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             Presented by
             Dr munir suwalem
             Peadiatric surgery
             Benghazi - libya
 The Scrotum is a cutaneous pouch which
 contains the testes and parts of the spermatic
 cords. It is divided on its surface into two lateral
 portions by a ridge or raphé,

 which  is continued forward to the under surface of
  the penis, and backward, along the middle line of
  the perineum to the anus
 the scrotum consists of two layers ,the outer layer
  is integument and the inner layer is dartos
  tunic, which divides the scrotal pouch into two
  cavities for the testes,
 Vessels      and Nerves.—
   The arteries supplying the coverings of the testes
    are: the superficial and deep external pudendal
    branches of the femoral, the superficial perineal
    branch of the internal pudendal, and the cremasteric
    branch from the inferior epigastric. The veins follow
    the course of the corresponding arteries.
   The lymphatics end in the inguinal lymph glands.
    The nerves are the ilioinguinal and lumboinguinal
    branches of the lumbar plexus, the two superficial
    perineal branches of the internal pudendal nerve, and
    the pudendal branch of the posterior femoral
    cutaneous nerve.
 The   function of the scrotum appears to be to
    keep the temperature of the testes slightly
    lower than that of the rest of the body.

    the temperature should be one or two
    degrees Celsius below body
    temperature (around 37 degrees Celsius or
    99 degrees Fahrenheit);

    higher temperatures may be damaging
    to sperm count.
  scrotalswelling is usually
  classified as:

      Painful or painless

      Acute or chronic
 Acute     scrotal swelling with pain
 Torsion   of spermatic cord
 Torsion of appendix testis

 Acute epididymitis-orchitis

 Trauma

 Insect bite

 Thrombosis of spermatic vein

 Fat necrosis

 inguinal Hernia(incarcerated)

 Folliculitis

 Henoch-Schönlein purpura
 Scrotal    swelling without pain

 Tumor

 Idiopathic   scrotal edema
 Hydrocele

 Inguinal
 Henoch-Schönlein purpura
 Chronic     scrotal swelling

 Hydrocele

 InguinalHernia
 Varicocele

 Spermatocele

 Sebaceous cyst

 Tumor
 Prevalence

 Inguinal
        hernias and hydroceles are the
 most common causes of scrotal swelling.

 Testiculartorsion occurs in 1:4000 boys.
 Varicoceles are present in 15% of male
  adolescents and adults.
 Age
 Hernias   can occur at any age but are more
  common in premature infants.
 Testicular torsion most commonly occurs
  between the ages of 12 and 18 years.
 Idiopathic scrotal edema affects children < 14
 Acute inflammation of the epididymis or testis,
  including mumps orchitis, can occur at any age
  but is uncommon before adolescence.
 Varicoceles are usually asymptomatic and are
  usually detected between 10 and 15 years of
 Acute     scrotal swelling with pain
 Torsion of the testicle
   Twisting of the spermatic cord, with
    resulting compromise of the blood supply
    to the testis

 Torsion  of the appendix testis
   When the appendix testis
    torses, inflammation and swelling of the
    testis and epididymis ensue, causing
    testicular pain and scrotal erythema.
 Acute epididymitis-orchitis usually after UTI
 Results from an anomaly of the urinary tract,
 either congenital or acquired:

 Renalduplications and posterior urethral valves
 are among the more common anomalies.

 Withintermittent catheterization, the condition
 can occur from retrograde passage of bacteria
 back from ejaculatory ducts at the level of the
 prostate to the testis and epididymis.
 Henoch-Schönlein      purpura
   Systemic vasculitis that can cause abdominal and
    joint pain , May involve the scrotal wall in a minority
    of cases
 Trauma

 A similar appearance can follow a difficult breech
   Severe blunt trauma affecting the scrotal contents
 Scrotal skin disease

   Insect bites, folliculitis, and allergic dermatitis may
    cause erythema and edema of the scrotal wall.
 Scrotal   swelling without pain
 Hernias  and hydroceles
   Most are caused by persistent patency of the
    processus vaginalis
   Layers of the processus vaginalis condense
    late in gestation or early postnatally.
   Obliteration of the processus vaginalis only
    around the testis leads to an indirect inguinal
    hernia with protrusion of fluid (or other contents)
    through the internal ring to the end of the pouch
    and potentially to the scrotum.

    Communicating hydrocele occurs when fluid
     travels through a processus vaginalis into the
     tunica vaginalis around the testis.

