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Small Code
Ruby on Ales 2014

Mark Menard
Enable Labs

Enable Labs


‘The great thing about
writing shitty code that “just
works,” is that it is too risky
and too expensive to
change, so it lives forever.’!

-Reginald Braithwaite @raganwald

Enable Labs


Enable Labs

What do I mean by small?

Enable Labs

It’s not
about total
line count.
Enable Labs

It’s not about
Enable Labs

It’s not
about class

Enable Labs

So, what do I mean by small?
Small methods!

Enable Labs

Small classes

Why should we strive for small code?

We don’t know what the future will bring!
Raise the level of abstraction!
Create composable components!
Prefer delegation over inheritance

Enable Labs

Why should we strive for small code?

We don’t know what the future will bring!
Raise the level of abstraction!
Create composable components!
Prefer delegation over inheritance

Enable Future Change

Enable Labs

What are the challenges of small code?

• Dependency Management!
• Context Management

Enable Labs

The goal: Small units of
understandable code that
are amenable to change.

Enable Labs

Our Primary Tools

Extract Method!
Move Method!
Extract Class

Enable Labs

Let’s Look at Some Code

Enable Labs

% some_ruby_program -v -sfoo

Enable Labs


options = do
option :v
option :s, :string

Enable Labs


if options.valid?
if options.value(:v)
# Do something

if (s_option = options.value(:s))
# Do something

Enable Labs


if options.valid?
if options.value(:v)
# Do something

if (s_option = options.value(:s))
# Do something

Enable Labs


if options.valid?
if options.value(:v)
# Do something

if (s_option = options.value(:s))
# Do something

Enable Labs


# some_ruby_program -v -sfoo

options = do
option :v
option :s, :string

if options.valid?
if options.value(:v)
# Do something

if (s_option = options.value(:s))
# Do something

Enable Labs


class CommandLineOptions





attr_accessor :argv
attr_reader :options
def initialize (argv = [], &block)
@options = {}
@argv = argv
instance_eval &block
def option (option_flag, option_type = :boolean)
options[option_flag] = option_type
def valid?
options.each do |option_flag, option_type|
raw_value = argv.find { |arg| arg =~ /^-#{option_flag}/ }
return false if option_type == :string && raw_value && raw_value.length < 3
def value (option_flag)
raw_option_value = argv.find { |arg| arg =~ /^-#{option_flag}/ }
return nil unless raw_option_value
option_type = options[option_flag]
return true if option_type == :boolean && raw_option_value
return raw_option_value[2..-1] if option_type == :string


Enable Labs


class CommandLineOptions

def initialize (argv = [], &block)
@options = {}
@argv = argv
instance_eval &block



Enable Labs

# In some_ruby_program
options = do
option :v
option :s, :string

class CommandLineOptions

def option (option_flag, option_type = :boolean)
options[option_flag] = option_type



Enable Labs

# In some_ruby_program
options = do
option :v
option :s, :string


class CommandLineOptions



def valid?
options.each do |option_flag, option_type|
raw_value = argv.find { |arg| arg =~ /^-#{option_flag}/ }
return false if option_type == :string && raw_value && raw_value.length < 3


Enable Labs


class CommandLineOptions
def value (option_flag)
raw_option_value = argv.find { |arg| arg =~ /^-#{option_flag}/ }
return nil unless raw_option_value
option_type = options[option_flag]
return true if option_type == :boolean && raw_option_value
return raw_option_value[2..-1] if option_type == :string

Enable Labs


boolean options	
are true if present	
are false if absent	
string options	
must have content	
are valid if there is content	
are valid if not in argv	
can return the value	
return nil if not in argv	

Finished in 0.00401 seconds	
7 examples, 0 failures

Enable Labs



Enable Labs

“The object programs that live
best and longest are those with
short methods.”!
! ! ! ! ! ! -Refactoring by Fields, Harvey, Fowler, Black

Enable Labs

The first rule of methods:

Enable Labs

Do one thing. Do it well. Do only
that thing.

Enable Labs

One level of abstraction per

Enable Labs

Use Descriptive Names

Enable Labs

The fewer arguments the better.

Enable Labs

Separate Queries from Commands

Enable Labs

Don’t Repeat Yourself

Enable Labs

class CommandLineOptions




def valid?
options.each do |option_flag, option_type|
raw_value = argv.find { |arg| arg =~ /^-#{option_flag}/ }
return false if option_type == :string && raw_value && raw_value.length < 3
def value (option_flag)
raw_option_value = argv.find { |arg| arg =~ /^-#{option_flag}/ }
return nil unless raw_option_value
option_type = options[option_flag]
return true if option_type == :boolean && raw_option_value
return raw_option_value[2..-1] if option_type == :string


Enable Labs


class CommandLineOptions




def valid?
options.each do |option_flag, option_type|
raw_value = argv.find { |arg| arg =~ /^-#{option_flag}/ }
return false if option_type == :string && raw_value && raw_value.length < 3
def value (option_flag)
raw_option_value = argv.find { |arg| arg =~ /^-#{option_flag}/ }
return nil unless raw_option_value
option_type = options[option_flag]
return true if option_type == :boolean && raw_option_value
return raw_option_value[2..-1] if option_type == :string


Enable Labs


class CommandLineOptions




def valid?
options.each do |option_flag, option_type|
raw_value = argv.find { |arg| arg =~ /^-#{option_flag}/ }
return false if option_type == :string && raw_value && raw_value.length < 3
def value (option_flag)
raw_option_value = argv.find { |arg| arg =~ /^-#{option_flag}/ }
return nil unless raw_option_value
option_type = options[option_flag]
return true if option_type == :boolean && raw_option_value
return raw_option_value[2..-1] if option_type == :string


Enable Labs


class CommandLineOptions




def valid?
options.each do |option_flag, option_type|
raw_value = argv.find { |arg| arg =~ /^-#{option_flag}/ }
return false if option_type == :string && raw_value && raw_value.length < 3
def value (option_flag)
raw_option_value = argv.find { |arg| arg =~ /^-#{option_flag}/ }
return nil unless raw_option_value
option_type = options[option_flag]
return true if option_type == :boolean && raw_option_value
return raw_option_value[2..-1] if option_type == :string


Enable Labs


Extract Method Refactoring
def print_invoice_for_amount (amount)
puts "Name: #{@name}"
puts "Amount: #{amount}"

Enable Labs

Extract Method Refactoring
def print_invoice_for_amount (amount)
puts "Name: #{@name}"
puts "Amount: #{amount}"

