randomforest classification educational data mining data mining yargs module nodejs node.js prediction techniques j48 naivebayes html5 json file require() nodemon module getinput() function fs module transaction processing web_server_browser web server number system programming language information system computer science in pharmacy applications of computer computers in pharmacy new repository oracle application container c rest apis. command-line interface github deploying your app github and ssh keys deploying node app thread concurrency i/o operation v8 javascript engine cross-platform javascript runt getting input from user nodejs express json nodemon data analysis. educational problems census rate literacy rate education bayes network naive bayes decision tree random forest clustering. prediction educational dm student attributes analysis educational dropout adtree. decision tree algorithm edm cryptography  ciphertext  data security  key ge classification algorithm diabetes patient dataset reptree randomtree decisiontable multilayerperceptron heart disease data structure algorithm sorting techniques
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