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Democracy in the Balance –                                                       

           By Naomi Chazan
           Published February 10, 2010, issue of February 19, 2010.

           The New Israel Fund is only the latest target in a series of outrageous assaults on Israel’s democratic foundations.
           The apparently coordinated attempt this past year to intimidate, de-fund and possibly shut down Israel’s human rights
           community, culminating in this latest direct attack on NIF — and on me personally, as its president — is an alarming
           symptom of a deeply troubled society that is lurching toward authoritarianism and the undermining of basic civil

           Last month, Israeli police took action against the leaders of two of Israel’s most prominent civil rights groups: The
           head of the Israel Religious Action Center was questioned and fingerprinted for her work in asserting women’s prayer
           rights at the Western Wall, and the executive director of the Association for Civil Rights in Israel was arrested during
           a peaceful demonstration. Meanwhile, we have seen a series of attempts to compromise the Israeli Supreme Court’s
           independence and its status as the last line of defense for Israeli civil rights.

           These developments are very worrisome indeed. Today we see efforts to deny Israelis their basic democratic rights,
           including freedom of speech, association and dissent.

           For many people, what took the campaign against NIF beyond the realm of legitimate debate was the decision by its
           organizers to vilify the NIF by targeting me, personally. A widely distributed poster and ad with a rather unflattering
           caricature of me reached new lows by portraying me with a horn on my head — a play on the Hebrew word keren,
           which means both “fund” and “horn.” (I wonder if these nasty caricatures would ever be used against a man.) I was
           dubbed “Naomi Goldstone-Chazan.” A demonstration was held outside my home, billboards appeared throughout the
           country, and banners were posted on major Israeli Internet news sites.

           Although I was in New York for NIF’s board meeting when the campaign debuted, the outrage of my family, my
           friends and my former colleagues in the Knesset — even people who disagree with my politics — overloaded my
           e-mail and cell phone from across the Atlantic.

           As a former deputy speaker of the Knesset and a lifelong activist for peace, women’s rights and human rights, it
           takes a lot to upset me. And the personalized attack didn’t upset me, exactly. It did make me feel that Israel’s right
           wing would stoop to anything to discredit anyone, including the New Israel Fund and its affiliated organizations, for
           daring to voice a dissenting opinion — an elementary right in any democratic society. And it is worth pondering why
           that is.

           The original attack on NIF stemmed from a new group, Im Tirtzu, which is funded by the same sources supporting
           Jewish extremists, including the ministry of American evangelical leader John Hagee. Im Tirtzu had conducted a
           “study” of the Goldstone Report, and concluded that the Israeli human rights groups that NIF supports were chiefly
           responsible for that report’s negative conclusions about the actions of the Israel Defense Forces during the Gaza
           war. The Im Tirtzu report is a series of vicious distortions of the record of the New Israel Fund and its allied
           organizations. The report represents the antithesis of the values of Zionism that Im Tirtzu claims to espouse.

           The human rights groups whose reports are cited in the Goldstone Report are the canary in the coal mine of Israeli
           democracy. These organizations did their job, recording and reporting, and their findings were used primarily as
           background material; the most significant quotes used in the Goldstone Report came from military personnel and
           political leaders. NIF took no position on Goldstone, nor do we on other political matters. The human rights
           organizations we support are also not monolithic and have differing views regarding Goldstone’s conclusions.

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Democracy in the Balance –                                                             

           One thing most of these Israeli human rights groups do have in common: They were among the first to call for an
           independent Israeli inquiry into the Gaza operation. Had that happened last year, the groups’ reports would have
           been placed in context with reports from soldiers and others, so that a clear picture of the IDF’s activities could have
           emerged. And the Goldstone Report itself would have been rendered redundant, since its key recommendation is the
           establishment of precisely such a commission of inquiry.

           As funders with a rigorous and exacting grant-making process, we know it is not our job to agree with everything our
           groups say and do, but rather to defend their right to fulfill their missions. And that goes to the heart of why NIF
           exists, and its dedication to debate and open airing of opinion not only among groups affiliated with our own “big tent”
           organization, but also in Israeli society at large.

           I have been president of NIF for two years and twice previously served as a member of its board. For 30 years, NIF
           has been founding and funding progressive civil society in Israel — our human and civil rights groups, our social
           justice groups and, particularly important to me, the groups that fight for tolerance and religious pluralism.

           Anyone who loves Israel — and I am completely and without reservation one of those people — should understand
           that NIF almost single-handedly built a sector without which a democracy cannot function. As someone who has
           dissented from conventional wisdom over the course of a long political and academic career, and as someone who
           believes that critical thinking builds a better society, I am proud to serve NIF as its volunteer leader because its
           values are the values enshrined in Israel’s Declaration of Independence.

           Fortunately, thousands of ordinary people, and leaders in Israel and in Jewish communities around the world — from
           across the political spectrum — have spoken out against the attempt to shut us down. The immediate threat of a
           Knesset investigation into NIF has been stymied, but we know there will be more assaults.

           In the end, I am not the real victim of this particularly ugly attack. Even NIF, important as it is, is not the real victim.
           Should these trends continue, should Israel turn a deaf ear to self-examination and dissent, should an extremist
           minority continue to hold my country hostage to hatred and incitement, the real victim will be Israeli democracy.

           Naomi Chazan is president of the New Israel Fund.

                                          Copyright © 2010, Forward Association, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

2 of 2                                                                                                                            2/17/2010 1:43 PM
The Real Anti-NIF Agenda
by Daniel Sokatch
Special To The Jewish Week

In recent weeks, some very angry — and wildly inaccurate — accusations have been leveled
against the New Israel Fund, the philanthropic partnership largely responsible for the
establishment of Israel’s progressive civil society. Not only have we been accused of enabling
the hated Goldstone report, but the NIF’s president, former Knesset Deputy Speaker Naomi
Chazan, has been grossly defamed and publicly caricatured in an incendiary and disgusting
publicity campaign.

False arguments and dangerous demonization must not be allowed to stand, and the NIF has
already acted to refute both. Israelis and the Jewish community worldwide remember how easily
delegitimization led to political violence when Prime Minister Rabin was assassinated, and it
must be rejected quickly, in all its forms.

But it’s also true that in engaging in this battle, we risk missing a larger point: The existence of a
robust civil society that wrestles honestly with vital social matters is a crucial element of any
healthy democracy. As an organization committed to Israel as a Jewish and democratic state, it is
this vision that NIF has worked to fulfill since 1979.

For 30 years, we have supported hundreds of organizations and thousands of activists struggling
for human and civil rights, religious pluralism, and social and economic justice. Our funding
standards are high and rigorous, and we constantly review the work of each grantee and insist on
accountability and accomplishment on the ground. We support organizations that have
accomplished Israel’s most significant victories for equality and justice, from High Court
decisions to local endeavors by grassroots activists.

All NIF grantees are registered NGOs meeting the legal requirements of the Israeli government.
Our organizations must respect and support the democratic nature of the state of Israel. They
must refrain from partisan political activity. Organizations cannot advocate violence or the
destruction of the state of Israel, or use racist or derogatory designations about any group.

With more than 100 grantees at any given time, the NIF family comprises a broad range of
organizations and viewpoints, and we value our own spirited debate on Israel’s most
controversial issues. We do not demand that every grantee march in lockstep with NIF on every
issue of concern to Israeli society. Since Israel’s strength depends as much on its commitment to
democratic principles as on its military security, this means that while we don’t always support
everything these organizations say, we support their right to say it.

This is where our detractors disagree, in particular regarding the citation of several NIF grantees
in the Goldstone report examining last year’s war in Gaza. Less than 14 percent of the report’s
citations were attributed to groups funded by NIF, and the vast majority of Goldstone’s most
controversial conclusions originated in official statements by the Israeli military and political
leadership. And our funding for these organizations comprises less than 10 percent of our overall
grant making. But because these human rights groups work on the most complicated and
sensitive issues in Israel, they attract more than their share of controversy.

The New Israel Fund does support Israel’s most reputable and internationally respected human
rights groups. These groups fulfilled their mission by carefully monitoring and reporting on the
Gaza operation, and providing reports then used by the IDF, the Goldstone Commission, and
others. In turn, it is the task of an independent inquiry to assess these reports and put them in
context. Indeed, these human rights groups were also among the first to declare the need for an
independent Israeli inquiry into the events of Gaza, an inquiry that has not yet taken place and
which would have properly contextualized the eyewitness accounts relied on by the human rights

We think that the accusations about NIF relating to Goldstone, incendiary and overstated as they
are, are a red herring. For all the hue and cry surrounding our grantees, our procedures, and the
intent of those who criticize the IDF, it’s become increasingly clear that is not what this battle is
really about. Rather, it is all a part of a broader effort to stifle the voices of dissent and criticism
within Israel.

Leaders of Israel’s largest and most respected civil rights organizations, such as the Reform
Movement’s Israel Religious Action Center and the Association for Civil Rights in Israel, have
been detained or arrested over the past year. The issue of the independence of the High Court,
under attack for years, has taken a frightening turn with two recent violent attacks on Israeli
judges. The delegitimizing of those who criticize Israel, and lumping them with those who truly
hate Israel — and unfortunately there are enough of the latter — fills the pundit pages of Israeli
newspapers. While Israel’s defenders refer to it as the only democracy in the Middle East, some
right-wing extremists are jeopardizing the very accomplishments and institutions that make this

This is the heart of the matter, and the NIF believes that such anti-democratic activity is
countenanced only at great peril to Israel’s future, and with utter disregard for the vision that
guided Israel’s founders.
It is never easy to defend the civil liberties that undergird democracy, most particularly when the
democracy in question is struggling against external threats. Yet the loss of those liberties is
itself a threat. A strong civil society not only ties individuals to their fellow citizens, it also
serves to create an electorate that will act to keep government representative and accountable.
That Israel has always guarded its citizens’ freedom of expression is one of the most important
ways in which it has guarded its own nature — and one of the greatest differences between it and
the authoritarian governments that characterize its neighbors.

Politically motivated smear campaigns against activists struggling to advance Israeli democracy
do not serve or befit the Jewish state. The American Jewish community, intimately involved in

the defense of that state, is now called upon to defend the bedrock ideals upon which it was
founded. If we want to see Israel continue to thrive as a strong democratic and Jewish state, we
must defend the rights of a vital civil society within its borders — even when it’s difficult to

Daniel Sokatch is CEO of the New Israel Fund.

                                                                                                   3 - The Australian Jewish News Melbourne edition - 12...

1 of 1                                                                                                                       3/15/2010 10:19 AM
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Home > Needed: Nuance and Balance in Gaza Flotilla Debate

Needed: Nuance and Balance in Gaza Flotilla
Friday, June 4, 2010
Daniel Sokatch
Special to the Jewish Week

When the New Israel Fund sent an action alert to protest gender-segregated buses in Israel, we
got an enthusiastic response.

When we and the human rights groups we fund were attacked in Israel, viciously and
dishonestly, we asked for signatures to a petition to Prime Minister Netanyahu in support of
democratic dissent, and we got a very enthusiastic response.

But the immediate reaction we got to a brief, carefully-balanced letter we sent about the...well,
let's call it the disastrous incident of the Gaza flotilla... now that was a response.

"I think that Daniel's letter is the best statement that I've read about the flotilla."

"Why should the Israeli government conduct an inquiry when its own continuing policies of
unmitigated aggression and human rights abuses caused the attack and deaths in the first place?"

"Were you not 'shocked and dismayed' by the deliberate and provocative effort by anti-Israel
activists - and ships sponsored by a recognized terrorist organization - to defy a legitimate naval
blockade, despite Israel's offer to transfer the aid directly to Gaza?"

"Living up to our ideals is the best answer to these unfortunate events. Thank you for keeping up
the hope for a better future through dialogue. The extremes thrive only on silence."

"Daniel: You are out of your mind."

Let me make one thing clear from the outset. We are neither foreign policy nor military
specialists, nor are we a "peace group." Our letter was written to express our fundamental
concern for Israel. We are a proudly progressive organization that has built and supported Israeli
civil society -- the human rights, social justice and religious pluralism organizations that are so
much of the reason Israel considers itself a vibrant democracy. As the leading supporter of

cutting-edge causes that advance Israeli democracy, we are used to controversy and to diverse
views within our own big tent, both in the U.S. and in Israel.

But as accustomed as we are to argument, the nerve touched by the flotilla letter seems to us to
be raw, and frightening, and possibly predictive of some very hard times ahead for American
Jews who love and are connected to Israel.

We do empathize with the passions aroused by the flotilla action and the larger issues at stake
here. Whether they called the flotilla participants armed militants or peaceful activists, our
respondents care about Israel. Whether our respondents faulted the IDF or Turkey, the
Netanyahu government or Hamas, defended Israel's action to the hilt or attacked it vociferously,
our supporters reflect a connection to Israel that was once assumed to be one of the strongest ties
binding the American Jewish community together.

