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     Importance & purpose
       of IP practices

IP Principles have Two main aims

• To reduce the rate of infection and disease
 transmission to patients
• To protect health care providers

Universal Precautions are minimum level
of infection prevention required to prevent
the transmission of infection within all
health care settings
IP Universal Precautions
• While handling blood, including
  dried blood
• All other bodily fluids, secretion
  and excretions,
• Non – intact skin: and
• Mucous membranes
IP Universal Precautions
   Good hygiene practices
   Safe handling of sharps
   Cleaning treatment
   Cleanliness of care areas
   Disposing of medical waste

IP Viral Transmission Risk
 Risk of acquiring HIV after being
  stuck with a needle from an HIV+
   4 : 1000 or 0.4 %
 Risk of acquiring HBV after being
  stuck with a needle from an HBV+
    27 - 37: 100 or 30 %
IP Accidental Exposure of
    HBV Infected Blood
 As little as 10-8 ml (0.00000001 ml)
of HBV-infected blood can transmit
HBV to a susceptible host.

Source: Bond et al 1982

IP       Infection Prevention
 To prevent major postoperative / post
     procedure infections

 To minimize the risk of transmitting
     infections such as Hepatitis ‘B’, ‘C’
     and HIV not only to clients, but also
     to service providers and staff

IP        Importance of Infection
           Prevention Practices
•   Prevents post procedure infections
•   Result in high quality and safe services
•   Prevents infections in service providers
•   Protect the community
•   Prevent antibiotic resistant
•   Lower the cost of health care services

IP       Standard
•        Precautions
    Wash your hands
• Wear gloves and other protective
•   Correctly process instruments
•   Maintain correct environmental
•   Appropriate waste disposal practices
•   Prevent injuries with sharps
Handling Needles
                  and Sharps              Processing
IP                                       Instruments

Hand washing

                                   Waste Disposal


IP    Infection Prevention
 Consider every person (clients
   and staff) infectious

 Wash hands - the most practical
      procedure for preventing cross-
     contamination (person to person)
IP Infection PreventionPrinciples
    Wear gloves before touching
  wet/broken skin, mucous membranes, blood
  or other body fluids (secretions / excretions)
  or solid instruments and other items.
 Use physical barriers (protective
  goggles, face masks and aprons) if splashes
  and spills of any body fluids (secretions /
  excretions) are anticipated.
Infection Prevention
                Principles (cont'd)
     Use safe work practices, such as
          not recapping or bending needles
          and safely passing sharps
     Isolate patients only if secretions (airborne)
     and excretions (urine or feces) cannot be
Infection Prevention
IP            Principles (cont'd)
      Process instruments and other items
      (decontaminate, clean, high-level
       disinfect or sterilize) using
       recommended infection prevention
      (IP) practices

      ..........and finally:

 14   Properly disposing medical waste.
IP Handwashing Practices

       Handwashing   is the
       most important way to
       reduce the spread of
       infections. But it is
       underemphasized, and
 15    not performed

IP         Handwashing Rules
          Wash hands before and after
          examining any client ( direct contact )

 Wash hands after removing gloves.

 Wash hands after exposure to blood or
 any body fluid (secretions and excretions)
 even if gloves were worn.
Types of
IP Handwashing

       Routine Handwashing
       Surgical Hand scrub

       Alcohol Hand rub

Routine Handwashing
IP       Practices
              1       Use plain or antiseptic soap.

             Vigorously rub lathered hands
             together for 15 - 30 seconds.
                  Rinse with clean running water
                  from a tap or bucket.
 4      Dry hands with a clean towel or air dry
     19 them
Process of Surgical Hand
IP                    scrub
 Remove all jewelry
 Wet hands and forearms thoroughly

 Clean under fingernail

 Apply antiseptic. Circular Motion. Continue
  for 3-5 minutes.
 Rinse each arm separately.

