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@benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 1
Who's this clown?
— Security Engineer at Stripe
— Infrastructure security at Etsy
— Operations monkey at Puppet Labs
— Was once retweeted by William Gibson!
— basically, kind of a big deal
@benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 2
— Intro (we're crushing this already)
— Mac OS history and sadness
— Malware reversing and how
— 5 minute break
— Discovering problems in the first place
— Hardening?
— Fin
@benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 3
This is workshop, not an amzing slide deck, please throw
any and all questions my way.
PLEASE experiment, as hard as you can.
This is not exhaustive, thankfully.
@benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 4
The VM
It's nasty.
It has no network adaptor on it, so can only harm itself.
Requires VMware Fusion on a Mac, due to licensing (the
trial is on the drive too)
@benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 5
but first, a li!le history
@benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 6
Once upon a time, macs looked like this
@benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 7
and this
@benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 8
macs are secure!
@benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 9
This is actually the grandparent of your mac
@benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 10
@benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 11
So what Ben?
— NeXTSTEP originally released in 1989.
— The Mach Kernel project ran from 1985 to 1994.
(somewhat hyperbolic, but you see what I'm saying)
@benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 12
How scary?
/* XXX this is _not_ designed to be fast */
/* wordexp is also rife with security "challenges", unless you pass it
WRDE_NOCMD it *must* support subshell expansion, and even if you
don't beause it has to support so much of the standard shell (all
the odd little variable expansion options for example) it is hard
to do without a subshell). It is probbably just plan a Bad Idea
to call in anything setuid, or executing remotely. */
int wordexp(const char *__restrict__ words,
wordexp_t *__restrict__ pwe, int flags) {
/* cbuf_l's inital value needs to be big enough for 'cmd' plus
about 20 chars */
size_t cbuf_l = 1024;
char *cbuf = NULL;
/* Put a NUL byte between each word, and at the end */
char *cmd = "/usr/bin/perl -e 'print join(chr(0), @ARGV), chr(0)' -- ";
libc/gen/wordexp.c from the Apple FOSS mirror on github
@benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 13
So macs are not as secure as
their marketing makes out.
@benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 14
@benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 15
Taking apart Mac malware
@benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 16
(don't download this, it's full of malware)
@benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 17
[durazac:malware]% hdiutil attach -readonly -noautoopen MacKeeper.dmg
/dev/disk2 /Volumes/MacKeeper Installer
[durazac:malware]% cd /Volumes/MacKeeper Installer
[durazac:MacKeeper Installer]% ls
@benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 18
[durazac:malware]% mkdir mc ; cd mc
[durazac:malware]% file /Volumes/MacKeeper Installer/MacKeeper.pkg
/Volumes/MacKeeper Installer/MacKeeper.pkg: xar archive version 1, SHA-1 checksum
[durazac:mc]% xar -x -f /Volumes/MacKeeper Installer/MacKeeper.pkg
xar - eXtensible ARchiver
@benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 19
Moar packages!
[durazac:mc]% ls -l
total 16
-rw-r--r-- 1 ben staff 6344 Oct 4 20:43 Distribution
drwxr-xr-x 6 ben staff 192 Oct 4 20:43 LaunchOffer.pkg
drwxr-xr-x 7 ben staff 224 Oct 4 20:43 MacKeeper.pkg
drwxr-xr-x 23 ben staff 736 Oct 4 20:43 Resources
drwxr-xr-x 7 ben staff 224 Oct 4 20:43 comzeobitmackeeper.pkg
@benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 20
@benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 21
Extract the pre/post install scripts
[durazac:comzeobitmackeeper.pkg]% mkdir installscripts
[durazac:comzeobitmackeeper.pkg]% cd installscripts
[durazac:installscripts]% tar zxvf ../Scripts
x postinstall
@benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 22
Extract the payload
[durazac:comzeobitmackeeper.pkg]% mkdir paidload
[durazac:comzeobitmackeeper.pkg]% cd paidload
[durazac:paidload]% tar zxvf ../Payload
x .
[durazac:paidload]% ls -la ../Payload
-rw-r--r-- 1 ben staff 82 Oct 5 04:43 ../Payload
Wait, there's no payload?
@benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 23
$EDITOR postinstall
@benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 24
[durazac:~]% for ((i=0; i<=4; i++)) { echo 
| base64 -D 
| dd bs=128 count=1 skip=$i 2>/dev/null 
| openssl rsautl -verify -pubin -inkey somekey 2>/dev/null 
} | python -mjson.tool
@benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 25
Which outputs
"affid": "358.20580063.1507174981.32.mzb",
"arePopupsAggressive": false,
"bundleId": "29_317511156",
"enableAnalytics": true,
"extendedStatisticIntervalInDays": 30,
"ga_cid": "805354281.1507174983",
"systemScanHasSignupStep": true,
"trialDays": 0,
"trtId": "FF2B241D-9456-4D5E-A4D5-50B67C3F0715",
"trtVersion": 11
@benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 26
38 MAC_ADDRESS=$(networksetup -getmacaddress en0 | grep -o -E '([[:xdigit:]]{1,2}:){5}[[:xdigit:]]{1,2}')
39 if [ -z "$MAC_ADDRESS" ]; then
40 ▸ MAC_ADDRESS=$(networksetup -getmacaddress en1 | grep -o -E '([[:xdigit:]]{1,2}:){5}[[:xdigit:]]{1,2}')
41 fi
43 SERIAL_NUMBER=$(ioreg -c IOPlatformExpertDevice -d 2 | awk -F" '/IOPlatformSerialNumber/{print $(NF-1)}')
45 DEVICE_ID=$(echo "${SERIAL_NUMBER}|${MAC_ADDRESS}" | sed -e 's/:/%3A/g;s/|/%7C/g')
53 ▸ ▸ REINSTALL_DATA="step=MKInstallEvents&affid=${AFFID}&bundleId=${BUNDLEID}&prodID=${MK_PRODUCT_ID}&version=${SOURCE_VERSION}&device_id=${DEVICE_ID}....
57 ▸ ▸ curl -q -f --silent --data "$REINSTALL_DATA" ""
it's sending my MAC address where now!?
@benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 27
[durazac:comzeobitmackeeper.pkg]% <Payload gunzip -cd| tar vtf -
drwxrwxr-t 2 0 80 0 May 12 02:42 .
[durazac:comzeobitmackeeper.pkg]% lsbom Bom
. 41775 0/80
Wait, so there is no payload, it just runs that super
sketch script!?!?
@benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 28
Now we just do the same for MacKeeperOffers until we find something interesting
[durazac:MacKeeperOffers]% strings -a checkinstall | tail -12
/Applications/Softorino YouTube Converter
@benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 29
@benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 30
Looking at the Offers.pkg/Scripts/MegaBackup line 55
[durazac:~]% TID=1
[durazac:~]% URL=''
[durazac:~]% URL+='paramss=phexafefced9b4b5c9ac9297a0af999'
[durazac:~]% URL+='cd2e8cb90b1b5cecfc1e2c8cad5cdd9ddcec49d'
[durazac:~]% URL+='aadcd2d5a9a490e3e5c0d1c3ded5cdd0cfdbce9'
[durazac:~]% URL+="496dfded99c&trt=51_72&tid_ext=${TID}"
[durazac:~]% curl -q -f -L --max-redirs 150 
--output some.file "$URL"
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0
100 40238 100 40238 0 0 29387 0 0:00:01 0:00:01 --:--:-- 51455
[durazac:~]% file some.file
some.file: xar archive - version 1
@benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 31
go all the way back to the first dir
[durazac:mc]% egrep -Riha -o 'https?://[-.a-z0-9_]+/' . | sort -u
@benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 32
Blocking domains
— If you run your own resolvers, then my talk on
sinkholing from 2014
— If you use OpenDNS * and you should!
read here
— on the cheap * obviously doesn't scale
cat <<EOF | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts && pkill -HUP mDNSResponder
@benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 33
Extended attributes!
