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Healing Program for the Chronic
Self Sustaining
Mat 25:40 And the King shall answer and say
unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye
have done it unto one of the least of these my
brethren, ye have done it unto me.
The LDS church can do this
Verily I say unto you, this day thou shalt be with Me in Paradise.
512 210 9786
Remember me Lord,
when thou comest
into Thy Kingdom.
Lords Prayer: “Thy Kingdom come, thy will
be done, on earth as it is in Heaven…. He
commanded us to work to build The
Fathers Kingdom on earth as it is in
Heaven….. DO NOT hand the Homeless a
dollar and look away… what if it were your
son or daughter… well it is..
Homeless Apologetics
• Every day, invisible people sleep on the ground, under bridges, Mike, a homeless man showed me a bridge he slept under for two years.
• They live debased lives, most have no income or SSI or SS income too small to live on, no family or family has deserted them
• There day starts at sunrise, they walk to a location to beg for money from people driving to work.
• After they get some money and the morning commute is over, they have nothing to do. They walk to a package store and buy some
beer and cigarettes and they find homeless people they know and walk (they will be arrested for vagrancy if they sit or stand) and they
get caught up on who has died, who has been arrested, they talk a street talk jive to homeless they do not know. This repeats for noon
and evening commute.
• They have no doctor, they go to the ER when they are sick, where they are often overlooked.
• They get something at a fast food restaurant for dinner.
• They seek a hole, under a bridge, behind some bushes to sleep, a place where they stored a small back pack, often it gets stolen and has
to be re purchased, if they left their ID in the back pack, at some point they do, then that is gone as well.
• There is legally no way to get ID when you have no address no identification.
• When you are homeless, you will have misdemeanors such as
– Sleeping in public
– Sitting in public
– Loitering
– Urinating in public (homeless people are denied rest rooms)
• If it is freezing or raining, they may go to a shelter. They line up at 6 PM or so, walking around in the rain or freezing weather, waiting
for the doors to open at about 8:30 PM.
• They find a mat on the floor, secure as best as possible their belongings, anything laying on the floor will be gone the next day.
• At 6:30 AM, the lights are turned on and they are turned out back into the street.
• In America, where fully half of our citizens are unemployed, due to our jobs having been sent offshore, all are unemployable.
• Some will get into rent controlled housing, where they will continue to live the homeless life, but at least have a constant shelter.
• However many will not, since this housing requires credit checks (when you have no income , hard to pass), ID (usually disappears,
background check (too many misdemeanors), so they are denied, waiting lists often stretch for years.
• Some will get into rehab programs run by churches, they do this in the fall, so they can winter there and then leave in the spring. You
see, these programs are not effective, because they are not based on God, but rather are humanistic and so of no effect.
• All most all are addicted and have criminal records, that goes with living on the street. And so all are deemed unworthy of saving, yet
an addicted upstanding member of society is deemed worth remediating, it is a form of discrimination against the poor and broken,
which makes the world even more dark and cruel to the eyes of the homeless, a world that looks them directly in the eye and does not
see them at all in their suffering and sorrow.
• And so their tears ascend continually to Heaven.
The True
• The soul of one homeless person is worth more to the Heavenly Father and His Only begotten Son
than all the Temples in the World.
• Jesus said of the Temple in Jerusalem, “Tear down this Temple and in 3 days I will rebuild it” He was
referring to His death and resurrection as the Perfect Pasach Lamb of God” The Temple He is the
head of and of which we are the body, His Bride. We are the stones of this Temple and each one is
• What of the Temple building, what is its value ? It is a place that must welcome the weary traveler,
the wounded traveler and give comfort to the wretched, to the heavy laden, to those whose tears
ascend to God. It must be a place of healing, that draws men and women's souls to God, through
the work of the Holy Spirit as administered by the servants of Christ who work in it.
• It is a place where the poorest of the poor, the widow of the parable of the widows mite, the
wounded traveler are welcomed and given a seat of honor, to manifest The Father and Sons love to
them, to bring them to the Cross of Christ for healing and remediation of their damaged lives and
damaged souls, to break the chains Satan has fastened on them, chains of hopelessness and
unforgiveness and hatred that has been the standard of their lives, to re-enfranchise them as Gods
children, where society had disenfranchised their humanity.
• The temple is an emblem, the temple of Jerusalem and of many modern churches are emblems of
Satan, where hope is denied, where a form of Jesus is worshiped as an idol, but where true religion,
true love and nurture are denied to all those who enter, seeking God. These temples take the life
from those who enter
• True Temples are Emblems of the resurrected Jesus, of love, compassion, forgiveness, remediation,
restoration, patience, empathy and joy. These Temples give life to those that enter.
Arnold Abbott, 90, has been cited twice and faces 60 days in jail for
feeding homeless people. But the committed Florida advocate has
no plans to stop his mission anytime soon.
“We will continue as long as there is breath in my body,”
the WWII veteran told the Sun Sentinel on Wednesday.
Words from a Homeless person;
Life and society have beat them
senseless, many still smile… LETS
• The Lord led me to another homeless person today, 3/14/2017. She approached me a
charity store that sells used goods to support a building program for the indigent. It was
bitter cold outside and going down into the twenties again that night. She asked me if I could
drive her to a friends house so she could get out of the cold that night, having been out in it
the night before. I asked her why she did no stay at a shelter, they were all filled. I asked if
she had a phone (not one that works) id she had ID (all was lost in a fire, which is when she
became homeless about two years ago. She said is was almost impossible since she was born
in another state, form my work with the homeless, I know this is true. I had bought two
chairs, took one out to the car and asked her to watch my other chair until I came back.
When I returned, I found both her and my chair outside, seems the management (ironically, a
charity that provides homes for people who can not afford them) had kicked her out, telling
her they did not want her to bother their customers, asking them for money, she told them
she only asked for a ride, I suppose they threatened to call the police. I took her where she
wanted to go, she said she was hungry, but asked for no money, I stopped at a cash machine
and gave her $50.00, though she had not asked. This causes me distress; yet another person
I can not help, because I have no farm for her, I told her about my idea, she said “that is Gods
way” she would like it, it is “not like all of the corruption here” .
• As is apparent, there is no place for a homeless person, society excuses this cruelty by
disenfranchising them, our Lord did the opposite.
• WHAT WOULD JESUS DO ?, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE ? Handed them a dollar and
feel good, would you do this o your son or daughter ? Here they are, at your
door step, a dollar allows them to live in misery, it does not help them out of it.
Humble and Meek and
lowly of heart
Isa_53:3 He is despised and rejected of men; a
man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and
we hid as it were our faces from him; he was
despised, and we esteemed him not.
Mat 25:34 Then shall the King say unto them on
his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father,
inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the
foundation of the world:
Mat 25:35 For I was an hungered, and ye gave
me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I
was a stranger, and ye took me in:
Mat 25:36 Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick,
and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came
unto me.
Mat 25:37 Then shall the righteous answer him,
saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungered,
and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink?
Mat 25:38 When saw we thee a stranger, and
took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee?
Mat 25:39 Or when saw we thee sick, or in
prison, and came unto thee?
Mat 25:40 And the King shall answer and say
unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye
have done it unto one of the least of these my
brethren, ye have done it unto me.
Mat 25:41 Then shall he say also unto them on
the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into
everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his
A place where shattered
people can become
whole. To learn to feel
Gods love as they Love
and nurture unwanted
animals and be loved in
As ministry is given to the soul
and spirit, so too emotional
healing is needed….Giving the
opportunity to love and care is
the best way to enable broken
people to feel the Saviors Love,
as they care for unwanted
animals, just as they are
unwanted, both can heal each
Homeless people and
homeless dogs and cats,
both rejected and unloved,
healing each other.
George Graham Vest (1830-1904) served as U.S. Senator from Missouri from 1879 to 1903 and became
one of the leading orators and debaters of his time. This delightful speech is from an earlier period in
his life when he practiced law in a small Missouri town. It was given in court while representing a man
who sued another for the killing of his dog. During the trial, Vest ignored the testimony, and when his
turn came to present a summation to the jury, he made the following speech and won the case.
Gentlemen of the Jury: The best friend a man has in the world may turn against him and become his
enemy. His son or daughter that he has reared with loving care may prove ungrateful. Those who are
nearest and dearest to us, those whom we trust with our happiness and our good name may
become traitors to their faith. The money that a man has, he may lose. It flies away from him,
perhaps when he needs it most. A man's reputation may be sacrificed in a moment of ill-considered
action. The people who are prone to fall on their knees to do us honor when success is with us, may
be the first to throw the stone of malice when failure settles its cloud upon our heads.
The one absolutely unselfish friend that man can have in this selfish world, the one that never
deserts him, the one that never proves ungrateful or treacherous is his dog. A man's dog stands by
him in prosperity and in poverty, in health and in sickness. He will sleep on the cold ground, where
the wintry winds blow and the snow drives fiercely, if only he may be near his master's side. He will
kiss the hand that has no food to offer. He will lick the wounds and sores that come in encounters
with the roughness of the world. He guards the sleep of his pauper master as if he were a prince.
When all other friends desert, he remains. When riches take wings, and reputation falls to pieces, he
is as constant in his love as the sun in its journey through the heavens.
