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19 tips for successful email marketing
5 facts why email marketing is essential
19 tips for successful email marketing
1. Describe the content of your email in the subject line
2. Keep the subject line short and creative
3. Place the most important keywords at the beginning
4. Refrain from naming the sender in the subject line
5. Take advantage of the recipient's location
6. If possible, avoid special characters in the subject line
7. Personal address
8. Personalized Sender
9. Deliver relevant content & use an appealing design
10. Send emails at the right time
11. Giving away templates, tools, or e-books
12. Optimize your emails for mobile devices
13. Put together the right newsletter distribution list
14. Use certified newsletter senders
15. Call to action in the newsletter
16. Opt-out Opportunity
17. Test the newsletter
18. Use a suitable newsletter tool
19. Remember the “alt text”
Conclusion: newsletter marketing is worth it!
Frequently asked questions (FAQs) about email marketing
Email marketing is still the number 1 marketing medium for increasing
conversions and sales in the company. Why? For every euro that companies
invest in newsletter marketing, they can expect an average return of 38 euros!
How can you get started profitably with cost-efficient email marketing? You'll
find out in the following email marketing tips.
Email Marketing. This means sending e-mails to potential or current customers.
In principle, this is the digital form of direct marketing. In this article, we
explain why email marketing is essential and give you useful tips for executing
your strategy. In this article, we answer the following questions:
What is email marketing?
Why is email marketing essential?
Why is the subject of an email important?
What do you put in the subject of an email?
How do you become successful with email marketing?
5 facts why email marketing is essential
E-mail marketing has been one of the most successful communication channels
for years. Hundreds of billions of emails are sent and received every day. The
rumor that e-mails are being pushed out by the increasing popularity of social
networks persists. Before you get the 19 email marketing tips, make sure you
read these 5 facts that every business should know.
In 2019 there were 3.9 billion email users worldwide. This number is forecast to
increase to 4.3 billion users by 2023. That's half of the world's population. These
numbers make it clear that email marketing is an opportunity that marketers
shouldn't miss.
Around 81% of small and medium-sized businesses continue to rely on email
marketing for customer retention and acquisition. Despite new marketing
trends via social media, it is becoming clear that email marketing is no less
valuable. When it comes to growth, direct impact, and reach, email marketing
has no competition.
A survey on the desired frequency of emails from their favorite brands revealed
the following results: 49% of respondents say they like receiving promotional
emails every week. The relevant audience likes to hear from companies and is
happy to be contacted via e-mail.
In the last year alone, 333.2 billion emails were sent and received every day.
That's an amazing amount. In addition, this number is expected to increase to
over 347.3 billion daily emails in 2023. This makes it clear that e-mail
marketing is far from being outdated. On the contrary: the
potential continues to grow.
Email marketing still has the highest conversion rates and is still
considered the most lucrative bonanza for marketers today.
Assuming you do it right, of course. To ensure that your newsletter
is not immediately deleted or unsubscribed, there are a few important points to
consider when creating it. That's why we've put together 19 helpful tips for you
today, with which you can create a successful newsletter and increase your
opening rate. First, however, we will present you with some exciting facts about
email marketing so that you can see how immensely important email
marketing still is today.
This fact is also an important email marketing tip for all companies that are
active in the clothing and jewelry industry. Because marketers in this industry
send around 31 mailings per month to their customers. And is thus at the top of
the industry comparison. This tactic appears to be profitable in these industries.
19 tips for successful email marketing
Now that the importance of e-mail marketing for entrepreneurs is clear, it is a
matter of successful implementation. In the following, you will get 19 tips for
email marketing newsletters that will convince your customers.
Call-to-action buttons are an important marketing tool.
Call-to-Action: Encourage your customers to buy
Would you like to finally turn potential customers into real customers? Then use
call-to-action elements and encourage your users to buy.
The subject line is considered the most important tool in email marketing.
That's why this tip is also listed as the first of the 19 email marketing tips. The
subject line ultimately decides whether the recipient opens an e-mail, classifies
it as spam, or forwards it straight to the trash. The subject line must
therefore be formulated so well that the recipient is encouraged to
open the mailing. A good subject is therefore essential for
successful email marketing. You should therefore pay attention to
the following points when designing your subject line.