High level of abstraction

Enable Labs

Extract Method Refactoring
def print_invoice_for_amount (amount)
puts "Name: #{@name}"
puts "Amount: #{amount}"

Low level of abstraction

Enable Labs

Extract Method Refactoring
def print_invoice_for_amount (amount)
puts "Name: #{@name}"
puts "Amount: #{amount}"

Move this to here

Enable Labs

def print_invoice_for_amount (amount)
print_details (amount)


def print_details (amount)
puts "Name: #{@name}"
puts "Amount: #{amount}"

Extract Method Refactoring
def print_invoice_for_amount (amount)
puts "Name: #{@name}"
puts "Amount: #{amount}"

Move this to here

Enable Labs

Same level of abstraction

def print_invoice_for_amount (amount)
print_details (amount)


def print_details (amount)
puts "Name: #{@name}"
puts "Amount: #{amount}"

Extract Method Refactoring
def print_invoice_for_amount (amount)
puts "Name: #{@name}"
puts "Amount: #{amount}"

def print_invoice_for_amount (amount)
print_details (amount)


def print_details (amount)
puts "Name: #{@name}"
puts "Amount: #{amount}"

Enable Labs

class CommandLineOptions




def valid?
options.each do |option_flag, option_type|
raw_option_value = raw_value_for_option(option_flag)
return false if option_type == :string && raw_option_value && raw_option_value.length < 3
def value (option_flag)
raw_option_value = raw_value_for_option(option_flag)
return nil unless raw_option_value
option_type = options[option_flag]
return true if option_type == :boolean && raw_option_value
return raw_option_value[2..-1] if option_type == :string
def raw_value_for_option (option_flag)
argv.find { |arg| arg =~ /^-#{option_flag}/ }


Enable Labs


class CommandLineOptions




def valid?
options.each do |option_flag, option_type|
raw_option_value = raw_value_for_option(option_flag)
return false if option_type == :string && raw_option_value && raw_option_value.length < 3
def value (option_flag)
raw_option_value = raw_value_for_option(option_flag)
return nil unless raw_option_value
option_type = options[option_flag]
return true if option_type == :boolean && raw_option_value
return raw_option_value[2..-1] if option_type == :string
def raw_value_for_option (option_flag)
argv.find { |arg| arg =~ /^-#{option_flag}/ }


Enable Labs


class CommandLineOptions




def valid?
options.each do |option_flag, option_type|
raw_option_value = raw_value_for_option(option_flag)
return false if option_type == :string && raw_option_value && raw_option_value.length < 3
def value (option_flag)
raw_option_value = raw_value_for_option(option_flag)
return nil unless raw_option_value
option_type = options[option_flag]
return true if option_type == :boolean && raw_option_value
return raw_option_value[2..-1] if option_type == :string
def raw_value_for_option (option_flag)
argv.find { |arg| arg =~ /^-#{option_flag}/ }


Enable Labs


class CommandLineOptions




def valid?
options.each do |option_flag, option_type|
raw_option_value = raw_value_for_option(option_flag)
return false if option_type == :string && raw_option_value && raw_option_value.length < 3
def value (option_flag)
raw_option_value = raw_value_for_option(option_flag)
return nil unless raw_option_value
option_type = options[option_flag]
return true if option_type == :boolean && raw_option_value
return raw_option_value[2..-1] if option_type == :string


Enable Labs


class CommandLineOptions




def valid?
options.each do |option_flag, option_type|
raw_option_value = raw_value_for_option(option_flag)
return false if option_type == :string && !string_option_valid?(raw_option_value)
def value (option_flag)
raw_option_value = raw_value_for_option(option_flag)
return nil unless raw_option_value
option_type = options[option_flag]
return true if option_type == :boolean && raw_option_value
return extract_content(raw_option_value) if option_type == :string


Enable Labs


# some_ruby_program -v -efoo -i100

options = do
option :v
option :e, :string
option :i, :integer

verbose = options.value(:v)
expression = options.value(:e)
iteration_count = options.value(:i) || 1

Enable Labs


class CommandLineOptions





attr_accessor :argv
attr_reader :options
def initialize (argv = [], &block)
@options = {}
@argv = argv
instance_eval &block
def option (option_flag, option_type = :boolean)
options[option_flag] = option_type
def valid?
options.each do |option_flag, option_type|
raw_option_value = raw_value_for_option(option_flag)
return false if (option_type == :string || option_type == :integer) &&
raw_option_value && raw_option_value.length < 3
return false if option_type == :integer && raw_option_value &&
!(Integer(raw_option_value[2..-1]) rescue false)
def value (option_flag)
raw_option_value = raw_value_for_option(option_flag)
return nil unless raw_option_value
option_type = options[option_flag]
return true if option_type == :boolean && raw_option_value
return raw_option_value[2..-1] if option_type == :string
return (Integer(raw_option_value[2..-1])) if option_type == :integer
private def raw_value_for_option (option_flag)
argv.find { |arg| arg =~ /^-#{option_flag}/ }


Enable Labs


boolean options	
are true if present	
are false if absent	
string options	
must have content	
are valid if there is content	
are valid if not in argv	
can return the value	
return nil if not in argv	
integer options	
must have content	
are valid if there is content and it's an integer	
are invalid if the content is not an integer	
are valid if not in argv	
can return the value	
return nil if not in argv	

Finished in 0.00338 seconds	
13 examples, 0 failures	

Enable Labs


class CommandLineOptions



def valid?
options.each do |option_flag, option_type|
raw_option_value = raw_value_for_option(option_flag)
return false if (option_type == :string || option_type == :integer) &&
raw_option_value && raw_option_value.length < 3
return false if option_type == :integer && raw_option_value &&
!(Integer(raw_option_value[2..-1]) rescue false)


Enable Labs


class CommandLineOptions



def valid?
options.each do |option_flag, option_type|
raw_option_value = raw_value_for_option(option_flag)
return false if (option_type == :string || option_type == :integer) &&
raw_option_value && raw_option_value.length < 3
return false if option_type == :integer && raw_option_value &&
!(Integer(raw_option_value[2..-1]) rescue false)


Enable Labs


class CommandLineOptions



def valid?
options.each do |option_flag, option_type|
raw_option_value = raw_value_for_option(option_flag)
return false if (option_type == :string || option_type == :integer) &&
raw_option_value && raw_option_value.length < 3
return false if option_type == :integer && raw_option_value &&
!(Integer(raw_option_value[2..-1]) rescue false)