If fortune drives the master forth, an outcast in the world, friendless and homeless, the faithful
dog asks no higher privilege than that of accompanying him, to guard him against danger, to fight
against his enemies. And when the last scene of all comes, and death takes his master in its embrace
and his body is laid away in the cold ground, no matter if all other friends pursue their way, there by
the graveside will the noble dog be found, his head between his paws, his eyes sad, but open in
alert watchfulness, faithful and true even in death.
George Graham Vest - c. 1855
What do we ask of Jesus in prayer
• Do we ask for our own needs, do we ask help of others and fail to help those laird at our doorstep ?
• Luk 16:19 There was a certain rich man, which was clothed in purple and fine linen, and fared sumptuously every
• Luk 16:20 And there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate, full of sores,
• Luk 16:21 And desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table: moreover the dogs came
and licked his sores.
• Luk 16:22 And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: the
rich man also died, and was buried;
• Luk 16:23 And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom.
• Luk 16:24 And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of
his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.
• Luk 16:25 But Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and likewise
Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented.
• Luk 16:26 And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass
from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence.
• Luk 16:27 Then he said, I pray thee therefore, father, that thou wouldest send him to my father's house:
• Luk 16:28 For I have five brethren; that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of torment.
• Luk 16:29 Abraham saith unto him, They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them.
• Luk 16:30 And he said, Nay, father Abraham: but if one went unto them from the dead, they will repent.
• Luk 16:31 And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded,
though one rose from the dead.
Via Dolorosa: Station 6
• Station VI
Veronica wipes the face of Jesus
The Antiphon:
I ask You Lord to assist and direct my actions by Your powerful grace and that all my prayers and works may always begin and end with You, my Jesus,
my Lord and Savior Amen.
V. I adore You oh Jesus and I bless you.
R. Because by Your Holy Cross You have Redeemed the world.
This station represents the encounter between our Lord and Veronica, who, beholding the face of our Lord, livid and covered with blood, and sweat,
knew instantly what she must do and did it without regard to the consequences, taking her handkerchief to wipe the Face of our Lord.
Consider her heroic piety, not intimidated by the hulking leering presence of His executioners or the clamors of those who where demanding His Life.
Consider the tender response to her from Jesus, in the midst of His terrible agony and the evil railing about Him, this one small act of kindness did not
take away any of His physical pain, but this small act of kindness and love did comfort His tortured soul and He returned the kind act pressed down
and overflowing to Veronica.
Reflect here that though you can not personally discharge the debt of humanity to your Savior, you can discharge it to His suffering Bride, the poor in
spirit, those that suffer, those that thirst after righteousness, those that suffer physical torment. You can wipe away the blood and sweat from the face
of Jesus by wiping away the tear from the eye of misery, for when you comfort the least of these you comfort our Lord.
Examine then what returns you have made to those who suffer, and if you find any omission, then offer the following ....
Oh, Jesus, grant me the tears I need to weep for my ingratitude, how often have I, infatuated with my life, turned my eyes from Thee and Thy
sufferings as well as those that cry out to You in pain and torment as you share in their pain and suffering, those who cry out to You that I have
not even noticed as I look instead upon the world and its vanities.
Let me henceforth and forevermore, be Thine without division. Stamp thy Image indelibly upon my soul that it may never admit another care or
love that would supplant my love for Thee. Take possession of my heart on this earth, that my soul may take eternal possession of Thee in glory
throughout eternity. Amen Jesus !
Our Father &c.
Jesus Christ crucified, have mercy on us.
Veronica pressed through the hateful crowd to meet our Lord
His streaming face a napkin to afford,
Lo, on its texture stamped by power Divine
His sacred features breathe in every line.
copyright by l.snowden 3/31/2013
some reference sections from Vulgate Bible 1885.
Homeless Shelter: No one wants to be here.
Entry: Doors open at 8:30 PM
Exit at 6:30AM, lights turned on and residents
turned back out into the street.
Environment: Dangerous, crowded, noisy,
Most Homeless prefer to sleep outdoors, detest
these shelters.
This is a revolving door back to the street.
A New Paradigm; Gods Farm (for people to find fulfilling work, in Gods Temple):
Everyone wants to be here, This is also the spoken Word of Jesus (see Genesis 1).
Existing program
There are many kinds of homeless, those that want to get out of the hell they are in, but do not know where to
go, what to do. The program that exist are based on the Wisdom of man, they are humanistic and worth
nothing, they offer no help at all .
These are the ones that must be helped, the innocent, may are child like, dulled by the pain of living on the
street, bereft of hope, care and nurture.
There is a center in Winston Salem where the homeless gather to be bussed to different church shelter at night.
This would be a good location for an induction center or add a bus route to a induction center in town
If an induction center next to this location, all that is needed is a good old fashioned revival meeting from about
6:00 PM to 8:30PM… the time homeless arrive and wait for the center to open. Note that they would like to sit
down, because the law is that you must lkeep walking or you will be arrested for loitering.
Consider a place where they can sit down, get some refreshment, snacks (they do not get fed at most shelters) .
Where there is gospel singing, church service talking about salvation, a call to accept salvation and for prayer.
Here is where candidates who a deemed ready can be invited to the program at a farm. If they want to return,
they can be bused back on the outgoing bus. There will be no alcohol or cigarettes there as a condition and
daily chapel and work is a condition to stay. If they wish, they can get their own bed, a place to store their
belongings, food, and receive instruction and ministry in preparation to admission to a rehabilitation center on
a central farm.
At some point as homeless progress into serving on staff at the rehabilitation farm, they can provide there
testimonies and ministry at the induction center.
Society, the wisdom of man: We offer our concept of what is needed. It is of no merit at all.
It is not based on the needs of the homeless, To know this, you must walk with the Homeless as one
of them and experience true hopelessness, made worse by services that are not.
•Homeless Shelters provide services of little to no use at all to homeless people.
•I have spoken to homeless people, All have the same opinions:
•Shelter are dangerous, there is no security, shoes and etc. may be stolen during the night
•Everyone comments that people fart all night.
•They are uncomfortable, not clean.
•They provide no useful assistance.
•Most everyone I have spoken to prefers to sleep outside, unless it is very cold or
•Soup kitchens are not entirely needed as most homeless will panhandle and eat at
fast food places.
•Homeless people have no ID, phone, social security card, car, birth certificate etc, all
of these typically get stolen at some point
•It is not possible to replace these documents without an address.
•CATCH 22: A certified birth certificate is required for an ID, a certified birth certificate
requires an ID or some form of identity such as a utility bill etc. which of course is a no go.
•The homeless have no way to get around easily, and no idea what to do or who to see .
•There are 98 million unemployed Americans, the chance of a homeless person finding
work, without an address or social security card and with the misdemeanors
(sleeping in public, loitering etc) is ZERO, lets be real.
Cities are made by man,
Here we see the face of
hopelessness, cruelty
and corruption of our so
called solutions to the
homeless, see it here !
If you have a tender
heart, you will see the
face of Jesus here, in the
face of these people and
will see the benefit of
the program presented
here and want to help.
Gods Cathedral: A NEW SELF SUSTAINING PARADIGM,A Program that provides
a Home, meaningful work, nurture for the land and animals and for each
other...healing, restoration, return to life to live as a human being.
Restore self worth:
1. Good fulfilling Work to do (need to be needed).
2. Daily chapel and ministry (Spiritual need).
3. Caring and Nurture for unwanted dogs and cats:
encouraged to adopt an animal (low risk opportunity
to love, need to love and be loved in return).
4. A place to live and be treated like a human being:
(All men and women, even the homeless, lowest
rung of society, are entitled to life liberty and the
pursuit of happiness, both in America and in Gods
Kingdom as well.
5. A p[ace for unwanted animals to love and be loved
in return, they are Gods creatures, they are sentient,
and loving.
Creation is also the spoken Word of Jesus as well as
Scripture, here is the face of God in His Creation
The Forest Hymn
(William Cullen Bryant) The groves were God’s Fist Temples. Ere man learned to hew the shaft, and lay the architrave, and spread the roof above
-ere He framed the lofty vault , to gather and roll back the sound of anthems in the darling wood, amidst the cool and silence, he knelt down and
offered to the Mightiest, solemn thanks and supplication. For his simple heart might not resist the sacred influences, Which from the stilly twilight
Of the place, and from the gray old trunks that high in Heaven, mingled their mossy boughs, and from the sound of the invisible breath that swayed at
once, all their green tops, stole over him , and bowed his spirit with the thought of boundless power and majesty.. (l.snowden) Here God re4veals His
face to us, His Majesty, His mercy and Love, the beauty of His Creation he has made for us. Here the Veil between Creation and Creator is thin, this is
Gods Cathedral as my mother often said looking out the window of our home in Pennsylvania at the ancient woods our home was built in the midst
The revolving door we have made for the homeless:
Abandon all hope ye who become homeless.
At the top picture for this article is a farm. This provides land, an escape from the city environment so conducive to
The tears of unloved people and dogs and cats ascend continually to Heaven and fill His cup if Mercy.
Those who can help them and do not, these act also ascend continually to Heaven and fill His cup of Wrath.
See here our Savior, how long will you ignore Him while you pretend to pay homage to Him with your useless busy work.
Since the homeless are turned out of the shelters at 6:00 AM, there is really nothing they can, except walk, panhandle buy
some beer or orange driver, cigarettes, walk in groups and talk street talk and find out who has died and who has been
arrested, at the end of the day, they will buy some food at a fast food restaurant and find a place to sleep out of sight.
