comme ma
grand-mère paternelle. Comme vous y allez, éliminer tous les gens de couleur ! C’est que
de parler des ancêtres nous mène peut-être un peu trop loin. Comme il était plus simple de
vivre dans une caverne dans le Paléolithique Même si partis d’Afrique Noire, ces Homo
Sapiens dit Anciens Européens avaient déjà largement perdu leur mélanine le long de leur
route de migration qui n’était pas une Trail of Tears, mais une route d’espoir, l’espoir de
coloniser des territoires nouveaux, de les défricher et de les purger de tous les parasites
inférieurs, des terres suffisamment giboyeuses pour permettre la survie pendant longtemps
de ce peuple blanc élu pour purifier le cosmos. La preuve : nous sommes encore là, même
si nos ancêtres sont tous africains.
I am not sure you will ethically and morally survive this story of ancestors from the
future, "Our ancestors, the Venusians or the Martians", here simply the Black Africans of
today seen as the ancestors of the Black slaves or former Black slaves of America, of
Maryland precisely. The roots are in the flowers of the flowering trees, in the blooming
foliage of some red flamboyant or yellow rooibos. The Roots of the black slaves of
America are in the Africans of today. But this is only a detail and “Roots" are just another
film or television production. Nelson Mandela is the ancestor of Sally Hemings and her
son, a slave like her, and he is the offspring, cut off, discarded really, of Thomas Jefferson
whose name the son does not bear and who, the President, made him his house slave in
the White House where he, the son of course, serves meals to his "father" the president,
naturally, and his white relations. Blacks eat in the kitchen, including the presidential scion.
Whether you take Maryland's Mary, one way or the other, you only get twisted
situations. Mary II (1662-1694), the Queen of the England of the Glorious Revolution,
1688, and of the Bill of Rights, 1689, rules over a state, Maryland named after her, where
the majority of the population is black and has no habeas corpus, whatever Bessora says
or may say, it is true, about white people.
In the 1630s, the colonial settlement of St. Mary's City was founded. Soon, the first
African slaves were imported [like goods, equipment, or cattle] into the Province of
Maryland by 1642 to develop the economy in a similar way to Virginia, with tobacco being
the commodity crop, which was labor-intensive. In 1755, about 40% of Maryland's
population was African Americans and most of them were enslaved. In 1790, the total
population was 319,728 people, hence around 150,000 slaves.
And anyway, the other Mary that Americans see behind this Maryland is the
concubine of the Holy Spirit who took shape one evening in the Temple of Jerusalem
where Mary was weaving the veil, one of the many veils of Salome and her dance, who
took shape, as I said, in the form of one of the priests of this Temple who suddenly had an
urgent desire which he satisfied on the first child that came along, well not quite a child
because she was more than thirteen years old, even if this more was only a barely thirteen
years old.
In this context of the production of children, who sometimes became Messiahs and
sons of some God, it is not surprising that the plantation of the slaves concerned was a
dairy farm that made its dough, I mean money, with the milk of these slaves that were
milked every day and that permanently gave milk provided they were treated like cows and
that they were made pregnant every eighteen months, not to allow the survival of the
species or the community, but to allow the continuation of the profit of the planter who bred
female slaves that he had all the whites possible ride and who sold the milk for pure gold,
and the children after four or five years for uranium. Gold is so outdated, obsolete when it
comes to slavery. Tintin made it black gold, which is precisely how he referred to the
slaves of this trade, on the Indian Ocean and Red Sea. So let's talk about black uranium,
which has, in addition to its value, an irradiating influence that adds to the mental depth of
all the irradiated whites, not the blacks who have no mind, deep or shallow, simply no mind
at all.
Let's start over after this rant.
The story begins in late 17th century Maryland, actually Cornwall, but that is just a
nostalgic root that is not the real root of the story. A milkmaid on a Cornish farm will be
deported to Maryland for seven years of well-deserved slavery – she says so herself –
because she spilled the milk jug she was bringing back to the farm. Poor ...
Perrette, on her head having a Pot of milk
Well placed on a cushion,
Pretended to arrive safely in the city.
Light and short dressed, she went with great steps,
Having put on that day, to be more agile,
A single petticoat, and flat shoes.
Farewell Cornwall, England, Great Britain, and the United Kingdom. Slavery is but a
plus where one cannot fall lower. And seven years is nothing when you are not even
thirteen, maybe only ten or eleven, the normal age of marriage for girls in England at that
time, the same as in the colonies, of which Maryland is only an exotic example.
And our Perrette found herself a plantation girl, that is to say, a slave who could be
drilled, whipped, and fucked at will. A dairy plantation that feeds a stable of black women
and a few white time-limited slaves brought from England by court order. They must be
pregnant every eighteen months in order to produce milk continuously. Note that when
they are pregnant, subjecting them to sexual intercourse is a monumental waste since
they cannot become more pregnant and, in addition, it risks causing complications such as
miscarriages and multiple traumas in the baby, if it is born. Oh, how much they know all
this our planters and their white staff.
As long as we are talking about this thorny situation that erects the mooring dick to
the size of an obelisk in the middle of Place de la Concorde, we follow the normal timeline.
But when slavery stops, for our Cornish woman after seven years and some extensions,
we leave the normal timeline and try to find the ancestors of these black slaves, and we
find them in Africa where the black slaves have their roots. Thank you, Lord, thank you,
God, thank you, Little Jesus. And maybe everything will end well with a few million dead
along the way, but the survivors will be "happy to be and afraid to appear, and they will
panic in front of the inescapable perspective of disappearing that they will demonize". But
all of this applies only to blacks, even if they have only one drop of black blood. What
about the whites, the descendants of planters or slavers who have not a single drop of
black blood? And then, they imagine that their ancestors are the Europeans, at least as
long as they remain without a single drop of "colored" blood, and since 1917 or
thereabouts they have decided, these descendants of slavers, that Europe is their
American soccer field, their playground, their own backyard, and let's say it to your two
ears, you Europeans, we won't send any GIs, but you'll have all the equipment you can
get, even if you don't know how to use it. It doesn't matter how much it costs as long as we
get the war we want. That's the difference with the blacks. It's the blacks from Africa who
are now settling in the US, even becoming President if they were lucky enough to be born
of an American parent and on American soil.
Perverse, I tell you, and Bessora loses us in the maze of a mental genealogy that
never ends to skirmish with us, sending native skirmishers, and then Senegalese
skirmishers, up to the extreme limits of an unrealism that grabs us by the throat and makes
us wonder, but what's the point of knowing, why there was in a Bordeaux cemetery a
thirteenth-century black woman buried and mummified in limestone and whom I saw,
without touching, at least twice when I was a kid and who has disappeared for some time
now, and I checked on my last visit. So we all have black blood, at least a drop of it, we the
authentic natives of this good city of Bordeaux, and what can we say about the slaves who
passed through Bordeaux in the houses of the triangular trade on Quai des Chartrons
between the Halle au Tabac, now a cultural center, and the Quai de Bacalan of the cod
fishing harbor (cod is Bacalan in Occitan and Bacalhau in Portuguese) which held the
slaves, or some slaves in the back of some houses, like number 95, and who had to sell
some of them to become the maids of some houses of the wine-and-cork bourgeoisie. We
all have African ancestors, so what!