    Scrotal hydrocele occurs after complete
     obliteration proximally with patency distally.

    Hydroceles of the cord occur when the
     processus vaginalis obliterates proximally and
     distally, leaving a patent area in the midportion
     with retained fluid.
 Varicoceles

     A predilection for the left side exists,
      reflecting anatomy of the left gonadal vein
      entering the left renal vein at a right

     The right gonadal vein enters the vena
      cava directly at an angle, precluding
      reflux of venous blood.
 Acute   scrotal swelling with pain
 Torsion of the testicle

    Acute onset of constant, severe scrotal pain
     aggravated by physical activity
    Nausea and vomiting may occur.
    Possible history of incidental antecedent scrotal
     trauma, but pain usually occurs during rest or
    Neonatal testicular torsion Can exhibit at
     delivery as a nontender hard scrotal mass
 Torsion of the appendix testis
   Onset of pain and swelling is commonly acute but
    can be progressive, usually occurring during rest.
   Pain can be severe, but nausea and vomiting are
    less common than with testicular torsion.
 Acute epididymitis-orchitis

   History can reveal acute or more protracted onset
    of pain.
   The patient may have fever or dysuria or pyuria
   Epididymal inflammation may arise after scrotal
 Henoch-Schönlein   purpura
   Onset may be insidious or acute, producing a
    variable degree of erythema and edema.
   In more severe cases, the process may involve
    the testis and epididymis, mimicking testicular

 Focalfat necrosis
   Can exhibit with scrotal pain and swelling,
    usually after trauma in an obese boy
 Trauma

     History (eg, injury from zipper entrapment of
      scrotal skin) can be definitive.

 Mumps   orchitis
   Rarely occurs in isolation; pain and swelling
    usually occur within a week after parotitis.

 Scrotalskin disease
   History may be of limited utility.
 Scrotal    swelling without pain
 Inguinalhernias and hydroceles
   Hernia
    Swelling expands with increases in
     intraabdominal pressure (eg, crying,
     bowel movements, coughing).
    The parent or child often reports the
     swelling to be smallest in the morning
     and largest late in the day.
 Hydrocele Whether the hydrocele is acute or
 whether the scrotum has been chronically
 enlarged is often unclear.

 The  patient may have a history of trauma to the
 scrotum that stimulates production of serous

 Whenthe scrotum changes size during the day,
 suspect a communicating hydrocele.
 Tumors

     Usually present as a hard, painless mass (or vague
      heavy feeling) in the testicle detected by the
      child, parent, or examining physician

 Spermatoceles   and epididymal cysts
   Painless and round, they usually remain stable in
    size but can sometimes enlarge.
 Acute      scrotal swelling with pain
   Torsion of the testicle
      Scrotal erythema
      Swelling of the involved hemiscrotum
      Higher-than-normal position of the testis within the scrotum
      Palpation may show a horizontal rather than normal vertical
       orientation of the testicle.
      Evaluation of the cremasteric reflex should begin on the
       contralateral side; palpate the apparently unaffected testis to
       confirm normal size and position.
         Unilateral loss of the cremasteric reflex on the side of the
          swelling and pain highly correlates with the presence of
 The  testis should then be palpated.
    Despite the pain this maneuver may cause, it
     helps differentiate torsion from epididymitis.
    Actual point of torsion of the spermatic cord can
     sometimes be palpated.
 Associated hydrocele may be palpated and
  confirmed by transillumination.
 torsion of the appendix testis May demonstrate
  hemiscrotal erythema and swelling
 A blue-dot sign, if the necrotic appendage visible
  through the scrotal skin, can help make the diagnosis.
 A normal cremasteric reflex is present bilaterally, and
  the testis is normally positioned within the scrotum.
 Testicular discomfort, if present, is typically mild, but
  point tenderness may be elicited from uppermost pole
  of the testis near the head of the epididymis.
 Acute   epididymitis-orchitis Scrotal erythema
  and swelling are present, along with an intact
  cremasteric reflex.
 Palpation during early phase of the
  inflammatory process demonstrates tenderness
  limited to the epididymis.
 In the later phase, tenderness and inflammation
  include both epididymis and testis, and the
  distinction between the 2 structures may be
  difficult to appreciate.
 The Prehn sign (relief of pain with testicular
  elevation) may be positive.
 Trauma

