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Sub. Bag. Nefrologi – Hipertensi
Bag. Ilmu Penyakit Dalam
Introduction: UTI
t b t i l i f ti f GP
 commonest bacterial infection for GP
 substantial morbidity
 wide clinical spectrum (mild – severe – sepsis)
Urinary tract is normally sterile
Definition of UTI:
 any bacteria multiplying in the urinary tract
 regardless of bacterial count
wie pm
 regardless of bacterial count
 Infeksi tersering dialami  masalah kesehatan
yg sering dihadapi dokter.
 Dapat mengenai semua umur.
 Spektrum gejala klinik sangat bervariasi dari
p g j g
tanpa gejala/ keluhan sampai kelainan sistemik
yg berat.
wie pm
 Definisi :
• ISK  akibat invasi mikro organisme pada
ISK  akibat invasi mikro organisme pada
jaringan traktus urinarius (TU) dari orifisium
uretra – korteks ginjal.
uretra korteks ginjal.
• Normal TU steril.
Ad b kt i d l i (b kt i i ) 
• Adanya bakteri dalam urin (bakteriuria) 
TU berisiko alami infeksi.
• Kultur (+) : kuman > 100.000/ml urin.
wie pm
Prevalensi ISK
wie pm
 Lokasi Anatomis: ISK atas & ISK bawah.
 ISK Complicated & ISK Uncomplicated
 ISK Complicated & ISK Uncomplicated.
 Klasifikasi Klinis :
Asymptomatic bacteriuria
Acute uncomplicated cystitis in women
Recurrent infections in women
Acute uncomplicated pyelonephritis in women
p py p
Complicated UTIs in both sexes
Catheter-associated UTIs
wie pm
ginjal ISK ATAS
M i il
Nyeri pinggang
Mual ± muntah
Penurunan BB
± gejala isk bawah
Nyeri supra pubis
wie pm
Klasifikasi ISK
Dari segi PENATALAKSANAAN dibedakan atas :
ISK li t d ( i l )
1. ISK uncomplicated (simple) :
 ISK sederhana  anatomik maupun fungsional TU
 Terutama mengenai wanita.
 Infeksi hanya mengenai mukosa superfisial kandung
 Penyebab kuman tersering (90%) adalah E. coli.
2 ISK complicated
2. ISK complicated
 Sering menimbulkan banyak masalah, krn didasari hal ttt.
 Sering kuman penyebab sulit diberantas  resisten
Sering kuman penyebab sulit diberantas  resisten
terhadap beberapa macam antibiotik
 Sering terjadi bakteriemia, sepsis dan syok.
wie pm
 Penyebab : Pseudomonas, proteus, klebsiela dll.
ISK Complicated  terdapat keadaan sbb :
1. Kelainan abnormal saluran kencing.
Contoh : batu, obstruksi, refluks vasikouretral, atoni
kandung kemih, kateter menetap, prostatitis
2. Kelainan faal ginjal. baik GGA maupun GGK.
3. Gangguan daya tahan tubuh. Penderita DM,
3. Gangguan daya tahan tubuh. Penderita DM,
neutropenia, penderita dg terapi imunosupresif.
4. Infeksi disebabkan organisme virulen.
Seperti proteus spp yg memproduksi urease,
Infeksi metastatik staphylococcus.
wie pm
Routes of bacterial invasion
Routes of bacterial invasion
1. Ascending
 common
2. Hematogenous
 staphylococcus
 mycobacterium
 salmonella
 salmonella
3. Lymphatic: rare
wie pm
Host defences
Host defences
1. Bladder
 bladder emptying
 bladder emptying
 mucosal phagocytes
2 Antibacterial substances
2. Antibacterial substances
3. Anti-adherence
 urine, bladder & prostatic
wie pm
Pathogenesis of urinary infection
g y
Bacterial virulence vs. host defences
1 Inoculum
1. Inoculum
2. Adherence characteristics
3. Failure of urinary defence
 obstruction, calculi, VUR
obst uct o , ca cu , U
 incomplete bladder emptying
 diabetes mellitus & elderly
 diabetes mellitus & elderly
wie pm
Patogenesis lanjutan
g j
 Bacterial factor
 95% dari luar TU
 5% hematogen
 Host factor
 Wanita : uretra pendek, kolonisasi kuman pd
introitus vagina, sex intercourse, tampon,
spermatisid, diafragma, menopause
 30% ISK kandung kemih (cystitis)  invasi ke
ginjal  akibat dari VUR
ginjal  akibat dari VUR
 Infeksi pd ginjal sering di medula  kons
amonia ↑, osmol ↑, pH ↓, blood flow ↓, PO2
wie pm
 Jumlah organisme pada ISK :
 Jumlah organisme pada ISK :
 70% ISK jml kuman > 100.000 kuman/ml urin.