I must say that I got a little lost in my memories of Africa and my African friends, like
Pierre Ngeyitala from Kinshasa, whom I loved like a brother, a black brother, as I was the
white brother of this new racial religious order, a mental and spiritual order that refuses to
be color blind, as they say, the white Americans who don't want to see the color of people:
we are all the same damn it, let's eliminate the differences of color, of all the colors, even
all the colors of the rainbow. The problem is how to do it: with a flamethrower like
Mussolini in Ethiopia, with crematoria like Hitler in Poland and Germany, with a good old
tribal war like in Congo or Rwanda? It took two world wars in Europe to eliminate the
German minorities in Poland. Imagine how many world wars it will take to eliminate all
people of all colors. All people of all colors? Even the Japanese and South Koreans? Or
could we do it like H.G. Wells and make a single exception for Jews because they agree to
marry non-Jews, like my paternal grandmother? As you go, eliminate all people of all
colors! Talking about ancestors may be taking us a bit too far. Even if they had left Black
Africa, these Homo Sapiens, known as Ancient Europeans, had already largely lost their
melanin along their migration route, which was not a Trail of Tears, but a route of hope, the
hope of colonizing new territories, of clearing them and purging them of all inferior
parasites, lands sufficiently rich in game to allow the survival for a long time of these white
people chosen to purify the cosmos. The proof: we are still here, even if our ancestors are
all Africans. A rhetorical U-turn to end the review, even if the French phrase would be
better, une fin en queue de poisson.
PROJECT – 2021
Anyone who wants to know how the United States was born, as I did in the 2010s
for some publications, comes to John Smith and his first successful colony, Jamestown, in
1607 in what was to become Virginia. The name of the colony was in honor of King James
1st who had granted the colonists a ten-year license running till 1617. The colonists had a
tough time, and they managed to survive thanks to their systematic looting of the Indians
for food – and women – and the apparent lack of real deadly hostility on the Indian side.
They managed to survive by kidnapping the daughter of the local chief, Pocahontas,
the Indian name under which she is known and honored in the US Congress rotunda.
Pocahontas was an educated priestess that knew the ritualized procedure to grow and
process tobacco which was a sacred plant among Indians. The colonists used Pocahontas
in a way that is vastly discussed among historians and Indians. For some, she was a
hostage, of course, but also what some Indians today proclaim a seemingly self-appointed
(or maybe tribal) diplomat to avoid war with the White Anglo-Saxon Protestants in
Jamestown. She was forced – or maybe she decided – to be christened under a Christian
name (note the deculturation at work here), though the US mythology (because what they
call history is nothing but mythology, and that is already a great honor to call it that) of this
period keeps her under the name of Pocahontas, but kneeling and being Christened all
dressed in white, the basic symbolical color of the colonists.
John Smith
She married John Rolfe, provided him with her know-how about tobacco, and gave
her a son, Thomas. John Rolfe started the first tobacco plantation in Virginia with seeds
that a legend has were stolen from the Spaniards in Barbados or some other West Indian
island, but this is a long story. The first decent production of tobacco was completed in
1616 when the colony had to ask the King of England for the renewal of the license. For
this, he went to England with his wife and son. They were received with great honors,
including a “masque” (the precursor of the English opera that will be developed by
Marlowe and Handel, after the former). The king was satisfied with the tobacco and
granted John Rolfe the necessary license to produce and export to England and Europe
his Virginian tobacco, thus becoming a direct competitor of the Spaniards who had up to
then the total monopoly in Europe.
Unluckily, Pocahontas died and was buried at Gravesend. John Rolfe entrusted his
son who was also sick to a trustworthy man till his uncle, John Rolfe’s brother, could take
the guardianship. Thomas Rolfe stayed in England till he was of age to go back to Virginia
and start working on his father’s plantation. In 1619, to develop the plantation John Rolfe
bought the first-ever Black slaves from a Dutch dealer. And those were the first African
slaves in an English colony which was extremely clearly white, Anglo-Saxon, and
Protestant, (the famous WASPs) and that is the origin of the African American “problem”
that is the subject of this book. But that was not the beginning of slavery in the Americas.
John Rolfe and Pocahontas
When I was working with my assistant Paula Osorio on an article for the book by
Geetha Ganapathy-Doré, Michel Olinga, Cornelius Crowley, Michel Naumann, Yannick Le
2013, in which we (me and Paula) published Chapter 2 Jacques COULARDEAU, and
Paula OSORIO, Colonization and Decolonization in the US and Mexico, pp. 55-80. We
compared the oldest slavery system in the Americas developed by the Spaniards and the
Portuguese under the authority of the King of Spain, the Spanish Catholic church, and the
Spanish Inquisition, on one hand, and the same slavery developed by the Anglo-Saxons in
Northern America. Note the French in Louisiana (an enormous expanse of land from
today’s Louisiana and Mississippi to Quebec (included though mostly referred to as New
France) had a very close practice to the Spanish practice under the authority of the French
King, the French Catholic church, and the nascent royal justice in France. I regret this
book does not consider this alternative that has produced what some sociologists consider
a three-tiered society on the model of Brazil, but also Mexico. That would have shown how
much crueler the Anglo-Saxons were.
On the French and Spanish-Portuguese sides the slaves were supposed to be all
christened, married, have all the normal religious, Catholic actually, rights and duties.
Among these duties, they had the right to have one day a week to attend and perform their
marital duties, even if the wife and the husband did not work and live on the same
plantation. They could have a normal religious practice, be buried in normal holy
cemeteries, and could take part in various entertaining events as singers and musicians,
even for a price, which explains why many could actually benefit from manumission on
their own earnings. Very few slave masters in the Anglo-Saxon colonies provided their
slaves with such rights that included the major Catholic, hence Christian and Protestant,
celebrations. They were encouraged to learn the local language and to read and write if
they so wanted.
Then in this book, the Anglo-Saxon, soon to become American, practice would have
appeared for what it was: at least ten times worse than any other comparable slavery for
Africans deported and imported (in)to the Americas. The slaves were mixed, so that, they
could not easily communicate since they did not have a common language. They were
banned from English, except for obedient and humble, hence submissive and subservient,
acquiescing responses to the orders they were given. They had to understand but never to
learn. Of course, reading and writing were kept away from them as much as possible.
They were never really married except in some kind of sham ritual that had no Christian
value (Check Toni Morrison’s Beloved). Women were the submissive vessels to all sorts of
intrusions and penetrations from the white masters and their friends or clients in order to
produce as many children as possible, however by law declared slaves like their mothers.
No patrilinear filiation. The children could be sold as soon as six or seven. Among the
whites, all males as soon as hormonally able could enter this productive and profitable
commerce with all female Black slaves at their disposal, not on demand but on command.
And Thomas Jefferson was the model of this treatment with his Black slave at his
command including at the White House, and one of her sons, Thomas, served dinner at
the table of his mother’s master who was actually his father too.
We should not generalize and say that it was always the same thing. Actually, some
slave masters could have some dignity and decency and provide their slaves with a
softened system that could get closer to the French and Spanish-Portuguese systems.
You can find such examples in Solomon Northup’s 12 years a Slave. But let me be clear,
even when softened, even in the French or Spanish-Portuguese ways, it was slavery and
the basic fundamental element known as freedom was negated, absolutely all freedoms:
freedom of expression, freedom of mind and conscience, freedom of circulation and
movement in space, freedom of education, freedom of religion, etc. And we should also
consider a tremendous number of human rights were negated. The book is clear, and its
main idea is that it was so deeply ingrained in the consciousness of the Anglo-Saxon
colonists who were such male-chauvinistic white supremacists that the very constitution
had a bill of rights that only concerned the free male citizens of the United States. The
famous Bill of Rights of this US Constitution never declared in writ, and certainly not in any
unwritten intentions that Black slaves were human beings and that they were US citizens
by the right of birth (on the US territory). Three amendments were necessary after the Civil
War to grant them some of these fundamental civic and civil rights, and yet after five years
or so, these three amendments were just nullified in practice by Jim Crowe's policies, the
Ku Klux Klan, lynchings, and all sort s of segregation declared constitutional by the
Supreme Court. We will have to wait till 1954, Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, for
the very first step away from this white supremacist system to be written down on paper.