   Examination must include both hemiscrotums and
    surrounding structures (penis, perineum), assessing
    for swelling, ecchymosis, and bleeding.
   Tenderness may be limited to testis or
    epididymis, depending on extent of trauma.
 Mumps orchitis

   Tender testis
 Scrotal skin disease

   Redness and edema limited to scrotum, with normal
    testicle and spermatic cord
 Scrotal    swelling without pain
 Inguinalhernias and hydroceles
   Feel for the testis first and keep it in mind
    during the rest of the examination.
   Avoid confusing testis with contents of an
    incarcerated hernia.
   Hernia
    A bulge in the inguinal region with fluid that can be

     gently reduced back into the abdomen is diagnostic
     of an inguinal hernia.
    In the cooperative child who can increase his

     intraabdominal pressure, this procedure may be
     repeatedly shown, particularly with the child
    Presence of thickened spermatic cord or silk-

     stocking sign (the feel of the layers of the processus
     vaginalis being rubbed against each other) suggests
     patency of the processus vaginalis or a hernia.
 Hydrocele   When fluid is limited to the testis
 and spermatic cord can be palpated above
 the fluid, a hydrocele is present.

 Hydrocele  of the spermatic cord feels
 distinct from the testis and is round or ovoid,
 possibly mimicking the presence of an
 additional testis.

 Hydroceles (communicating, scrotal, or of
 the cord) are rarely associated with
 tenderness on palpation
 Tumors

   On palpation, mass is harder than the substance of
    the testis, but this distinction may be difficult to
   Mass may bulge from surface of the testis.

 Spermatoceles and epididymal cysts
   Separate from the testis and can be transilluminated
Torsion of     Sudden onset testicular      Discolouration of scrotum;
 the testis          pain and swelling;       exquisitely tender testis,
                 occasionally nausea,                        riding high
              vomiting. Note: pain may
                    be in the iliac fossa

 Torsion of      More gradual onset of Focal tenderness at upper
(hydatid of             testicular pain pole of testis; "blue dot" sign
 Morgagni)                                 – necrotic appendix seen
                                                  through scrotal skin

Epididymo Onset may be insidious;          Red, tender, swollen
   orchitis fever, vomiting, urinary hemiscrotum; tenderness
             symptoms; rare in pre- most marked posteriolateral
              pubertal boys, unless    to testis. Pyuria may be
            underlying genitourinary                    present.
                     anomaly, when
               associated with UTI.
Incarcerat History of intermittent              Firm, tender,
       ed inguinoscrotal bulge,                  irreducible,
  inguinal       with associated              inguinoscrotal
    hernia               irritability                swelling

Idiopathic      Swelling noted but         Bland violaceous
   scrotal     child not distressed     oedema of scrotum,
  oedema                                      extending into
                                          perineum + penis;
                                           testes not tender
Hydrocele Swollen hemiscrotum              Soft, non-tender
           in well, settled baby        swelling adjacent to
Henoch Painful scrotal oedema,                     may be difficult to
  Schonlein with purpuric rash over           distinguish from testicular
    purpura     scrotum. May have            torsion in absence of other
              associated vasculitic                             features
               rash of buttocks and
              lower limbs, arthritis,
            abdominal pain with GI
            bleeding, and nephritis

Testicular or         Scrotal trauma eg.          Tender swollen testis.
 epididymis       straddle injury, bicycle           Bruising, oedema,
     rupture          handlebars, sports                haematoma, or
                injury. Delayed onset of           haematocele may be
                         scrotal pain and                      present.
 Urinalysis  may help distinguish orchitis from
  torsion of the spermatic cord or testicular
  appendage when leukocytes or nitrites are
 Acute scrotal swelling with pain

    Torsion of the testicle
      Urinalysis is unremarkable.

      Although the leukocytes count may be mildly

       elevated, it is not discriminating.
    Acute epididymitis-orchitis
     Urinalysis may prove positive for
      leukocytes and nitrite but is often
      unremarkable among adolescents.
     The leukocyte count is usually elevated
 Scrotal    swelling without pain
 Inguinalhernias and hydroceles
   Laboratory tests are useful only for
    incarcerated inguinal hernias, with an
    elevated leukocyte count and possible
 Tumors