 Use sterile towel to dry
IP    Surgical Hand scrub Supplies
• Antiseptic or soap (plain)
 - If an antiseptic is not available, use plain soap
  followed by applying an alcohol solution and rub
  until dry two times.
• Running water

• Stick or brush for cleaning the fingernails

• Soft brush or sponge for cleaning the skin

• Sterile Towels (sterile towels to be provided for the
 operating room)
Process of Alcohol Hand
IP rub
 2 ml glycerin or
  propylene glycol in
  100 ml of 60-90%
  alcohol               Use 3 - 5 ml for each
                          application and
                          continue rubbing the
                          solution over the hands
                          for about 2 minutes,
                          using a total of 6 - 10 ml
                          per scrub
IP Protective Barriers:Gloves
Wear gloves:
 - when performing a procedure in
   the clinic or operating room
 - when handling soiled gloves,
   instruments,and other items
 - when disposing of contaminated
   waste items (cotton gauze, dressings)
IP     Types of gloves and
       their Uses
   Surgical gloves
    Should be worn during all procedures in which
    there will be contact with blood stream or
   tissues under the skin
 Single use examination gloves:
- To reduce the risk of exposing the service
   providers to blood or body fluids
 Utility gloves:
- Should be worn for handling contaminated
   instruments, linens and medical waste.
IP Protective Barriers:
   Goggles, Face Masks, Aprons

  Wear protective
   goggles, face masks,
   and aprons if
   splashes and spills of
   any body fluids are

What parts of the field are

IP Processing of Instruments
   and other Items

  • Decontamination
  • Cleaning
  • Sterilization
    High-level disinfection
  • Storage

IP        Decontamination
• Definition
   It is the first step in processing instruments
   and kills viruses and many other
   microorganisms making instruments and
   other items safer to handle by staff who
   clean them.
 • Bleach ( Sodium Hypo chlorite)
     • It is inexpensive,
     • kills HIV, hepatitis B & hepatitis C quickly
     • Can be used to decontaminate large surfaces
IP    Processing Soiled
      Instruments and Other Items
     Place instruments and reusable gloves
     in 0.5% chlorine solution after use

     Soak for 10 minutes and rinse immediately

     Wipe surfaces (exam tables) with chlorine
Instructions for Preparing
IP Dilute Chlorine Solutions

                                 % Concentrate

  Total Parts (TP) (H O) =
                     2       (     % Dilute      )-1
              To make a 0.5% chlorine solution
              from 5% bleach mix:

              1 part bleach to parts water
Instructions for Preparing
        Chlorine Solution from
                       % Dilute desired

Gram / Liter =   (         % Concentration
                     of chlorine in bleach
                                             ) x 1000

To make a 0.5% chlorine solution from
a 35% chlorine powder mix:

15 Tea spc (14.2 grams) of
powder to 1 liter of water
Processing Soiled
IP Instruments & Other Items
      Wash with detergent and water

          Scrub instruments until visibly clean

      Thoroughly rinse with clean water
High Level
IP                      Disinfection
             Disinfection:

              Process that eliminates all
              microorganisms but does not
              reliably kill all bacterial
              endospores which cause
              diseases such as tetanus and gas
IP Methods of HLD
Boiling:                 Soaking in Chemicals:
• Boil instruments       • Steam instruments,
  and other items for       gloves, and other items
  20 minutes               for 20 minutes
• (sufficient up to      • An alternative to this is HLD
 18,000 ft / 5,500 mtr    by use of chemical
 altitude)                disinfectant. Soak for 20
Boiling Tips
       Always boil for 20 minutes
       in a pot with a lid.

            Start timing when the
            water begins to boil.

      Do not add anything to the pot
      after timing begins.

 36         Air dry before use or storage.
IP Steaming Tips
                Always steam for 20 minutes.

        Be sure there is enough water in the
        bottom pan for the entire steam cycle.

               Bring water to a rolling boil.

  Start timing when steam begins to come out between pans.

             Do not add anything to the pan after timing starts.

        Air dry and store in the covered steamer pans.
IP        Chemical High-level
          Disinfection Tips
Cover all items completely with high - level
- Soak for 20 minutes

- Rinse with boiled water

- Air dry before use and storage

Preparing a High-Level
                       Disinfected Container
Boil (if small) ......... or

Fill a clean container with 0.5% chlorine
 - Soak for 20 minutes
 - Pour out solution. (The chlorine solution can
  be transferred to a plastic container and
   Rinse thoroughly with boiled water

         Definition:
          Process that eliminates all
          microorganisms including
          bacterial endospores.

