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Cong. NP
Russian State Statistic Survice –
last decade- incidence of renal
diseases- in children under
increased in 1,6 times, theenagers –
in 2 times
( )
Stable increasing of UTI in
In children of 1-3 years of life UTI
is more frequent than acute respir.
-Соматичекие болезни у детей, Руководство для врачей //
Под ред. М.С. Игнатовой / Москва-Оренбург.-2002.- 669 с,
-Bhat RG, Katy TA, Place FC. Pediatric urinary tract
infections. Emerg Med Clin North Am. 2011 Aug;29(3):637-53
UTI is possible in neonates.
In mature neonates with fever and
malaise –UTI in 1,1 - 7% cases
Beetz R.Evaluation and management of
urinary tract infections in the neonate.
Curr Opin Pediatr. 2012 Jan 5.
 1/3 of 1-st year babies (36,4%)-
renal scarring after first episode of
Lin D.S., Huang S.H., Lin C.C. et al. Urinary tract
infection in febrile infants younger than eight weeks
of age. // Pediatrics. -2000. –v.105, №2. –P.E20,
Remington J.S, Klein J. Infectious diseases of the
fetus and newborn. 5th edition Philadelphia: WB
Saunders, 2001
UTI (inflammation)
-CD14 –macrofage marker
-Co-receptor of
CD14/TLR4/MD2 complex
-NF-κB –transcription factor
(I-kB- inhibitor)
- Controls gene expression of
immune response, apoptosis
and cellular cycle
-TLR4- binds LPS of bacter.
-the most ancient in
antibacter. protect. system
-similar to IL-1
UTI (urodynamics)
 Abnormal
 High
 Intrarenal
 Abnormal urodynamics (IRR)
 UTI- p-fimbria E. сoli, number of PN relapses ang age
of debuite
 GeГенетическая предрасположенность (DD-генотип
АПФ - почечный фиброз, делеция 13q хромосомы –
тяж. ПМР, РН, ХПН, полиморфизм гена ТФР-β1 – у
82% больных с РН,
 Нарушение равновесия ФНО-а, ИЛ-6, ИЛ-8, ИЛ-10
 Гиперпродукция ТФР, ФРФ, ИФР-1
 Нарушение механизма апоптоза
Shaikh N et al. Pediatrics 2010;126:1084-1091
©2010 by American Academy of Pediatrics
Shaikh N, et al..
Risk of renal scarring in
children with a first urinary
tract infection: a systematic
review. Pediatrics 2010,
Medline и Embase (english-,
french-, spanish)
Kea words: "Technetium
(99m)Tc dimercaptosuccinic
acid (DMSA)," "DMSA,"
"scintigra*," "pyelonephritis,"
and "urinary tract infection."
Children of 0-18 years with 1st
episode of UTI
Risk of acute pyelonephritis according to the presence or absence of VUR.
Shaikh N et al. Pediatrics 2010;126:1084-1091
©2010 by American Academy of Pediatrics
Risk of renal scarring according to the grade of VUR.
Shaikh N et al. Pediatrics 2010;126:1084-1091
©2010 by American Academy of Pediatrics
 Vesicoureteral reflux associated renal damage:
congenital reflux nephropathy and acquired
renal scarring. Peters C, Rushton HG. J Urol.
2010 Jul;184(1):265-73.
 Microflora virulence
 Local and general inflam. response
 Tissue ability to restoration
 Sterile reflux dose not lead to RN
(хорошая диагностическая база, качественное лечение и наблюдение)
Shaikh N et al. Pediatrics 2010;126:1084-1091
©2010 by American Academy of Pediatrics
 Clinical manifestations
 Laboratory methods of urine examination:
-urinary sediment,
-urine osmolality,
-daily excretion of β2-microglobulin, etc
 Blood count, ESR
 Visual methods of voiding system evaluation:
-Renal US with doppler imaging of intrarenal
-Nuclear examination
 In neonates-the only sign of the UTI-prolonged jaundice
 Patients under the age of 2 years-general toxic
symptoms: fever, anxiety, insomnia, decreased appetite,
vomiting, dyspepsia, etc.
 Children under 5 years-common abdominal pain
without a specific localization.
 Only after 5 years of age-specific symptoms of the
urinary system lesions appear
 До назначения лечения
 Сбор мочи «clean catch», а не в мочеприемник!!!
 Бактериурия истинная (рост боле 100 000
колониеобразующих единиц в свежевыделенной
У детей раннего возраста – 50 000 КОЕ (малая
экспозиция мочи в мочевом пузыре)
Вид микрофлоры (протей, клебсиела, с/г
 Симптоматическая, асимптоматическая
 Screening or an additional assessment method
of anatomofunctional status of VS
 Modern digital ultrasound devices with high
resolution and Doppler of renal
hemodynamics- early detection of scaring and
foci-infiltrative changes in renal parenchyma
 Contrast voiding urosonographia, where
instead of iodine used gas bubbles (Levovist
 In 70% of cases, this method has a higher
degree of detected reflux than was revealed by
MCUG (Darge K. Pediatr Radiol. 2008 Jan;38(1):40-
Эхографическая картина
мочевого пузыря и
расширенного дистального
отдела левого мочеточника у
ребенка 5 лет с
левосторонним смешанным
ПМР 2-3 степени и
левосторонней РН.