To prevent your newsletters from ending up in the trash, you should
make sure that you formulate your content clearly in the subject
line. This is the only way for your readers to determine whether they
are interested in the content of your email. Vague subject lines reduce email
open rates because we just get too many of them these days. Sorting out
e-mails therefore only takes a few seconds. Seconds that decide whether your
newsletter will be read or whether it was completely free.
Discount codes and vouchers (15% off shoes), a time limit, notifications that
something is new, tips, and top lists have a positive impact on the email open
rate. If you are working with a time constraint, you should rely on exact dates
rather than days of the week, because then everyone knows exactly which day
the offer is still valid and there are no misunderstandings. Words like "free" or
"free" should be avoided in any case, as they are very often classified as spam.
Since most e-mail programs truncate the subject line after a certain length, it
should be kept as short as possible. Mobile email apps can display even fewer
characters than desktops. However, when answering the question of the perfect
number of characters in the subject line, studies come to different, hotly
debated results. Some found that the perfect subject line should be no more
than 10 characters, while others put it at 28-39 characters. Overall, however, the
majority agree that the subject should be between 40 and 50 characters
including spaces.
You should also use an unusual and creative subject line. You need something
that piques the curiosity of your recipients and encourages them to open your
email. Try different titles in your newsletter to find out which resonates best
with your target audience. Above all, it makes sense to test different subject
lines for the same newsletter (keyword: split test! ). You can then measure the
success based on the opening rate. In the tool of your choice, you will find
various evaluation options.
Another of the many email marketing tips is as follows: Decide on the most
important keywords for your subject line and try to place them at the
beginning. This is the only way you can guarantee that the
respective keywords will not be cut off due to lack of space.
As already mentioned, the subject line should be as short as
possible. It is precious and should be used wisely. Since the sender
information is displayed to the recipient by most email clients or
webmail providers anyway, it is unnecessary and a waste of space
to squeeze this information into the subject line. Better save this
space for useful information about the content of your newsletter.
Most people are more interested in what's happening around them
than what's happening on the other side of the world. What is
happening in their immediate vicinity could have an impact on
them. For this reason, including your place of residence in the
subject line has a positive effect on the opening rate of an email.
We explain how you can convince a customer with a newsletter via
email marketing!
When using special characters, display errors can occur with
various mail clients and webmail services. This is because they
may not display characters such as hearts, stars, or crosses
correctly. Display errors in e-mails can quickly destroy the
recipient's professional impression of the company. To ensure that
all content is displayed correctly, special characters should be
avoided for either of these reasons. Or you can check the
newsletter before sending it down to the smallest detail for display
errors in various e-mail programs.
If you know the name of your e-mail recipient, you should avoid
salutations such as "Dear Sir or Madam" if possible. These appear
very impersonal and the individual recipient does not feel
addressed. There is a high probability that this will result in the
reader not opening the e-mail at all the next time. If you do not yet
know the name of your email recipient, it is usually very easy to
find out their name from the email address. You should definitely
take this note from the 19 email marketing tips into account.
Customers usually long for a direct contact whom they can contact
directly if they have problems or requests. You should therefore
enter a person's address as the sender of your e-mail and not the
company's office address. The customer knows immediately who he
can turn to with important questions and a lasting relationship
with the customer is established. And customer retention is the
be-all and end-all of email marketing. That's why this note is an
integral part of email marketing tips.
You should always be able to offer your readers added value with
your newsletter because the same applies here: content is king.
Avoid lengthy self-promotion and instead focus on the problems
and interests of your target group. Think about what content can
be useful to your target audience. Your newsletter should consist of
90% relevant and helpful information and only 10% promotion for
your own company.
However, make sure that you do not reveal all the important
information in your newsletter. It should only be a foretaste of your
content and should be kept as short and sweet as possible. Don't
overwhelm your readers with information and let them decide what
content interests them. More content can be offered to readers by
including links to other websites or other blog posts in the
newsletter. Arouse the curiosity of your customers with the
newsletter and encourage them to click.
The content of your newsletter is clearly in the foreground.
Therefore, it is one of the most important email marketing tips to
do successful email marketing. However, you should also pay
attention to a successful optical design. Try to choose a clear
structure and use images to make your text more visually
appealing. However, focus on the essentials and do not use too
many pictures. It gets overloaded very quickly. Also, work with
colored highlights and highlighted buttons, which can help
encourage your customers to click and thus increase your
click-through rate.
Sending emails at the right time is easier said than done. This is
confirmed, among other things, by the study results from Inxmail.