Enable Labs


class CommandLineOptions



def value (option_flag)
raw_option_value = raw_value_for_option(option_flag)
return nil unless raw_option_value
option_type = options[option_flag]
return true if option_type == :boolean && raw_option_value
return raw_option_value[2..-1] if option_type == :string
return (Integer(raw_option_value[2..-1])) if option_type == :integer


Enable Labs


class CommandLineOptions



def value (option_flag)
raw_option_value = raw_value_for_option(option_flag)
return nil unless raw_option_value
option_type = options[option_flag]
return true if option_type == :boolean && raw_option_value
return raw_option_value[2..-1] if option_type == :string
return (Integer(raw_option_value[2..-1])) if option_type == :integer


Enable Labs


class CommandLineOptions



def value (option_flag)
raw_option_value = raw_value_for_option(option_flag)
return nil unless raw_option_value
option_type = options[option_flag]
return true if option_type == :boolean && raw_option_value
return raw_option_value[2..-1] if option_type == :string
return (Integer(raw_option_value[2..-1])) if option_type == :integer


Enable Labs


class CommandLineOptions



def valid?
options.each do |option_flag, option_type|
raw_option_value = raw_value_for_option(option_flag)
when :string
return false if raw_option_value && raw_option_value.length < 3
when :integer
return false if raw_option_value && raw_option_value.length < 3
return false if raw_option_value && !(Integer(raw_option_value[2..-1]) rescue false)


Enable Labs


class CommandLineOptions
def value (option_flag)
raw_option_value = raw_value_for_option(option_flag)
return nil unless raw_option_value
option_type = options[option_flag]
return case(option_type)
when :string
when :integer
when :boolean
return true if option_type == :boolean && raw_option_value

Enable Labs


How do we write small classes?

Write small methods!
Talk to the class!
Find a good name!
Isolate Responsibilities!
Find cohesive sets of variables/properties!
Extract Class!
Move method

Enable Labs

What are the characteristics of a
well designed small class?


Single responsibility!
Cohesive properties!
Small public interface (preferably a handful of
methods at the most)!
Implements a single Use Case if possible!
Primary logic is expressed in a composed method!

Enable Labs

class CommandLineOptions



attr_accessor :argv
attr_reader :options
def initialize (argv = [], &block)
@options = {}
@argv = argv
instance_eval &block
def valid?
def value (option_flag)


def option (option_flag, option_type = :boolean)
options[option_flag] = build_option(option_flag, option_type)
def build_option
# Need to write this.


Enable Labs


class CommandLineOptions


def valid?

def value (option_flag)

def build_option
# Need to write this.


Enable Labs



Enable Labs

How do we deal with
• Dependency Inversion!
• Depend on Stable Abstractions

Enable Labs

private def option (option_flag, option_type = :boolean)
options[option_flag] = case (option_type)
when :boolean
return, nil)
when :string
return, nil)
when :integer
return, nil)

Enable Labs


class CommandLineOptions


def build_option (option_flag, option_type)
"#{option_type}_option", raw_value_for_option(option_flag))


Enable Labs


class Option



def initialize (flag, raw_value)
@flag = flag
@raw_value = raw_value


class StringOption < Option



attr_reader :flag, :raw_value



class IntegerOption < Option

def valid?
return true unless raw_value
raw_value && raw_value.length > 2

def value
return nil unless raw_value

Enable Labs


def valid?
return true unless raw_value
(raw_value && raw_value.length > 2) &&
(Integer(raw_value[2..-1]) rescue false)

def value
return nil unless raw_value


class BooleanOption < Option


def valid?

def value




class StringOption < Option

def valid?
options.each do |option_flag, option_type|
raw_option_value = raw_value_for_option(option_flag)


when :string
return false if raw_option_value &&
raw_option_value.length < 3
when :integer
return false if raw_option_value
&& raw_option_value.length < 3
return false if raw_option_value &&
!(Integer(raw_option_value[2..-1]) rescue false)


def value
return nil unless raw_value


def value (option_flag)
raw_option_value = raw_value_for_option(option_flag)
return nil unless raw_option_value
option_type = options[option_flag]
return case(option_type)
when :string
when :integer
when :boolean
return true if option_type == :boolean && raw_option_value

Enable Labs

def valid?
return true unless raw_value
raw_value && raw_value.length > 2


IntegerOption < Option

def valid?
return true unless raw_value
(raw_value && raw_value.length > 2) &&
(Integer(raw_value[2..-1]) rescue false)

def value
return nil unless raw_value


class StringOption < Option

class CommandLineOptions
def valid?
def value (option_flag)

Enable Labs


def valid?
return true unless raw_value
raw_value && raw_value.length > 2

def value
return nil unless raw_value



IntegerOption < Option

def valid?
return true unless raw_value
(raw_value && raw_value.length > 2) &&
(Integer(raw_value[2..-1]) rescue false)

def value
return nil unless raw_value


Option classes	
stores it's flag	
stores it's raw value	
is true if the raw value is present	
is false if the raw value is nil	
is valid	
invalid when there is no content	
is valid if there is content	
is valid if raw value is nil	
can return the value	
value is nil if raw value is nil	
is invalid without content	
is invalid if the content is not an integer	
is valid if there is content and it's an integer	
is valid if raw value is nil	
can return the value	
returns nil if raw value is nil	

Finished in 0.00495 seconds	
22 examples, 0 failures, 6 pending	

Enable Labs


How do we isolate abstractions?
Separate the “what”
from the “how”.

Enable Labs


def valid?
options.each do |option_flag, option_type|
raw_option_value = raw_value_for_option(option_flag)
when :string
return false if raw_option_value && raw_option_value.length < 3
when :integer
return false if raw_option_value && raw_option_value.length < 3
return false if raw_option_value && !(Integer(raw_option_value[2..-1]) rescue false)

def valid?