But those ties are fraying. More and more, we who work day in and out for Israel, whether from
the left or right, know that every program we fund, every project we sponsor, is a potential target
for ideological attack. The community events that should reflect the diverse opinions of
American Jews about Israel too frequently deteriorate into controversy about this film or that
speaker -- the argument being that those with whom one disagrees do not deserve the attention of
a thoughtful audience. Some American Jewish organizations apparently wait for their talking
points from the Israeli Foreign Ministry, while others jump to criminalize Israel's actions in utter
isolation from the existential threats it has endured since its founding.

If we as a community leap to defend every action and policy of the Israeli government, we are
outsourcing our consciences, our values and our own responsibility. If we likewise forget that
Israelis live next door to enemies who have sworn to eradicate them, we are transposing our own
American comfort and security to a place that knows neither. And if we shrug our shoulders at
Israel's lost ideals, silently thank our own American forbearers for settling here rather than there,
and give up, we have abandoned what must remain the fulfillment of the collective dream of the
Jewish people.

Having worked for Jewish organizations my entire career, I am alarmed and saddened. Not just
by the outcome of the Gaza flotilla, but by the black-and-white character of too much of the
communal response. A people who created the Talmud should not be so deaf to nuance, to
balance, to contextualizing a rational argument. A people who knew suffering for millennia
should not be indifferent to the suffering of others, and a people who were defenseless for almost
2000 years should not be dismissive of the security concerns of its homeland.

Six boats in the Mediterranean are sailing through the holes in the fabric of the Jewish
community. We need to be careful to ensure that our community's conversation is open, honest
and respectful of criticism and self-examination. We can and will disagree about what happened
last week and about what it means for Israeli policy and Israel itself.

But we must do so with some sense of connection and mutual care, for each other and for Israel.

Daniel Sokatch is the CEO of the New Israel Fund.


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              Published 12:48 18.06.10     Latest update 12:48 18.06.10

              Now is not the time to scapegoat Israelis who are critical of Israel
              It is perhaps understandable that many seek a person or organization on whom blame can be placed, so that they
              may be sent into the political wilderness, cast out of the community, no longer allowed to contribute to the
              conversation. Understandable, perhaps, but woefully mistaken.

              By Daniel Sokatch and Rachel Liel
              In the aftermath of the flotilla incident off Gaza, Israelis and supporters of Israel are even more anxious and apprehensive than
              usual - worried about the implications of those events, and searching for the best way forward.

              Some of Israel's leading lights - politicians, former military brass, intellectuals - have questioned the wisdom of Israel's raid on the
              MV Marmara, and are struggling publicly with love for their country, and fears for its future. Others chose to immediately close
              ranks and throw up defenses.

              It is perhaps understandable that many seek a person or organization on whom blame can be placed, so that they may be sent into
              the political wilderness, cast out of the community, no longer allowed to contribute to the conversation.

              Understandable, perhaps, but woefully mistaken.

              As easy as it may be to attempt to scapegoat those who voice opposition to official Israeli policy, it is neither helpful nor wise. The
              former members of Knesset who have decried the loss of life; the Israeli naval reserve commanders who wrote to Prime Minister
              Benjamin Netanyahu to urge an
              independent inquiry; the Israeli novelists and commentary writers and professors and nonprofits and ordinary people who have
              questioned the Gaza blockade itself - all have Israel's best interests at heart.

              All seek a solution that will leave Israel stronger and safer. Their efforts are not to undermine Israel, but to build a better Israel.

              This in stark contrast to some on the world stage who would, indeed, delegitimize Israel and wish it removed from history. We do
              not question that there are nations, international NGOs and demagogues who wish to see Israel disappear. On one hand, we have
              those who would see Israel strengthened; on the other, those would happily see it destroyed. Never, perhaps, has it been more
              important to see the difference between the two. This is the real red line, the line between the loyal opposition and Israel's real

              As the new leaders of the New Israel Fund, we have the tremendous good fortune to work with many Israeli organizations that act
              on the promise in Israel's Declaration of Independence to "uphold the full social and political equality of all its citizens, without
              distinction of race, creed or sex." Some of these nonprofits advocate for new immigrants; some work with the poor of the periphery,
              others focus on civil rights.

              We have seen these organizations buoyed by success, and watched them face down angry opposition.

              Advocating for social justice in Israel, we watch the ebb and flow of political discourse and have, at times, worried for the State of
              Israel's democracy. In a country that so often lives in fear, the
              temptation to simply shut down those with whom we disagree is particularly powerful.

              Yet for all our experience in Israel and in the Jewish world at large, we have never seen the impulse to muzzle the opposition
              expressed as bluntly as it is today. We can't help but be reminded of the backlash, which led, ultimately, to the assassination of a
              prime minister.

              Scapegoating the loyal opposition, smearing the good names of people dedicated to advancing Israel's democracy, and demonizing
              those who seek genuine pluralism is not what Israel needs right now. Pushing away those who love Israel enough to engage
              honestly with its mistakes will not
              make Israel stronger, but will in fact delegitimize its standing as a democracy in the eyes of the world.

              In our positions with the New Israel Fund, we often come into contact with individuals or organizations with whom we do not
              entirely agree. Love of Israel and dedication to its survival, we've found, takes many and varied forms, and democracy works best
              when all are given a chance to speak. A word here or a phrase there may make some uncomfortable, but what is most important is
              to look at the body of an organization's work, rather than don blinders and focus narrowly on any disagreements we
              might have.

              There are limits, of course, in any democracy, and we're not required to open the conversation to include those who would see the
              democratic state of Israel destroyed. But neither are we served by shrinking Israel's democracy to include only those who support
              governmental policies at all costs. Indeed, that's not democracy by anyone's definition, not at all.

              Now is not the time to shut down discourse and seek scapegoats from among those Israelis and supporters of Israel who take issue
              with some of the policies of the Netanyahu government. Now is the time to listen closely to all the voices that Israel's democracy
              offers, and work together to find real solutions that will lead to equality for all, a lasting peace, and true security.

1 of 1                                                                                                                                             6/18/2010 12:23 PM
Jpost | Print Article                                                

          June 28, 110 Monday 24 Tammuz 3870 10:07 IST

          Rather than ‘delegitimizing’ Israel, hundreds of groups supported by New Israel
          Fund emphatically legitimize Israel’s claim to its place among Western liberal

          On Sunday, the board of directors of the New Israel Fund will gather in Tel Aviv to chart the course for an
          increasingly visible organization that has worked to advance equality and justice for every Israeli for almost
          32 years.

          NIF’s core mission is to strengthen Israel’s democracy. A vibrant democracy demands openness, not just in
          dialogue, but also in practices and policies. A strong Israel, an Israel with the security to withstand external
          enemies and internal divisions, also requires a civil society sector that advances the interests of those
          whose voices are not often heard in the corridors of power.

          A code of conduct for the New Israel Fund

          AS THE founder and first funder of dozens of Israel’s most internationally respected organizations, the New
          Israel Fund is accustomed to controversy. Many causes that were cutting-edge when we first took them on
          are now supported by the mainstream, from the first battles for women’s rights to the passage of legislation
          protecting the disabled from discrimination and exclusion. Our support for organizations advancing human
          rights, and for those advancing civil rights for the Israeli Arab sector, has been a particular lightening rod. It
          has always provoked attacks from those who perpetrate the increasingly hollow myths that Israel can do no
          wrong, and that almost any criticism, however loving, of Israeli policy or actions is somehow disloyal.

          In a democracy, of course, one is free to express any opinion, and the latest publicity stunt from NGO
          Monitor is just that, an opinion – and a partisan one at that.

          Those familiar with NGO Monitor know it as a mouthpiece for a right-wing ideology, a “monitor” that never
          monitors settler, haredi or ultra-nationalist groups but only those with progressive values. And, of course,
          NGO Monitor is itself entirely unmonitored. It does not appear to meet accepted standards for transparency
          or accountability, and provides little information on its governance or funding.

          NIF, by contrast, is a responsible funder that regularly reviews its principles, policies and funding decisions
          and receives excellent ratings for transparency from Guidestar and other philanthropic oversight
          organizations. Our donors understand and support a vision of Israel in which ideas and ideologies contend in
          an open space. Rather than “delegitimizing” Israel, as the current buzzword has it, the hundreds of groups
          and thousands of activists NIF supports emphatically legitimize Israel’s claim to its place among Western,
          liberal democracies.

          But that claim is fraying. As much as NIF must focus on its own strategies and the increasing demands on
          its resources, we are even more concerned with the diminishing tolerance of dissent in Israeli society. The
          recent survey by the Tami Steinmetz Center for Peace Research at Tel Aviv University showing that more
          than half of Jewish Israelis think there is “too much freedom of speech” is only the tip of the iceberg. As

1 of 2                                                                                                                 6/28/2010 10:07 AM
Jpost | Print Article                                               

          peaceful demonstrations are disrupted or forbidden by the police, as the rights of Israeli Arab citizens are
          called into question, as some members of Knesset brazenly attempt to shut down progressive civil society,
          we have a lot more to worry about than sniping from organizations that exist primarily to send out press

          THERE IS no question that Israel is facing an increasingly hostile international environment. And some of
          that hostility is rooted in antagonism to Israel’s very existence, an antagonism we combat as fiercely as any
          organization that is rooted in a love for Israel and in the belief in the best of Jewish values. But Israel must
          ask itself whether some of its own policies – policies that the NIF family of organizations critique and
          question – are contributing to Israel’s increasing isolation from its friends and supporters. Israelis must
          recognize as well that the drift toward authoritarian and anti-democratic sentiment is a profound threat to the
          cohesion of Israeli society. Silencing opposition voices serves no one but those who would see the Jewish
          and democratic state we support disintegrate into an ultranationalist, extremist parody of the dreams of its

          The tens of thousands of Israeli activists who participate in the social change organizations supported by
          NIF are patriots in the best sense of the word.

          They call on their country, every day, to live up to its ideals, to promote freedom, justice and equality for all
          its citizens, and to refuse to settle for an Israel in which civil rights are subject to political whim.

          They are a critical component of what makes Israeli society strong and resilient.

          When these difficult days pass – and we have no doubt that Israel has what it
          takes to get past them – it will be in part because Israeli civil society didn’t give
          up or give in.

          The naysayers of the world, those for whom conformity of thought is a greater
          source of comfort than democratic freedoms, may continue to seek headlines and
          attention at the expense of Israel’s democracy.

          We will continue to take responsibility for our work, our choices, and our
          dedication to the Israel we know to be possible.

          To do anything less would be to turn our back on the country we love.

          Daniel Sokatch is CEO, and Rachel Liel the executive director in Israel, of the New Israel Fund.

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2 of 2                                                                                                                             6/28/2010 10:07 AM
The battle for Israel | Opinion | Jewish Journal                    

            August 31, 2010

            The battle for Israel


            As experts rush to predict the outcome of the upcoming round of peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians, all
            the familiar issues are resurfacing for discussion. Borders, right-of-return, Jerusalem, settlements. The world waits, and
            hopes, that this time the outcome will be different.

            But while all eyesare on the peace pro-cess, another, little-known process is unfolding within Israel, where a debate
            rages over the nature and definition of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state. It is, in other words, a battle for the
            soul of Israel, and its outcome is no less crucial to the future of the State of Israel than the results of the negotiations
            in Washington.

            At present, there are no fewer than 14 bills pending in the Knesset that would de-fund or penalize civil society, curtail
            freedom of speech or dissent, or in some way diminish democratic freedom. Extremist settlers, with the tacit assent of
            the government, are taking over East Jerusalem’s historic Palestinian neighborhoods, based on land claims that
            pre-date 1948. So-called “student groups” with millions of dollars in opaque funding are attacking the universities, the
            media and my own organization, the New Israel Fund (NIF), and the many human rights and social justice groups we
            fund, as anti-Israel, anti-Zionist and treasonous.

            Americans may remember a similar atmosphere in our own country after 9/11. But what is happening in Israel is
            different and more ominous. Not even the most enthusiastic backers of the Patriot Act suggested closing down the
            ACLU, requiring loyalty oaths from all Americans or forbidding Native Americans, African Americans or Japanese
            Americans from commemorating their historic tragedies in this country — but parallel demands are escalating in Israel.
            When L.A.’s Progressive Jewish Alliance, which I used to lead, opposed the war in Iraq and came to the defense of
            moderate Muslim leaders, many argued with us but no one suggested shutting us down.

            The drift toward authoritarianism and McCarthyism in some sectors of Israeli society actually doesn’t have much to do
            with physical security. The number of terrorist incidents is way down, and despitethe looming threat from Iran, the
            borders are quiet.

            But Israelis do not feel secure. The memory of the horrific suicide bombings earlier in the decade is still sharp. And the
            buzzword of this year, the great fear among Israelis, is the “delegitimization” of Israel. Some on the Israeli right — and
            their supporters abroad — have cynically labeled every critic and every criticism of Israeli policy or actions, no matter
            how valid the criticism or how loving the critic, as delegitimization. In the international reaction to the flotilla, to the
            Goldstone Report and to the Gaza action, many Israelis see uncompromising hostility to the Jewish state itself, not to
            its actions or policies.

