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Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn
Thinking Skills
Learn the Skills of Brainworking – In Less Than an Hour!
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn
One-Minute Tips from Manage Train Learn
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The One-Minute Tips series from Manage Train Learn and Slide Topics is a collection of tips and techniques that
will help you as a learner or trainer to quickly pick up ideas on how to become skilful at everyday workplace
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Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips
Few of us spend much time developing our thinking skills. We
believe that thinking is a natural function that can't be improved or
that the great thinkers among us are more gifted than we are.
Nothing could be further from the truth. All research shows that
we each possess a hugely powerful brain whose ability lies vastly
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips
In industrialised countries,
thinking was until recently
regarded as a second-class
skill. People were employed
first for their manual skill.
All that has changed. With
the information age, brain
has overtaken brawn. The
modern and future worker
needs hand, eye, and brain.
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips
Today's worker is less a manual
worker and more a knowledge
worker. For example, steel makers
don't so much make the steel as
manage the information that makes
the steel. David Potter of Psion says
that the vital competence for future
organisations is the ability to use
thinking skills to develop
information even further.
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips
Mike Pedler and Tom Boydell
discovered that half the key
skills a manager needs today
are thinking skills. They
include analytical, problem-
solving, decision-making and
judgment-forming skills;
command of basic facts;
creativity; professional
understanding; mental agility.
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips
Thomas Stewart says that, in an age
of information, organisations have
more wealth in their employees'
brains than they do at the bank.
Thomas Watson of IBM liked to say
that he would rather his factories
burned to the ground than lose the
knowledge inside his workers'
heads. Stewart calls this knowledge
the intellectual capital of a
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips
Because thinking comes naturally
to all of us, few of us bother to train
our minds to think. The result is a
jumble of confused, disjointed and
reactive thoughts. They don't have
to be. Through training our
thoughts to be focused and
positive, we can change the quality
of our thinking and the quality of
the results.
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips
If you were to take a soil sample of
someone's thoughts, it's likely that
they would consist of a jumble of
confused thoughts going nowhere.
Included in the mix will be
fantasising thoughts, negative
thoughts, worries, fears, and
wishful thinking. Like other
compulsive thoughts, these
thoughts take us nowhere except
round and round.
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips
The human brain connects to a
huge number of sensory nerves,
including 500,000 touch detectors,
200,000 temperature sensors and 4
million pain sensors. With this
amount of information pouring into
our brains, it's no wonder that our
minds wander, we lose the thread
and end up in places we hadn't
intended to go.
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips
Some people have a tendency to
swing from positive moods to
negative moods in a short space of
time. It's what is known as "yo-yo
thinking": one minute up, the next
minute down. Yo-yo thinking is
caused by an over-reaction to what
is happening around us whereas in
truth things are rarely as good or as
bad as we think.
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips
The best way to counter fearful and
doubting thoughts is to anchor our
thinking in the present. We can do
this by asking what thoughts will
help us achieve what we want right
now. A similar technique is free-
flow thinking which lets go of all
past and future thoughts and opens
our minds to present moment
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips
Negative thinking has been shown
to make brain cells shrivel and die
whereas positive thinking can make
them grow. Experiments into the
effect of humour on the brain show
that the more we laugh and feel
happy, the more creative we
become. The answer to "Can you
play football like Beckham?" is not
"No", but "Not yet".
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips
For much of the 20th century,
people thought the brain was a
trial and error mechanism. If we
made a mistake, we needed to
instruct it to do better the next
time. We now know differently.
The brain is a success
mechanism. It actually seeks out
successful solutions to the
positive goals we set it.
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips
Some people look upon memory as
the Rosetta Stone of the brain: the
key that unlocks its workings. Every
civilization ponders the mystery of
memory. The Greeks saw it in terms
of a wax inscription. Medieval man
portrayed it as a system of
hydraulics. In the 17th century, it
became a clockwork mechanism.
And in our times, a computer. What
is certain is that the memory is
phenomenal. And despite what we
think, improveable.
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips
Our ability to recall something is
heightened by sense associations.
Frank Staub proved that wafting
chocolate aroma over a class of
students helped them improve
their recollection of facts when he
repeated it weeks later. This is why
people can remember the sights,
sounds, smells and tastes of
childhood vividly.
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips
When you need to remember
something important, put down a
striking landmark. Some of the best
landmarks are those that are funny,
sexy, unexpected, frightening,
unusual, silly or embarrassing.
That's why we remember our first
day at school (frightening), our first
kiss (sexy), and our first day in a
new job (exciting).
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips
A peg system is a great way to
remember a number sequence. The
peg is a rhyming hook on which we
hang the number. So to remember
the sequence 3621, we might
associate the number 3 with knee,
6 with sticks, 2 with glue and 1 with
gun. From this we can devise a silly
story that will stick in our mind eg
"After hurting my knee, I used
walking sticks joined by glue that
doubled as a gun."
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips
Here are 3 ways to recall
information using sounds: Rhymes
as in the ditty: "In 14 hundred and
82, Columbus sailed the ocean
blue"; Mnemonics such as the
months of the year: "30 days have
September..."; Silly word
associations for remembering
people's names, so Lazenby could
"laze on the bay" and Pakenham
could "pack 'em in".
