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How Many Calories Does Yoga Burn
and Can It Help You Lose Weight?
A yoga session can burn between 180 and 460 calories depending on several
factors, including:
the type of yoga you’re doing the
length and intensity of the class
whether you’re male or female
For example, a 160-pound person will burn 183 calories in a 60-minute Hatha
(basic) yoga class, according to the Mayo Clinic.
In comparison, here are the approximate calories burned for other activities,
according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA):
The primary health benefit of yoga is not burning calories, but you will burn
calories during a yoga class. How many calories you burn depends on a
number of variables, such as:
Style of yoga
Level of the class length
Length of class
Pace and intensity of the class
For example, the number of calories burned during Hatha yoga — a basic
style of yoga usually taught at a slightly slower pace — will vary from the
number burned in Bikram yoga, also known as hot yoga.
Keep reading to learn more about yoga and how it may benefit weight loss.
Bikram yoga
Bikram yoga is performed in a room heated to 105°F at 40 percent humidity.
It typically consists of a 90-minute session featuring 26 postures and two
breathing exercises.
Many of the postures require strength, flexibility, and balance. A 2014 study
from Colorado State University found that, on average, men burned 460
calories and women burned 330 calories per Bikram session.
Can yoga help you lose weight?
Weight loss is achieved by either burning more calories with physical activity
or consuming fewer calories. The majority of people who lose weight and
keep it off use both methods.
Many activities burn more calories than yoga. But a 2016 study suggested
yoga may offer diverse effects that could make it a useful option for
sustained, healthy weight loss.
For people trying to lose weight, the yoga community provides social support
and role modeling. The researchers also suggested that developing
mindfulness through yoga may help people:
resist unhealthy foods
resist comfort eating
resist stress eating
be more in tune with their body so they’re aware when they’re full
have fewer cravings
have a reduced appetite
have improved self-esteem and mood
reduce back or joint pain that had been prohibiting additional exercise
Yoga, sleep, and fat loss
According to the National Sleep Foundation, yoga can help you sleep better.
For people with insomnia, practicing yoga daily helps them:
fall asleep faster
sleep longer
return to sleep faster if they wake up during the night
A 2018 study compared one group of people following normal sleep patterns
to another group with restricted sleep five times per week. When both
groups limited their caloric intake, the group with restricted sleep lost less
fat. This suggests that sleep loss negatively impacts body composition,
including the loss of fat.
If good sleep helps you lose fat and yoga helps you sleep well, it’s reasonable
that yoga can help people lose fat.
Yoga and long-term weight management
A 2005 study of 15,500 middle-aged women and men funded by the
National Cancer Institute found that people who were of normal weight at the
age of 45 and regularly practiced yoga had gained about 3 pounds less than the
average person by the time they reached 55.
The study also indicated that overweight people who practiced yoga lost
about 5 pounds during the 10-year period of age 45 to 55 compared to the 14
pounds gained by people who did not do yoga from age 45 to 55.
The researchers concluded that these results were likely due to a more
mindful approach to eating by those who practiced yoga.
The takeaway
To lose weight, you must burn more calories than you consume. You will burn
calories in yoga class, but there are other physical activities that will burn
more calories in the same time period.
That said, yoga may be able to help you lose weight and keep it off with
mindfulness and better sleep.
Yoga for Weight Loss
The practice of yoga supports physical, mental, and spiritual development
that allows you to create the best version of yourself.
Yoga may also be an effective tool to help you lose weight, especially the
more active forms of yoga. And you may find that the awareness gained
through a gentle, relaxing yoga practice helps you to lose weight as well.
Many experts agree that yoga works in different ways to bring about a
healthy weight. Let’s take a look at a few of those ways.
Yoga and mindfulness
The mental and spiritual aspects of yoga focus on developing mindfulness.
This increases your awareness on many levels.
It can make you more conscious of how different foods affect your mind,
body, and spirit.
A 2016 study suggested that people who develop mindfulness through a yoga
practice may be better able to resist unhealthy foods and comfort eating.
They may also become more in tune with their body so that they notice when
they’re full.
Yoga is thought to be especially beneficial for people who are struggling to
lose weight in other ways as well.
A meta study from 2017 reported that mindfulness training has positive
short-term benefits regarding impulsive or binge eating and physical activity
participation. There was no significant effect on weight loss directly, but it’s
thought that weight loss is associated with longer periods of mindfulness
training. Further studies are needed to expand on these findings.
Since you’re advised not to practice yoga on a full stomach, you may find that
you make healthy eating choices before doing yoga. After a yoga session, you
may be more likely to crave fresh, unprocessed foods. You may also learn to
chew each bite more thoroughly and eat more slowly, which can lead to less
Yoga and better sleep
Practicing yoga can help improve the quality of your sleep. You may find that
you’re able to fall asleep more easily and sleep more deeply when you have a
consistent yoga practice. Ideally, you should sleep between six and nine
hours each night.
Quality sleep is often associated with weight loss. A 2018 study found that
people who had restricted sleep five times per week lost less fat than the
group that followed their normal sleeping patterns. Both groups were limiting
the number of calories they consumed, suggesting that sleep loss has an
adverse effect on body composition, including fat loss.
Yoga nidra is a form of guided relaxation that you do lying down. The practice
may help you to sleep more deeply and increase mindfulness. You can also
set intentions during yoga nidra, which may help you to develop weight loss
A small 2018 study found that healthcare workers who did yoga nidra for
eight weeks increased their levels of mindfulness. This mindfulness included
acting with awareness and not judging inner experiences.
Their levels of sleepiness weren’t significantly different at the follow-up.
However, this score improved the longer people did the practice. Larger,
more in-depth studies are needed to expand on these findings.
Yoga and calorie burning
While yoga isn’t traditionally considered an aerobic exercise, there are certain
types of yoga that are more physical than others.
Active, intense styles of yoga help you burn the most calories. This may help
prevent weight gain. Ashtanga, vinyasa, and power yoga are examples of
more physical types of yoga.
Vinyasa and power yoga are usually offered at hot yoga studios. These types
of yoga keep you moving almost constantly, which helps you to burn calories.
Practicing yoga may also help you develop muscle tone and improve your
While restorative yoga isn’t an especially physical type of yoga, it still helps in
weight loss. One study found that restorative yoga was effective in helping
overweight women to lose weight, including abdominal fat.
These findings are especially promising for people whose body weight may
make more vigorous forms of yoga difficult.
A review of studies from 2013 found that yoga is a promising way to help
with behavioral change, weight loss, and maintenance by burning calories,
heightening mindfulness, and reducing stress. These factors may help you to
reduce food intake and become aware of the effects of overeating.
More in-depth, high-quality studies are needed to expand on these findings.
How often should you do yoga to lose weight?
Practice yoga as often as possible in order to lose weight. You can do a more
active, intense practice at least three to five times per week for at least one
On the other days, balance out your practice with a more relaxing, gentle
class. Hatha, yin, and restorative yoga classes are great options.
If you’re a beginner, start slowly and gradually build up your practice. This
allows you to build up your strength and flexibility and prevent injuries. If you
don’t have time for a full class on certain days, do a self-practice for at least
20 minutes. Allow yourself one full day of rest each week.
Combine your yoga practice with activities such as walking, cycling, or
swimming for added cardiovascular benefits.
As part of your routine, avoid weighing yourself directly after a yoga class,
especially if it’s a hot yoga class, since you may lose water weight during the
class. Instead, weigh yourself at the same time each day.
Poses to do at home
Here are a few yoga poses you can do at home if you don’t have time for a
full session.
Sun Salutations
Do at least 10 Sun Salutations. You can increase the intensity by holding some
of the positions for longer periods or by speeding up the pace.
1. From standing, inhale as your lift your arms overhead.
2. Exhale as you swan dive down into a Forward Bend.
3. Jump, step, or walk your feet back into Plank pose.
4. Hold this position for at least five breaths.
5. Drop your knees down and lower your body to the floor.
6. Extend your legs, turn the tops of your feet to the mat, and place your
hands under your shoulders.
7. Inhale to lift partway, halfway, or all the way up into Cobra pose.
8. Exhale to lower back down and then push up into Downward Facing
9. Hold this pose for at least five breaths.
10.Exhale as you jump, step, or walk your feet to the top of the mat and
stand in a Forward Bend.
11.Then inhale to lift up your arms overhead.
12.Exhale to lower your arms back down by your body.
Boat pose
This pose engages your whole body, especially your core, and helps to reduce
1. Sit on the floor with your legs together and extended in front of you.
2. Bend your knees and lift your feet off the floor so that your thighs are at
an angle to the floor while your shins are parallel to the floor.
3. Extend your arms in front of you so that they’re parallel to the floor.
4. If you can, straighten your legs while keeping your torso lifted.
5. Hold this pose for 30 seconds.
6. Repeat at least five times.
Plank pose
Spend 10 to 20 minutes doing variations of Plank pose.
1. From tabletop position, step your feet back with your heels lifted.
2. Bring your body into a straight line. You may want to check your body in
a mirror.
3. Engage your core, arm, and leg muscles.
4. Hold here for at least one minute.
The takeaway
Make a commitment to yourself and your practice if you want to use yoga to
lose weight. Make small, gradual changes and set modest goals so that you’re
more likely to stick to them.
As you deepen your practice and your awareness, you may find yourself
naturally attracted to healthy foods and ways of living. While it’s not
guaranteed that you’ll lose weight, it’s definitely likely. Your positive results
may extend far beyond weight loss.
13 Benefits of Yoga That Are
Supported by Science
Derived from the Sanskrit word “yuji,” meaning yoke or union, yoga is an
ancient practice that brings together mind and body (1 ).
