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Holocaust is Nothing But A HoloHoax
By Willie Martin
Every day, in every aspect of the media, you will be reminded of the holocaust of World
War II and the damage it did to one group of people. You are supposed to feel guilty and
excuse away anything these people, who are portrayed as the only victims, now do to society.
You are not to mention others, such as the Poles, Russians and Gypsies who suffered equally
if not more, for that would detract from the lie with which the rest of humanity is being
burdened. Sure, terribly evil things happen in war, but it is even more terrible to allow lies to
be embellished and used to promote guilt, misunderstanding, blackmail and more evil. Sooner
or later, there will be a worldwide confrontation arising from this deceit, and the liars will
come off second best. It is for this reason I have reproduced a section of one of our books
Alan Dershowitz believes that all American Jews should think of themselves as victims of
the Holocaust; his rationale is that they were ultimately targets of the Holocaust. But, the
Holocaust is even bigger than that to the Zionists; they want everyone to believe that all
wrong is done to the Jews, and no wrong is done by the Jews. And, there is a reason for this.
Robert Faurisson observes,
"Elie Wiesel won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1986. He is generally accepted as a witness to
the Jewish ‘Holocaust,’ and, more specifically, as a witness to the legendary Nazi
extermination gas chambers...."
But in what respect is Elie Wiesel a witness to the alleged gas chambers? By what right
does he ask us to believe in that means of extermination? In an autobiographical book that
supposedly describes his experiences at Auschwitz and Buchenwald, he nowhere mentions
the gas chambers. He does indeed say that the Germans executed Jews, fire; by
throwing them alive into flaming ditches, before the very eyes of the deportees! No less than
that! Here Wiesel the false witness had some bad luck.
Forced to choose from among several Allied war propaganda lies, he chose to defend the
fire lie instead of the boiling water, gassing, or electrocution lies. In 1956, when he published
his testimony in Yiddish, the fire lie was still alive in certain circles. This lie is the origin of
the term Holocaust. Today there is no longer a single historian who believes that Jews were
burned alive. The myths of the boiling water and of electrocution have also disappeared. Only
the gas remains.
* The gassing lie was spread by the Americans.
* The lie that Jews were killed by boiling water or steam (specifically at Treblinka) was
spread by the Poles.
* The electrocution lie was spread by the Soviets."
Yes, these are all Holocaust lies.
"The fire lie is of undetermined origin. It is in a sense as old as war propaganda or hate
propaganda, just like the false assertion of human (Jewish) skin being used to make lamp
shades. In his memoir, Night, which is a version of his earlier Yiddish testimony, Wiesel
reports that at Auschwitz there was one flaming ditch for the adults and another one for
babies. He writes: ‘Not far from us, flames were leaping from a ditch, gigantic flames. They
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were burning something. A lorry drew up at the pit and delivered its load - little children.
Babies! Yes, I saw it - saw it with my own eyes...those children in the flames.'"
None of this ever happened. And, yet, such lies have earned Wiesel the Nobel Peace Prize,
and made it "anti-Semitic" and even illegal to simply tell the truth about the Holocaust.
Why have lies superseded truth? And, more specifically, who benefits from the lie? As we
have observed, every lie in the evil Zionist-controlled system is designed to exploit; every lie
keeps Yahweh's system of evil securely in place. In this world, everything of value is offered
up to Yahweh by the Zionists, as a "burnt offering."
"Holocaust" means burnt offering; it is the perpetuation of the illusion and the elevation of
the lie to the level of supreme truth, religiously.
The fact is, the Holocaust is about money, legitimacy for Israel, and the total denial of any
moral failings (or evilness) in the Jewish people. Jews are outraged when it is mentioned that
many gypsies and Russians suffered the same fate as Jews, because to compare a sub-human
to a Jew is unspeakable. The Jewish scripture declares that the life of a Jew is the most
priceless thing to "god" and the life of a non-Jew or "goy" is worthless. The Jews have a
history of crying "holocaust."
The Talmud cites examples of many billions of Jews being killed (including children being
burned). Needless to say, there have never been that many Jews on the face of the earth. The
same falsification and embellishment is true with regard to the "holocaust" of World War II.
Many Jews died, but not the six million that is claimed. Perhaps a million died, none from gas
chambers. Red Cross documentation which Jewish controllers refuse to release, is suspected
of suggesting that some 100,000 were lost.
As historian David Irving and many others have rightly observed, there never were gas
chambers at the concentration camps. And, it would have been impossible for the Germans to
have gassed and then burned 12,000 Jews every day. Reports by concentration camp survivors
that tell of the guards going into "gas chambers" as soon as one batch of Jews had been killed,
clearing out the bodies, and then filling the room again are patently false - the guards (none of
whom was reported to have worn a mask) would have instantly died, since cyanide does not
dissipate or disappear in a few minutes.
Also, there would have been bones and ashes to show, with cyanide residue. None of this
is found. Even the Auschwitz Memorial which once stated that six million Jews had died now
states that perhaps a million died. The plaque has been altered from six to one million. That
being said, even a million dead people is a lot.
The degree of suffering they experienced, and the treatment they received from hateful,
evil Nazis was a fact. Yet, that does not excuse all of the evils and wrongs committed by the
victors, who fire-bombed civilian populations in Germany and Japan, and dropped atomic
bombs on cities in Japan, before ending the war. The intentional massacring of millions of
civilians by the Allied victors was certainly a war crime, and perhaps of larger impact than
what happened to the Jews.
War is a terrible thing, and though it is an unwritten and unspoken policy, civilian
populations are targeted and slaughtered in the worst way, to weaken the morale of the
opposition. War is not just fought by soldier against soldier, with some kind of boundary
against civilians.
Yet, it is always the victors who write the history; they are always in the right, and the
losers are always in the wrong. War is not black and white, truth is its first casualty, and what
is written in history and in the news has little correlation with the truth.
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Jewish bankers funded the Nazis, and the Zionists fiercely pressured Western nations to
keep Jews from being able to leave Germany before the war began. For perverse political and
economic reasons, the Zionists did not want the Jews to go to free nations, but rather had the
single-minded objective of claiming Palestine as the Jewish state. Because they could not
force the creation of Israel before the war, they readily sacrificed the lives of their "lesser
brethren" for the "greater cause": Israel.
There are many people who hold that all major wars in the last few centuries have been
instigated by, funded by, and profited by, the Zionist international bankers.
* First, they instigate wars.
* Then, during the war, they loan huge sums of money, and make enormous profits in their
military-industrial production.
* After the war, they buy up property and industry at pennies on the dollar in the loser
This policy of economic conquest is not only a factor in war; it is how the everyday
economy operates, worldwide, today.
* The Zionists control the economies, governments, and agreements/conflicts between
major nations.
* They control the daily economy, inflation, and deflation.
* They engaged in economic war in creating the Great Depression in the US, in which they
obtained vast amounts of property and business by foreclosing on mortgages and debt.
* And, they have plundered the resources of Third World nations, via the issuance of debt
(loans) which cannot be paid back due to usurious interest rates.
We need to understand that nothing in this world "just happens," especially not global
events. Everything has a reason and a purpose behind it. There are forces that control all that
happens in this world, and there is an unseen "shadow government." It uses the masses or
"sheep" as cannon fodder during war, and to gain sympathy and financial aid.
We are told that we cannot forget the Holocaust, though we dismiss all other genocide that
has occurred to all other racial groups throughout history. Why is that?
* Why is there no public relations action to memorialize the millions of Whites who were
slaughtered in the slave business;
* Wy is there no mention of the millions of Cambodians - nearly half their population -
who were slaughtered by Pol Pot; or the twenty million Russians killed in World War II?
* Why is it that what happens to these other groups doesn't seem to matter? For the answer,
we need to only look to Jewish propaganda and scriptural dogma: the life of a Jew matters,
only a Jew is a human being; the non-Jews do not matter, their lives are worthless. The media
are controlled by the Zionists, and because most of them are Jewish they are greatly invested
in the story of the Jews. They readily promote fiction over fact, the lie over the truth in all
other areas, so why not in this area - in which they have such strong emotional and financial
Contradicting the Holocaust lies is illegal in some countries (called an act of racial hatred
and vilification, defaming the dead, and anti-Semitism). The media quickly label any less than
glorifying truth about the Jews as anti-Semitism. And, this, more than anything, has given the
evil Zionists the greatest cover and freedom from public scrutiny.
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They are able to go about their agenda of world domination and control with immunity
from media attention. If you doubt this, just check to see the last time the Rothschilds and
Rockefellers headed the Forbes list of richest people in the world. Rather than holding down
the top spots due to their enormous and cunningly concealed wealth, they are not even on the
The media refuse to acknowledge the power, wealth, authority, and control that the
Zionists truly have in this world, because if they did, then some attention would be directed
their way when people discuss what is wrong with this world - and why. They have set things
up, and controlled things so well, that they never receive this bad publicity. Instead, they
portray themselves as philanthropists and benefactors of all mankind - whom they think of as
animals, and gladly sacrifice as "burnt offerings" to their blood-thirsty and evil "god" Yahweh
The Nazis allowed a ship full of Jews to leave Germany, to see if another country would be
willing to accept Jewish refugees. But, every country, including the United States, refused to
let the passengers disembark. Because of this worldwide Zionist policy of refusing to accept
Jews anywhere - because of their desire to claim Israel as the homeland of the Jews - many
Jews were sacrificed for the political Zionist cause. The shipload of Jews was forced to return,
sacrificed as another burnt offering to the greater glory of Yahweh.
H.G. Wells noted,
"Zionism is an expression of Jewish refusal to assimilate. If the Jews have suffered, it is
because they have regarded themselves as a chosen people."
The Zionist leaders of the Jewish community have repeatedly, historically, ensured the
suffering of their lesser brethren. It is they who have sacrificed the good and innocent among
the Jews, willingly, consciously, methodically, so that they could implement their own,
self-serving, evil agenda. (Holocaust Fact and Fiction Presented by: Annwn Publications P O
Box 28 Malanda, QLD, Australia, 4885)
If you want proof that I am right, just watch the jews have a fit about these posts; because
if the lies that they have fostered about the HoloHoax were true then they would finance any
and all reputable scientists to examine all records and evidence; they would have absolutely
no problem with anyone examining the evidence. But because it is a lie and a Hoax they deny
anyone, if they can, who tries to do research on the subject. Therefore, by their own denials
they prove that it was a Hoax.