The alternative to sleeping outside is a room with mats on the floor.... one of the thousands of revolving doors that the
homeless people despair of, most of them would rather live in the street than in one of these place, except in bad weather,
even then many perish on the street, lets face it, this is not a home, it is a Band-Aid since its morning destination is a return
to the streets where there is no hope. Would you want your son or daughter to live in a place with filthy mats on the floor,
no security, have to wait for 2 or 3 hours to get in at night then turned back out on the street at 5:30 in the morning to
another day of hopelessness. that life is pure hell earth. What do you know, most homeless people hearts are being broken
in this cold uncaring environment, they feel abandoned and uncared for, they want to belong, want to make a contribution,
to give, want a home, want to live like a human being, this is denied to them and as a small child, they feel hurt and
abandoned, they suffer in silence and speak not, because words fail them and can not express what is in their hearts, some
will act out, as a small child, some will perish silently. Above all, God see's them and asks WHY ! Why are we not helping
them, that is His gift to us, to build His Kingdom on earth as it is built in Heaven, why do we not see ? But now here is the
vision, now we see, now We must act and change it, not only for them, but for us also, for it will come back to us many fold.
The Lords Program:
Need to be needed. Wholesome work to do in caring for
Gods Creation.
Nurture and love in caring for abandoned dogs and cats;
An Alternative:
Now picture land a farm, where people who want a home, can come and find one, find meaningful things to do in a day,
whether caring for animals, running a tractor, caring for dogs and cats in a adoption shelter for unwanted pets that
would have otherwise been euthanized, caring for retired horses who would otherwise have been sold to a rendering
factory. Where people can heal, can find peace, and security and something meaningful to do.
It can become self sufficient.
•Work Options:
•Farming, raising food.
•Chickens for eggs.
•Cows for milk.
•Book Bindery, printing shop
•Print Hand made heritage family bibles for the LDS church, for the residents as well.
•Antique clock repair and restoration for sale on etsy.
•Computer literacy classes
•Adoption service for unwanted animals, animal shelter.
•Horticulture, flowers for sale, spineless cactus for feedstock
•Fish farm
•Hydroponic greenhouse tomatoes .
•Building small mini homes for residents
•Building structures for Art programs, horticulture research, green houses, chapel etc. Think small, wood, as in the early days, people
sized projects, The Amish can raise a barn in one day.
•Testimony and daily service at induction center in town
•For residents that complete LDS requirements, conduct daily chapel
•theological study
of one
program for
the farm,
easily done
My paternal grandfather had a 400 acre farm/manor in Exton PA. The house was an
exact copy of en English manor house, with a chapel and pipe organ on the balcony,
beautiful library with a fireplace that extended to the ceiling... which brings me to my
next topic of discourse. As a gentleman farmer he was interested in Horticulture.
I inherited a copy of his Luther Burbank 12 volumes on his procedures and
development. Mr. Burbank made created some spineless cactus and found that one
acre in California could yield one ton per day. Mrs. Burbank created many receipts and
he also suggested using it as a feeder crop for livestock. Much of his work was lost in
the 1930’s A bit still exists and much can be re created. I wonder if it would purify
water, that could be extracted from it, this would be an experiment on the farm . Cattle
loved eating this hybrid cactus Though all of Mr. Burbanks hybrid cactus are gone, we
have verified that they have spread and grow wild now in California and in fact Elder
Montandon has verified that they grow in his backyard at home.
Additionally, new flowers, roses, fruit can be created using the techniques he describes,
for sale either on the web or in a local nursery store.
Some Luther Burbank Hybrids…
A Case Study
I was driving home and saw an elderly man crossing in front of my car at a rotary, close to my house. It was 1 week ago and it was 27 degrees F, I waited and asked him if he
needed anything, he said yes, I need a place to stay. I handed him all the change I had and started to drive off. I thought about the parable of the good Samaritan and I turned
around and asked him if he needed a place to stay. He said yes, now, he was a bit grouchy, I will get back to this later, I told him to get in the car, he could sleep in my house.
He showed my a small pile of blankets behind a church, they were on the bare ground, next to an open air pavilion. I picked up what little there was and put it in the car and we
drove home. Now I know that there are some dangerous people on the street and Mike also told me this, but, after years of praying without ceasing, I also know the voice of the
Holy Spirit, just s the good Samaritan did. A warning though, do not do this if you do not understand what I just said about the Holy Spirit.
Mike has told me his story, I have met many of his friends and a few that help him as best they can. His best friend turns out to be Leroy, who is his bail bondsman who bails Mike
out form all of his trespassing charges.
I met his case worker, who did nothing for him for a year.
I have written some article on my Linkedin page about the plight of the homeless now, I see into the core of the situation through the eyes of the homeless themselves, now I
know exactly how and why our support system is failing, why it is a revolving door back out onto the streets.
I will begin now.....Mike has been homeless for twenty years, his family has rejected him, and in fact, rather than offering help, Mike has described how they have rather stolen
from him, but then, they also are damaged.
He has a problem with drinking as most homeless people do. This is because of the way the homeless shelters are structured, they are an inadvertent revolving door back onto
the street. There is nothing to, no work for these people, nothing to build their self esteem. The only thing available to them is drinking, smoking and many time drugs.
Teen Challenge deals with the problems of alcoholism and drug addiction and the underlying causes with an 88 % recovery rate, they do so with rigid control, admission based on
a strong desire to change, and they also have a farm, where residents can perform wholesome work. They have religious instruction, healing for the entire person.
Side bar here: What astounds me about Mike is how he has managed to keep his humanity, some mistake his anger and frustration at how the system has closed every exit of
escape from homelessness as an indicator that he is not worth helping.. it is like stabbing someone with a knife and then getting upset when the person bleeds on you... Mike
entrance into hell began when his wife left him. In those twenty years, he has literally laid by the side of the road while society rather than helping him , has stomped him, passed
him by and even on occasion stolen from him, here I must say, that in reading the parable of the Good Samaritan, this last bit, about those who would steal from the wounded
traveler and those that would walk over to him and kick him and curse him... this degree of evil is even missing from scripture because it is so far beyond the Pale of human
decency, you see, it is simply an incomprehensible degree of coldness and cruelty, but I digress...
I have been taking Mike around, trying to give him what he asked you for, simply... a home. It has been an odyssey, I think that bringing up the TrQuint GaAs SARGIC HEMT/EPI
fab was easier. Society has whether inadvertent or not, placed herculean barriers on the path out of homelessness.
To get a homeless person of the street, they need care as I mentioned above, they also need an advocate to rebuild their identity. They can not get an ID card with out a certified
birth certificate. They can not get a certified birth certificate without an ID, or an electric bill etc, things that go with having an address. So, with ID, they can not apply for food
stamps, get into rent adjusted apartments, apply for SSI , they are removed from all help, their only form of existence is asking for money.
Our homeless institutions are structured in such a way as to keep them on the streets. The go in to shelter for the night and are put out early in the morning. There is no one to
help them rebuild their ID,
Case workers refuse to drive them to get their ID, because it is against state regulations, at least that is what I have been told. The service the case worker provides are lists to the
homeless and four color brochures. All good if you have a car and a phone.
There is too much to write here, now. this needs to be a documentary, I hope I can find someone to help me produce it.. it needs to be told.
Mike is in chronic pain from screws in his neck and bad knees, had no doctor and needs pain remediation, he drinks to blunt the pain.
Mike left, I was going back to Texas, I extended my stay, but have been un able to find Mike, during the weeks he was at my home, we could not find a place for him because he
had no credit history and misdemeanors (sleeping in public, loitering etc… goes with being chronically homeless and ill) … despised, rejected by all.
Mikes Home the night it
was going down to 27 degrees
Mikes other home in town,
behind a hedge of an abandoned bank.
Our Lords Words illuminated.
Jesus said: “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he was attacked by robbers. They stripped him of his
clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead. 31 A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he
saw the man, he passed by on the other side. 32 So too, a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the
other side. 33 But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. 34 He
went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, brought him to an
inn and took care of him. 35 The next day he took out two denarii[c] and gave them to the innkeeper. ‘Look after him,’ he said,
‘and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.’
36 “Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?”
37 The expert in the law replied, “The one who had mercy on him.”
Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise.”
So, hopefully all of you have had a blessed Christmas with family and friends. You have enjoyed the company of loved ones,
friends and families. You have eaten wonderful feasts, received gifts and given gifts.
Yet there is one person you have forgotten about. You passed by the homeless person, you know, the one with a sad dejected look
on his face. You have said "So what, it is probably his own fault, he is too lazy to work. Sure... that is a fine excuse here on earth
for all who are only one heart beat away from being in the same place, maybe that is why you despise the homeless, because of
fear, a reminder that one day you may be homeless.. but you say "NO, that could never happen to me. Even if it were true, even if
it was the fault of the homeless person that he is homeless, have you never made a mistake ? Maybe you were just lucky and
were forgiven, or maybe you just had no consequence. Maybe evil people never set upon you.
So, what you do to the least of these, you do to Christ. Do you despise the homeless, turn your back on them.. then you are doing
this to Christ, and if you should find yourself in church, rest assured that as long as you carry this hatred or even just indifference
in your heart , you have wasted your time at Church, God has neither seen you nor heard you
So I have put out feelers for crowd funding for building a homeless mission for homeless people and abandoned dogs and cats
about to be destroyed... UTTER SILENCE. Not even one comment.