It incorporates breathing exercises, meditation and poses designed to
encourage relaxation and reduce stress.
Practicing yoga is said to come with many benefits for both mental and
physical health, though not all of these benefits have been backed by science.
This article takes a look at 13 evidence-based benefits of yoga.
1. Can Decrease Stress
Yoga is known for its ability to ease stress and promote relaxation.
In fact, multiple studies have shown that it can decrease the secretion of
cortisol, the primary stress hormone (2 , 3 ).
One study demonstrated the powerful effect of yoga on stress by following
24 women who perceived themselves as emotionally distressed.
After a three-month yoga program, the women had significantly lower levels
of cortisol. They also had lower levels of stress, anxiety, fatigue and
depression (4 ).
Another study of 131 people had similar results, showing that 10 weeks of
yoga helped reduce stress and anxiety. It also helped improve quality of life
and mental health (5 ).
When used alone or along with other methods of alleviating stress, such as
meditation, yoga can be a powerful way to keep stress in check.
Summary: Studies show that yoga can help ease stress and lower your
levels of the stress hormone cortisol.
2. Relieves Anxiety
Many people begin practicing yoga as a way to cope with feelings of anxiety.
Interestingly enough, there is quite a bit of research showing that yoga can
help reduce anxiety.
In one study, 34 women diagnosed with an anxiety disorder participated in
yoga classes twice weekly for two months.
At the end of the study, those who practiced yoga had significantly lower
levels of anxiety than the control group (6 ).
Another study followed 64 women with post-traumatic stress disorder
(PTSD), which is characterized by severe anxiety and fear following exposure
to a traumatic event.
After 10 weeks, the women who practiced yoga once weekly had fewer
symptoms of PTSD. In fact, 52% of participants no longer met the criteria for
PTSD at all (7 ).
It’s not entirely clear exactly how yoga is able to reduce symptoms of anxiety.
However, it emphasizes the importance of being present in the moment and
finding a sense of peace, which could help treat anxiety.
Summary: Several studies show that practicing yoga can lead to
a decrease in symptoms of anxiety.
3. May Reduce Inflammation
In addition to improving your mental health, some studies suggest that
practicing yoga may reduce inflammation as well.
Inflammation is a normal immune response, but chronic inflammation can
contribute to the development of pro-inflammatory diseases, such as heart
disease, diabetes and cancer (8 ).
A 2015 study divided 218 participants into two groups: those who practiced
yoga regularly and those who didn’t. Both groups then performed moderate
and strenuous exercises to induce stress.
At the end of the study, the individuals who practiced yoga had lower levels
of inflammatory markers than those who didn’t (9 ).
Similarly, a small 2014 study showed that 12 weeks of yoga reduced
inflammatory markers in breast cancer survivors with persistent fatigue (10 ).
Although more research is needed to confirm the beneficial effects of yoga
on inflammation, these findings indicate that it may help protect against
certain diseases caused by chronic inflammation.
Summary: Some studies show that yoga may reduce inflammatory
markers in the body and help prevent pro-inflammatory diseases.
4. Could Improve Heart Health
From pumping blood throughout the body to supplying tissues with
important nutrients, the health of your heart is an essential component of
overall health.
Studies show that yoga may help improve heart health and reduce several
risk factors for heart disease.
One study found that participants over 40 years of age who practiced yoga
for five years had a lower blood pressure and pulse rate than those who
didn’t (11 ).
High blood pressure is one of the major causes of heart problems, such as
heart attacks and stroke. Lowering your blood pressure can help reduce the
risk of these problems (12 ).
Some research also suggests that incorporating yoga into a healthy lifestyle
could help slow the progression of heart disease.
A study followed 113 patients with heart disease, looking at the effects of a
lifestyle change that included one year of yoga training combined with
dietary modifications and stress management.
Participants saw a 23% decrease in total cholesterol and a 26% reduction in
“bad” LDL cholesterol. Additionally, the progression of heart disease stopped
in 47% of patients (13 ).
It’s unclear how much of a role yoga may have had versus other factors like
diet. Yet it can minimize stress, one of the major contributors to heart disease
(14 ).
Summary: Alone or in combination with a healthy lifestyle,
yoga may help decrease risk factors for heart disease.
5. Improves Quality of Life
Yoga is becoming increasingly common as an adjunct therapy to improve
quality of life for many individuals.
In one study, 135 seniors were assigned to either six months of yoga, walking
or a control group. Practicing yoga significantly improved quality of life, as
well as mood and fatigue, compared to the other groups (15 ).
Other studies have looked at how yoga can improve quality of life and reduce
symptoms in patients with cancer.
One study followed women with breast cancer undergoing chemotherapy.
Yoga decreased symptoms of chemotherapy, such as nausea and vomiting,
while also improving overall quality of life (16 ).
A similar study looked at how eight weeks of yoga affected women with
breast cancer. At the end of the study, the women had less pain and fatigue
with improvements in levels of invigoration, acceptance and relaxation (17 ).
Other studies have found that yoga may help improve sleep quality, enhance
spiritual well-being, improve social function and reduce symptoms of anxiety
and depression in patients with cancer (18 , 19 ).
Summary: Some
studies show that yoga could improve quality of life and may be used
as an adjunct therapy for some conditions.
6. May Fight Depression
Some studies show that yoga may have an anti-depressant effect and could
help decrease symptoms of depression.
This may be because yoga is able to decrease levels of cortisol, a stress
hormone that influences levels of serotonin, the neurotransmitter often
associated with depression (20 ).
In one study, participants in an alcohol dependence program practiced
Sudarshan Kriya, a specific type of yoga that focuses on rhythmic breathing.
After two weeks, participants had fewer symptoms of depression and lower
levels of cortisol. They also had lower levels of ACTH, a hormone responsible
for stimulating the release of cortisol (2 ).
Other studies have had similar results, showing an association between
practicing yoga and decreased symptoms of depression (21 , 22 ).
Based on these results, yoga may help fight depression, alone or in
combination with traditional methods of treatment.
Summary: Several studies have found that yoga may decrease
symptoms of depression by influencing the production of
stress hormones in the body.
7. Could Reduce Chronic Pain
Chronic pain is a persistent problem that affects millions of people and has a
range of possible causes, from injuries to arthritis.
There is a growing body of research demonstrating that practicing yoga could
help reduce many types of chronic pain.
In one study, 42 individuals with carpal tunnel syndrome either received a
wrist splint or did yoga for eight weeks.
At the end of the study, yoga was found to be more effective in reducing pain
and improving grip strength than wrist splinting (23 ).
Another study in 2005 showed that yoga could help decrease pain and
improve physical function in participants with osteoarthritis of the knees
(24 ).
Although more research is needed, incorporating yoga into your daily routine
may be beneficial for those who suffer from chronic pain.
Summary: Yoga
may help reduce chronic pain in conditions like carpal tunnel
syndrome and osteoarthritis.
8. Could Promote Sleep Quality
Poor sleep quality has been associated with obesity, high blood pressure and
depression, among other disorders (25 , 26 , 27 ).
Studies show that incorporating yoga into your routine could help promote
better sleep.
In a 2005 study, 69 elderly patients were assigned to either practice yoga,
take an herbal preparation or be part of the control group.
The yoga group fell asleep faster, slept longer and felt more well-rested in the
morning than the other groups (28 ).
Another study looked at the effects of yoga on sleep in patients with
lymphoma. They found that it decreased sleep disturbances, improved sleep
quality and duration and reduced the need for sleep medications (29 ).
Though the way it works is not clear, yoga has been shown to increase the
secretion of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep and wakefulness
(30 ).
Yoga also has a significant effect on anxiety, depression, chronic pain and
stress — all common contributors to sleep problems.
Summary: Yoga may help enhance sleep quality because of its
effects on melatonin and its impact on several common
contributors to sleep problems.
9. Improves Flexibility and Balance
Many people add yoga to their fitness routine to improve flexibility and
There is considerable research that backs this benefit, demonstrating that it
can optimize performance through the use of specific poses that target
flexibility and balance.
A recent study looked at the impact of 10 weeks of yoga on 26 male college
athletes. Doing yoga significantly increased several measures of flexibility and
balance, compared to the control group (31 ).
Another study assigned 66 elderly participants to either practice yoga or
calisthenics, a type of body weight exercise.
After one year, total flexibility of the yoga group increased by nearly four
times that of the calisthenics group (32 ).
A 2013 study also found that practicing yoga could help improve balance and
mobility in older adults (33 ).
Practicing just 15–30 minutes of yoga each day could make a big difference
for those looking to enhance performance by increasing flexibility and
Summary: Research shows that practicing yoga can help
improve balance and increase flexibility.
10. Could Help Improve Breathing
Pranayama, or yogic breathing, is a practice in yoga that focuses on
controlling the breath through breathing exercises and techniques.
Most types of yoga incorporate these breathing exercises, and several studies
have found that practicing yoga could help improve breathing.
In one study, 287 college students took a 15-week class where they were
taught various yoga poses and breathing exercises. At the end of the study,
they had a significant increase in vital capacity (34 ).
Vital capacity is a measure of the maximum amount of air that can be
expelled from the lungs. It is especially important for those with lung disease,
heart problems and asthma.
Another study in 2009 found that practicing yogic breathing improved
symptoms and lung function in patients with mild-to-moderate asthma (35 ).
Improving breathing can help build endurance, optimize performance and
keep your lungs and heart healthy.
Summary: Yoga incorporates many breathing exercises, which
could help improve breathing and lung function.
11. May Relieve Migraines
Migraines are severe recurring headaches that affect an estimated 1 out of 7
Americans each year (36 ).