There have been many terrible "Holocausts." The worst I know of is the 50 million plus
Russians murdered by the Communists who ruled Russia (the Soviet Union).
Forty years previously (to 1917 Bolshevik Revolution) Dostoevsky had predicted that
Socialism would cost Russia one hundred million victims. At the time it seemed an
improbable figure. Let me recommend the British press to acquaint its readers with the
impartial three-page report of the Russian statistician, Professor Ivan Kurganov. It was
published in the West twelve years ago, but, as is so often the case with matters of social
significance, we only take cognizance of things that do not run counter to our own feelings.
From Professor Kurganov's analysis we learn that if Dostoevsky erred, he erred on the side
of understatement. From 1917 to 1959 Socialism cost the Soviet Union a hundred and ten
million lives! (These "lives" were for the most part Christians.) (A. Solzhenitsyn, "The
West's Betrayal of Civilization", p. 5-6, a B.B.C. address, March 26, 1976)
This is a really big time "Holocaust" if numbers make a difference. Why is it that we never
see anything about this "Holocaust" in any mainstream media, TV or Hollywood movie?
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The next biggest "Holocaust" I know about is the one that occurred in Mao's Red China.
My 1990 "Guinness Book of World Records" states on p. 367 that during the regime of Mao
Tse-tung (1949-1965) between 32.25 and 61.7 were "killed by government forces" according
to an estimate by the US Senate Judiciary Committee. I have seen estimates much larger than
this. "Killed by government forces" must leave out many millions who starved as a direct
result of insane Communist policies such as the "Great Leap Forward' during which many
skilled farmers were herded into "steel mills" where they "produced" prodigious amounts of
steel by melting tools, impalements, kettles, pots, pans, etc. into "steel." The resulting famine
due to a great shortage of farmers caused the deaths of many millions of Chinese people not
"killed by government forces." So how many people were murdered by the Communists in the
Red Chinese "Holocaust." No one knows for sure, but it was many times 6 million. Again,
this is never mentioned in the mainstream media, or wept over in TV programs or Hollywood
movies. The 32.25 to 61.7 million (plus many millions more) are forgotten dead.
It is estimated that over 40,000,000 (that's FORTY MILLION!) unborn children have been
killed by abortion "Doctors" in the US since Roe v. Wade. (1973) Now that's a real
HOLOCAUST, but not one wept over by TV, Hollywood, etc. The media only emphasizes a
"woman's right to choose."
It horrifies me even to contemplate how many more children have been killed by
abortionists in numerous other countries.
At least 9 million German people died from starvation, exposure, etc. after the Russian
armies drove them out of their homes in Germany's eastern provinces at the end of World War
After the Germans surrendered to the Allies in May of 1945, millions of German soldiers
were rounded up and enclosed in barbed wire camps. They were called "disarmed enemy
forces." This meant to Eisenhower and his bosses (Roosevelt, Morgenthau, and Truman (all
jews), etc.) and his men who imprisoned these DEF's that they did not have to abide by the
Geneva convention since they were not POW's. I have pictures of hundreds of thousands of
these men in a barbed wire enclosure, standing room only. Family members of these men
would come with food and water but were driven away by allied soldiers with machine guns.
How long can human beings live in such unsheltered enclosures in mud up to their knees with
no food, water, shelter, etc?
Of course, not long. Between one and two million German men died in these vast mud
pits. Have you ever seen a story about this real holocaust on TV, Hollywood movies, etc?
No. This holocaust is forgotten!
Many Germans, Eastern Europeans, self-styled "Jews" and Gypsies were severely
mistreated and died in Nazi Germany. Many inmates in the Nazi work camps died of
starvation, typhus, and other diseases. It is very difficult to transport food when everything
that moves is bombed. It is difficult to provide clean drinking water when all water
purification plants have been bombed with the idea in mind of causing the very spread of
disease that occurred. Did the greedy industrialists profiting from these work camps want
their labor force to die or be "gassed." Not if what I have read about their type has any
However, if numbers make any difference to you in regards to the "Holocaust" that is
"never forgiven" and "never forgotten," and is repeatedly shown in detail in countless TV
shows and Hollywood movies and mentioned on at least a weekly basis in mainstream
newspapers and magazines please read on.
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Six Million Jews: Ministers often repeat the Jew story that “Hitler killed six million Jews,”
yet the 1939 World Almanac shows 15,688,259 Jews in the world, and nine years later the
New York Times reported there were between 15,600,000 and 18,700,000 Jews! If Hitler
killed 6 million, how come there were no less in 1948 than in 1939? The same sources report
the Jews in Germany in 1938, prior to the supposed killings, totaled only 550,000 (½ million)!
If Germans killed 38% of all the Jews in the world, does that mean the 9,688,259 left had
six to nine million children in the next nine years? It takes normal populations 100 years to
double—how come "Jews" did it in nine? AND THEN NEVER DID IT AGAIN? (the present
world population of “Jews” is about the same as it was in 1948) Why do ministers repeat this
Jewish propaganda lie to their flocks? [An Open Letter to Any Minister Who Teaches “the
Jews Are Israel.” By Pastor Sheldon Emery, (written after 1976, © date not given)]
Yes, there have been many Holocausts. I do not deny that. I sorrow over these holocausts
more than most people I know. I work to prevent current and future holocausts knowing that
"those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
(Winston Palmer)
More Jewish Lies Exposed!
For more than fifty years, since the end of World War II, the Talmudic, Zionist Jews have
sought to manipulate through Jewish Socialization, White Western public opinion by crying,
"Poor, persecuted Jew," while systematically victimizing White Christian culture.
This constitutes a perfect description of the Jewish Socialization or Jewish Socialism. Both
atheistic, Jewish, Socialism and atheistic, Communist, Socialism are ideas predicated upon the
practice of engineering society along atheistic and Jewish ideas. This has been the method of
operation of the atheistic, Talmudic, Zionist Jew even before the first century or the time of
Truth at Last: Israeli history textbooks are now being rewritten, reports Ethan Bronner in
“The New York Times” (August 14, 1999) as a new generation of historians are replacing
myths with facts about the nation’s founding.
“Schoolchildren have long been taught that Jews have always been surrounded by enemies
and that their victory over five Arab states in the 1948 War of Independence was a new
miracle of David-and-Goliath proportions.”
The Times reports.
“ officially approved textbooks make plain that many of the most common Israeli
beliefs are as much myth as fact. The new books say, for example, that it was the Israelis who
had the military edge in the War of Independence.”
They admit that Palestinians did not voluntarily leave their land, as has been taught, but
that they were expelled by Israeli soldiers. One ninth grade text, “Passage To The Past,”
mentions the 1948 massacre carried out by radical Zionist forces in the village of Deir Yassin.
This is from a report of The American Council for Judaism, December 99. In the Councils
publication, “Issues,” is the surprising admission that “the rise of the Holocaust to the top of
the Jewish agenda was by no means a spontaneous development” but rather the “consequence
of decisions made by communal leaders in response to their appraisals of current communal
needs” meaning the need for support for Israel, as pointed out further in the article:
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The article states,
“Examples of how the Holocaust has been used as a weapon to promote policies favorable
to Israel are extensive.”
Yet to be published by the Council is the fact that the 6 million figure is a myth, invented
in 1945 by Llya Ehrenburg, Stalins Jewish propaganda chief during World War II. Since then
the figures have been systematically reduced:
(1) May 7, 1945: The Soviet Jewish anti-Fascist Committee announced that the number
gassed at Auschwitz was 4,00,000;
(2) September 1, 1998: Director of Holocaust studies, Yeduha Bauer of Yad Vashem,
Holocaust Center at Jerusalem, set the number of deaths at Auschwitz at 1,600,000;
(3) 1989: Professor Raul Hilberg, Professor of Holocaust Studies in Tel Aviv, Israel, lists
the Auschwitz total at 1,250,000;
(4) July, 1990: Polish Historians replaced the plaque at Auschwitz with a new one stating
that those who died of all causes and of all nationalities is 1,100,000; and
(5) In 1991: Mikhail Gorbachev opened the KBG archives and gave Elizabeth Dole the
complete official German register of all deaths, which totaled 74,000. No gas chamber for the
extermination of humans has ever been found at any camp.
The Jew Eisenhower's Holocaust!
"God, I hate the Germans..." (Dwight David Eisenhower in a letter to his wife in
September, 1944)
First, I want you to picture something in your mind. You are a German soldier who
survived through the battles of World II. You were not really politically involved, and your
parents were also indifferent to politics, but suddenly your education was interrupted and you
were drafted into the German army and told where to fight. Now, in the Spring of 1945, you
see that your country has been demolished by the Allies, your cities lie in ruins, and half of
your family has been killed or is missing. Now, your unit is being surrounded, and it is
finally time to surrender. The fact is, there is no other choice.
It has been a long, cold winter. The German army rations have not been all that good, but
you managed to survive. Spring came late that year, with weeks of cold rainy weather in
demolished Europe. Your boots are tattered, your uniform is falling apart, and the stress of
surrender and the confusion that lies ahead for you has your guts being torn out. Now, it is
over, you must surrender or be shot. This is war and the real world.
You are taken as a German Prisoner of War into American hands. The Americans had 200
such Prisoner of War camps scattered across Germany. You are marched to a compound
surrounded with barbed wire fences as far as the eye can see. Thousands upon thousands of
your fellow German soldiers are already in this make-shift corral. You see no evidence of a
latrine and after three hours of marching through the mud of the spring rain, the comfort of a
latrine is upper-most in your mind. You are driven through the heavily guarded gate and find
yourself free to move about, and you begin the futile search for the latrine. Finally, you ask
for directions, and are informed that no such luxury exists.
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No more time. You find a place and squat. First you were exhausted, then hungry, then
fearful, and now; dirty. Hundreds more German prisoners are behind you, pushing you on,
jamming you together and every one of them searching for the latrine as soon as they could do
so. Now, late in the day, there is no space to even squat, much less sit down to rest your weary
legs. None of the prisoners, you quickly learn, have had any food that day, in fact there was
no food while in the American hands that any surviving prisoner can testify to. No one has
eaten any food for weeks, and they are slowly starving and dying. But, they can't do this to
us! There are the Geneva Convention rules for the treatment of Prisoners of War. There must
be some mistake! Hope continues through the night, with no shelter from the cold, biting rain.