30% ISK j l k l bih d h i d
 30% ISK jml kuman lebih rendah, mis; pend.
pria, wanita dg disuria akut, wanita dg ISK
berulang karena stapphylococcus
berulang karena stapphylococcus.
P ik i li
 Pemeriksaan urinalisa :
 Epitel skuamos  kemungkinan kontaminasi.
 Piuria  infeksi/ peradangan.
 Silinder lekosit  pielonefritis.
wie pm
Pemeriksaan kultur urin, yg didapat dari :
a Urin porsi tengah (mid stream urin)
a. Urin porsi tengah (mid stream urin)
b. Urin aspirasi suprapubik
Urin kateter kandung kemih (hindari)
c. Urin kateter kandung kemih (hindari)
D l i i k l i i h !! bb
Dalam interpretasi kultur urin porsi tengah !! sbb :
 95% ISK disebabkan monomikrobial
 95% ISK disebabkan gram negatif/ enterococci
 Staphylococcus epidermidis, diptheroids &
p y p p
lactobacilli jarang menimbulkan ISK.
wie pm
Bakteri penyebab ISK
Bakteri penyebab ISK
Mikroorganisme Kultur positif ( % )
E C li 60 90 %
E. Coli 60 - 90 %
Klebsiela / Enterobacter 10 - 20 %
Proteus 5 10 %
Proteus 5 - 10 %
Pseudomonas aurogenosa 2 - 10 %
Staph Epidermidis 2 10 %
Staph. Epidermidis 2 - 10 %
Enterokokkus 2 - 10 %
Kandida albikan 1 2 %
Kandida albikan 1 - 2 %
Staph. Aureus 1 - 3 %
wie pm
Asymptomatic Bacteriuria
 Umumnya terjadi pd wanita 
 Umumnya terjadi pd wanita 
2% - 4% wanita muda, 10% wanita >60 th.
Bil d DM i ik ISK 3 4
 Bila ada DM risiko ISK 3 - 4x nya.
 Laki2 jarang sekali, kecuali umur tua dg
hi t fi t t
hipertrofi prostat.
 Tidak perlu antibiotik. (kecuali didapatkan kultur
k ≥ 100 000 CFU/ L d 2 ik
+ kuman ≥ 100.000 CFU/mL pada 2x pemeriksaan,
dg jenis kuman sama)
wie pm
Asymptomatic UTI
 screening & symptoms minimal (urine odour)
Prevalence (%)
Prevalence (%)
Neonates 1 (-> 50% VUR)
S h l i l 1 2
Schoolgirls 1-2
Young women 10
Non-pregnant women 3-10
Pregnant women 5-6 (15-20% -> PN)
Pregnant women 5 6 (15 20% > PN)
Elderly men & women 5-40 (age)
wie pm
Terapi ISK Uncomplicated ( Simple )
 ISK yg paling sering dijumpai dlm praktek dokter.
 Manifestasi kliniknya  sindroma disuria-frekuensi.
 Piuria > 10/lpb, kultur (+)
p , ( )
 Keluhan sering kencing sedikit2, sakit waktu
kencing serta rasa tidak enak didaerah suprapubik
kencing serta rasa tidak enak didaerah suprapubik.