Маленькая сморщенная почка
с толстостенной расширенной
собирательной системой и
почти полным отсутствием
функционирующей паренхимы
Резкое обеднение
Imaging Studies after a First Febrile Urinary Tract
Infection in Young Children
Alejandro Hoberman, M.D., Martin Charron, M.D.,
Robert W. Hickey, M.D., Marc Baskin, M.D., Diana H.
Kearney, R.N., and Ellen R. Wald, M.D.
N Engl J Med 2003; 348:195-202January 16, 2003
Visual diagnostic
К., 10 years, right VUR
3 grade, left VUR 2 grade,
rightside RN (X-Ray
Obstructive curve of
right kidney
Arrows - VUR
Right kidney
Left kidney
Не ранее 6 мес.
после стихания
 Children younger than 6 months-whith atypical or
recurring UTI+
 The boys from 6 months to 3 years-high risk of
 Дети 3-5-7 лет – visual changes of kidneys (US,
nuclear invest), familial history of VUR or RN
(CAKUT), relapses of UTI
 Children over 7 years – ИНДИВИДУАЛЬНО !!! -
выраженные изменения верхних отделов мочевой
системы, ранее выявленные нарушения
Treatment and prevention of UTI -
the most complicated and
controversial issue of pediatric
(What, how, how long to treat?)
 Protected 3-4 generation of Penicillins (Tikarcillin, Mecillinam),
aminoglycosides, cephalosporins, fluoroquinolones, karbopenems
 Cyclic lipopeptide (daptomycin-kubicin)-, Gram+
 Oxazolidinons (linezolid, Zyvox) – Gram+/- (~ 20.000 rub=620 – 10 tablets)
 Antagonists of Н-fimbria (J Med Chem. 2010 Dec 23;53(24):8627-41. FimH antagonists for the oral
treatment of urinary tract infections: from design and synthesis to in vitro and in vivo evaluation. Klein T, с соавт.,
 Products based on plant extracts:
- Cress and horseradish (Curr Med Res Opin. 2007 Oct;23(10):2415-22. A randomised, double-blind,
placebo-controlled trial of a herbal medicinal product containing Tropaeoli majoris herba (Nasturtium) and
Armoraciae rusticanae radix (Horseradish) for the prophylactic treatment of patients with chronically recurrent
lower urinary tract infections. Albrecht U, Goos KH, Schneider B., Германия)
- Solidago- семейство Астровых, Ortosophones- почечный чай, Birch (Cai T, Caola I,
Tessarolo F, Piccoli F, et al. Solidago, orthosiphon, birch and cranberry extracts can decrease microbial
colonization and biofilm development in indwelling urinary catheter: a microbiologic and ultrastructural pilot
study. World J Urol. 2013 Oct 4. [Epub ahead of print]
- Canephron– lovage, wild rose, centaury, Rosemary
 Aminoglycosides in low dosage – strong
proapoptotic effect
(El Mouedden M., et al, Apoptosis in renal proximal tubules of
rats treated with low doses of aminoglycosides, Antimicrobial
Agents and Chemotherapy 2000, March 44 (3):665-675).
Penicillin acid inhibits Fas-
(Bando M., Hasegawa M., Tsuboi Y. et al. The Mycotoxin
Penicillin Acid inhibits Fas Ligand-iduced apoptosis by blocking
self-processing of caspase-8 in death-inducing signaling
complex. J Biol Chem 2003, 278(8):5786-5793
 Ceftriaxone associated nephrolithiasis: a
prospective study in 284 children. Mohkam M, Karimi
A, Gharib A, Daneshmand H, Khatami A, Ghojevand N, Sharifian M. Pediatr
Nephrol. 2007 May;22(5):690-4.
 Ceftriaxone-associated biliary pseudolithiasis
in children. [J Clin Ultrasound. 2006]
 Nephrolithiasis associated with ceftriaxone
therapy: a prospective study in 51 children.
[Arch Dis Child. 2004] –8% of patients - stones
d=2 мм in 7 mo after treatment
 Ceftriaxone-associated nephrolithiasis and
biliary pseudolithiasis in a child. [Pediatr
Radiol. 2003]
 Cranberry juice (Orange, pineapple) prevents the
adhesion of E. Coli strains to uroepitelial cells (P-
fimbriae and L-fimbriae)
 Damage of Р-fimbriae-polymer of E. сoli cover и
reduction of its length in 3 times (from 148 to 48 nm)
 Cranberry Proanthocyanidins selective action on the
urinary tract microflora (safety of oropharyngeal and
intestinal biocenosis)
Zafriri D., Ofek I., Adar R., Pocino M., Sharon N. Inhibitory activity of cranberry juice on adherence of type
1 and type P fimbriated Escherichia coli to eucaryotic cells // Antimicrob Agents Chemother. -1989.- v.33,№1.-
Kontiokari Т., Salo J., Eerola E., Uhari U. Cranberry juice and bacterial colonization in children—A placebo-
controlled randomized trial // Clinical Nutrition.- 2005.- v.24,№6.- Р.1065-1072
Liu Y, Black M.A., Caron L., Camesano T.A. Role of cranberry juice on molecular-scale surface
characteristics and adhesion behavior of Escherichia coli // Biotechnol Bioeng.- 2006.- v.93,№2.- Р.297-305
 Does early treatment of urinary tract infection
prevent renal damage? Doganis D, et al. Pediatrics.