From 1619 up to 1954, Black African Americans were nothing but slaves up to 1865
and then an exploited, rejected, ghettoized non-human population with only one right, the
obligation to work under the whip or the financial tyranny of the white masters till they die –
and let me be clear: I did say till they died of it. The rule was simple:
“One drop of Black blood makes you Black, and Black = SLAVE = NON-HUMAN.”
Hence, they were not equal as they should be like all men, meaning all humans,
who had been created equal, since they were not human. It is clear the US was a republic
of all free men in the colonies soon to become states, and free meant (Blacks and Indians
excluded) only men over 21 who were white by definition, had some property, land, or
commerce, paid taxes and had been born in the colonies soon to become states, or had
been naturalized, and this naturalization did not provide them with the same rights as all
citizens, for example, the right to run for president.
But as soon as the slave trade was stopped, the Blacks were all or nearly all born in
the USA, and yet they were denied their citizenship. The entire system was and still is very
careful to keep the Blacks from four elements, basic for citizenship:
1- They were not white, and one drop of Black blood was enough to make an
individual Black, hence substandard as for humanity.
2- They had no possession, and no right to have any, land, or home, or even their
own lives and bodies (no habeas corpus for them) and the entire system was based on a
several-centuries-long deprivation of any property right and any property, and that keeps
them down in the footnotes of the margin of white society.
3- They paid no taxes since they had no income and even today their income is so
low that taxes for them is nearly a myth, apart from the sales tax they pay every single
time they buy something in a store. Better buy on the Black market to evade this sales tax.
4- They were not Christians and had no soul. So, they could not have any
education, et best and exclusively vocational training if not vocational taming, like circus
animals to clean up streets, or Dunn High School in 1969-70, or the bus station and its
toilets at 7:00 in the morning as I saw it in 1973, or eventually to produce what they will
never be able to buy.
In other words, they were not created by the white god of the WASPs. They were,
like all animals, the production of the wilderness, and they had no more rights than wild
beasts who could not even be tamed like horses or cows. They had to be controlled like
tigers in a circus in a cage. This is entirely contained in the original constitution, not in real
words of exclusion against Blacks or Indians, but because it has no words of inclusion for
them to be considered as part of the beneficiaries of the constitution. The famous
amendments of the late 1860s, Amendments 13, 14, and 15, changed all that by clearly
this time being concerned by the Blacks and by their integration into the political project.
But these amendments were implemented at the most five years under reconstruction and
then they were systematically negated at all levels of the republic, from local city councils
that expelled Black representatives to the Supreme Court itself that asserted among other
things that equal but separate was acceptable at all levels of society, though it was
obvious that it was a big lie since everything Black had little resources and means that
were not in proportion with what everything white had. Segregation in all fields became the
norm, not rampant as some may say, but openly asserted and implemented, including with
lynchings, pogroms, and punishing expeditions against all Black communities that could
menace the white supremacy of this republic that was no longer a republic but was an
autocratic racist institution.
And that was the rule up to 1954, and do not be naïve. The implementation of this
1954 Supreme Court decision regarding the integration of education took time to be
implemented. Dunn High School in Harnett County, North Carolina was one of the latest
high schools to be integrated and it happened only in September 1969, and I know about it
because I was there at the time.
Now, today, in 2022, have things changed? After the eight years of a Black
President who defended the idea that things were getting better, we got a long backlash. A
backlash at the level of police lynchings and even civilian lynchings of Black males
happening at the highest level ever for the last fifty years. George Floyd, due to his death
in 17 minutes entirely filmed and broadcast, under the knee of one police officer and with
two more doing nothing to stop it, started a movement that was so strong it forced the then
President Trump to come out and do extreme things and say extreme words to contain the
movement, and in fact, he failed. Since then, some police officers were convicted and
sentenced to long prison terms and some civilians had the same fate for chasing and
shooting down an unarmed Black jogger. Is it the sign of a real change? In such extreme
matters and situations maybe, but the segregation in jobs, employment, housing,
education, and the possibility to borrow money or get a mortgage are everyday realities.
Systematically Blacks are at something like what seems to be a 50% disadvantage as
compared to whites. The Blacks have systematically been sidetracked, contained, pushed
aside in all possible fields, and I would say except showbusiness. But that is the most
important shortcoming of the book. It alludes to what I am going to say, but it does not
seem to capture the deepest positive dynamic of slavery, not planned, or expected by the
white enslavers, but the result of a deep, everyday, every moment resistance from the
Black community of Black slaves.
Since the work of the field slaves was measured every night by weighing how much
cotton, for example, they had picked, the slaves organized themselves so that they all
worked at the same speed and hence all approached the same average weight of picked
cotton. They chanted in rhythm with the work. Note this practice will go on after
reconstruction with the chain gangs building the railroads or building the roads. They
chanted to regularize the work of them all. The book here insists on the fact white
Blackfaces imitated what they thought was the Blacks’ artful performance. These
Blackface were mocking the Black slaves for the only pleasure of the only possible
audience, whites. But that is totally marginal on the impact of the Black chanting in slave
work, directly imported from Africa where music is a rhythmic art, essentially rhythmic and
based on chanting and drums of all sorts. This is typical of Black Africa which only had
drums of all sorts, which practiced very rhythmic dancing, performed very long collective
chanting rhythmically performed to the drums, and at times, some simple pinched-string
instruments. I have seen that with my own eyes in the Black neighborhoods and their
“cafés” in Kinshasa in 1968.
The point is that this musical performance was a basic resisting stance of the
Blacks against slavery and the evening whippings of all those who were under the norm,
and at the same time, this resisting stance managed to keep the best cotton picker down
so that the whites could not increase the level of production for all the slaves because a
few, ten or a dozen slaves managed to pick more cotton than the others. This chanting
was also used by the Black house-servants taking care of the white children of the
plantations, with lullabies and nursery rhymes, and the result was an impact on music in
America that was absolutely unpredictable. It produced Gospel music, Jazz, all sorts of
rock and roll, Black and Soul, and many other types of music. And it is this music that
became the dominant western music in the world as soon as amplification was developed,
and even before, as soon as the radio and later the gramophone were invented and
became popular in all sorts of bars, cafés, dancing clubs, pools halls, etc. And it was able
to cross the segregation line because radio waves cannot be segregated easily.
That’s the heritage of Black slavery in the Americas in general, in the USA in
particular. When you look at the fundamental and essentially white art of the cinema, it
was segregational from the very start. You can see how segregation kept the Blacks in
“their” place, which is to say off the screen, or only in some subservient and speechless
parts. It took some time before a Black actor got a key role and was allowed to come to
dinner tonight. That did not happen in music that was Black and dominated by the Blacks
from the very start of microphones, radio, gramophones, and other dancing halls and
speakeasies. But this was able to retrieve very old traditions all over the world where
people who are exploited very often invent such musical resistance against exploitation or
autocracy. After the Second World War, I remember the song carpenters and joiners
working in big workshops with irritating autocratic foremen started singing or whistling
when the foreman was a little bit annoying to everyone or one particular worker. The music
is simple but very rhythmic, and the words are absolutely ridiculous. But it was effective,
and the concerned foreman fast retreated to his cubicle. Two lines of seven syllables with
a heavy feminine last syllable, and then four more dynamic and rhythmic lines of four
syllables. Note the fact the character is a woman in an industry where women were
absolutely absent at the time.
Elle a cassé sa jambe,
Sa jambe an palissandre.
C’est en montant
Sur les ch’vaux d’bois
Qu’ell’ a cassé
Sa jamb’ en bois. (CODA as many times as necessary)
She broke her leg,
Her rosewood leg.
It's going up
On wooden horses
That she broke
Her wooden leg.