IP    Methods of Sterilization

        Steam (autoclave) or

        Dry heat (oven)


Standard Conditions for Heat
IP Sterilisation
                Steam Sterilization

121°C (250 ° F) at 106 kPa
 (15 lbs/square inch)

 - 20 minutes for             Allow all items to dry
  unwrapped items              before removal to dry
                               sterile container
 - 30 minutes for
  wrapped items
Standard Conditions for Heat
IP Sterilization
             Dry Heat
        By Electrical Oven

170° C. (340° F.)
  for 1 hour ..... or
                        160° C. (320° F.)
                          for 2 hours
IP Chemical Sterilization

   Soak items in Glutaraldehyde
        for 10 hours

   Rinse in sterile water

   Store in a sterile container

Sterilization of Various

Sterilization of various
IP instruments
       Instrumen Sterilization   Time/press
       t/Item                    ure

Sterilization of Various
IP Instruments

Processing MVA Equipment
          Step 3: P roc essing syringes

                                 Syringes should be soaked in 0.5% Chl ori ne for 20 minutes,
                                 then rinsed and dried
                                 Syringes should be reassembled when dry, lubricated,
                                 and stored in a clean, dry cont ainer
                                 Do NOT boil syri nges.

          Step 4: S torage

                                 Pl ace cannulae in separate steril e
                                 (or HLD) container usi ng steri le pi ckups
                                 Use s teril e forceps to remove it ems from contai ner
                                 Avoid contam inating other cannulae in container.

                                                  Do NOT autoclave
                                                  either syringes or cannulae!

IP Effectiveness of Methods for
   Processing Instruments
  Method                           Effectiveness         End point
                              (removal/inactivation of
        Decontamination            Kills HBV             10 minute soak
                                    and HIV

        Cleaning (water             Up to 50%            Until visibly
                  only)                                  clean

        Cleaning                    Up to 80%            Until visibly
    (detergent                                           clean
    and rinsing with
      Sterilization                 100 %                High pressure
                                                         steam (autoclave),
                                                         dry heat, chemical

  High-level Disinfection *     95% (does not            Boiling, steaming
  *Prior decontamination         inactivate              Or chemical
  and thorough cleaning       some endopores)
Waste Disposal

IP              Disposal

          Types of waste

             General Waste
             Medical Waste
             Hazardous Chemical Waste

Four Aspects of
          Medical Waste
           Sorting
           Handling

           Interim Storage

           Disposal: Incinerator is always the
            best method of disposal medical

IP       Disposal of Sharps

Collect sharp items in
  puncture proof

Transport securely to
     disposal place
                             Decontaminate
                              and bury in safe place
Burn in high temperature
     incinerator or
Waste Disposal

 Place contaminated items in leak-proof
  container or plastic bag.
 Dispose by incineration or burial.
Antiseptics and
IP                    Disinfectants
       A chemical agent used on the skin
        and mucous membranes to remove
        or kill microorganisms without
        causing damage or irritation to the
        skin and mucous membranes .

IP Disinfectant
   A chemical agent used to kill
   microorganisms on inanimate
   objects, such as instruments and
   surfaces. Disinfectants are not
   meant to be used on the skin or
   mucous membranes.

IP Uses of antiseptics

       Surgical hand scrub
       Skin, cervical and vaginal
       Hand washing in high risk

Skin Preparation Prior to
IP Surgical Procedure


   To minimize the number of microorganisms
   on the skin or mucous membranes by:

       - Washing with soap and water

       - Applying antiseptics

Skin Preparation Prior to
IP Surgical Procedure

Skin Preparation Prior to
IP Surgical Procedure


   To minimize the number of microorganisms
   on the skin or mucous membranes by:

       - Washing with soap and water

       - Applying antiseptics

Skin Preparation Prior to
IP Surgical Procedure

Skin and Mucous Membrane
IP Preparation

      Do not shave hair ! Clip with scissors if

      Ask the client about allergic reactions.

      Wash first with soap and water if
      visibly soiled.

       Apply antiseptic starting from the
      operation site and working outward
      in a circular motion for several inches.
IP Cervical and Vaginal
     Apply antiseptic solution liberally to the
     cervix and vagina (2 times)

     It is not necessary to prep the external genital
     area if it appears clean.