Disertai demam subfebril (±).
wie pm
wie pm
Faktor risiko dan komplikasi ISK komplikata 
Anatomic or structural risk factors
Obstructive utopathy (stones, strictures, tumors, prostate associated
Instrumentation (catheter associated and nosokomial infection)
Instrumentation (catheter associated and nosokomial infection)
Renal cystic disease
Ureteral stents & surgical urinary diversions, ileal loop constructions
Other : vesicoreteral reflux (VUR), urachal remnant
Functional risk factors
Diabetes mellitus
Renal transplantation
S i l d i j & l i d f ti
Spinal cord injury & neurologic dysfunction
Human immunodeficiency virus
Micellanous complicated infection
Micellanous complicated infection
Emphysematous pyelonephritis & cystitis
Malakoplakia and xantogranulomatous pyelonephritis
Intramural vesical abcess
Infections caused by atipical or resistant organism : vancomycin resistant
wie pm
Infections caused by atipical or resistant organism : vancomycin resistant
enterococci, anaerobes, etc
1. Empiric therapy must be broad spectrum with
definitive therapy based on culture and
2. Moderately : Levofloxacin (500 mg IV/PO q24),
y ( g q ),
ciprofloxacin (500 mg PO twice-daily/400 mg q
12h IV)
3. Severely : cefepime 2g IV q12 hrs, ceftazidime
2 g IV q8 hrs, Imipenem 500 mg IV q6 hrs,
2 g IV q8 hrs, Imipenem 500 mg IV q6 hrs,
meropenem 1 g IV q8 hrs, doripenem 50 mg IV
q8 hrs, piperacillin-tazobactam 3.375-4.5g IV
wie pm
q8 hrs, piperacillin tazobactam 3.375 4.5g IV
q6 hrs
Acute pyelonephritis
 hemorrhage &
 PMN infiltration
wie pm
Clinical diagnosis: pyelonephritis
g py p
1. Fever T > 38 0C, rigors, chills, sweats
2 Loin pain
2. Loin pain
3. Constitional symptoms
 anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diahorrea, myalgia,
4. Lower urinary symptoms
 dysuria frequency (30 - 50%)
 dysuria, frequency (30 - 50%)
 supra-pubic discomfort
UA i l k h i
wie pm
UA: pyuria, leukocytes, hematuria
Leukocyte casts PMN
1. Formation of WBC cast
3. Degenerate WBC cast
in fibrillar matrix T b l l H&E
2. Passage into urine
in fibrillar matrix Tubular lumen
wie pm
Bacterial casts bacilli
 pyelonephritis
 usually with leukocytes
bacilli bacilli
wie pm
Catheter associated UTI
Catheter associated UTI
 biofilm colonisation common with long-term
urinary catheters
 may cause septicemia in debilitated patient
Treat with A/B when:
 fever sepsis
 fever, sepsis
 symptoms attributable to UTI (e.g. agitation)
 short-term catheter & UTI
Observe long-term biofilm colonisation
wie pm
Prevention of catheter-associated UTI
 short duration
 insert under aseptic technique by trained
 insert under aseptic technique by trained
staff (or trained patient for intermittent self-
 bag below bladder & emptied regularly
 keep system closed sample urine by sterile
 keep system closed - sample urine by sterile
antimicrobial cream in women
 antimicrobial cream in women
 A/B for cardiac valvular abnormalities
wie pm
UTI in males
Uncircumcised boys
Uncircumcised boys
 bacteria under foreskin -> UTI
Ad lt l
Adult males
 prostate often source
 antibacterial prostatic secretion
-> fails in chronic prostatitis
fails in chronic prostatitis
Homosexual males
5% ith UTI
 5% with UTI
 E Coli: same serotype
wie pm
Acute bacterial prostatitis
Young men < 35 y.o. or STD risk
C. trachomatis or N. gonorrhoeae
1. Rx. as gonorrhoea then
2 doxycycline 100 mg / d x 7 days
2. doxycycline 100 mg / d x 7 days
Older men > 35 y.o.
ciprofloxacin 500 mg BD x 14 days
co trimoxazole BD x 14 days
wie pm
co-trimoxazole BD x 14 days
wie pm
wie pm
Pengelolaan :
Pengelolaan :
1. Umum : cairan cukup, elektrolit & nutrisi.
2. Atasi komplikasi : syok, urosepsis, GGA atau
3. Pikirkan tindakan bedah, ( pus karena
obstruksi saluran kemih).