Various studies deal with the perfect timing for newsletters. The
results show that special events such as public holidays are
responsible for the increase in mailings. So there is an increasing
trend towards the end of the year when it comes to the
pre-Christmas period.
According to the study results from Inxmail, Thursday is also the
most popular mailing day (19.1 percent). If you only look at the
B2B industry, it is almost a quarter.
Also exciting is the time when most shipments take place. Based on
the results of the Inxmail survey, the most popular time is between
9 a.m. and 12 p.m. About a third of those surveyed stated that they
sent the most frequent mailings during this period.
It should be noted with these key figures that there is always a
different study and different results for each shipping time. For this
reason, the question of the perfect time to send emails cannot be
answered so spontaneously, as it depends on your target group.
The perfect time to send out your emails is when the majority of
your customers are online. So the easiest way to figure out your
perfect timing is to test it out. Testing is a core element that you
will find in almost all of the email marketing tips above.
As they say? - You don't look like a gift horse in the mouth. Almost
everyone is happy to get something for free. And be it just a
sample or a giveaway. This human characteristic can also be used
wonderfully for mailings and is therefore one of the valuable e-mail
marketing tips. By announcing that templates, tools, or e-books are
being given away, the click rate is increased enormously. Now, if
you manage to get your subject line convincing, your email should
almost certainly be opened.
Due to a steady increase in smartphone and tablet users, the
number of e-mails opened on mobile devices while on the move is
also increasing. The number of smartphone users varies by age,
but the current average is around 86 percent. For tablet users, the
number is currently 58 percent. As soon as a newsletter that is not
optimized for mobile devices is opened on a smartphone, an
error-free display is usually not guaranteed. Poor legibility,
truncated text, and distorted or unopenable images mostly result
from downscaled images and text.
About a third of the emails sent on mobile devices are not
displayed correctly. To prevent this, the responsive design comes
into play. With the help of responsive design, you ensure that your
e-mails are displayed correctly on both desktop and mobile
devices. For example, three columns that are displayed next to
each other on the desktop are displayed one below the other on the
You must optimize your newsletters for smartphones and tablets,
as incorrect presentations often look unprofessional. Also, make
sure that you don't place links too close together. The customer can
quickly make a typo on a small display. So this is one of many
important email marketing tips to keep in mind.
Before you can start sending out your newsletter, this is one of the
basic email marketing tips to keep in mind. Because you need a
real e-mail distribution list first. To ensure that your e-mails do not
end up in the spam folder, you should obtain the consent of
potential subscribers before sending the newsletter. To do this, use
double opt-in forms on websites, blogs, or social networks. With
this form, the customer receives a confirmation email to the
specified email address. Only when the customer confirms by
clicking on the link provided that he wants to receive the newsletter
will it be added to the newsletter distribution list.
This is a point that should not be left out of our email marketing
tips: certified newsletter senders bypass a check by the spam filter.
In this way, the providers ensure that the electronic message
reaches the customer and does not get lost in the e-mail inbox.
When choosing your newsletter sender, however, make sure that
they have been certified by the Certified Senders Alliance, or CSA
for short.
In the newsletter, you should ask your subscriber to take further
steps. Offer them a book, an e-book, or an upcoming seminar. Use
the call-to-action, a call-to-action, to address your subscribers
again directly and thus possibly persuade them to buy. The
call-to-action button should not be lost in the newsletter and
should be at the beginning or end. The targeted placement of the
call-to-action motivates the customer to comply with the respective
The call to action should be as eye-catching and appealing as
possible. Use an image or words that emphasize the urgency of the
call to action, such as "download now." However, with this aspect of
email marketing tips, you should focus on a single call-to-action,
otherwise, the offer will quickly appear overloaded and the 90/10
rule about your company advertising will no longer be observed
can be.