[durazac:Downloads]% ls -l Hopper-4.1.4-demo.dmg
-rw-r--r--@ 1 barn staff 28746615 Apr 28 14:51 Hopper-4.1.4-demo.dmg
[durazac:Downloads]% ls -l@ Hopper-4.1.4-demo.dmg
-rw-r--r--@ 1 barn staff 28746615 Apr 28 14:51 Hopper-4.1.4-demo.dmg 20 80 151 71
@benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 34
@benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 35
from /System/Library/CoreServices/XProtect.bundle/Contents/Resources/XProtect.plist
<plist version="1.0">
@benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 36
bash-3.2# mdls -name kMDItemWhereFroms Hopper-4.2.21-demo.dmg
kMDItemWhereFroms = (
@benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 37
@benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 38
Finding them
@benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 39
Host based IDS
— MIDAS - Intrusion Detection for Macs(super dead now)
— OSSEC - Open Source HIDS SECurity
Threaty threats paid things
— Carbon Black Response
— Clown Strike - Falcon
— Red Canary
@benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 40
Knock knock!
git clone from
@benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 41
Gui version of knock knock
By the same author, Patrick Wardle.
@benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 42
Written in python by Yelp
More of a forensics tool.
Little more invasive say, my default dumps browser history.
spits out a tarball, inside that are system logs and a JSON
@benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 43
bash-3.2# cat osxcollect-2017_10_18-09_23_37.json 
| while read line ; 
do echo "$line" | python -mjson.tool || break ; 
| less -R
"osxcollector_incident_id": "osxcollect-2017_10_18-09_23_37",
"osxcollector_section": "version",
"osxcollector_version": "1.9"
"fde": false,
"machine": "x86_64",
"nodename": "dsc.local",
"osxcollector_incident_id": "osxcollect-2017_10_18-09_23_37",
"osxcollector_section": "system_info",
"release": "17.0.0",
"sysname": "Darwin",
"version": "Darwin Kernel Version 17.0.0: Thu Aug 24 21:48:19 PDT 2017; root:xnu-4570.1.46~2/RELEASE_X86_64"
@benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 44
— built at Facebook (it scales)
— cross platform (plan9, TOS, Xenix)
— open source
— has a logo that makes you think of Gravatar
@benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 45
OSquery cont.
— Kolide - Beautiful osquery management tool.
— Doorman - Doorman, OSS tool for doing the same.
— Envdb - Looks pretty nice (but I've not used it yet)
These are for fleet deployments, as osquery is just a SQL
REPL for your system.
@benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 46
But let's play with it!
[durazac:~]% osqueryi
Using a virtual database. Need help, type '.help'
osquery> .mode line
osquery> select * from osquery_info;
pid = 1068
uuid = 564D335B-A20C-A42B-AB3B-9FCFCA4C07E7
instance_id = 9e14be42-d47a-4f88-b226-26366c20c67c
version = 2.9.0
config_hash = df8743dd7fe17219a15ac0860d61c26d868ebc73
config_valid = 1
extensions = active
build_platform = darwin
build_distro = 10.12
start_time = 1508341272
watcher = -1
@benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 47
osquery> .tables
=> acpi_tables
=> ad_config
=> alf
=> alf_exceptions
=> alf_explicit_auths
=> alf_services
=> app_schemes
=> apps
=> arp_cache
=> asl
or, more readably, osquery table schema docs
@benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 48
fun osquery examples
osquery> SELECT * From file
...> where path like "/Users/%/Library/LaunchAgents/com.%.MacKeeper.Helper.plist"
...> OR path like "/Users/%/Documents/MacKeeper Backups"
...> OR path = "/Applications/" ;
osquery> select distinct( user ) from logged_in_users;
more fun on a server
osquery> select * from kernel_extensions where name not like '';
not amaze on the VM, but good on my laptop
@benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 49
@benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 50
Step 1
Manage your macs!