Enable Labs


def value (option_flag)
raw_option_value = raw_value_for_option(option_flag)
return nil unless raw_option_value
option_type = options[option_flag]
return true if option_type == :boolean && raw_option_value
return raw_option_value[2..-1] if option_type == :string
return (Integer(raw_option_value[2..-1])) if option_type == :integer

def value (option_flag)

Enable Labs


class CommandLineOptions



attr_accessor :argv
attr_reader :options
def initialize (argv = [], &block)
@options = {}
@argv = argv
instance_eval &block
def valid?
def value (option_flag)
def option (option_flag, option_type = :boolean)
options[option_flag] = build_option(option_flag, option_type)
def build_option (option_flag, option_type)
"#{option_type}_option", raw_value_for_option(option_flag))
def raw_value_for_option (option_flag)
argv.find { |arg| arg =~ /^-#{option_flag}/ }


Enable Labs



def valid?

def value (option_flag)

Enable Labs


builds an option object for each defined option (PENDING: Not yet implemented)	
is valid if all options are valid (PENDING: Not yet implemented)	
is invalid if any option is invalid (PENDING: Not yet implemented)	
option object conventions	
uses a StringOption for string options (PENDING: Not yet implemented)	
uses a BooleanOption for boolean options (PENDING: Not yet implemented)	
uses an IntegerOption for integer options (PENDING: Not yet implemented)

Enable Labs


describe CommandLineOptions do
it "builds an option object for each defined option" do
options =[ "-v" ]) { option :v }
expect(options.options.values.size).to eq(1)






it "is valid if all options are valid" do
options =[ "-sfoo" ]) { option :s, :string }
expect(options.valid?).to be_true
it "is invalid if any option is invalid" do
options =[ "-s" ]) { option :s, :string }
expect(options.valid?).to be_false
describe "option object conventions" do
it "uses a StringOption for string options" do
options =[ "-s" ]) { option :s, :string }
expect(options.options[:s].class).to eq(StringOption)
it "uses a BooleanOption for boolean options" do
options =[ "-s" ]) { option :v }
expect(options.options[:v].class).to eq(BooleanOption)

it "uses an IntegerOption for integer options" do
options =[ "-s" ]) { option :i, :integer }
expect(options.options[:i].class).to eq(IntegerOption)

Enable Labs


describe CommandLineOptions do
it "builds an option object for each defined option" do
options =[ "-v" ]) { option :v }
expect(options.options.values.size).to eq(1)






it "is valid if all options are valid" do
options =[ "-sfoo" ]) { option :s, :string }
expect(options.valid?).to be_true
it "is invalid if any option is invalid" do
options =[ "-s" ]) { option :s, :string }
expect(options.valid?).to be_false
describe "option object conventions" do
it "uses a StringOption for string options" do
options =[ "-s" ]) { option :s, :string }
expect(options.options[:s].class).to eq(StringOption)
it "uses a BooleanOption for boolean options" do
options =[ "-s" ]) { option :v }
expect(options.options[:v].class).to eq(BooleanOption)

it "uses an IntegerOption for integer options" do
options =[ "-s" ]) { option :i, :integer }
expect(options.options[:i].class).to eq(IntegerOption)

Enable Labs


describe CommandLineOptions do
it "builds an option object for each defined option" do
options =[ "-v" ]) { option :v }
expect(options.options.values.size).to eq(1)






it "is valid if all options are valid" do
options =[ "-sfoo" ]) { option :s, :string }
expect(options.valid?).to be_true
it "is invalid if any option is invalid" do
options =[ "-s" ]) { option :s, :string }
expect(options.valid?).to be_false
describe "option object conventions" do
it "uses a StringOption for string options" do
options =[ "-s" ]) { option :s, :string }
expect(options.options[:s].class).to eq(StringOption)
it "uses a BooleanOption for boolean options" do
options =[ "-s" ]) { option :v }
expect(options.options[:v].class).to eq(BooleanOption)

it "uses an IntegerOption for integer options" do
options =[ "-s" ]) { option :i, :integer }
expect(options.options[:i].class).to eq(IntegerOption)

Enable Labs


builds an option object for each defined option	
is valid if all options are valid	
is invalid if any option is invalid	
option object conventions	
uses a StringOption for string options	
uses a BooleanOption for boolean options	
uses an IntegerOption for integer options	

Enable Labs



Enable Labs

some_ruby_program -v -efoo -i100 -afoo,bar,baz

Enable Labs


describe "array options" do
it "can return the value as an array" do
expect([ "-afoo,bar,baz" ]) { option :a, :array }.value(:a)).to eq(["foo", "bar", "baz"])

Enable Labs


describe "array options" do
it "can return the value as an array" do
expect([ "-afoo,bar,baz" ]) { option :a, :array }.value(:a)).to eq(["foo", "bar", "baz"])

class ArrayOption < OptionWithContent
def value
return nil if option_unset?

Enable Labs


boolean options	
are true if present	
are false if absent	
string options	
must have content	
is valid when there is content	
can return the value	
return nil if not in argv	
integer options	
must have content	
must be an integer	
can return the value as an integer	
returns nil if not in argv	
array options	
can return the value as an array	

has a flag	
is valid when it has no raw value	
is valid when it has a value	
can return it's value when present	
returns nil if the flag has no raw value	

Enable Labs


Now We’re Done!!
Let them implement their own
option classes. It’s easy.

Enable Labs


Syntax highlighting: pbpaste | highlight --syntax=rb --style=edit-xcode -out-format=rtf | pbcopy!


Command line option example inspiration Uncle Bob.

Enable Labs

Enable Labs

Start Today
Enable Labs


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Small Code - Ruby on Ales 2014