Traditionally, migraines are treated with medications to relieve and manage
However, increasing evidence shows that yoga could be a useful adjunct
therapy to help reduce migraine frequency.
A 2007 study divided 72 patients with migraines into either a yoga therapy or
self-care group for three months. Practicing yoga led to reductions in
headache intensity, frequency and pain compared to the self-care group
(37 ).
Another study treated 60 patients with migraines using conventional care
with or without yoga. Doing yoga resulted in a greater decrease in headache
frequency and intensity than conventional care alone (38 ).
Researchers suggest that doing yoga may help stimulate the vagus nerve,
which has been shown to be effective in relieving migraines (39 ).
Summary: Studies show that yoga may stimulate the vagus
nerve and reduce migraine intensity and frequency, alone or in
combination with conventional care.
12. Promotes Healthy Eating Habits
Mindful eating, also known as intuitive eating, is a concept that encourages
being present in the moment while eating.
It’s about paying attention to the taste, smell and texture of your food and
noticing any thoughts, feelings or sensations you experience while eating.
This practice has been shown to promote healthy eating habits that help
control blood sugar, increase weight loss and treat disordered eating
behaviors (40 , 41 , 42 ).
Because yoga places a similar emphasis on mindfulness, some studies show
that it could be used to encourage healthy eating behaviors.
One study incorporated yoga into an outpatient eating disorder treatment
program with 54 patients, finding that yoga helped reduce both eating
disorder symptoms and preoccupation with food (43 ).
Another small study looked at how yoga affected symptoms of binge eating
disorder, a disorder characterized by compulsive overeating and a feeling of
loss of control.
Yoga was found to cause a decrease in episodes of binge eating, an increase
in physical activity and a small decrease in weight (44 ).
For those with and without disordered eating behaviors, practicing
mindfulness through yoga can aid in the development of healthy eating
Summary: Yoga encourages mindfulness, which may be used to
help promote mindful eating and healthy eating habits.
13. Can Increase Strength
In addition to improving flexibility, yoga is a great addition to an exercise
routine for its strength-building benefits.
In fact, there are specific poses in yoga that are designed to increase strength
and build muscle.
In one study, 79 adults performed 24 cycles of sun salutations — a series of
foundational poses often used as a warm-up — six days a week for 24 weeks.
They experienced a significant increase in upper body strength, endurance
and weight loss. Women had a decrease in body fat percentage, as well (45 ).
A 2015 study had similar findings, showing that 12 weeks of practice led to
improvements in endurance, strength and flexibility in 173 participants (46 ).
Based on these findings, practicing yoga can be an effective way to boost
strength and endurance, especially when used in combination with a regular
exercise routine.
Summary: Some
studies show that yoga can cause an increase in strength,
endurance and flexibility.
The Bottom Line
Multiple studies have confirmed the many mental and physical benefits of
Incorporating it into your routine can help enhance your health, increase
strength and flexibility and reduce symptoms of stress, depression and
Finding the time to practice yoga just a few times per week may be enough to
make a noticeable difference when it comes to your health.
Boost Your Flexibility with These 8
Yoga Poses
Flexibility is one of the key elements of good physical health. Over time,
though, your body may lose flexibility due to aging, a sedentary lifestyle,
stress, or improper posture and movement habits.
If you’re ready to boost your flexibility, regularly practicing yoga, whether at a
class or at home, may be one of the best ways to increase mobility in your
muscles and joints.
Along with boosting your flexibility, practicing specific yoga poses may also
help you build muscle strength and reduce feelings of stress or anxiety.
In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of increasing your flexibility and walk
you through the best yoga poses for improving flexibility in your back, hips,
core, neck, and shoulders.
Why is flexibility important?
Increasing your flexibility is good for you in many ways. Some of the most
important benefits include:
Greater range of motion. Increased flexibility makes it easier to move
your joints in a normal direction with less effort.
Less muscle tension. Stretching your muscles can help release tension
and tightness, making it easier to move.
Better posture. Tight, tense muscles can lead to muscle strain and poor
Less pain. When your muscles aren’t tense, there’s usually less stress
and pressure on certain parts of your body and, as a result, less pain in
your back, neck, and shoulders.
Lower risk of injuries. Greater strength and flexibility in your muscles
and joints may make you less prone to injuries.
Less stress. When tension is released in your muscles, it may help you
feel more relaxed. In turn, that may lower your stress levels.
Improved circulation. Better blood flow may help your muscles recover
more quickly after a workout and also prevent stiffness.
Best yoga poses for improved flexibility
If you’re interested in trying a yoga class to increase your flexibility, Hatha,
Vinyasa, or Yin styles are all good options.
If you’re short on time, or would prefer to practice some yoga poses at home,
the following poses can be especially helpful for stretching many of your
major muscles and boosting flexibility.
With each pose, go at your own pace. Focus on how the pose feels instead of
how it looks. You can repeat each pose as many times as you like, as long as it
doesn’t feel painful or too difficult to do correctly.
Poses for back flexibility
1. Intense side stretch (Parsvottanasana)
This forward bend stretches your spine, hips, and legs. It also benefits your
posture, balance, and digestion.
To do this pose:
1. Stand with your left foot in front facing forward and your right foot
back, turning out your toes at a slight angle.
2. Square both of your hips to face forward.
3. Place your hands on your hips.
4. Bend at your hips to fold your torso forward, tucking your chin into your
5. Drop your hands down to the floor, or place them on a block.
6. Hold this pose for 30 seconds to 1 minute.
7. Switch the position of your feet and do the opposite side.
2. Head to knee (Janu Sirsasana)
Suitable for all levels, this pose helps improve flexibility in your back, hips,
and thighs. It also increases blood flow in the lower abdomen and can be a
great stress reliever.
To do this pose:
1. Sit on the ground or on a yoga mat.
2. Extend your right leg, and press your left foot into the inside of your
3. Inhale and raise your arms overhead.
4. Exhale and bend at your hips to fold forward toward your outstretched
5. Place your hands on the floor, or hold on to your outstretched leg or
6. Hold for 1 to 2 minutes.
7. Switch legs and do the opposite side.
Poses for core flexibility
3. Cat-Cow (Bitilasana Marjaryasana)
The fluidity of this pose works well for improving mobility and flexibility in
your core, neck, shoulders, and spine.
To do this pose:
1. Start this pose on all fours, making sure your wrists are beneath your
shoulders and your knees are beneath your hips.
2. Keeping your weight balanced evenly across your body, inhale as you
allow your belly to fall toward the floor. Raise your chest and chin as
your belly moves downward.
3. Exhale as you press into your hands to round your spine up toward the
ceiling, tucking your chin into your chest as you do so.
4. Continue this movement for 1 minute.
4. Bow Pose (Dhanurasana)
This intermediate level pose helps stretch many of the muscles that are used
when sitting. It can help increase flexibility in your core muscles as well as the
muscles in your back, chest, glutes, and legs.
Avoid doing this pose if you have pain or discomfort in your neck, shoulders,
or back.
To do this pose:
1. Lie on your stomach with your arms alongside your body.
2. Bend your knees and reach back with your hands to grasp the outside of
your ankles.
3. Try to lift your shoulders and chest off the ground if you can, but don’t
push beyond what’s comfortable.
4. Keep your head looking forward while taking long, deep breaths.
5. Try to hold for up to 30 seconds, then release.
6. Repeat 1 to 2 times.
Poses for hip flexibility
5. Low lunge (Anjaneyasana)
Ideal for all levels, this pose helps lengthen your spine, open your hips, and
build muscle strength. It may also help alleviate sciatica.
To do this pose:
1. Kneel on the floor on your left knee. Bend your right knee and place
your right foot flat on the ground in front of you.
2. Lengthen through your spine and out the crown of your head.
3. Lift up your torso and arms. Or, you can extend your arms to the side,
perpendicular to the floor.
4. Gently push into your right hip.
5. Try to hold this position for at least 30 seconds.
6. Switch legs and repeat on the opposite side.
Alignment tip: Prevent your front knee from moving past your ankle.
Maintain square hips by drawing your back hip forward.
6. Wide-angle seated forward bend (Upavistha Konasana)
This forward bend can help open up your hips and low back while also
boosting flexibility in your hamstrings and calves.
To go deeper into the pose, you can sit on the edge of a cushion or block to
tilt your pelvis forward.
To do this pose:
1. Sit on the floor with your legs open as far wide as they’ll go.
2. Extend your arms overhead.
3. Hinge at your hips to fold forward, walking your hands forward toward
your feet.
4. Hold this position for up to 1 to 2 minutes.
Alignment tip: If your toes point out to the sides, move your legs in closer.
Your toes should face straight up, as though you’re pressing the soles of your
feet into a wall.
Poses for shoulder and neck flexibility
7. Cow Face Pose (Gomukhasana)
Appropriate for all levels, this pose stretches your shoulders, chest, and arms.
To do this pose:
1. Position yourself in a comfortable seated position. Allow your spine to
lengthen and your chest to open.
2. Extend your left arm overhead, then bend your elbow so your fingers
point down along your spine.
3. Using your right hand, gently draw your left elbow over to the right,
allowing your left hand to move further down your spine.
4. If it’s comfortable, you can try bending your right arm upward along
your spine to clasp your left hand.
5. Remain in this pose for at least 30 seconds.
6. Switch arms and do it on the other side.
8. Plow Pose (Halasana)
This intermediate level pose may help alleviate tension in your neck,
shoulders, and spine.
If you find it hard for your feet to reach the floor, rest them on the seat of a
chair or a stack of cushions. Avoid doing this pose if you have any concerns
with your neck, digestion, or blood pressure.
To do this pose:
1. Lie on your back with your arms alongside your body, pressing your
palms into the floor.
