we study about reducible to variable separable. if in this tutorial n this tutorial triangular matrix and equal matrix scalar matrix diagonal matrix rectangular matrix in the present tutorial we study about the definit condition of touching two spheres externally condition of touching internally of two spheres angle of intersection of two spheres condition of orthogonality orthogonal sphere locus of point of contact of line and sphere condition of tangency of line and sphere examples on tangent plane with sphere point of contact of the tangent plane condition of tangency of plane to the sphere equation of the tangent plane to the sphere tangent plane to the sphere point of contact point of intersection of a line and sphere intersection of a line with sphere equation of sphere in diameters form equation of sphere through given four points equation of circle in dimeion any sphere through the cricle center and radius of sphere equation of sphere in general form equation of sphere in standard form equation of sphere frobenius mathod differential equation power seires time of flight range angle of projection velocity of projectile trajectory projectile direction of resultant velocity and acceleration resultant of velocity and acceleration velocity and acceleration of curvilinear motion curvilinear motion special-cha multicolumn tables insert image spacing url-hyper font-size math-typing packages environments layout of document latex software installation introduction plane in 3d equation of plane passing through one point equation of plane in normal form equation of plane passing through three points analytic geometry: the plane
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