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips
Every time we use a brain cell, the
coating of myelin around it gets
thicker. This helps us find the brain
cell more quickly next time. That's
why regular review of information
helps us retain it. Review
techniques include: re-telling the
event; re-visiting the location; and
re-playing it in our mind's eye.
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips
No two people ever see the
external world in exactly the same
way. What we think we see is
distorted by our expectations, our
habits, our assumptions and our
viewpoints. As Penelope Fitzgerald
says: "A thing is not what we think
it is, but a think".
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips
Try this experiment. Write down
the Scottish surnames Macdonald,
Macpherson, and Macdougall and
ask someone to pronounce them.
Now follow these with the word
Machinery and people are likely to
mis-pronounce it. This is because
we tend to think in habitual ways
and don't like what doesn't fit.
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips
There is a poem called The Blind Man and the Elephant by
John Godfrey Saxe in which six blind men each touch an
elephant and have to say what it is.
Naturally, because one
touches the ears, another
the trunk, and another
the tusks, they come to
completely different
answers. That's because
what we see depends on
where we see it from.
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips
As we grow up and refine our view
of the world, the connections in our
brain get fewer and fewer. As an
adult we have half the number of
connections we had when we were
two. It's like a sculptor who starts
off with a large block and gradually
chips away at it to create the shape
he needs.
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips
Many of the assumptions we make
about others are based on fixed
thinking patterns. In one university
experiment, a stranger was
introduced to two classes, one as a
student and the other as a
professor. Later the classes were
asked to guess his height. Those
told he was a student believed his
height to be 6" less than those told
he was a professor.
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips
Everything we know, feel and do is
first modelled in our brains. Our
brains are the source of our
imaginations, our willpower and
the concept of who we are. The
human brain is the source of our
potential. If we want to maximise
all we are capable of being, we can
do no better than maximise the 3lb
universe inside our skulls.
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips
Our knowledge of the brain's
potential is very recent. The Greeks
thought that thinking came from
the heart. Renaissance man
thought that the mind was
somewhere outside the brain. In
the 1930's the brain was just
believed to be a storage organ like a
computer. Only since we have
begun to study the workings of the
brain, do we realise how amazing it
really is.
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips
The facts about the human brain
are astounding. The brain's energy
could light a 20-watt bulb
continuously. The number of nerve
cells in one brain is twice the
number of people on earth. There
are more cell connections in the
brain than stars in our galaxy. the
brain can process 30 billion bits of
information every second.
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips
Paul McLean has demonstrated
that the human brain is really 3
separate evolutionary brains: the
reptilian brain which is over 250
million years old and responsible
for our instinctive actions. It is
located in the medulla-limbic area.;
the mammalian brain that is the
seat of our emotions; the thinking
brain in the cerebral cortex which is
just 40,000 years old.
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Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips
The left side of the brain is the seat
of logic, speech, and analysis. The
right side of the brain is the seat of
symbol, imagination and abstract
thought. We use the 2 hemispheres
together when we imagine a goal
and then take the steps to get
there. Like President Kennedy
declaring the dream of a moon
landing and then setting in train
how it was to happen.
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips
The human brain has 4 super
functions. Thinking: we are unique
in being able to think about
thinking. Storing: we can store
everything that has ever happened
to us. Behaviour: we can automate
much of what we do to happen
without our conscious thought.
Applications: we can use our brains
to be creative and change the way
we live.
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips
Brain Nearly all of the power of the
human brain lies deep in the
subconscious. The conscious brain
can only retain about 7 items at any
one time. Write out a list of
shopping items and try to
remember it exactly when you get
to the shop. But when you access
the rich store in your subconscious,
anything is possible.
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips
There are 5 ways to access the
amazing power of your
subconscious brain: intuition or gut
feel: this is your subconscious
talking; meditation: which puts
your brain into a waking theta
state; self-awareness: observing
yourself from outside yourself; soft
focus: which turns off the conscious
thinking process; light-heartedness:
which frees us from habitual
patterns and seriousness.
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips
There are 3 amazing features of the
subconscious brain. First, the self-
image. Whatever image of yourself
you present to your brain is the
person you will become. Secondly,
the problem-solver. Give your brain
a problem, and it will try to resolve
it by itself. Thirdly, drive and energy.
The subconscious has a momentum
all of its own. It wants you to
achieve your goals and will take you
there if you will let it.
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips
Brainstorming is a great technique
for creating a huge quantity of
ideas in the shortest possible time.
It does, however, rely on people
letting themselves run riot with
ideas and not feel that they and the
idea are being judged. In a
brainstorming group, pick the
fastest writer to record all the
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips
Sparking is the basic technique of
brainstorming. It's a bit like an
electric spark that sets fire to
something else. So one idea sets
off another. And another. And
another. Until you have a flood.
That's why everyone in the group
should not prepare their thoughts
but listen to each other and come
up with ideas spontaneously.