2. Raise your legs straight up to 90 degrees.
3. Bring your legs over your head.
4. Place your hands on your lower back, aligning your pinky fingers on
either side of your spine with your fingers facing upward.
5. Hold for 1 to 2 minutes.
6. Release by rolling your spine back down to the floor.
7. Repeat 1 to 2 times.
Safety tips
When doing a yoga pose, avoid forcing yourself into any position or doing too
much too quickly. This can increase your risk for injury.
Listen to your body. If a pose starts to feel painful or too uncomfortable,
release the pose right away.
You may be able to only hold a pose for 10 or 20 seconds at first, and that’s
just fine. As you gain flexibility, you can work toward holding the poses for
Talk to your doctor or a certified yoga teacher before starting yoga if you:
have any injury or pain, including sciatica
have high or low blood pressure
are menstruating or pregnant have asthma
have cardiovascular or respiratory concerns
have digestive issues
take any medications
The bottom line
Being flexible and able to move easily is an important aspect of your physical
health. But stress, age, lack of exercise, and improper posture can cause your
muscles to become tense and tight, which can limit your flexibility.
Doing a regular routine of yoga poses is a highly effective way of easing
tension in your muscles and building flexibility. The key is to start slowly and
gradually increase the amount of time you can hold a pose with the correct
9 Science-Based Ways for Athletes to
Lose Weight
Humans need a certain amount of body fat to maintain basic functions.
However, a higher body fat percentage can negatively affect performance in
That said, athletes need to approach weight loss with care. Failing to do so
can negatively affect training and lead to muscle loss.
Here are 9 science-based weight loss tips for athletes.
1. Lose fat during the off-season
It’s very difficult to decrease body fat and reach peak fitness at the same
To lose fat, you need to eat fewer calories. This can make training feel more
difficult and prevent you from performing at your best.
For this reason, it’s best to lose fat in the off-season, when you’re not
competing. If that’s not possible, aim for less intense training periods.
Attempting fat loss in the off-season will also give you more time to reach
your goal. Losing weight at a slower rate decreases the likelihood of muscle
loss and seems to support better sports performance (1 ).
Most research agrees that weight loss of 1 pound (0.5 kg) or less per week is
ideal (1 , 2, 3 ).
Try to lose weight during the off-season at a rate of 1 pound (0.5 kg) per
week or less. This will minimize muscle loss while supporting sports
2. Avoid crash diets
If you cut calories too drastically, your nutrient intake may not support
proper training and recovery.
This can increase your risk of injury, illness, and overtraining syndrome
The latest sports nutrition guidelines also warn against eating too few calories
and reaching a dangerously low body fat percentage, both of which can
disrupt reproductive function and diminish bone health (2).
The lowest safe recommended body fat percentage is 5% in men and 12% in
women. However, these levels are not necessarily best for all athletes, so
discuss what’s best for you with your coach and sports dietitian (4 ).
Cutting calories too quickly can also negatively affect hormones and
metabolism (5 ).
To decrease body fat, athletes should eat about 300–500 fewer calories per
day but avoid eating fewer than 13.5 calories per pound (30 kilocalories per
kg) of fat-free mass per day (2, 3 ).
If you don’t know how much fat-free mass you have, get your body
composition estimated with either a skinfold test or bioelectrical impedance
analysis (BIA).
You can also get your body composition measured by dual-energy X-ray
absorptiometry (DXA) or underwater weighing. These are more accurate but
also tend to be expensive and harder to come by.
Crash diets can increase your risk of illness and injury, as well as
negatively affect your training and recovery. Therefore, avoid cutting
your calorie intake by more than 300–500 calories per day.
3. Eat less added sugar and more fiber
Low-carb diets providing less than 35–40% of calories from carbs seem very
effective at promoting fat loss (6 , 7 , 8 ).
However, restricting carbs too dramatically is not always best for athletes.
That’s because it can negatively affect training and sports performance (2, 3 ,
9 , 10 ).
Aim for a carb intake that’s 40% of your daily calories to maximize fat loss.
Still, consume no less than 1.4–1.8 grams of carbs per pound (3–4 grams per
kg) each day (2, 11 ).
Cutting out added sugars is the healthiest way to reduce your total carb
To do so, check labels and minimize foods that contain added sugars like
glucose, sucrose, and fructose. Also, avoid cane juice, dextrin, maltodextrin,
barley malt, caramel, fruit juice concentrate, fruit juice crystals, or other
Instead, increase your intake of vegetables high in fiber. These will help keep
you fuller for longer, making you feel more satisfied (12, 13 , 14).
Eating less sugar and more fiber can help you reach your body fat
goals. Athletes should aim to eat no less than 1.4–1.8 grams of carbs
per pound (3–4 grams per kg) each day.
4. Eat more protein
Protein aids fat loss in several ways.
To begin with, high-protein diets increase feelings of fullness and the number
of calories burned during digestion. They also help prevent muscle loss during
periods of weight loss, including in well-trained athletes (5 , 15 ).
In fact, several studies show that eating 2–3 times more protein per day can
help athletes retain more muscle while losing fat (9 , 16 , 17 ).
Therefore, athletes restricting their calories to lose weight should eat 0.8– 1.2
grams of protein per pound of body weight (1.8–2.7 grams per kg) per day (2,
3 , 18 ).
That said, there’s no advantage to exceeding these recommendations.
Consuming more than these amounts can displace other important nutrients,
such as carbs, from your diet. This can limit your ability to train and maintain
good sports performance (2, 3 , 9 , 19 ).
Higher protein intakes help limit muscle loss while your weight is
dropping. Athletes should aim to consume 0.8–1.2 grams per pound of
body weight (1.8–2.7 grams per kg) of protein each day.
5. Spread protein intake throughout the day
In addition to eating more protein, athletes can benefit from spreading their
intake throughout the day (20 ).
In fact, 20–30 grams of protein per meal seems sufficient to stimulate
muscles to produce protein for the following 2–3 hours.
This is why many scientists believe that it’s ideal to consume a proteinrich
meal or snack every 3 hours (3 , 21 ).
Interestingly, studies in athletes show that spreading 80 grams of protein
over 4 meals stimulates muscle protein production more than splitting it over
2 larger meals or 8 smaller ones (22 , 23 ).
A 2-week weight loss study in boxers also found that those who spread their
daily calorie allowance over 6 meals instead of 2 lost 46% less muscle mass
(24 ).
Eating a snack with 40 grams of protein immediately before bedtime can also
improve recovery from training and increase muscle protein synthesis during
the night (25 ).
However, more research in athletes is needed to draw strong conclusions.
Eating 20–30 grams of protein every 3 hours, including right before bed,
may help maintain muscle mass during weight loss.
6. Refuel well after training
Eating the right foods after training or competing is vital, especially when
trying to lose body fat.
Proper refueling is especially important for days with two training sessions or
when you have fewer than eight hours of recovery time between workouts
and events (2).
Athletes following carb-restricted diets should aim to consume between 0.5–
0.7 grams of carbs per pound of body weight (1–1.5 grams per kg) as soon as
possible after a training session (2, 3 , 11 ).
Adding 20–25 grams of protein can further speed up recovery and promote
protein production in your muscles (2).
Consuming a good amount of carbs and protein immediately after
training can help maintain your sports performance during weight loss.
7. Do strength training
Individuals attempting to lose weight are often at risk of losing some muscle
in addition to fat. Athletes are no exception.
Some muscle loss can be prevented by eating a sufficient amount of protein,
avoiding crash diets, and lifting weights (3 ).
Research shows that both protein intake and strength-training exercises
stimulate muscle protein synthesis. What’s more, combining the two seems
to produce the greatest effect (26 ).
Nevertheless, make sure to speak to your coach before adding any extra
workouts to your schedule. This will reduce your risk of overtraining or
Strength-training exercises can help prevent the muscle loss often
experienced during a period of weight loss.
8. Increase calories gradually after you reach your goal
Once you’ve reached your body fat percentage goal, it’s tempting to quickly
start eating more.
However, this may not be the most effective way to maintain your results.
That’s because your body can adapt to a restricted calorie intake by adjusting
your metabolism and hormone levels.
Researchers believe these adaptations can persist for some time after you
bump up your calorie intake and cause you to quickly regain the lost fat (5 ).
A good alternative may be to increase your calories gradually.
This may help restore your hormone levels and metabolism better,
minimizing the weight regain (5 ).
Increasing your calorie intake gradually after a period of weight loss may
help minimize weight regain.
9. Try some of these other weight loss tips
Although weight loss is a widely researched topic, the number of studies
performed on athletes is limited.
Nevertheless, many of the strategies scientifically proven to help nonathletes
lose body fat may also benefit athletes. Thus, you can try some of the
Record your portions. Measuring your portions and keeping track of
what you eat is scientifically proven to help you get better results (27 ).
Drink enough fluids. Drinking liquids before a meal, whether it’s soup or
water, can help you consume up to 22% fewer calories at the meal (28 ,
29 ).
Eat slowly. Slow eaters tend to eat less and feel fuller than fast eaters.
Eating slowly can help you decrease your calorie intake without feeling
hungry. Aim to take at least 20 minutes for each meal (30 , 31 ).
Avoid alcohol. Alcohol is a source of empty calories. What’s more, it can
prevent athletes from properly refueling after exercise, which can
negatively affect future performance (32 , 33 , 34 ).
Get enough sleep. Research suggests that too little sleep can increase
hunger and appetite by up to 24%. As sleep is also important for athletic
performance, make sure you get enough (35 , 36 ).
Reduce your stress. Having high levels of stress increases cortisol levels,
which promotes food cravings. Mental and physical stress can also
prevent proper recovery (37 , 38 ).
