software development user interface ui technology revolution scrum trends future agile too much isv jonar impatience finances settling product availability timing compromise people exceeding expectations users saw stop software design understanding expectations good user experience managing expectations ux good ux user experience expectations table saw air conditionaing science of the workspace ergonomic design office air conditioning workspace workplace acoustics office furniture office lighting science of the workplace science of the office ventilation office ventilation office design office acoustics productivity heating office heating happiness office layouts amazon defaults sports fans online platform over tipping netflix ikea company logos psychology diffusion of responsibility anchoring groupon descriptive norms plane tickets food court gestalt psychology ice bucket challenge influencing behaviour social validation candy crush understanding simplicity simplicity simplify simple systems understanding simple clear simplification edward de bono complexity ux software design; design technology sucks software reinventing erp resources planning user expereince enterprise running a company enterprise sofwtare reinventing erp sucks enterprise resource planning erp revolution
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