So now I must ask you to bring a present to the Baby Jesus on His Birthday, it is simply this, ask Him to take away your heart of
stone and give you a heart of flesh. I can have every right to say this to you, because it is also my prayer, for myself, since I too
suffer and have suffered from this affliction of coldness to those less fortunate.
Next, if you have taken umbrage at my suggestion, then ask God to open your eyes and ears by the Power Of the Holy Spirit, so
that you may have eyes that see and ears that hear.
HOMELESS IN HELL: A Christmas lunch.
Yes, a world where no one cares what happens to you, where people coldly dis enfranchise you because you are shattered, when they look right into your eyes as you stand on the side of the road and do not
see you.... is HELL.
In case anyone thinks to denigrate the homeless, let me say... thieves set upon a traveler, took all his belongings, beat him and left him for dead on the side of the road, a priest passed by, saw him and said, "I
must get to church, I will pray for him", another passer by came upon him and looked the other way.. and of course, you know about the good Samaritan. Yet it astounds me that some in America have taken
it upon themselves to deny the right to offer food or money to a homeless person because the homeless spoil their beautiful surroundings and they wish the homeless to whither and die, why, even worse,
I know of some who take sledge hammers to homeless peoples carts and meager belongings. This much evil is not even in scripture, there was no traveler who passed by and beat the wounded man or
berated him, they at least had the decency to feel compassion even if they lacked the decency to help him, if you are one of these, I ask you not to self identify in a cruel response to my post, just be silent and
think about who and what you are, do not reveal it to the world here, perhaps repent.
But I digressed...
A church member graciously paid for a beautiful Christmas lunch for people , she wanted to bless people who were out of work over the Holidays, but these people all still had homes.
I usually pass Tom the painter on the way to work. I hand him a few dollars and we talk briefly. One day the subject of my wife passing away came up and he offered some kind words to me.
Tom always asks if I know of anyone who needs painting done, he was looking for work, but it is hard to find being homeless but I have a masonry house.
So I invited him to Christmas lunch, of course, there is no phone or address , so I told him I would pick him up at his corner. When I saw him on the corner, He asked if he could bring a friend and another and I
said yes, that would be okay.
There were only two though. Tom the painter and Kenny, turned out the third person was Kenny's wife. But she was not feeling too well that morning and did not want to get up. Turns out she has cancer
and Kenny takes care of her.
Tom told me in confidence that Kenny's wife was not much to look at, but she had what matters most, a kind heart. I suspect they were not really married other than in the Eyes of God,
So we had Christmas carols playing on the drive to Kyle, Burl Ives came on and we talked about his voice as frosty the snowman in my wife's favorite Christmas special. Now, I will admit there was a certain
odor in my car, but I chose to ignore it, you see, when you are truly homeless you do not have a washer and dryer, nor do you have a shower.
So the lunch was wonderful, Mary had hired a wonderful Mariachi group, they played some beautiful Christmas Carols that brought tears to everyone's face. A friend of mine noticed Tom the painter made
the sign of the cross a couple of times, but in a sort of hidden way so as not to draw attention to himself.
Tom and Kenny sat self consciously by themselves, there were some money gifts for everyone, I found some extra for Kenny's wife.
One the way back, we spoke some more. I asked Tom were he slept. He told me he slept under the eave of a church, He had two sleeping bags that kept him pretty warm at night. I asked why he did not stay
at one of the homeless shelters.
Tom said that they were too dangerous and noisy, He tried it once and he was afraid also the guy next to him was farting all night. He said he would rather take a chance outside, it was better and more
pleasant than in the shelters. He said he would rather take his chances sleeping under the eave of an abandoned church.
Kenny lives in a tent, out beyond a hole in a chain link fence, sort of in the woods. He enjoys seeing the deer that come around. He has a problem with a raccoon who steals his food, but he does not seem to
mind, He does want to get a metal trash can with some way to fasten the lid so he can store his food. He also has two skunks that come around, he say the little one likes apples, he tries to stay away from
He has some blankets that help keep him and his wife warm.
His wife has cancer, she was given two years to live, but that was two years ago when he met her. He has been taking care of her the best he can since then. I think he is worried about her. I suspect she is not
really his wife in the marriage license sense, if you are homeless you do not have the money for a marriage license, but he stays with her and cares for her more than many husbands in fine houses care for
their wives.
As I said, Tom told me Kennys wife is very nice were it counts, on the inside. I suspect being homeless and the cancer has not been kind to her, but it does not seem to matter to Kenny. He still does the best
he can to take care of her.
Tom is trying to get an ID so he can get work, I think he lost his ID when he went to prison, I did not ask why he went, everyone is entitled to a second chance. He applied for a birth certificate 2 months ago
but has not heard anything. It is hard to get an ID or a birth certificate when your only address is under the eave of a church.
I saw Kenny later in the new year and Kenny told me Tom later went to a center for alcohol recovery.
In spite of homeless shelters, people like Tom still live lives of quiet desperation under a church eave and Kenny tries all he can to save his wife, as much as he is able and neither one complains, they only look
very sad. Clearly, what is does not work this needs to be fixed. I know we send missionaries overseas, but people are perishing quietly at our own back yard, perhaps because there is no glamour of a foreign
mission in helping them.
It is hard to get out of homelessness without a permanent address and help and nurture for the wounds and circumstances that cause homelessness , one can not even apply for social security or assistance.
I intend to start a homeless mission, where all denominations will be welcome to come and minister, conduct a service in our chapel... It will be a place lead by the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit.
to start I see it as a place where there is some land for tents, mini houses people could help build, gardens, flowers for sale, an animal shelter for animals about to be put down, for people to care for some
for adoption perhaps, a chapel, place to eat, maybe some crafts like old clock restoration and re binding old books, of course a library. Perhaps a dormitory and a dinning room. It is important for people to
have their own space as well as ministry and something to do to rebuild their confidence and perhaps the friendship of a dog or cat.
Austin does not need anymore homeless shelters, it needs a Homeless Mission,
The Structure
Center in Town
Center in Town
Center in Town
Center in Town
•There is a place in Winston Salem where the Homeless
• at 8:00 PM, Homeless people arrive around 6:00 to
be sure to get a place.
•They must walk , if they sit, they will be arrested for
•Buses drive them from here to various church shelters
where they can sleep on mats on the floor in a crowded
common room, where at 6:00 AM they will be returned
to the streets.
•Here is a place where a gateway could be set up.
Ministry, missionary work, testimonies and a call for
anyone wanting to accept Jesus as Savior. Prayer for
those that come forward and an invitation to get
instruction during the day. At some point, an invitation
to the farm can be extended after is is explained to
them, that they will have an opportunity to work, a bed
of their own, food, help with the addictions most
homeless acquire. There will be no alcohol or
cigarettes and no where to buy them. If they want to
return to the city, they may do so on the outgoing bus
or car, but they will not be able to return for a a period
of time. Thus only those who are sincere will be
•Many programs in the LDS church can be adopted or
applied here in helping people recover their lives as
human beings.
•As residents grow in the church, they can become
missionaries and give testimonies
•Residents can build structures at the farm as it grows,
•Opportunity for work grows with the population.
•The farm can be come self sufficient it will not be a
large farm, a small farm for people.
Winston Salem Greensboro
Wake etc
Mike R., homeless for 20 years in Winston Salem, he pointed out a bridge to me and told
me he lived under that bridge for 2 years. He is crippled and must use a walker, he is in constant pain but
can not get pain remediation because he is homeless, so he drinks to null the pain.
those who are homeless have been cast out by society, family.
They are ill treated as if they had done this to themselves, even if they did, are they
not entitled to hand up?
They are treated as subhuman, this is from them, not me, thou I do concur.
What do they want, they merely want to be treated a human being, our programs,
shelters and mission fail in this regard
What do they need to feel human again ?
1. A place to live, of their own, whether it be a tent, a small home, a place they
2. to be treated with respect and not talked down to.
3. to be needed.
4. to love
5. to be loved in return
A farm, with some land is all that is needed, a small chapel, some humble building
will suffice
Unwanted animals and unwanted people can provide the start of love, caring for
another and nurture for each other.
Broken People need nourishment in:
Body: , a place to sleep a place to think, to pray. To meditate, to get medical help.
Mind: Teaching, how to live, Christianity, tools of living
Spirit: Love, nurture, Christianity
They need psychological healing, physical healing.
Help rebuilding their lives,
help with basic things such as an address and ID.
They need work they can do.
This is the face of long term
homelessness… Why help them ?
Because the Father and Son want
Luk 14:21 So that servant came, and shewed his lord these
things. Then the master of the house being angry said to his
servant, Go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city,
and bring in hither the poor, and the maimed, and the halt,
and the blind.
Luk 14:22 And the servant said, Lord, it is done as thou hast
commanded, and yet there is room.
Luk 14:23 And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into
the highways and hedges, and compel
them to come in, that my house may be filled.
Luk 14:24 For I say unto you, That none of those men which
were bidden (lrs: and did not come) shall taste of my supper.
… Mike lived under the same
bridge for two years
Gods Love, manifest through His creation and our servitude, through treating broken
people as human beings, through the love manifest by a dog or a cat and providing
an environment fit for human beings; both men and women and four legged people
(dogs and cats) to live in.