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips
A brainstorming technique that can
spark off more ideas is Paradoxical
Intention. This means getting the
group to think of ideas to make a
problem worse, as in: what could
we do to lose more orders?
Although it sounds obtuse, some of
the answers can, paradoxically,
contain the germ of great solutions.
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips
Another technique that a
brainstorming group can use to re-
start the flow of ideas is Seeding.
You simply choose a word at
random and see what associations
it has with the problem your group
is looking at. A group looking at its
excessive amount of paperwork
chose "breakfast" and came up
with a once-a-week breakfast-time
meeting to clear their paperwork.
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips
One clever technique of
brainstorming is Wording. Simply
write down the problem you're
looking at, eg "How do we reduce
our paperwork?" and then
brainstorm ideas around each of
the words, starting with "How",
then "do", next "we" and ending
with "paperwork". This gets the
group going again on new lines of
creative thinking.
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips
Most of our organisations are run
on rational lines. After all,
management is a logical function
that tries to predict and plan with
certainty. Yet, in today's
organisations, that's no longer
enough. When beset by
competition and change,
organisations have to come up with
ideas that are better than "this is
the way we've always done it".
They need creative thinking.
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips
As adults we tend to think in a
conditioned way aimed at showing
how clever we are. Yet, as children,
we were simply spontaneous and
far more creative in our thinking. To
re-capture your childhood curiosity,
allow yourself to just wonder at
things, to be completely present in
the here and now, and to detach
yourself from what you thought
was real.
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips
To be innovative doesn't require a
university degree; it simply requires
making a connection between old
ideas. For instance, did you know
that ice cream was invented in
2000 BC yet it took another 3900
years for someone to come up with
the idea of a cone? It's when you
take two seemingly unrelated items
and use the spark of creativity that
genius happens.
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips
It is a peculiarly Western trait to
want to tie things up in neat
bundles. We prefer solutions to
problems, and answers to
questions. To be creative, you need
to be comfortable with things that
don't fit. The Eastern tradition is
more in tune with incongruence. As
in this Zen koan, or problem: what
is the sound of one hand clapping?
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips
Tom Peters says that the creativity
of a workplace can be measured by
a laughometer, ie how much it
laughs. Humour is one of the
greatest creative devices. It jolts us
out of our normal patterns and puts
ideas together that shouldn't go
together. It has been found that
when students listen to comedy
tapes, their ability to solve
problems rises by 60%.
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips
Many of the products we take for
granted today are the result of
people thinking outside their limits.
John Lynn recalls attending a
computer conference in the 1980's
at a hotel when someone joked
that the next thing they'd be
thinking of would be computerised
doors. When he went back to the
same hotel 20 years later, all the
doors used computer-programmed
key cards.
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips
To be creative doesn't require blue-
sky thinking. You can still be
creative by adapting what works
elsewhere. An American airline that
wanted quicker turnarounds on
their flights adopted the techniques
of Formula One pit crews. Another
source of ideas is nature. Georges
de Mestral adapted the way certain
seeds stick to clothing and invented
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips
Dreaming and day-dreaming can
create a rich seam of ideas,
because that's when we relax and
let the subconscious mind work by
itself. The Roffey Park Management
Institute calls this "washing-up
creativity" because most flashes of
inspiration come when we are
walking the dog, sitting
Archimedes-like in the bath, or
doing the washing up.
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips
Studies show that the average
person takes 612 decisions a day.
That's 223,380 a year. Strategic
thinking is about how each of those
decisions affect your tomorrows.
When your decisions are in
alignment with what's important to
you, then life becomes meaningful
and productive.
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips
There are 5 don'ts in decision-
taking. Don't make a decision
unless you have 2 equally valid
options. Don’t make a decision if
it's someone else's responsibility.
Don't make a decision unless
there's disagreement. Don't make a
decision until you have to. Don't
make a decision unless you can act
on it at once.
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips
The best decisions are hot-iron
decisions, taken when the iron is
hot and the time just right. Too
much thinking about the decision
may miss the moment for action.
Too much action may be at the
expense of thought. Aim to balance
thought and action: look before you
leap and leap before you look.
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips
In the thinking stage of decision-
taking, you need to collect, sift and
analyse the relevant data. This can
include not just the facts, but how
you feel about what to do. There
are a number of models that can
help you organise the data, such as:
the Rainbow Model, NOISICED
(decision backwards) and the Six
Thinking Hats of Edward de Bono.
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips
Most of us face a decision when we
have just two choices and can't
decide which to make. One way is
to list the pros and cons of each
option and see which is the best.
Another way is to toss a coin.
Einstein used this method but
would always see how the coin fell
and then ask himself how he felt
about the result. If he felt good, he
would go with it; if not, he would
ignore it.
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips
Many of the biggest business
decisions ever taken were taken on
instinct. Not on a whim, but on a
sense of what feels right. Some
people can sense a right decision in
their gut, some in their heart. It just
feels right or not. That's why you
should take the big decisions with
your heart and the little ones with
your head.
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips
Some decisions can be made on the
hoof, as we go, as long as we are
prepared to learn from wrong
decisions and go back. This is a
much better choice than making no
decision at all. Particularly in
business. As Tom Watson says:
"Doing nothing is a comfortable
alternative because it is without
risk, but it is an absolutely fatal way
to do business."