Stress, sleep, hydration, and alcohol all affect weight loss. Eating
slowly, controlling portion sizes, and sleeping well can all help you lose
The bottom line
Fat loss can be beneficial, but athletes must do it in a way that doesn’t
negatively affect their sports performance or health.
Those who want to reduce their body fat levels should aim to do so during
the off-season.
Keep in mind that lower body fat is not always better. Athletes should discuss
any weight loss goals or strategies with their coach or sports dietitian.

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How many calories does yoga burn and can it help you lose weight

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  • 2. How Many Calories Does Yoga Burn and Can It Help You Lose Weight? A yoga session can burn between 180 and 460 calories depending on several factors, including: the type of yoga you’re doing the length and intensity of the class whether you’re male or female For example, a 160-pound person will burn 183 calories in a 60-minute Hatha (basic) yoga class, according to the Mayo Clinic. In comparison, here are the approximate calories burned for other activities, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA): The primary health benefit of yoga is not burning calories, but you will burn calories during a yoga class. How many calories you burn depends on a number of variables, such as: Style of yoga Level of the class length Length of class Pace and intensity of the class
  • 3. For example, the number of calories burned during Hatha yoga — a basic style of yoga usually taught at a slightly slower pace — will vary from the number burned in Bikram yoga, also known as hot yoga. Keep reading to learn more about yoga and how it may benefit weight loss. Bikram yoga Bikram yoga is performed in a room heated to 105°F at 40 percent humidity. It typically consists of a 90-minute session featuring 26 postures and two breathing exercises. Many of the postures require strength, flexibility, and balance. A 2014 study from Colorado State University found that, on average, men burned 460 calories and women burned 330 calories per Bikram session. Can yoga help you lose weight? Weight loss is achieved by either burning more calories with physical activity or consuming fewer calories. The majority of people who lose weight and keep it off use both methods. Many activities burn more calories than yoga. But a 2016 study suggested yoga may offer diverse effects that could make it a useful option for sustained, healthy weight loss. For people trying to lose weight, the yoga community provides social support and role modeling. The researchers also suggested that developing mindfulness through yoga may help people:
  • 4. resist unhealthy foods resist comfort eating resist stress eating be more in tune with their body so they’re aware when they’re full have fewer cravings have a reduced appetite have improved self-esteem and mood reduce back or joint pain that had been prohibiting additional exercise Yoga, sleep, and fat loss According to the National Sleep Foundation, yoga can help you sleep better. For people with insomnia, practicing yoga daily helps them: fall asleep faster sleep longer return to sleep faster if they wake up during the night A 2018 study compared one group of people following normal sleep patterns to another group with restricted sleep five times per week. When both groups limited their caloric intake, the group with restricted sleep lost less fat. This suggests that sleep loss negatively impacts body composition, including the loss of fat. If good sleep helps you lose fat and yoga helps you sleep well, it’s reasonable that yoga can help people lose fat. Yoga and long-term weight management A 2005 study of 15,500 middle-aged women and men funded by the National Cancer Institute found that people who were of normal weight at the age of 45 and regularly practiced yoga had gained about 3 pounds less than the average person by the time they reached 55.
  • 5. The study also indicated that overweight people who practiced yoga lost about 5 pounds during the 10-year period of age 45 to 55 compared to the 14 pounds gained by people who did not do yoga from age 45 to 55. The researchers concluded that these results were likely due to a more mindful approach to eating by those who practiced yoga. The takeaway To lose weight, you must burn more calories than you consume. You will burn calories in yoga class, but there are other physical activities that will burn more calories in the same time period. That said, yoga may be able to help you lose weight and keep it off with mindfulness and better sleep. Yoga for Weight Loss Overview The practice of yoga supports physical, mental, and spiritual development that allows you to create the best version of yourself. Yoga may also be an effective tool to help you lose weight, especially the more active forms of yoga. And you may find that the awareness gained through a gentle, relaxing yoga practice helps you to lose weight as well. Many experts agree that yoga works in different ways to bring about a healthy weight. Let’s take a look at a few of those ways. Yoga and mindfulness The mental and spiritual aspects of yoga focus on developing mindfulness. This increases your awareness on many levels.
  • 6. It can make you more conscious of how different foods affect your mind, body, and spirit. A 2016 study suggested that people who develop mindfulness through a yoga practice may be better able to resist unhealthy foods and comfort eating. They may also become more in tune with their body so that they notice when they’re full. Yoga is thought to be especially beneficial for people who are struggling to lose weight in other ways as well. A meta study from 2017 reported that mindfulness training has positive short-term benefits regarding impulsive or binge eating and physical activity participation. There was no significant effect on weight loss directly, but it’s thought that weight loss is associated with longer periods of mindfulness training. Further studies are needed to expand on these findings. Since you’re advised not to practice yoga on a full stomach, you may find that you make healthy eating choices before doing yoga. After a yoga session, you may be more likely to crave fresh, unprocessed foods. You may also learn to chew each bite more thoroughly and eat more slowly, which can lead to less consumption. Yoga and better sleep Practicing yoga can help improve the quality of your sleep. You may find that you’re able to fall asleep more easily and sleep more deeply when you have a consistent yoga practice. Ideally, you should sleep between six and nine hours each night. Quality sleep is often associated with weight loss. A 2018 study found that people who had restricted sleep five times per week lost less fat than the group that followed their normal sleeping patterns. Both groups were limiting the number of calories they consumed, suggesting that sleep loss has an adverse effect on body composition, including fat loss. Yoga nidra is a form of guided relaxation that you do lying down. The practice may help you to sleep more deeply and increase mindfulness. You can also
  • 7. set intentions during yoga nidra, which may help you to develop weight loss goals. A small 2018 study found that healthcare workers who did yoga nidra for eight weeks increased their levels of mindfulness. This mindfulness included acting with awareness and not judging inner experiences. Their levels of sleepiness weren’t significantly different at the follow-up. However, this score improved the longer people did the practice. Larger, more in-depth studies are needed to expand on these findings. Yoga and calorie burning While yoga isn’t traditionally considered an aerobic exercise, there are certain types of yoga that are more physical than others. Active, intense styles of yoga help you burn the most calories. This may help prevent weight gain. Ashtanga, vinyasa, and power yoga are examples of more physical types of yoga. Vinyasa and power yoga are usually offered at hot yoga studios. These types of yoga keep you moving almost constantly, which helps you to burn calories. Practicing yoga may also help you develop muscle tone and improve your metabolism. While restorative yoga isn’t an especially physical type of yoga, it still helps in weight loss. One study found that restorative yoga was effective in helping overweight women to lose weight, including abdominal fat. These findings are especially promising for people whose body weight may make more vigorous forms of yoga difficult. A review of studies from 2013 found that yoga is a promising way to help with behavioral change, weight loss, and maintenance by burning calories, heightening mindfulness, and reducing stress. These factors may help you to reduce food intake and become aware of the effects of overeating.
  • 8. More in-depth, high-quality studies are needed to expand on these findings. How often should you do yoga to lose weight? Practice yoga as often as possible in order to lose weight. You can do a more active, intense practice at least three to five times per week for at least one hour. On the other days, balance out your practice with a more relaxing, gentle class. Hatha, yin, and restorative yoga classes are great options. If you’re a beginner, start slowly and gradually build up your practice. This allows you to build up your strength and flexibility and prevent injuries. If you don’t have time for a full class on certain days, do a self-practice for at least 20 minutes. Allow yourself one full day of rest each week. Combine your yoga practice with activities such as walking, cycling, or swimming for added cardiovascular benefits. As part of your routine, avoid weighing yourself directly after a yoga class, especially if it’s a hot yoga class, since you may lose water weight during the class. Instead, weigh yourself at the same time each day. Poses to do at home Here are a few yoga poses you can do at home if you don’t have time for a full session. Sun Salutations Do at least 10 Sun Salutations. You can increase the intensity by holding some of the positions for longer periods or by speeding up the pace. 1. From standing, inhale as your lift your arms overhead. 2. Exhale as you swan dive down into a Forward Bend. 3. Jump, step, or walk your feet back into Plank pose. 4. Hold this position for at least five breaths. 5. Drop your knees down and lower your body to the floor.
  • 9. 6. Extend your legs, turn the tops of your feet to the mat, and place your hands under your shoulders. 7. Inhale to lift partway, halfway, or all the way up into Cobra pose. 8. Exhale to lower back down and then push up into Downward Facing Dog. 9. Hold this pose for at least five breaths. 10.Exhale as you jump, step, or walk your feet to the top of the mat and stand in a Forward Bend. 11.Then inhale to lift up your arms overhead. 12.Exhale to lower your arms back down by your body. Boat pose This pose engages your whole body, especially your core, and helps to reduce stress.
  • 10. 1. Sit on the floor with your legs together and extended in front of you. 2. Bend your knees and lift your feet off the floor so that your thighs are at an angle to the floor while your shins are parallel to the floor. 3. Extend your arms in front of you so that they’re parallel to the floor. 4. If you can, straighten your legs while keeping your torso lifted. 5. Hold this pose for 30 seconds. 6. Repeat at least five times. Plank pose Spend 10 to 20 minutes doing variations of Plank pose.