They could sing, they could whistle, and they could bang their hammers along with
the song. Everyone could take part, being only by humming the music. We find such
“popular-music” practices everywhere in the world, some of these popular songs with bells
and animal cries can be found in the first opera-oratorio in Europe at the end of the 13th
century in a celebration in the Beauvais cathedral for Christmas, Ludus Danielis, the Play
of Daniel. I have seen some of these popular practices in some villages celebrating the
local “gods” in Sri Lanka in 2005.
And this anti-Black segregational spirit is still at work in the US Senate where the
confirmation of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court is stalled in
commission or committee and will have to be taken to the full Senate for a vote. The
candidate or appointee is a woman, Black, and very outspoken on racial questions.
To conclude I will go back to the universal trend and movement these Black African
Slaves brought to the Americas and the world, even if it took five or six centuries for it to
really reach universality. And that’s the most important achievement of Black Africans in
the world. Then you just look at the sphere of sports and you find the same domination of
Black athletes in many sports because for them it is the easiest way to get a college
education and a full scholarship, but even so, they are under intense pressure from the
State and from their own “bosses” and “coaches” who are more racially autocratic than
democratic. Remember Mexico City Olympic Games and the campaign by Black
sportsmen to go down on one knee during the playing of the US national anthem. But
when you consider how many Black or Northern African players are in European soccer
teams, for one example, you can understand this rise of Black athletes is far from being
over and it is in many ways less complete in the USA. In Europe today soccer clubs and
games have to get confronted with two misbehaviors in the audience, both segregationist
in nature, with visible and hearable remarks against Black and Northern African players on
one hand, and gay players on the other hand.
Then this book is essential for anyone who wants to understand the race problem in
the USA, the only country in the world where such an anti-Black-African segregational
systematic policy still exists, and it is not by bringing up mostly isolated instances or events
in other countries, none of the size of the USA, that it will erase the social and political
evolutions that are taking place in the USA. In Europe, such events are treated as crimes,
certainly not as misdemeanors, and absolutely not neglected. And in Europe, it is not only
the Blacks that are concerned. It is a shame the USA is still in this unbearable situation
and that the Canadian Prime Minister was a white Blackface on his campus when he was
a university student, so not that long ago. And keep in mind that Indians, Native
Americans, and First Nation people in Northern America are still the descendants of very
recent segregational practices that have not at all been redressed and repaired, in any
way repaired. But listen carefully: the US Supreme Court will be against any type of
affirmative action that would be directed exclusively at Black people and that would impose
quotas of any sort in any field. Yet when considering diversity in companies, the idea of
taking into account the average proportion of Black, gay, Jewish, Moslem people in the
industry of this company or in the region where this company operates, to examine if there
is any discrepancy with the same proportion in the company is definitely using a quota
approach and here jurisprudence is important.
The worst possible form of racism or segregation is racial or gender color-blindness.
Diversity wants all people to be accepted the way they are and not the way you may
dream of them.
Bessora Prophétesse de l’À-venir Passé

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Bessora Prophétesse de l’À-venir Passé

  • 1.
  • 2. Je ne suis pas sûr que vous survivrez éthiquement et moralement à cette histoires d’ancêtres du futur, “Nos ancêtres, les Vénusiens ou les Martiens”, ici simplement les Noirs d’Afrique Noire d’aujourd’hui vus comme les ancêtres des esclaves ou anciennement esclaves noirs d’Amérique, du Maryland précisément. Les racines sont dans les fleurs des arbres à fleur, dans les frondaisons fleuries de quelque rouge flamboyant ou jaune rooibos. Les Roots des esclaves noirs d’Amérique sont dans les Africains d’aujourd’hui. Mais cela n’est qu’un détail et les “roots” ne sont qu’une production cinématographique ou télévisuelle de plus. Nelson Mandela est l’ancêtre de Sally Hemings et de son fils, esclave comme elle même qu’il est le rejeton, rejeté vraiment, de Thomas Jefferson dont il ne porte pas le nom et qui en a fait son esclave de maison à la Maison Blanche où il sert les repas à son “père” le président et ses relations blanches. Les noirs mangent à la cuisine, y compris le rejeton présidentiel. Qu’on prenne la Mary du Maryland, dans un sens ou dans un autre, on n’a que des situations tordues. Mary II (1662-1694), la Reine de l’Angleterre de la Glorieuse Révolution, 1688, et de la Bill of Rights, 1689, règne sur un état, le Maryland, où la majorité de la population est noire et n’a aucun habeas corpus, quoi qu’en dise ou puisse en dire Bessora, il est vrai sur des blancs. Dans les années 1630, la colonie de St. Mary's City a été fondée. Très vite, les premiers esclaves africains ont été importés [comme des marchandises, du matériel ou du bétail] dans la province du Maryland en 1642 afin de développer l'économie d'une manière similaire à celle de la Virginie, le tabac étant la culture de base, à forte intensité de main- d'œuvre. En 1755, environ 40 % de la population du Maryland était composée d'Afro- Américains, pour la plupart réduits en esclavage. En 1790, la population totale était de 319 728 personnes, dont environ 150 000 esclaves. Et de toute façon l’autre Mary que les Américains voient derrière ce Maryland, c’est la concubine du Saint Esprit qui a pris corps un soir dans le Temple de Jérusalem où Mary tissait le voile, l’un des nombreux voiles de Salomé et de sa danse, qui a pris corps disais- je sous la forme d’un des prêtres de ce Temple qui avait eu tout à coup et soudainement une envie urgente qu’il satisfit sur la première enfant venue, enfin pas tout à) fait enfant car elle avait plus de treize ans, même si ce plus n’était qu’un à peine treize ans.