            Israel has real adversaries who deny its right to exist. But while it may be understandable, the indiscriminate rejection
            of all criticism is creating the very zero-sum game that many Israelis fear. If Israelis believe that every gain for
            Palestinians — whether in peace talks or in civil rights for Arab citizens inside Israel — is a loss for Jewish Israelis, there
            will be no progress. If progressive organizations report on human-rights violations, the widening gap between rich and
            poor and the ever-growing power of the ultra-Orthodox hierarchy, and the reaction of Israeli leadership is to shoot the
            messenger, the message of a deteriorating democracy will not be lost on the international community. And if the forces
            of ultra-nationalist reaction gain even more traction, the caricature of Israel drawn by its real enemies will, tragically,
            come closer to reality.

            But there is good news. Those who cherish the Israel envisioned by its founders are fighting back. The Israel Defense
            Forces has changed its operational protocol to better protect civilian lives and infrastructure, and actually credited
            human rights groups’ reports on the Gaza war for their information and observations. Attorney General Yehuda
            Weinstein refused to “investigate” NIF and the human rights community, citing the duties of civil society in a
            democracy. Knesset Speaker Reuven Rivlin decried the divisiveness of pending anti-democratic legislation, and scores
            of Israeli leaders defended academic freedom against extremist attacks.

            Israel needs this kind of courage to confront both itself and its adversaries, because securing a vibrant and functioning
            Israeli democracy is as critical for Israel’s future as is securing peace with its neighbors. The factions resisting a
            settlement freeze and real progress toward peace are the same ones attempting to dismantle freedom of speech and
            conscience, restrict minority rights and reverse equality for women. The more they intimidate and bamboozle their
            countrymen with the canard that only they are the guardians of Zionism, the more likely it becomes that the Jewish-

1 of 2                                                                                                                             9/1/2010 11:20 AM
The battle for Israel | Opinion | Jewish Journal                  

            and-democratic state will, eventually, be neither.

            The two-state solution may be the obvious answer, but it is by no means assured. The answer to the despotism of
            Hamas is not anti-democratic measures in Jerusalem. As Israel confronts its adversaries, it must reject the temptation
            to mimic those whose repressive and theocratic regimes are rightfully condemned. Shutting down dissent and
            democracy will not keep Israel safe. A commitment to justice for all its citizens and to a fair and equitable solution of
            two states for two peoples, will.

            Daniel Sokatch is CEO of the New Israel Fund.

            © Copyright 2010 Tribe Media Corp.
            All rights reserved. is hosted by Homepage design by Koret
            Widgets by Mijits. Site construction by Hop Studios.

2 of 2                                                                                                                           9/1/2010 11:20 AM
Naomi Chazan: Owning Our Identity                    

         October 14, 2010

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             Naomi Chazan

             Fmr. Deputy Speaker, Israeli Knesset; President, New Israel Fund

             Posted: October 14, 2010 10:12 AM

              As the future of the newest round of peace talks hangs in the balance, Israeli Prime Minister
         Netanyahu has reiterated what seemed to some to be a logical demand. Recognize Israel as the
         Jewish state, he said to the Palestinians, as a condition for extending the moratorium on settlement
         expansion and thus keeping the Palestinians at the table. The notion that the legitimacy of Israel's
         Jewish character somehow hinges on others' recognition has become a convenient and often used
         political billy club for the Prime Minister. Just last week, he announced his support for what
         amounts to a loyalty oath, an amendment to the Citizenship Act, which would require new Israeli
         citizens to pledge loyalty to a "Jewish, democratic state." The proposal was passed by his cabinet
         on Sunday.

             The Prime Minister's demands, simple and straightforward as they may seem, are the long fuse
         to a tinderbox of complex issues involving our identity as Israelis and as Jews, the nature of Israel's
         democracy, and the rights of minorities not just in Israel but in an eventual Palestinian state.
         Instituting a loyalty oath and demanding external recognition of a "Jewish state" is the next
         dangerous step in allowing the ruling coalition of ultra-nationalists and ultra-Orthodox to define
         who is Jewish, who is Israeli, and who is "loyal."

             As a political scientist by training and as the president of the New Israel Fund, I am all too
         aware that a word or phrase can touch off a new set of controversies on issues where many seem
         willfully determined to misunderstand each other. Careful analysis and historical sensitivity, on the
         other hand, can defuse seemingly intransigent demands and irreconcilable narratives, and provide
         the insight we so badly need in order to go forward.

            Let's start with that simple phrase, "the Jewish state." It is a phrase no longer used by most
         progressive Israelis, and for good reason: Using "Jewish" as modifier for a state means defining
         "Jewish" to at least the satisfaction of a majority of Jews. And as any Jew in Israel or abroad
         knows, that's a centuries'-old conundrum.

1 of 3                                                                                                         10/14/2010 10:58 AM
Naomi Chazan: Owning Our Identity                     

             Define Jews as a people -- which we are -- and you are immediately entangled in the extra-
         national definition of people related by blood and heritage, across national boundaries. Is Israel the
         state of American or Australian Jews, for example? Clearly not, although they have a continued
         stake in its well-being. Define Jews as a religion -- which we are -- and you relinquish self-definition
         to theocracy and, in Israel's case, to the harshest and most exclusionary ultra-Orthodox strictures
         on who is a Jew. Define Jews as a nation and you have a tautology, whereby Israel is the national
         expression of a nation - explaining and defining nothing.

             Past the intricacies of Jewish self-definition is the problematic concept of a state that uses its
         majority population as the defining element of its political system. Although Jewish
         self-determination is the raison d'etre for Israel, in a democracy the state itself must be the neutral
         arbiter of its people's interests. And in Israel, more than twenty percent of the population are not
         Jewish; they are Palestinian Muslims and Christians, Bedouins, Armenians, Druze and others who,
         often for centuries, have inhabited the land. Additionally, more than 300,000 immigrants from the
         former Soviet Union are not considered legally Jewish by the state because of their exclusion by
         the rabbinical establishment. The fact that Israel has no straightforward route to citizenship for
         non-Jews and no viable immigration policy mirrors the contradictions and inequities of a "Jewish
         state," in which the machinery of government is geared to the well-being primarily of the majority

             The internal contradictions of the identity of "the Jewish state" are, of course, rooted in its
         tangled history. The land between the Mediterranean and the Jordan river is the homeland for two
         peoples, Jewish and Palestinian. The United Nations Partition Plan of 1947 acknowledged that
         reality, and is the legal foundation for Israel's existence and for the demand for Palestinian
         statehood. Indeed, war, occupation and the wrongheaded policies of two sets of leaders for too
         many years have prevented Israel's natural neighbor and geopolitical partner, Palestine, from
         attaining its own national self-determination.

            Peoples, in the universal language of human rights, deserve the right to self-determination, and
         in most cases insist on sovereign control over their own destiny. In Israel and in what will someday
         be the independent state of Palestine, the correct description for these democracies should be the
         sovereign expression of the right of self-determination of the Jewish -- or Palestinian -- people. This
         definition diminishes the danger inherent in an ethnocentric definition of the state, and mandates
         an Israel that is responsible for the equality of all its citizens, as promised by its Declaration of

             A sovereign expression of the right of self-determination is also the description that is consistent
         with a multicultural and diverse democracy, which is the real nature of Israeli society. Within that
         framework is the possibility -- and I would argue the necessity -- of recognizing the collective rights
         of national minorities. An Israel with a substantial indigenous minority can and should acknowledge
         the freedom of its Palestinian citizens to determine their education, culture and other aspects of
         their communal life. In a parallel manner, a Palestinian state could and should reserve collective
         rights and protections for a Jewish minority, if some of the settlers now living on the West Bank
         choose to remain in what will become an independent Palestine. These reciprocal sets of rights
         and responsibilities can provide self-determination for two peoples within geographically
         segmented homelands, while mutually guaranteeing the rights of each other's minority cohort.

            But there are other requirements as well. Most Israelis, and I am one, accept that a negotiated
         version of the 1967 borders should represent the boundary between Israel and Palestine. But that
         does not absolve us of the responsibility to confront an earlier outcome -- that of 1948. This does
         not mean questioning the legitimacy of Israel, as some on the right fear. It simply means
         acknowledging that our independence came at the price of what Palestinians call the nakba
         (catastrophe). Understanding two narratives, even when they appear to be mutually exclusive,

2 of 3                                                                                                          10/14/2010 10:58 AM
Naomi Chazan: Owning Our Identity                    

         means that the victors acknowledge some responsibility for the refugee issue that has been a
         major impediment to peace for many years.

             Seventeen years ago, the PLO acknowledged Israel's right to exist in peace and security,
         without even exacting Israel's recognition of its natural concomitant, a Palestinian state. Now, Prime
         Minister Netanyahu asks Palestinians, as well as all those who would become Israeli, to recognize
         a Jewish state as if that would somehow confer legitimacy or provide an answer to the conflict,
         ignoring the complexities that make such recognition both useless and impossible. Even if the
         Palestinian Authority were willing to make this absurd concession, it has no right to deny the rights
         of Israel's Palestinian and other non-Jewish citizens, and it has no responsibility to define what
         Israel is.

            That responsibility belongs to us, to Israelis. We must bring the right of self-determination of
         Jews to a balancing point with Israel's absolute obligation to remain an open, egalitarian and just
         democracy. Asking others to define us by our Jewishness will not make us more Jewish or more
         secure. It will not give us more legitimacy. Only we can decide who we are as a people. Only we
         can determine the nature of our multicultural and diverse society. Only we can mold our state, and
         our democracy.

            Naomi Chazan is the former Deputy Speaker of the Israeli Knesset, and currently the Dean of the
         School of Government and Society at the Academic College of Tel-Aviv-Yaffo and the President of
         the New Israel Fund.

3 of 3                                                                                                         10/14/2010 10:58 AM
Don't Divest; Invest
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By Naomi Paiss

Editor’s Note: This article was written for Zeek in response to an essay by Jewish Voice for
Peace advocating that Jews join the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement. The two
essays appeared on Zeek’s website simultaneously, and benefit from being read together. Please
comment on either piece, keeping in mind Zeek’s comment policy: all comments should address
ideas in the articles. Comments that feature ad hominem attacks, or that use racist, sexist,
homophobic, or language that attacks a religion or people qua religion or people (i.e. anti-
Semitic, anti-Christian or anti-Islamic language), will be deleted at the editor’s discretion.

Since 1979, the New Israel Fund has dedicated itself to a vision of Israel that lives up to its
founders’ vision, as articulated in the Declaration of Independence, of a Jewish homeland and a
shared society that is at peace with itself and its neighbors. Now, the New Israel Fund is the
leading organization committed to equality and democracy for all Israelis. NIF strengthens
organizations and leaders that work to achieve equality for all the citizens of the state; realize the
civil and human rights of all, including Palestinian citizens of Israel; recognize and reinforce the
essential pluralism of Israeli society; and empower groups on the economic margins of Israeli

We are not a “peace” group and are not directly involved with negotiations. We don’t lobby the
American government and we don’t opine on eventual borders or other final status issues. We
do, however, oppose the occupation and the post-1967 settlement enterprise. We only support
organizations registered with the Israeli government as non-profits in the state of Israel, and that
includes Israeli organizations working for human and civil rights on both sides of the Green

At a time when the atmosphere in Israel is rapidly polarizing, it can be challenging to be pro-
Israel, pro-peace and pro-democracy. The international anti-Israel forces on both the hard left
and right are doing their best to make that characterization an oxymoron. But we are not going to
relinquish the character of Israel to the extremists. We will not condemn Israel for its lifelong
struggle for legitimacy and security in a neighborhood that often denies it both. Nor will we give
up on the objective of a two-state solution – the solution we believe is the only viable answer to
the need for two homelands for two peoples.

Facts on the Ground

Those who only see Israel through the lens of the conflict are missing too much about a vibrant,
argumentative and intensely emotional society, one in which civil society organizations – the
organizations NIF seed-funded or founded - are playing a key role in preserving and expanding
progressive values.

Having survived direct, vicious and dishonest attacks for much of the past year, NIF well
understands the serious challenges to Israel’s democratic character. The recent Cabinet passage
of the “loyalty oath” is only the latest in a series of outrageous attempts by ultra-nationalists to
stifle dissent and ensure that Israel’s Palestinian minority is permanently relegated to second-
class citizenship. Our family of organizations has been falsely attacked for complicity with the
Goldstone report, assailed for our support of civil rights and freedom of conscience for the
Palestinian community, and even labeled treasonous for our support of an increase in royalty
payments to the government for new natural gas discoveries. Even the Likud Finance Minister
supports that last one!

In such an atmosphere, it would be easy to give up on Israel’s ability to reform itself from within
and re-assert the values of liberal democracy. But we are not giving up, and that is precisely why
we object to the tactics of the global boycott, divestment and sanctions movement.

The BDS Message

Those who assert that boycotts, divestment and sanctions are the only remaining route towards
influencing a recalcitrant Israeli government misunderstand much about the effect of these
tactics. For some time now, some Israeli leaders have described any criticism of Israeli
government policy as part of a plot to “delegitimize” Israel. Obviously, we couldn’t disagree
more, and we think healthy debate over every aspect of Israel’s society, and the existence of a
free and vocal civil society, does more to legitimize Israel than any amount of cynical hasbara
can accomplish.