  • 1. Small Code Ruby on Ales 2014 Mark Menard @mark_menard Enable Labs Enable Labs ! @mark_menard
  • 2. ‘The great thing about writing shitty code that “just works,” is that it is too risky and too expensive to change, so it lives forever.’! ! ! -Reginald Braithwaite @raganwald Enable Labs @mark_menard
  • 4. What do I mean by small? Enable Labs @mark_menard
  • 5. It’s not about total line count. Enable Labs @mark_menard
  • 8. So, what do I mean by small? Small methods! Enable Labs Small classes @mark_menard
  • 9. Why should we strive for small code? • • • • We don’t know what the future will bring! Raise the level of abstraction! Create composable components! Prefer delegation over inheritance Enable Labs @mark_menard
  • 10. Why should we strive for small code? • • • • We don’t know what the future will bring! Raise the level of abstraction! Create composable components! Prefer delegation over inheritance Enable Future Change Enable Labs @mark_menard
  • 11. What are the challenges of small code? • Dependency Management! • Context Management Enable Labs @mark_menard
  • 12. The goal: Small units of understandable code that are amenable to change. Enable Labs @mark_menard
  • 13. Our Primary Tools • • • Extract Method! Move Method! Extract Class Enable Labs @mark_menard
  • 14. Let’s Look at Some Code Enable Labs @mark_menard
  • 15. % some_ruby_program -v -sfoo Enable Labs !14 @mark_menard
  • 16. options = do option :v option :s, :string end Enable Labs !15 @mark_menard
  • 17. if options.valid? if options.value(:v) # Do something end ! if (s_option = options.value(:s)) # Do something end end Enable Labs !16 @mark_menard
  • 18. if options.valid? if options.value(:v) # Do something end ! if (s_option = options.value(:s)) # Do something end end Enable Labs !16 @mark_menard
  • 19. if options.valid? if options.value(:v) # Do something end ! if (s_option = options.value(:s)) # Do something end end Enable Labs !16 @mark_menard
  • 20. # some_ruby_program -v -sfoo ! options = do option :v option :s, :string end ! if options.valid? if options.value(:v) # Do something end ! if (s_option = options.value(:s)) # Do something end end Enable Labs !17 @mark_menard
  • 21. class CommandLineOptions ! ! ! ! ! ! attr_accessor :argv attr_reader :options def initialize (argv = [], &block) @options = {} @argv = argv instance_eval &block end def option (option_flag, option_type = :boolean) options[option_flag] = option_type end def valid? options.each do |option_flag, option_type| raw_value = argv.find { |arg| arg =~ /^-#{option_flag}/ } return false if option_type == :string && raw_value && raw_value.length < 3 end end def value (option_flag) raw_option_value = argv.find { |arg| arg =~ /^-#{option_flag}/ } return nil unless raw_option_value option_type = options[option_flag] return true if option_type == :boolean && raw_option_value return raw_option_value[2..-1] if option_type == :string end end Enable Labs !18 @mark_menard
  • 22. class CommandLineOptions ! … def initialize (argv = [], &block) @options = {} @argv = argv instance_eval &block end ! … ! end Enable Labs # In some_ruby_program options = do option :v option :s, :string end !19 @mark_menard
  • 23. class CommandLineOptions ! … def option (option_flag, option_type = :boolean) options[option_flag] = option_type end ! … ! end Enable Labs # In some_ruby_program options = do option :v option :s, :string end !20 @mark_menard
  • 24. class CommandLineOptions ! ! ! ! … def valid? options.each do |option_flag, option_type| raw_value = argv.find { |arg| arg =~ /^-#{option_flag}/ } return false if option_type == :string && raw_value && raw_value.length < 3 end end … end Enable Labs !21 @mark_menard
  • 25. class CommandLineOptions ! … ! def value (option_flag) raw_option_value = argv.find { |arg| arg =~ /^-#{option_flag}/ } return nil unless raw_option_value option_type = options[option_flag] return true if option_type == :boolean && raw_option_value return raw_option_value[2..-1] if option_type == :string end ! … ! end Enable Labs !22 @mark_menard
  • 26. CommandLineOptions boolean options are true if present are false if absent string options must have content are valid if there is content are valid if not in argv can return the value return nil if not in argv ! Finished in 0.00401 seconds 7 examples, 0 failures Enable Labs !23 @mark_menard
  • 28. “The object programs that live best and longest are those with short methods.”! ! ! ! ! ! ! -Refactoring by Fields, Harvey, Fowler, Black Enable Labs @mark_menard
  • 29. The first rule of methods: Enable Labs @mark_menard
  • 30. Do one thing. Do it well. Do only that thing. Enable Labs @mark_menard
  • 31. One level of abstraction per method. Enable Labs @mark_menard
  • 32. Use Descriptive Names Enable Labs @mark_menard
  • 33. The fewer arguments the better. Enable Labs @mark_menard
  • 34. Separate Queries from Commands Enable Labs @mark_menard
  • 35. Don’t Repeat Yourself Enable Labs @mark_menard
  • 36. class CommandLineOptions ! ! ! ! ! … def valid? options.each do |option_flag, option_type| raw_value = argv.find { |arg| arg =~ /^-#{option_flag}/ } return false if option_type == :string && raw_value && raw_value.length < 3 end end def value (option_flag) raw_option_value = argv.find { |arg| arg =~ /^-#{option_flag}/ } return nil unless raw_option_value option_type = options[option_flag] return true if option_type == :boolean && raw_option_value return raw_option_value[2..-1] if option_type == :string end … end Enable Labs !33 @mark_menard
  • 37. class CommandLineOptions ! ! ! ! ! … def valid? options.each do |option_flag, option_type| raw_value = argv.find { |arg| arg =~ /^-#{option_flag}/ } return false if option_type == :string && raw_value && raw_value.length < 3 end end def value (option_flag) raw_option_value = argv.find { |arg| arg =~ /^-#{option_flag}/ } return nil unless raw_option_value option_type = options[option_flag] return true if option_type == :boolean && raw_option_value return raw_option_value[2..-1] if option_type == :string end … end Enable Labs !33 @mark_menard
  • 38. class CommandLineOptions ! ! ! ! ! … def valid? options.each do |option_flag, option_type| raw_value = argv.find { |arg| arg =~ /^-#{option_flag}/ } return false if option_type == :string && raw_value && raw_value.length < 3 end end def value (option_flag) raw_option_value = argv.find { |arg| arg =~ /^-#{option_flag}/ } return nil unless raw_option_value option_type = options[option_flag] return true if option_type == :boolean && raw_option_value return raw_option_value[2..-1] if option_type == :string end … end Enable Labs !33 @mark_menard
  • 39. class CommandLineOptions ! ! ! ! ! … def valid? options.each do |option_flag, option_type| raw_value = argv.find { |arg| arg =~ /^-#{option_flag}/ } return false if option_type == :string && raw_value && raw_value.length < 3 end end def value (option_flag) raw_option_value = argv.find { |arg| arg =~ /^-#{option_flag}/ } return nil unless raw_option_value option_type = options[option_flag] return true if option_type == :boolean && raw_option_value return raw_option_value[2..-1] if option_type == :string end … end Enable Labs !33 @mark_menard