Your uniform is sopping wet, and formerly brave soldiers are weeping all around you, as
buddy after buddy dies from the lack of food, water, sleep and shelter from the weather. After
weeks of this, your own hope bleeds off into despair, and finally you actually begin to envy
those who, having surrendered first manhood and then dignity, now also surrender life itself.
More hopeless weeks go by. Finally, the last thing you remember is falling, unable to get up,
and lying face down in the mud mixed with the excrement of those who have gone before.
Your body will be picked up long after it is cold, and taken to a special tent where your
clothing is stripped off. So that you will be quickly forgotten, and never again identified, your
dog-tag is snipped in half and your body along with those of your fellow soldiers are covered
with chemicals for rapid decomposition and buried. You were not one of the exceptions, for
more than one million seven hundred thousand German Prisoners of War died from a
deliberate policy of extermination by starvation, exposure, and disease, under direct orders of
the Jewish General Dwight David Eisenhower.
One month before the end of World War 11, General Eisenhower issued special orders
concerning the treatment of German Prisoners and specific in the language of those orders
was this statement,
"Prison enclosures are to provide no shelter or other comforts."
Eisenhower biographer Stephen Ambrose, who was given access to the Eisenhower
personal letters, states that he proposed to exterminate the entire German General Staff,
thousands of people, after the war.
Eisenhower, in his personal letters, did not merely hate the Nazi Regime, and the few who
imposed its will down from the top, but that HE HATED THE GERMAN PEOPLE AS A
RACE. It was his personal intent to destroy as many of them as he could, and one way was to
wipe out as many prisoners of war as possible.
Of course, that was illegal under International law, so he issued an order on March 10,
1945 and verified by his initials on a cable of that date, that German Prisoners of War be
predesignated as "Disarmed Enemy Forces" called in these reports as DEF. He ordered that
these Germans did not fall under the Geneva Rules, and were not to be fed or given any water
or medical attention. The Swiss Red Cross was not to inspect the camps, for under the DEF
classification, they had no such authority or jurisdiction.
Months after the war was officially over, Eisenhower's special German DEF camps were
still in operation forcing the men into confinement, but denying that they were prisoners. As
soon as the war was over, General George Patton simply turned his prisoners loose to fend for
themselves and find their way home as best they could. Eisenhower was furious, and issued a
specific order to Patton, to turn these men over to the DEF camps. Knowing Patton as we do
from history, we know that these orders were largely ignored, and it may well be that Patton's
untimely and curious death may have been a result of what he knew about these wretched
Eisenhower DEF camps.
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The book, OTHER LOSSES, found its way a few months ago into the hands of a Canadian
news reporter, Peter Worthington, of the OTTAWA SUN. He did his own research through
contacts he had in Canada, and reported in his column on September 12,1989 the following,
in part:
" is hard to escape the conclusion that Dwight Eisenhower was a war criminal of epic
proportions. His (DEF) policy killed more Germans in peace than were killed in the European
"For years we have blamed the 1.7 million missing German POW's on the Russians. Until
now, no one dug too deeply ... Witnesses and survivors have been interviewed by the author;
one Allied officer compared the American camps to Buchenwald."
It is known, that the Allies had sufficient stockpiles of food and medicine to care for these
German soldiers. This was deliberately and intentionally denied them. Many men died of
gangrene from frostbite due to deliberate exposure. Local German people who offered these
men food, were denied. General Patton's Third Army was the only command in the European
Theater to release significant numbers of Germans.
Others, such as Omar Bradley and General J.C.H. Lee, Commander of Com Z, tried, and
ordered the release of prisoners within a week of the war's end. However, a SHAEF Order,
signed by Eisenhower, countermanded them on May 15th
Does that make you angry? What will it take to get the average apathetic American
involved in saving his country from such traitors at the top? Thirty years ago, amid the high
popularity of Eisenhower, a book was written setting out the political and moral philosophy;
of Dwight David Eisenhower called, THE POLITICIAN, by Robert Welch. This year is the
Anniversary of Eisenhower's birth in Denison, Texas on October 14, 1890, the son of
Jacob David Eisenhower and his wife Ida. Everyone is all excited about the celebration of this
landmark in the history of "this American patriot." Senator Robert Dole, in honor of the
Commander of the American Death Camps, proposed that Washington's Dulles Airport be
renamed the Eisenhower Airport!
The UNITED STATES MINT in Philadelphia, PA is actually issuing a special Eisenhower
Centennial Silver Dollar for only $25 each. They will only mint 4 million of these collector's
items, and veteran's magazines are promoting these coins under the slogan, "Remember the
Man...Remember the Times..." Pardon me if I regurgitate!
There will be some veterans who will not be buying these coins. Two will be Col. James
Mason and Col. Charles Beasley who were in the U.S. Army Medical Corps who published a
paper on the Eisenhower Death Camps in 1950. They stated in part:
"Huddled close together for warmth, behind the barbed wire was a most awesome sight;
nearly 100,000 haggard, apathetic, dirty, gaunt, blank-staring men clad in dirty gray uniforms,
and standing ankle deep in mud ... water was a major problem, yet only 200 yards away the
River Rhine was running bankfull."
Another Veteran, who will not be buying any of the Eisenhower Silver Dollars is Martin
Brech of Mahopac, New York, a semi-retired professor of philosophy at Mercy College in
Dobbs Ferry, NY. In 1945, Brech was an 18 year old Private First Class in Company C of the
Infantry, assigned as a guard and interpreter at the Eisenhower Death Camp at
Andernach, along the Rhine River. He stated for SPOTLIGHT, February 12, 1990:
"My protests (regarding treatment of the German DEF'S) were met with hostility or
indifference, and when I threw our ample rations to them over the barbed wire. I was
threatened, making it clear that it was our deliberate policy not to adequately feed them."
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"When they caught me throwing C- Rations over the fence, they threatened me with
imprisonment. One Captain told me that he would shoot me if he saw me again tossing food
to the Germans ... Some of the men were really only boys 13 years of age...Some of the
prisoners were old men drafted by Hitler in his last ditch stand ... I understand that average
weight of the prisoners at Andernach was 90 pounds...I have received threats ... Nevertheless,
this...has liberated me, for I may now be heard when I relate the horrible atrocity I witnessed
as a prison guard for one of 'Ike's death camps' along the Rhine." (Betty Lou Smith Hanson)
Note: Remember the photo of Ike's West Point yearbook picture when he was dubbed
"IKE, THE TERRIBLE SWEDISH JEW"? By the way, he was next, or nearly so, to the
last in his class. This article was first printed in 1990, but we thought it was meaningful to
reprint it now.
Note: During Cadet Eisenhower's time at West Point Academy, Eisenhower was
summoned to the office of the headmaster and was asked some pointed questions. At the time,
it was routine procedure to test a cadet's blood to insure White racial integrity.
Apparently there was a question of Eisenhower's racial lineage and this was brought to
Eisenhower's attention by the headmaster. When asked if he was part Oriental, Eisenhower
replied in the negative. After some discussion, Eisenhower admitted having some Jewish
background. The headmaster then reportedly said, "That's where you get your Oriental
blood?" Although he was allowed to remain at the academy, word got around since this was a
time in history when non-Whites were not allowed into the academy.
Later, in Eisenhower's West Point Military Academy graduating class yearbook, published
in 1915, Eisenhower is identified as a "terrible Swedish Jew."
Wherever Eisenhower went during his military career, Eisenhower's Jewish background
and secondary manifesting behavior was a concern to his fellow officers. During World War
II when Col. Eisenhower was working for Gen. Douglas MacArthur in the South Pacific,
MacArthur protested to his superiors in Washington (DC) that Eisenhower was incompetent
and that he did not want Eisenhower on his staff.
In 1943, Washington not only transferred Col. Eisenhower to Europe but promoted him
over more than 30 more experienced senior officers to five star general and placed him in
charge of all the US forces in Europe.
Thus it comes as no surprise that General George Patton, a real Aryan warrior, hated
[Ed: Patton was keen to fight the Soviets, and reportedly kept some German units ready to
move against the Soviets...unsurprisingly he was killed; after the war, in a 'car crash,' just like
Lawrence of Arabia was conveniently bumped off, in a similar manner, for his 'pro-fascist'
“the Holocaust framework has promoted as well a belligerent stance toward any criticism
of Israel.”
The atheistic Jew has relentlessly sought to impose his materialistic, atheistic ideas upon
the Western White man, both religious and political. He has systematically invaded the White
Man's schools of theology, seeking to destroy any lingering first century ideas of Christianity,
and in turn pervert Christianity against itself, enabling the Jew to use Christianity as a tool to
destroy the White Race. Thus, Judeo-Christianity is nothing more than Judaized versions of
so-called Christianity. This becomes a tool of the Jewish Socialist.
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"The Gnostics derived their leading doctrines and ideas from Plato and Philo, the Zend-
avesta, the Kabbalah, and the Sacred books of India and Egypt; and thus introduced into the
bosom of Christianity the cosmological and theosophical speculations, which had formed the
larger portion of the ancient religions of the Orient, joined to those of the Egyptian, Greek,
and Jewish doctrines, which the Neo-Platonists had equally adopted in the Occident..
“It is admitted that the cradle of Gnosticism is probably to be looked for in Syria and even
in Palestine. Most of its expounders wrote in that corrupted form of the Greek used by the
Hellenistic Jews...and there was a striking analogy between their doctrines and those of the
Judeo-Egyptian Philo of Alexandria; itself the seat of three schools, at once philosophic and
religious, the Greek, the Egyptian, and the Jewish. Pythagoras and Plato, the most mystical of
the Grecian philosophers (the latter heir to the doctrines of the former), and who had traveled,
the latter in Egypt, and the former in Phoenicia, India, and Persia, also taught the esoteric
doctrine...The dominant doctrines of Plutonism were found in Gnosticism...