4. Antibiotika parenteral sampai 24 jam bebas
demam ganti oral.
wie pm
Sambil menunggu hasil kultur, diberikan antibiotika
berspektrum luas seperti :
berspektrum luas seperti :
 Kombinasi ampicilin dan sefalosporin gen I
 Aminoglycoside dg Betalactam.
 Ticarcillin dg clavulanic acid.
 Quinolone
Antibiotika oral selama :
 5-14 hari = 50% relaps.
 4-6 minggu = angka keberhasilan mencapai 90%.
wie pm
Medical and/or
surgical therapy
Medical and/or
surgical therapy
py g py g py
renal damage
renal damage
wie pm
wie pm
Like thoughts in one’s life In our youth
Like thoughts in one’s life,
some superficial and some deep.
Some cortical, whilst other,
down close to medulla they seep.
All along our life we learn and adsorb
In our youth,
we stand firm and resolute.
We age and experience,
distal years of our lives convolute.
All along our life, we learn and adsorb,
with efforts active and passive.
Concentrate and dilute our endeavors,
by proportions little and massive.
Like experiences of life
The art of improvement and discipline,
through counter current and autoregulation.
Akin to self-control and evolution,
through practise prayer and meditation
Like experiences of life,
which we filter and retain.
So does the nephron,
adsorbs the electrolytes’ rain.
through practise, prayer and meditation.
Like our life, where experiences abound,
we improve, develop and rectify.
A little nephron sits there,
to secrete adsorb and purify
The life must move on, and loop its course,
descend and then to ascend.
We must advance and yearn,
to overcome and transcend
to secrete, adsorb and purify.
As life wanders and winds,
the nephron meanders its way.
To part with toxins and miseries,
all through the night and day
to overcome and transcend. all through the night and day.
wie pm

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Isk dwi lestari [compatibility mode]

  • 2. Introduction: UTI t b t i l i f ti f GP  commonest bacterial infection for GP  substantial morbidity  wide clinical spectrum (mild – severe – sepsis) Urinary tract is normally sterile Definition of UTI:  any bacteria multiplying in the urinary tract  regardless of bacterial count wie pm  regardless of bacterial count
  • 3. INFEKSI SALURAN KEMIH (ISK)  Infeksi tersering dialami  masalah kesehatan yg sering dihadapi dokter.  Dapat mengenai semua umur.  Spektrum gejala klinik sangat bervariasi dari p g j g tanpa gejala/ keluhan sampai kelainan sistemik yg berat. wie pm
  • 4.  Definisi : • ISK  akibat invasi mikro organisme pada ISK  akibat invasi mikro organisme pada jaringan traktus urinarius (TU) dari orifisium uretra – korteks ginjal. uretra korteks ginjal. • Normal TU steril. Ad b kt i d l i (b kt i i )  • Adanya bakteri dalam urin (bakteriuria)  TU berisiko alami infeksi. • Kultur (+) : kuman > 100.000/ml urin. wie pm
  • 6. KLASIFIKASI KLASIFIKASI  Lokasi Anatomis: ISK atas & ISK bawah.  ISK Complicated & ISK Uncomplicated  ISK Complicated & ISK Uncomplicated.  Klasifikasi Klinis : Asymptomatic bacteriuria Acute uncomplicated cystitis in women Recurrent infections in women Acute uncomplicated pyelonephritis in women p py p Complicated UTIs in both sexes Catheter-associated UTIs wie pm
  • 7. GEJALA ginjal ISK ATAS Pyelonefritis GEJALA Demam M i il ureter Menggigil Nyeri pinggang Mual ± muntah P BB ureter Penurunan BB ± gejala isk bawah ISK BAWAH Ureteritis Cystitis Nyeri supra pubis Disuria Kandung kemih Cystitis Prostatitis Epididimitis Urethritis Frekuensi Urgensi Hematuri Urethritis wie pm
  • 8. Klasifikasi ISK Dari segi PENATALAKSANAAN dibedakan atas : ISK li t d ( i l ) 1. ISK uncomplicated (simple) :  ISK sederhana  anatomik maupun fungsional TU normal. normal.  Terutama mengenai wanita.  Infeksi hanya mengenai mukosa superfisial kandung kemih.  Penyebab kuman tersering (90%) adalah E. coli. 2 ISK complicated 2. ISK complicated  Sering menimbulkan banyak masalah, krn didasari hal ttt.  Sering kuman penyebab sulit diberantas  resisten Sering kuman penyebab sulit diberantas  resisten terhadap beberapa macam antibiotik  Sering terjadi bakteriemia, sepsis dan syok. wie pm  Penyebab : Pseudomonas, proteus, klebsiela dll.