2007 Oct;120(4):e922-8. Greece.
 278 infants (153 males, 125 females) age-0.5 to
7.5 mo. with acute pyelonephritis
 Early in the first 24 hours adequate treatment
reduces the possibility of the kidneys
involvement in acute inflammation,
 but does not prevent the development of
 Antibiotic treatment for pyelonephritis in
children: multicentre randomised controlled non-
inferiority trial (BMJ. 2007 August 25; 335(7616):
386 )
 28 pediatric clinics of North Italy
 502 child (age 1-7 years) with pyelonephritis
 Oral co-amoxyclav (50 mg/kg/day in 3
admission for 10 days) or parenteral
ceftriaxone (50 mg/kg/day once for 3 days)
switch on to oral co-amoxyclav (50
mg/kg/day in 3 admission for 7 days)
 Criteria of efficiency : signs of
nephrosclerosis on scintigramms through 12
 The result: no reliable differences between
groups (13.7 vs 17.7%)
 The main task-appropriate antibacterial
prevention of recurring UTI -
amoxicillin in infants and trimethoprim
in senior schildren
Update on Vesicoureteral Reflux:
Pathogenesis, Nephropathy, and Management
Ross M Decter, MD Rev Urol. 2001 Fall; 3(4):
 Long-term antibiotics for preventing recurrent urinary tract
infection in children Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2006 Jul
 Total - 8 researches (618 children)
 5 of them (406 children)-comparison of antibiotics and
 Duration of treatment-from 10 weeks to 12 months
 1 study-nitrofurantoin is more effective than
trimethoprim, but poor compliance of nitrofurantoina
Large, properly randomised, double blinded
studies are needed !!!!
to determine the efficacy of long-term antibiotics
for the prevention of UTI
Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2006 Jul 19;3:CD001534
 Randomized controlled study (over 2 years) a/b
prevention of UTI relapses by TRIMETHOPRIM
 100 children under 30 mo with VUR 2-4 grade
 4 years follow-up
 The equal frequency of UTI relapses and RN the
formation Pennesi M et al, Is antibiotic profylaxis in children with VUR
effective in preventing pyelonephritis and renal scars ? A randomized controlled trial,
PEDIATRICS Vol. 121, № 6, 2008, pp.e1489-1494
 Specialists from UK [National Institute for
Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE), UK]
 10 randomized controlled trials – antibacterial
prevention of UTI relapses and NS development
in children with VUR, based on Medline,
EMBASE, CINAHL и Cochrane Library.
 No reliable data from the point of view of
evidence-based medicine Verier-Jones K et al.
Effectiveness of antibiotic prophylaxis for children at risk of
developing UTI and renal scarring: Results of systematic review
carried out on behalf of the National Institute for Health and
Clinical Excellence (NICE), UK, Pediatric Nephrol 2008, v23, n9,
 Since 1975, the 11 major comparative
studies (1550 children with UTI)-
effectiveness of prolonged antibacterial
therapy (an equatorial comparison with
 There is no reliable differences in the
frequency of exacerbations after 12 months.
treatment-20% develop recurrence:
 3 studies (394 ch)- the efficiency of
cranberry derivatives
 2 researches (252 ch)- the efficiency of
vitamin A
 Conclusion: the largest evidence base-
small efficiency of prolonged antibiotic
 Possible efficiency of cranberry derivatives.
Finnell SM, Carroll AE,
Downs SM; Subcommittee
on Urinary Tract Infection.
- Technical report—
Diagnosis and management
of an initial UTI in febrile
infants and young children.
Pediatrics. 2011
Williams GJ, Craig JC,
Carapetis JR. Preventing
urinary tract infections in
early childhood. Adv Exp
Med Biol. 2013;764:211-8.
Randomized Intervention for Children With Vesicoureteral
Reflux (RIVUR): Background Commentary of RIVUR Investigators
Russell W. Chesney, MDa, Myra A. Carpenter, PhDb, Marva Moxey-Mims, MDc, Leroy Nyberg, MDc, Saul P. Greenfield, MDd, Alejandro Hoberman, MD, MPHe,
Ron Keren, MD, MPHf, Ron Matthews, MDg, Tej K. Matoo, MDh, members of the RIVUR Steering Committee Pediatrics. 2008 Dec;122 Suppl 5:S233-9.