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips
Most people respond to a problem
in one of 3 ways. They get afraid
and wish it would go away. They
feel they have to come up with an
immediate answer. They look for
someone to blame. In Chinese, the
symbol for a crisis is the same as
that for crossroads. The goal of
problem-solving is to make us
competent to handle that crisis.
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips
The classical approach to problem-
solving uses both left-brain and
right-brain thinking. We break the
problem down with the left and get
possible solutions with the right.
The steps are: define the problem;
define the solution; advance
possible solutions; test them; select
the best fit.
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips
Tom Hicks of Connexus says that people are born problem-solvers
but don't realise it. It is our fear of conflict and our fear of failure
that makes us
uncomfortable with
problems. Hicks says a
problem is like a bend in
the road where we can't
see ahead. Take the
bend fast and you'll
crash. Slow down and
you'll make it.
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips
Carl Jung said that we sometimes
go looking for problems where
none exist. When a new situation
arises that you think is a problem,
first ask yourself: is this a problem
or just an unexpected situation?; Is
this a problem or an opportunity to
learn?; Is this a problem or do I
need to change the way I do
something? Change your point of
view and you change the problem.
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips
The value of using a group to
problem-solve is that a group can
come up with more ideas than one
person on their own. Douglas
McGregor has defined the features
of an effective problem-solving
group: an informal atmosphere;
active listening; frank criticism of
ideas; responsibility for action;
openness about feelings.
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips
A problem can sometimes seem
hard to crack because of the way
we word it. Change the words and
you change the problem. For
example, when asked for a "new
door design", engineers will change
the handle and hinges. But when
you ask them for a "new entrance
way", all manner of chutes, slides,
and openings become possible.
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips
When looking at quality defects,
the Japanese use a technique called
the 5 Whys? They ask 5 Why
questions in a row to get to the
heart of the problem. Reducing a
problem to its bare essentials like
this is known as Occam's razor after
a method used by William of
Occam in the 14th century.
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips
An innovation is the application of
an old idea in new ways. Innovation
is an absolute pre-requisite for
survival in today's workplaces. Not
just in terms of new products, but
in solving intractable problems and
finding new inventive ways to
market, organise and use all the
resources available.
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips
Goran Ekvall has defined three
conditions needed for a climate of
creativity. These are: trust,
dynamism, and humour. When
studying why the women's section
of a Swedish newspaper always
outperformed their colleagues,
Ekval found they had a creative
sense of humour which the others
didn't have.
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips
According to the Roffey Park
Management Institute, most
flashes of inspiration come to
people when they are not actively
thinking, such as when shaving or
washing the dishes. It was the same
for Isaac Newton when an apple fell
on his head in the garden. And for
Archimedes it was in his bath.
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips
As well as pure invention, we can
make innovations by putting two
things together in a new way. Akio
Morita, chairman of Sony, said that
he asked his team to create a tape
recorder he could go on walks with.
The team put together a transistor
radio and a tape recorder and came
up with the Walkman.
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips
The method of adapting what our
situation is like and adapting it to
our needs is called "metaphorical
analysis". It's what watchmakers
Swatch did when they turned their
watches into fashion accessory
items. And what an American
airline did when it copied the
methods of Formula One pit-stop
crews to turn their aircraft round
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips
Once a new idea has been adopted
and found to work, it stops being
new and becomes part of the way
we see things. The history of the
world is the history of innovation
and acceptance. Thomas Kuhn
called this a paradigm shift: a
complete break with the past, that
once shifts never goes back.
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn
Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips
This has been a Slide Topic from Manage Train Learn

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One-Minute Tips: Thinking Skills

  • 1. 1| Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn ONE-MINUTE TIPS Thinking Skills Learn the Skills of Brainworking – In Less Than an Hour!
  • 2. 2| Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn One-Minute Tips from Manage Train Learn Attribution: All images are from sources which do not require attribution and may be used for commercial uses. Sources include pixabay, unsplash, and freepik. These images may also be those which are in the public domain, out of copyright, for fair use, or allowed under a Creative Commons license. The One-Minute Tips series from Manage Train Learn and Slide Topics is a collection of tips and techniques that will help you as a learner or trainer to quickly pick up ideas on how to become skilful at everyday workplace situations. The written content in this Slide Topic belongs exclusively to Manage Train Learn and may only be reprinted either by agreed attribution to Manage Train Learn or with the express written permission of Manage Train Learn. They are designed as a series of numbered slides on an attractive design background. As with all programmes on Slide Topics, these slides are fully editable and can be used in your own programmes, royalty-free. Your only limitation is that you may not re-publish or sell these slides as your own. Copyright Manage Train Learn 2020 onwards.
  • 3. 3| Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn ARE YOU READY? OK, LET’S START!