  • 9. ISK Complicated  terdapat keadaan sbb : 1. Kelainan abnormal saluran kencing. Contoh : batu, obstruksi, refluks vasikouretral, atoni kandung kemih, kateter menetap, prostatitis menahun menahun. 2. Kelainan faal ginjal. baik GGA maupun GGK. 3. Gangguan daya tahan tubuh. Penderita DM, 3. Gangguan daya tahan tubuh. Penderita DM, neutropenia, penderita dg terapi imunosupresif. 4. Infeksi disebabkan organisme virulen. Seperti proteus spp yg memproduksi urease, Infeksi metastatik staphylococcus. wie pm
  • 10. Pathogenesis Routes of bacterial invasion Routes of bacterial invasion 1. Ascending  common 2. Hematogenous  staphylococcus  mycobacterium y tuberculosis  salmonella  salmonella 3. Lymphatic: rare wie pm
  • 11. Host defences Host defences 1. Bladder  bladder emptying  bladder emptying  mucosal phagocytes 2 Antibacterial substances 2. Antibacterial substances 3. Anti-adherence mechanisms  urine, bladder & prostatic secretions wie pm
  • 12. Pathogenesis of urinary infection g y Bacterial virulence vs. host defences 1 Inoculum 1. Inoculum 2. Adherence characteristics 3. Failure of urinary defence  obstruction, calculi, VUR obst uct o , ca cu , U  incomplete bladder emptying  diabetes mellitus & elderly  diabetes mellitus & elderly wie pm
  • 13. Patogenesis lanjutan g j  Bacterial factor  95% dari luar TU  5% hematogen g  Host factor  Wanita : uretra pendek, kolonisasi kuman pd introitus vagina, sex intercourse, tampon, spermatisid, diafragma, menopause (lactobaccili) (lactobaccili).  30% ISK kandung kemih (cystitis)  invasi ke ginjal  akibat dari VUR ginjal  akibat dari VUR  Infeksi pd ginjal sering di medula  kons amonia ↑, osmol ↑, pH ↓, blood flow ↓, PO2 wie pm rendah↓.
  • 14. DIAGNOSIS  Jumlah organisme pada ISK : DIAGNOSIS  Jumlah organisme pada ISK :  70% ISK jml kuman > 100.000 kuman/ml urin. 30% ISK j l k l bih d h i d  30% ISK jml kuman lebih rendah, mis; pend. pria, wanita dg disuria akut, wanita dg ISK berulang karena stapphylococcus berulang karena stapphylococcus. P ik i li  Pemeriksaan urinalisa :  Epitel skuamos  kemungkinan kontaminasi.  Piuria  infeksi/ peradangan.  Silinder lekosit  pielonefritis. wie pm
  • 15. Pemeriksaan kultur urin, yg didapat dari : a Urin porsi tengah (mid stream urin) a. Urin porsi tengah (mid stream urin) b. Urin aspirasi suprapubik Urin kateter kandung kemih (hindari) c. Urin kateter kandung kemih (hindari) D l i i k l i i h !! bb Dalam interpretasi kultur urin porsi tengah !! sbb :  95% ISK disebabkan monomikrobial  95% ISK disebabkan gram negatif/ enterococci  Staphylococcus epidermidis, diptheroids & p y p p lactobacilli jarang menimbulkan ISK. wie pm
  • 16. Bakteri penyebab ISK Bakteri penyebab ISK Mikroorganisme Kultur positif ( % ) E C li 60 90 % E. Coli 60 - 90 % Klebsiela / Enterobacter 10 - 20 % Proteus 5 10 % Proteus 5 - 10 % Pseudomonas aurogenosa 2 - 10 % Staph Epidermidis 2 10 % Staph. Epidermidis 2 - 10 % Enterokokkus 2 - 10 % Kandida albikan 1 2 % Kandida albikan 1 - 2 % Staph. Aureus 1 - 3 % wie pm
  • 17. Asymptomatic Bacteriuria  Umumnya terjadi pd wanita   Umumnya terjadi pd wanita  2% - 4% wanita muda, 10% wanita >60 th. Bil d DM i ik ISK 3 4  Bila ada DM risiko ISK 3 - 4x nya.  Laki2 jarang sekali, kecuali umur tua dg hi t fi t t hipertrofi prostat.  Tidak perlu antibiotik. (kecuali didapatkan kultur k ≥ 100 000 CFU/ L d 2 ik + kuman ≥ 100.000 CFU/mL pada 2x pemeriksaan, dg jenis kuman sama) wie pm