“The Jewish-Greek School of Alexandria is known only by two of its chiefs, Aristobulus
and Philo, both Jews of Alexandria in Egypt. Belonging to Asia by its origin, to Egypt by its
residence, to Greece by its language and studies, it strove to show that all truths embedded in
the philosophies of other countries were transplanted thither from Palestine. “Aristobulus
declared that all the facts and details of the Jewish Scriptures were so many allegories
concealing the most profound meanings, and that Plato had borrowed from them all his finest
ideas. Philo, who lived a century after him, following the same theory, endeavored to show
that the Hebrew writings, by their system of allegories, were the true source of all religions
and philosophical doctrines. According to him, the literal meaning was for the vulgar
alone...The Jews of Syria and Judea were the direct precursors of Gnosticism; and in their
doctrines were ample Oriental elements.
“These Jews had had with the Orient, at two different periods, intimate relations,
familiarizing them with the doctrines of Asia and especially of Chaldea and Persia...Living
nearly two-thirds of a century, and many of them long afterward, in Mesopotamia, the cradle
of their race; speaking the same language, and their children reared with those of the
Chaldeans. Assyrians, Medes, and Persians, they necessarily adopted many of the doctrines of
their conquerors...and these additions to the old doctrine were soon spread by the constant
intercourse of commerce into Syria and Palestine...
“From Egypt or Persia the new Platonists borrowed the idea, and the Gnostics received it
from them, that man, in his terrestrial career, is successively under the influence of the Moon,
Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, until he finally reaches the Elysian Fields."
(Morals and Dogmas, Albert Pike)
The Jews have also systematically invaded the schools of learning. Today, the atheistic
Jew continues to Jewish/socialize little, White, Christian children by teaching his atheistic and
communistic holocaust (HoloHOAX) propaganda in the American schools, all the while
denying White, Christian Americans their freedom of speech and freedom to rebut or dispute
the blatant Jewish liars who come to the American school system to tell their demonic lies,
and thereby Jewish/socialize our American White children.
"'The Jewish Establishment":
“In the early 1930s, Walter Duranty of the New York Times was in Moscow, covering Joe
Stalin the way Joe Stalin wanted to be covered. To maintain favor and access, he expressly
denied that there was famine in Ukraine even while millions of Ukrainian Christians were
being starved into submission. For his work Duranty won the Pulitzer Prize for journalism. To
this day, the Times remains the most magisterial and respectable of American newspapers.
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“Now imagine that a major newspaper had had a correspondent in Berlin during roughly
the same period who hobnobbed with Hitler, portrayed him in a flattering light, and denied
that Jews were being mistreated, thereby not only concealing, but materially assisting the
regime's persecution. Would that paper's respectability have been unimpaired several decades
“There you have an epitome of what is lamely called 'media bias.' The Western supporters
of Stalin haven't just been excused; they have received the halo of victim hood for the
campaign, in what liberals call 'the McCarthy era,' to get them out of the government, the
education system, and respectable society itself.
“Not only persecution of Jews but any critical mention of Jewish power in the media and
politics is roundly condemned as 'anti-Semitism.' But there isn't even a term of opprobrium
for participation in the mass murders of Christians. Liberals still don't censure the Communist
attempt to extirpate Christianity from Soviet Russia and its empire, and for good reason,
liberals themselves, particularly Jewish liberals, are still trying to uproot Christianity from
“It's permissible to discuss the power of every other group, from the Black Muslims to the
Christian Right, but the much greater power of the Jewish establishment is off-limits. That, in
fact, is the chief measure of its power: its ability to impose its own taboos while tearing down
the taboos of others, you might almost say its prerogative of offending.
“You can read articles in Jewish-controlled publications from the Times to Commentary
blaming Christianity for the Holocaust or accusing Pope Pius XII of indifference to it, but
don't look for articles in any major publication that wants to stay in business examining the
Jewish role in Communism and liberalism, however temperately." (The Jewish Establishment,
Joseph Sobran, September 1995 issue)
The holocaust is taught in schools, and the Jew is allowed to come in and teach his
religious views in the context of teaching about the holocaust, and he influences our children
into believing that Jews are the chosen people of God. In reality, true White Christians are the
Chosen People of God.
Atrocity propaganda is nothing new to the Jews. It has accompanied every conflict of the
century and doubtless will continue to do so. During the First World War, the Germans
were actually accused of eating Belgian babies, as well as delighting to throw them in the air
and transfix them on bayonets.
The British also alleged that the German forces were operating a “Corpse Factory,” in
which they boiled down the bodies of their own dead in order to obtain glycerine and other
commodities, a calculated insult to the honor of the German Army. AFTER THE WAR,
No such statements have been made after the Second World War (The Jews had obtained
absolute control of the news papers, magazines and etc., by the end of the war). In fact, rather
than diminish with the passage of years, the atrocity propaganda concerning the German
occupation, and in particular their treatment of the Jews, has done nothing but increase its
virulence and elaborate its catalogue of horrors.
Gruesome paperback books with lurid covers continue to roll from the presses, adding
continuously to a growing mythology of the concentration camps and especially tot he story
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that no less than Six Million Jews were exterminated in them. This study will reveal this claim
to be the most colossal piece of fiction and the most successful of deceptions; but here an
attempt may be made to answer an important question: What has rendered the atrocity stories
of the Second World War so uniquely different from those of the First? Why were the former
retracted while the latter are reiterated louder than ever? Is it possible that the story of the Six
Million Jews is serving a political purpose; that it is a form of political blackmail?
So far as the Jewish people, themselves, are concerned, the deception has been an
incalculable benefit. Every conceivable race and nationality had its share of suffering in the
Second World War, but none has so successfully elaborated it and turned it to such great
The alleged extent of their persecution quickly aroused sympathy for the Jewish national
homeland they had sought for so long; after the War the British Government did little to
prevent Jewish emigration to Palestine which they had declared illegal, and it was not long
afterwards that the Zionists wrested from the Government the land of Palestine and created
their haven from persecution, the State of Israel.
Massacres Committed by the Jews in
Palestine A Partial List
The worst of the massacres were the King David Hotel, the Semiramis Hotel, Deir Yassin,
Dawayma, Kibya, Kafr Kassim, the attack against the USS Liberty and the Libyan Boeing
727 Airliner, and the massacres against Sabra and Shatila and other refugee camps in
Lebanon. Following are just a few of the many massacres committed by the Jewish/Zionists;
specifically the Hagana, Irgun and Stern Gangs of Israel: The Massacre of
1. King David Hotel, July 22, 1946.
2. Sharafat, Feb. 7, 1951.
3. Deir Yassin, April 10, 1948.
4. Naseruddine, April 14, 1948.
5. Carmel, April 20, 1948.
6. Al-Qabu, May 1, 1948.
7. Beit Kiras, May 3, 1948.
8. Beitkhoury, May 5, 1948.
9. Az-Zaytoun, May 6, 1948.
10. Wadi Araba, May 13, 1950.
11. Falameh, April 2, 1951.
12. Quibya, Oct. 14, 1953.
13. Nahalin, March, 28, 1954.
14. Gaza, Feb. 28, 1955.
15. Khan Yunis, May 31, 1955.
16. Khan Yunis Again, Aug. 31, 1955.
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17. Tiberia, Dec. 11, 1955.
18. As-Sabha, Nov. 2, 1955.
19. Gaza Again, April 5, 1956.
20. Houssan, Sept. 25, 1956.
21. Rafa, Aug. 16, 1956.
22. Qalqilyah, Oct. 10, 1956.
23. Ar-Rahwa, Sept. 12, 1956.
24. Kahr Kassem, Oct. 29, 1956.
25. Gharandal, Sept. 13, 1956.
26. Gaza Strip, Nov. 1956.
It is a remarkable fact that the Jews emerged from the Second World War as nothing less
than a triumphant minority. Dr. Max Nassbaum, the former chief rabbi of he Jewish
community in Berlin, stated on April 11, 1953:
“The position the Jewish people occupy today in the world; despite the enormous losses, is
ten times stronger than what it was twenty years ago.”
It should be added, if one is to be honest, that the strength has been much consolidated
financially by he supposed massacre of the Six Million, undoubtedly the most profitable
atrocity allegation of all time. To date, the staggering figure of six thousand million pounds
has been paid out in compensation (For a HoloHOAX that never happened) by the Federal
Government of West Germany, mostly to the State of Israel (Which never existed until after
the Second World War), as well as to individual Jewish claims.
Discouragement of Nationalism: In terms of political blackmail, however, the allegation
that Six Million Jews died during the Second World War has much far-reaching implications
for the people of Britain and Europe than simply be advantages it has gained for the Jews.
Here one comes in the crux of the question: Why the Big Lie? What is its purpose?
In the first pace, it has been used quite unscrupulously to discourage any form of
nationalism. Should the people of Britain or any other European country attempt to assert
their patriotism and preserve their national integrity in an age when the very existence of
nation-states is threatened, they are immediately branded as”new-Nazis.”
Because, of course, Nazism was nationalism, and we all know what happened then; Six
Million Jews exterminated! So long as the myth is perpetuated, peoples everywhere will
remain in bondage to, the need for international tolerance and understanding will be
hammered home by the United Nations until nationhood itself, the very guarantee of freedom,
is abolished.
A classic example of the use of the “Six Million” as an anti-national weapon appears in
Manvell and Frank’s book, “The Incomparable Crime” (London, 1967), which deals with
“Genocide in the Twentieth Century.” Anyone with an ounce of pride in being British will be
surprised by the vicious attack made on the British Empire in this book.
The authors quote Pandit Nehru, who wrote the following while in a British prison in
“Since Hitler emerged from obscurity and became the Fuhrer of Germany, we have heard a
great deal about racialism and the Nazi theory of the ‘Herrenvolk’...but we in India have
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known racialism in all its forms ever since the commencement of British rule. The whole
ideology of this rule was that of the ‘Herrenvolk’ and the master race...India as a nation and
Indians as individuals were subjected to insult, humiliation and contemptuous treatment. The
English were an imperial race, we were told, with the God given right to govern us and keep
us in subjection; if we protested we were reminded of the ‘tiger qualities of an imperial race.’”