  • 4. 4| Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips Few of us spend much time developing our thinking skills. We believe that thinking is a natural function that can't be improved or that the great thinkers among us are more gifted than we are. Nothing could be further from the truth. All research shows that we each possess a hugely powerful brain whose ability lies vastly underused. #1.UseYourBraintotheFull
  • 5. 5| Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips In industrialised countries, thinking was until recently regarded as a second-class skill. People were employed first for their manual skill. All that has changed. With the information age, brain has overtaken brawn. The modern and future worker needs hand, eye, and brain. #2.SeeYourBrainasaKeyResource
  • 6. 6| Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips Today's worker is less a manual worker and more a knowledge worker. For example, steel makers don't so much make the steel as manage the information that makes the steel. David Potter of Psion says that the vital competence for future organisations is the ability to use thinking skills to develop information even further. #3.BeaKnowledgeWorker
  • 7. 7| Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips Mike Pedler and Tom Boydell discovered that half the key skills a manager needs today are thinking skills. They include analytical, problem- solving, decision-making and judgment-forming skills; command of basic facts; creativity; professional understanding; mental agility. #4.UseYourBrainstoManage
  • 8. 8| Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips Thomas Stewart says that, in an age of information, organisations have more wealth in their employees' brains than they do at the bank. Thomas Watson of IBM liked to say that he would rather his factories burned to the ground than lose the knowledge inside his workers' heads. Stewart calls this knowledge the intellectual capital of a business. #5.MeasureYourRealWealth
  • 9. 9| Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips Because thinking comes naturally to all of us, few of us bother to train our minds to think. The result is a jumble of confused, disjointed and reactive thoughts. They don't have to be. Through training our thoughts to be focused and positive, we can change the quality of our thinking and the quality of the results. #6.TrainYourThoughts
  • 10. 10| Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips If you were to take a soil sample of someone's thoughts, it's likely that they would consist of a jumble of confused thoughts going nowhere. Included in the mix will be fantasising thoughts, negative thoughts, worries, fears, and wishful thinking. Like other compulsive thoughts, these thoughts take us nowhere except round and round. #7.WeedOutNegativeThinking
  • 11. 11| Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips The human brain connects to a huge number of sensory nerves, including 500,000 touch detectors, 200,000 temperature sensors and 4 million pain sensors. With this amount of information pouring into our brains, it's no wonder that our minds wander, we lose the thread and end up in places we hadn't intended to go. #8.ValueYourBrain’sPotential
  • 12. 12| Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips Some people have a tendency to swing from positive moods to negative moods in a short space of time. It's what is known as "yo-yo thinking": one minute up, the next minute down. Yo-yo thinking is caused by an over-reaction to what is happening around us whereas in truth things are rarely as good or as bad as we think. #9.AvoidYo-YoThinking
  • 13. 13| Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips The best way to counter fearful and doubting thoughts is to anchor our thinking in the present. We can do this by asking what thoughts will help us achieve what we want right now. A similar technique is free- flow thinking which lets go of all past and future thoughts and opens our minds to present moment awareness. #10.BeAwareinthePresent
  • 14. 14| Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips Negative thinking has been shown to make brain cells shrivel and die whereas positive thinking can make them grow. Experiments into the effect of humour on the brain show that the more we laugh and feel happy, the more creative we become. The answer to "Can you play football like Beckham?" is not "No", but "Not yet". #11.NegativeThinking
  • 15. 15| Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips For much of the 20th century, people thought the brain was a trial and error mechanism. If we made a mistake, we needed to instruct it to do better the next time. We now know differently. The brain is a success mechanism. It actually seeks out successful solutions to the positive goals we set it. #12.YourSuccessMechanism
  • 16. 16| Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips Some people look upon memory as the Rosetta Stone of the brain: the key that unlocks its workings. Every civilization ponders the mystery of memory. The Greeks saw it in terms of a wax inscription. Medieval man portrayed it as a system of hydraulics. In the 17th century, it became a clockwork mechanism. And in our times, a computer. What is certain is that the memory is phenomenal. And despite what we think, improveable. #13.TheHistoryofMemory
  • 17. 17| Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips Our ability to recall something is heightened by sense associations. Frank Staub proved that wafting chocolate aroma over a class of students helped them improve their recollection of facts when he repeated it weeks later. This is why people can remember the sights, sounds, smells and tastes of childhood vividly. #14.SenseAssociations
  • 18. 18| Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips When you need to remember something important, put down a striking landmark. Some of the best landmarks are those that are funny, sexy, unexpected, frightening, unusual, silly or embarrassing. That's why we remember our first day at school (frightening), our first kiss (sexy), and our first day in a new job (exciting). #15.Landmarks
  • 19. 19| Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips A peg system is a great way to remember a number sequence. The peg is a rhyming hook on which we hang the number. So to remember the sequence 3621, we might associate the number 3 with knee, 6 with sticks, 2 with glue and 1 with gun. From this we can devise a silly story that will stick in our mind eg "After hurting my knee, I used walking sticks joined by glue that doubled as a gun." #16.ThePegSystem
  • 20. 20| Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips Here are 3 ways to recall information using sounds: Rhymes as in the ditty: "In 14 hundred and 82, Columbus sailed the ocean blue"; Mnemonics such as the months of the year: "30 days have September..."; Silly word associations for remembering people's names, so Lazenby could "laze on the bay" and Pakenham could "pack 'em in". #17.Rhymes,Mnemonics,andSillySayings
  • 21. 21| Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips Every time we use a brain cell, the coating of myelin around it gets thicker. This helps us find the brain cell more quickly next time. That's why regular review of information helps us retain it. Review techniques include: re-telling the event; re-visiting the location; and re-playing it in our mind's eye. #18.ReviewandYourBrainCells
  • 22. 22| Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips No two people ever see the external world in exactly the same way. What we think we see is distorted by our expectations, our habits, our assumptions and our viewpoints. As Penelope Fitzgerald says: "A thing is not what we think it is, but a think". #19.OurViewoftheWorld
  • 23. 23| Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips Try this experiment. Write down the Scottish surnames Macdonald, Macpherson, and Macdougall and ask someone to pronounce them. Now follow these with the word Machinery and people are likely to mis-pronounce it. This is because we tend to think in habitual ways and don't like what doesn't fit. #20.HabitualThinking
  • 24. 24| Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips There is a poem called The Blind Man and the Elephant by John Godfrey Saxe in which six blind men each touch an elephant and have to say what it is. #21.ADifferentPointofView Naturally, because one touches the ears, another the trunk, and another the tusks, they come to completely different answers. That's because what we see depends on where we see it from.