Although it is unpleasant for every entrepreneur when subscribers
unsubscribe from the newsletter, nobody can be forced to receive a
newsletter and remain on the newsletter distribution list. In
addition, a subscriber who does not see any added value in your
newsletter is of no use to you. The newsletter will probably end up
directly in the trash. So it is of no use to you or the customer if they
remain on the distribution list. This is also only recommended for
legal reasons because every recipient must be allowed to
unsubscribe from the mailing list. For this point of the email
marketing tips, we also recommend that you find out more about
the legal requirements.
newsletter tools
Newsletter tools: This is how you can inform customers in a
targeted manner
Newsletters have always been a popular means of customer
retention. But which newsletter tools are there and which one suits
To get off to a successful start with the email marketing tips, the
motto is test, test, test. To avoid too many subscribers
unsubscribing from your newsletter, you should analyze your
newsletters regularly. What is the opening and click rate of your
email, has there been an increase or decrease in the last
newsletter? If the open rate seems too low for you, maybe try
choosing a more descriptive and creative subject line next time. If
your click-through rate keeps dropping, you should review your
content and your offer. It is important that the content and subject
line match. Choosing a flashy subject line just to get high open
rates but one that doesn't reflect what the email is about isn't
effective. Conclusion is:
Especially before you send a newsletter to your subscribers, there is
a lot to test and correct. Not only do you have to figure out the
perfect time to send your emails. Before doing this, you should first
check your newsletter for errors. This includes spelling and
grammatical errors, but also display errors. Don't forget to test
your newsletters on smartphones and tablets too. There is nothing
more annoying than sending out the newsletter to everyone and
realizing afterward that there were still a lot of errors in the mail.
For you to be able to apply all email marketing tips with ease,
using a professional newsletter tool is essential. This allows you to
automate all processes quickly and efficiently. It not only helps you
not to end up in your customers' spam filters, but also provides you
with valuable data to evaluate and optimize your campaigns.
There are now a variety of marketing tools that enable you to work
professionally. Some of the tools are free or at least have a free
trial version, which you should use before you decide on a tool.
The so-called "alt text" is not only important for websites, but
should not be left out in email marketing either. That's why it can't
be missing from our email marketing tips. Because it describes an
image precisely. Every image on a web page should have alt text
unless it's purely decorative. Unfortunately, the "alt text" in images
is not always of great importance, although it is an important
parameter in on-page optimization in the field of SEO. This also
creates barrier-free websites, since blind users can have the image
description read out to them using a “screen reader”.
It can also happen in mailings where important images are not
displayed. Reasons for this can be that the e-mail client is blocking
the images or there were problems with the e-mail transmission. In
that case, the "alt text" is significant. Users see this instead of the
blank space where an image should be and know where to click.
For that reason, this is a key point in these email marketing tips for
Email marketing is still extremely important today. Despite the
growing popularity of social networks, the number of emails sent
and received is constantly increasing. Studies have also shown that
the majority of consumers prefer communicating with businesses
over email. For this reason, you should never forego successful
email marketing in favor of new social media marketing. However,
billions of e-mails around the world end up in the trash unread.
Our 19 email marketing tips for successful email marketing will
help you to ensure that your newsletter doesn’t end up in the trash
right away. This is how your newsletter performs, even if you are
still at the very beginning! Your main criterion here should be the
wording of your subject line, because, as I said, it ultimately
decides whether your customers open the email or not. With the
right subject line, content that offers added value, and the correct
presentation of your content, nothing stands in the way of your
perfect newsletter. Take the time to design a flawless newsletter, as
this will allow you to increase the open and click-through rates of
your emails enormously.
Are you interested in such topics? Then come to the contra!
Want to learn more about email marketing? Are you interested in
using the trends and tips to optimize your business processes? Then
you are at the right place at the Conversion and Traffic Conference
– Contra for short. Because Contra is the biggest offline event for
conversion and traffic optimization.
On May 24th and 25th, numerous well-known experts will meet in
the Mitsubishi Electric Hall in Düsseldorf. From marketing tips to
conversion optimization to traffic generation, you will learn from
over 60 speakers on four stages of what is important today when
marketing your products. There is also the opportunity for direct
exchange with over 40 exhibitors at the fair. Excellent marketing
for more sales, that's the motto. Secure your ticket now!