  • 40. Extract Method Refactoring def print_invoice_for_amount (amount) print_header puts "Name: #{@name}" puts "Amount: #{amount}" end Enable Labs @mark_menard
  • 41. Extract Method Refactoring def print_invoice_for_amount (amount) print_header puts "Name: #{@name}" puts "Amount: #{amount}" end High level of abstraction Enable Labs @mark_menard
  • 42. Extract Method Refactoring def print_invoice_for_amount (amount) print_header puts "Name: #{@name}" puts "Amount: #{amount}" end Low level of abstraction Enable Labs @mark_menard
  • 43. Extract Method Refactoring def print_invoice_for_amount (amount) print_header puts "Name: #{@name}" puts "Amount: #{amount}" end Move this to here Enable Labs def print_invoice_for_amount (amount) print_header print_details (amount) end ! def print_details (amount) puts "Name: #{@name}" puts "Amount: #{amount}" end @mark_menard
  • 44. Extract Method Refactoring def print_invoice_for_amount (amount) print_header puts "Name: #{@name}" puts "Amount: #{amount}" end Move this to here Enable Labs Same level of abstraction def print_invoice_for_amount (amount) print_header print_details (amount) end ! def print_details (amount) puts "Name: #{@name}" puts "Amount: #{amount}" end @mark_menard
  • 45. Extract Method Refactoring def print_invoice_for_amount (amount) print_header puts "Name: #{@name}" puts "Amount: #{amount}" end def print_invoice_for_amount (amount) print_header print_details (amount) end ! def print_details (amount) puts "Name: #{@name}" puts "Amount: #{amount}" end Enable Labs @mark_menard
  • 46. class CommandLineOptions ! ! ! ! ! … def valid? options.each do |option_flag, option_type| raw_option_value = raw_value_for_option(option_flag) return false if option_type == :string && raw_option_value && raw_option_value.length < 3 end end def value (option_flag) raw_option_value = raw_value_for_option(option_flag) return nil unless raw_option_value option_type = options[option_flag] return true if option_type == :boolean && raw_option_value return raw_option_value[2..-1] if option_type == :string end def raw_value_for_option (option_flag) argv.find { |arg| arg =~ /^-#{option_flag}/ } end … end Enable Labs !35 @mark_menard
  • 47. class CommandLineOptions ! ! ! ! ! … def valid? options.each do |option_flag, option_type| raw_option_value = raw_value_for_option(option_flag) return false if option_type == :string && raw_option_value && raw_option_value.length < 3 end end def value (option_flag) raw_option_value = raw_value_for_option(option_flag) return nil unless raw_option_value option_type = options[option_flag] return true if option_type == :boolean && raw_option_value return raw_option_value[2..-1] if option_type == :string end def raw_value_for_option (option_flag) argv.find { |arg| arg =~ /^-#{option_flag}/ } end … end Enable Labs !35 @mark_menard
  • 48. class CommandLineOptions ! ! ! ! ! … def valid? options.each do |option_flag, option_type| raw_option_value = raw_value_for_option(option_flag) return false if option_type == :string && raw_option_value && raw_option_value.length < 3 end end def value (option_flag) raw_option_value = raw_value_for_option(option_flag) return nil unless raw_option_value option_type = options[option_flag] return true if option_type == :boolean && raw_option_value return raw_option_value[2..-1] if option_type == :string end def raw_value_for_option (option_flag) argv.find { |arg| arg =~ /^-#{option_flag}/ } end … end Enable Labs !35 @mark_menard
  • 49. class CommandLineOptions ! ! ! … ! … def valid? options.each do |option_flag, option_type| raw_option_value = raw_value_for_option(option_flag) return false if option_type == :string && raw_option_value && raw_option_value.length < 3 end end def value (option_flag) raw_option_value = raw_value_for_option(option_flag) return nil unless raw_option_value option_type = options[option_flag] return true if option_type == :boolean && raw_option_value return raw_option_value[2..-1] if option_type == :string end end Enable Labs !36 @mark_menard
  • 50. class CommandLineOptions ! ! ! … ! … def valid? options.each do |option_flag, option_type| raw_option_value = raw_value_for_option(option_flag) return false if option_type == :string && !string_option_valid?(raw_option_value) end end def value (option_flag) raw_option_value = raw_value_for_option(option_flag) return nil unless raw_option_value option_type = options[option_flag] return true if option_type == :boolean && raw_option_value return extract_content(raw_option_value) if option_type == :string end end Enable Labs !37 @mark_menard
  • 51. # some_ruby_program -v -efoo -i100 ! options = do option :v option :e, :string option :i, :integer end ! verbose = options.value(:v) expression = options.value(:e) iteration_count = options.value(:i) || 1 Enable Labs !38 @mark_menard
  • 52. class CommandLineOptions ! ! ! ! ! ! ! attr_accessor :argv attr_reader :options def initialize (argv = [], &block) @options = {} @argv = argv instance_eval &block end def option (option_flag, option_type = :boolean) options[option_flag] = option_type end def valid? options.each do |option_flag, option_type| raw_option_value = raw_value_for_option(option_flag) return false if (option_type == :string || option_type == :integer) && raw_option_value && raw_option_value.length < 3 return false if option_type == :integer && raw_option_value && !(Integer(raw_option_value[2..-1]) rescue false) end end def value (option_flag) raw_option_value = raw_value_for_option(option_flag) return nil unless raw_option_value option_type = options[option_flag] return true if option_type == :boolean && raw_option_value return raw_option_value[2..-1] if option_type == :string return (Integer(raw_option_value[2..-1])) if option_type == :integer end private def raw_value_for_option (option_flag) argv.find { |arg| arg =~ /^-#{option_flag}/ } end end Enable Labs !39 @mark_menard
  • 53. CommandLineOptions boolean options are true if present are false if absent string options must have content are valid if there is content are valid if not in argv can return the value return nil if not in argv integer options must have content are valid if there is content and it's an integer are invalid if the content is not an integer are valid if not in argv can return the value return nil if not in argv ! Finished in 0.00338 seconds 13 examples, 0 failures Enable Labs !40 @mark_menard
  • 54. class CommandLineOptions ! ! ! ! … def valid? options.each do |option_flag, option_type| raw_option_value = raw_value_for_option(option_flag) return false if (option_type == :string || option_type == :integer) && raw_option_value && raw_option_value.length < 3 return false if option_type == :integer && raw_option_value && !(Integer(raw_option_value[2..-1]) rescue false) end end … end Enable Labs !41 @mark_menard
  • 55. class CommandLineOptions ! ! ! ! … def valid? options.each do |option_flag, option_type| raw_option_value = raw_value_for_option(option_flag) return false if (option_type == :string || option_type == :integer) && raw_option_value && raw_option_value.length < 3 return false if option_type == :integer && raw_option_value && !(Integer(raw_option_value[2..-1]) rescue false) end end … end Enable Labs !41 @mark_menard