  • 3. Dans ce contexte de production d’enfants, parfois devenus Messies et fils de quelque Dieu, on ne sera pas surpris que la plantation des esclaves concernés soit une ferme laitière qui fait son beurre, j’entends du fric, avec le lait de ces esclaves que l’on traie tous les jours et qui donnent du lait de façon permanente à condition qu’on les traite comme des vaches et qu’on fasse en sorte qu’elles soient enceintes tous les dix-huit mois, non pas pour permettre la survie de l’espèce ou de la communauté, mais pour permettre la continuation du profit du planteur éleveur d’esclaves femelles qu’il fait monter par tous les blancs possibles et qui vendra le lait à prix d’or, et les enfants après quatre ou cinq ans à prix d’uranium. L’or est tellement désuet et périmé quand on parle d’esclavage. Tintin en a fait de l’or noir, désignant justement ainsi les esclaves de ce commerce, côté Océan Indien et Mer Rouge. Alors parlons d’uranium noir qui a en plus de sa valeur une influence irradiante qui s’ajoute à la profondeur mentale de tous les irradiés blancs, pas des noirs qui n’ont pas de mental, profond ou pas profond, simplement pas de mental du tout. Reprenons à zéro après ce délire. L’histoire commence à la fin du 17ème siècle au Maryland, en fait en Cornouailles, mais ce n’est qu’une racine nostalgique qui n’est pas la vraie racine de l’histoire. Fille laitière d’une ferme de Cornouailles, elle sera déportée au Maryland pour sept ans d’esclavage bien mérité – elle le dit elle-même – car elle a renversé le pot de lait qu’elle ramenait à la ferme. Pauvre …
  • 4. Perrette, sur sa tête ayant un Pot au lait Bien posé sur un coussinet, Prétendait arriver sans encombre à la ville. Légère et court vêtue elle allait à grands pas, Ayant mis ce jour-là, pour être plus agile, Cotillon simple, et souliers plats. Adieu Cornouailles, Angleterre, Grande Bretagne et Royaume Uni. L’esclavage n’est qu’un plus où on ne peut pas tomber plus bas. Et sept ans c’est rien quand on en a même pas treize, peut-être seulement dix ou onze, l’âge normal de mariage des filles en Angleterre en ce temps-là comme dans les colonies d’ailleurs dont le Maryland n’est qu’un exemple exotique. Et notre Perrette se retrouve fille de plantation, c’est-à-dire esclave corvéable, taillable et baisable à merci. Plantation laitière qui nourrit une étable de femmes noires et quelques esclaves à durée limitée blanches venues d’Angleterre par décision de justice. Elles doivent être enceintes tous les dix-huit mois pour qu’elles produisent du lait de façon continue. Notez que quand elles sont enceintes les soumettre à des rapports sexuels est un gaspillage monumental puisqu’elles ne peuvent pas le devenir davantage et qu’en plus cela risque de provoquer des complications comme fausses-couches et traumatismes multiples chez le bébé, s’il naît. Oh ! combien ils savent tout cela nos planteurs et leurs personnel blanc. Tant qu’on parle de cette situation épineuse qui vous monte l’épine en obélisque en plein centre de la place de la concorde, on suit la ligne du temps normal. Mais quand l’esclavage s’arrête, pour notre cornouaillaise après sept ans et quelques prolongations, on quitte la ligne normale du temps et on essaie de retrouver les ancêtres de ces esclaves noires, et on les retrouve donc en Afrique où les esclaves noires ont leurs racines. Merci, seigneur, Merci mon Dieu, Merci Petit Jésus. Et tout pourra peut-être finir bien avec quelques millions de mort en cours de route, mais les survivants seront « heureux d’être et peureux de paraître, et ils paniqueront devant la perspective inéluctable de disparaître qu’ils diaboliseront ». Mais tout cela n’est valable que pour les noirs, même s’ils n’ont qu’une seule
  • 5. goutte de sang noir. Qu’en est-il alors des blancs, les descendants des planteurs ou esclavagistes qui n’ont pas la moindre goutte de sang noir ? Et c’est alors qu’ils s’imaginent que leurs ancêtres sont les Européens, du moins tant qu’ils restent sans la moindre goutte de sang « coloré » et depuis 1917 ou à peu près ils ont décidé, ces descendants d’esclavagistes, que l’Europe était leur terrain de football américain, leur terrain de jeu, leur cour de récréation, et qu’on se le dise bien entre les deux oreilles, nous n’enverrons pas de militaires mais vous aurez tout le matériel possible même si vous ne savez pas trop vous en servir. Qu’importe le coût pourvu qu’on ait la guerre. C’est là la différence d’avec les noirs. Ce sont les noirs d’Afrique qui aujourd’hui s’installent aux USA, deviennent même Président s’ils ont eu la chance de naître d’un parent américain et sur le sol américain. Pervers je vous dis, et Bessora nous perd dans les dédales d’une généalogie mentale qui n’en finit pas de nous tirailler, de tirailleur indigène en tirailleur sénégalais, jusqu’aux limites extrême d’un irréalisme qui nous prend à la gorge et nous prend la tête et nous fait nous demander, mais à quoi bon de savoir, pourquoi il y avait dans un cimetière bordelais une enterrée noire du treizième siècle momifiée par le calcaire et que j’ai vue, sans toucher, au moins deux fois quand j’étais gamin et qui a disparue depuis un certain temps, et j’ai vérifié lors de ma dernière visite. Alors nous avons tous du sang noir, au moins une goutte, nous les natifs authentiques de cette bonne ville de Bordeaux, et que dire des esclaves qui sont passés à Bordeaux dans les maisons du commerce triangulaire du quai des Chartrons entre la Halle au tabac aujourd’hui devenu centrer culturel et le quai de Bacalan du port à la morue (Bacalan en Occitan et Bacalhau en Portugais) qui détenait les esclaves, ou quelques esclaves dans les arrières de certaines maisons, comme le 95, et qui devaient en vendre quelques uns ou quelques unes pour devenir les bonnes de quelques maisons de la bourgeoisie du bouchon. Nous avons tous des ancêtres africains, et alors !? Je dois dire que je me suis un peu perdu dans les souvenirs d’Afrique et mes amis africains, comme Pierre Ngeyitala de Kinshasa que j’ai aimé comme un frère, un frère noir, comme moi j’étais le frère blanc de ce nouvel ordre religieux racial, un ordre mental et spirituel qui refuse d’être daltonien, « color blind » qu’ils disent les blancs américains qui ne veulent pas voir la couleur des gens : nous sommes tous les mêmes saperlipopette, éliminons les différences de couleur, de toutes les couleurs, mêmes toutes celles de l’arc
  • 6. en ciel. Le problème est de savoir comment on peut le faire : le lance-flamme comme Mussolini en Éthiopie, les fours crématoires comme Hitler en Pologne at en Allemagne, une bonne guerre tribale comme au Congo ou au Rwanda ? Il a fallu deux guerres mondiales en Europe pour éliminer les minorités allemandes en Pologne. Imaginez combien de guerres mondiales il faudra pour éliminer tous les gens de couleur. Tous les gens de couleur ? Même les japonais et les Sud-Coréens ? Ou faire comme H.G. Wells et faire une seule exception pour les juifs car ils acceptent de se marier avec des non-juifs, comme ma grand-mère paternelle. Comme vous y allez, éliminer tous les gens de couleur ! C’est que de parler des ancêtres nous mène peut-être un peu trop loin. Comme il était plus simple de vivre dans une caverne dans le Paléolithique Même si partis d’Afrique Noire, ces Homo Sapiens dit Anciens Européens avaient déjà largement perdu leur mélanine le long de leur route de migration qui n’était pas une Trail of Tears, mais une route d’espoir, l’espoir de coloniser des territoires nouveaux, de les défricher et de les purger de tous les parasites inférieurs, des terres suffisamment giboyeuses pour permettre la survie pendant longtemps de ce peuple blanc élu pour purifier le cosmos. La preuve : nous sommes encore là, même si nos ancêtres sont tous africains. Dr. Jacques COULARDEAU I am not sure you will ethically and morally survive this story of ancestors from the future, "Our ancestors, the Venusians or the Martians", here simply the Black Africans of today seen as the ancestors of the Black slaves or former Black slaves of America, of Maryland precisely. The roots are in the flowers of the flowering trees, in the blooming foliage of some red flamboyant or yellow rooibos. The Roots of the black slaves of America are in the Africans of today. But this is only a detail and “Roots" are just another film or television production. Nelson Mandela is the ancestor of Sally Hemings and her son, a slave like her, and he is the offspring, cut off, discarded really, of Thomas Jefferson whose name the son does not bear and who, the President, made him his house slave in the White House where he, the son of course, serves meals to his "father" the president, naturally, and his white relations. Blacks eat in the kitchen, including the presidential scion. Whether you take Maryland's Mary, one way or the other, you only get twisted situations. Mary II (1662-1694), the Queen of the England of the Glorious Revolution, 1688, and of the Bill of Rights, 1689, rules over a state, Maryland named after her, where
  • 7. the majority of the population is black and has no habeas corpus, whatever Bessora says or may say, it is true, about white people. In the 1630s, the colonial settlement of St. Mary's City was founded. Soon, the first African slaves were imported [like goods, equipment, or cattle] into the Province of Maryland by 1642 to develop the economy in a similar way to Virginia, with tobacco being the commodity crop, which was labor-intensive. In 1755, about 40% of Maryland's population was African Americans and most of them were enslaved. In 1790, the total population was 319,728 people, hence around 150,000 slaves. And anyway, the other Mary that Americans see behind this Maryland is the concubine of the Holy Spirit who took shape one evening in the Temple of Jerusalem where Mary was weaving the veil, one of the many veils of Salome and her dance, who took shape, as I said, in the form of one of the priests of this Temple who suddenly had an urgent desire which he satisfied on the first child that came along, well not quite a child because she was more than thirteen years old, even if this more was only a barely thirteen years old. In this context of the production of children, who sometimes became Messiahs and sons of some God, it is not surprising that the plantation of the slaves concerned was a dairy farm that made its dough, I mean money, with the milk of these slaves that were milked every day and that permanently gave milk provided they were treated like cows and that they were made pregnant every eighteen months, not to allow the survival of the species or the community, but to allow the continuation of the profit of the planter who bred female slaves that he had all the whites possible ride and who sold the milk for pure gold, and the children after four or five years for uranium. Gold is so outdated, obsolete when it comes to slavery. Tintin made it black gold, which is precisely how he referred to the slaves of this trade, on the Indian Ocean and Red Sea. So let's talk about black uranium, which has, in addition to its value, an irradiating influence that adds to the mental depth of all the irradiated whites, not the blacks who have no mind, deep or shallow, simply no mind at all.