My fiance in China recently wrote something to me that
I want to share here:
ShaSu : “life is short and it counts on us to make it
the first one is our birthdate when we open our eyes to
see the world.
then when we grow up, we have the dreams and start
to look forward to the future.
we make the plan and travel around to experience the
life unknown to us.
we have the good time and bad time. We start to think
over how to make it right always.
then we realize the life is not perfect in nature but we
could find the way to make up for this.
God gives us a very special gift named love and tells us
this could be the best treatment.
the love could fill in the hole of the loneliness and make
a person whole.”
l.snowden. It is our job to Manifest Gods love especially
to the poor and shattered, the ones that no one loves
and they therefore can not feel the love of God, and if
we do not act on His Commission, their plight is on our
They can
heal each

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Program for the homeless6

  • 1. Healing Program for the Chronic Homeless Self Sustaining Mat 25:40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. The LDS church can do this Verily I say unto you, this day thou shalt be with Me in Paradise. laird.Snowden 3/17/2017 512 210 9786 Remember me Lord, when thou comest into Thy Kingdom. Lords Prayer: “Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven…. He commanded us to work to build The Fathers Kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven….. DO NOT hand the Homeless a dollar and look away… what if it were your son or daughter… well it is..
  • 2. Homeless Apologetics • Every day, invisible people sleep on the ground, under bridges, Mike, a homeless man showed me a bridge he slept under for two years. • They live debased lives, most have no income or SSI or SS income too small to live on, no family or family has deserted them • There day starts at sunrise, they walk to a location to beg for money from people driving to work. • After they get some money and the morning commute is over, they have nothing to do. They walk to a package store and buy some beer and cigarettes and they find homeless people they know and walk (they will be arrested for vagrancy if they sit or stand) and they get caught up on who has died, who has been arrested, they talk a street talk jive to homeless they do not know. This repeats for noon and evening commute. • They have no doctor, they go to the ER when they are sick, where they are often overlooked. • They get something at a fast food restaurant for dinner. • They seek a hole, under a bridge, behind some bushes to sleep, a place where they stored a small back pack, often it gets stolen and has to be re purchased, if they left their ID in the back pack, at some point they do, then that is gone as well. • There is legally no way to get ID when you have no address no identification. • When you are homeless, you will have misdemeanors such as – Sleeping in public – Sitting in public – Loitering – Urinating in public (homeless people are denied rest rooms) • If it is freezing or raining, they may go to a shelter. They line up at 6 PM or so, walking around in the rain or freezing weather, waiting for the doors to open at about 8:30 PM. • They find a mat on the floor, secure as best as possible their belongings, anything laying on the floor will be gone the next day. • At 6:30 AM, the lights are turned on and they are turned out back into the street. • In America, where fully half of our citizens are unemployed, due to our jobs having been sent offshore, all are unemployable. • Some will get into rent controlled housing, where they will continue to live the homeless life, but at least have a constant shelter. • However many will not, since this housing requires credit checks (when you have no income , hard to pass), ID (usually disappears, background check (too many misdemeanors), so they are denied, waiting lists often stretch for years. • Some will get into rehab programs run by churches, they do this in the fall, so they can winter there and then leave in the spring. You see, these programs are not effective, because they are not based on God, but rather are humanistic and so of no effect. • All most all are addicted and have criminal records, that goes with living on the street. And so all are deemed unworthy of saving, yet an addicted upstanding member of society is deemed worth remediating, it is a form of discrimination against the poor and broken, which makes the world even more dark and cruel to the eyes of the homeless, a world that looks them directly in the eye and does not see them at all in their suffering and sorrow. • And so their tears ascend continually to Heaven.
  • 3. The True Temple • The soul of one homeless person is worth more to the Heavenly Father and His Only begotten Son than all the Temples in the World. • Jesus said of the Temple in Jerusalem, “Tear down this Temple and in 3 days I will rebuild it” He was referring to His death and resurrection as the Perfect Pasach Lamb of God” The Temple He is the head of and of which we are the body, His Bride. We are the stones of this Temple and each one is Priceless. • What of the Temple building, what is its value ? It is a place that must welcome the weary traveler, the wounded traveler and give comfort to the wretched, to the heavy laden, to those whose tears ascend to God. It must be a place of healing, that draws men and women's souls to God, through the work of the Holy Spirit as administered by the servants of Christ who work in it. • It is a place where the poorest of the poor, the widow of the parable of the widows mite, the wounded traveler are welcomed and given a seat of honor, to manifest The Father and Sons love to them, to bring them to the Cross of Christ for healing and remediation of their damaged lives and damaged souls, to break the chains Satan has fastened on them, chains of hopelessness and unforgiveness and hatred that has been the standard of their lives, to re-enfranchise them as Gods children, where society had disenfranchised their humanity. • The temple is an emblem, the temple of Jerusalem and of many modern churches are emblems of Satan, where hope is denied, where a form of Jesus is worshiped as an idol, but where true religion, true love and nurture are denied to all those who enter, seeking God. These temples take the life from those who enter • True Temples are Emblems of the resurrected Jesus, of love, compassion, forgiveness, remediation, restoration, patience, empathy and joy. These Temples give life to those that enter. Arnold Abbott, 90, has been cited twice and faces 60 days in jail for feeding homeless people. But the committed Florida advocate has no plans to stop his mission anytime soon. “We will continue as long as there is breath in my body,” the WWII veteran told the Sun Sentinel on Wednesday.
  • 4. Words from a Homeless person; Life and society have beat them senseless, many still smile… LETS BUILD A HEALING HOME FOR THEM • The Lord led me to another homeless person today, 3/14/2017. She approached me a charity store that sells used goods to support a building program for the indigent. It was bitter cold outside and going down into the twenties again that night. She asked me if I could drive her to a friends house so she could get out of the cold that night, having been out in it the night before. I asked her why she did no stay at a shelter, they were all filled. I asked if she had a phone (not one that works) id she had ID (all was lost in a fire, which is when she became homeless about two years ago. She said is was almost impossible since she was born in another state, form my work with the homeless, I know this is true. I had bought two chairs, took one out to the car and asked her to watch my other chair until I came back. When I returned, I found both her and my chair outside, seems the management (ironically, a charity that provides homes for people who can not afford them) had kicked her out, telling her they did not want her to bother their customers, asking them for money, she told them she only asked for a ride, I suppose they threatened to call the police. I took her where she wanted to go, she said she was hungry, but asked for no money, I stopped at a cash machine and gave her $50.00, though she had not asked. This causes me distress; yet another person I can not help, because I have no farm for her, I told her about my idea, she said “that is Gods way” she would like it, it is “not like all of the corruption here” . • As is apparent, there is no place for a homeless person, society excuses this cruelty by disenfranchising them, our Lord did the opposite. • WHAT WOULD JESUS DO ?, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE ? Handed them a dollar and feel good, would you do this o your son or daughter ? Here they are, at your door step, a dollar allows them to live in misery, it does not help them out of it.
  • 5. Humble and Meek and lowly of heart Isa_53:3 He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not. Mat 25:34 Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: Mat 25:35 For I was an hungered, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: Mat 25:36 Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me. Mat 25:37 Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungered, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink? Mat 25:38 When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee? Mat 25:39 Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee? Mat 25:40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. Mat 25:41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels: A place where shattered people can become whole. To learn to feel Gods love as they Love and nurture unwanted animals and be loved in return. As ministry is given to the soul and spirit, so too emotional healing is needed….Giving the opportunity to love and care is the best way to enable broken people to feel the Saviors Love, as they care for unwanted animals, just as they are unwanted, both can heal each other.
  • 6. Homeless people and homeless dogs and cats, both rejected and unloved, healing each other. George Graham Vest (1830-1904) served as U.S. Senator from Missouri from 1879 to 1903 and became one of the leading orators and debaters of his time. This delightful speech is from an earlier period in his life when he practiced law in a small Missouri town. It was given in court while representing a man who sued another for the killing of his dog. During the trial, Vest ignored the testimony, and when his turn came to present a summation to the jury, he made the following speech and won the case. Gentlemen of the Jury: The best friend a man has in the world may turn against him and become his enemy. His son or daughter that he has reared with loving care may prove ungrateful. Those who are nearest and dearest to us, those whom we trust with our happiness and our good name may become traitors to their faith. The money that a man has, he may lose. It flies away from him, perhaps when he needs it most. A man's reputation may be sacrificed in a moment of ill-considered action. The people who are prone to fall on their knees to do us honor when success is with us, may be the first to throw the stone of malice when failure settles its cloud upon our heads. The one absolutely unselfish friend that man can have in this selfish world, the one that never deserts him, the one that never proves ungrateful or treacherous is his dog. A man's dog stands by him in prosperity and in poverty, in health and in sickness. He will sleep on the cold ground, where the wintry winds blow and the snow drives fiercely, if only he may be near his master's side. He will kiss the hand that has no food to offer. He will lick the wounds and sores that come in encounters with the roughness of the world. He guards the sleep of his pauper master as if he were a prince. When all other friends desert, he remains. When riches take wings, and reputation falls to pieces, he is as constant in his love as the sun in its journey through the heavens. If fortune drives the master forth, an outcast in the world, friendless and homeless, the faithful dog asks no higher privilege than that of accompanying him, to guard him against danger, to fight against his enemies. And when the last scene of all comes, and death takes his master in its embrace and his body is laid away in the cold ground, no matter if all other friends pursue their way, there by the graveside will the noble dog be found, his head between his paws, his eyes sad, but open in alert watchfulness, faithful and true even in death. George Graham Vest - c. 1855
  • 7. What do we ask of Jesus in prayer • Do we ask for our own needs, do we ask help of others and fail to help those laird at our doorstep ? • Luk 16:19 There was a certain rich man, which was clothed in purple and fine linen, and fared sumptuously every day: • Luk 16:20 And there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate, full of sores, • Luk 16:21 And desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table: moreover the dogs came and licked his sores. • Luk 16:22 And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried; • Luk 16:23 And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom. • Luk 16:24 And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame. • Luk 16:25 But Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented. • Luk 16:26 And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence. • Luk 16:27 Then he said, I pray thee therefore, father, that thou wouldest send him to my father's house: • Luk 16:28 For I have five brethren; that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of torment. • Luk 16:29 Abraham saith unto him, They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them. • Luk 16:30 And he said, Nay, father Abraham: but if one went unto them from the dead, they will repent. • Luk 16:31 And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.