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  • 1. 19 tips for successful email marketing TABLE OF CONTENTS 5 facts why email marketing is essential 19 tips for successful email marketing 1. Describe the content of your email in the subject line 2. Keep the subject line short and creative 3. Place the most important keywords at the beginning 4. Refrain from naming the sender in the subject line 5. Take advantage of the recipient's location 6. If possible, avoid special characters in the subject line 7. Personal address 8. Personalized Sender 9. Deliver relevant content & use an appealing design 10. Send emails at the right time 11. Giving away templates, tools, or e-books 12. Optimize your emails for mobile devices 13. Put together the right newsletter distribution list 14. Use certified newsletter senders 15. Call to action in the newsletter 16. Opt-out Opportunity 17. Test the newsletter 18. Use a suitable newsletter tool 19. Remember the “alt text” Conclusion: newsletter marketing is worth it! Frequently asked questions (FAQs) about email marketing Email marketing is still the number 1 marketing medium for increasing conversions and sales in the company. Why? For every euro that companies invest in newsletter marketing, they can expect an average return of 38 euros! How can you get started profitably with cost-efficient email marketing? You'll find out in the following email marketing tips. Email Marketing. This means sending e-mails to potential or current customers. In principle, this is the digital form of direct marketing. In this article, we explain why email marketing is essential and give you useful tips for executing your strategy. In this article, we answer the following questions:
  • 2. What is email marketing? Why is email marketing essential? Why is the subject of an email important? What do you put in the subject of an email? How do you become successful with email marketing? 5 facts why email marketing is essential E-mail marketing has been one of the most successful communication channels for years. Hundreds of billions of emails are sent and received every day. The rumor that e-mails are being pushed out by the increasing popularity of social networks persists. Before you get the 19 email marketing tips, make sure you read these 5 facts that every business should know. FACT 1: UTILIZATION BY EMAIL USERS CONTINUES TO INCREASE In 2019 there were 3.9 billion email users worldwide. This number is forecast to increase to 4.3 billion users by 2023. That's half of the world's population. These numbers make it clear that email marketing is an opportunity that marketers shouldn't miss. FACT 2: MAIL MARKETING FUELS THE GROWTH OF A BUSINESS Around 81% of small and medium-sized businesses continue to rely on email marketing for customer retention and acquisition. Despite new marketing trends via social media, it is becoming clear that email marketing is no less valuable. When it comes to growth, direct impact, and reach, email marketing has no competition. FACT 3: CUSTOMERS ENJOY BRAND CONTACT A survey on the desired frequency of emails from their favorite brands revealed the following results: 49% of respondents say they like receiving promotional emails every week. The relevant audience likes to hear from companies and is happy to be contacted via e-mail.
  • 3. FACT 4: BILLIONS OF EMAILS ARE SENT EVERY DAY In the last year alone, 333.2 billion emails were sent and received every day. That's an amazing amount. In addition, this number is expected to increase to over 347.3 billion daily emails in 2023. This makes it clear that e-mail marketing is far from being outdated. On the contrary: the potential continues to grow. Email marketing still has the highest conversion rates and is still considered the most lucrative bonanza for marketers today. Assuming you do it right, of course. To ensure that your newsletter is not immediately deleted or unsubscribed, there are a few important points to consider when creating it. That's why we've put together 19 helpful tips for you today, with which you can create a successful newsletter and increase your opening rate. First, however, we will present you with some exciting facts about email marketing so that you can see how immensely important email marketing still is today. FACT 5: EMAIL MARKETING IS BOOMING FOR THE CLOTHING & JEWELRY INDUSTRY This fact is also an important email marketing tip for all companies that are active in the clothing and jewelry industry. Because marketers in this industry send around 31 mailings per month to their customers. And is thus at the top of the industry comparison. This tactic appears to be profitable in these industries.
  • 4. 19 tips for successful email marketing Now that the importance of e-mail marketing for entrepreneurs is clear, it is a matter of successful implementation. In the following, you will get 19 tips for email marketing newsletters that will convince your customers. MORE ON THE SUBJECT Call-to-action buttons are an important marketing tool. Call-to-Action: Encourage your customers to buy Would you like to finally turn potential customers into real customers? Then use call-to-action elements and encourage your users to buy. MARION BACHMANN 1. DESCRIBE THE CONTENT OF YOUR EMAIL IN THE SUBJECT LINE The subject line is considered the most important tool in email marketing. That's why this tip is also listed as the first of the 19 email marketing tips. The subject line ultimately decides whether the recipient opens an e-mail, classifies it as spam, or forwards it straight to the trash. The subject line must therefore be formulated so well that the recipient is encouraged to open the mailing. A good subject is therefore essential for successful email marketing. You should therefore pay attention to the following points when designing your subject line. To prevent your newsletters from ending up in the trash, you should make sure that you formulate your content clearly in the subject line. This is the only way for your readers to determine whether they are interested in the content of your email. Vague subject lines reduce email open rates because we just get too many of them these days. Sorting out e-mails therefore only takes a few seconds. Seconds that decide whether your newsletter will be read or whether it was completely free. Discount codes and vouchers (15% off shoes), a time limit, notifications that something is new, tips, and top lists have a positive impact on the email open rate. If you are working with a time constraint, you should rely on exact dates rather than days of the week, because then everyone knows exactly which day the offer is still valid and there are no misunderstandings. Words like "free" or "free" should be avoided in any case, as they are very often classified as spam.