The authors Manvell and Franki then go on to make the point perfectly fear for all: “The
White races of Europe and America,” they write,
“have become used during the centuries to regarding themselves as a ‘Herrenvolk.’ The
twentieth century, the century of Auschwitz, has also achieved he first stage in the recognition
of multi-racial partnership.” (The Incomparable crime, by Manvell and Franki, p.14)
The Race Problem Suppressed
One could scarcely miss the object of this diatribe, with its insidious hint about “multi-
racial partnership.” Thus the accusation of the Six Million is not only used to undermine the
principle of nationhood and national pride, but it threatens the survival of the Race itself. It is
wielded over the heads of the populace, rather a the threat of hellfire and damnation was in
the Middle Ages.
Many countries of the Anglo-Saxon world, notably the United States and Britain, are today
facing the gravest danger in their history, the danger poised by the alien races in their midst.
Unless something is done in America to halt the immigration and assimilation of Africans and
Asians into their country, we are faced in the near future, quite apart from the bloodshed of
racial conflict, with the biological alteration and destruction of the American people as they
have existed here since we have been a nation.
In short, we are threatened with the irrecoverable loss of our European culture and racial
heritage. But what happens if a man dares to speak of the race problem, of its biological and
political implications? He is branded as that most heinous of creatures, a “racialist.” And what
is racialism, of course, but the very hallmark of the Nazi. They (So everyone is told, anyway)
murdered Six Mission Jews because of racialism, so it must be a very evil thing indeed. When
Enoch Powell drew attention to the dangers posed by colored immigration into Britain in one
of his early speeches, a certain prominent Socialist raised the specter of Dachau and
Auschwitz to silence his presumption.
Thus any rational discussion of the problems of Race and the effort to preserve racial
integrity is effectively discouraged. No one could have anything but admiration for the way in
which the jews have sought to preserve their identity through so many centuries, and continue
to do so today. In this effort they have frankly been assisted by the story of the Six Million,
which, almost like a religious myth, has stressed the need for greater Jewish racial solidarity.
Unfortunately, it has worked in quite the opposite way for all other peoples, rendering them
impotent in the struggle for self-preservation.
The American historian Harry Elmer Barnes once wrote that
“An attempt to make a competent, objective and truthful investigation of the extermination surely the most precarious venture that an historian or demographer could
undertake today.”
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In attempting this precarious task, it is hoped to make some contribution, not only to
historical truth, but towards lifting the burden of a Lie from our own shoulders, so that we
may freely confront the dangers which threaten us all.
German Policy Towards The Jews Prior To The War
Rightly or wrongly, the Germany of Adolf Hitler considered the Jews to be a disloyal and
avaricious element within the national community, as well as a force of decadence in
Germany’s cultural life. This was held to be particularly unhealthy since, during the Weimar
period, the Jews had risen to a position of remarkable strength and influence in the nation,
particularly in law, finance and the mass media, even though they constituted only one
percent of the population.
The fact that Karl Marx was a Jew and that Jews such as Rosa Luxembourg and Karl
Liebknecht were disproportionately prominent in the leadership of revolutionary movements
in Germany, also tended to convince the Nazis of the powerful internationalist and
Communist tendencies of the Jewish people themselves.
It is no part of the discussion here to argue whether the German attitude to the Jews was
right or not, or to judge whether its legislative measures against them were just or unjust. Our
concern is simply with the fact that, believing of the Jews as they did, the Nazis’ solution to
the problem was to deprive them of their influence within the nation by various legislative
acts, and most important of all, to encourage their emigration from the country altogether. By
1939, the great majority of German Jews had emigrated, all of them with a sizeable proportion
of their assets. Never at any time had the Nazi leadership even contemplated a policy of
genocide towards them.
Jews Called Emigration “Extermination”
It is very significant, however, that certain Jews were quick to interpret these policies of
internal discrimination as equivalent to extermination itself. A 1936 anti-German propaganda
book by Leon Feuchtwanger and others entitled “Der Gelbe Fleck: Die Ausrotung von
500,000 deutschen Juden,” (The Yellow Spot: The Extermination of 500,000 German Jews,
Paris, 1936) presents a typical example. Despite its baselessness in fact, the annihilation of
the Jews is discussed from the first pages; straightforward emigration being regarded as the
physical “extermination” of German Jewry.
The Nazi concentration camps for political prisoners are also seen as potential instruments
of genocide, and special reference is made to the 100 Jews still detained in Dachau in 1936, of
whom 60 ad been there since 1933. A further example was the book by the German-Jewish
Communist, Hans Beimler, called
“Four Weeks in the Hands of Hitler’s Hell-Hounds: The Nazi Murder Camp of Dachau,”
Marxist affiliations, he claimed that Dachau was a death camp, though by his own admission
he was released after only a month there. The East German Regime issued a Hans Beimler
Award for services to Communism.
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The fact that anti-Nazi genocide propaganda was being disseminated at this impossibly
early date, therefore, by people biased on racial or political grounds, should suggest extreme
caution to the independent-minded observer when approaching similar stories of the war
The encouragement of Jewish emigration should not be confused with the purpose of
concentration camps in pre-war Germany. These were used for the detention of political
opponents and subversives; principally liberals, Social Democrats and Communists of all
kinds, of whom a huge proportion were Jews such as Hans Beimler.
Unlike the millions enslaved in the Soviet Union, the German concentration camp
population was always small; Reidinger admits that between 1934 and 1938 it seldom
exceeded, 20,000 throughout the whole of Germany, and the number of Jews was never more
than 3,000. (The S.S. Alibi of a Nation, London, 1956, p. 253)
Zionist Policy Studied
The Nazi view of Jewish emigration was not limited to a negative policy of simple
expulsion, but was formulated along the lines of modern Zionism. The founder of political
Zionism in the 19th
century, Theodore Herzl, in his work “The Jewish State,” had originally
conceived of Madagascar as a national homeland for the Jews, and this possibility was
seriously studied by the Nazis. It had been the party platform before 1933 and was published
by the party in pamphlet form. This stated that the revival of Israel as a Jewish state was much
less acceptable since it would result in perpetual war and disruption in the Arab world, which
has indeed been the case.
The Germans were not original in proposing Jewish emigration to Madagascar; the Polish
Government had already considered the scheme in respect of their own Jewish population,
and in 1937 they sent the Michael Lepecki expedition to Madagascar, accompanied by Jewish
representatives, to investigate the problems involved.
The first Nazi proposals for a Madagascar solution were made in association with the
Schacht Plan of 1938. On the advice of Goering, Hitler agreed to send the President of the
Reichsbank, Dr. Hjalmar Schacht, to London for discussions with Jewish representatives Lord
Bearsted and Mr. Rublee of New York. (Reitilinger, The Final Solution, London, 1953, p. 20)
The plan was that German Jewish assets would be frozen as security for an international
loan to finance Jewish emigration in Palestine, and Schacht reported on these negotiations to
Hitler at Berchresgaden on January 2, 1939. The plan, which failed due to British refusal to
accept the financial terms, was first put forward on November 12, 1938 at a conference
convened by Goering, who revealed that Hitler was already considering the emigration of
Jews to a settlement in Madagascar. (Reitilinger, The Final Solution, London, 1953, p.20)
Later, in December, Ribbentrop was told by M. Georges Bonnet, the French Foreign
Secretary, that the French Government itself was planning the evacuation of 10,000 Jews to
Prior to the Schacht Palestine proposals of 1938, which were essentially a protraction of
discussions that had begun as early as 1935, numerous attempts had been made to secure
Jewish emigration to other European nations, and these efforts culminated in the Evian
Conference of July, 1938.
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However, by 1939 the scheme of Jewish emigration to Madagascar had gained the most
favor in German circles. It is true that in London Helmuth Wohitat of the German Foreign
Office discussed limited Jewish emigration to Rhodesia and British Guiana as late as April
1939; but by January 24th
, when Goering wrote to Interior Minister Frick ordering the creation
of a Central Emigration Office for Jews, and commissioned Heydrich of the Reich Security
Head Office to solve the Jewish problem “by means of emigration and evacuation,” the
Madagascar Plan was being studied in earnest.
By 1939, the consistent effort of the German Government to secure the departure of Jews
from the Reich had resulted in the emigration of 400,000 German Jews from a total
population of about 600,000 and an additional 480,000 emigrants from Austria and
Czechoslovakia, which constituted almost their entire Jewish populations. This was
accomplished through Offices of Jewish Emigration in Berlin, Vienna and Prague established
by Adolf Eichmann, the head of the Jewish Investigation Office of the Gestapo. So eager were
the German to secure this emigration that Eichmann even established a training center in
Austria, where young Jews could learn farming in anticipation of being smuggled illegally to
Palestine. (Manvell & Frankl, S.S. and Gestapo, p. 60)
Had Hitler cherished any intention of exterminating the Jews, it is inconceivable that he
would have allowed more than 800,000 to leave Reich territory with the bulk of their wealth,
much less considered plans for their mass emigration to Palestine or Madagascar. What is
more, we shall see that the policy of emigration from Europe was still under consideration
well into the war period, notably the Madagascar Plan, which Eichmann discussed in 1940
with French Colonial Office experts after the defeat of France had made the surrender of the
colony a practical proposition.
German Policy Towards The Jews After the Outbreak off War
With the coming of the war, the situation regarding the Jews altered drastically. It is not
widely known that world Jewry declared itself to be a belligerent party in the Second World
War, and there was therefore ample basis under international law for the Germans to intern
the Jewish population as a hostile force.
On September , 1939 Chaim Weizmann, the principle Zionist leader, had declared war
against Germany on behalf of the world’s Jews, stating that
“the Jews stand by Great Britain and will fight on the side of the democracies...The Jewish
Agency is ready to enter into immediate arrangements for utilizing Jewish manpower,
technical ability, resources etc...” (Jewish Chronicle, September 8, 1939)
This was only a reiterating of a state of war which already existed between Germany and
the Jews. For the war between the two was first announced "Judea declares War on
Germany." (Daily Express, March 24, 1934)
Detention Still Favored
It is a remarkable fact, however, that well into the war, the Germans continued o
implement the policy of Jewish emigration. The fall of France in 1940 enabled the German
Government to open serious negotiations with the French for the transfer of European Jews to
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A memorandum of August, 1942 from Luther, Secretary of State in the German Foreign
Office, reveals that he had conducted these negotiations between July and December 1940,
when they were terminated by the French. A circular from Luther’s department dated August
, 1940 shows that the details of the German plan had been worked out by Eichmann, for it
is signed by his assistant, Danecker. Eichmann had in fact been commissioned in August to
draw up a detailed Madagascar Plan, and Danecker was employed in research on Madagascar
at the French Colonial Office. (Reitilinger, The Final Solution, p. 77) The proposals of August
were that an inter-European bank was to finance the emigration of four million Jews
throughout a phased program.