           - If heavily soiled, it is better to have
             the client wash her genital area
             thoroughly with soap and water
             before starting the procedure.
IP Management of sharp
      Wash needle sticks and cuts with
       soap and water
      Flush splashes to the nose, mouth
       or skin with water
      Irrigate splashes to the eyes with
       water or saline

Avoid dipping hands in a
IP        basin containing stand



 IP can’t be a stand-alone
  practice; it needs to be
  integrated into all areas of the
  clinical reproductive health
 IP principles can be adapted to
  any environment.
 IP is important; it’s cheap; you
  can do it!
Hand Washing
 Wet  hands with running water
 Rub hands together with soap & lather
  well, covering all surfaces, for 30
 Weave fingers & thumbs together 7 slide
  them back & forth
 Rinse hands under a stream of clean,
  running water until all soap is gone
 Blot hands dry with a clean personal
  towel or air dry
Usually left out parts during
Hand Washing

Hand Washing

Hand Washing

Steps of Surgical Hand washing
1. Remove   all jewelry, watch etc. on
   hands forearms & wrist
2. Wet hands & forearms thoroughly
3. Clean all finger nails with soft nailbrush
4. Apply antiseptic soap/solution
5. Using a circular motion, continuing
   from finger tips to elbow, create lather
   & wash between fingers
6. Repeat for the second hand & arm

Steps of Surgical Hand washing

7. Continue   washing for 3 – 5 minutes
8. Rinse each arm separately, fingertips
   first, holding your hands above the level
   of your elbow.
9. Use a sterile towel to dry hands or air dry
10. Keep hands above the level of waist and
   do not touch any thing.

Steps of Putting on Sterile
Surgical Gloves

Steps of Putting on Sterile
Surgical Gloves

Steps of Putting on Sterile
Surgical Gloves

Processing Instruments, gloves
               and other items
                Soak in 0.5% Chlorine solution 10 minutes

                 THROUGHLY WASH & RINSE
            Wear gloves & other protective barriers
         Preferred                    Acceptable
         Methods                        Methods

AUTOCLAVE            CHEMICAL          BOIL           CHEMICAL
15lbs/in ²           Soak in           Lid on 20      Soak in CIDEX
pressure             CIDEX for 8-      minutes        for 20 min.
121˚C,20 min.        10 hours.                        Rinse with
unwrapped 30         Rinse with                       water boiled for
min wrapped          sterile water                    20 minutes
                 COOL & DRY (use immediately or Store)

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Ip presentation final 23.01.08