  • 8. Let's start over after this rant. The story begins in late 17th century Maryland, actually Cornwall, but that is just a nostalgic root that is not the real root of the story. A milkmaid on a Cornish farm will be deported to Maryland for seven years of well-deserved slavery – she says so herself – because she spilled the milk jug she was bringing back to the farm. Poor ... Perrette, on her head having a Pot of milk Well placed on a cushion, Pretended to arrive safely in the city. Light and short dressed, she went with great steps, Having put on that day, to be more agile, A single petticoat, and flat shoes. Farewell Cornwall, England, Great Britain, and the United Kingdom. Slavery is but a plus where one cannot fall lower. And seven years is nothing when you are not even thirteen, maybe only ten or eleven, the normal age of marriage for girls in England at that time, the same as in the colonies, of which Maryland is only an exotic example. And our Perrette found herself a plantation girl, that is to say, a slave who could be drilled, whipped, and fucked at will. A dairy plantation that feeds a stable of black women and a few white time-limited slaves brought from England by court order. They must be pregnant every eighteen months in order to produce milk continuously. Note that when they are pregnant, subjecting them to sexual intercourse is a monumental waste since they cannot become more pregnant and, in addition, it risks causing complications such as miscarriages and multiple traumas in the baby, if it is born. Oh, how much they know all this our planters and their white staff. As long as we are talking about this thorny situation that erects the mooring dick to the size of an obelisk in the middle of Place de la Concorde, we follow the normal timeline. But when slavery stops, for our Cornish woman after seven years and some extensions, we leave the normal timeline and try to find the ancestors of these black slaves, and we find them in Africa where the black slaves have their roots. Thank you, Lord, thank you, God, thank you, Little Jesus. And maybe everything will end well with a few million dead along the way, but the survivors will be "happy to be and afraid to appear, and they will
  • 9. panic in front of the inescapable perspective of disappearing that they will demonize". But all of this applies only to blacks, even if they have only one drop of black blood. What about the whites, the descendants of planters or slavers who have not a single drop of black blood? And then, they imagine that their ancestors are the Europeans, at least as long as they remain without a single drop of "colored" blood, and since 1917 or thereabouts they have decided, these descendants of slavers, that Europe is their American soccer field, their playground, their own backyard, and let's say it to your two ears, you Europeans, we won't send any GIs, but you'll have all the equipment you can get, even if you don't know how to use it. It doesn't matter how much it costs as long as we get the war we want. That's the difference with the blacks. It's the blacks from Africa who are now settling in the US, even becoming President if they were lucky enough to be born of an American parent and on American soil. Perverse, I tell you, and Bessora loses us in the maze of a mental genealogy that never ends to skirmish with us, sending native skirmishers, and then Senegalese skirmishers, up to the extreme limits of an unrealism that grabs us by the throat and makes us wonder, but what's the point of knowing, why there was in a Bordeaux cemetery a thirteenth-century black woman buried and mummified in limestone and whom I saw, without touching, at least twice when I was a kid and who has disappeared for some time now, and I checked on my last visit. So we all have black blood, at least a drop of it, we the authentic natives of this good city of Bordeaux, and what can we say about the slaves who passed through Bordeaux in the houses of the triangular trade on Quai des Chartrons between the Halle au Tabac, now a cultural center, and the Quai de Bacalan of the cod fishing harbor (cod is Bacalan in Occitan and Bacalhau in Portuguese) which held the slaves, or some slaves in the back of some houses, like number 95, and who had to sell some of them to become the maids of some houses of the wine-and-cork bourgeoisie. We all have African ancestors, so what! I must say that I got a little lost in my memories of Africa and my African friends, like Pierre Ngeyitala from Kinshasa, whom I loved like a brother, a black brother, as I was the white brother of this new racial religious order, a mental and spiritual order that refuses to be color blind, as they say, the white Americans who don't want to see the color of people: we are all the same damn it, let's eliminate the differences of color, of all the colors, even all the colors of the rainbow. The problem is how to do it: with a flamethrower like Mussolini in Ethiopia, with crematoria like Hitler in Poland and Germany, with a good old tribal war like in Congo or Rwanda? It took two world wars in Europe to eliminate the German minorities in Poland. Imagine how many world wars it will take to eliminate all people of all colors. All people of all colors? Even the Japanese and South Koreans? Or could we do it like H.G. Wells and make a single exception for Jews because they agree to marry non-Jews, like my paternal grandmother? As you go, eliminate all people of all colors! Talking about ancestors may be taking us a bit too far. Even if they had left Black Africa, these Homo Sapiens, known as Ancient Europeans, had already largely lost their melanin along their migration route, which was not a Trail of Tears, but a route of hope, the hope of colonizing new territories, of clearing them and purging them of all inferior parasites, lands sufficiently rich in game to allow the survival for a long time of these white people chosen to purify the cosmos. The proof: we are still here, even if our ancestors are all Africans. A rhetorical U-turn to end the review, even if the French phrase would be better, une fin en queue de poisson. Dr. Jacques COULARDEAU
  • 10.
  • 11.