   Preoperative tumor markers (α-
    fetoprotein, β-human chorionic
    gonadotropin) should be measured and
    used for postoperative monitoring.
 Acute     scrotal swelling with pain
 Torsionof the testicle
   Imaging by Doppler ultrasonography or
    nuclear scintigraphy should be done if the
    diagnosis of testicular torsion is in
   Perform imaging only when it will not
    delay surgical exploration if torsion exists,
    adding to the risk of testicular loss.
 Torsion  of the appendix testis
   If an inflammatory process resulting from
    torsion of the appendage makes
    differentiation from true spermatic cord
    torsion impossible, imaging may be
   Scrotal Doppler ultrasonography or
    nuclear scintigraphy will show normal or
    increased flow to ipsilateral testis.
 Acute  epididymitis-orchitis
 Ultrasonography and nuclear scintigraphy
  show normal symmetric blood flow or
  increased blood flow to an enlarged
  epididymis or testis.
 Voiding cystourethrography has been a
  routine part of the evaluation, but its yield is
  low with a normal ultrasound and a sterile

 Trauma

    Scrotal ultrasonography can document the
     integrity of the testis and of the tunica
     albuginea and the adequacy of blood flow.
 Scrotal   swelling without pain
 Ultrasonography   can determine cystic or
 solid nature of a tense scrotal mass (eg,
 hydrocele, tumor) or spermaticoInguinal
 hernias and hydroceles
   Ultrasonography can delineate scrotal
    contents, especially when a large or tense
    hydrocele limits physical examination of
    mass (eg, hydrocele of the cord,
    paratesticular tumor).
 Tumors

     Scrotal ultrasonography is used to
      delineate the mass.

 Varicoceles

     Testicular size, most accurately assessed
      by ultrasonography, should be measured;
      significant loss of testicular volume is an
      indication for surgery.
Acute      scrotal swelling with pain
 Torsion of the testicle
   Surgical intervention is indicated not only
    when testicular torsion is strongly
    suspected, but also in equivocal cases
    when torsion cannot be convincingly
   The likelihood of salvaging the testis is
    highest when surgery is done shortly after
    onset of pain.
 With surgery, first explore the affected testis, and,
  when torsion is present, detorse the cord.
 Explore the contralateral testis (will have the same
  defect in anatomy) and fix it in place to avert a
  future torsion.
 If the testis can be saved, fix it in the scrotum.
 Torsion  of appendix testis Management is
 The patient should rest and use
  nonsteroidal pain relievers and cold
  compresses for several days to reduce
  inflammation, swelling, and pain.
 Surgical intervention is indicated only when
  acute testicular torsion cannot be excluded.
    In these cases, the infarcted appendage
     is removed at surgical exploration.
 Acute  epididymitis-orchitis Treat with
  antibiotics based on the results of the urine
  culture and sensitivities.
 Anti inflammatory agents, scrotal elevation,
  and rest should be prescribed.
 Trauma

   Testicular or spermatic cord contusions:
    Manage symptomatically.
   Testicular rupture requires surgical
    exploration, evacuation of the hematoma,
    debridement, and repair (when possible).
 Mumps orchitis

   Treatment is symptomatic.
 Scrotal    swelling without pain
 Inguinal  hernias and hydroceles
   Repair on diagnosis to prevent incarceration ,
    Perform surgery inguinally; isolate the sac from
    the cord structures and ligate it at the level of the
    internal ring.
   Inspect the contralateral ring using diagnostic
    laparoscopy through the isolated ipsilateral sac.
     If the internal ring is open, proceed with
       contralateral surgical correction.
   If the hydrocele is painful, then surgery should
    proceed sooner.
 Tumors    Perform radical orchidectomy through an
  inguinal approach.
 If the mass is not suspicious for cancer, a possible
  approach is to enucleate the mass and proceed
  with orchidectomy only if the frozen section is

 Spermatoceles   and epididymal cysts Management
 typically is observation.

 Surgerymay be indicated when pain or significant
 enlargement is present.
 Acute     scrotal swelling with pain
 Torsion   of the testicle
     Spermatogenesis may be compromised after 4–6
      hours of ischemia.
     Testicular salvage is time dependent, with universal
      loss of the testis after 24 hours of torsion.

 Neonatal   testicular torsion
     Neonatal testicular torsion can exhibit at delivery as a
      nontender hard scrotal mass.
       Salvage in these cases is rare.