Adv Chronic Kidney Dis. 2011 Sep;18(5):348-54. Vesicoureteral reflux and reflux nephropathy. Mattoo TK. (USA)
 The need to establish of the national
NICE UTI Guidelines, 2008
 Т >380С or long subfebrilitet for no apparent
reason (all children, in particular, young
 Unexplained vomiting and abdominal pain
 Frequent urination, dysuria, enuresis
 Decrease or loss of appetite
 Prolonged jaundice in neonates
 Vague signs of well-being
 Hematuria (visually) and hypertension
2-3. UTI. Svetlana Paunova (eng)

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4-3. Risk factors for IgAN. Rosanna Coppo (eng)
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4-3. Risk factors for IgAN. Rosanna Coppo (eng)KidneyOrgRu
4-2. SRNS. Rosanna Coppo (eng)
4-2. SRNS. Rosanna Coppo (eng)4-2. SRNS. Rosanna Coppo (eng)
4-2. SRNS. Rosanna Coppo (eng)KidneyOrgRu
3-2. Hypertension in CKD. Francesco Emma (eng)
3-2. Hypertension in CKD. Francesco Emma (eng)3-2. Hypertension in CKD. Francesco Emma (eng)
3-2. Hypertension in CKD. Francesco Emma (eng)KidneyOrgRu
2-1. CAKUT. Svetlana Paunova (eng)
2-1. CAKUT. Svetlana Paunova (eng)2-1. CAKUT. Svetlana Paunova (eng)
2-1. CAKUT. Svetlana Paunova (eng)KidneyOrgRu
1-2. Welcome talk. Vladimir Dlin (eng)
1-2. Welcome talk. Vladimir Dlin (eng)1-2. Welcome talk. Vladimir Dlin (eng)
1-2. Welcome talk. Vladimir Dlin (eng)KidneyOrgRu
1-4. Acid-base disorders. Elena Levtchenko (rus)
1-4. Acid-base disorders. Elena Levtchenko (rus)1-4. Acid-base disorders. Elena Levtchenko (rus)
1-4. Acid-base disorders. Elena Levtchenko (rus)KidneyOrgRu
1-3. Electrolyte disorders. Tatyana Nastausheva (eng)
1-3. Electrolyte disorders. Tatyana Nastausheva (eng)1-3. Electrolyte disorders. Tatyana Nastausheva (eng)
1-3. Electrolyte disorders. Tatyana Nastausheva (eng)KidneyOrgRu
10-2. How to write a grant proposal? Isidro Salusky (rus)
10-2. How to write a grant proposal? Isidro Salusky (rus)10-2. How to write a grant proposal? Isidro Salusky (rus)
10-2. How to write a grant proposal? Isidro Salusky (rus)KidneyOrgRu
10-3. Challenges and solutions in setting up rare disease registries. Samanth...
10-3. Challenges and solutions in setting up rare disease registries. Samanth...10-3. Challenges and solutions in setting up rare disease registries. Samanth...
10-3. Challenges and solutions in setting up rare disease registries. Samanth...KidneyOrgRu
10-1. How to get your manuscript published? Elena Levtchenko (eng)
10-1. How to get your manuscript published? Elena Levtchenko (eng)10-1. How to get your manuscript published? Elena Levtchenko (eng)
10-1. How to get your manuscript published? Elena Levtchenko (eng)KidneyOrgRu
9-2. Kidney transplantation in children in Russia. Mikhail Kaabak (rus)
9-2. Kidney transplantation in children in Russia. Mikhail Kaabak (rus)9-2. Kidney transplantation in children in Russia. Mikhail Kaabak (rus)
9-2. Kidney transplantation in children in Russia. Mikhail Kaabak (rus)KidneyOrgRu

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10-3. Rare disease registries. Samantha Parker (eng)
10-3. Rare disease registries. Samantha Parker (eng)10-3. Rare disease registries. Samantha Parker (eng)
10-3. Rare disease registries. Samantha Parker (eng)
10-2. How to write a grant proposal. Isidro Salusky (eng)
10-2. How to write a grant proposal. Isidro Salusky (eng)10-2. How to write a grant proposal. Isidro Salusky (eng)
10-2. How to write a grant proposal. Isidro Salusky (eng)
9-2. Kidney transplantation in children in Russia. Mikhail Kaabak (eng)
9-2. Kidney transplantation in children in Russia. Mikhail Kaabak (eng)9-2. Kidney transplantation in children in Russia. Mikhail Kaabak (eng)
9-2. Kidney transplantation in children in Russia. Mikhail Kaabak (eng)
8-1. Progression of CKD to CRF. Vladimir Dlin (eng)
8-1. Progression of CKD to CRF. Vladimir Dlin (eng)8-1. Progression of CKD to CRF. Vladimir Dlin (eng)
8-1. Progression of CKD to CRF. Vladimir Dlin (eng)
7-1-2. Acute kidney injury. Dmitriy Zverev (eng)