  • 25. 25| Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips As we grow up and refine our view of the world, the connections in our brain get fewer and fewer. As an adult we have half the number of connections we had when we were two. It's like a sculptor who starts off with a large block and gradually chips away at it to create the shape he needs. #22.LimitingOurBrainConnections
  • 26. 26| Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips Many of the assumptions we make about others are based on fixed thinking patterns. In one university experiment, a stranger was introduced to two classes, one as a student and the other as a professor. Later the classes were asked to guess his height. Those told he was a student believed his height to be 6" less than those told he was a professor. #23.HowAssumptionsConfuseOurBrains
  • 27. 27| Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips Everything we know, feel and do is first modelled in our brains. Our brains are the source of our imaginations, our willpower and the concept of who we are. The human brain is the source of our potential. If we want to maximise all we are capable of being, we can do no better than maximise the 3lb universe inside our skulls. #24.ThoughtsComeFirst
  • 28. 28| Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips Our knowledge of the brain's potential is very recent. The Greeks thought that thinking came from the heart. Renaissance man thought that the mind was somewhere outside the brain. In the 1930's the brain was just believed to be a storage organ like a computer. Only since we have begun to study the workings of the brain, do we realise how amazing it really is. #25.OurChangingKnowledgeoftheBrain
  • 29. 29| Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips The facts about the human brain are astounding. The brain's energy could light a 20-watt bulb continuously. The number of nerve cells in one brain is twice the number of people on earth. There are more cell connections in the brain than stars in our galaxy. the brain can process 30 billion bits of information every second. #26.ThePoweroftheBrain
  • 30. 30| Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips Paul McLean has demonstrated that the human brain is really 3 separate evolutionary brains: the reptilian brain which is over 250 million years old and responsible for our instinctive actions. It is located in the medulla-limbic area.; the mammalian brain that is the seat of our emotions; the thinking brain in the cerebral cortex which is just 40,000 years old. #27.OurEvolutionaryBrains
  • 31. 31| Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips The left side of the brain is the seat of logic, speech, and analysis. The right side of the brain is the seat of symbol, imagination and abstract thought. We use the 2 hemispheres together when we imagine a goal and then take the steps to get there. Like President Kennedy declaring the dream of a moon landing and then setting in train how it was to happen. #28.CranialHemispheres
  • 32. 32| Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips The human brain has 4 super functions. Thinking: we are unique in being able to think about thinking. Storing: we can store everything that has ever happened to us. Behaviour: we can automate much of what we do to happen without our conscious thought. Applications: we can use our brains to be creative and change the way we live. #29.TheFourSuper-FunctionsoftheBrain
  • 33. 33| Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips Brain Nearly all of the power of the human brain lies deep in the subconscious. The conscious brain can only retain about 7 items at any one time. Write out a list of shopping items and try to remember it exactly when you get to the shop. But when you access the rich store in your subconscious, anything is possible. #30.TheLimitsoftheConscious
  • 34. 34| Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips There are 5 ways to access the amazing power of your subconscious brain: intuition or gut feel: this is your subconscious talking; meditation: which puts your brain into a waking theta state; self-awareness: observing yourself from outside yourself; soft focus: which turns off the conscious thinking process; light-heartedness: which frees us from habitual patterns and seriousness. #31.TuningIntotheSub-Conscious
  • 35. 35| Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips There are 3 amazing features of the subconscious brain. First, the self- image. Whatever image of yourself you present to your brain is the person you will become. Secondly, the problem-solver. Give your brain a problem, and it will try to resolve it by itself. Thirdly, drive and energy. The subconscious has a momentum all of its own. It wants you to achieve your goals and will take you there if you will let it. #32.FeaturesoftheSub-ConsciousBrain
  • 36. 36| Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips Brainstorming is a great technique for creating a huge quantity of ideas in the shortest possible time. It does, however, rely on people letting themselves run riot with ideas and not feel that they and the idea are being judged. In a brainstorming group, pick the fastest writer to record all the ideas. #33.Brainstorming
  • 37. 37| Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips Sparking is the basic technique of brainstorming. It's a bit like an electric spark that sets fire to something else. So one idea sets off another. And another. And another. Until you have a flood. That's why everyone in the group should not prepare their thoughts but listen to each other and come up with ideas spontaneously. #34.Sparking
  • 38. 38| Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips A brainstorming technique that can spark off more ideas is Paradoxical Intention. This means getting the group to think of ideas to make a problem worse, as in: what could we do to lose more orders? Although it sounds obtuse, some of the answers can, paradoxically, contain the germ of great solutions. #35.ParadoxicalIntention