Luther’s 1942 memorandum shows that Heydrich had obtained Himmler’s approval of this
plan before the end of August and had also submitted it to Goering. It certainly met with
Hitler’s approval, for as early as June 17th
his interpreter, Schmidt, recalls Hitler observing to
Mussolini that
“One could found a State of Israel in Madagascar.” (Schmidt, Hitler’s Interpreter, London,
1951, p. 178)
Although the French terminated the Madagascar negotiations in December, 1940,
Poliakov, the director of the Center of Jewish Documentation in Paris, admits that the
Germans nevertheless pursued the scheme, and that Eichmann was still busy with it
throughout 1941.
Eventually, however, it was rendered impractical by the progress of the war, in particular
by the situation after the invasion of Russia, and on February 10th
, 1942, the Foreign Office
was informed that the plan had been temporarily shelved. This ruling, sent to the Foreign
Office by Luther’s assistant, Rademacher, is of great importance, because it demonstrates
conclusively that the term”Final Solution” meant only the emigration of Jews, and also that
transportation to the eastern ghettos and concentration camps such as Auschwitz constituted
nothing but an alterative plan of evacuation.
The directive reads:
“The war with the Soviet Union has in the meantime created the possibility of disposing of
other territories for the Final Solution. In consequence the Fuhrer has decided that the Jews
should be evacuated not to Madagascar but to the East. Madagascar need no longer, therefore,
be considered in connection with the Final Solution.” (Reitilinger, The Final Solution, p. 79)
The details of this evacuation had been discussed a month earlier at the Wannsee
Conference in Berlin, which memorandum which we shall examine below.
Reitilinger and Poiakov both make the entirely unfounded supposition that because the
Madagascar Plan had been shelved, the Germans must necessarily have been thinking of
Only a month later, however, on March 7th
, 1942, Goebbels wrote a memorandum in favor
of the Madagascar Plan as a “final solution” of the Jewish question. (Manvell & Frankl, Dr.
Goebes, London, 1960, p. 165)
In the meantime he approved of the Jews being “concentrated in the East.” Later Goebbels
memoranda also stress deportation to the East (i.e., the Government-General of Poland)and
lay emphasis on the need for compulsory labor there; once the policy of evacuation to the East
had been inaugurated; the use of Jewish labor became a fundamental part of the operation.
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It is perfectly clear from the foregoing that the term “Final Solution” was applied both to
Madagascar and to the Eastern territories, and that therefore it meant only the
Evan as late as May 1944, the Germans were prepared to allow the emigration of one
million European Jews form Europe. An account of this proposal is given by Alexander
Weissberg, a prominent Soviet Jewish scientist deported during the Stalin purges, in his book
Die Geschiche von Joel Brand (Cologne,1956). Weissberg, who spent the war in Cracow
though he expected the Germans to intern him in a concentration camp, explains that on the
personal authorization of Himmler, Eichmann had sent the Budapest Jewish leader Joel Brand
to Istanbul with an offer to the Allies to permit the transfer of one million European Jews in
the midst of the war. (If the “extermination”writers are to be believed, there were scarcely one
million Jews left by May, 1944).
The Gestapo admitted that the transportation involved would greatly inconvenience the
German war-effort, but were prepared to allow it in exchange for 10,000 trucks to be used
exclusively on the Russian front. Unfortunately, the plan came to nothing; the British
concluded that Brand must be a dangerous Nazi agent and immediately imprisoned him in
Cairo, while the press denounced the offer as a Nazi trick.
Winston Churchill, though orating to the effect that the treatment of the Hungarian Jews
was probably “the biggest and most horrible crime ever committed in the whole history of the
world,” nevertheless told Chaim Weizmann that acceptance of the Brand offer was
impossible, since it would be a betrayal of his Russian allies. Although the plan was fruitless,
it well illustrates that no one allegedly carrying out “thorough” extermination would permit
the emigration of a million Jews, and it demonstrates, too, the prime importance placed by the
Germans on the war-effort.
Population And Emigration
Statistics relating to Jewish populations are not everywhere known in precise detail,
approximations for various countries differing widely, and it also unknown exactly how many
Jews were deported and interned a any one time between the years 1939-1945. In general,
however, what reliable statistics there are, especially those relating to emigration, are
sufficient to show that not a fraction of six million Jews could have been exterminated.
In the first place, this claim cannot remotely be upheld on examination of the European
Jewish population figures. According to “Chamers Encyclopedia” the total number of Jews
living in pre-war Europe was, 6,500,000. Quite clearly, this would mean that almost the entire
number were exterminated. But the “Baseler Nachrichten,” a neutral Swiss publication
employing available Jewish statistical data, establishes that between 1933 and 1945,
1,500,000 Jews emigrated to Britain, Sweden, Spain, Portugal, Australia, China, India,
Palestine and the United States. This is confirmed by the Jewish journalist Bruno Blau, who
cites the same figure in the New York Jewish paper “Aufbau,” August 13th
, 1948. Of these
emigrants, approximately 400,000 came from Germany before September 1939. This is
acknowledged by the World Jewish Congress in its publication “Unity in Dispersion,” p. 377,
which states that:
“The majority of the German Jews succeeded in leaving Germany BEFORE THE WAR
In addition to the German Jews, 220,000 of the total 280,000 Austrian Jews had emigrated
by September, 1939, while from March 1939 onwards the Institute for Jewish emigration in
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Prague had secured the emigration of 260,000 Jews from former Czechoslovakia. In all, only
360,000 Jews remained in Germany, Austria and Czechoslovakia after September 1939.
From Poland, an estimated 500,000 had emigrated prior to the outbreak of war. These
figures mean that the number of Jewish emigrants from other European countries (France, the
Netherlands, Italy, the countries of Eastern Europe etc.) was approximately 120,000.
This exodus of Jews before and during hostilities, therefore, reduces the number of Jews in
Europe to approximately 5 million. In addition to those emigrants, we must also include the
number of Jews who fled to the Soviet Union after 1939, and who were later evacuated
beyond reach of the German invaders.
It will be shown below that the majority of these, about 1,250,000 were migrants from
Poland. But apart from Poland, Reitilinger admits that 300,000 other European Jews slipped
into Soviet territory between 1939 and 1941. This brings the total of Jewish emigrants to the
Soviet Union to about 1,550,000. In “Colliers Magazine,” June 9th
, 1945, Freiling Foster,
writing of the Jews in Russia, explained that “2,200,000 have migrated to the Soviet Union
since 1939 to escape from the Nazis,” but our lower estimate is probably more accurate.
Jewish migration tot he Soviet Union, therefore, reduces the number of Jews within the
sphere of German occupation to around 31/2 million, approximately 3,450,000. From these
should be deducted those Jews living in neutral European countries who escaped the
consequences of the war. According to the 1942 “World Almanac” p. 594 the number of Jews
living in Gibraltar, Britain, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ireland and Turkey was
Three Million Jews in Europe
A figure, consequently, of about a million Jews in German-occupied Europe is an accurate
as the available emigration statistics will allow. Approximately the same number, however,
can be deduced in another way if we examine statistics for the Jewish populations remaining
in countries occupied by the Reich. More than half of those Jews who migrated to the Soviet
Union after 1939 came from Poland.
It is frequently claimed that the war with Poland added some 3 million Jews to the German
sphere of influence and that almost the whole of this Polish Jewish population was
This is a major factual error. The 1931 Jewish population census for Poland put the number
of Jews at 2,732,600. (Reitilinger, Die Endtosung, p. 36) Reitilinger states that at least
1,170,000 of these were in the Russian zone occupied in the autumn of 1949, about a million
of whom were evacuated to the Urals and south Siberia after the German invasion of June
1941. (Reitilinger, Die Endtosung, p. 50)
As described above, an estimated 500,000 Jews had emigrated from Poland prior to the
war. Moreover, the journalist Raymond Arthur Davis, who spent the war in the Soviet Union,
observed that approximately 250,000 had already fled from German-occupied Poland to
Russia between 1939 and 1941 and were to be encountered in every Soviet province.
(Odyssey through Hell, N.Y. 1946) Subtracting these figures from the population of
2,732,600, therefore, and allowing for the normal population increase no more than 1,100,000
Polish Jews could have been under German rule at the end of 1939. (Gutachendes Instituts fur
Zeitgeshichie Munich,1956, p. 50)
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To this number we may add the 360,000 Jews remaining in Germany, Austria and
Czechoslovakia (Bohemia-Moravia and Slovakia) after the excessive emigration from three
countries prior o the war described above. Of the 320,000 French Jews, the Public Prosecutor
representing that art of the indictment relating to France at the Nuremberg Trials, stated
that120,000 Jews were deported, through Reitilinger estimates only about 50,000.
Thus the total number of Jews under Nazi rule remains below two million. Deportations
from the Scandinavian countries were few, and from Bulgaria none at all. When the Jewish
populations of Holland (140,000), Belgium (40,000), Italy (50,000), Yugoslavia (55,000),
Hungary (380,000) and Roumania (725,000) are included, the figure does not much exceed 3
million. His excess is due to the fact that the latter figures are pre-war estimates unaffected by
emigration, which from these countries accounted for about 120,000 (see above). This cross-
checking, therefore, confirms the estimate of approximately 2 million European Jews under
German occupation.