7-1-2. Acute kidney injury. Dmitriy Zverev (eng)7-1-2. Acute kidney injury. Dmitriy Zverev (eng)
7-1-2. Acute kidney injury. Dmitriy Zverev (eng)
6-3. Dent's disease. Larisa Prikhodina (eng)
6-3. Dent's disease. Larisa Prikhodina (eng)6-3. Dent's disease. Larisa Prikhodina (eng)
6-3. Dent's disease. Larisa Prikhodina (eng)
5-3. Atypical HUS. Rosanna Coppo (eng)
5-3. Atypical HUS. Rosanna Coppo (eng)5-3. Atypical HUS. Rosanna Coppo (eng)
5-3. Atypical HUS. Rosanna Coppo (eng)
5-1. Review of complement system. Khadizha Emirova (eng)
5-1. Review of complement system. Khadizha Emirova (eng)5-1. Review of complement system. Khadizha Emirova (eng)
5-1. Review of complement system. Khadizha Emirova (eng)
4-3. Risk factors for IgAN. Rosanna Coppo (eng)
4-3. Risk factors for IgAN. Rosanna Coppo (eng)4-3. Risk factors for IgAN. Rosanna Coppo (eng)
4-3. Risk factors for IgAN. Rosanna Coppo (eng)
4-2. SRNS. Rosanna Coppo (eng)
4-2. SRNS. Rosanna Coppo (eng)4-2. SRNS. Rosanna Coppo (eng)
4-2. SRNS. Rosanna Coppo (eng)
3-2. Hypertension in CKD. Francesco Emma (eng)
3-2. Hypertension in CKD. Francesco Emma (eng)3-2. Hypertension in CKD. Francesco Emma (eng)
3-2. Hypertension in CKD. Francesco Emma (eng)
2-1. CAKUT. Svetlana Paunova (eng)
2-1. CAKUT. Svetlana Paunova (eng)2-1. CAKUT. Svetlana Paunova (eng)
2-1. CAKUT. Svetlana Paunova (eng)
1-2. Welcome talk. Vladimir Dlin (eng)
1-2. Welcome talk. Vladimir Dlin (eng)1-2. Welcome talk. Vladimir Dlin (eng)
1-2. Welcome talk. Vladimir Dlin (eng)
1-4. Acid-base disorders. Elena Levtchenko (rus)
1-4. Acid-base disorders. Elena Levtchenko (rus)1-4. Acid-base disorders. Elena Levtchenko (rus)
1-4. Acid-base disorders. Elena Levtchenko (rus)
1-3. Electrolyte disorders. Tatyana Nastausheva (eng)
1-3. Electrolyte disorders. Tatyana Nastausheva (eng)1-3. Electrolyte disorders. Tatyana Nastausheva (eng)
1-3. Electrolyte disorders. Tatyana Nastausheva (eng)
10-2. How to write a grant proposal? Isidro Salusky (rus)
10-2. How to write a grant proposal? Isidro Salusky (rus)10-2. How to write a grant proposal? Isidro Salusky (rus)
10-2. How to write a grant proposal? Isidro Salusky (rus)
10-3. Challenges and solutions in setting up rare disease registries. Samanth...
10-3. Challenges and solutions in setting up rare disease registries. Samanth...10-3. Challenges and solutions in setting up rare disease registries. Samanth...
10-3. Challenges and solutions in setting up rare disease registries. Samanth...
10-1. How to get your manuscript published? Elena Levtchenko (eng)
10-1. How to get your manuscript published? Elena Levtchenko (eng)10-1. How to get your manuscript published? Elena Levtchenko (eng)
10-1. How to get your manuscript published? Elena Levtchenko (eng)
9-2. Kidney transplantation in children in Russia. Mikhail Kaabak (rus)
9-2. Kidney transplantation in children in Russia. Mikhail Kaabak (rus)9-2. Kidney transplantation in children in Russia. Mikhail Kaabak (rus)
9-2. Kidney transplantation in children in Russia. Mikhail Kaabak (rus)


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2-3. UTI. Svetlana Paunova (eng)

  • 2. ESRF CAUSES FOREMAN JW,CHAN JCM. J PEDIATR 1988,113,793-800 ERA-EDTAANNUAL REPORT 2005, REGISTERED CHARITY №1060134 ПМР/ РН Обструкция ИМП Другие 0 10 20 30 40 Гломерулопатии Наследственные нефропатии Васкулиты UTI, VUR, RN Cong. NP Glomerulopath.
  • 3. Russian State Statistic Survice – last decade- incidence of renal diseases- in children under increased in 1,6 times, theenagers – in 2 times ( )
  • 4. Stable increasing of UTI in children In children of 1-3 years of life UTI is more frequent than acute respir. infection -Соматичекие болезни у детей, Руководство для врачей // Под ред. М.С. Игнатовой / Москва-Оренбург.-2002.- 669 с, -Bhat RG, Katy TA, Place FC. Pediatric urinary tract infections. Emerg Med Clin North Am. 2011 Aug;29(3):637-53
  • 5. UTI is possible in neonates. In mature neonates with fever and malaise –UTI in 1,1 - 7% cases Beetz R.Evaluation and management of urinary tract infections in the neonate. Curr Opin Pediatr. 2012 Jan 5.