  • 1. IP INFECTION PREVENTION Importance & purpose of IP practices 1
  • 2. IP Principles have Two main aims • To reduce the rate of infection and disease transmission to patients • To protect health care providers Universal Precautions are minimum level of infection prevention required to prevent the transmission of infection within all health care settings 2
  • 3. IP Universal Precautions applications • While handling blood, including dried blood • All other bodily fluids, secretion and excretions, • Non – intact skin: and • Mucous membranes 3
  • 4. IP Universal Precautions Includes  Good hygiene practices  Safe handling of sharps  Cleaning treatment  Cleanliness of care areas  Disposing of medical waste 4
  • 5. IP Viral Transmission Risk  Risk of acquiring HIV after being stuck with a needle from an HIV+ client 4 : 1000 or 0.4 %  Risk of acquiring HBV after being stuck with a needle from an HBV+ client 27 - 37: 100 or 30 % 5
  • 6. IP Accidental Exposure of HBV Infected Blood As little as 10-8 ml (0.00000001 ml) of HBV-infected blood can transmit HBV to a susceptible host. Source: Bond et al 1982 6
  • 7. IP Infection Prevention Objectives  To prevent major postoperative / post procedure infections  To minimize the risk of transmitting infections such as Hepatitis ‘B’, ‘C’ and HIV not only to clients, but also to service providers and staff 7
  • 8. IP Importance of Infection Prevention Practices • Prevents post procedure infections • Result in high quality and safe services • Prevents infections in service providers • Protect the community • Prevent antibiotic resistant • Lower the cost of health care services 8
  • 9. IP Standard • Precautions Wash your hands • Wear gloves and other protective attires • Correctly process instruments • Maintain correct environmental cleanliness • Appropriate waste disposal practices • Prevent injuries with sharps 9
  • 10. Handling Needles and Sharps Processing IP Instruments Hand washing Waste Disposal Protective Barriers 10
  • 11. IP Infection Prevention Principles  Consider every person (clients and staff) infectious  Wash hands - the most practical procedure for preventing cross- contamination (person to person) 11
  • 12. IP Infection PreventionPrinciples (cont'd)  Wear gloves before touching anything: wet/broken skin, mucous membranes, blood or other body fluids (secretions / excretions) or solid instruments and other items.  Use physical barriers (protective goggles, face masks and aprons) if splashes and spills of any body fluids (secretions / excretions) are anticipated. 12
  • 13. Infection Prevention Principles (cont'd) IP Use safe work practices, such as not recapping or bending needles and safely passing sharps instruments. Isolate patients only if secretions (airborne) and excretions (urine or feces) cannot be contained. 13
  • 14. Infection Prevention IP Principles (cont'd) Process instruments and other items (decontaminate, clean, high-level disinfect or sterilize) using recommended infection prevention (IP) practices ..........and finally: 14 Properly disposing medical waste.
  • 15. IP Handwashing Practices  Handwashing is the most important way to reduce the spread of infections. But it is often underemphasized, and 15 not performed
  • 16. Hand- Washing 16
  • 17. IP Handwashing Rules Wash hands before and after examining any client ( direct contact ) Wash hands after removing gloves. Wash hands after exposure to blood or any body fluid (secretions and excretions) even if gloves were worn. 17
  • 18. Types of IP Handwashing  Routine Handwashing  Surgical Hand scrub  Alcohol Hand rub 18
  • 19. Routine Handwashing IP Practices 1 Use plain or antiseptic soap. Vigorously rub lathered hands 2 together for 15 - 30 seconds. Rinse with clean running water 3 from a tap or bucket. 4 Dry hands with a clean towel or air dry 19 them
  • 20. Process of Surgical Hand IP scrub  Remove all jewelry  Wet hands and forearms thoroughly  Clean under fingernail  Apply antiseptic. Circular Motion. Continue for 3-5 minutes.  Rinse each arm separately.  Use sterile towel to dry 20
  • 21. IP Surgical Hand scrub Supplies • Antiseptic or soap (plain) - If an antiseptic is not available, use plain soap followed by applying an alcohol solution and rub until dry two times. • Running water • Stick or brush for cleaning the fingernails • Soft brush or sponge for cleaning the skin • Sterile Towels (sterile towels to be provided for the operating room) 21
  • 22. Process of Alcohol Hand IP rub Formula 2 ml glycerin or propylene glycol in 100 ml of 60-90% alcohol Use 3 - 5 ml for each application and continue rubbing the solution over the hands for about 2 minutes, using a total of 6 - 10 ml 22 per scrub
  • 23. IP Protective Barriers:Gloves Wear gloves: - when performing a procedure in the clinic or operating room - when handling soiled gloves, instruments,and other items - when disposing of contaminated waste items (cotton gauze, dressings) 23