 Mumps    orchitis
   Infertility may occur when the condition results in
    atrophy of both testicles.
 Scrotal    swelling without pain
 hydroceles

     Most hydroceles resolve spontaneously by 1 year
      and should be repaired if they persist beyond this
Acute scrotal swelling and pain  in children1

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Acute scrotal swelling and pain in children1

  • 1. SCROTAL SWELLING AND PAIN IN CHILDREN Presented by Dr munir suwalem S.H.O Peadiatric surgery B.M.C Benghazi - libya
  • 2.  The Scrotum is a cutaneous pouch which contains the testes and parts of the spermatic cords. It is divided on its surface into two lateral portions by a ridge or raphé,  which is continued forward to the under surface of the penis, and backward, along the middle line of the perineum to the anus  the scrotum consists of two layers ,the outer layer is integument and the inner layer is dartos tunic, which divides the scrotal pouch into two cavities for the testes,
  • 3.  Vessels and Nerves.—  The arteries supplying the coverings of the testes are: the superficial and deep external pudendal branches of the femoral, the superficial perineal branch of the internal pudendal, and the cremasteric branch from the inferior epigastric. The veins follow the course of the corresponding arteries.  The lymphatics end in the inguinal lymph glands.  The nerves are the ilioinguinal and lumboinguinal branches of the lumbar plexus, the two superficial perineal branches of the internal pudendal nerve, and the pudendal branch of the posterior femoral cutaneous nerve.
  • 4.  The function of the scrotum appears to be to keep the temperature of the testes slightly lower than that of the rest of the body.  the temperature should be one or two degrees Celsius below body temperature (around 37 degrees Celsius or 99 degrees Fahrenheit);  higher temperatures may be damaging to sperm count.
  • 5. CLASSIFICATION  scrotalswelling is usually classified as:  Painful or painless  Acute or chronic
  • 6.  Acute scrotal swelling with pain  Torsion of spermatic cord  Torsion of appendix testis  Acute epididymitis-orchitis  Trauma  Insect bite  Thrombosis of spermatic vein  Fat necrosis  inguinal Hernia(incarcerated)  Folliculitis  Henoch-Schönlein purpura
  • 7.  Scrotal swelling without pain  Tumor  Idiopathic scrotal edema  Hydrocele  Inguinal Hernia  Henoch-Schönlein purpura
  • 8.  Chronic scrotal swelling  Hydrocele  InguinalHernia  Varicocele  Spermatocele  Sebaceous cyst  Tumor
  • 9.
  • 10. EPIDEMIOLOGY  Prevalence  Inguinal hernias and hydroceles are the most common causes of scrotal swelling.  Testiculartorsion occurs in 1:4000 boys.  Varicoceles are present in 15% of male adolescents and adults.
  • 11. EPIDEMIOLOGY  Age  Hernias can occur at any age but are more common in premature infants.  Testicular torsion most commonly occurs between the ages of 12 and 18 years.  Idiopathic scrotal edema affects children < 14 years.  Acute inflammation of the epididymis or testis, including mumps orchitis, can occur at any age but is uncommon before adolescence.  Varicoceles are usually asymptomatic and are usually detected between 10 and 15 years of age.
  • 12. MECHANISM  Acute scrotal swelling with pain  Torsion of the testicle  Twisting of the spermatic cord, with resulting compromise of the blood supply to the testis  Torsion of the appendix testis  When the appendix testis torses, inflammation and swelling of the testis and epididymis ensue, causing testicular pain and scrotal erythema.
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  • 14. MECHANISM  Acute epididymitis-orchitis usually after UTI Results from an anomaly of the urinary tract, either congenital or acquired:  Renalduplications and posterior urethral valves are among the more common anomalies.  Withintermittent catheterization, the condition can occur from retrograde passage of bacteria back from ejaculatory ducts at the level of the prostate to the testis and epididymis.
  • 15. MECHANISM  Henoch-Schönlein purpura  Systemic vasculitis that can cause abdominal and joint pain , May involve the scrotal wall in a minority of cases  Trauma  A similar appearance can follow a difficult breech delivery  Severe blunt trauma affecting the scrotal contents  Scrotal skin disease  Insect bites, folliculitis, and allergic dermatitis may cause erythema and edema of the scrotal wall.
  • 16. MECHANISM  Scrotal swelling without pain  Hernias and hydroceles  Most are caused by persistent patency of the processus vaginalis  Layers of the processus vaginalis condense late in gestation or early postnatally.  Obliteration of the processus vaginalis only around the testis leads to an indirect inguinal hernia with protrusion of fluid (or other contents) through the internal ring to the end of the pouch and potentially to the scrotum.