But it’s important to understand what lies behind that ‘delegitimizing’ message. Many if not
most Israelis favor a two-state solution and a withdrawal to some negotiated version of the 1967
lines. Most oppose the settlement enterprise. But most also feel besieged and singled out by
those outside Israel who hold it to a standard not applied to truly authoritarian and repressive
regimes, from Russia to China to Sudan. From the equation of Zionism with racism more than
forty years ago, to the current contortions of some international institutions that single out Israel
for pariah status, many Israelis see uncompromising hostility to the entire endeavor of a Jewish
homeland, not only to its actions or policies.

We see global BDS as a tactic that embodies the message that Israel cannot and will not change
itself, and for that reason, we think it is inflammatory and counter-productive. We see proposals
that would ban Israeli academics, no matter what their personal and political views may be, from
participation in the free exchange of ideas in international conferences. We see artists and
musicians, who often come bearing badly-needed messages of peace and tolerance, being urged

to take Israel off their tour itineraries. We see a message that says that Israel is beyond hope of
redemption, that it must be held behind a cordon sanitaire of contempt and disengagement.

And we disagree. The way to change Israel is not to divest, but to invest in Israelis and
Palestinians who are struggling every day to change the status quo. From J Street and Americans
for Peace Now in the U.S., to NIF and the hundreds of organizations we fund in Israel, to new
NGOs working to build civil society in the occupied territories, there are hundreds of
organizations and thousands of people who deserve financial support and a megaphone for their
ideas and causes.

For example, NIF supports a successful weaving micro-enterprise for Bedouin women in the
Negev. We seed-funded a program that allows underprivileged immigrant women to turn their
cooking talents into catering businesses. After the Second Lebanon War, we funded an artists’
co-operative in the North - in a former kibbutz chicken house! – to better publicize their work
and products. Our action arm SHATIL is working with an innovative program to train
underemployed Palestinian Israelis for work in the high-tech sector. These are just a few
programs that provide support for tangible products and employment by Israelis who desperately
need economic empowerment – the list of organizations successfully engendering social change
in every sector is diverse and long.

Anyone who is truly interested in a peaceful, multicultural and just Israel should realize that
global BDS condemns these Israelis, and millions like them, to isolation and vilification. In a
small and interconnected society like Israel, the blunt force of global BDS penalizes the innocent
along with the guilty, pushes moderates towards right-wing nationalism, and spurs rejection of
progressive and humanist values.
And the key issue here is this: Israel has a history of self-correction. The reaction to the Sabra
and Shatila massacres, the eventual support even on the center-right for a Palestinian state, the
many High Court decisions expanding rights for Arabs, women, the LGBT community and other
marginalized Israelis – these are not the mark of a society that does not question itself or evolve.

Israel is not an ‘apartheid state’; that is a historically inaccurate and inflammatory term that
serves only to demonize Israel and alienate a majority of Jews around the world, including those
who care deeply about issues of democracy, human rights, social justice and peace. Israel is not
South Africa; it is a country where thousands upon thousands of activists are busy with actions
aimed at making their lives - and those of their fellow citizens - better. They have not capitulated
to despair and to the abandonment of the goal of a just and egalitarian society. They will not
forgive us if we do.

The Exception to the Rule

As is our way, we look for a more nuanced approach to the BDS issue.

It is clear to us that products and services that come from the settlements are in a different
category. It is also clear that Israelis who boycott the settlements, as did the artists who refused
to perform in Ariel, are expressing their heartfelt opposition to Israel’s most misguided and
damaging policy. As Israelis and Palestinians begin to organize themselves into non-violent

protest of the settlements, including holding those settlements economically accountable, it is
critically important to find ways to support those efforts productively and pro-actively.

The settlements are not in Israel. They represent not “just” a blot on Israel as a just and decent
nation, and a terrible danger to its survival, but also the waste of billions of shekels for security,
expensive bypass roads, government-subsidized construction and mortgages, and more. Those
are shekels that could be used to build a more prosperous and socially just Israel. Refusing
products and services made in the settlements, and opposing government expenditures there, is
well within the rights of every organization and individual who intends to influence the Israeli
government to finally abandon the quixotic and immoral settlement enterprise.

Not a Dead Armadillo

Recently, an NIF board member was invited to speak at a panel in a community whose food co-
op was considering a boycott of all Israeli products. Literally positioned between Stand With Us
and Code Pink, she described our work and the alternatives to global BDS offered by the New
Israel Fund and other pro-Israel, progressive organizations. At the end of the night, she was
literally embraced by several audience members, who were urgently looking for ways to live
their progressive values without shunning Israel as a pariah state, beyond redemption.

A Texas populist once said the only things found in the middle of the road were yellow stripes
and dead armadillos. Nope. Where Israel is concerned, there are too many on both the left and
right whose intransigent insistence on a narrow and self-righteous narrative is hampering efforts
to build a better and more open society. We at the New Israel Fund will continue to look for
positive solutions to desperately difficult issues. We’ll continue to debate our friends and
adversaries on these complicated issues, and listen to other points of view. And we’ll continue to
ensure that there are means for engagement with Israel that really contribute to the long and
arduous search for equality, justice and peace.

Naomi Paiss is the Director of Communications of the New Israel Fund.

Op-Ed: Fire’s devastation can lead to positive change | Israel's Carmel Fire...

         December 7, 2010

         Fire's devastation can lead to positive change

         Op-Ed: Fire’s devastation can lead to positive change

         By Rachel Liel and Daniel Sokatch

         SAN FRANCISCO (JTA)—It is hard to explain just how devastated Israelis are by the Carmel fire. But it is easier to explain
         how that devastation can become a positive force for positive change, right now, in Israel.

         The fire consumed at least 42 lives, thousands of forested acres and millions of shekels in property. With the assistance of
         a dozen foreign nations, the beleaguered firefighters finally got the resources they needed to battle a blaze that consumed
         more than its obvious victims. What may have perished in the fire is Israel’s sense of self-reliance, and the confidence of
         ordinary people that they can rely on their government and society to meet their needs.

         Just as the Second Lebanon War provoked questions about Israel’s readiness to withstand a bombing campaign, the
         Carmel fire illuminates issues that have been too readily subsumed in the endless attention to the conflict. We at the New
         Israel Fund are painfully aware that Israel is often seen two-dimensionally, even by its own government. It is of course a
         priority for Israel to pursue peace and security, but an exclusive focus on these issues skews attention and resources away
         from an equally critical task.

         We, the organization that founded and funded Israel’s civil society and that works every day on intractable social issues,
         know what that task is. It is building a society founded on equity and social justice, where every person has the
         opportunity to live a decent life, and building the infrastructure and the institutions that provide this opportunity to all. It
         is security, yes, but in a sense that extends far beyond fighter planes and a separation fence. What Israel discovered last
         week is that while it prides itself on its strength, it is in some ways far, far too weak.

         There wasn’t the proper equipment for fighting fires, and the supply of fire-retardant chemicals was exhausted even
         before the Carmel ignited. Just a few weeks ago, when the 40-story Shalom Tower in Tel Aviv was burning, it turned out
         that the Tel Aviv Fire Department does not have a hook-and-ladder truck that extends beyond 10 stories. Israel sits on an
         earthquake fault and has done little to plan for that eventuality, while in a drought-stricken region water and development
         policies are enmeshed in money interests and politics, not in sustainable growth.

         For too long, under successive governments, Israeli society has polarized between the center and the periphery, the Jews
         and the Arabs, the religious and the secular, the haves and the have-nots. The current government, paying attention to
         the demands of its political coalition, is channeling even more money into stipends for non-working yeshiva students and
         radical settler incursions into Palestinian neighborhoods of eastern Jerusalem. But every government has been held
         hostage to the demands of specific constituencies, the inequalities persist, and now poverty in Israel is more widespread
         than in any of the 30 European Union nations. Income inequality in Israel is second only to the United States among
         developed nations, and Israeli schools, public lands and infrastructure are deteriorating quickly.

         This situation can and must change. The Carmel fire may have been Israel’s Katrina, but we and many people like us will
         insist on a faster recovery than New Orleans experienced. We know the real strength of Israel is not only in its military but
         in its people—the thousands of ordinary people we work with every day.

         The day the fire started, grass-roots organizations of the North began mobilizing. A day after it ended, our Haifa office was
         already gearing up with our grantees and partners for the huge tasks of long-term recovery. We will work to ensure that
         there is compensation for the victims and the homeless, and that it is distributed fairly. Environmental groups are too
         infrequently consulted in Israel; we will make sure they are at the table when the future of the Carmel Forest is

         The fire re-ignited anti-Arab invective in some segments of society; our longstanding leadership of Arab and Jewish
         groups in the North will substantiate efforts to eradicate racism and build a truly shared society.

         Israel’s beautiful Carmel Forest is burnt and black. Its people’s faith in their government is shaken. But Israel does have a
         civil society, which means that there is a force that enables ordinary people to change their circumstances, even if they
         are not wealthy or politically connected. Civil society empowers and ennobles and, yes, sometimes enrages the powers-

1 of 2                                                                                                                               12/8/2010 9:59 AM
Op-Ed: Fire’s devastation can lead to positive change | Israel's Carmel Fire...

         Now is the time for ordinary Israelis to insist on leadership that is accountable and fair, and on a society that plans for
         peace and prosperity, not just for defense and war. It is time for all of us, Israeli and American, to see Israel in all its
         dimensions, in all its needs and in all its possibilities.

         Rachel Liel is the executive director in Israel and Daniel Sokatch the CEO of the New Israel Fund.

         © Copyright 2010 Tribe Media Corp.
         All rights reserved. is hosted by Homepage design by Koret Communications.
         Widgets by Mijits. Site construction by Hop Studios.

2 of 2                                                                                                                               12/8/2010 9:59 AM

NEW ISRAEL FUND                                                                   attacks on NIF for what they were, not being shy in
                                                                                  asking our friends to speak out for us, and doing the

A liberal funder                                                                  analysis necessary to understand the charges levelled
                                                                                  at us and the way our own words and actions had been
                                                                                  misrepresented. It also meant working closely with our

under attack                                              Daniel Sokatch
                                                          and Rachel Liel
Last winter, a so-called Israeli ‘student group’ launched an attack
                                                                                  more controversial grantees to present a united front
                                                                                  that still allowed institutional autonomy for all of us.
                                                                                  Finally, it meant accelerating a process already un-
on the New Israel Fund (NIF). Despite NIF’s 32-year track record                  der way, of better defining NIF and our goals. NIF has
of building and sustaining progressive civil society, we found                    long been a ‘big tent’ – the first funder of civil soci-
ourselves in the fight of our lives to protect our organization, in                ety groups representing women and gays, Russians
Israel and worldwide.                                                             and Ethiopians, single mothers and the disabled, and
                                                                                  Israel’s most marginalized minority, its Palestinian
                         The attack was triggered by NIF’s human rights grant- citizens. But we are associated with the left. Our val-
                         ees providing eyewitness accounts of Israeli Defence ues are progressive. We are not a neutral funder, and
                         Force (IDF) misbehaviour during the 2009 Gaza war we have specific positions, including opposing the
                         to the investigating UN commission, some of which occupation and the settlement enterprise.
                         found their way into the controversial Goldstone As we are the leading organization advancing Israeli
                         report. The ‘student group’ produced a well-funded democracy, our self-examination needed to exemplify
                         report attacking us for disloyalty. Their report was the kind of society we ourselves would like to see in
                         eventually debunked, but other groups associated Israel. We started a process of dialogue that included
                         with the hard right continued the assault. They at- our staff, board, friends, grantees and clients, and even
                         tempted to associate NIF with global BDS (boycott, some of our critics. We clarified and codified principles
                         sanctions and divestment), universal jurisdiction cas- that we believe characterize our values and work, but
                         es against Israeli officials, and rejection of the Jewish which in a highly charged atmosphere involved care-
                         character of Israel. The accusations were dishonest: we ful thinking through intent and language. We applied
Daniel Sokatch is
the CEO of NIF and
                         oppose all of these positions. But, at a time when the those principles to the creation of more specific fund-
Rachel Liel is its       Israeli public is highly sensitive to what is termed the ing guidelines, institutionalized a policy mechanism,
Executive Director in
Israel. Email info@
                        ‘de-legitimization’ of Israel, they were still damaging. and more clearly defined NIF to our stakeholders and
                        Almost immediately, the many supporters of NIF            to the public at large.
                        worldwide recognized these attacks as part of a cal-   The outcome of the attacks on NIF, and on progressive
                        culated assault on the principles of Israeli democracy.civil society in Israel, is still in doubt. On the posi-
                        (More than a dozen bills have now been introduced in   tive side, the Attorney General of Israel has found no
                        the Knesset, threatening to defund, penalize or even   grounds to investigate NIF. The IDF has changed the
                        criminalize civil society or otherwise restrict demo-  way it operates, crediting the reports of human rights
                        cratic freedoms.) We were symbolic of everything that  groups for information it needed to improve itself.
Chanukah                outrages the ultra-nationalist Israeli right.          When our ‘student group’ attackers went after academ-
event at the            With our entire Israeli board and staff leadership in ic freedom at a leading Israeli university, hundreds of
Western Wall
protesting gender
                        New York for our winter board meeting, our initial Israeli leaders and academics protested and the group
segregation.            response was, to put it plainly, improvised. Our in- lost its largest source of funding.
                        vestment in communications and marketing, both in We are continuing to expand our advocacy efforts,
                        Israel and in the US, Canada and the UK, has always understanding that it is now as important a line of
                        been small. But our senior staff, our board leadership work for NIF as grantmaking or capacity-building.
                        and we ourselves had many years’ experience of ad- Thousands of new supporters have joined us in Israel
                        vocacy and we learned, under fire, to become better and worldwide. Our notoriety has made us a better,
                        advocates for ourselves. That meant reaffirming our stronger and more visible organization. Certainly not
                        commitment to our values, to our mission and to the what our attackers planned.
                        conviction that what we do is valuable and necessary.
                                                                               But we’ll take it.
                        In practical terms, it meant creating a crisis commu-
                        nications team in both Israel and the US, exposing the For more information