  • 11. 1. From tabletop position, step your feet back with your heels lifted. 2. Bring your body into a straight line. You may want to check your body in a mirror. 3. Engage your core, arm, and leg muscles. 4. Hold here for at least one minute. The takeaway Make a commitment to yourself and your practice if you want to use yoga to lose weight. Make small, gradual changes and set modest goals so that you’re more likely to stick to them. As you deepen your practice and your awareness, you may find yourself naturally attracted to healthy foods and ways of living. While it’s not guaranteed that you’ll lose weight, it’s definitely likely. Your positive results may extend far beyond weight loss. 13 Benefits of Yoga That Are Supported by Science Derived from the Sanskrit word “yuji,” meaning yoke or union, yoga is an ancient practice that brings together mind and body (1 ). It incorporates breathing exercises, meditation and poses designed to encourage relaxation and reduce stress. Practicing yoga is said to come with many benefits for both mental and physical health, though not all of these benefits have been backed by science. This article takes a look at 13 evidence-based benefits of yoga.
  • 12. 1. Can Decrease Stress Yoga is known for its ability to ease stress and promote relaxation. In fact, multiple studies have shown that it can decrease the secretion of cortisol, the primary stress hormone (2 , 3 ). One study demonstrated the powerful effect of yoga on stress by following 24 women who perceived themselves as emotionally distressed. After a three-month yoga program, the women had significantly lower levels of cortisol. They also had lower levels of stress, anxiety, fatigue and depression (4 ). Another study of 131 people had similar results, showing that 10 weeks of yoga helped reduce stress and anxiety. It also helped improve quality of life and mental health (5 ). When used alone or along with other methods of alleviating stress, such as meditation, yoga can be a powerful way to keep stress in check. Summary: Studies show that yoga can help ease stress and lower your levels of the stress hormone cortisol.
  • 13. 2. Relieves Anxiety Many people begin practicing yoga as a way to cope with feelings of anxiety. Interestingly enough, there is quite a bit of research showing that yoga can help reduce anxiety. In one study, 34 women diagnosed with an anxiety disorder participated in yoga classes twice weekly for two months. At the end of the study, those who practiced yoga had significantly lower levels of anxiety than the control group (6 ). Another study followed 64 women with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which is characterized by severe anxiety and fear following exposure to a traumatic event. After 10 weeks, the women who practiced yoga once weekly had fewer symptoms of PTSD. In fact, 52% of participants no longer met the criteria for PTSD at all (7 ). It’s not entirely clear exactly how yoga is able to reduce symptoms of anxiety. However, it emphasizes the importance of being present in the moment and finding a sense of peace, which could help treat anxiety. Summary: Several studies show that practicing yoga can lead to a decrease in symptoms of anxiety. 3. May Reduce Inflammation In addition to improving your mental health, some studies suggest that practicing yoga may reduce inflammation as well.
  • 14. Inflammation is a normal immune response, but chronic inflammation can contribute to the development of pro-inflammatory diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer (8 ). A 2015 study divided 218 participants into two groups: those who practiced yoga regularly and those who didn’t. Both groups then performed moderate and strenuous exercises to induce stress. At the end of the study, the individuals who practiced yoga had lower levels of inflammatory markers than those who didn’t (9 ). Similarly, a small 2014 study showed that 12 weeks of yoga reduced inflammatory markers in breast cancer survivors with persistent fatigue (10 ). Although more research is needed to confirm the beneficial effects of yoga on inflammation, these findings indicate that it may help protect against certain diseases caused by chronic inflammation. Summary: Some studies show that yoga may reduce inflammatory markers in the body and help prevent pro-inflammatory diseases. 4. Could Improve Heart Health From pumping blood throughout the body to supplying tissues with important nutrients, the health of your heart is an essential component of overall health. Studies show that yoga may help improve heart health and reduce several risk factors for heart disease. One study found that participants over 40 years of age who practiced yoga for five years had a lower blood pressure and pulse rate than those who didn’t (11 ).
  • 15. High blood pressure is one of the major causes of heart problems, such as heart attacks and stroke. Lowering your blood pressure can help reduce the risk of these problems (12 ). Some research also suggests that incorporating yoga into a healthy lifestyle could help slow the progression of heart disease. A study followed 113 patients with heart disease, looking at the effects of a lifestyle change that included one year of yoga training combined with dietary modifications and stress management. Participants saw a 23% decrease in total cholesterol and a 26% reduction in “bad” LDL cholesterol. Additionally, the progression of heart disease stopped in 47% of patients (13 ). It’s unclear how much of a role yoga may have had versus other factors like diet. Yet it can minimize stress, one of the major contributors to heart disease (14 ). Summary: Alone or in combination with a healthy lifestyle, yoga may help decrease risk factors for heart disease. 5. Improves Quality of Life Yoga is becoming increasingly common as an adjunct therapy to improve quality of life for many individuals. In one study, 135 seniors were assigned to either six months of yoga, walking or a control group. Practicing yoga significantly improved quality of life, as well as mood and fatigue, compared to the other groups (15 ). Other studies have looked at how yoga can improve quality of life and reduce symptoms in patients with cancer.
  • 16. One study followed women with breast cancer undergoing chemotherapy. Yoga decreased symptoms of chemotherapy, such as nausea and vomiting, while also improving overall quality of life (16 ). A similar study looked at how eight weeks of yoga affected women with breast cancer. At the end of the study, the women had less pain and fatigue with improvements in levels of invigoration, acceptance and relaxation (17 ). Other studies have found that yoga may help improve sleep quality, enhance spiritual well-being, improve social function and reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression in patients with cancer (18 , 19 ). Summary: Some studies show that yoga could improve quality of life and may be used as an adjunct therapy for some conditions. 6. May Fight Depression Some studies show that yoga may have an anti-depressant effect and could help decrease symptoms of depression. This may be because yoga is able to decrease levels of cortisol, a stress hormone that influences levels of serotonin, the neurotransmitter often associated with depression (20 ). In one study, participants in an alcohol dependence program practiced Sudarshan Kriya, a specific type of yoga that focuses on rhythmic breathing. After two weeks, participants had fewer symptoms of depression and lower levels of cortisol. They also had lower levels of ACTH, a hormone responsible for stimulating the release of cortisol (2 ). Other studies have had similar results, showing an association between practicing yoga and decreased symptoms of depression (21 , 22 ).
  • 17. Based on these results, yoga may help fight depression, alone or in combination with traditional methods of treatment. Summary: Several studies have found that yoga may decrease symptoms of depression by influencing the production of stress hormones in the body. 7. Could Reduce Chronic Pain Chronic pain is a persistent problem that affects millions of people and has a range of possible causes, from injuries to arthritis. There is a growing body of research demonstrating that practicing yoga could help reduce many types of chronic pain. In one study, 42 individuals with carpal tunnel syndrome either received a wrist splint or did yoga for eight weeks. At the end of the study, yoga was found to be more effective in reducing pain and improving grip strength than wrist splinting (23 ). Another study in 2005 showed that yoga could help decrease pain and improve physical function in participants with osteoarthritis of the knees (24 ). Although more research is needed, incorporating yoga into your daily routine may be beneficial for those who suffer from chronic pain. Summary: Yoga may help reduce chronic pain in conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome and osteoarthritis.
  • 18. 8. Could Promote Sleep Quality Poor sleep quality has been associated with obesity, high blood pressure and depression, among other disorders (25 , 26 , 27 ). Studies show that incorporating yoga into your routine could help promote better sleep. In a 2005 study, 69 elderly patients were assigned to either practice yoga, take an herbal preparation or be part of the control group. The yoga group fell asleep faster, slept longer and felt more well-rested in the morning than the other groups (28 ). Another study looked at the effects of yoga on sleep in patients with lymphoma. They found that it decreased sleep disturbances, improved sleep quality and duration and reduced the need for sleep medications (29 ). Though the way it works is not clear, yoga has been shown to increase the secretion of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep and wakefulness (30 ). Yoga also has a significant effect on anxiety, depression, chronic pain and stress — all common contributors to sleep problems. Summary: Yoga may help enhance sleep quality because of its effects on melatonin and its impact on several common contributors to sleep problems. 9. Improves Flexibility and Balance Many people add yoga to their fitness routine to improve flexibility and balance.
  • 19. There is considerable research that backs this benefit, demonstrating that it can optimize performance through the use of specific poses that target flexibility and balance. A recent study looked at the impact of 10 weeks of yoga on 26 male college athletes. Doing yoga significantly increased several measures of flexibility and balance, compared to the control group (31 ). Another study assigned 66 elderly participants to either practice yoga or calisthenics, a type of body weight exercise. After one year, total flexibility of the yoga group increased by nearly four times that of the calisthenics group (32 ). A 2013 study also found that practicing yoga could help improve balance and mobility in older adults (33 ). Practicing just 15–30 minutes of yoga each day could make a big difference for those looking to enhance performance by increasing flexibility and balance. Summary: Research shows that practicing yoga can help improve balance and increase flexibility. 10. Could Help Improve Breathing Pranayama, or yogic breathing, is a practice in yoga that focuses on controlling the breath through breathing exercises and techniques. Most types of yoga incorporate these breathing exercises, and several studies have found that practicing yoga could help improve breathing. In one study, 287 college students took a 15-week class where they were taught various yoga poses and breathing exercises. At the end of the study, they had a significant increase in vital capacity (34 ).
  • 20. Vital capacity is a measure of the maximum amount of air that can be expelled from the lungs. It is especially important for those with lung disease, heart problems and asthma. Another study in 2009 found that practicing yogic breathing improved symptoms and lung function in patients with mild-to-moderate asthma (35 ). Improving breathing can help build endurance, optimize performance and keep your lungs and heart healthy. Summary: Yoga incorporates many breathing exercises, which could help improve breathing and lung function. 11. May Relieve Migraines Migraines are severe recurring headaches that affect an estimated 1 out of 7 Americans each year (36 ). Traditionally, migraines are treated with medications to relieve and manage symptoms. However, increasing evidence shows that yoga could be a useful adjunct therapy to help reduce migraine frequency. A 2007 study divided 72 patients with migraines into either a yoga therapy or self-care group for three months. Practicing yoga led to reductions in headache intensity, frequency and pain compared to the self-care group (37 ). Another study treated 60 patients with migraines using conventional care with or without yoga. Doing yoga resulted in a greater decrease in headache frequency and intensity than conventional care alone (38 ).