  • 18. Asymptomatic UTI  screening & symptoms minimal (urine odour) Prevalence (%) Prevalence (%) Neonates 1 (-> 50% VUR) S h l i l 1 2 Schoolgirls 1-2 Young women 10 Non-pregnant women 3-10 Pregnant women 5-6 (15-20% -> PN) Pregnant women 5 6 (15 20% > PN) Elderly men & women 5-40 (age) wie pm
  • 19. Terapi ISK Uncomplicated ( Simple )  ISK yg paling sering dijumpai dlm praktek dokter.  Manifestasi kliniknya  sindroma disuria-frekuensi.  Piuria > 10/lpb, kultur (+) p , ( )  Keluhan sering kencing sedikit2, sakit waktu kencing serta rasa tidak enak didaerah suprapubik kencing serta rasa tidak enak didaerah suprapubik. Disertai demam subfebril (±). wie pm
  • 21. Faktor risiko dan komplikasi ISK komplikata  Anatomic or structural risk factors Obstructive utopathy (stones, strictures, tumors, prostate associated Instrumentation (catheter associated and nosokomial infection) Instrumentation (catheter associated and nosokomial infection) Renal cystic disease Ureteral stents & surgical urinary diversions, ileal loop constructions Other : vesicoreteral reflux (VUR), urachal remnant Functional risk factors Diabetes mellitus Renal transplantation S i l d i j & l i d f ti Spinal cord injury & neurologic dysfunction Neutropenia Human immunodeficiency virus Micellanous complicated infection Micellanous complicated infection Pyonephrosis Emphysematous pyelonephritis & cystitis Malakoplakia and xantogranulomatous pyelonephritis Intramural vesical abcess Urosepsis Tuberculosis Infections caused by atipical or resistant organism : vancomycin resistant wie pm Infections caused by atipical or resistant organism : vancomycin resistant enterococci, anaerobes, etc
  • 22. TREATMENT TREATMENT 1. Empiric therapy must be broad spectrum with definitive therapy based on culture and sensitivity 2. Moderately : Levofloxacin (500 mg IV/PO q24), y ( g q ), ciprofloxacin (500 mg PO twice-daily/400 mg q 12h IV) ) 3. Severely : cefepime 2g IV q12 hrs, ceftazidime 2 g IV q8 hrs, Imipenem 500 mg IV q6 hrs, 2 g IV q8 hrs, Imipenem 500 mg IV q6 hrs, meropenem 1 g IV q8 hrs, doripenem 50 mg IV q8 hrs, piperacillin-tazobactam 3.375-4.5g IV wie pm q8 hrs, piperacillin tazobactam 3.375 4.5g IV q6 hrs
  • 23. Acute pyelonephritis  hemorrhage & swelling swelling  PMN infiltration H&E wie pm H&E
  • 24. Clinical diagnosis: pyelonephritis g py p 1. Fever T > 38 0C, rigors, chills, sweats 2 Loin pain 2. Loin pain 3. Constitional symptoms  anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diahorrea, myalgia, headache 4. Lower urinary symptoms  dysuria frequency (30 - 50%)  dysuria, frequency (30 - 50%)  supra-pubic discomfort UA i l k h i wie pm UA: pyuria, leukocytes, hematuria
  • 25. Leukocyte casts PMN y 1. Formation of WBC cast 3. Degenerate WBC cast in fibrillar matrix T b l l H&E 2. Passage into urine in fibrillar matrix Tubular lumen Matrix H&E PMN wie pm EM BF PMN
  • 26. Bacterial casts bacilli  pyelonephritis  usually with leukocytes PMN bacilli bacilli PMN wie pm EM EM