                                                                            Alliance Volume 15 Number 4 December 2010

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New Israel Fund Op-Eds 2010

  • 1. Democracy in the Balance – Opinion By Naomi Chazan Published February 10, 2010, issue of February 19, 2010. The New Israel Fund is only the latest target in a series of outrageous assaults on Israel’s democratic foundations. The apparently coordinated attempt this past year to intimidate, de-fund and possibly shut down Israel’s human rights community, culminating in this latest direct attack on NIF — and on me personally, as its president — is an alarming symptom of a deeply troubled society that is lurching toward authoritarianism and the undermining of basic civil freedoms. Last month, Israeli police took action against the leaders of two of Israel’s most prominent civil rights groups: The head of the Israel Religious Action Center was questioned and fingerprinted for her work in asserting women’s prayer rights at the Western Wall, and the executive director of the Association for Civil Rights in Israel was arrested during a peaceful demonstration. Meanwhile, we have seen a series of attempts to compromise the Israeli Supreme Court’s independence and its status as the last line of defense for Israeli civil rights. These developments are very worrisome indeed. Today we see efforts to deny Israelis their basic democratic rights, including freedom of speech, association and dissent. For many people, what took the campaign against NIF beyond the realm of legitimate debate was the decision by its organizers to vilify the NIF by targeting me, personally. A widely distributed poster and ad with a rather unflattering caricature of me reached new lows by portraying me with a horn on my head — a play on the Hebrew word keren, which means both “fund” and “horn.” (I wonder if these nasty caricatures would ever be used against a man.) I was dubbed “Naomi Goldstone-Chazan.” A demonstration was held outside my home, billboards appeared throughout the country, and banners were posted on major Israeli Internet news sites. Although I was in New York for NIF’s board meeting when the campaign debuted, the outrage of my family, my friends and my former colleagues in the Knesset — even people who disagree with my politics — overloaded my e-mail and cell phone from across the Atlantic. As a former deputy speaker of the Knesset and a lifelong activist for peace, women’s rights and human rights, it takes a lot to upset me. And the personalized attack didn’t upset me, exactly. It did make me feel that Israel’s right wing would stoop to anything to discredit anyone, including the New Israel Fund and its affiliated organizations, for daring to voice a dissenting opinion — an elementary right in any democratic society. And it is worth pondering why that is. The original attack on NIF stemmed from a new group, Im Tirtzu, which is funded by the same sources supporting Jewish extremists, including the ministry of American evangelical leader John Hagee. Im Tirtzu had conducted a “study” of the Goldstone Report, and concluded that the Israeli human rights groups that NIF supports were chiefly responsible for that report’s negative conclusions about the actions of the Israel Defense Forces during the Gaza war. The Im Tirtzu report is a series of vicious distortions of the record of the New Israel Fund and its allied organizations. The report represents the antithesis of the values of Zionism that Im Tirtzu claims to espouse. The human rights groups whose reports are cited in the Goldstone Report are the canary in the coal mine of Israeli democracy. These organizations did their job, recording and reporting, and their findings were used primarily as background material; the most significant quotes used in the Goldstone Report came from military personnel and political leaders. NIF took no position on Goldstone, nor do we on other political matters. The human rights organizations we support are also not monolithic and have differing views regarding Goldstone’s conclusions. 1 of 2 2/17/2010 1:43 PM
  • 2. Democracy in the Balance – One thing most of these Israeli human rights groups do have in common: They were among the first to call for an independent Israeli inquiry into the Gaza operation. Had that happened last year, the groups’ reports would have been placed in context with reports from soldiers and others, so that a clear picture of the IDF’s activities could have emerged. And the Goldstone Report itself would have been rendered redundant, since its key recommendation is the establishment of precisely such a commission of inquiry. As funders with a rigorous and exacting grant-making process, we know it is not our job to agree with everything our groups say and do, but rather to defend their right to fulfill their missions. And that goes to the heart of why NIF exists, and its dedication to debate and open airing of opinion not only among groups affiliated with our own “big tent” organization, but also in Israeli society at large. I have been president of NIF for two years and twice previously served as a member of its board. For 30 years, NIF has been founding and funding progressive civil society in Israel — our human and civil rights groups, our social justice groups and, particularly important to me, the groups that fight for tolerance and religious pluralism. Anyone who loves Israel — and I am completely and without reservation one of those people — should understand that NIF almost single-handedly built a sector without which a democracy cannot function. As someone who has dissented from conventional wisdom over the course of a long political and academic career, and as someone who believes that critical thinking builds a better society, I am proud to serve NIF as its volunteer leader because its values are the values enshrined in Israel’s Declaration of Independence. Fortunately, thousands of ordinary people, and leaders in Israel and in Jewish communities around the world — from across the political spectrum — have spoken out against the attempt to shut us down. The immediate threat of a Knesset investigation into NIF has been stymied, but we know there will be more assaults. In the end, I am not the real victim of this particularly ugly attack. Even NIF, important as it is, is not the real victim. Should these trends continue, should Israel turn a deaf ear to self-examination and dissent, should an extremist minority continue to hold my country hostage to hatred and incitement, the real victim will be Israeli democracy. Naomi Chazan is president of the New Israel Fund. Copyright © 2010, Forward Association, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 2 of 2 2/17/2010 1:43 PM
  • 3. The Real Anti-NIF Agenda by Daniel Sokatch Special To The Jewish Week In recent weeks, some very angry — and wildly inaccurate — accusations have been leveled against the New Israel Fund, the philanthropic partnership largely responsible for the establishment of Israel’s progressive civil society. Not only have we been accused of enabling the hated Goldstone report, but the NIF’s president, former Knesset Deputy Speaker Naomi Chazan, has been grossly defamed and publicly caricatured in an incendiary and disgusting publicity campaign. False arguments and dangerous demonization must not be allowed to stand, and the NIF has already acted to refute both. Israelis and the Jewish community worldwide remember how easily delegitimization led to political violence when Prime Minister Rabin was assassinated, and it must be rejected quickly, in all its forms. But it’s also true that in engaging in this battle, we risk missing a larger point: The existence of a robust civil society that wrestles honestly with vital social matters is a crucial element of any healthy democracy. As an organization committed to Israel as a Jewish and democratic state, it is this vision that NIF has worked to fulfill since 1979. For 30 years, we have supported hundreds of organizations and thousands of activists struggling for human and civil rights, religious pluralism, and social and economic justice. Our funding standards are high and rigorous, and we constantly review the work of each grantee and insist on accountability and accomplishment on the ground. We support organizations that have accomplished Israel’s most significant victories for equality and justice, from High Court decisions to local endeavors by grassroots activists. All NIF grantees are registered NGOs meeting the legal requirements of the Israeli government. Our organizations must respect and support the democratic nature of the state of Israel. They must refrain from partisan political activity. Organizations cannot advocate violence or the destruction of the state of Israel, or use racist or derogatory designations about any group. With more than 100 grantees at any given time, the NIF family comprises a broad range of organizations and viewpoints, and we value our own spirited debate on Israel’s most controversial issues. We do not demand that every grantee march in lockstep with NIF on every issue of concern to Israeli society. Since Israel’s strength depends as much on its commitment to democratic principles as on its military security, this means that while we don’t always support everything these organizations say, we support their right to say it. 1
  • 4. This is where our detractors disagree, in particular regarding the citation of several NIF grantees in the Goldstone report examining last year’s war in Gaza. Less than 14 percent of the report’s citations were attributed to groups funded by NIF, and the vast majority of Goldstone’s most controversial conclusions originated in official statements by the Israeli military and political leadership. And our funding for these organizations comprises less than 10 percent of our overall grant making. But because these human rights groups work on the most complicated and sensitive issues in Israel, they attract more than their share of controversy. The New Israel Fund does support Israel’s most reputable and internationally respected human rights groups. These groups fulfilled their mission by carefully monitoring and reporting on the Gaza operation, and providing reports then used by the IDF, the Goldstone Commission, and others. In turn, it is the task of an independent inquiry to assess these reports and put them in context. Indeed, these human rights groups were also among the first to declare the need for an independent Israeli inquiry into the events of Gaza, an inquiry that has not yet taken place and which would have properly contextualized the eyewitness accounts relied on by the human rights groups. We think that the accusations about NIF relating to Goldstone, incendiary and overstated as they are, are a red herring. For all the hue and cry surrounding our grantees, our procedures, and the intent of those who criticize the IDF, it’s become increasingly clear that is not what this battle is really about. Rather, it is all a part of a broader effort to stifle the voices of dissent and criticism within Israel. Leaders of Israel’s largest and most respected civil rights organizations, such as the Reform Movement’s Israel Religious Action Center and the Association for Civil Rights in Israel, have been detained or arrested over the past year. The issue of the independence of the High Court, under attack for years, has taken a frightening turn with two recent violent attacks on Israeli judges. The delegitimizing of those who criticize Israel, and lumping them with those who truly hate Israel — and unfortunately there are enough of the latter — fills the pundit pages of Israeli newspapers. While Israel’s defenders refer to it as the only democracy in the Middle East, some right-wing extremists are jeopardizing the very accomplishments and institutions that make this so. This is the heart of the matter, and the NIF believes that such anti-democratic activity is countenanced only at great peril to Israel’s future, and with utter disregard for the vision that guided Israel’s founders. It is never easy to defend the civil liberties that undergird democracy, most particularly when the democracy in question is struggling against external threats. Yet the loss of those liberties is itself a threat. A strong civil society not only ties individuals to their fellow citizens, it also serves to create an electorate that will act to keep government representative and accountable. That Israel has always guarded its citizens’ freedom of expression is one of the most important ways in which it has guarded its own nature — and one of the greatest differences between it and the authoritarian governments that characterize its neighbors. Politically motivated smear campaigns against activists struggling to advance Israeli democracy do not serve or befit the Jewish state. The American Jewish community, intimately involved in 2
  • 5. the defense of that state, is now called upon to defend the bedrock ideals upon which it was founded. If we want to see Israel continue to thrive as a strong democratic and Jewish state, we must defend the rights of a vital civil society within its borders — even when it’s difficult to hear. Daniel Sokatch is CEO of the New Israel Fund. 3
  • 6.
  • 7. - The Australian Jewish News Melbourne edition - 12... 1 of 1 3/15/2010 10:19 AM
  • 8. Published on The Jewish Week (BETA) ( Home > Needed: Nuance and Balance in Gaza Flotilla Debate Needed: Nuance and Balance in Gaza Flotilla Debate Friday, June 4, 2010 Daniel Sokatch Special to the Jewish Week When the New Israel Fund sent an action alert to protest gender-segregated buses in Israel, we got an enthusiastic response. When we and the human rights groups we fund were attacked in Israel, viciously and dishonestly, we asked for signatures to a petition to Prime Minister Netanyahu in support of democratic dissent, and we got a very enthusiastic response. But the immediate reaction we got to a brief, carefully-balanced letter we sent about the...well, let's call it the disastrous incident of the Gaza flotilla... now that was a response. "I think that Daniel's letter is the best statement that I've read about the flotilla." "Why should the Israeli government conduct an inquiry when its own continuing policies of unmitigated aggression and human rights abuses caused the attack and deaths in the first place?" "Were you not 'shocked and dismayed' by the deliberate and provocative effort by anti-Israel activists - and ships sponsored by a recognized terrorist organization - to defy a legitimate naval blockade, despite Israel's offer to transfer the aid directly to Gaza?" "Living up to our ideals is the best answer to these unfortunate events. Thank you for keeping up the hope for a better future through dialogue. The extremes thrive only on silence." "Daniel: You are out of your mind." Let me make one thing clear from the outset. We are neither foreign policy nor military specialists, nor are we a "peace group." Our letter was written to express our fundamental concern for Israel. We are a proudly progressive organization that has built and supported Israeli civil society -- the human rights, social justice and religious pluralism organizations that are so much of the reason Israel considers itself a vibrant democracy. As the leading supporter of 1