  • 39. 39| Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips Another technique that a brainstorming group can use to re- start the flow of ideas is Seeding. You simply choose a word at random and see what associations it has with the problem your group is looking at. A group looking at its excessive amount of paperwork chose "breakfast" and came up with a once-a-week breakfast-time meeting to clear their paperwork. #36.Seeding
  • 40. 40| Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips One clever technique of brainstorming is Wording. Simply write down the problem you're looking at, eg "How do we reduce our paperwork?" and then brainstorm ideas around each of the words, starting with "How", then "do", next "we" and ending with "paperwork". This gets the group going again on new lines of creative thinking. #37.Wording
  • 41. 41| Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips Most of our organisations are run on rational lines. After all, management is a logical function that tries to predict and plan with certainty. Yet, in today's organisations, that's no longer enough. When beset by competition and change, organisations have to come up with ideas that are better than "this is the way we've always done it". They need creative thinking. #38.CreativeThinking
  • 42. 42| Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips As adults we tend to think in a conditioned way aimed at showing how clever we are. Yet, as children, we were simply spontaneous and far more creative in our thinking. To re-capture your childhood curiosity, allow yourself to just wonder at things, to be completely present in the here and now, and to detach yourself from what you thought was real. #39.BeingKidsAgain
  • 43. 43| Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips To be innovative doesn't require a university degree; it simply requires making a connection between old ideas. For instance, did you know that ice cream was invented in 2000 BC yet it took another 3900 years for someone to come up with the idea of a cone? It's when you take two seemingly unrelated items and use the spark of creativity that genius happens. #40.FindingConnections
  • 44. 44| Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips It is a peculiarly Western trait to want to tie things up in neat bundles. We prefer solutions to problems, and answers to questions. To be creative, you need to be comfortable with things that don't fit. The Eastern tradition is more in tune with incongruence. As in this Zen koan, or problem: what is the sound of one hand clapping? #41.IncongruenceandCreativity
  • 45. 45| Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips Tom Peters says that the creativity of a workplace can be measured by a laughometer, ie how much it laughs. Humour is one of the greatest creative devices. It jolts us out of our normal patterns and puts ideas together that shouldn't go together. It has been found that when students listen to comedy tapes, their ability to solve problems rises by 60%. #42.CreativityandHumour
  • 46. 46| Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips Many of the products we take for granted today are the result of people thinking outside their limits. John Lynn recalls attending a computer conference in the 1980's at a hotel when someone joked that the next thing they'd be thinking of would be computerised doors. When he went back to the same hotel 20 years later, all the doors used computer-programmed key cards. #43.ThinkingOutsidetheLimits
  • 47. 47| Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips To be creative doesn't require blue- sky thinking. You can still be creative by adapting what works elsewhere. An American airline that wanted quicker turnarounds on their flights adopted the techniques of Formula One pit crews. Another source of ideas is nature. Georges de Mestral adapted the way certain seeds stick to clothing and invented Velcro. #44.AdaptingWhatWorks
  • 48. 48| Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips Dreaming and day-dreaming can create a rich seam of ideas, because that's when we relax and let the subconscious mind work by itself. The Roffey Park Management Institute calls this "washing-up creativity" because most flashes of inspiration come when we are walking the dog, sitting Archimedes-like in the bath, or doing the washing up. #45.Dreaming
  • 49. 49| Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips Studies show that the average person takes 612 decisions a day. That's 223,380 a year. Strategic thinking is about how each of those decisions affect your tomorrows. When your decisions are in alignment with what's important to you, then life becomes meaningful and productive. #46.StrategyandToday’sDecisions
  • 50. 50| Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips There are 5 don'ts in decision- taking. Don't make a decision unless you have 2 equally valid options. Don’t make a decision if it's someone else's responsibility. Don't make a decision unless there's disagreement. Don't make a decision until you have to. Don't make a decision unless you can act on it at once. #47.FiveDon’tsinDecisions
  • 51. 51| Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips The best decisions are hot-iron decisions, taken when the iron is hot and the time just right. Too much thinking about the decision may miss the moment for action. Too much action may be at the expense of thought. Aim to balance thought and action: look before you leap and leap before you look. #48.Hot-IronDecisions
  • 52. 52| Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips In the thinking stage of decision- taking, you need to collect, sift and analyse the relevant data. This can include not just the facts, but how you feel about what to do. There are a number of models that can help you organise the data, such as: the Rainbow Model, NOISICED (decision backwards) and the Six Thinking Hats of Edward de Bono. #49.Decision-takingModels
  • 53. 53| Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips Most of us face a decision when we have just two choices and can't decide which to make. One way is to list the pros and cons of each option and see which is the best. Another way is to toss a coin. Einstein used this method but would always see how the coin fell and then ask himself how he felt about the result. If he felt good, he would go with it; if not, he would ignore it. #50.Either-Or