— Fleetsmith - Fantastic new MaaS offering
— Chef/Puppet - needs no introduction
— Munki - manage software installs, rather than just have
— Simian - Simian is an enterprise-class Mac OS X
software deployment solution, buuuut it's Google
— JSS Jamf - Is another alternative, I guess
@benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 51
Step 2
Just use Chrome
— Pwn 2 Own's pricing scale
— BrowserScope says so
— Zerodium will pay you $150k for an exploit for
Chrome, vs $80k for FreedomFox
@benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 52
Step 3
— Make sure Gatekeeper is set to "app store" or "app store & signed" only (now the default)
@benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 53
Step 3.5
— this doesn't solve homebrew, where you can just
install whatever you wish
[durazac~]% brew install sqlmap 1
==> Downloading
==> Downloading from
######################################################################## 100.0%
! /usr/local/Cellar/sqlmap/1.1.10: 543 files, 10.3MB, built in 17 seconds
@benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 54
Step 4
More restrictions
— Santa! - Santa is a binary whitelisting/blacklisting
system for macOS
@benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 55
Hardening vs. reality
You could make everyone in your company run OpenBSD
on their laptop.
You would go out of business very quickly.
There's no good easy answer. ):
@benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 56
Would you like to know more?
— Reverse Engineering Mac Malware - Sarah Edwards
— When Macs Get Hacked -Sarah Edwards
— Hipster DFIR on OSX - Scott J. Roberts
— Syscall Auditing at scale - Ryan Huber
— Tracking a stolen code-signing certificate with
osquery - Mike Myers
— Methods of Malware Persistence - Patrick Wardle
@benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 57
Come work at
Our great jobs pages
@benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 58
Thank you!
@benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 59

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DevSecCon London 2017 - MacOS security, hardening and forensics 101 by Ben Hughes

  • 2. Who's this clown? — Security Engineer at Stripe — Infrastructure security at Etsy — Operations monkey at Puppet Labs — Was once retweeted by William Gibson! — basically, kind of a big deal @benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 2
  • 3. Agenda — Intro (we're crushing this already) — Mac OS history and sadness — Malware reversing and how — 5 minute break — Discovering problems in the first place — Hardening? — Fin @benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 3
  • 4. Intro This is workshop, not an amzing slide deck, please throw any and all questions my way. PLEASE experiment, as hard as you can. This is not exhaustive, thankfully. @benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 4
  • 5. The VM It's nasty. It has no network adaptor on it, so can only harm itself. Requires VMware Fusion on a Mac, due to licensing (the trial is on the drive too) @benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 5
  • 6. but first, a li!le history @benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 6
  • 7. Once upon a time, macs looked like this @benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 7
  • 8. and this @benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 8
  • 9. macs are secure! @benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 9
  • 10. This is actually the grandparent of your mac @benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 10
  • 12. So what Ben? — NeXTSTEP originally released in 1989. — The Mach Kernel project ran from 1985 to 1994. (somewhat hyperbolic, but you see what I'm saying) @benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 12