  • 9. cutting-edge causes that advance Israeli democracy, we are used to controversy and to diverse views within our own big tent, both in the U.S. and in Israel. But as accustomed as we are to argument, the nerve touched by the flotilla letter seems to us to be raw, and frightening, and possibly predictive of some very hard times ahead for American Jews who love and are connected to Israel. We do empathize with the passions aroused by the flotilla action and the larger issues at stake here. Whether they called the flotilla participants armed militants or peaceful activists, our respondents care about Israel. Whether our respondents faulted the IDF or Turkey, the Netanyahu government or Hamas, defended Israel's action to the hilt or attacked it vociferously, our supporters reflect a connection to Israel that was once assumed to be one of the strongest ties binding the American Jewish community together. But those ties are fraying. More and more, we who work day in and out for Israel, whether from the left or right, know that every program we fund, every project we sponsor, is a potential target for ideological attack. The community events that should reflect the diverse opinions of American Jews about Israel too frequently deteriorate into controversy about this film or that speaker -- the argument being that those with whom one disagrees do not deserve the attention of a thoughtful audience. Some American Jewish organizations apparently wait for their talking points from the Israeli Foreign Ministry, while others jump to criminalize Israel's actions in utter isolation from the existential threats it has endured since its founding. If we as a community leap to defend every action and policy of the Israeli government, we are outsourcing our consciences, our values and our own responsibility. If we likewise forget that Israelis live next door to enemies who have sworn to eradicate them, we are transposing our own American comfort and security to a place that knows neither. And if we shrug our shoulders at Israel's lost ideals, silently thank our own American forbearers for settling here rather than there, and give up, we have abandoned what must remain the fulfillment of the collective dream of the Jewish people. Having worked for Jewish organizations my entire career, I am alarmed and saddened. Not just by the outcome of the Gaza flotilla, but by the black-and-white character of too much of the communal response. A people who created the Talmud should not be so deaf to nuance, to balance, to contextualizing a rational argument. A people who knew suffering for millennia should not be indifferent to the suffering of others, and a people who were defenseless for almost 2000 years should not be dismissive of the security concerns of its homeland. Six boats in the Mediterranean are sailing through the holes in the fabric of the Jewish community. We need to be careful to ensure that our community's conversation is open, honest and respectful of criticism and self-examination. We can and will disagree about what happened last week and about what it means for Israeli policy and Israel itself. But we must do so with some sense of connection and mutual care, for each other and for Israel. Daniel Sokatch is the CEO of the New Israel Fund. 2
  • 10. Haaretz.Com Home Print Edition News Published 12:48 18.06.10 Latest update 12:48 18.06.10 Now is not the time to scapegoat Israelis who are critical of Israel It is perhaps understandable that many seek a person or organization on whom blame can be placed, so that they may be sent into the political wilderness, cast out of the community, no longer allowed to contribute to the conversation. Understandable, perhaps, but woefully mistaken. By Daniel Sokatch and Rachel Liel In the aftermath of the flotilla incident off Gaza, Israelis and supporters of Israel are even more anxious and apprehensive than usual - worried about the implications of those events, and searching for the best way forward. Some of Israel's leading lights - politicians, former military brass, intellectuals - have questioned the wisdom of Israel's raid on the MV Marmara, and are struggling publicly with love for their country, and fears for its future. Others chose to immediately close ranks and throw up defenses. It is perhaps understandable that many seek a person or organization on whom blame can be placed, so that they may be sent into the political wilderness, cast out of the community, no longer allowed to contribute to the conversation. Understandable, perhaps, but woefully mistaken. As easy as it may be to attempt to scapegoat those who voice opposition to official Israeli policy, it is neither helpful nor wise. The former members of Knesset who have decried the loss of life; the Israeli naval reserve commanders who wrote to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to urge an independent inquiry; the Israeli novelists and commentary writers and professors and nonprofits and ordinary people who have questioned the Gaza blockade itself - all have Israel's best interests at heart. All seek a solution that will leave Israel stronger and safer. Their efforts are not to undermine Israel, but to build a better Israel. This in stark contrast to some on the world stage who would, indeed, delegitimize Israel and wish it removed from history. We do not question that there are nations, international NGOs and demagogues who wish to see Israel disappear. On one hand, we have those who would see Israel strengthened; on the other, those would happily see it destroyed. Never, perhaps, has it been more important to see the difference between the two. This is the real red line, the line between the loyal opposition and Israel's real enemies. As the new leaders of the New Israel Fund, we have the tremendous good fortune to work with many Israeli organizations that act on the promise in Israel's Declaration of Independence to "uphold the full social and political equality of all its citizens, without distinction of race, creed or sex." Some of these nonprofits advocate for new immigrants; some work with the poor of the periphery, others focus on civil rights. We have seen these organizations buoyed by success, and watched them face down angry opposition. Advocating for social justice in Israel, we watch the ebb and flow of political discourse and have, at times, worried for the State of Israel's democracy. In a country that so often lives in fear, the temptation to simply shut down those with whom we disagree is particularly powerful. Yet for all our experience in Israel and in the Jewish world at large, we have never seen the impulse to muzzle the opposition expressed as bluntly as it is today. We can't help but be reminded of the backlash, which led, ultimately, to the assassination of a prime minister. Scapegoating the loyal opposition, smearing the good names of people dedicated to advancing Israel's democracy, and demonizing those who seek genuine pluralism is not what Israel needs right now. Pushing away those who love Israel enough to engage honestly with its mistakes will not make Israel stronger, but will in fact delegitimize its standing as a democracy in the eyes of the world. In our positions with the New Israel Fund, we often come into contact with individuals or organizations with whom we do not entirely agree. Love of Israel and dedication to its survival, we've found, takes many and varied forms, and democracy works best when all are given a chance to speak. A word here or a phrase there may make some uncomfortable, but what is most important is to look at the body of an organization's work, rather than don blinders and focus narrowly on any disagreements we might have. There are limits, of course, in any democracy, and we're not required to open the conversation to include those who would see the democratic state of Israel destroyed. But neither are we served by shrinking Israel's democracy to include only those who support governmental policies at all costs. Indeed, that's not democracy by anyone's definition, not at all. Now is not the time to shut down discourse and seek scapegoats from among those Israelis and supporters of Israel who take issue with some of the policies of the Netanyahu government. Now is the time to listen closely to all the voices that Israel's democracy offers, and work together to find real solutions that will lead to equality for all, a lasting peace, and true security. 1 of 1 6/18/2010 12:23 PM
  • 11. Jpost | Print Article June 28, 110 Monday 24 Tammuz 3870 10:07 IST By DANIEL SOKATCH AND RACHEL LIEL 26/06/2010 Rather than ‘delegitimizing’ Israel, hundreds of groups supported by New Israel Fund emphatically legitimize Israel’s claim to its place among Western liberal democracies On Sunday, the board of directors of the New Israel Fund will gather in Tel Aviv to chart the course for an increasingly visible organization that has worked to advance equality and justice for every Israeli for almost 32 years. NIF’s core mission is to strengthen Israel’s democracy. A vibrant democracy demands openness, not just in dialogue, but also in practices and policies. A strong Israel, an Israel with the security to withstand external enemies and internal divisions, also requires a civil society sector that advances the interests of those whose voices are not often heard in the corridors of power. RELATED: A code of conduct for the New Israel Fund AS THE founder and first funder of dozens of Israel’s most internationally respected organizations, the New Israel Fund is accustomed to controversy. Many causes that were cutting-edge when we first took them on are now supported by the mainstream, from the first battles for women’s rights to the passage of legislation protecting the disabled from discrimination and exclusion. Our support for organizations advancing human rights, and for those advancing civil rights for the Israeli Arab sector, has been a particular lightening rod. It has always provoked attacks from those who perpetrate the increasingly hollow myths that Israel can do no wrong, and that almost any criticism, however loving, of Israeli policy or actions is somehow disloyal. In a democracy, of course, one is free to express any opinion, and the latest publicity stunt from NGO Monitor is just that, an opinion – and a partisan one at that. Those familiar with NGO Monitor know it as a mouthpiece for a right-wing ideology, a “monitor” that never monitors settler, haredi or ultra-nationalist groups but only those with progressive values. And, of course, NGO Monitor is itself entirely unmonitored. It does not appear to meet accepted standards for transparency or accountability, and provides little information on its governance or funding. NIF, by contrast, is a responsible funder that regularly reviews its principles, policies and funding decisions and receives excellent ratings for transparency from Guidestar and other philanthropic oversight organizations. Our donors understand and support a vision of Israel in which ideas and ideologies contend in an open space. Rather than “delegitimizing” Israel, as the current buzzword has it, the hundreds of groups and thousands of activists NIF supports emphatically legitimize Israel’s claim to its place among Western, liberal democracies. But that claim is fraying. As much as NIF must focus on its own strategies and the increasing demands on its resources, we are even more concerned with the diminishing tolerance of dissent in Israeli society. The recent survey by the Tami Steinmetz Center for Peace Research at Tel Aviv University showing that more than half of Jewish Israelis think there is “too much freedom of speech” is only the tip of the iceberg. As 1 of 2 6/28/2010 10:07 AM
  • 12. Jpost | Print Article peaceful demonstrations are disrupted or forbidden by the police, as the rights of Israeli Arab citizens are called into question, as some members of Knesset brazenly attempt to shut down progressive civil society, we have a lot more to worry about than sniping from organizations that exist primarily to send out press releases. THERE IS no question that Israel is facing an increasingly hostile international environment. And some of that hostility is rooted in antagonism to Israel’s very existence, an antagonism we combat as fiercely as any organization that is rooted in a love for Israel and in the belief in the best of Jewish values. But Israel must ask itself whether some of its own policies – policies that the NIF family of organizations critique and question – are contributing to Israel’s increasing isolation from its friends and supporters. Israelis must recognize as well that the drift toward authoritarian and anti-democratic sentiment is a profound threat to the cohesion of Israeli society. Silencing opposition voices serves no one but those who would see the Jewish and democratic state we support disintegrate into an ultranationalist, extremist parody of the dreams of its founders. The tens of thousands of Israeli activists who participate in the social change organizations supported by NIF are patriots in the best sense of the word. They call on their country, every day, to live up to its ideals, to promote freedom, justice and equality for all its citizens, and to refuse to settle for an Israel in which civil rights are subject to political whim. They are a critical component of what makes Israeli society strong and resilient. When these difficult days pass – and we have no doubt that Israel has what it takes to get past them – it will be in part because Israeli civil society didn’t give up or give in. The naysayers of the world, those for whom conformity of thought is a greater source of comfort than democratic freedoms, may continue to seek headlines and attention at the expense of Israel’s democracy. We will continue to take responsibility for our work, our choices, and our dedication to the Israel we know to be possible. To do anything less would be to turn our back on the country we love. Daniel Sokatch is CEO, and Rachel Liel the executive director in Israel, of the New Israel Fund. About Us | Advertise with Us | Subscribe | RSS All rights reserved © 1995 - 2009 The Jerusalem Post. ʮ”ʲʡ ʤʩʣʮ ʸʨʰʩʠ ʺʸʥʹʷʺ ʩʷʩʴʠ ʨʰ 2009- © ʺʥʸʥʮʹ ʺʥʩʥʫʦʤ ʬʫ 2 of 2 6/28/2010 10:07 AM
  • 13. The battle for Israel | Opinion | Jewish Journal August 31, 2010 The battle for Israel BY DANIEL SOKATCH opinion/article/the_battle_for_israel_20100831/ As experts rush to predict the outcome of the upcoming round of peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians, all the familiar issues are resurfacing for discussion. Borders, right-of-return, Jerusalem, settlements. The world waits, and hopes, that this time the outcome will be different. But while all eyesare on the peace pro-cess, another, little-known process is unfolding within Israel, where a debate rages over the nature and definition of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state. It is, in other words, a battle for the soul of Israel, and its outcome is no less crucial to the future of the State of Israel than the results of the negotiations in Washington. At present, there are no fewer than 14 bills pending in the Knesset that would de-fund or penalize civil society, curtail freedom of speech or dissent, or in some way diminish democratic freedom. Extremist settlers, with the tacit assent of the government, are taking over East Jerusalem’s historic Palestinian neighborhoods, based on land claims that pre-date 1948. So-called “student groups” with millions of dollars in opaque funding are attacking the universities, the media and my own organization, the New Israel Fund (NIF), and the many human rights and social justice groups we fund, as anti-Israel, anti-Zionist and treasonous. Americans may remember a similar atmosphere in our own country after 9/11. But what is happening in Israel is different and more ominous. Not even the most enthusiastic backers of the Patriot Act suggested closing down the ACLU, requiring loyalty oaths from all Americans or forbidding Native Americans, African Americans or Japanese Americans from commemorating their historic tragedies in this country — but parallel demands are escalating in Israel. When L.A.’s Progressive Jewish Alliance, which I used to lead, opposed the war in Iraq and came to the defense of moderate Muslim leaders, many argued with us but no one suggested shutting us down. The drift toward authoritarianism and McCarthyism in some sectors of Israeli society actually doesn’t have much to do with physical security. The number of terrorist incidents is way down, and despitethe looming threat from Iran, the borders are quiet. But Israelis do not feel secure. The memory of the horrific suicide bombings earlier in the decade is still sharp. And the buzzword of this year, the great fear among Israelis, is the “delegitimization” of Israel. Some on the Israeli right — and their supporters abroad — have cynically labeled every critic and every criticism of Israeli policy or actions, no matter how valid the criticism or how loving the critic, as delegitimization. In the international reaction to the flotilla, to the Goldstone Report and to the Gaza action, many Israelis see uncompromising hostility to the Jewish state itself, not to its actions or policies. Israel has real adversaries who deny its right to exist. But while it may be understandable, the indiscriminate rejection of all criticism is creating the very zero-sum game that many Israelis fear. If Israelis believe that every gain for Palestinians — whether in peace talks or in civil rights for Arab citizens inside Israel — is a loss for Jewish Israelis, there will be no progress. If progressive organizations report on human-rights violations, the widening gap between rich and poor and the ever-growing power of the ultra-Orthodox hierarchy, and the reaction of Israeli leadership is to shoot the messenger, the message of a deteriorating democracy will not be lost on the international community. And if the forces of ultra-nationalist reaction gain even more traction, the caricature of Israel drawn by its real enemies will, tragically, come closer to reality. But there is good news. Those who cherish the Israel envisioned by its founders are fighting back. The Israel Defense Forces has changed its operational protocol to better protect civilian lives and infrastructure, and actually credited human rights groups’ reports on the Gaza war for their information and observations. Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein refused to “investigate” NIF and the human rights community, citing the duties of civil society in a democracy. Knesset Speaker Reuven Rivlin decried the divisiveness of pending anti-democratic legislation, and scores of Israeli leaders defended academic freedom against extremist attacks. Israel needs this kind of courage to confront both itself and its adversaries, because securing a vibrant and functioning Israeli democracy is as critical for Israel’s future as is securing peace with its neighbors. The factions resisting a settlement freeze and real progress toward peace are the same ones attempting to dismantle freedom of speech and conscience, restrict minority rights and reverse equality for women. The more they intimidate and bamboozle their countrymen with the canard that only they are the guardians of Zionism, the more likely it becomes that the Jewish- 1 of 2 9/1/2010 11:20 AM