  • 17. MECHANISM  Communicating hydrocele occurs when fluid travels through a processus vaginalis into the tunica vaginalis around the testis.  Scrotal hydrocele occurs after complete obliteration proximally with patency distally.  Hydroceles of the cord occur when the processus vaginalis obliterates proximally and distally, leaving a patent area in the midportion with retained fluid.
  • 18. MECHANISM  Varicoceles  A predilection for the left side exists, reflecting anatomy of the left gonadal vein entering the left renal vein at a right angle.  The right gonadal vein enters the vena cava directly at an angle, precluding reflux of venous blood.
  • 19. HISTORY  Acute scrotal swelling with pain  Torsion of the testicle  Acute onset of constant, severe scrotal pain aggravated by physical activity  Nausea and vomiting may occur.  Possible history of incidental antecedent scrotal trauma, but pain usually occurs during rest or sleep  Neonatal testicular torsion Can exhibit at delivery as a nontender hard scrotal mass
  • 20. HISTORY  Torsion of the appendix testis  Onset of pain and swelling is commonly acute but can be progressive, usually occurring during rest.  Pain can be severe, but nausea and vomiting are less common than with testicular torsion.  Acute epididymitis-orchitis  History can reveal acute or more protracted onset of pain.  The patient may have fever or dysuria or pyuria  Epididymal inflammation may arise after scrotal trauma.
  • 21. HISTORY  Henoch-Schönlein purpura  Onset may be insidious or acute, producing a variable degree of erythema and edema.  In more severe cases, the process may involve the testis and epididymis, mimicking testicular torsion.  Focalfat necrosis  Can exhibit with scrotal pain and swelling, usually after trauma in an obese boy
  • 22. HISTORY  Trauma  History (eg, injury from zipper entrapment of scrotal skin) can be definitive.  Mumps orchitis  Rarely occurs in isolation; pain and swelling usually occur within a week after parotitis.  Scrotalskin disease  History may be of limited utility.
  • 23. HISTORY  Scrotal swelling without pain  Inguinalhernias and hydroceles  Hernia Swelling expands with increases in intraabdominal pressure (eg, crying, bowel movements, coughing). The parent or child often reports the swelling to be smallest in the morning and largest late in the day.
  • 24. HISTORY  Hydrocele Whether the hydrocele is acute or whether the scrotum has been chronically enlarged is often unclear.  The patient may have a history of trauma to the scrotum that stimulates production of serous fluid.  Whenthe scrotum changes size during the day, suspect a communicating hydrocele.
  • 25. HISTORY  Tumors  Usually present as a hard, painless mass (or vague heavy feeling) in the testicle detected by the child, parent, or examining physician  Spermatoceles and epididymal cysts  Painless and round, they usually remain stable in size but can sometimes enlarge.
  • 26. PHYSICAL EXAM  Acute scrotal swelling with pain  Torsion of the testicle  Scrotal erythema  Swelling of the involved hemiscrotum  Higher-than-normal position of the testis within the scrotum  Palpation may show a horizontal rather than normal vertical orientation of the testicle.  Evaluation of the cremasteric reflex should begin on the contralateral side; palpate the apparently unaffected testis to confirm normal size and position.  Unilateral loss of the cremasteric reflex on the side of the swelling and pain highly correlates with the presence of torsion.
  • 27. PHYSICAL EXAM  The testis should then be palpated.  Despite the pain this maneuver may cause, it helps differentiate torsion from epididymitis.  Actual point of torsion of the spermatic cord can sometimes be palpated.  Associated hydrocele may be palpated and confirmed by transillumination.
  • 28. PHYSICAL EXAM  torsion of the appendix testis May demonstrate hemiscrotal erythema and swelling  A blue-dot sign, if the necrotic appendage visible through the scrotal skin, can help make the diagnosis.  A normal cremasteric reflex is present bilaterally, and the testis is normally positioned within the scrotum.  Testicular discomfort, if present, is typically mild, but point tenderness may be elicited from uppermost pole of the testis near the head of the epididymis.