  • 24. IP Types of gloves and their Uses  Surgical gloves Should be worn during all procedures in which there will be contact with blood stream or tissues under the skin  Single use examination gloves: - To reduce the risk of exposing the service providers to blood or body fluids  Utility gloves: - Should be worn for handling contaminated instruments, linens and medical waste. 24
  • 25. IP Protective Barriers: Goggles, Face Masks, Aprons Wear protective goggles, face masks, and aprons if splashes and spills of any body fluids are likely. 25
  • 26. IP 26
  • 27. What parts of the field are sterile? 27
  • 28. IP Processing of Instruments and other Items • Decontamination • Cleaning • Sterilization or High-level disinfection • Storage 28
  • 29. IP Decontamination • Definition It is the first step in processing instruments and kills viruses and many other microorganisms making instruments and other items safer to handle by staff who clean them. • Bleach ( Sodium Hypo chlorite) • It is inexpensive, • kills HIV, hepatitis B & hepatitis C quickly • Can be used to decontaminate large surfaces 29
  • 30. IP Processing Soiled Instruments and Other Items Decontamination Place instruments and reusable gloves in 0.5% chlorine solution after use Soak for 10 minutes and rinse immediately Wipe surfaces (exam tables) with chlorine solution 30
  • 31. Instructions for Preparing IP Dilute Chlorine Solutions % Concentrate Total Parts (TP) (H O) = 2 ( % Dilute )-1 To make a 0.5% chlorine solution from 5% bleach mix: 1 part bleach to parts water 31
  • 32. Instructions for Preparing Chlorine Solution from Powder IP % Dilute desired Gram / Liter = ( % Concentration of chlorine in bleach ) x 1000 powder To make a 0.5% chlorine solution from a 35% chlorine powder mix: 15 Tea spc (14.2 grams) of powder to 1 liter of water 32
  • 33. Processing Soiled IP Instruments & Other Items Cleaning Wash with detergent and water Scrub instruments until visibly clean Thoroughly rinse with clean water 33
  • 34. High Level IP Disinfection  Disinfection: Process that eliminates all microorganisms but does not reliably kill all bacterial endospores which cause diseases such as tetanus and gas gangrene. 34
  • 35. IP Methods of HLD Boiling: Soaking in Chemicals: • Boil instruments • Steam instruments, and other items for gloves, and other items 20 minutes for 20 minutes Steaming: • (sufficient up to • An alternative to this is HLD 18,000 ft / 5,500 mtr by use of chemical altitude) disinfectant. Soak for 20 minutes. 35
  • 36. Boiling Tips IP Always boil for 20 minutes in a pot with a lid. Start timing when the water begins to boil. Do not add anything to the pot after timing begins. 36 Air dry before use or storage.
  • 37. IP Steaming Tips Always steam for 20 minutes. Be sure there is enough water in the bottom pan for the entire steam cycle. Bring water to a rolling boil. Start timing when steam begins to come out between pans. Do not add anything to the pan after timing starts. 37 Air dry and store in the covered steamer pans.
  • 38. IP Chemical High-level Disinfection Tips Cover all items completely with high - level disinfectant. - - Soak for 20 minutes - Rinse with boiled water - Air dry before use and storage 38
  • 39. Preparing a High-Level Disinfected Container IP Boil (if small) ......... or Fill a clean container with 0.5% chlorine solution - Soak for 20 minutes - Pour out solution. (The chlorine solution can then be transferred to a plastic container and reused.) -39 Rinse thoroughly with boiled water
  • 40. Sterilization IP  Definition: Process that eliminates all microorganisms including bacterial endospores. 40
  • 41. IP Methods of Sterilization Steam (autoclave) or Dry heat (oven) Chemical 41
  • 42. Standard Conditions for Heat IP Sterilisation Steam Sterilization 121°C (250 ° F) at 106 kPa (15 lbs/square inch) pressure - 20 minutes for Allow all items to dry unwrapped items before removal to dry sterile container - 30 minutes for wrapped items 42
  • 43. Standard Conditions for Heat IP Sterilization Dry Heat By Electrical Oven 170° C. (340° F.) for 1 hour ..... or 160° C. (320° F.) for 2 hours 43
  • 44. IP Chemical Sterilization  Soak items in Glutaraldehyde for 10 hours  Rinse in sterile water  Store in a sterile container 44
  • 46. Sterilization of various IP instruments Instrumen Sterilization Time/press t/Item ure 46
  • 47. Sterilization of Various IP Instruments 47
  • 48. Processing MVA Equipment IP Step 3: P roc essing syringes Syringes should be soaked in 0.5% Chl ori ne for 20 minutes, then rinsed and dried Syringes should be reassembled when dry, lubricated, and stored in a clean, dry cont ainer Do NOT boil syri nges. Step 4: S torage Pl ace cannulae in separate steril e (or HLD) container usi ng steri le pi ckups Use s teril e forceps to remove it ems from contai ner Avoid contam inating other cannulae in container. Do NOT autoclave either syringes or cannulae! 48