  • 8. Via Dolorosa: Station 6 • Station VI Veronica wipes the face of Jesus The Antiphon: I ask You Lord to assist and direct my actions by Your powerful grace and that all my prayers and works may always begin and end with You, my Jesus, my Lord and Savior Amen. V. I adore You oh Jesus and I bless you. R. Because by Your Holy Cross You have Redeemed the world. The MYSTERY This station represents the encounter between our Lord and Veronica, who, beholding the face of our Lord, livid and covered with blood, and sweat, knew instantly what she must do and did it without regard to the consequences, taking her handkerchief to wipe the Face of our Lord. Consider her heroic piety, not intimidated by the hulking leering presence of His executioners or the clamors of those who where demanding His Life. Consider the tender response to her from Jesus, in the midst of His terrible agony and the evil railing about Him, this one small act of kindness did not take away any of His physical pain, but this small act of kindness and love did comfort His tortured soul and He returned the kind act pressed down and overflowing to Veronica. Reflect here that though you can not personally discharge the debt of humanity to your Savior, you can discharge it to His suffering Bride, the poor in spirit, those that suffer, those that thirst after righteousness, those that suffer physical torment. You can wipe away the blood and sweat from the face of Jesus by wiping away the tear from the eye of misery, for when you comfort the least of these you comfort our Lord. Examine then what returns you have made to those who suffer, and if you find any omission, then offer the following .... PRAYER Oh, Jesus, grant me the tears I need to weep for my ingratitude, how often have I, infatuated with my life, turned my eyes from Thee and Thy sufferings as well as those that cry out to You in pain and torment as you share in their pain and suffering, those who cry out to You that I have not even noticed as I look instead upon the world and its vanities. Let me henceforth and forevermore, be Thine without division. Stamp thy Image indelibly upon my soul that it may never admit another care or love that would supplant my love for Thee. Take possession of my heart on this earth, that my soul may take eternal possession of Thee in glory throughout eternity. Amen Jesus ! Our Father &c. Jesus Christ crucified, have mercy on us. SONG1 Veronica pressed through the hateful crowd to meet our Lord His streaming face a napkin to afford, Lo, on its texture stamped by power Divine His sacred features breathe in every line. copyright by l.snowden 3/31/2013 some reference sections from Vulgate Bible 1885.
  • 9. Homeless Shelter: No one wants to be here. Entry: Doors open at 8:30 PM Exit at 6:30AM, lights turned on and residents turned back out into the street. Environment: Dangerous, crowded, noisy, uncomfortable. Most Homeless prefer to sleep outdoors, detest these shelters. This is a revolving door back to the street. A New Paradigm; Gods Farm (for people to find fulfilling work, in Gods Temple): Everyone wants to be here, This is also the spoken Word of Jesus (see Genesis 1).
  • 10. Existing program INDUCTION CENTERS There are many kinds of homeless, those that want to get out of the hell they are in, but do not know where to go, what to do. The program that exist are based on the Wisdom of man, they are humanistic and worth nothing, they offer no help at all . These are the ones that must be helped, the innocent, may are child like, dulled by the pain of living on the street, bereft of hope, care and nurture. There is a center in Winston Salem where the homeless gather to be bussed to different church shelter at night. This would be a good location for an induction center or add a bus route to a induction center in town If an induction center next to this location, all that is needed is a good old fashioned revival meeting from about 6:00 PM to 8:30PM… the time homeless arrive and wait for the center to open. Note that they would like to sit down, because the law is that you must lkeep walking or you will be arrested for loitering. Consider a place where they can sit down, get some refreshment, snacks (they do not get fed at most shelters) . Where there is gospel singing, church service talking about salvation, a call to accept salvation and for prayer. Here is where candidates who a deemed ready can be invited to the program at a farm. If they want to return, they can be bused back on the outgoing bus. There will be no alcohol or cigarettes there as a condition and daily chapel and work is a condition to stay. If they wish, they can get their own bed, a place to store their belongings, food, and receive instruction and ministry in preparation to admission to a rehabilitation center on a central farm. At some point as homeless progress into serving on staff at the rehabilitation farm, they can provide there testimonies and ministry at the induction center.
  • 11. Society, the wisdom of man: We offer our concept of what is needed. It is of no merit at all. It is not based on the needs of the homeless, To know this, you must walk with the Homeless as one of them and experience true hopelessness, made worse by services that are not. •Homeless Shelters provide services of little to no use at all to homeless people. •I have spoken to homeless people, All have the same opinions: •Shelter are dangerous, there is no security, shoes and etc. may be stolen during the night •Everyone comments that people fart all night. •They are uncomfortable, not clean. •They provide no useful assistance. •Most everyone I have spoken to prefers to sleep outside, unless it is very cold or raining. •Soup kitchens are not entirely needed as most homeless will panhandle and eat at fast food places. •Homeless people have no ID, phone, social security card, car, birth certificate etc, all of these typically get stolen at some point •It is not possible to replace these documents without an address. •CATCH 22: A certified birth certificate is required for an ID, a certified birth certificate requires an ID or some form of identity such as a utility bill etc. which of course is a no go. •The homeless have no way to get around easily, and no idea what to do or who to see . •There are 98 million unemployed Americans, the chance of a homeless person finding work, without an address or social security card and with the misdemeanors (sleeping in public, loitering etc) is ZERO, lets be real. Cities are made by man, Here we see the face of hopelessness, cruelty and corruption of our so called solutions to the homeless, see it here ! If you have a tender heart, you will see the face of Jesus here, in the face of these people and will see the benefit of the program presented here and want to help.
  • 12. Gods Cathedral: A NEW SELF SUSTAINING PARADIGM,A Program that provides a Home, meaningful work, nurture for the land and animals and for each other...healing, restoration, return to life to live as a human being. Restore self worth: 1. Good fulfilling Work to do (need to be needed). 2. Daily chapel and ministry (Spiritual need). 3. Caring and Nurture for unwanted dogs and cats: encouraged to adopt an animal (low risk opportunity to love, need to love and be loved in return). 4. A place to live and be treated like a human being: (All men and women, even the homeless, lowest rung of society, are entitled to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness, both in America and in Gods Kingdom as well. 5. A p[ace for unwanted animals to love and be loved in return, they are Gods creatures, they are sentient, and loving. Creation is also the spoken Word of Jesus as well as Scripture, here is the face of God in His Creation The Forest Hymn (William Cullen Bryant) The groves were God’s Fist Temples. Ere man learned to hew the shaft, and lay the architrave, and spread the roof above them -ere He framed the lofty vault , to gather and roll back the sound of anthems in the darling wood, amidst the cool and silence, he knelt down and offered to the Mightiest, solemn thanks and supplication. For his simple heart might not resist the sacred influences, Which from the stilly twilight Of the place, and from the gray old trunks that high in Heaven, mingled their mossy boughs, and from the sound of the invisible breath that swayed at once, all their green tops, stole over him , and bowed his spirit with the thought of boundless power and majesty.. (l.snowden) Here God re4veals His face to us, His Majesty, His mercy and Love, the beauty of His Creation he has made for us. Here the Veil between Creation and Creator is thin, this is Gods Cathedral as my mother often said looking out the window of our home in Pennsylvania at the ancient woods our home was built in the midst of.
  • 13. The revolving door we have made for the homeless: Abandon all hope ye who become homeless. At the top picture for this article is a farm. This provides land, an escape from the city environment so conducive to homelessness. The tears of unloved people and dogs and cats ascend continually to Heaven and fill His cup if Mercy. Those who can help them and do not, these act also ascend continually to Heaven and fill His cup of Wrath. See here our Savior, how long will you ignore Him while you pretend to pay homage to Him with your useless busy work. Since the homeless are turned out of the shelters at 6:00 AM, there is really nothing they can, except walk, panhandle buy some beer or orange driver, cigarettes, walk in groups and talk street talk and find out who has died and who has been arrested, at the end of the day, they will buy some food at a fast food restaurant and find a place to sleep out of sight. The alternative to sleeping outside is a room with mats on the floor.... one of the thousands of revolving doors that the homeless people despair of, most of them would rather live in the street than in one of these place, except in bad weather, even then many perish on the street, lets face it, this is not a home, it is a Band-Aid since its morning destination is a return to the streets where there is no hope. Would you want your son or daughter to live in a place with filthy mats on the floor, no security, have to wait for 2 or 3 hours to get in at night then turned back out on the street at 5:30 in the morning to another day of hopelessness. that life is pure hell earth. What do you know, most homeless people hearts are being broken in this cold uncaring environment, they feel abandoned and uncared for, they want to belong, want to make a contribution, to give, want a home, want to live like a human being, this is denied to them and as a small child, they feel hurt and abandoned, they suffer in silence and speak not, because words fail them and can not express what is in their hearts, some will act out, as a small child, some will perish silently. Above all, God see's them and asks WHY ! Why are we not helping them, that is His gift to us, to build His Kingdom on earth as it is built in Heaven, why do we not see ? But now here is the vision, now we see, now We must act and change it, not only for them, but for us also, for it will come back to us many fold.
