medical medicine who russia kargyzstan postpartum hemorrhage (pph) pph postpartum hemorrhage infection in cornea cornea infection keratitis peripheral vision loss central vision loss central and peripheral vision peripheral vision central vision sexually transmitted diseases sexual health education hygienic sexual sexual and hygienic education hygienic education sexual education diaphragmatic hernia in babies diaphragmatic cdh hernia cryoablation cryotherapy surgery history of surgery ductus arteriosus patent ductus arteriosus (pda) patent ductus arteriosus pda diet therapy diet therapy indigenous medicine folk medicine introduction to traditional medicine traditional medicine acute rheumatic fever fever rheumatic acute cushing syndrome syndrome cushing impact on europe impact on medicine influence of european medicine avicenna practice of healing the territory of beginning of practice of healing greece development of chinese medicine traditional chinese medicine chinese medicine history of traditional chinese medicine maturity-onset diabetes of the young diabetes mody mody fatty liver disease steatohepatitis ultrasound of the heart echocardiogram cardiac ultrasonography ultrasonography of heart education physiotherapy physiotherapy equipments doshas basic principles of ayurveda ayurveda environmental hygiene air hygiene hand hygiene hygiene hospital hospital hygiene blood supply testicles deferens vas vas deferens air pollution pollution air path anatomy minimal change disease water and health health water kyrgyzstan world health organizations healthcare system around the world healthcare system healthcare antiprotozoal drugs drugs antiprotozol antiprotozoal aids moral and ethical issues moral and ethical ethical moral aids branches roots divisions trunks cords memoona anatomy of brachial plexus anatomy of brachial plexus brachial brachal plexus abdylas maldybaev maldebaev abdylas splenius muscles scalenes sternocleidomastoid temporalis masseter masticatory muscles platysma buccinator mentális orbicularis oris depressor labii inferioris levator labii superioris triangularis depressor anguli oris risorius zygomaticus muscles nasalis orbicularis oculi epicranius occipitofrontalis union soviet kargyz writer aitmatov chingiz glenohumeral sternoclavical upper limb limb upper joint presentation facebook slideshare google
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