  • 56. class CommandLineOptions ! ! ! ! … def valid? options.each do |option_flag, option_type| raw_option_value = raw_value_for_option(option_flag) return false if (option_type == :string || option_type == :integer) && raw_option_value && raw_option_value.length < 3 return false if option_type == :integer && raw_option_value && !(Integer(raw_option_value[2..-1]) rescue false) end end … end Enable Labs !41 @mark_menard
  • 57. class CommandLineOptions ! ! ! ! … def value (option_flag) raw_option_value = raw_value_for_option(option_flag) return nil unless raw_option_value option_type = options[option_flag] return true if option_type == :boolean && raw_option_value return raw_option_value[2..-1] if option_type == :string return (Integer(raw_option_value[2..-1])) if option_type == :integer end … end Enable Labs !42 @mark_menard
  • 58. class CommandLineOptions ! ! ! ! … def value (option_flag) raw_option_value = raw_value_for_option(option_flag) return nil unless raw_option_value option_type = options[option_flag] return true if option_type == :boolean && raw_option_value return raw_option_value[2..-1] if option_type == :string return (Integer(raw_option_value[2..-1])) if option_type == :integer end … end Enable Labs !42 @mark_menard
  • 59. class CommandLineOptions ! ! ! ! … def value (option_flag) raw_option_value = raw_value_for_option(option_flag) return nil unless raw_option_value option_type = options[option_flag] return true if option_type == :boolean && raw_option_value return raw_option_value[2..-1] if option_type == :string return (Integer(raw_option_value[2..-1])) if option_type == :integer end … end Enable Labs !42 @mark_menard
  • 60. class CommandLineOptions ! ! ! ! ! … def valid? options.each do |option_flag, option_type| raw_option_value = raw_value_for_option(option_flag) case(option_type) when :string return false if raw_option_value && raw_option_value.length < 3 when :integer return false if raw_option_value && raw_option_value.length < 3 return false if raw_option_value && !(Integer(raw_option_value[2..-1]) rescue false) end end end … end Enable Labs !43 @mark_menard
  • 61. class CommandLineOptions ! … ! def value (option_flag) raw_option_value = raw_value_for_option(option_flag) return nil unless raw_option_value option_type = options[option_flag] ! return case(option_type) when :string raw_option_value[2..-1] when :integer (Integer(raw_option_value[2..-1])) when :boolean return true if option_type == :boolean && raw_option_value end end ! … ! end Enable Labs !44 @mark_menard
  • 62. How do we write small classes? • • • • • • • Write small methods! Talk to the class! Find a good name! Isolate Responsibilities! Find cohesive sets of variables/properties! Extract Class! Move method Enable Labs @mark_menard
  • 63. What are the characteristics of a well designed small class? • • • • • Single responsibility! Cohesive properties! Small public interface (preferably a handful of methods at the most)! Implements a single Use Case if possible! Primary logic is expressed in a composed method! Enable Labs @mark_menard
  • 64. class CommandLineOptions ! ! ! ! ! attr_accessor :argv attr_reader :options def initialize (argv = [], &block) @options = {} @argv = argv instance_eval &block end def valid? options.all?(&:valid) end def value (option_flag) options[option_flag].value end private ! ! def option (option_flag, option_type = :boolean) options[option_flag] = build_option(option_flag, option_type) end def build_option # Need to write this. end end Enable Labs !47 @mark_menard
  • 65. class CommandLineOptions ! … ! def valid? options.all?(&:valid?) end ! def value (option_flag) options[option_flag].value end ! def build_option # Need to write this. end ! end Enable Labs !48 @mark_menard
  • 67. How do we deal with Dependencies? • Dependency Inversion! • Depend on Stable Abstractions Enable Labs @mark_menard
  • 68. private def option (option_flag, option_type = :boolean) options[option_flag] = case (option_type) when :boolean return, nil) when :string return, nil) when :integer return, nil) end end Enable Labs !51 @mark_menard
  • 69. class CommandLineOptions ! ! ! ! … def build_option (option_flag, option_type) "#{option_type}_option", raw_value_for_option(option_flag)) end … end Enable Labs !51 @mark_menard
  • 70. class Option ! ! ! def initialize (flag, raw_value) @flag = flag @raw_value = raw_value end ! class StringOption < Option ! ! attr_reader :flag, :raw_value end ! class IntegerOption < Option def valid? return true unless raw_value raw_value && raw_value.length > 2 end def value return nil unless raw_value raw_value[2..-1] end end Enable Labs ! def valid? return true unless raw_value (raw_value && raw_value.length > 2) && (Integer(raw_value[2..-1]) rescue false) end def value return nil unless raw_value Integer(raw_value[2..-1]) end end ! class BooleanOption < Option ! ! def valid? true end def value !!raw_value end end !52 @mark_menard
  • 71. ! ! class StringOption < Option def valid? options.each do |option_flag, option_type| raw_option_value = raw_value_for_option(option_flag) ! case(option_type) when :string return false if raw_option_value && raw_option_value.length < 3 when :integer return false if raw_option_value && raw_option_value.length < 3 return false if raw_option_value && !(Integer(raw_option_value[2..-1]) rescue false) end end end ! def value return nil unless raw_value raw_value[2..-1] end end ! class ! def value (option_flag) raw_option_value = raw_value_for_option(option_flag) return nil unless raw_option_value option_type = options[option_flag] return case(option_type) when :string raw_option_value[2..-1] when :integer (Integer(raw_option_value[2..-1])) when :boolean return true if option_type == :boolean && raw_option_value end end Enable Labs def valid? return true unless raw_value raw_value && raw_value.length > 2 end ! IntegerOption < Option def valid? return true unless raw_value (raw_value && raw_value.length > 2) && (Integer(raw_value[2..-1]) rescue false) end def value return nil unless raw_value Integer(raw_value[2..-1]) end end !53 @mark_menard
  • 72. class StringOption < Option ! class CommandLineOptions ! … ! def valid? options.all?(&:valid?) end ! def value (option_flag) options[option_flag].value end ! end Enable Labs ! def valid? return true unless raw_value raw_value && raw_value.length > 2 end def value return nil unless raw_value raw_value[2..-1] end end ! class ! ! IntegerOption < Option def valid? return true unless raw_value (raw_value && raw_value.length > 2) && (Integer(raw_value[2..-1]) rescue false) end def value return nil unless raw_value Integer(raw_value[2..-1]) end end !53 @mark_menard
  • 73. Option classes Option stores it's flag stores it's raw value BooleanOption is true if the raw value is present is false if the raw value is nil is valid StringOption invalid when there is no content is valid if there is content is valid if raw value is nil can return the value value is nil if raw value is nil IntegerOption is invalid without content is invalid if the content is not an integer is valid if there is content and it's an integer is valid if raw value is nil can return the value returns nil if raw value is nil ! Finished in 0.00495 seconds 22 examples, 0 failures, 6 pending Enable Labs !54 @mark_menard