  • 5. 2. KEEP THE SUBJECT LINE SHORT AND CREATIVE Since most e-mail programs truncate the subject line after a certain length, it should be kept as short as possible. Mobile email apps can display even fewer characters than desktops. However, when answering the question of the perfect number of characters in the subject line, studies come to different, hotly debated results. Some found that the perfect subject line should be no more than 10 characters, while others put it at 28-39 characters. Overall, however, the majority agree that the subject should be between 40 and 50 characters including spaces. You should also use an unusual and creative subject line. You need something that piques the curiosity of your recipients and encourages them to open your email. Try different titles in your newsletter to find out which resonates best with your target audience. Above all, it makes sense to test different subject lines for the same newsletter (keyword: split test! ). You can then measure the success based on the opening rate. In the tool of your choice, you will find various evaluation options. 3. PLACE THE MOST IMPORTANT KEYWORDS AT THE BEGINNING Another of the many email marketing tips is as follows: Decide on the most important keywords for your subject line and try to place them at the beginning. This is the only way you can guarantee that the respective keywords will not be cut off due to lack of space. 4. REFRAIN FROM NAMING THE SENDER IN THE SUBJECT LINE As already mentioned, the subject line should be as short as possible. It is precious and should be used wisely. Since the sender information is displayed to the recipient by most email clients or webmail providers anyway, it is unnecessary and a waste of space to squeeze this information into the subject line. Better save this space for useful information about the content of your newsletter. 5. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE RECIPIENT'S LOCATION Most people are more interested in what's happening around them than what's happening on the other side of the world. What is happening in their immediate vicinity could have an impact on them. For this reason, including your place of residence in the subject line has a positive effect on the opening rate of an email.
  • 6. We explain how you can convince a customer with a newsletter via email marketing! 6. IF POSSIBLE, AVOID SPECIAL CHARACTERS IN THE SUBJECT LINE When using special characters, display errors can occur with various mail clients and webmail services. This is because they may not display characters such as hearts, stars, or crosses correctly. Display errors in e-mails can quickly destroy the recipient's professional impression of the company. To ensure that all content is displayed correctly, special characters should be avoided for either of these reasons. Or you can check the newsletter before sending it down to the smallest detail for display errors in various e-mail programs. 7. PERSONAL ADDRESS If you know the name of your e-mail recipient, you should avoid salutations such as "Dear Sir or Madam" if possible. These appear very impersonal and the individual recipient does not feel addressed. There is a high probability that this will result in the reader not opening the e-mail at all the next time. If you do not yet know the name of your email recipient, it is usually very easy to
  • 7. find out their name from the email address. You should definitely take this note from the 19 email marketing tips into account. 8. PERSONALIZED SENDER Customers usually long for a direct contact whom they can contact directly if they have problems or requests. You should therefore enter a person's address as the sender of your e-mail and not the company's office address. The customer knows immediately who he can turn to with important questions and a lasting relationship with the customer is established. And customer retention is the be-all and end-all of email marketing. That's why this note is an integral part of email marketing tips. 9. DELIVER RELEVANT CONTENT & USE AN APPEALING DESIGN You should always be able to offer your readers added value with your newsletter because the same applies here: content is king. Avoid lengthy self-promotion and instead focus on the problems and interests of your target group. Think about what content can be useful to your target audience. Your newsletter should consist of 90% relevant and helpful information and only 10% promotion for your own company. However, make sure that you do not reveal all the important information in your newsletter. It should only be a foretaste of your content and should be kept as short and sweet as possible. Don't overwhelm your readers with information and let them decide what content interests them. More content can be offered to readers by including links to other websites or other blog posts in the newsletter. Arouse the curiosity of your customers with the newsletter and encourage them to click. The content of your newsletter is clearly in the foreground. Therefore, it is one of the most important email marketing tips to do successful email marketing. However, you should also pay attention to a successful optical design. Try to choose a clear structure and use images to make your text more visually appealing. However, focus on the essentials and do not use too