  • 6.  1/3 of 1-st year babies (36,4%)- renal scarring after first episode of UTI. Lin D.S., Huang S.H., Lin C.C. et al. Urinary tract infection in febrile infants younger than eight weeks of age. // Pediatrics. -2000. –v.105, №2. –P.E20, Remington J.S, Klein J. Infectious diseases of the fetus and newborn. 5th edition Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 2001
  • 7. UTI (inflammation) -CD14 –macrofage marker -Co-receptor of CD14/TLR4/MD2 complex -NF-κB –transcription factor (I-kB- inhibitor) - Controls gene expression of immune response, apoptosis and cellular cycle -TLR4- binds LPS of bacter. wall -the most ancient in antibacter. protect. system -similar to IL-1
  • 8. UTI (urodynamics)  Abnormal urodynamics  High intrapelvic pressure  Intrarenal reflux
  • 9. RENAL SCARRING IN UTI  Abnormal urodynamics (IRR)  UTI- p-fimbria E. сoli, number of PN relapses ang age of debuite  GeГенетическая предрасположенность (DD-генотип АПФ - почечный фиброз, делеция 13q хромосомы – тяж. ПМР, РН, ХПН, полиморфизм гена ТФР-β1 – у 82% больных с РН,  Нарушение равновесия ФНО-а, ИЛ-6, ИЛ-8, ИЛ-10  Гиперпродукция ТФР, ФРФ, ИФР-1  Нарушение механизма апоптоза
  • 10. Shaikh N et al. Pediatrics 2010;126:1084-1091 ©2010 by American Academy of Pediatrics Shaikh N, et al.. Risk of renal scarring in children with a first urinary tract infection: a systematic review. Pediatrics 2010, Dec;126(6):1084-91 Medline и Embase (english-, french-, spanish) Kea words: "Technetium (99m)Tc dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA)," "DMSA," "dimercaptosuccinic," "scintigra*," "pyelonephritis," and "urinary tract infection." Children of 0-18 years with 1st episode of UTI МЕТА-ANALYSIS - RENAL SCARRING RISK IN UTI
  • 11. Risk of acute pyelonephritis according to the presence or absence of VUR. Shaikh N et al. Pediatrics 2010;126:1084-1091 ©2010 by American Academy of Pediatrics
  • 12. Risk of renal scarring according to the grade of VUR. Shaikh N et al. Pediatrics 2010;126:1084-1091 ©2010 by American Academy of Pediatrics
  • 13.  Vesicoureteral reflux associated renal damage: congenital reflux nephropathy and acquired renal scarring. Peters C, Rushton HG. J Urol. 2010 Jul;184(1):265-73.  Microflora virulence  Local and general inflam. response pecularities  Tissue ability to restoration  Sterile reflux dose not lead to RN
  • 14.
  • 15. ЗАВИСИМОСТЬ РАСПРОСТРАНЕННОСТИ НЕФРОСКЛЕРОЗА ОТ ГОДА ПУБЛИКАЦИЙ (хорошая диагностическая база, качественное лечение и наблюдение) Shaikh N et al. Pediatrics 2010;126:1084-1091 ©2010 by American Academy of Pediatrics
  • 16. DIAGNOSIS OF UTI  Clinical manifestations  Laboratory methods of urine examination: -urinary sediment, -bacteriuria, -urine osmolality, -daily excretion of β2-microglobulin, etc  Blood count, ESR  Visual methods of voiding system evaluation: -Renal US with doppler imaging of intrarenal hemodynamics, -Nuclear examination
  • 17. CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS OF UTI  In neonates-the only sign of the UTI-prolonged jaundice  Patients under the age of 2 years-general toxic symptoms: fever, anxiety, insomnia, decreased appetite, vomiting, dyspepsia, etc.  Children under 5 years-common abdominal pain without a specific localization.  Only after 5 years of age-specific symptoms of the urinary system lesions appear
  • 18.
  • 19. АНАЛИЗ МОЧИ  До назначения лечения  Сбор мочи «clean catch», а не в мочеприемник!!!  Бактериурия истинная (рост боле 100 000 колониеобразующих единиц в свежевыделенной моче) У детей раннего возраста – 50 000 КОЕ (малая экспозиция мочи в мочевом пузыре) Вид микрофлоры (протей, клебсиела, с/г палочка)  Симптоматическая, асимптоматическая
  • 21. US OF VOIDING SYSTEM  Screening or an additional assessment method of anatomofunctional status of VS  Modern digital ultrasound devices with high resolution and Doppler of renal hemodynamics- early detection of scaring and foci-infiltrative changes in renal parenchyma  Contrast voiding urosonographia, where instead of iodine used gas bubbles (Levovist "drug")  In 70% of cases, this method has a higher degree of detected reflux than was revealed by MCUG (Darge K. Pediatr Radiol. 2008 Jan;38(1):40- 53.)
  • 22. Эхографическая картина мочевого пузыря и расширенного дистального отдела левого мочеточника у ребенка 5 лет с левосторонним смешанным ПМР 2-3 степени и левосторонней РН.
  • 23. RENAL US OF 3-mo CHILD
  • 24.