  • 13. How scary? /* XXX this is _not_ designed to be fast */ /* wordexp is also rife with security "challenges", unless you pass it WRDE_NOCMD it *must* support subshell expansion, and even if you don't beause it has to support so much of the standard shell (all the odd little variable expansion options for example) it is hard to do without a subshell). It is probbably just plan a Bad Idea to call in anything setuid, or executing remotely. */ int wordexp(const char *__restrict__ words, wordexp_t *__restrict__ pwe, int flags) { /* cbuf_l's inital value needs to be big enough for 'cmd' plus about 20 chars */ size_t cbuf_l = 1024; char *cbuf = NULL; /* Put a NUL byte between each word, and at the end */ char *cmd = "/usr/bin/perl -e 'print join(chr(0), @ARGV), chr(0)' -- "; libc/gen/wordexp.c from the Apple FOSS mirror on github @benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 13
  • 14. So macs are not as secure as their marketing makes out. @benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 14
  • 16. Taking apart Mac malware @benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 16
  • 17. (don't download this, it's full of malware) @benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 17
  • 18. [durazac:malware]% hdiutil attach -readonly -noautoopen MacKeeper.dmg /dev/disk2 /Volumes/MacKeeper Installer [durazac:malware]% cd /Volumes/MacKeeper Installer [durazac:MacKeeper Installer]% ls MacKeeper.pkg @benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 18
  • 19. [durazac:malware]% mkdir mc ; cd mc [durazac:malware]% file /Volumes/MacKeeper Installer/MacKeeper.pkg /Volumes/MacKeeper Installer/MacKeeper.pkg: xar archive version 1, SHA-1 checksum [durazac:mc]% xar -x -f /Volumes/MacKeeper Installer/MacKeeper.pkg xar - eXtensible ARchiver @benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 19
  • 20. Moar packages! [durazac:mc]% ls -l total 16 -rw-r--r-- 1 ben staff 6344 Oct 4 20:43 Distribution drwxr-xr-x 6 ben staff 192 Oct 4 20:43 LaunchOffer.pkg drwxr-xr-x 7 ben staff 224 Oct 4 20:43 MacKeeper.pkg drwxr-xr-x 23 ben staff 736 Oct 4 20:43 Resources drwxr-xr-x 7 ben staff 224 Oct 4 20:43 comzeobitmackeeper.pkg @benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 20
  • 22. Extract the pre/post install scripts [durazac:comzeobitmackeeper.pkg]% mkdir installscripts [durazac:comzeobitmackeeper.pkg]% cd installscripts [durazac:installscripts]% tar zxvf ../Scripts x postinstall @benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 22
  • 23. Extract the payload [durazac:comzeobitmackeeper.pkg]% mkdir paidload [durazac:comzeobitmackeeper.pkg]% cd paidload [durazac:paidload]% tar zxvf ../Payload x . [durazac:paidload]% ls -la ../Payload -rw-r--r-- 1 ben staff 82 Oct 5 04:43 ../Payload Wait, there's no payload? @benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 23
  • 25. [durazac:~]% for ((i=0; i<=4; i++)) { echo 'LkdrJsYk22BjaHVOE3GOnE1VLCrnV/sTam3BaGjNOJp8O4fjMrBjekTT 94idx4n5A3EtUzi/lRtLoJvx2zhu3HG7PP/HsJnExsrj6UK4/CVsCCi/4 l0JcFGW1RPAzyHmqIEpi3cQ5RbYt3qXv8XVGtHvLNFCTYJk4z3F4J+2qf wZSS9mYVMkz9RgADO6WT4pQlqQoyHFXi5guCzIuZEYn5IHDLANtlqqnzD 7z1Nvl328SDp9nT9ZfQPd5EGt5veFncPM8qObrXqdUr1Ib8zIWt4FjYjH N6rtIk+S3QXluOMA8v8/SaUxj8zFZNjJy/3dKNzByl70ePGKKnJ16JIZo 1BOFG5Ate3x/87ECj7fTgVjR1TRuPHbvUtgeSMdmVNtmI+rOKFehPUSjb HXQiw/RNyCIE7WlcSczl/0P04HOZmeTaFdxetWvKwI8kIiD0dQbFQBalN cS8qgtG1gAllMqKFnjYD6wWXeQTBaWuBBo8FfCEuXKiFvrBoBiZlFxeQK' | base64 -D | dd bs=128 count=1 skip=$i 2>/dev/null | openssl rsautl -verify -pubin -inkey somekey 2>/dev/null } | python -mjson.tool @benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 25
  • 26. Which outputs { "affid": "358.20580063.1507174981.32.mzb", "arePopupsAggressive": false, "bundleId": "29_317511156", "enableAnalytics": true, "extendedStatisticIntervalInDays": 30, "ga_cid": "805354281.1507174983", "systemScanHasSignupStep": true, "trialDays": 0, "trtId": "FF2B241D-9456-4D5E-A4D5-50B67C3F0715", "trtVersion": 11 } @benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 26