Russian Jews Evacuated
The precise figures concerning Russian Jews are unknown, and have therefore been the
subject of extreme exaggeration. The Jewish statistician Jacob Leszczynski states that in 1939
there were 2,100,000 Jews living in future German-occupied Russia, i.e., Western Russia. In
addition, some 260,000 lived in the Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. According
to Louis Levine, President of the American Jewish Council for Russian Relief, who made a
post-war tour of the Soviet Union and submitted a report on the status of Jews there, the
majority of these numbers were evacuated east after the German armies launched their
In Chicago, on October 30h, 1946, he declared that:
EVACUATED FROM THE WESTERN REGIONS threatened by the Hitlerite invaders,
This high number is confirmed by the Jewish journalist David Bergelson, who wrote in the
Moscow Yiddish paper “Ainikeit,” December 5th
, 1942, that “Thanks tot he evacuation, the
majority (80%) of he Jews in the Ukraine, White Russia, Lithuania and Latvia before the
arrival of the Germans were rescued.” Reitilinger agrees with the Jewish authority Joseph
Schechtmann, who admits that huge numbers were evacuated, through he estimates a slightly
higher number of Russian and Baltic Jews left under German occupation, between 650,000
and 850,000. (Reitilinger, The Final Solution, p. 499)
In respect of these Soviet Jews remaining in German territory, it will be proven later that in
the war in Russia no more than one hundred thousand persons were killed by the German
Action Groups as partisans and Bolshevik commissars, not all of whom were Jews. By
contrast, the partisans themselves claimed to have murdered five times that number of
German troops.
Treblinka: No Trace of Mass Graves
Treblinka Ground Radar Examination Finds No Trace of Mass Graves A detailed forensic
examination of the site of the wartime Treblinka camp, using sophisticated electronic ground
radar, has found no evidence of mass graves there.
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For six days in October 1999, an Australian team headed by Richard Krege, a qualified
electronics engineer, carried out an examination of the soil at the site of the former Treblinka
II camp in Poland, where, Holocaust historians say, more than half a million Jews were put to
death in gas chambers and then buried in mass graves.
According to the Encyclopedia of the Holocaust (1997), for example, "a total of 870,000
people" were killed and buried at Treblinka between July 1942 and April 1943. Then,
between April and July 1943, the hundreds of thousands of corpses were allegedly dug up and
burned in batches of 2,000 or 2,500 on large grids made of railway ties.
Krege's team used an $80,000 Ground Penetration Radar (GPR) device, which sends out
vertical radar signals that are visible on a computer monitor. GPR detects any large-scale
disturbances in the soil structure to a normal effective depth of four or five meters, and
sometimes up to ten meters. (GPR devices are routinely used around the world by geologists,
archeologists, and police.) In its Treblinka investigation, Krege's team also carried out visual
soil inspections, and used an auger to take numerous soil core samples.
The team carefully examined the entire Treblinka II site, especially the alleged "mass
graves" portion, and carried out control examinations of the surrounding area. They found no
soil disturbance consistent with the burial of hundreds of thousands of bodies, or even
evidence that the ground had ever been disturbed.
In addition, Krege and his team found no evidence of individual graves, bone remains,
human ashes, or wood ashes.
"From these scans we could clearly identify the largely undisturbed horizontal stratigraphic
layering, better known as horizons, of the soil under the camp site,"
says the 30-year old Krege, who lives in Canberra.
"We know from scans of grave sites, and other sites with known soil disturbances, such as
quarries, when this natural layering is massively disrupted or missing altogether."
Because normal geological processes are very slow acting, disruption of the soil structure
would have been detectable even after 60 years, Krege noted. While his initial investigation
suggests that there were never any mass graves at the Treblinka camp site, Krege believes that
further work is still called for.
"Historians say that the bodies were exhumed and cremated towards the end of the
Treblinka camp's use in 1943, but we found no indication that any mass graves ever existed,"
he says. "Personally, I don't think there was an extermination camp there at all."
Krege is preparing a detailed report on his Treblinka investigation. He says that he would
welcome the formation, possibly under United Nations auspices, of an international team of
neutral, qualified specialists, to carry out similar investigations at the sites of all the wartime
German camps.
Krege and his team are associated with, and funded by, the Adelaide Institute, a south
Australia revisionist "think tank." Its director, Dr. Fredrick Toben, was jailed in Germany for
seven months in 1999 for disputing Holocaust extermination claims. ("'Vernichtungslager'
Treblinka: archaelogisch betrachtet," by Ing. Richard Krege, in Vierteljarhreshefte für freie
Geschichtsforschung, June 2000 [4. Jg., Heft 1], pp. 62-64; "'No Jewish mass grave' in
Poland," The Canberra Times, Jan. 24, 2000, p. 6; "Poland's Jews 'not buried at Treblinka',"
The Examiner [Australia], Jan. 24, 2000. [The latter two newspaper items are reprinted in
facsimile in VHO-info, May 2000, p. 30.]; Information provided by Richard Krege; M. Weber
and A. Allen, "Treblinka," The Journal of Historical Review, Summer 1992, pp. 133-158;
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Journal of Historical Review | Volume 19, number 3 (May/June); "German Court Sentences
Australian Holocaust Skeptic," The Journal of Historical Review, July-August 1999, pp. 2-5;
Y. Arad, "Treblinka," in I. Gutman, ed., Encyclopedia of the Holocaust [New York: 1997],
pp. 1481-1488.))
“Six Million” Untrue According to Neutral Swiss
It is clear, therefore, that the Germans could not possibly have gained control over or
exterminated anything like six million Jews. Excluding the Soviet Union, the number of Jews
in Nazi-occupied Europe after emigration was scarcely more than 3 million, by no means all
of whom were interned. To approach the extermination of even half of six million would have
meant the liquidation of every Jew living in Europe.
Nothing better illustrates the declining plausibility of the Six Million legend than the fact
that the prosecution at the Eichmann trial deliberately avoided mentioning the figure.
Moreover, official Jewish estimates of the casualties are being quietly revised downwards.
Our analysis of the population and emigration statistics, as well as the studies by the Swiss
“Baseler Nachrichten” and Professor Rassinier, demonstrate that it would have been simply
impossible for the number of Jewish casualties to have exceeded a limit of one and a half
Doubtless, several thousand Jewish people did die in the course of the Second World War,
but this must be seen in the context of a war that cost many millions of innocent victims on all
sides. To put the matter in perspective, for example, we may point out that 700,000 Russian
civilians died during the siege of Leningrad, and a total of 2,050,000 German civilians were
killed in Allied air raids and forced repatriation after (Operation Keelhaul) after the war.
The question most pertinent to the extermination legend is, of course: Ho many of the 3
million European Jews, under German control, survived after 1945? The Jewish Joint
Distribution Committee estimated the number of survivors in Europe to be only one and half
million, but such a figure is now totally unacceptable.
This is proven by the growing number of Jews calming compensation from the West
German Government for having allegedly suffered between 1939 and 1945. By 1965, the
number of these claimants registered with the West German Government had tripled in ten
years and reached 3,375,000. (Aufbau, June 30th
, 1965)
Nothing could be a more devastating proof of the brazen fantasy of the Six Million. Most
of these claimants are Jews, so there can be no doubt that the majority of the 3 million Jews
who experienced the Nazi occupation of Europe are, in fact, very much alive. It is a
resounding confirmation of the fact that Jewish casualties during the Second World War can
only be estimated at a figure in thousands.
The New Jewish Religion, The “Supposed” Jewish Holocaust
Today, at this late hour of the history of White Christianity, the Jew has sought to
brainwash uneducated and ignorant generations into the misplaced pity and sorrow of what
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Jews are allowed to teach people to hate Jesus Christ and blaspheme Almighty God, yet
they are admired and pitied by most people in the world, while they tell blatant lies about the
so-called German "death camps." These lies cannot be proven scientifically and are lies
designed only to be cheap, Jewish public relation propaganda to invoke pity for the Jews,
while they pick the American White Man's pockets and raid White America like a corporate
The pity heaped on them is misplaced pity that should be directed to Jesus Christ, as He
was the only innocent person ever to walk the face of the earth, and yet was put to death by
the Jewish people. Now, however, even though the Jews believe and teach in their synagogues
that Jesus is boiling in excrement in Hell, to call a Jew a Christ-killer is an offense that has put
people in jail for much of their lives.
The Holocaust He was first fabricated by the head of the KGB, the Jew Lavrenty Beria.
Since then, week after week, for almost fifty years, the television, radio, and media have
continued to brainwash the American public with scores of historically inaccurate anti-Nazi
and anti-German movies, claiming a German conspiracy to commit genocide against the
Jewish people.
Yet, no conspiracy or so-called "Final Solution" has ever been proven to have existed
among the Nazi leadership. It is true that hundreds of thousands of people died during World
War II, and yes, a small percentage of them were Jews. It is true that thousands died in the
internment camps, many of whom were confessed enemies of the national state. Some were
gypsies, Communists, Baptists, Masons, homosexuals, Jehovah's Witnesses, Germans, Poles,
Czechs and Frenchmen.
The Jews have been exposed to claim that those non-Jews who died in the camps were
Jewish in order to further exaggerate the numbers of Jews who died in concentration camps. It
is very important, for the sake of truth, to remember that the work or industrial camps were
continuously exposed to rampant diseases. At the time that these camps existed throughout
Europe, there were no magic drugs like our antibiotics. Most people in the European camps
died of dysentery, influenza, or perhaps hepatitis B, tuberculosis, cholera, typhus, or even old
age. So it may be said that while the majority of deaths were of natural causes or disease, they
were nevertheless premature because of the war.
Talking about numbers let us examine a few here:
1). How long does it take to cremate a body?
Answer: According to crematory operators today, it takes more about two hours to
completely cremate a body.
2). How long did it take to cremate a body during World War II?
Answer: Cremation was a relatively new thing in the early 40s and therefore it took more
than four hours to cremate a single body. It would have been impossible to cremate more than
one body at a time, for with more bodies the time needed to create the bodies would increase
with each body. From one body and four hours to three bodies and eight hours, four bodies
and 12 hours and etc.
3). How much residue and ashes are left after a body is cremated?
Answer: Today there is about 10 to 12 pounds of residue, depending upon the size of the
body; and that is with the residue being run through a grinder to reduce the larger bone
fragments into smaller one. In the 40s there would have been 40 to 50 pounds of residue and
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no grinding to reduce the larger bone and meat fragments, so there would have no other
reduction in the size of the body.
3). How much weight in ashes and bone fragments would it take to fill a box car or hopper
Answer: The European rail cars are about ½ the size of the ones in the United States, then
and now. So it would have taken about 20,000 pounds of residue to fill a box car.