  • 14. The battle for Israel | Opinion | Jewish Journal and-democratic state will, eventually, be neither. The two-state solution may be the obvious answer, but it is by no means assured. The answer to the despotism of Hamas is not anti-democratic measures in Jerusalem. As Israel confronts its adversaries, it must reject the temptation to mimic those whose repressive and theocratic regimes are rightfully condemned. Shutting down dissent and democracy will not keep Israel safe. A commitment to justice for all its citizens and to a fair and equitable solution of two states for two peoples, will. Daniel Sokatch is CEO of the New Israel Fund. © Copyright 2010 Tribe Media Corp. All rights reserved. is hosted by Homepage design by Koret Communications. Widgets by Mijits. Site construction by Hop Studios. 2 of 2 9/1/2010 11:20 AM
  • 15. Naomi Chazan: Owning Our Identity October 14, 2010 This is the print preview: Back to normal view » Naomi Chazan Fmr. Deputy Speaker, Israeli Knesset; President, New Israel Fund Posted: October 14, 2010 10:12 AM As the future of the newest round of peace talks hangs in the balance, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu has reiterated what seemed to some to be a logical demand. Recognize Israel as the Jewish state, he said to the Palestinians, as a condition for extending the moratorium on settlement expansion and thus keeping the Palestinians at the table. The notion that the legitimacy of Israel's Jewish character somehow hinges on others' recognition has become a convenient and often used political billy club for the Prime Minister. Just last week, he announced his support for what amounts to a loyalty oath, an amendment to the Citizenship Act, which would require new Israeli citizens to pledge loyalty to a "Jewish, democratic state." The proposal was passed by his cabinet on Sunday. The Prime Minister's demands, simple and straightforward as they may seem, are the long fuse to a tinderbox of complex issues involving our identity as Israelis and as Jews, the nature of Israel's democracy, and the rights of minorities not just in Israel but in an eventual Palestinian state. Instituting a loyalty oath and demanding external recognition of a "Jewish state" is the next dangerous step in allowing the ruling coalition of ultra-nationalists and ultra-Orthodox to define who is Jewish, who is Israeli, and who is "loyal." As a political scientist by training and as the president of the New Israel Fund, I am all too aware that a word or phrase can touch off a new set of controversies on issues where many seem willfully determined to misunderstand each other. Careful analysis and historical sensitivity, on the other hand, can defuse seemingly intransigent demands and irreconcilable narratives, and provide the insight we so badly need in order to go forward. Let's start with that simple phrase, "the Jewish state." It is a phrase no longer used by most progressive Israelis, and for good reason: Using "Jewish" as modifier for a state means defining "Jewish" to at least the satisfaction of a majority of Jews. And as any Jew in Israel or abroad knows, that's a centuries'-old conundrum. 1 of 3 10/14/2010 10:58 AM
  • 16. Naomi Chazan: Owning Our Identity Define Jews as a people -- which we are -- and you are immediately entangled in the extra- national definition of people related by blood and heritage, across national boundaries. Is Israel the state of American or Australian Jews, for example? Clearly not, although they have a continued stake in its well-being. Define Jews as a religion -- which we are -- and you relinquish self-definition to theocracy and, in Israel's case, to the harshest and most exclusionary ultra-Orthodox strictures on who is a Jew. Define Jews as a nation and you have a tautology, whereby Israel is the national expression of a nation - explaining and defining nothing. Past the intricacies of Jewish self-definition is the problematic concept of a state that uses its majority population as the defining element of its political system. Although Jewish self-determination is the raison d'etre for Israel, in a democracy the state itself must be the neutral arbiter of its people's interests. And in Israel, more than twenty percent of the population are not Jewish; they are Palestinian Muslims and Christians, Bedouins, Armenians, Druze and others who, often for centuries, have inhabited the land. Additionally, more than 300,000 immigrants from the former Soviet Union are not considered legally Jewish by the state because of their exclusion by the rabbinical establishment. The fact that Israel has no straightforward route to citizenship for non-Jews and no viable immigration policy mirrors the contradictions and inequities of a "Jewish state," in which the machinery of government is geared to the well-being primarily of the majority population. The internal contradictions of the identity of "the Jewish state" are, of course, rooted in its tangled history. The land between the Mediterranean and the Jordan river is the homeland for two peoples, Jewish and Palestinian. The United Nations Partition Plan of 1947 acknowledged that reality, and is the legal foundation for Israel's existence and for the demand for Palestinian statehood. Indeed, war, occupation and the wrongheaded policies of two sets of leaders for too many years have prevented Israel's natural neighbor and geopolitical partner, Palestine, from attaining its own national self-determination. Peoples, in the universal language of human rights, deserve the right to self-determination, and in most cases insist on sovereign control over their own destiny. In Israel and in what will someday be the independent state of Palestine, the correct description for these democracies should be the sovereign expression of the right of self-determination of the Jewish -- or Palestinian -- people. This definition diminishes the danger inherent in an ethnocentric definition of the state, and mandates an Israel that is responsible for the equality of all its citizens, as promised by its Declaration of Independence. A sovereign expression of the right of self-determination is also the description that is consistent with a multicultural and diverse democracy, which is the real nature of Israeli society. Within that framework is the possibility -- and I would argue the necessity -- of recognizing the collective rights of national minorities. An Israel with a substantial indigenous minority can and should acknowledge the freedom of its Palestinian citizens to determine their education, culture and other aspects of their communal life. In a parallel manner, a Palestinian state could and should reserve collective rights and protections for a Jewish minority, if some of the settlers now living on the West Bank choose to remain in what will become an independent Palestine. These reciprocal sets of rights and responsibilities can provide self-determination for two peoples within geographically segmented homelands, while mutually guaranteeing the rights of each other's minority cohort. But there are other requirements as well. Most Israelis, and I am one, accept that a negotiated version of the 1967 borders should represent the boundary between Israel and Palestine. But that does not absolve us of the responsibility to confront an earlier outcome -- that of 1948. This does not mean questioning the legitimacy of Israel, as some on the right fear. It simply means acknowledging that our independence came at the price of what Palestinians call the nakba (catastrophe). Understanding two narratives, even when they appear to be mutually exclusive, 2 of 3 10/14/2010 10:58 AM
  • 17. Naomi Chazan: Owning Our Identity means that the victors acknowledge some responsibility for the refugee issue that has been a major impediment to peace for many years. Seventeen years ago, the PLO acknowledged Israel's right to exist in peace and security, without even exacting Israel's recognition of its natural concomitant, a Palestinian state. Now, Prime Minister Netanyahu asks Palestinians, as well as all those who would become Israeli, to recognize a Jewish state as if that would somehow confer legitimacy or provide an answer to the conflict, ignoring the complexities that make such recognition both useless and impossible. Even if the Palestinian Authority were willing to make this absurd concession, it has no right to deny the rights of Israel's Palestinian and other non-Jewish citizens, and it has no responsibility to define what Israel is. That responsibility belongs to us, to Israelis. We must bring the right of self-determination of Jews to a balancing point with Israel's absolute obligation to remain an open, egalitarian and just democracy. Asking others to define us by our Jewishness will not make us more Jewish or more secure. It will not give us more legitimacy. Only we can decide who we are as a people. Only we can determine the nature of our multicultural and diverse society. Only we can mold our state, and our democracy. Naomi Chazan is the former Deputy Speaker of the Israeli Knesset, and currently the Dean of the School of Government and Society at the Academic College of Tel-Aviv-Yaffo and the President of the New Israel Fund. 3 of 3 10/14/2010 10:58 AM
  • 18. Don't Divest; Invest x Email x Print x Share By Naomi Paiss Editor’s Note: This article was written for Zeek in response to an essay by Jewish Voice for Peace advocating that Jews join the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement. The two essays appeared on Zeek’s website simultaneously, and benefit from being read together. Please comment on either piece, keeping in mind Zeek’s comment policy: all comments should address ideas in the articles. Comments that feature ad hominem attacks, or that use racist, sexist, homophobic, or language that attacks a religion or people qua religion or people (i.e. anti- Semitic, anti-Christian or anti-Islamic language), will be deleted at the editor’s discretion. Since 1979, the New Israel Fund has dedicated itself to a vision of Israel that lives up to its founders’ vision, as articulated in the Declaration of Independence, of a Jewish homeland and a shared society that is at peace with itself and its neighbors. Now, the New Israel Fund is the leading organization committed to equality and democracy for all Israelis. NIF strengthens organizations and leaders that work to achieve equality for all the citizens of the state; realize the civil and human rights of all, including Palestinian citizens of Israel; recognize and reinforce the essential pluralism of Israeli society; and empower groups on the economic margins of Israeli society. We are not a “peace” group and are not directly involved with negotiations. We don’t lobby the American government and we don’t opine on eventual borders or other final status issues. We do, however, oppose the occupation and the post-1967 settlement enterprise. We only support organizations registered with the Israeli government as non-profits in the state of Israel, and that includes Israeli organizations working for human and civil rights on both sides of the Green Line. At a time when the atmosphere in Israel is rapidly polarizing, it can be challenging to be pro- Israel, pro-peace and pro-democracy. The international anti-Israel forces on both the hard left and right are doing their best to make that characterization an oxymoron. But we are not going to relinquish the character of Israel to the extremists. We will not condemn Israel for its lifelong struggle for legitimacy and security in a neighborhood that often denies it both. Nor will we give up on the objective of a two-state solution – the solution we believe is the only viable answer to the need for two homelands for two peoples. 1
  • 19. Facts on the Ground Those who only see Israel through the lens of the conflict are missing too much about a vibrant, argumentative and intensely emotional society, one in which civil society organizations – the organizations NIF seed-funded or founded - are playing a key role in preserving and expanding progressive values. Having survived direct, vicious and dishonest attacks for much of the past year, NIF well understands the serious challenges to Israel’s democratic character. The recent Cabinet passage of the “loyalty oath” is only the latest in a series of outrageous attempts by ultra-nationalists to stifle dissent and ensure that Israel’s Palestinian minority is permanently relegated to second- class citizenship. Our family of organizations has been falsely attacked for complicity with the Goldstone report, assailed for our support of civil rights and freedom of conscience for the Palestinian community, and even labeled treasonous for our support of an increase in royalty payments to the government for new natural gas discoveries. Even the Likud Finance Minister supports that last one! In such an atmosphere, it would be easy to give up on Israel’s ability to reform itself from within and re-assert the values of liberal democracy. But we are not giving up, and that is precisely why we object to the tactics of the global boycott, divestment and sanctions movement. The BDS Message Those who assert that boycotts, divestment and sanctions are the only remaining route towards influencing a recalcitrant Israeli government misunderstand much about the effect of these tactics. For some time now, some Israeli leaders have described any criticism of Israeli government policy as part of a plot to “delegitimize” Israel. Obviously, we couldn’t disagree more, and we think healthy debate over every aspect of Israel’s society, and the existence of a free and vocal civil society, does more to legitimize Israel than any amount of cynical hasbara can accomplish. But it’s important to understand what lies behind that ‘delegitimizing’ message. Many if not most Israelis favor a two-state solution and a withdrawal to some negotiated version of the 1967 lines. Most oppose the settlement enterprise. But most also feel besieged and singled out by those outside Israel who hold it to a standard not applied to truly authoritarian and repressive regimes, from Russia to China to Sudan. From the equation of Zionism with racism more than forty years ago, to the current contortions of some international institutions that single out Israel for pariah status, many Israelis see uncompromising hostility to the entire endeavor of a Jewish homeland, not only to its actions or policies. We see global BDS as a tactic that embodies the message that Israel cannot and will not change itself, and for that reason, we think it is inflammatory and counter-productive. We see proposals that would ban Israeli academics, no matter what their personal and political views may be, from participation in the free exchange of ideas in international conferences. We see artists and musicians, who often come bearing badly-needed messages of peace and tolerance, being urged 2