  • 27. 38 MAC_ADDRESS=$(networksetup -getmacaddress en0 | grep -o -E '([[:xdigit:]]{1,2}:){5}[[:xdigit:]]{1,2}') 39 if [ -z "$MAC_ADDRESS" ]; then 40 ▸ MAC_ADDRESS=$(networksetup -getmacaddress en1 | grep -o -E '([[:xdigit:]]{1,2}:){5}[[:xdigit:]]{1,2}') 41 fi 42 43 SERIAL_NUMBER=$(ioreg -c IOPlatformExpertDevice -d 2 | awk -F" '/IOPlatformSerialNumber/{print $(NF-1)}') 44 45 DEVICE_ID=$(echo "${SERIAL_NUMBER}|${MAC_ADDRESS}" | sed -e 's/:/%3A/g;s/|/%7C/g') ... 53 ▸ ▸ REINSTALL_DATA="step=MKInstallEvents&affid=${AFFID}&bundleId=${BUNDLEID}&prodID=${MK_PRODUCT_ID}&version=${SOURCE_VERSION}&device_id=${DEVICE_ID}.... ... 57 ▸ ▸ curl -q -f --silent --data "$REINSTALL_DATA" "" it's sending my MAC address where now!? @benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 27
  • 28. [durazac:comzeobitmackeeper.pkg]% <Payload gunzip -cd| tar vtf - drwxrwxr-t 2 0 80 0 May 12 02:42 . [durazac:comzeobitmackeeper.pkg]% lsbom Bom . 41775 0/80 Wait, so there is no payload, it just runs that super sketch script!?!? @benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 28
  • 29. MacKeeperOffers.pkg Now we just do the same for MacKeeperOffers until we find something interesting [durazac:MacKeeperOffers]% strings -a checkinstall | tail -12 JustCloud MegaBackup YahooSearch Appswell YoutubeConverter /Applications/ /Applications/ HomePage hspart=iry /Applications/ /Applications/Softorino YouTube Converter @benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 29
  • 31. Looking at the Offers.pkg/Scripts/MegaBackup line 55 [durazac:~]% TID=1 [durazac:~]% URL='' [durazac:~]% URL+='paramss=phexafefced9b4b5c9ac9297a0af999' [durazac:~]% URL+='cd2e8cb90b1b5cecfc1e2c8cad5cdd9ddcec49d' [durazac:~]% URL+='aadcd2d5a9a490e3e5c0d1c3ded5cdd0cfdbce9' [durazac:~]% URL+="496dfded99c&trt=51_72&tid_ext=${TID}" [durazac:~]% [durazac:~]% curl -q -f -L --max-redirs 150 --output some.file "$URL" % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 40238 100 40238 0 0 29387 0 0:00:01 0:00:01 --:--:-- 51455 [durazac:~]% file some.file some.file: xar archive - version 1 @benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 31
  • 32. go all the way back to the first dir [durazac:mc]% egrep -Riha -o 'https?://[-.a-z0-9_]+/' . | sort -u @benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 32
  • 33. Blocking domains — If you run your own resolvers, then my talk on sinkholing from 2014 — If you use OpenDNS * and you should! read here — on the cheap * obviously doesn't scale cat <<EOF | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts && pkill -HUP mDNSResponder EOF @benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 33
  • 34. xa!r Extended attributes! [durazac:Downloads]% ls -l Hopper-4.1.4-demo.dmg -rw-r--r--@ 1 barn staff 28746615 Apr 28 14:51 Hopper-4.1.4-demo.dmg [durazac:Downloads]% ls -l@ Hopper-4.1.4-demo.dmg -rw-r--r--@ 1 barn staff 28746615 Apr 28 14:51 Hopper-4.1.4-demo.dmg 20 80 151 71 @benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 34
  • 37. and bash-3.2# mdls -name kMDItemWhereFroms Hopper-4.2.21-demo.dmg kMDItemWhereFroms = ( "", "" ) @benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 37
  • 39. Finding them @benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 39
  • 40. Host based IDS — MIDAS - Intrusion Detection for Macs(super dead now) — OSSEC - Open Source HIDS SECurity Threaty threats paid things — Carbon Black Response — Clown Strike - Falcon — Red Canary @benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 40
  • 41. Knock knock! git clone from @benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 41
  • 42. Gui version of knock knock By the same author, Patrick Wardle. @benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 42
  • 43. OSXcollector Written in python by Yelp More of a forensics tool. Little more invasive say, my default dumps browser history. /usr/bin/python spits out a tarball, inside that are system logs and a JSON report. @benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 43
  • 44. bash-3.2# cat osxcollect-2017_10_18-09_23_37.json | while read line ; do echo "$line" | python -mjson.tool || break ; done | less -R { "osxcollector_incident_id": "osxcollect-2017_10_18-09_23_37", "osxcollector_section": "version", "osxcollector_version": "1.9" } { "fde": false, "machine": "x86_64", "nodename": "dsc.local", "osxcollector_incident_id": "osxcollect-2017_10_18-09_23_37", "osxcollector_section": "system_info", "release": "17.0.0", "sysname": "Darwin", "version": "Darwin Kernel Version 17.0.0: Thu Aug 24 21:48:19 PDT 2017; root:xnu-4570.1.46~2/RELEASE_X86_64" } @benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 44