  • 12. NIKOLE HANNAH-JONES – THE NEW YORK TIMES MAGAZINE – THE 1619 PROJECT – 2021 Anyone who wants to know how the United States was born, as I did in the 2010s for some publications, comes to John Smith and his first successful colony, Jamestown, in 1607 in what was to become Virginia. The name of the colony was in honor of King James 1st who had granted the colonists a ten-year license running till 1617. The colonists had a tough time, and they managed to survive thanks to their systematic looting of the Indians for food – and women – and the apparent lack of real deadly hostility on the Indian side. They managed to survive by kidnapping the daughter of the local chief, Pocahontas, the Indian name under which she is known and honored in the US Congress rotunda. Pocahontas was an educated priestess that knew the ritualized procedure to grow and process tobacco which was a sacred plant among Indians. The colonists used Pocahontas in a way that is vastly discussed among historians and Indians. For some, she was a hostage, of course, but also what some Indians today proclaim a seemingly self-appointed (or maybe tribal) diplomat to avoid war with the White Anglo-Saxon Protestants in Jamestown. She was forced – or maybe she decided – to be christened under a Christian name (note the deculturation at work here), though the US mythology (because what they call history is nothing but mythology, and that is already a great honor to call it that) of this period keeps her under the name of Pocahontas, but kneeling and being Christened all dressed in white, the basic symbolical color of the colonists. John Smith She married John Rolfe, provided him with her know-how about tobacco, and gave her a son, Thomas. John Rolfe started the first tobacco plantation in Virginia with seeds
  • 13. that a legend has were stolen from the Spaniards in Barbados or some other West Indian island, but this is a long story. The first decent production of tobacco was completed in 1616 when the colony had to ask the King of England for the renewal of the license. For this, he went to England with his wife and son. They were received with great honors, including a “masque” (the precursor of the English opera that will be developed by Marlowe and Handel, after the former). The king was satisfied with the tobacco and granted John Rolfe the necessary license to produce and export to England and Europe his Virginian tobacco, thus becoming a direct competitor of the Spaniards who had up to then the total monopoly in Europe. Unluckily, Pocahontas died and was buried at Gravesend. John Rolfe entrusted his son who was also sick to a trustworthy man till his uncle, John Rolfe’s brother, could take the guardianship. Thomas Rolfe stayed in England till he was of age to go back to Virginia and start working on his father’s plantation. In 1619, to develop the plantation John Rolfe bought the first-ever Black slaves from a Dutch dealer. And those were the first African slaves in an English colony which was extremely clearly white, Anglo-Saxon, and Protestant, (the famous WASPs) and that is the origin of the African American “problem” that is the subject of this book. But that was not the beginning of slavery in the Americas. John Rolfe and Pocahontas When I was working with my assistant Paula Osorio on an article for the book by Geetha Ganapathy-Doré, Michel Olinga, Cornelius Crowley, Michel Naumann, Yannick Le Boulicaut, et al. IMAGES OF DECOLONIZATION / IMAGES DE LA DÉCOLONISATION, 2013, in which we (me and Paula) published Chapter 2 Jacques COULARDEAU, and Paula OSORIO, Colonization and Decolonization in the US and Mexico, pp. 55-80. We compared the oldest slavery system in the Americas developed by the Spaniards and the Portuguese under the authority of the King of Spain, the Spanish Catholic church, and the Spanish Inquisition, on one hand, and the same slavery developed by the Anglo-Saxons in Northern America. Note the French in Louisiana (an enormous expanse of land from today’s Louisiana and Mississippi to Quebec (included though mostly referred to as New France) had a very close practice to the Spanish practice under the authority of the French King, the French Catholic church, and the nascent royal justice in France. I regret this book does not consider this alternative that has produced what some sociologists consider
  • 14. a three-tiered society on the model of Brazil, but also Mexico. That would have shown how much crueler the Anglo-Saxons were. On the French and Spanish-Portuguese sides the slaves were supposed to be all christened, married, have all the normal religious, Catholic actually, rights and duties. Among these duties, they had the right to have one day a week to attend and perform their marital duties, even if the wife and the husband did not work and live on the same plantation. They could have a normal religious practice, be buried in normal holy cemeteries, and could take part in various entertaining events as singers and musicians, even for a price, which explains why many could actually benefit from manumission on their own earnings. Very few slave masters in the Anglo-Saxon colonies provided their slaves with such rights that included the major Catholic, hence Christian and Protestant, celebrations. They were encouraged to learn the local language and to read and write if they so wanted. Then in this book, the Anglo-Saxon, soon to become American, practice would have appeared for what it was: at least ten times worse than any other comparable slavery for Africans deported and imported (in)to the Americas. The slaves were mixed, so that, they could not easily communicate since they did not have a common language. They were banned from English, except for obedient and humble, hence submissive and subservient, acquiescing responses to the orders they were given. They had to understand but never to learn. Of course, reading and writing were kept away from them as much as possible. They were never really married except in some kind of sham ritual that had no Christian value (Check Toni Morrison’s Beloved). Women were the submissive vessels to all sorts of intrusions and penetrations from the white masters and their friends or clients in order to produce as many children as possible, however by law declared slaves like their mothers. No patrilinear filiation. The children could be sold as soon as six or seven. Among the whites, all males as soon as hormonally able could enter this productive and profitable commerce with all female Black slaves at their disposal, not on demand but on command. And Thomas Jefferson was the model of this treatment with his Black slave at his command including at the White House, and one of her sons, Thomas, served dinner at the table of his mother’s master who was actually his father too.
  • 15. We should not generalize and say that it was always the same thing. Actually, some slave masters could have some dignity and decency and provide their slaves with a softened system that could get closer to the French and Spanish-Portuguese systems. You can find such examples in Solomon Northup’s 12 years a Slave. But let me be clear, even when softened, even in the French or Spanish-Portuguese ways, it was slavery and the basic fundamental element known as freedom was negated, absolutely all freedoms: freedom of expression, freedom of mind and conscience, freedom of circulation and movement in space, freedom of education, freedom of religion, etc. And we should also consider a tremendous number of human rights were negated. The book is clear, and its main idea is that it was so deeply ingrained in the consciousness of the Anglo-Saxon colonists who were such male-chauvinistic white supremacists that the very constitution had a bill of rights that only concerned the free male citizens of the United States. The famous Bill of Rights of this US Constitution never declared in writ, and certainly not in any unwritten intentions that Black slaves were human beings and that they were US citizens by the right of birth (on the US territory). Three amendments were necessary after the Civil War to grant them some of these fundamental civic and civil rights, and yet after five years or so, these three amendments were just nullified in practice by Jim Crowe's policies, the Ku Klux Klan, lynchings, and all sort s of segregation declared constitutional by the Supreme Court. We will have to wait till 1954, Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, for the very first step away from this white supremacist system to be written down on paper. From 1619 up to 1954, Black African Americans were nothing but slaves up to 1865 and then an exploited, rejected, ghettoized non-human population with only one right, the obligation to work under the whip or the financial tyranny of the white masters till they die – and let me be clear: I did say till they died of it. The rule was simple: “One drop of Black blood makes you Black, and Black = SLAVE = NON-HUMAN.” Hence, they were not equal as they should be like all men, meaning all humans, who had been created equal, since they were not human. It is clear the US was a republic of all free men in the colonies soon to become states, and free meant (Blacks and Indians excluded) only men over 21 who were white by definition, had some property, land, or commerce, paid taxes and had been born in the colonies soon to become states, or had
  • 16. been naturalized, and this naturalization did not provide them with the same rights as all citizens, for example, the right to run for president. But as soon as the slave trade was stopped, the Blacks were all or nearly all born in the USA, and yet they were denied their citizenship. The entire system was and still is very careful to keep the Blacks from four elements, basic for citizenship: 1- They were not white, and one drop of Black blood was enough to make an individual Black, hence substandard as for humanity. 2- They had no possession, and no right to have any, land, or home, or even their own lives and bodies (no habeas corpus for them) and the entire system was based on a several-centuries-long deprivation of any property right and any property, and that keeps them down in the footnotes of the margin of white society. 3- They paid no taxes since they had no income and even today their income is so low that taxes for them is nearly a myth, apart from the sales tax they pay every single time they buy something in a store. Better buy on the Black market to evade this sales tax. 4- They were not Christians and had no soul. So, they could not have any education, et best and exclusively vocational training if not vocational taming, like circus animals to clean up streets, or Dunn High School in 1969-70, or the bus station and its toilets at 7:00 in the morning as I saw it in 1973, or eventually to produce what they will never be able to buy. KU KLUX KLAN In other words, they were not created by the white god of the WASPs. They were, like all animals, the production of the wilderness, and they had no more rights than wild beasts who could not even be tamed like horses or cows. They had to be controlled like tigers in a circus in a cage. This is entirely contained in the original constitution, not in real words of exclusion against Blacks or Indians, but because it has no words of inclusion for them to be considered as part of the beneficiaries of the constitution. The famous amendments of the late 1860s, Amendments 13, 14, and 15, changed all that by clearly this time being concerned by the Blacks and by their integration into the political project. But these amendments were implemented at the most five years under reconstruction and then they were systematically negated at all levels of the republic, from local city councils that expelled Black representatives to the Supreme Court itself that asserted among other things that equal but separate was acceptable at all levels of society, though it was
  • 17. obvious that it was a big lie since everything Black had little resources and means that were not in proportion with what everything white had. Segregation in all fields became the norm, not rampant as some may say, but openly asserted and implemented, including with lynchings, pogroms, and punishing expeditions against all Black communities that could menace the white supremacy of this republic that was no longer a republic but was an autocratic racist institution. And that was the rule up to 1954, and do not be naïve. The implementation of this 1954 Supreme Court decision regarding the integration of education took time to be implemented. Dunn High School in Harnett County, North Carolina was one of the latest high schools to be integrated and it happened only in September 1969, and I know about it because I was there at the time. Now, today, in 2022, have things changed? After the eight years of a Black President who defended the idea that things were getting better, we got a long backlash. A backlash at the level of police lynchings and even civilian lynchings of Black males happening at the highest level ever for the last fifty years. George Floyd, due to his death in 17 minutes entirely filmed and broadcast, under the knee of one police officer and with two more doing nothing to stop it, started a movement that was so strong it forced the then President Trump to come out and do extreme things and say extreme words to contain the movement, and in fact, he failed. Since then, some police officers were convicted and sentenced to long prison terms and some civilians had the same fate for chasing and shooting down an unarmed Black jogger. Is it the sign of a real change? In such extreme matters and situations maybe, but the segregation in jobs, employment, housing, education, and the possibility to borrow money or get a mortgage are everyday realities. Systematically Blacks are at something like what seems to be a 50% disadvantage as compared to whites. The Blacks have systematically been sidetracked, contained, pushed aside in all possible fields, and I would say except showbusiness. But that is the most important shortcoming of the book. It alludes to what I am going to say, but it does not seem to capture the deepest positive dynamic of slavery, not planned, or expected by the white enslavers, but the result of a deep, everyday, every moment resistance from the Black community of Black slaves.