  • 20. to take Israel off their tour itineraries. We see a message that says that Israel is beyond hope of redemption, that it must be held behind a cordon sanitaire of contempt and disengagement. And we disagree. The way to change Israel is not to divest, but to invest in Israelis and Palestinians who are struggling every day to change the status quo. From J Street and Americans for Peace Now in the U.S., to NIF and the hundreds of organizations we fund in Israel, to new NGOs working to build civil society in the occupied territories, there are hundreds of organizations and thousands of people who deserve financial support and a megaphone for their ideas and causes. For example, NIF supports a successful weaving micro-enterprise for Bedouin women in the Negev. We seed-funded a program that allows underprivileged immigrant women to turn their cooking talents into catering businesses. After the Second Lebanon War, we funded an artists’ co-operative in the North - in a former kibbutz chicken house! – to better publicize their work and products. Our action arm SHATIL is working with an innovative program to train underemployed Palestinian Israelis for work in the high-tech sector. These are just a few programs that provide support for tangible products and employment by Israelis who desperately need economic empowerment – the list of organizations successfully engendering social change in every sector is diverse and long. Anyone who is truly interested in a peaceful, multicultural and just Israel should realize that global BDS condemns these Israelis, and millions like them, to isolation and vilification. In a small and interconnected society like Israel, the blunt force of global BDS penalizes the innocent along with the guilty, pushes moderates towards right-wing nationalism, and spurs rejection of progressive and humanist values. And the key issue here is this: Israel has a history of self-correction. The reaction to the Sabra and Shatila massacres, the eventual support even on the center-right for a Palestinian state, the many High Court decisions expanding rights for Arabs, women, the LGBT community and other marginalized Israelis – these are not the mark of a society that does not question itself or evolve. Israel is not an ‘apartheid state’; that is a historically inaccurate and inflammatory term that serves only to demonize Israel and alienate a majority of Jews around the world, including those who care deeply about issues of democracy, human rights, social justice and peace. Israel is not South Africa; it is a country where thousands upon thousands of activists are busy with actions aimed at making their lives - and those of their fellow citizens - better. They have not capitulated to despair and to the abandonment of the goal of a just and egalitarian society. They will not forgive us if we do. The Exception to the Rule As is our way, we look for a more nuanced approach to the BDS issue. It is clear to us that products and services that come from the settlements are in a different category. It is also clear that Israelis who boycott the settlements, as did the artists who refused to perform in Ariel, are expressing their heartfelt opposition to Israel’s most misguided and damaging policy. As Israelis and Palestinians begin to organize themselves into non-violent 3
  • 21. protest of the settlements, including holding those settlements economically accountable, it is critically important to find ways to support those efforts productively and pro-actively. The settlements are not in Israel. They represent not “just” a blot on Israel as a just and decent nation, and a terrible danger to its survival, but also the waste of billions of shekels for security, expensive bypass roads, government-subsidized construction and mortgages, and more. Those are shekels that could be used to build a more prosperous and socially just Israel. Refusing products and services made in the settlements, and opposing government expenditures there, is well within the rights of every organization and individual who intends to influence the Israeli government to finally abandon the quixotic and immoral settlement enterprise. Not a Dead Armadillo Recently, an NIF board member was invited to speak at a panel in a community whose food co- op was considering a boycott of all Israeli products. Literally positioned between Stand With Us and Code Pink, she described our work and the alternatives to global BDS offered by the New Israel Fund and other pro-Israel, progressive organizations. At the end of the night, she was literally embraced by several audience members, who were urgently looking for ways to live their progressive values without shunning Israel as a pariah state, beyond redemption. A Texas populist once said the only things found in the middle of the road were yellow stripes and dead armadillos. Nope. Where Israel is concerned, there are too many on both the left and right whose intransigent insistence on a narrow and self-righteous narrative is hampering efforts to build a better and more open society. We at the New Israel Fund will continue to look for positive solutions to desperately difficult issues. We’ll continue to debate our friends and adversaries on these complicated issues, and listen to other points of view. And we’ll continue to ensure that there are means for engagement with Israel that really contribute to the long and arduous search for equality, justice and peace. Naomi Paiss is the Director of Communications of the New Israel Fund. 4
  • 22. Op-Ed: Fire’s devastation can lead to positive change | Israel's Carmel Fire... December 7, 2010 Fire's devastation can lead to positive change BY RACHEL LIEL AND DANIEL SOKATCH israels_carmel_fire/article /op-ed_fires_devastation_can_lead_to_positive_change_20101207/ Op-Ed: Fire’s devastation can lead to positive change By Rachel Liel and Daniel Sokatch SAN FRANCISCO (JTA)—It is hard to explain just how devastated Israelis are by the Carmel fire. But it is easier to explain how that devastation can become a positive force for positive change, right now, in Israel. The fire consumed at least 42 lives, thousands of forested acres and millions of shekels in property. With the assistance of a dozen foreign nations, the beleaguered firefighters finally got the resources they needed to battle a blaze that consumed more than its obvious victims. What may have perished in the fire is Israel’s sense of self-reliance, and the confidence of ordinary people that they can rely on their government and society to meet their needs. Just as the Second Lebanon War provoked questions about Israel’s readiness to withstand a bombing campaign, the Carmel fire illuminates issues that have been too readily subsumed in the endless attention to the conflict. We at the New Israel Fund are painfully aware that Israel is often seen two-dimensionally, even by its own government. It is of course a priority for Israel to pursue peace and security, but an exclusive focus on these issues skews attention and resources away from an equally critical task. We, the organization that founded and funded Israel’s civil society and that works every day on intractable social issues, know what that task is. It is building a society founded on equity and social justice, where every person has the opportunity to live a decent life, and building the infrastructure and the institutions that provide this opportunity to all. It is security, yes, but in a sense that extends far beyond fighter planes and a separation fence. What Israel discovered last week is that while it prides itself on its strength, it is in some ways far, far too weak. There wasn’t the proper equipment for fighting fires, and the supply of fire-retardant chemicals was exhausted even before the Carmel ignited. Just a few weeks ago, when the 40-story Shalom Tower in Tel Aviv was burning, it turned out that the Tel Aviv Fire Department does not have a hook-and-ladder truck that extends beyond 10 stories. Israel sits on an earthquake fault and has done little to plan for that eventuality, while in a drought-stricken region water and development policies are enmeshed in money interests and politics, not in sustainable growth. For too long, under successive governments, Israeli society has polarized between the center and the periphery, the Jews and the Arabs, the religious and the secular, the haves and the have-nots. The current government, paying attention to the demands of its political coalition, is channeling even more money into stipends for non-working yeshiva students and radical settler incursions into Palestinian neighborhoods of eastern Jerusalem. But every government has been held hostage to the demands of specific constituencies, the inequalities persist, and now poverty in Israel is more widespread than in any of the 30 European Union nations. Income inequality in Israel is second only to the United States among developed nations, and Israeli schools, public lands and infrastructure are deteriorating quickly. This situation can and must change. The Carmel fire may have been Israel’s Katrina, but we and many people like us will insist on a faster recovery than New Orleans experienced. We know the real strength of Israel is not only in its military but in its people—the thousands of ordinary people we work with every day. The day the fire started, grass-roots organizations of the North began mobilizing. A day after it ended, our Haifa office was already gearing up with our grantees and partners for the huge tasks of long-term recovery. We will work to ensure that there is compensation for the victims and the homeless, and that it is distributed fairly. Environmental groups are too infrequently consulted in Israel; we will make sure they are at the table when the future of the Carmel Forest is considered. The fire re-ignited anti-Arab invective in some segments of society; our longstanding leadership of Arab and Jewish groups in the North will substantiate efforts to eradicate racism and build a truly shared society. Israel’s beautiful Carmel Forest is burnt and black. Its people’s faith in their government is shaken. But Israel does have a civil society, which means that there is a force that enables ordinary people to change their circumstances, even if they are not wealthy or politically connected. Civil society empowers and ennobles and, yes, sometimes enrages the powers- that-be. 1 of 2 12/8/2010 9:59 AM
  • 23. Op-Ed: Fire’s devastation can lead to positive change | Israel's Carmel Fire... Now is the time for ordinary Israelis to insist on leadership that is accountable and fair, and on a society that plans for peace and prosperity, not just for defense and war. It is time for all of us, Israeli and American, to see Israel in all its dimensions, in all its needs and in all its possibilities. Rachel Liel is the executive director in Israel and Daniel Sokatch the CEO of the New Israel Fund. © Copyright 2010 Tribe Media Corp. All rights reserved. is hosted by Homepage design by Koret Communications. Widgets by Mijits. Site construction by Hop Studios. 2 of 2 12/8/2010 9:59 AM
  • 24. C O U N T E R I N G R E S I S TA N C E NEW ISRAEL FUND attacks on NIF for what they were, not being shy in asking our friends to speak out for us, and doing the A liberal funder analysis necessary to understand the charges levelled at us and the way our own words and actions had been misrepresented. It also meant working closely with our under attack Daniel Sokatch and Rachel Liel Last winter, a so-called Israeli ‘student group’ launched an attack more controversial grantees to present a united front that still allowed institutional autonomy for all of us. Finally, it meant accelerating a process already un- on the New Israel Fund (NIF). Despite NIF’s 32-year track record der way, of better defining NIF and our goals. NIF has of building and sustaining progressive civil society, we found long been a ‘big tent’ – the first funder of civil soci- ourselves in the fight of our lives to protect our organization, in ety groups representing women and gays, Russians Israel and worldwide. and Ethiopians, single mothers and the disabled, and Israel’s most marginalized minority, its Palestinian The attack was triggered by NIF’s human rights grant- citizens. But we are associated with the left. Our val- ees providing eyewitness accounts of Israeli Defence ues are progressive. We are not a neutral funder, and Force (IDF) misbehaviour during the 2009 Gaza war we have specific positions, including opposing the to the investigating UN commission, some of which occupation and the settlement enterprise. found their way into the controversial Goldstone As we are the leading organization advancing Israeli report. The ‘student group’ produced a well-funded democracy, our self-examination needed to exemplify report attacking us for disloyalty. Their report was the kind of society we ourselves would like to see in eventually debunked, but other groups associated Israel. We started a process of dialogue that included with the hard right continued the assault. They at- our staff, board, friends, grantees and clients, and even tempted to associate NIF with global BDS (boycott, some of our critics. We clarified and codified principles sanctions and divestment), universal jurisdiction cas- that we believe characterize our values and work, but es against Israeli officials, and rejection of the Jewish which in a highly charged atmosphere involved care- character of Israel. The accusations were dishonest: we ful thinking through intent and language. We applied Daniel Sokatch is the CEO of NIF and oppose all of these positions. But, at a time when the those principles to the creation of more specific fund- Rachel Liel is its Israeli public is highly sensitive to what is termed the ing guidelines, institutionalized a policy mechanism, Executive Director in Israel. Email info@ ‘de-legitimization’ of Israel, they were still damaging. and more clearly defined NIF to our stakeholders and Almost immediately, the many supporters of NIF to the public at large. worldwide recognized these attacks as part of a cal- The outcome of the attacks on NIF, and on progressive culated assault on the principles of Israeli democracy.civil society in Israel, is still in doubt. On the posi- (More than a dozen bills have now been introduced in tive side, the Attorney General of Israel has found no the Knesset, threatening to defund, penalize or even grounds to investigate NIF. The IDF has changed the criminalize civil society or otherwise restrict demo- way it operates, crediting the reports of human rights cratic freedoms.) We were symbolic of everything that groups for information it needed to improve itself. Chanukah outrages the ultra-nationalist Israeli right. When our ‘student group’ attackers went after academ- candle-lighting event at the With our entire Israeli board and staff leadership in ic freedom at a leading Israeli university, hundreds of Western Wall protesting gender New York for our winter board meeting, our initial Israeli leaders and academics protested and the group segregation. response was, to put it plainly, improvised. Our in- lost its largest source of funding. vestment in communications and marketing, both in We are continuing to expand our advocacy efforts, Israel and in the US, Canada and the UK, has always understanding that it is now as important a line of been small. But our senior staff, our board leadership work for NIF as grantmaking or capacity-building. and we ourselves had many years’ experience of ad- Thousands of new supporters have joined us in Israel vocacy and we learned, under fire, to become better and worldwide. Our notoriety has made us a better, advocates for ourselves. That meant reaffirming our stronger and more visible organization. Certainly not commitment to our values, to our mission and to the what our attackers planned. conviction that what we do is valuable and necessary. But we’ll take it. In practical terms, it meant creating a crisis commu- nications team in both Israel and the US, exposing the For more information Alliance Volume 15 Number 4 December 2010