  • 29. PHYSICAL EXAM  Acute epididymitis-orchitis Scrotal erythema and swelling are present, along with an intact cremasteric reflex.  Palpation during early phase of the inflammatory process demonstrates tenderness limited to the epididymis.  In the later phase, tenderness and inflammation include both epididymis and testis, and the distinction between the 2 structures may be difficult to appreciate.  The Prehn sign (relief of pain with testicular elevation) may be positive.
  • 30. PHYSICAL EXAM  Trauma  Examination must include both hemiscrotums and surrounding structures (penis, perineum), assessing for swelling, ecchymosis, and bleeding.  Tenderness may be limited to testis or epididymis, depending on extent of trauma.  Mumps orchitis  Tender testis  Scrotal skin disease  Redness and edema limited to scrotum, with normal testicle and spermatic cord
  • 31. PHYSICAL EXAM  Scrotal swelling without pain  Inguinalhernias and hydroceles  Feel for the testis first and keep it in mind during the rest of the examination.  Avoid confusing testis with contents of an incarcerated hernia.
  • 32. PHYSICAL EXAM  Hernia A bulge in the inguinal region with fluid that can be gently reduced back into the abdomen is diagnostic of an inguinal hernia. In the cooperative child who can increase his intraabdominal pressure, this procedure may be repeatedly shown, particularly with the child standing. Presence of thickened spermatic cord or silk- stocking sign (the feel of the layers of the processus vaginalis being rubbed against each other) suggests patency of the processus vaginalis or a hernia.
  • 33. PHYSICAL EXAM  Hydrocele When fluid is limited to the testis and spermatic cord can be palpated above the fluid, a hydrocele is present.  Hydrocele of the spermatic cord feels distinct from the testis and is round or ovoid, possibly mimicking the presence of an additional testis.  Hydroceles (communicating, scrotal, or of the cord) are rarely associated with tenderness on palpation
  • 34. PHYSICAL EXAM  Tumors  On palpation, mass is harder than the substance of the testis, but this distinction may be difficult to discern.  Mass may bulge from surface of the testis.  Spermatoceles and epididymal cysts  Separate from the testis and can be transilluminated
  • 35.
  • 36. Torsion of Sudden onset testicular Discolouration of scrotum; the testis pain and swelling; exquisitely tender testis, occasionally nausea, riding high vomiting. Note: pain may be in the iliac fossa Torsion of More gradual onset of Focal tenderness at upper (hydatid of testicular pain pole of testis; "blue dot" sign Morgagni) – necrotic appendix seen through scrotal skin Epididymo Onset may be insidious; Red, tender, swollen orchitis fever, vomiting, urinary hemiscrotum; tenderness symptoms; rare in pre- most marked posteriolateral pubertal boys, unless to testis. Pyuria may be underlying genitourinary present. anomaly, when associated with UTI.
  • 37. Incarcerat History of intermittent Firm, tender, ed inguinoscrotal bulge, irreducible, inguinal with associated inguinoscrotal hernia irritability swelling Idiopathic Swelling noted but Bland violaceous scrotal child not distressed oedema of scrotum, oedema extending into perineum + penis; testes not tender Hydrocele Swollen hemiscrotum Soft, non-tender in well, settled baby swelling adjacent to testis; transilluminates
  • 38. Henoch Painful scrotal oedema, may be difficult to Schonlein with purpuric rash over distinguish from testicular purpura scrotum. May have torsion in absence of other associated vasculitic features rash of buttocks and lower limbs, arthritis, abdominal pain with GI bleeding, and nephritis Testicular or Scrotal trauma eg. Tender swollen testis. epididymis straddle injury, bicycle Bruising, oedema, rupture handlebars, sports haematoma, or injury. Delayed onset of haematocele may be scrotal pain and present. swelling.
  • 39.
  • 40. LABORATORY EVALUATION  Urinalysis may help distinguish orchitis from torsion of the spermatic cord or testicular appendage when leukocytes or nitrites are present.  Acute scrotal swelling with pain  Torsion of the testicle Urinalysis is unremarkable. Although the leukocytes count may be mildly elevated, it is not discriminating.
  • 41. LABORATORY EVALUATION  Acute epididymitis-orchitis Urinalysis may prove positive for leukocytes and nitrite but is often unremarkable among adolescents. The leukocyte count is usually elevated
  • 42. LABORATORY EVALUATION  Scrotal swelling without pain  Inguinalhernias and hydroceles  Laboratory tests are useful only for incarcerated inguinal hernias, with an elevated leukocyte count and possible acidosis.  Tumors  Preoperative tumor markers (α- fetoprotein, β-human chorionic gonadotropin) should be measured and used for postoperative monitoring.