  • 49. IP Effectiveness of Methods for Processing Instruments Method Effectiveness End point (removal/inactivation of microbes) Decontamination Kills HBV 10 minute soak and HIV Cleaning (water Up to 50% Until visibly only) clean Cleaning Up to 80% Until visibly (detergent clean and rinsing with water) Sterilization 100 % High pressure steam (autoclave), dry heat, chemical High-level Disinfection * 95% (does not Boiling, steaming *Prior decontamination inactivate Or chemical and thorough cleaning some endopores) required. 49
  • 51. Waste IP Disposal Types of waste  General Waste  Medical Waste  Hazardous Chemical Waste 51
  • 52. Four Aspects of Medical Waste IP Management  Sorting  Handling  Interim Storage  Disposal: Incinerator is always the best method of disposal medical waste. 52
  • 53. IP Disposal of Sharps Collect sharp items in puncture proof containers Transport securely to disposal place  Decontaminate and bury in safe place Burn in high temperature incinerator or 53
  • 54. Waste Disposal Practices  Place contaminated items in leak-proof container or plastic bag.  Dispose by incineration or burial. 54
  • 55. Antiseptics and IP Disinfectants Antiseptics: A chemical agent used on the skin and mucous membranes to remove or kill microorganisms without causing damage or irritation to the skin and mucous membranes . 55
  • 56. IP Disinfectant Definition: A chemical agent used to kill microorganisms on inanimate objects, such as instruments and surfaces. Disinfectants are not meant to be used on the skin or mucous membranes. 56
  • 57. IP Uses of antiseptics  Surgical hand scrub  Skin, cervical and vaginal preparation  Hand washing in high risk situation: 57
  • 58. Skin Preparation Prior to IP Surgical Procedure Purpose: To minimize the number of microorganisms on the skin or mucous membranes by: - Washing with soap and water - Applying antiseptics 58
  • 59. Skin Preparation Prior to IP Surgical Procedure 59
  • 60. Skin Preparation Prior to IP Surgical Procedure Purpose: To minimize the number of microorganisms on the skin or mucous membranes by: - Washing with soap and water - Applying antiseptics 60
  • 61. Skin Preparation Prior to IP Surgical Procedure 61
  • 62. Skin and Mucous Membrane IP Preparation Do not shave hair ! Clip with scissors if necessary. Ask the client about allergic reactions. Wash first with soap and water if visibly soiled. Apply antiseptic starting from the operation site and working outward in a circular motion for several inches. 62
  • 63. IP Cervical and Vaginal Preparations Apply antiseptic solution liberally to the cervix and vagina (2 times) It is not necessary to prep the external genital area if it appears clean. - If heavily soiled, it is better to have the client wash her genital area thoroughly with soap and water before starting the procedure. 63
  • 64. IP Management of sharp injuries  Wash needle sticks and cuts with soap and water  Flush splashes to the nose, mouth or skin with water  Irrigate splashes to the eyes with water or saline 64
  • 65. Avoid dipping hands in a IP basin containing stand water 65
  • 66. IP 66
  • 67. Conclusion  IP can’t be a stand-alone practice; it needs to be integrated into all areas of the clinical reproductive health environment.  IP principles can be adapted to any environment.  IP is important; it’s cheap; you can do it! 67
  • 68. Hand Washing  Wet hands with running water  Rub hands together with soap & lather well, covering all surfaces, for 30 seconds  Weave fingers & thumbs together 7 slide them back & forth  Rinse hands under a stream of clean, running water until all soap is gone  Blot hands dry with a clean personal towel or air dry 68
  • 69. Usually left out parts during Hand Washing 69
  • 72. Steps of Surgical Hand washing 1. Remove all jewelry, watch etc. on hands forearms & wrist 2. Wet hands & forearms thoroughly 3. Clean all finger nails with soft nailbrush 4. Apply antiseptic soap/solution 5. Using a circular motion, continuing from finger tips to elbow, create lather & wash between fingers 6. Repeat for the second hand & arm 72
  • 73. Steps of Surgical Hand washing contd…… 7. Continue washing for 3 – 5 minutes 8. Rinse each arm separately, fingertips first, holding your hands above the level of your elbow. 9. Use a sterile towel to dry hands or air dry 10. Keep hands above the level of waist and do not touch any thing. 73
  • 74. Steps of Putting on Sterile Surgical Gloves 74
  • 75. Steps of Putting on Sterile Surgical Gloves 75
  • 76. Steps of Putting on Sterile Surgical Gloves 76
  • 77. Processing Instruments, gloves and other items Decontamination Soak in 0.5% Chlorine solution 10 minutes THROUGHLY WASH & RINSE Wear gloves & other protective barriers Preferred Acceptable Methods Methods STERILIZATION HIGH LEVEL DISINFECTION AUTOCLAVE CHEMICAL BOIL CHEMICAL 15lbs/in ² Soak in Lid on 20 Soak in CIDEX pressure CIDEX for 8- minutes for 20 min. 121˚C,20 min. 10 hours. Rinse with unwrapped 30 Rinse with water boiled for min wrapped sterile water 20 minutes 77 COOL & DRY (use immediately or Store)