  • 25. ТЯЖЕЛАЯ РЕФЛЮКС-НЕФРОПАТИЯ Маленькая сморщенная почка с толстостенной расширенной собирательной системой и почти полным отсутствием функционирующей паренхимы Резкое обеднение интраренального кровотока
  • 26. Imaging Studies after a First Febrile Urinary Tract Infection in Young Children Alejandro Hoberman, M.D., Martin Charron, M.D., Robert W. Hickey, M.D., Marc Baskin, M.D., Diana H. Kearney, R.N., and Ellen R. Wald, M.D. N Engl J Med 2003; 348:195-202January 16, 2003 Visual diagnostic methods
  • 27. РЕНОГРАФИЯ С ПЕНТАТЕХОМ К., 10 years, right VUR 3 grade, left VUR 2 grade, rightside RN (X-Ray MCUG, IVU) Obstructive curve of right kidney Arrows - VUR Right kidney Left kidney
  • 30. DMSA Не ранее 6 мес. после стихания ИМС
  • 31. MCUG  Children younger than 6 months-whith atypical or recurring UTI+  The boys from 6 months to 3 years-high risk of VUR+/-  Дети 3-5-7 лет – visual changes of kidneys (US, nuclear invest), familial history of VUR or RN (CAKUT), relapses of UTI  Children over 7 years – ИНДИВИДУАЛЬНО !!! - выраженные изменения верхних отделов мочевой системы, ранее выявленные нарушения уродинамики
  • 32. Treatment and prevention of UTI - the most complicated and controversial issue of pediatric nephrology (What, how, how long to treat?)
  • 33. MODERN ANTIBACTERIAL DRUGS  Protected 3-4 generation of Penicillins (Tikarcillin, Mecillinam), aminoglycosides, cephalosporins, fluoroquinolones, karbopenems  Cyclic lipopeptide (daptomycin-kubicin)-, Gram+  Oxazolidinons (linezolid, Zyvox) – Gram+/- (~ 20.000 rub=620 – 10 tablets)  Antagonists of Н-fimbria (J Med Chem. 2010 Dec 23;53(24):8627-41. FimH antagonists for the oral treatment of urinary tract infections: from design and synthesis to in vitro and in vivo evaluation. Klein T, с соавт., Швейцария)  Products based on plant extracts: - Cress and horseradish (Curr Med Res Opin. 2007 Oct;23(10):2415-22. A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of a herbal medicinal product containing Tropaeoli majoris herba (Nasturtium) and Armoraciae rusticanae radix (Horseradish) for the prophylactic treatment of patients with chronically recurrent lower urinary tract infections. Albrecht U, Goos KH, Schneider B., Германия) - Solidago- семейство Астровых, Ortosophones- почечный чай, Birch (Cai T, Caola I, Tessarolo F, Piccoli F, et al. Solidago, orthosiphon, birch and cranberry extracts can decrease microbial colonization and biofilm development in indwelling urinary catheter: a microbiologic and ultrastructural pilot study. World J Urol. 2013 Oct 4. [Epub ahead of print] - Canephron– lovage, wild rose, centaury, Rosemary
  • 34. WHAT?  Aminoglycosides in low dosage – strong proapoptotic effect (El Mouedden M., et al, Apoptosis in renal proximal tubules of rats treated with low doses of aminoglycosides, Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 2000, March 44 (3):665-675). Penicillin acid inhibits Fas- induced-apoptosis (Bando M., Hasegawa M., Tsuboi Y. et al. The Mycotoxin Penicillin Acid inhibits Fas Ligand-iduced apoptosis by blocking self-processing of caspase-8 in death-inducing signaling complex. J Biol Chem 2003, 278(8):5786-5793
  • 35.  Ceftriaxone associated nephrolithiasis: a prospective study in 284 children. Mohkam M, Karimi A, Gharib A, Daneshmand H, Khatami A, Ghojevand N, Sharifian M. Pediatr Nephrol. 2007 May;22(5):690-4.  Ceftriaxone-associated biliary pseudolithiasis in children. [J Clin Ultrasound. 2006]  Nephrolithiasis associated with ceftriaxone therapy: a prospective study in 51 children. [Arch Dis Child. 2004] –8% of patients - stones d=2 мм in 7 mo after treatment  Ceftriaxone-associated nephrolithiasis and biliary pseudolithiasis in a child. [Pediatr Radiol. 2003]
  • 36. PLANT DERIVATES  Cranberry juice (Orange, pineapple) prevents the adhesion of E. Coli strains to uroepitelial cells (P- fimbriae and L-fimbriae)  Damage of Р-fimbriae-polymer of E. сoli cover и reduction of its length in 3 times (from 148 to 48 nm)  Cranberry Proanthocyanidins selective action on the urinary tract microflora (safety of oropharyngeal and intestinal biocenosis) Zafriri D., Ofek I., Adar R., Pocino M., Sharon N. Inhibitory activity of cranberry juice on adherence of type 1 and type P fimbriated Escherichia coli to eucaryotic cells // Antimicrob Agents Chemother. -1989.- v.33,№1.- Р.92–98 Kontiokari Т., Salo J., Eerola E., Uhari U. Cranberry juice and bacterial colonization in children—A placebo- controlled randomized trial // Clinical Nutrition.- 2005.- v.24,№6.- Р.1065-1072 Liu Y, Black M.A., Caron L., Camesano T.A. Role of cranberry juice on molecular-scale surface characteristics and adhesion behavior of Escherichia coli // Biotechnol Bioeng.- 2006.- v.93,№2.- Р.297-305