  • 21. Researchers suggest that doing yoga may help stimulate the vagus nerve, which has been shown to be effective in relieving migraines (39 ). Summary: Studies show that yoga may stimulate the vagus nerve and reduce migraine intensity and frequency, alone or in combination with conventional care. 12. Promotes Healthy Eating Habits Mindful eating, also known as intuitive eating, is a concept that encourages being present in the moment while eating. It’s about paying attention to the taste, smell and texture of your food and noticing any thoughts, feelings or sensations you experience while eating. This practice has been shown to promote healthy eating habits that help control blood sugar, increase weight loss and treat disordered eating behaviors (40 , 41 , 42 ). Because yoga places a similar emphasis on mindfulness, some studies show that it could be used to encourage healthy eating behaviors. One study incorporated yoga into an outpatient eating disorder treatment program with 54 patients, finding that yoga helped reduce both eating disorder symptoms and preoccupation with food (43 ). Another small study looked at how yoga affected symptoms of binge eating disorder, a disorder characterized by compulsive overeating and a feeling of loss of control. Yoga was found to cause a decrease in episodes of binge eating, an increase in physical activity and a small decrease in weight (44 ).
  • 22. For those with and without disordered eating behaviors, practicing mindfulness through yoga can aid in the development of healthy eating habits. Summary: Yoga encourages mindfulness, which may be used to help promote mindful eating and healthy eating habits. 13. Can Increase Strength In addition to improving flexibility, yoga is a great addition to an exercise routine for its strength-building benefits. In fact, there are specific poses in yoga that are designed to increase strength and build muscle. In one study, 79 adults performed 24 cycles of sun salutations — a series of foundational poses often used as a warm-up — six days a week for 24 weeks. They experienced a significant increase in upper body strength, endurance and weight loss. Women had a decrease in body fat percentage, as well (45 ). A 2015 study had similar findings, showing that 12 weeks of practice led to improvements in endurance, strength and flexibility in 173 participants (46 ). Based on these findings, practicing yoga can be an effective way to boost strength and endurance, especially when used in combination with a regular exercise routine. Summary: Some studies show that yoga can cause an increase in strength, endurance and flexibility.
  • 23. The Bottom Line Multiple studies have confirmed the many mental and physical benefits of yoga. Incorporating it into your routine can help enhance your health, increase strength and flexibility and reduce symptoms of stress, depression and anxiety. Finding the time to practice yoga just a few times per week may be enough to make a noticeable difference when it comes to your health. Boost Your Flexibility with These 8 Yoga Poses Flexibility is one of the key elements of good physical health. Over time, though, your body may lose flexibility due to aging, a sedentary lifestyle, stress, or improper posture and movement habits. If you’re ready to boost your flexibility, regularly practicing yoga, whether at a class or at home, may be one of the best ways to increase mobility in your muscles and joints.
  • 24. Along with boosting your flexibility, practicing specific yoga poses may also help you build muscle strength and reduce feelings of stress or anxiety. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of increasing your flexibility and walk you through the best yoga poses for improving flexibility in your back, hips, core, neck, and shoulders. Why is flexibility important? Increasing your flexibility is good for you in many ways. Some of the most important benefits include: Greater range of motion. Increased flexibility makes it easier to move your joints in a normal direction with less effort. Less muscle tension. Stretching your muscles can help release tension and tightness, making it easier to move. Better posture. Tight, tense muscles can lead to muscle strain and poor posture. Less pain. When your muscles aren’t tense, there’s usually less stress and pressure on certain parts of your body and, as a result, less pain in your back, neck, and shoulders. Lower risk of injuries. Greater strength and flexibility in your muscles and joints may make you less prone to injuries. Less stress. When tension is released in your muscles, it may help you feel more relaxed. In turn, that may lower your stress levels. Improved circulation. Better blood flow may help your muscles recover more quickly after a workout and also prevent stiffness. Best yoga poses for improved flexibility If you’re interested in trying a yoga class to increase your flexibility, Hatha, Vinyasa, or Yin styles are all good options.
  • 25. If you’re short on time, or would prefer to practice some yoga poses at home, the following poses can be especially helpful for stretching many of your major muscles and boosting flexibility. With each pose, go at your own pace. Focus on how the pose feels instead of how it looks. You can repeat each pose as many times as you like, as long as it doesn’t feel painful or too difficult to do correctly. Poses for back flexibility 1. Intense side stretch (Parsvottanasana) This forward bend stretches your spine, hips, and legs. It also benefits your posture, balance, and digestion. To do this pose:
  • 26. 1. Stand with your left foot in front facing forward and your right foot back, turning out your toes at a slight angle. 2. Square both of your hips to face forward. 3. Place your hands on your hips. 4. Bend at your hips to fold your torso forward, tucking your chin into your chest. 5. Drop your hands down to the floor, or place them on a block. 6. Hold this pose for 30 seconds to 1 minute. 7. Switch the position of your feet and do the opposite side. 2. Head to knee (Janu Sirsasana) Suitable for all levels, this pose helps improve flexibility in your back, hips, and thighs. It also increases blood flow in the lower abdomen and can be a great stress reliever. To do this pose: 1. Sit on the ground or on a yoga mat.
  • 27. 2. Extend your right leg, and press your left foot into the inside of your thigh. 3. Inhale and raise your arms overhead. 4. Exhale and bend at your hips to fold forward toward your outstretched leg. 5. Place your hands on the floor, or hold on to your outstretched leg or foot. 6. Hold for 1 to 2 minutes. 7. Switch legs and do the opposite side. Poses for core flexibility 3. Cat-Cow (Bitilasana Marjaryasana) The fluidity of this pose works well for improving mobility and flexibility in your core, neck, shoulders, and spine. To do this pose:
  • 28. 1. Start this pose on all fours, making sure your wrists are beneath your shoulders and your knees are beneath your hips. 2. Keeping your weight balanced evenly across your body, inhale as you allow your belly to fall toward the floor. Raise your chest and chin as your belly moves downward. 3. Exhale as you press into your hands to round your spine up toward the ceiling, tucking your chin into your chest as you do so. 4. Continue this movement for 1 minute. 4. Bow Pose (Dhanurasana) This intermediate level pose helps stretch many of the muscles that are used when sitting. It can help increase flexibility in your core muscles as well as the muscles in your back, chest, glutes, and legs. Avoid doing this pose if you have pain or discomfort in your neck, shoulders, or back. To do this pose: 1. Lie on your stomach with your arms alongside your body.
  • 29. 2. Bend your knees and reach back with your hands to grasp the outside of your ankles. 3. Try to lift your shoulders and chest off the ground if you can, but don’t push beyond what’s comfortable. 4. Keep your head looking forward while taking long, deep breaths. 5. Try to hold for up to 30 seconds, then release. 6. Repeat 1 to 2 times. Poses for hip flexibility 5. Low lunge (Anjaneyasana) Ideal for all levels, this pose helps lengthen your spine, open your hips, and build muscle strength. It may also help alleviate sciatica. To do this pose: 1. Kneel on the floor on your left knee. Bend your right knee and place your right foot flat on the ground in front of you. 2. Lengthen through your spine and out the crown of your head. 3. Lift up your torso and arms. Or, you can extend your arms to the side, perpendicular to the floor. 4. Gently push into your right hip.
  • 30. 5. Try to hold this position for at least 30 seconds. 6. Switch legs and repeat on the opposite side. Alignment tip: Prevent your front knee from moving past your ankle. Maintain square hips by drawing your back hip forward. 6. Wide-angle seated forward bend (Upavistha Konasana) This forward bend can help open up your hips and low back while also boosting flexibility in your hamstrings and calves. To go deeper into the pose, you can sit on the edge of a cushion or block to tilt your pelvis forward. To do this pose: 1. Sit on the floor with your legs open as far wide as they’ll go. 2. Extend your arms overhead. 3. Hinge at your hips to fold forward, walking your hands forward toward your feet. 4. Hold this position for up to 1 to 2 minutes. Alignment tip: If your toes point out to the sides, move your legs in closer. Your toes should face straight up, as though you’re pressing the soles of your feet into a wall.
  • 31. Poses for shoulder and neck flexibility 7. Cow Face Pose (Gomukhasana) Appropriate for all levels, this pose stretches your shoulders, chest, and arms. To do this pose: 1. Position yourself in a comfortable seated position. Allow your spine to lengthen and your chest to open. 2. Extend your left arm overhead, then bend your elbow so your fingers point down along your spine. 3. Using your right hand, gently draw your left elbow over to the right, allowing your left hand to move further down your spine. 4. If it’s comfortable, you can try bending your right arm upward along your spine to clasp your left hand. 5. Remain in this pose for at least 30 seconds. 6. Switch arms and do it on the other side.
  • 32. 8. Plow Pose (Halasana) This intermediate level pose may help alleviate tension in your neck, shoulders, and spine. If you find it hard for your feet to reach the floor, rest them on the seat of a chair or a stack of cushions. Avoid doing this pose if you have any concerns with your neck, digestion, or blood pressure. To do this pose: 1. Lie on your back with your arms alongside your body, pressing your palms into the floor. 2. Raise your legs straight up to 90 degrees. 3. Bring your legs over your head. 4. Place your hands on your lower back, aligning your pinky fingers on either side of your spine with your fingers facing upward. 5. Hold for 1 to 2 minutes. 6. Release by rolling your spine back down to the floor. 7. Repeat 1 to 2 times.