  • 27. Catheter associated UTI Catheter associated UTI  biofilm colonisation common with long-term urinary catheters  may cause septicemia in debilitated patient Treat with A/B when:  fever sepsis  fever, sepsis  symptoms attributable to UTI (e.g. agitation)  short-term catheter & UTI Observe long-term biofilm colonisation wie pm g
  • 28. Prevention of catheter-associated UTI  short duration  insert under aseptic technique by trained  insert under aseptic technique by trained staff (or trained patient for intermittent self- catheterisation) catheterisation)  bag below bladder & emptied regularly  keep system closed sample urine by sterile  keep system closed - sample urine by sterile aspiration antimicrobial cream in women  antimicrobial cream in women  A/B for cardiac valvular abnormalities wie pm
  • 29. UTI in males Uncircumcised boys Uncircumcised boys  bacteria under foreskin -> UTI Ad lt l Adult males  prostate often source  antibacterial prostatic secretion -> fails in chronic prostatitis fails in chronic prostatitis Homosexual males 5% ith UTI  5% with UTI  E Coli: same serotype wie pm
  • 30. Acute bacterial prostatitis p Young men < 35 y.o. or STD risk C. trachomatis or N. gonorrhoeae g 1. Rx. as gonorrhoea then 2 doxycycline 100 mg / d x 7 days 2. doxycycline 100 mg / d x 7 days Older men > 35 y.o. Enterobacteriaceae ciprofloxacin 500 mg BD x 14 days co trimoxazole BD x 14 days wie pm co-trimoxazole BD x 14 days
  • 33. Pengelolaan : Pengelolaan : 1. Umum : cairan cukup, elektrolit & nutrisi. 2. Atasi komplikasi : syok, urosepsis, GGA atau DIC. 3. Pikirkan tindakan bedah, ( pus karena obstruksi saluran kemih). 4. Antibiotika parenteral sampai 24 jam bebas demam ganti oral. wie pm
  • 34. Sambil menunggu hasil kultur, diberikan antibiotika berspektrum luas seperti : berspektrum luas seperti :  Kombinasi ampicilin dan sefalosporin gen I  Aminoglycoside dg Betalactam.  Ticarcillin dg clavulanic acid.  Quinolone Antibiotika oral selama :  5-14 hari = 50% relaps.  4-6 minggu = angka keberhasilan mencapai 90%. wie pm
  • 37. AN ODE TO A NEPHRON Like thoughts in one’s life In our youth Like thoughts in one’s life, some superficial and some deep. Some cortical, whilst other, down close to medulla they seep. All along our life we learn and adsorb In our youth, we stand firm and resolute. We age and experience, distal years of our lives convolute. All along our life, we learn and adsorb, with efforts active and passive. Concentrate and dilute our endeavors, by proportions little and massive. Like experiences of life ………………… The art of improvement and discipline, through counter current and autoregulation. Akin to self-control and evolution, through practise prayer and meditation Like experiences of life, which we filter and retain. So does the nephron, adsorbs the electrolytes’ rain. through practise, prayer and meditation. Like our life, where experiences abound, we improve, develop and rectify. A little nephron sits there, to secrete adsorb and purify …………………… The life must move on, and loop its course, descend and then to ascend. We must advance and yearn, to overcome and transcend to secrete, adsorb and purify. As life wanders and winds, the nephron meanders its way. To part with toxins and miseries, all through the night and day to overcome and transcend. all through the night and day. wie pm