  • 45. OSquery — built at Facebook (it scales) — cross platform (plan9, TOS, Xenix) — open source — has a logo that makes you think of Gravatar @benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 45
  • 46. OSquery cont. — Kolide - Beautiful osquery management tool. — Doorman - Doorman, OSS tool for doing the same. — Envdb - Looks pretty nice (but I've not used it yet) These are for fleet deployments, as osquery is just a SQL REPL for your system. @benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 46
  • 47. But let's play with it! [durazac:~]% osqueryi Using a virtual database. Need help, type '.help' osquery> .mode line osquery> select * from osquery_info; pid = 1068 uuid = 564D335B-A20C-A42B-AB3B-9FCFCA4C07E7 instance_id = 9e14be42-d47a-4f88-b226-26366c20c67c version = 2.9.0 config_hash = df8743dd7fe17219a15ac0860d61c26d868ebc73 config_valid = 1 extensions = active build_platform = darwin build_distro = 10.12 start_time = 1508341272 watcher = -1 @benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 47
  • 48. osquery> .tables => acpi_tables => ad_config => alf => alf_exceptions => alf_explicit_auths => alf_services => app_schemes => apps => arp_cache => asl or, more readably, osquery table schema docs @benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 48
  • 49. fun osquery examples osquery> SELECT * From file ...> where path like "/Users/%/Library/LaunchAgents/com.%.MacKeeper.Helper.plist" ...> OR path like "/Users/%/Documents/MacKeeper Backups" ...> OR path = "/Applications/" ; osquery> select distinct( user ) from logged_in_users; more fun on a server osquery> select * from kernel_extensions where name not like ''; not amaze on the VM, but good on my laptop @benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 49
  • 51. Step 1 Manage your macs! — Fleetsmith - Fantastic new MaaS offering — Chef/Puppet - needs no introduction — Munki - manage software installs, rather than just have them — Simian - Simian is an enterprise-class Mac OS X software deployment solution, buuuut it's Google — JSS Jamf - Is another alternative, I guess @benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 51
  • 52. Step 2 Just use Chrome — Pwn 2 Own's pricing scale — BrowserScope says so — Zerodium will pay you $150k for an exploit for Chrome, vs $80k for FreedomFox @benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 52
  • 53. Step 3 — Make sure Gatekeeper is set to "app store" or "app store & signed" only (now the default) @benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 53
  • 54. Step 3.5 — this doesn't solve homebrew, where you can just install whatever you wish [durazac~]% brew install sqlmap 1 ==> Downloading ==> Downloading from ######################################################################## 100.0% ! /usr/local/Cellar/sqlmap/1.1.10: 543 files, 10.3MB, built in 17 seconds @benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 54
  • 55. Step 4 More restrictions — Santa! - Santa is a binary whitelisting/blacklisting system for macOS @benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 55
  • 56. Hardening vs. reality You could make everyone in your company run OpenBSD on their laptop. You would go out of business very quickly. There's no good easy answer. ): @benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 56
  • 57. Would you like to know more? — Reverse Engineering Mac Malware - Sarah Edwards — When Macs Get Hacked -Sarah Edwards — Hipster DFIR on OSX - Scott J. Roberts — Syscall Auditing at scale - Ryan Huber — Tracking a stolen code-signing certificate with osquery - Mike Myers — Methods of Malware Persistence - Patrick Wardle @benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 57
  • 58. Come work at Our great jobs pages @benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 58
  • 59. Thank you! @benjammingh for DevSecCon 2017 59