  • 54. 54| Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips Many of the biggest business decisions ever taken were taken on instinct. Not on a whim, but on a sense of what feels right. Some people can sense a right decision in their gut, some in their heart. It just feels right or not. That's why you should take the big decisions with your heart and the little ones with your head. #51.GutFeel
  • 55. 55| Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips Some decisions can be made on the hoof, as we go, as long as we are prepared to learn from wrong decisions and go back. This is a much better choice than making no decision at all. Particularly in business. As Tom Watson says: "Doing nothing is a comfortable alternative because it is without risk, but it is an absolutely fatal way to do business." #52.DecisionsOntheHoof
  • 56. 56| Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips Most people respond to a problem in one of 3 ways. They get afraid and wish it would go away. They feel they have to come up with an immediate answer. They look for someone to blame. In Chinese, the symbol for a crisis is the same as that for crossroads. The goal of problem-solving is to make us competent to handle that crisis. #53.AProblemisanOpportunitynotaCrisis
  • 57. 57| Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips The classical approach to problem- solving uses both left-brain and right-brain thinking. We break the problem down with the left and get possible solutions with the right. The steps are: define the problem; define the solution; advance possible solutions; test them; select the best fit. #54.TheClassicalApproach
  • 58. 58| Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips Tom Hicks of Connexus says that people are born problem-solvers but don't realise it. It is our fear of conflict and our fear of failure #55.TheBendintheRoad that makes us uncomfortable with problems. Hicks says a problem is like a bend in the road where we can't see ahead. Take the bend fast and you'll crash. Slow down and you'll make it.
  • 59. 59| Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips Carl Jung said that we sometimes go looking for problems where none exist. When a new situation arises that you think is a problem, first ask yourself: is this a problem or just an unexpected situation?; Is this a problem or an opportunity to learn?; Is this a problem or do I need to change the way I do something? Change your point of view and you change the problem. #56.IsItReallyaProblem?
  • 60. 60| Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips The value of using a group to problem-solve is that a group can come up with more ideas than one person on their own. Douglas McGregor has defined the features of an effective problem-solving group: an informal atmosphere; active listening; frank criticism of ideas; responsibility for action; openness about feelings. #57.UsingtheGroup
  • 61. 61| Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips A problem can sometimes seem hard to crack because of the way we word it. Change the words and you change the problem. For example, when asked for a "new door design", engineers will change the handle and hinges. But when you ask them for a "new entrance way", all manner of chutes, slides, and openings become possible. #58.ChangetheProblem
  • 62. 62| Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips When looking at quality defects, the Japanese use a technique called the 5 Whys? They ask 5 Why questions in a row to get to the heart of the problem. Reducing a problem to its bare essentials like this is known as Occam's razor after a method used by William of Occam in the 14th century. #59.TheFiveWhys
  • 63. 63| Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips An innovation is the application of an old idea in new ways. Innovation is an absolute pre-requisite for survival in today's workplaces. Not just in terms of new products, but in solving intractable problems and finding new inventive ways to market, organise and use all the resources available. #60.WhatIsInnovation?
  • 64. 64| Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips Goran Ekvall has defined three conditions needed for a climate of creativity. These are: trust, dynamism, and humour. When studying why the women's section of a Swedish newspaper always outperformed their colleagues, Ekval found they had a creative sense of humour which the others didn't have. #61.AClimateofCreativity
  • 65. 65| Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips According to the Roffey Park Management Institute, most flashes of inspiration come to people when they are not actively thinking, such as when shaving or washing the dishes. It was the same for Isaac Newton when an apple fell on his head in the garden. And for Archimedes it was in his bath. #62.FlashesofInspiration
  • 66. 66| Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips As well as pure invention, we can make innovations by putting two things together in a new way. Akio Morita, chairman of Sony, said that he asked his team to create a tape recorder he could go on walks with. The team put together a transistor radio and a tape recorder and came up with the Walkman. #63.NewConnections
  • 67. 67| Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips The method of adapting what our situation is like and adapting it to our needs is called "metaphorical analysis". It's what watchmakers Swatch did when they turned their watches into fashion accessory items. And what an American airline did when it copied the methods of Formula One pit-stop crews to turn their aircraft round quicker. #64.MetaphoricalAnalysis
  • 68. 68| Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn Thinking SkillsOne-Minute Tips Once a new idea has been adopted and found to work, it stops being new and becomes part of the way we see things. The history of the world is the history of innovation and acceptance. Thomas Kuhn called this a paradigm shift: a complete break with the past, that once shifts never goes back. #65.ParadigmShifts
  • 69. 69| Thinking SkillsOne-Minute TipsManage Train Learn ARE YOU READY? OK, LET’S START! THAT’S IT! WELL DONE!
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