  • 74. How do we isolate abstractions? Separate the “what” from the “how”. Enable Labs @mark_menard
  • 75. ! def valid? options.each do |option_flag, option_type| raw_option_value = raw_value_for_option(option_flag) case(option_type) when :string return false if raw_option_value && raw_option_value.length < 3 when :integer return false if raw_option_value && raw_option_value.length < 3 return false if raw_option_value && !(Integer(raw_option_value[2..-1]) rescue false) end end end def valid? options.values.all?(&:valid?) end Enable Labs !56 @mark_menard
  • 76. def value (option_flag) raw_option_value = raw_value_for_option(option_flag) return nil unless raw_option_value option_type = options[option_flag] return true if option_type == :boolean && raw_option_value return raw_option_value[2..-1] if option_type == :string return (Integer(raw_option_value[2..-1])) if option_type == :integer end def value (option_flag) options[option_flag].value end Enable Labs !57 @mark_menard
  • 77. class CommandLineOptions ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! attr_accessor :argv attr_reader :options def initialize (argv = [], &block) @options = {} @argv = argv instance_eval &block end def valid? options.values.all?(&:valid?) end def value (option_flag) options[option_flag].value end private def option (option_flag, option_type = :boolean) options[option_flag] = build_option(option_flag, option_type) end def build_option (option_flag, option_type) "#{option_type}_option", raw_value_for_option(option_flag)) end def raw_value_for_option (option_flag) argv.find { |arg| arg =~ /^-#{option_flag}/ } end end Enable Labs !58 @mark_menard
  • 78. ! def valid? options.values.all?(&:valid?) end ! def value (option_flag) options[option_flag].value end Enable Labs !59 @mark_menard
  • 79. CommandLineOptions builds an option object for each defined option (PENDING: Not yet implemented) is valid if all options are valid (PENDING: Not yet implemented) is invalid if any option is invalid (PENDING: Not yet implemented) option object conventions uses a StringOption for string options (PENDING: Not yet implemented) uses a BooleanOption for boolean options (PENDING: Not yet implemented) uses an IntegerOption for integer options (PENDING: Not yet implemented) Enable Labs !60 @mark_menard
  • 80. describe CommandLineOptions do it "builds an option object for each defined option" do options =[ "-v" ]) { option :v } expect(options.options.values.size).to eq(1) end ! ! ! ! ! ! it "is valid if all options are valid" do options =[ "-sfoo" ]) { option :s, :string } expect(options.valid?).to be_true end it "is invalid if any option is invalid" do options =[ "-s" ]) { option :s, :string } expect(options.valid?).to be_false end describe "option object conventions" do it "uses a StringOption for string options" do options =[ "-s" ]) { option :s, :string } expect(options.options[:s].class).to eq(StringOption) end it "uses a BooleanOption for boolean options" do options =[ "-s" ]) { option :v } expect(options.options[:v].class).to eq(BooleanOption) end it "uses an IntegerOption for integer options" do options =[ "-s" ]) { option :i, :integer } expect(options.options[:i].class).to eq(IntegerOption) end end end Enable Labs !61 @mark_menard
  • 81. describe CommandLineOptions do it "builds an option object for each defined option" do options =[ "-v" ]) { option :v } expect(options.options.values.size).to eq(1) end ! ! ! ! ! ! it "is valid if all options are valid" do options =[ "-sfoo" ]) { option :s, :string } expect(options.valid?).to be_true end it "is invalid if any option is invalid" do options =[ "-s" ]) { option :s, :string } expect(options.valid?).to be_false end describe "option object conventions" do it "uses a StringOption for string options" do options =[ "-s" ]) { option :s, :string } expect(options.options[:s].class).to eq(StringOption) end it "uses a BooleanOption for boolean options" do options =[ "-s" ]) { option :v } expect(options.options[:v].class).to eq(BooleanOption) end it "uses an IntegerOption for integer options" do options =[ "-s" ]) { option :i, :integer } expect(options.options[:i].class).to eq(IntegerOption) end end end Enable Labs !61 @mark_menard
  • 82. describe CommandLineOptions do it "builds an option object for each defined option" do options =[ "-v" ]) { option :v } expect(options.options.values.size).to eq(1) end ! ! ! ! ! ! it "is valid if all options are valid" do options =[ "-sfoo" ]) { option :s, :string } expect(options.valid?).to be_true end it "is invalid if any option is invalid" do options =[ "-s" ]) { option :s, :string } expect(options.valid?).to be_false end describe "option object conventions" do it "uses a StringOption for string options" do options =[ "-s" ]) { option :s, :string } expect(options.options[:s].class).to eq(StringOption) end it "uses a BooleanOption for boolean options" do options =[ "-s" ]) { option :v } expect(options.options[:v].class).to eq(BooleanOption) end it "uses an IntegerOption for integer options" do options =[ "-s" ]) { option :i, :integer } expect(options.options[:i].class).to eq(IntegerOption) end end end Enable Labs !61 @mark_menard
  • 83. CommandLineOptions builds an option object for each defined option is valid if all options are valid is invalid if any option is invalid option object conventions uses a StringOption for string options uses a BooleanOption for boolean options uses an IntegerOption for integer options Enable Labs !62 @mark_menard
  • 85. some_ruby_program -v -efoo -i100 -afoo,bar,baz Enable Labs !64 @mark_menard
  • 86. describe "array options" do it "can return the value as an array" do expect([ "-afoo,bar,baz" ]) { option :a, :array }.value(:a)).to eq(["foo", "bar", "baz"]) end end Enable Labs !65 @mark_menard
  • 87. describe "array options" do it "can return the value as an array" do expect([ "-afoo,bar,baz" ]) { option :a, :array }.value(:a)).to eq(["foo", "bar", "baz"]) end end class ArrayOption < OptionWithContent def value return nil if option_unset? extract_value_from_raw_value.split(",") end end Enable Labs !65 @mark_menard
  • 88. CommandLineOptions boolean options are true if present are false if absent string options must have content is valid when there is content can return the value return nil if not in argv integer options must have content must be an integer can return the value as an integer returns nil if not in argv array options can return the value as an array ! OptionWithContent has a flag is valid when it has no raw value is valid when it has a value can return it's value when present returns nil if the flag has no raw value Enable Labs !66 @mark_menard
  • 89. Now We’re Done!! Let them implement their own option classes. It’s easy. Enable Labs @mark_menard
  • 90. Credits • Syntax highlighting: pbpaste | highlight --syntax=rb --style=edit-xcode -out-format=rtf | pbcopy! • Command line option example inspiration Uncle Bob. Enable Labs @mark_menard