  • 14. The Lords Program: Need to be needed. Wholesome work to do in caring for Gods Creation. Nurture and love in caring for abandoned dogs and cats; adoption. An Alternative: Now picture land a farm, where people who want a home, can come and find one, find meaningful things to do in a day, whether caring for animals, running a tractor, caring for dogs and cats in a adoption shelter for unwanted pets that would have otherwise been euthanized, caring for retired horses who would otherwise have been sold to a rendering factory. Where people can heal, can find peace, and security and something meaningful to do. It can become self sufficient. •Work Options: •Farming, raising food. •Chickens for eggs. •Cows for milk. •Hay. •Vegetables •Book Bindery, printing shop •Print Hand made heritage family bibles for the LDS church, for the residents as well. •Antique clock repair and restoration for sale on etsy. •Computer literacy classes •Adoption service for unwanted animals, animal shelter. •Horticulture, flowers for sale, spineless cactus for feedstock •Fish farm •Hydroponic greenhouse tomatoes . •Building small mini homes for residents •Building structures for Art programs, horticulture research, green houses, chapel etc. Think small, wood, as in the early days, people sized projects, The Amish can raise a barn in one day. •Testimony and daily service at induction center in town •For residents that complete LDS requirements, conduct daily chapel •theological study
  • 15. Horticulture: illumination of one program for the farm, easily done My paternal grandfather had a 400 acre farm/manor in Exton PA. The house was an exact copy of en English manor house, with a chapel and pipe organ on the balcony, beautiful library with a fireplace that extended to the ceiling... which brings me to my next topic of discourse. As a gentleman farmer he was interested in Horticulture. I inherited a copy of his Luther Burbank 12 volumes on his procedures and development. Mr. Burbank made created some spineless cactus and found that one acre in California could yield one ton per day. Mrs. Burbank created many receipts and he also suggested using it as a feeder crop for livestock. Much of his work was lost in the 1930’s A bit still exists and much can be re created. I wonder if it would purify water, that could be extracted from it, this would be an experiment on the farm . Cattle loved eating this hybrid cactus Though all of Mr. Burbanks hybrid cactus are gone, we have verified that they have spread and grow wild now in California and in fact Elder Montandon has verified that they grow in his backyard at home. Additionally, new flowers, roses, fruit can be created using the techniques he describes, for sale either on the web or in a local nursery store. thorny-problem Some Luther Burbank Hybrids…
  • 16. A Case Study I was driving home and saw an elderly man crossing in front of my car at a rotary, close to my house. It was 1 week ago and it was 27 degrees F, I waited and asked him if he needed anything, he said yes, I need a place to stay. I handed him all the change I had and started to drive off. I thought about the parable of the good Samaritan and I turned around and asked him if he needed a place to stay. He said yes, now, he was a bit grouchy, I will get back to this later, I told him to get in the car, he could sleep in my house. He showed my a small pile of blankets behind a church, they were on the bare ground, next to an open air pavilion. I picked up what little there was and put it in the car and we drove home. Now I know that there are some dangerous people on the street and Mike also told me this, but, after years of praying without ceasing, I also know the voice of the Holy Spirit, just s the good Samaritan did. A warning though, do not do this if you do not understand what I just said about the Holy Spirit. Mike has told me his story, I have met many of his friends and a few that help him as best they can. His best friend turns out to be Leroy, who is his bail bondsman who bails Mike out form all of his trespassing charges. I met his case worker, who did nothing for him for a year. I have written some article on my Linkedin page about the plight of the homeless now, I see into the core of the situation through the eyes of the homeless themselves, now I know exactly how and why our support system is failing, why it is a revolving door back out onto the streets. I will begin now.....Mike has been homeless for twenty years, his family has rejected him, and in fact, rather than offering help, Mike has described how they have rather stolen from him, but then, they also are damaged. He has a problem with drinking as most homeless people do. This is because of the way the homeless shelters are structured, they are an inadvertent revolving door back onto the street. There is nothing to, no work for these people, nothing to build their self esteem. The only thing available to them is drinking, smoking and many time drugs. Teen Challenge deals with the problems of alcoholism and drug addiction and the underlying causes with an 88 % recovery rate, they do so with rigid control, admission based on a strong desire to change, and they also have a farm, where residents can perform wholesome work. They have religious instruction, healing for the entire person. Side bar here: What astounds me about Mike is how he has managed to keep his humanity, some mistake his anger and frustration at how the system has closed every exit of escape from homelessness as an indicator that he is not worth helping.. it is like stabbing someone with a knife and then getting upset when the person bleeds on you... Mike entrance into hell began when his wife left him. In those twenty years, he has literally laid by the side of the road while society rather than helping him , has stomped him, passed him by and even on occasion stolen from him, here I must say, that in reading the parable of the Good Samaritan, this last bit, about those who would steal from the wounded traveler and those that would walk over to him and kick him and curse him... this degree of evil is even missing from scripture because it is so far beyond the Pale of human decency, you see, it is simply an incomprehensible degree of coldness and cruelty, but I digress... I have been taking Mike around, trying to give him what he asked you for, simply... a home. It has been an odyssey, I think that bringing up the TrQuint GaAs SARGIC HEMT/EPI fab was easier. Society has whether inadvertent or not, placed herculean barriers on the path out of homelessness. To get a homeless person of the street, they need care as I mentioned above, they also need an advocate to rebuild their identity. They can not get an ID card with out a certified birth certificate. They can not get a certified birth certificate without an ID, or an electric bill etc, things that go with having an address. So, with ID, they can not apply for food stamps, get into rent adjusted apartments, apply for SSI , they are removed from all help, their only form of existence is asking for money. Our homeless institutions are structured in such a way as to keep them on the streets. The go in to shelter for the night and are put out early in the morning. There is no one to help them rebuild their ID, Case workers refuse to drive them to get their ID, because it is against state regulations, at least that is what I have been told. The service the case worker provides are lists to the homeless and four color brochures. All good if you have a car and a phone. There is too much to write here, now. this needs to be a documentary, I hope I can find someone to help me produce it.. it needs to be told. Mike is in chronic pain from screws in his neck and bad knees, had no doctor and needs pain remediation, he drinks to blunt the pain. Mike left, I was going back to Texas, I extended my stay, but have been un able to find Mike, during the weeks he was at my home, we could not find a place for him because he had no credit history and misdemeanors (sleeping in public, loitering etc… goes with being chronically homeless and ill) … despised, rejected by all. Mikes Home the night it was going down to 27 degrees Mikes other home in town, behind a hedge of an abandoned bank.
  • 17. Our Lords Words illuminated. Jesus said: “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he was attacked by robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead. 31 A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side. 32 So too, a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. 33 But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. 34 He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, brought him to an inn and took care of him. 35 The next day he took out two denarii[c] and gave them to the innkeeper. ‘Look after him,’ he said, ‘and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.’ 36 “Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?” 37 The expert in the law replied, “The one who had mercy on him.” Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise.” So, hopefully all of you have had a blessed Christmas with family and friends. You have enjoyed the company of loved ones, friends and families. You have eaten wonderful feasts, received gifts and given gifts. Yet there is one person you have forgotten about. You passed by the homeless person, you know, the one with a sad dejected look on his face. You have said "So what, it is probably his own fault, he is too lazy to work. Sure... that is a fine excuse here on earth for all who are only one heart beat away from being in the same place, maybe that is why you despise the homeless, because of fear, a reminder that one day you may be homeless.. but you say "NO, that could never happen to me. Even if it were true, even if it was the fault of the homeless person that he is homeless, have you never made a mistake ? Maybe you were just lucky and were forgiven, or maybe you just had no consequence. Maybe evil people never set upon you. So, what you do to the least of these, you do to Christ. Do you despise the homeless, turn your back on them.. then you are doing this to Christ, and if you should find yourself in church, rest assured that as long as you carry this hatred or even just indifference in your heart , you have wasted your time at Church, God has neither seen you nor heard you So I have put out feelers for crowd funding for building a homeless mission for homeless people and abandoned dogs and cats about to be destroyed... UTTER SILENCE. Not even one comment. So now I must ask you to bring a present to the Baby Jesus on His Birthday, it is simply this, ask Him to take away your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. I can have every right to say this to you, because it is also my prayer, for myself, since I too suffer and have suffered from this affliction of coldness to those less fortunate. Next, if you have taken umbrage at my suggestion, then ask God to open your eyes and ears by the Power Of the Holy Spirit, so that you may have eyes that see and ears that hear.