  • 8. many pictures. It gets overloaded very quickly. Also, work with colored highlights and highlighted buttons, which can help encourage your customers to click and thus increase your click-through rate. 10. SEND EMAILS AT THE RIGHT TIME Sending emails at the right time is easier said than done. This is confirmed, among other things, by the study results from Inxmail. Various studies deal with the perfect timing for newsletters. The results show that special events such as public holidays are responsible for the increase in mailings. So there is an increasing trend towards the end of the year when it comes to the pre-Christmas period. According to the study results from Inxmail, Thursday is also the most popular mailing day (19.1 percent). If you only look at the B2B industry, it is almost a quarter. Also exciting is the time when most shipments take place. Based on the results of the Inxmail survey, the most popular time is between 9 a.m. and 12 p.m. About a third of those surveyed stated that they sent the most frequent mailings during this period. It should be noted with these key figures that there is always a different study and different results for each shipping time. For this reason, the question of the perfect time to send emails cannot be answered so spontaneously, as it depends on your target group. The perfect time to send out your emails is when the majority of your customers are online. So the easiest way to figure out your perfect timing is to test it out. Testing is a core element that you will find in almost all of the email marketing tips above. 11. GIVING AWAY TEMPLATES, TOOLS, OR E-BOOKS As they say? - You don't look like a gift horse in the mouth. Almost everyone is happy to get something for free. And be it just a sample or a giveaway. This human characteristic can also be used wonderfully for mailings and is therefore one of the valuable e-mail marketing tips. By announcing that templates, tools, or e-books are
  • 9. being given away, the click rate is increased enormously. Now, if you manage to get your subject line convincing, your email should almost certainly be opened. 12. OPTIMIZE YOUR EMAILS FOR MOBILE DEVICES Due to a steady increase in smartphone and tablet users, the number of e-mails opened on mobile devices while on the move is also increasing. The number of smartphone users varies by age, but the current average is around 86 percent. For tablet users, the number is currently 58 percent. As soon as a newsletter that is not optimized for mobile devices is opened on a smartphone, an error-free display is usually not guaranteed. Poor legibility, truncated text, and distorted or unopenable images mostly result from downscaled images and text. About a third of the emails sent on mobile devices are not displayed correctly. To prevent this, the responsive design comes into play. With the help of responsive design, you ensure that your e-mails are displayed correctly on both desktop and mobile devices. For example, three columns that are displayed next to each other on the desktop are displayed one below the other on the smartphone. You must optimize your newsletters for smartphones and tablets, as incorrect presentations often look unprofessional. Also, make sure that you don't place links too close together. The customer can quickly make a typo on a small display. So this is one of many important email marketing tips to keep in mind. 13. PUT TOGETHER THE RIGHT NEWSLETTER DISTRIBUTION LIST Before you can start sending out your newsletter, this is one of the basic email marketing tips to keep in mind. Because you need a real e-mail distribution list first. To ensure that your e-mails do not end up in the spam folder, you should obtain the consent of potential subscribers before sending the newsletter. To do this, use double opt-in forms on websites, blogs, or social networks. With this form, the customer receives a confirmation email to the specified email address. Only when the customer confirms by
  • 10. clicking on the link provided that he wants to receive the newsletter will it be added to the newsletter distribution list. 14. USE CERTIFIED NEWSLETTER SENDERS This is a point that should not be left out of our email marketing tips: certified newsletter senders bypass a check by the spam filter. In this way, the providers ensure that the electronic message reaches the customer and does not get lost in the e-mail inbox. When choosing your newsletter sender, however, make sure that they have been certified by the Certified Senders Alliance, or CSA for short. 15. CALL TO ACTION IN THE NEWSLETTER In the newsletter, you should ask your subscriber to take further steps. Offer them a book, an e-book, or an upcoming seminar. Use the call-to-action, a call-to-action, to address your subscribers again directly and thus possibly persuade them to buy. The call-to-action button should not be lost in the newsletter and should be at the beginning or end. The targeted placement of the call-to-action motivates the customer to comply with the respective call-to-action. The call to action should be as eye-catching and appealing as possible. Use an image or words that emphasize the urgency of the call to action, such as "download now." However, with this aspect of email marketing tips, you should focus on a single call-to-action,