  • 18. Since the work of the field slaves was measured every night by weighing how much cotton, for example, they had picked, the slaves organized themselves so that they all worked at the same speed and hence all approached the same average weight of picked cotton. They chanted in rhythm with the work. Note this practice will go on after reconstruction with the chain gangs building the railroads or building the roads. They chanted to regularize the work of them all. The book here insists on the fact white Blackfaces imitated what they thought was the Blacks’ artful performance. These Blackface were mocking the Black slaves for the only pleasure of the only possible audience, whites. But that is totally marginal on the impact of the Black chanting in slave work, directly imported from Africa where music is a rhythmic art, essentially rhythmic and based on chanting and drums of all sorts. This is typical of Black Africa which only had drums of all sorts, which practiced very rhythmic dancing, performed very long collective chanting rhythmically performed to the drums, and at times, some simple pinched-string instruments. I have seen that with my own eyes in the Black neighborhoods and their “cafés” in Kinshasa in 1968. LYNCHED The point is that this musical performance was a basic resisting stance of the Blacks against slavery and the evening whippings of all those who were under the norm, and at the same time, this resisting stance managed to keep the best cotton picker down so that the whites could not increase the level of production for all the slaves because a few, ten or a dozen slaves managed to pick more cotton than the others. This chanting was also used by the Black house-servants taking care of the white children of the plantations, with lullabies and nursery rhymes, and the result was an impact on music in America that was absolutely unpredictable. It produced Gospel music, Jazz, all sorts of rock and roll, Black and Soul, and many other types of music. And it is this music that became the dominant western music in the world as soon as amplification was developed, and even before, as soon as the radio and later the gramophone were invented and became popular in all sorts of bars, cafés, dancing clubs, pools halls, etc. And it was able to cross the segregation line because radio waves cannot be segregated easily. That’s the heritage of Black slavery in the Americas in general, in the USA in particular. When you look at the fundamental and essentially white art of the cinema, it was segregational from the very start. You can see how segregation kept the Blacks in
  • 19. “their” place, which is to say off the screen, or only in some subservient and speechless parts. It took some time before a Black actor got a key role and was allowed to come to dinner tonight. That did not happen in music that was Black and dominated by the Blacks from the very start of microphones, radio, gramophones, and other dancing halls and speakeasies. But this was able to retrieve very old traditions all over the world where people who are exploited very often invent such musical resistance against exploitation or autocracy. After the Second World War, I remember the song carpenters and joiners working in big workshops with irritating autocratic foremen started singing or whistling when the foreman was a little bit annoying to everyone or one particular worker. The music is simple but very rhythmic, and the words are absolutely ridiculous. But it was effective, and the concerned foreman fast retreated to his cubicle. Two lines of seven syllables with a heavy feminine last syllable, and then four more dynamic and rhythmic lines of four syllables. Note the fact the character is a woman in an industry where women were absolutely absent at the time. WHITE CRIMINALS: SON, NEIGHBOR, FATHER Elle a cassé sa jambe, Sa jambe an palissandre. C’est en montant Sur les ch’vaux d’bois Qu’ell’ a cassé Sa jamb’ en bois. (CODA as many times as necessary) She broke her leg, Her rosewood leg. It's going up On wooden horses That she broke Her wooden leg. They could sing, they could whistle, and they could bang their hammers along with the song. Everyone could take part, being only by humming the music. We find such “popular-music” practices everywhere in the world, some of these popular songs with bells and animal cries can be found in the first opera-oratorio in Europe at the end of the 13th century in a celebration in the Beauvais cathedral for Christmas, Ludus Danielis, the Play
  • 20. of Daniel. I have seen some of these popular practices in some villages celebrating the local “gods” in Sri Lanka in 2005. And this anti-Black segregational spirit is still at work in the US Senate where the confirmation of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court is stalled in commission or committee and will have to be taken to the full Senate for a vote. The candidate or appointee is a woman, Black, and very outspoken on racial questions. POLICE CRIMINALS, FROM CHAUVIN TO THE OTHERS To conclude I will go back to the universal trend and movement these Black African Slaves brought to the Americas and the world, even if it took five or six centuries for it to really reach universality. And that’s the most important achievement of Black Africans in the world. Then you just look at the sphere of sports and you find the same domination of Black athletes in many sports because for them it is the easiest way to get a college education and a full scholarship, but even so, they are under intense pressure from the State and from their own “bosses” and “coaches” who are more racially autocratic than democratic. Remember Mexico City Olympic Games and the campaign by Black sportsmen to go down on one knee during the playing of the US national anthem. But when you consider how many Black or Northern African players are in European soccer teams, for one example, you can understand this rise of Black athletes is far from being over and it is in many ways less complete in the USA. In Europe today soccer clubs and games have to get confronted with two misbehaviors in the audience, both segregationist in nature, with visible and hearable remarks against Black and Northern African players on one hand, and gay players on the other hand. Then this book is essential for anyone who wants to understand the race problem in the USA, the only country in the world where such an anti-Black-African segregational systematic policy still exists, and it is not by bringing up mostly isolated instances or events in other countries, none of the size of the USA, that it will erase the social and political evolutions that are taking place in the USA. In Europe, such events are treated as crimes, certainly not as misdemeanors, and absolutely not neglected. And in Europe, it is not only the Blacks that are concerned. It is a shame the USA is still in this unbearable situation and that the Canadian Prime Minister was a white Blackface on his campus when he was a university student, so not that long ago. And keep in mind that Indians, Native Americans, and First Nation people in Northern America are still the descendants of very recent segregational practices that have not at all been redressed and repaired, in any way repaired. But listen carefully: the US Supreme Court will be against any type of affirmative action that would be directed exclusively at Black people and that would impose
  • 21. quotas of any sort in any field. Yet when considering diversity in companies, the idea of taking into account the average proportion of Black, gay, Jewish, Moslem people in the industry of this company or in the region where this company operates, to examine if there is any discrepancy with the same proportion in the company is definitely using a quota approach and here jurisprudence is important. The worst possible form of racism or segregation is racial or gender color-blindness. Diversity wants all people to be accepted the way they are and not the way you may dream of them. Dr. Jacques COULARDEAU