  • 18. HOMELESS IN HELL: A Christmas lunch. Yes, a world where no one cares what happens to you, where people coldly dis enfranchise you because you are shattered, when they look right into your eyes as you stand on the side of the road and do not see you.... is HELL. In case anyone thinks to denigrate the homeless, let me say... thieves set upon a traveler, took all his belongings, beat him and left him for dead on the side of the road, a priest passed by, saw him and said, "I must get to church, I will pray for him", another passer by came upon him and looked the other way.. and of course, you know about the good Samaritan. Yet it astounds me that some in America have taken it upon themselves to deny the right to offer food or money to a homeless person because the homeless spoil their beautiful surroundings and they wish the homeless to whither and die, why, even worse, I know of some who take sledge hammers to homeless peoples carts and meager belongings. This much evil is not even in scripture, there was no traveler who passed by and beat the wounded man or berated him, they at least had the decency to feel compassion even if they lacked the decency to help him, if you are one of these, I ask you not to self identify in a cruel response to my post, just be silent and think about who and what you are, do not reveal it to the world here, perhaps repent. But I digressed... A church member graciously paid for a beautiful Christmas lunch for people , she wanted to bless people who were out of work over the Holidays, but these people all still had homes. I usually pass Tom the painter on the way to work. I hand him a few dollars and we talk briefly. One day the subject of my wife passing away came up and he offered some kind words to me. Tom always asks if I know of anyone who needs painting done, he was looking for work, but it is hard to find being homeless but I have a masonry house. So I invited him to Christmas lunch, of course, there is no phone or address , so I told him I would pick him up at his corner. When I saw him on the corner, He asked if he could bring a friend and another and I said yes, that would be okay. There were only two though. Tom the painter and Kenny, turned out the third person was Kenny's wife. But she was not feeling too well that morning and did not want to get up. Turns out she has cancer and Kenny takes care of her. Tom told me in confidence that Kenny's wife was not much to look at, but she had what matters most, a kind heart. I suspect they were not really married other than in the Eyes of God, So we had Christmas carols playing on the drive to Kyle, Burl Ives came on and we talked about his voice as frosty the snowman in my wife's favorite Christmas special. Now, I will admit there was a certain odor in my car, but I chose to ignore it, you see, when you are truly homeless you do not have a washer and dryer, nor do you have a shower. So the lunch was wonderful, Mary had hired a wonderful Mariachi group, they played some beautiful Christmas Carols that brought tears to everyone's face. A friend of mine noticed Tom the painter made the sign of the cross a couple of times, but in a sort of hidden way so as not to draw attention to himself. Tom and Kenny sat self consciously by themselves, there were some money gifts for everyone, I found some extra for Kenny's wife. One the way back, we spoke some more. I asked Tom were he slept. He told me he slept under the eave of a church, He had two sleeping bags that kept him pretty warm at night. I asked why he did not stay at one of the homeless shelters. Tom said that they were too dangerous and noisy, He tried it once and he was afraid also the guy next to him was farting all night. He said he would rather take a chance outside, it was better and more pleasant than in the shelters. He said he would rather take his chances sleeping under the eave of an abandoned church. Kenny lives in a tent, out beyond a hole in a chain link fence, sort of in the woods. He enjoys seeing the deer that come around. He has a problem with a raccoon who steals his food, but he does not seem to mind, He does want to get a metal trash can with some way to fasten the lid so he can store his food. He also has two skunks that come around, he say the little one likes apples, he tries to stay away from them. He has some blankets that help keep him and his wife warm. His wife has cancer, she was given two years to live, but that was two years ago when he met her. He has been taking care of her the best he can since then. I think he is worried about her. I suspect she is not really his wife in the marriage license sense, if you are homeless you do not have the money for a marriage license, but he stays with her and cares for her more than many husbands in fine houses care for their wives. As I said, Tom told me Kennys wife is very nice were it counts, on the inside. I suspect being homeless and the cancer has not been kind to her, but it does not seem to matter to Kenny. He still does the best he can to take care of her. Tom is trying to get an ID so he can get work, I think he lost his ID when he went to prison, I did not ask why he went, everyone is entitled to a second chance. He applied for a birth certificate 2 months ago but has not heard anything. It is hard to get an ID or a birth certificate when your only address is under the eave of a church. I saw Kenny later in the new year and Kenny told me Tom later went to a center for alcohol recovery. In spite of homeless shelters, people like Tom still live lives of quiet desperation under a church eave and Kenny tries all he can to save his wife, as much as he is able and neither one complains, they only look very sad. Clearly, what is does not work this needs to be fixed. I know we send missionaries overseas, but people are perishing quietly at our own back yard, perhaps because there is no glamour of a foreign mission in helping them. It is hard to get out of homelessness without a permanent address and help and nurture for the wounds and circumstances that cause homelessness , one can not even apply for social security or assistance. I intend to start a homeless mission, where all denominations will be welcome to come and minister, conduct a service in our chapel... It will be a place lead by the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit. to start I see it as a place where there is some land for tents, mini houses people could help build, gardens, flowers for sale, an animal shelter for animals about to be put down, for people to care for some for adoption perhaps, a chapel, place to eat, maybe some crafts like old clock restoration and re binding old books, of course a library. Perhaps a dormitory and a dinning room. It is important for people to have their own space as well as ministry and something to do to rebuild their confidence and perhaps the friendship of a dog or cat. Austin does not need anymore homeless shelters, it needs a Homeless Mission,
  • 19. The Structure Missionary Center in Town (feeder) Missionary Center in Town (feeder) Missionary Center in Town (feeder) Missionary Center in Town (feeder) Farm •There is a place in Winston Salem where the Homeless gather. • at 8:00 PM, Homeless people arrive around 6:00 to be sure to get a place. •They must walk , if they sit, they will be arrested for vagrancy. •Buses drive them from here to various church shelters where they can sleep on mats on the floor in a crowded common room, where at 6:00 AM they will be returned to the streets. •Here is a place where a gateway could be set up. Ministry, missionary work, testimonies and a call for anyone wanting to accept Jesus as Savior. Prayer for those that come forward and an invitation to get instruction during the day. At some point, an invitation to the farm can be extended after is is explained to them, that they will have an opportunity to work, a bed of their own, food, help with the addictions most homeless acquire. There will be no alcohol or cigarettes and no where to buy them. If they want to return to the city, they may do so on the outgoing bus or car, but they will not be able to return for a a period of time. Thus only those who are sincere will be resident. •Many programs in the LDS church can be adopted or applied here in helping people recover their lives as human beings. •As residents grow in the church, they can become missionaries and give testimonies •Residents can build structures at the farm as it grows, •Opportunity for work grows with the population. •The farm can be come self sufficient it will not be a large farm, a small farm for people. Winston Salem Greensboro Wake etc
  • 20. Mike R., homeless for 20 years in Winston Salem, he pointed out a bridge to me and told me he lived under that bridge for 2 years. He is crippled and must use a walker, he is in constant pain but can not get pain remediation because he is homeless, so he drinks to null the pain. those who are homeless have been cast out by society, family. They are ill treated as if they had done this to themselves, even if they did, are they not entitled to hand up? They are treated as subhuman, this is from them, not me, thou I do concur. What do they want, they merely want to be treated a human being, our programs, shelters and mission fail in this regard What do they need to feel human again ? 1. A place to live, of their own, whether it be a tent, a small home, a place they control. 2. to be treated with respect and not talked down to. 3. to be needed. 4. to love 5. to be loved in return A farm, with some land is all that is needed, a small chapel, some humble building will suffice Unwanted animals and unwanted people can provide the start of love, caring for another and nurture for each other. Broken People need nourishment in: Body: , a place to sleep a place to think, to pray. To meditate, to get medical help. Mind: Teaching, how to live, Christianity, tools of living Spirit: Love, nurture, Christianity They need psychological healing, physical healing. Help rebuilding their lives, help with basic things such as an address and ID. They need work they can do. This is the face of long term homelessness… Why help them ? Because the Father and Son want them….. Luk 14:21 So that servant came, and shewed his lord these things. Then the master of the house being angry said to his servant, Go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city, and bring in hither the poor, and the maimed, and the halt, and the blind. Luk 14:22 And the servant said, Lord, it is done as thou hast commanded, and yet there is room. Luk 14:23 And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled. Luk 14:24 For I say unto you, That none of those men which were bidden (lrs: and did not come) shall taste of my supper. … Mike lived under the same bridge for two years
  • 21. Gods Love, manifest through His creation and our servitude, through treating broken people as human beings, through the love manifest by a dog or a cat and providing an environment fit for human beings; both men and women and four legged people (dogs and cats) to live in. My fiance in China recently wrote something to me that I want to share here: ShaSu : “life is short and it counts on us to make it meaningful the first one is our birthdate when we open our eyes to see the world. then when we grow up, we have the dreams and start to look forward to the future. we make the plan and travel around to experience the life unknown to us. we have the good time and bad time. We start to think over how to make it right always. then we realize the life is not perfect in nature but we could find the way to make up for this. God gives us a very special gift named love and tells us this could be the best treatment. the love could fill in the hole of the loneliness and make a person whole.” l.snowden. It is our job to Manifest Gods love especially to the poor and shattered, the ones that no one loves and they therefore can not feel the love of God, and if we do not act on His Commission, their plight is on our hands. They can heal each other