  • 11. otherwise, the offer will quickly appear overloaded and the 90/10 rule about your company advertising will no longer be observed can be. 16. OPT-OUT OPPORTUNITY Although it is unpleasant for every entrepreneur when subscribers unsubscribe from the newsletter, nobody can be forced to receive a newsletter and remain on the newsletter distribution list. In addition, a subscriber who does not see any added value in your newsletter is of no use to you. The newsletter will probably end up directly in the trash. So it is of no use to you or the customer if they remain on the distribution list. This is also only recommended for legal reasons because every recipient must be allowed to unsubscribe from the mailing list. For this point of the email marketing tips, we also recommend that you find out more about the legal requirements. newsletter tools Newsletter tools: This is how you can inform customers in a targeted manner Newsletters have always been a popular means of customer retention. But which newsletter tools are there and which one suits me? 17. TEST THE NEWSLETTER To get off to a successful start with the email marketing tips, the motto is test, test, test. To avoid too many subscribers
  • 12. unsubscribing from your newsletter, you should analyze your newsletters regularly. What is the opening and click rate of your email, has there been an increase or decrease in the last newsletter? If the open rate seems too low for you, maybe try choosing a more descriptive and creative subject line next time. If your click-through rate keeps dropping, you should review your content and your offer. It is important that the content and subject line match. Choosing a flashy subject line just to get high open rates but one that doesn't reflect what the email is about isn't effective. Conclusion is: Especially before you send a newsletter to your subscribers, there is a lot to test and correct. Not only do you have to figure out the perfect time to send your emails. Before doing this, you should first check your newsletter for errors. This includes spelling and grammatical errors, but also display errors. Don't forget to test your newsletters on smartphones and tablets too. There is nothing more annoying than sending out the newsletter to everyone and realizing afterward that there were still a lot of errors in the mail. 18. USE A SUITABLE NEWSLETTER TOOL For you to be able to apply all email marketing tips with ease, using a professional newsletter tool is essential. This allows you to automate all processes quickly and efficiently. It not only helps you not to end up in your customers' spam filters, but also provides you with valuable data to evaluate and optimize your campaigns. There are now a variety of marketing tools that enable you to work professionally. Some of the tools are free or at least have a free trial version, which you should use before you decide on a tool. 19. REMEMBER THE “ALT TEXT” The so-called "alt text" is not only important for websites, but should not be left out in email marketing either. That's why it can't be missing from our email marketing tips. Because it describes an image precisely. Every image on a web page should have alt text unless it's purely decorative. Unfortunately, the "alt text" in images is not always of great importance, although it is an important parameter in on-page optimization in the field of SEO. This also
  • 13. creates barrier-free websites, since blind users can have the image description read out to them using a “screen reader”. It can also happen in mailings where important images are not displayed. Reasons for this can be that the e-mail client is blocking the images or there were problems with the e-mail transmission. In that case, the "alt text" is significant. Users see this instead of the blank space where an image should be and know where to click. For that reason, this is a key point in these email marketing tips for you! CONCLUSION: NEWSLETTER MARKETING IS WORTH IT! Email marketing is still extremely important today. Despite the growing popularity of social networks, the number of emails sent and received is constantly increasing. Studies have also shown that the majority of consumers prefer communicating with businesses over email. For this reason, you should never forego successful email marketing in favor of new social media marketing. However, billions of e-mails around the world end up in the trash unread. Our 19 email marketing tips for successful email marketing will help you to ensure that your newsletter doesn’t end up in the trash right away. This is how your newsletter performs, even if you are still at the very beginning! Your main criterion here should be the wording of your subject line, because, as I said, it ultimately decides whether your customers open the email or not. With the right subject line, content that offers added value, and the correct presentation of your content, nothing stands in the way of your perfect newsletter. Take the time to design a flawless newsletter, as this will allow you to increase the open and click-through rates of your emails enormously. Are you interested in such topics? Then come to the contra! Want to learn more about email marketing? Are you interested in using the trends and tips to optimize your business processes? Then you are at the right place at the Conversion and Traffic Conference
  • 14. – Contra for short. Because Contra is the biggest offline event for conversion and traffic optimization. On May 24th and 25th, numerous well-known experts will meet in the Mitsubishi Electric Hall in Düsseldorf. From marketing tips to conversion optimization to traffic generation, you will learn from over 60 speakers on four stages of what is important today when marketing your products. There is also the opportunity for direct exchange with over 40 exhibitors at the fair. Excellent marketing for more sales, that's the motto. Secure your ticket now!