  • 33. Safety tips When doing a yoga pose, avoid forcing yourself into any position or doing too much too quickly. This can increase your risk for injury. Listen to your body. If a pose starts to feel painful or too uncomfortable, release the pose right away. You may be able to only hold a pose for 10 or 20 seconds at first, and that’s just fine. As you gain flexibility, you can work toward holding the poses for longer. Talk to your doctor or a certified yoga teacher before starting yoga if you: have any injury or pain, including sciatica have high or low blood pressure are menstruating or pregnant have asthma have cardiovascular or respiratory concerns have digestive issues take any medications The bottom line Being flexible and able to move easily is an important aspect of your physical health. But stress, age, lack of exercise, and improper posture can cause your muscles to become tense and tight, which can limit your flexibility. Doing a regular routine of yoga poses is a highly effective way of easing tension in your muscles and building flexibility. The key is to start slowly and gradually increase the amount of time you can hold a pose with the correct form.
  • 34. 9 Science-Based Ways for Athletes to Lose Weight Humans need a certain amount of body fat to maintain basic functions. However, a higher body fat percentage can negatively affect performance in athletes. That said, athletes need to approach weight loss with care. Failing to do so can negatively affect training and lead to muscle loss. Here are 9 science-based weight loss tips for athletes. 1. Lose fat during the off-season It’s very difficult to decrease body fat and reach peak fitness at the same time. To lose fat, you need to eat fewer calories. This can make training feel more difficult and prevent you from performing at your best. For this reason, it’s best to lose fat in the off-season, when you’re not competing. If that’s not possible, aim for less intense training periods.
  • 35. Attempting fat loss in the off-season will also give you more time to reach your goal. Losing weight at a slower rate decreases the likelihood of muscle loss and seems to support better sports performance (1 ). Most research agrees that weight loss of 1 pound (0.5 kg) or less per week is ideal (1 , 2, 3 ). SUMMARY Try to lose weight during the off-season at a rate of 1 pound (0.5 kg) per week or less. This will minimize muscle loss while supporting sports performance. 2. Avoid crash diets If you cut calories too drastically, your nutrient intake may not support proper training and recovery. This can increase your risk of injury, illness, and overtraining syndrome (2). The latest sports nutrition guidelines also warn against eating too few calories and reaching a dangerously low body fat percentage, both of which can disrupt reproductive function and diminish bone health (2). The lowest safe recommended body fat percentage is 5% in men and 12% in women. However, these levels are not necessarily best for all athletes, so discuss what’s best for you with your coach and sports dietitian (4 ). Cutting calories too quickly can also negatively affect hormones and metabolism (5 ). To decrease body fat, athletes should eat about 300–500 fewer calories per day but avoid eating fewer than 13.5 calories per pound (30 kilocalories per kg) of fat-free mass per day (2, 3 ).
  • 36. If you don’t know how much fat-free mass you have, get your body composition estimated with either a skinfold test or bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA). You can also get your body composition measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) or underwater weighing. These are more accurate but also tend to be expensive and harder to come by. SUMMARY Crash diets can increase your risk of illness and injury, as well as negatively affect your training and recovery. Therefore, avoid cutting your calorie intake by more than 300–500 calories per day. 3. Eat less added sugar and more fiber Low-carb diets providing less than 35–40% of calories from carbs seem very effective at promoting fat loss (6 , 7 , 8 ). However, restricting carbs too dramatically is not always best for athletes. That’s because it can negatively affect training and sports performance (2, 3 , 9 , 10 ). Aim for a carb intake that’s 40% of your daily calories to maximize fat loss. Still, consume no less than 1.4–1.8 grams of carbs per pound (3–4 grams per kg) each day (2, 11 ). Cutting out added sugars is the healthiest way to reduce your total carb intake. To do so, check labels and minimize foods that contain added sugars like glucose, sucrose, and fructose. Also, avoid cane juice, dextrin, maltodextrin, barley malt, caramel, fruit juice concentrate, fruit juice crystals, or other syrups. Instead, increase your intake of vegetables high in fiber. These will help keep you fuller for longer, making you feel more satisfied (12, 13 , 14).
  • 37. SUMMARY Eating less sugar and more fiber can help you reach your body fat goals. Athletes should aim to eat no less than 1.4–1.8 grams of carbs per pound (3–4 grams per kg) each day. 4. Eat more protein Protein aids fat loss in several ways. To begin with, high-protein diets increase feelings of fullness and the number of calories burned during digestion. They also help prevent muscle loss during periods of weight loss, including in well-trained athletes (5 , 15 ). In fact, several studies show that eating 2–3 times more protein per day can help athletes retain more muscle while losing fat (9 , 16 , 17 ). Therefore, athletes restricting their calories to lose weight should eat 0.8– 1.2 grams of protein per pound of body weight (1.8–2.7 grams per kg) per day (2, 3 , 18 ). That said, there’s no advantage to exceeding these recommendations. Consuming more than these amounts can displace other important nutrients, such as carbs, from your diet. This can limit your ability to train and maintain good sports performance (2, 3 , 9 , 19 ). SUMMARY Higher protein intakes help limit muscle loss while your weight is dropping. Athletes should aim to consume 0.8–1.2 grams per pound of body weight (1.8–2.7 grams per kg) of protein each day.
  • 38. 5. Spread protein intake throughout the day In addition to eating more protein, athletes can benefit from spreading their intake throughout the day (20 ). In fact, 20–30 grams of protein per meal seems sufficient to stimulate muscles to produce protein for the following 2–3 hours. This is why many scientists believe that it’s ideal to consume a proteinrich meal or snack every 3 hours (3 , 21 ). Interestingly, studies in athletes show that spreading 80 grams of protein over 4 meals stimulates muscle protein production more than splitting it over 2 larger meals or 8 smaller ones (22 , 23 ). A 2-week weight loss study in boxers also found that those who spread their daily calorie allowance over 6 meals instead of 2 lost 46% less muscle mass (24 ). Eating a snack with 40 grams of protein immediately before bedtime can also improve recovery from training and increase muscle protein synthesis during the night (25 ). However, more research in athletes is needed to draw strong conclusions. SUMMARY Eating 20–30 grams of protein every 3 hours, including right before bed, may help maintain muscle mass during weight loss. 6. Refuel well after training Eating the right foods after training or competing is vital, especially when trying to lose body fat.
  • 39. Proper refueling is especially important for days with two training sessions or when you have fewer than eight hours of recovery time between workouts and events (2). Athletes following carb-restricted diets should aim to consume between 0.5– 0.7 grams of carbs per pound of body weight (1–1.5 grams per kg) as soon as possible after a training session (2, 3 , 11 ). Adding 20–25 grams of protein can further speed up recovery and promote protein production in your muscles (2). SUMMARY Consuming a good amount of carbs and protein immediately after training can help maintain your sports performance during weight loss. 7. Do strength training Individuals attempting to lose weight are often at risk of losing some muscle in addition to fat. Athletes are no exception. Some muscle loss can be prevented by eating a sufficient amount of protein, avoiding crash diets, and lifting weights (3 ). Research shows that both protein intake and strength-training exercises stimulate muscle protein synthesis. What’s more, combining the two seems to produce the greatest effect (26 ). Nevertheless, make sure to speak to your coach before adding any extra workouts to your schedule. This will reduce your risk of overtraining or injuries. SUMMARY Strength-training exercises can help prevent the muscle loss often experienced during a period of weight loss.
  • 40. 8. Increase calories gradually after you reach your goal Once you’ve reached your body fat percentage goal, it’s tempting to quickly start eating more. However, this may not be the most effective way to maintain your results. That’s because your body can adapt to a restricted calorie intake by adjusting your metabolism and hormone levels. Researchers believe these adaptations can persist for some time after you bump up your calorie intake and cause you to quickly regain the lost fat (5 ). A good alternative may be to increase your calories gradually. This may help restore your hormone levels and metabolism better, minimizing the weight regain (5 ). SUMMARY Increasing your calorie intake gradually after a period of weight loss may help minimize weight regain. 9. Try some of these other weight loss tips Although weight loss is a widely researched topic, the number of studies performed on athletes is limited. Nevertheless, many of the strategies scientifically proven to help nonathletes lose body fat may also benefit athletes. Thus, you can try some of the following: Record your portions. Measuring your portions and keeping track of what you eat is scientifically proven to help you get better results (27 ). Drink enough fluids. Drinking liquids before a meal, whether it’s soup or water, can help you consume up to 22% fewer calories at the meal (28 , 29 ).
  • 41. Eat slowly. Slow eaters tend to eat less and feel fuller than fast eaters. Eating slowly can help you decrease your calorie intake without feeling hungry. Aim to take at least 20 minutes for each meal (30 , 31 ). Avoid alcohol. Alcohol is a source of empty calories. What’s more, it can prevent athletes from properly refueling after exercise, which can negatively affect future performance (32 , 33 , 34 ). Get enough sleep. Research suggests that too little sleep can increase hunger and appetite by up to 24%. As sleep is also important for athletic performance, make sure you get enough (35 , 36 ). Reduce your stress. Having high levels of stress increases cortisol levels, which promotes food cravings. Mental and physical stress can also prevent proper recovery (37 , 38 ). SUMMARY Stress, sleep, hydration, and alcohol all affect weight loss. Eating slowly, controlling portion sizes, and sleeping well can all help you lose weight. The bottom line Fat loss can be beneficial, but athletes must do it in a way that doesn’t negatively affect their sports performance or health. Those who want to reduce their body fat levels should aim to do so during the off-season. Keep in mind that lower body fat is not always better. Athletes should discuss any weight loss goals or strategies with their coach or sports dietitian.