  • 43. IMAGING  Acute scrotal swelling with pain  Torsionof the testicle  Imaging by Doppler ultrasonography or nuclear scintigraphy should be done if the diagnosis of testicular torsion is in question.  Perform imaging only when it will not delay surgical exploration if torsion exists, adding to the risk of testicular loss.
  • 44. IMAGING  Torsion of the appendix testis  If an inflammatory process resulting from torsion of the appendage makes differentiation from true spermatic cord torsion impossible, imaging may be helpful.  Scrotal Doppler ultrasonography or nuclear scintigraphy will show normal or increased flow to ipsilateral testis.
  • 45. IMAGING  Acute epididymitis-orchitis  Ultrasonography and nuclear scintigraphy show normal symmetric blood flow or increased blood flow to an enlarged epididymis or testis.  Voiding cystourethrography has been a routine part of the evaluation, but its yield is low with a normal ultrasound and a sterile urine.
  • 46. IMAGING  Trauma  Scrotal ultrasonography can document the integrity of the testis and of the tunica albuginea and the adequacy of blood flow.
  • 47. IMAGING  Scrotal swelling without pain  Ultrasonography can determine cystic or solid nature of a tense scrotal mass (eg, hydrocele, tumor) or spermaticoInguinal hernias and hydroceles  Ultrasonography can delineate scrotal contents, especially when a large or tense hydrocele limits physical examination of mass (eg, hydrocele of the cord, paratesticular tumor).
  • 48. IMAGING  Tumors  Scrotal ultrasonography is used to delineate the mass.  Varicoceles  Testicular size, most accurately assessed by ultrasonography, should be measured; significant loss of testicular volume is an indication for surgery.
  • 49. TREATMENT Acute scrotal swelling with pain  Torsion of the testicle  Surgical intervention is indicated not only when testicular torsion is strongly suspected, but also in equivocal cases when torsion cannot be convincingly excluded.  The likelihood of salvaging the testis is highest when surgery is done shortly after onset of pain.
  • 50. TREATMENT  With surgery, first explore the affected testis, and, when torsion is present, detorse the cord.  Explore the contralateral testis (will have the same defect in anatomy) and fix it in place to avert a future torsion.  If the testis can be saved, fix it in the scrotum.
  • 51. TREATMENT  Torsion of appendix testis Management is nonsurgical.  The patient should rest and use nonsteroidal pain relievers and cold compresses for several days to reduce inflammation, swelling, and pain.  Surgical intervention is indicated only when acute testicular torsion cannot be excluded.  In these cases, the infarcted appendage is removed at surgical exploration.
  • 52. TREATMENT  Acute epididymitis-orchitis Treat with antibiotics based on the results of the urine culture and sensitivities.  Anti inflammatory agents, scrotal elevation, and rest should be prescribed.
  • 53. TREATMENT  Trauma  Testicular or spermatic cord contusions: Manage symptomatically.  Testicular rupture requires surgical exploration, evacuation of the hematoma, debridement, and repair (when possible).  Mumps orchitis  Treatment is symptomatic.
  • 54. TREATMENT  Scrotal swelling without pain  Inguinal hernias and hydroceles  Repair on diagnosis to prevent incarceration , Perform surgery inguinally; isolate the sac from the cord structures and ligate it at the level of the internal ring.  Inspect the contralateral ring using diagnostic laparoscopy through the isolated ipsilateral sac. If the internal ring is open, proceed with contralateral surgical correction.  If the hydrocele is painful, then surgery should proceed sooner.
  • 55. TREATMENT  Tumors Perform radical orchidectomy through an inguinal approach.  If the mass is not suspicious for cancer, a possible approach is to enucleate the mass and proceed with orchidectomy only if the frozen section is positive.  Spermatoceles and epididymal cysts Management typically is observation.  Surgerymay be indicated when pain or significant enlargement is present.
  • 56. PROGNOSIS  Acute scrotal swelling with pain  Torsion of the testicle  Spermatogenesis may be compromised after 4–6 hours of ischemia.  Testicular salvage is time dependent, with universal loss of the testis after 24 hours of torsion.  Neonatal testicular torsion  Neonatal testicular torsion can exhibit at delivery as a nontender hard scrotal mass.  Salvage in these cases is rare. .
  • 57. PROGNOSIS  Mumps orchitis  Infertility may occur when the condition results in atrophy of both testicles.  Scrotal swelling without pain  hydroceles  Most hydroceles resolve spontaneously by 1 year and should be repaired if they persist beyond this age.