  • 37.  Does early treatment of urinary tract infection prevent renal damage? Doganis D, et al. Pediatrics. 2007 Oct;120(4):e922-8. Greece.  278 infants (153 males, 125 females) age-0.5 to 7.5 mo. with acute pyelonephritis  Early in the first 24 hours adequate treatment reduces the possibility of the kidneys involvement in acute inflammation,  but does not prevent the development of nephrosclerosis
  • 38. HOW AND FOR HOW LONG? SCHEME OF ANTIMICROBIAL THERAPY  Antibiotic treatment for pyelonephritis in children: multicentre randomised controlled non- inferiority trial (BMJ. 2007 August 25; 335(7616): 386 )  28 pediatric clinics of North Italy  502 child (age 1-7 years) with pyelonephritis  Oral co-amoxyclav (50 mg/kg/day in 3 admission for 10 days) or parenteral ceftriaxone (50 mg/kg/day once for 3 days) switch on to oral co-amoxyclav (50 mg/kg/day in 3 admission for 7 days)
  • 39.  Criteria of efficiency : signs of nephrosclerosis on scintigramms through 12 months  The result: no reliable differences between groups (13.7 vs 17.7%)
  • 40. PREVENTION OF RECURRING UTI (1)  The main task-appropriate antibacterial prevention of recurring UTI - amoxicillin in infants and trimethoprim in senior schildren Update on Vesicoureteral Reflux: Pathogenesis, Nephropathy, and Management Ross M Decter, MD Rev Urol. 2001 Fall; 3(4): 172–178
  • 41. PREVENTION OF RECURRING UTI (2)  Long-term antibiotics for preventing recurrent urinary tract infection in children Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2006 Jul 19;3:CD001534  Total - 8 researches (618 children)  5 of them (406 children)-comparison of antibiotics and placebo  Duration of treatment-from 10 weeks to 12 months  1 study-nitrofurantoin is more effective than trimethoprim, but poor compliance of nitrofurantoina
  • 42. AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: Large, properly randomised, double blinded studies are needed !!!! to determine the efficacy of long-term antibiotics for the prevention of UTI Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2006 Jul 19;3:CD001534
  • 43. MODERN DATA ON THE A/B PREVENTION OF UTI  Randomized controlled study (over 2 years) a/b prevention of UTI relapses by TRIMETHOPRIM  100 children under 30 mo with VUR 2-4 grade  4 years follow-up  The equal frequency of UTI relapses and RN the formation Pennesi M et al, Is antibiotic profylaxis in children with VUR effective in preventing pyelonephritis and renal scars ? A randomized controlled trial, PEDIATRICS Vol. 121, № 6, 2008, pp.e1489-1494
  • 44. MODERN DATA ON THE A/B PREVENTION OF UTI  Specialists from UK [National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE), UK]  10 randomized controlled trials – antibacterial prevention of UTI relapses and NS development in children with VUR, based on Medline, EMBASE, CINAHL и Cochrane Library.  No reliable data from the point of view of evidence-based medicine Verier-Jones K et al. Effectiveness of antibiotic prophylaxis for children at risk of developing UTI and renal scarring: Results of systematic review carried out on behalf of the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE), UK, Pediatric Nephrol 2008, v23, n9, p1595
  • 45.  Since 1975, the 11 major comparative studies (1550 children with UTI)- effectiveness of prolonged antibacterial therapy (an equatorial comparison with placebo)  There is no reliable differences in the frequency of exacerbations after 12 months. treatment-20% develop recurrence:  3 studies (394 ch)- the efficiency of cranberry derivatives  2 researches (252 ch)- the efficiency of vitamin A  Conclusion: the largest evidence base- small efficiency of prolonged antibiotic therapy.  Possible efficiency of cranberry derivatives. Finnell SM, Carroll AE, Downs SM; Subcommittee on Urinary Tract Infection. - Technical report— Diagnosis and management of an initial UTI in febrile infants and young children. Pediatrics. 2011 Sep;128(3):e749-70 Williams GJ, Craig JC, Carapetis JR. Preventing urinary tract infections in early childhood. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2013;764:211-8. Review
  • 46. HOME MESSAGE  NEED FOR A WELL-DESIGNED STUDY !!! Randomized Intervention for Children With Vesicoureteral Reflux (RIVUR): Background Commentary of RIVUR Investigators Russell W. Chesney, MDa, Myra A. Carpenter, PhDb, Marva Moxey-Mims, MDc, Leroy Nyberg, MDc, Saul P. Greenfield, MDd, Alejandro Hoberman, MD, MPHe, Ron Keren, MD, MPHf, Ron Matthews, MDg, Tej K. Matoo, MDh, members of the RIVUR Steering Committee Pediatrics. 2008 Dec;122 Suppl 5:S233-9. Adv Chronic Kidney Dis. 2011 Sep;18(5):348-54. Vesicoureteral reflux and reflux nephropathy. Mattoo TK. (USA)  The need to establish of the national programme? NICE UTI Guidelines, 2008
  • 47. INDICATIONS FOR CLINICAL URINE ANALYSIS !!!!!!!  Т >380С or long subfebrilitet for no apparent reason (all children, in particular, young children)  Unexplained vomiting and abdominal pain  Frequent urination, dysuria, enuresis  Decrease or loss of appetite  Prolonged jaundice in neonates  Vague signs of well-being  Hematuria (visually) and hypertension