4). How many men would it have taken to transfer the residue from the ovens to the rail
siding where they would have been loaded out on?
Answer: With one man and one wheel borrow which would have held about 50 pounds of
residue it would have taken about 200 hundred men to transfer the 20,000 pounds that would
fill the box car. These men would have had to move constantly and therefore would have had
to be relieved every few hours to let them rest so that they could work again. Thus the number
of men would have to be 600 at the rate of 200 men changing shifts every 8 hours.
Now slave labor, as history has shown, is the worst sort of labor; because there is no
incentive to produce more and more. Instead the slaves move less and less as time progresses.
This would have added another 600 to the work force thus causing the Germans to have use
1200 men for one box or hopper car per day, just to move the residue from the ovens to the
rail sidings. Of course we have not taken into consideration the distance that the men would
have to travel with their wheel barrow; and thus would have added substantially more men to
the work force.
5). How many men would have taken to load the residue in the box or hopper cars after the
transfer from the ovens?
Answer: Due to the fact that the European cars are about ½ the size of American ones, it
would have take at least 4 men on each side of the car shoveling the residue up into the car.
Then it would have taken 4 men, two on each side to throw the residue from the door to the
back of the car. This would have taken at least 8 men, and since they would have to be
relieved every few hours that would increase the work forces from 8 to 24 men. Then just as
we had to double the work force because of the slowdown in the movement of the slave labor,
it would therefore take 72 men to load the cars. Again we are not taking into consideration the
sickness and accidents which would necessarily happen because of humans being just that:
humans. Which would also increase the work force.
6). How many cars could be loaded at the same time? And how many cars would a siding
Answer: Only about 10 cars could be loaded at one time because if more than that were
loaded, the workers would be getting into each others way, thus causing both a slowdown and
additional workers to the work force. Therefore, it would take about 1300 men to load 10 cars
in one days 24 hours time.
7). How many pounds of residue would 4,000,000 bodies produce?
Answer: At the rate of 40 to 50 pounds per body; and we will use the lesser weight of 40
pounds, it would produce 4,000,000 x 40 pounds = 160,000,000 millions of pounds of
8). How many rail cars would it take to move 160,000,000 pounds of residue?
Answer: At the rate of 20,000 pounds per car, and that is really filling the car up because
the car would probably not hold more than 15,000 pounds, it would take about 16,000 cars.
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Which would not have been possible because the allied bombers were bombing everything in
sight day and night and would have destroyed that many cars in raids.
9). How long would it take at the rate of 10 cars per day to move 16000 cars?
Answer: It would have taken 16000 days.
10). How many years would it have taken to move these cars at the rate above mentioned?
Answer: it would have taken 16000 days divided by 365 days in a year = 54 years.
Therefore, it would not have been possible to cremate 4,000,000 people and move their
ashes and residue in 3 years time.
The movies give the false impression that only Jews were interned in the work and labor
camps. The Jews have claimed hundreds of thousands of non-Jews in order to fabricate their
numbers and claim that 6 million Jews purposely were killed at the hands of the SS, simply
because they were Jewish.
This is a one-sided presentation of World War II that belittles the American fighting man's
part in the war and gives undue credit to the Jews and exaggerates the Jewish deaths at the
expense of other more deserving minorities such as the Ukrainian people.
As incredible as it may sound, if it can be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Jews
themselves were responsible for the excessive and insane bombing policies of the Americans
and the British over Germany in World War II, then that would mean that the Jews
themselves are directly responsible for the incredible numbers or deaths in the Nazi labor
For it is an indisputable fact that what has been called the "atrocities" of the camps did not
occur until after the Allied bombers had destroyed the railway systems that shipped food and
medical supplies to these camps. If the Nazis had been able to bomb the transportation
systems of the Americans and prevent them from shipping medicine and foodstuffs to the
Japanese internees and German prisoners of war in American concentration camps, then
unsanitary living conditions and malnutrition would certainly have had the same results in
extraordinary numbers of Japanese internees dying from dysentery and cholera. But as of this
date, not a single American nor British soldier has been tried for war crimes or crimes against
humanity, even though thousands of such incidents did occur in the American victimization of
Japanese, Germans and people of other nationalities during World War II.
To fail to present an objective and truthful look at the events of World War II is to fail to
learn from the mistakes of that era. Today, Zionist and Talmudic organized Jewry knowingly
and willfully continue to present and perpetuate atheistic, Communist propaganda only because
it paints the Jews as the victims of the Nazis. Many courageous Americans such as Senator Taft
and many Supreme Court Justices spoke out against the travesty of justice called the Nuremberg
War Crimes Trials against the leaders of the German government after World War II.
"World War II was a war to renew Jewish domination of Germany and Central Europe and
for the maintenance of the power and glory of the British/Jewish Empire. The conspirators in
America, England and France are responsible for the greatest tragedy the world has ever
known and their names will be dishonored and execrated in history.
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“It never would have started had not Roosevelt and the half Jew Bullitt guaranteed to
Britain and France all of America's resources, which meant, first, repeal of our neutrality act
and supplying them with munitions and bombers without stint; second, in time the extension
of unlimited credit; third the use of our fleet in the Pacific to protect British, French and
Dutch interests; if these did not suffice for victory, then our young men as air pilots and our
fleet to be sent to Europe; and lastly, if World Jewry and the British/Jewish Empire could not
win without them, millions of our lads to die in Europe's babbles.
“The premeditated killing of human beings by another, save in self defense, is murder, a
crime against Christianity, morality, humanity, and civilization, and this applies with greatest
guilt to the wholesale slaughter by one nation of the people of another who have not attacked
or harmed them. After this illegal, secret plot was negotiated, Roosevelt, the Jews and the
war-mongers of this country, of England and France sought to overthrow the Chamberlain
government and to replace it with the Jews Churchill, Eden, Hore-Belisha and Duff Cooper.
“They plotted to get Bonnet out of the French Cabinet and to substitute the Jews Reynaud,
Blum and Mandel. The ardent but unsuccessful courtship of Stalin and Soviet Russia was
insisted upon by Roosevelt, World Jewry and war-mongers of America, England and France.
“One of the reasons for the Roosevelt/Eden plot to overthrow the Chamberlain government
and remove Bonnet from the French Cabinet was because they would not agree to pay the
price Stalin demanded to encircle and defeat Germany. At Roosevelt's and the Jews'
insistence, England and France guaranteed the boundaries of Poland in order to encircle
Germany and renew Jewish control. This guarantee of the boundaries of Poland was the direct
cause of World War II, it knowingly necessitated it." (War! War! War!, by Cincinnatus, pp.
Many courageous and patriotic Americans knew that the so-called war crimes and the
changes against the German government officials were nothing more than Communist
propaganda designed to blame the Germans for many Communist atrocities that Stalin had
engineered and perpetrated. It is certainly un-American to be afraid of the truth, and no truth-
loving American can possibly stand by and watch the Communist propaganda of World War
II continue to be taught in our public school systems.
Today, fifty years after Adolf Hitler, there is hardly a week or a day that goes by without
an anti-Nazi film or propaganda movie being shown on television channels that one would
think they should be no longer political. Moreover, the Jews have made Nazi memorabilia and
Nazi member organizations a big business in America. No true American can afford to stand
by and allow the Communist, Jewish Zionist, Antichrist Jews to continue imposing their
version of history and their atheistic values upon what was once a White Christian Nation.
If the holocaust is to be discussed in our schools as legitimate history, then let it be
discussed objectively and truthfully, based upon fact instead of Jewish fiction that is designed
only to protect the reputation of Joe Stalin and the Jews behind the Bolshevik revolution of
world Communism. To insist upon fair play is truly an American idea. If we must hear the
Jews side, let us also hear the Arabs' side. We Americans are innately hateful toward anyone
who seeks to rob us of our freedom of thought, but today that is exactly what the atheistic,
Communistic Jews, and Hollywood one-worlders are seeking to do.
Stifling freedom of speech through their Communist tactic of so-called political
correctness, they seek to brainwash the next generation of Americans through drug abuse and
relentless Communist propaganda. They seek to create a police state wherein freedom of
speech is completely stifled, and when freedom of speech is a crime, soon freedom of thought
also becomes a crime.
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The Jews, through the ACLU and other Communist Jewish front groups have, when it is
convenient, defended freedom of speech as long as it is a Communist or a dissenter seeking to
tear down White America.
But when the shoe is on the other foot, they will not defend the rights of White, Christian
Americans, which our forefathers fought for and embodied in the Bill of Rights and the
Constitution. The Jews are currently using federal and state money that they have conned
form the American people to fund their one-sided Communist views of World War II. So, in
effect, every state sponsored holocaust program is but another Jewish con game designed to
rob the working man and the American tax payer, while enslaving these White people's
children into Jewish Socialism.
Think of this travesty of freedom in these terms. A group of atheistic, Christ-hating, Devil-
worshipers comes to your school system and demands the right to teach your children their
God-hating, atheistic values while making no secret of their ulterior motives to undermine
your Christian values and your authority as a parent.
In addition to this, these same Devil-worshiping pagans claim that Nero of Rome was right
to burn the Christians on crosses in his nocturnal garden and to slaughter Christian women
and children by throwing them to the vicious, man-eating lions of the Roman circus. What if
these same people dared to say that the Jews were absolutely correct in putting Jesus Christ to
death and viciously murdering Him? Would you, as a God-fearing person speak up against
such an obvious abuse of American freedom?
Well, that is exactly what the jews are doing throughout the school systems of America by
sending their Jewish evangelists into your classrooms to preach the establishment of their
holocaust religious cult. That is exactly what the Jews have made of the Jewish deaths of WW
They have used the Nazi work camps as an excuse to extort billions of dollars from the
American tax payer, all in support of their Antichrist, world domination philosophy known as
Zionism, and all for the purpose of supporting the illegal state of so-called Israel in Palestine.
We Americans have no objection to the truth, but we do object to liars and to half-truths
being promoted in our school systems for the express purpose of manipulating and
brainwashing our children. Let us remember that the school teachers and the Jews who
sponsor these programs do not invite the local Neo-Nazis to defend their position, nor do they
invite the scholars of The Institute for Historical Review, whose address is POB 1306,
Torrance, CA 90505. They only present one-sided arguments based upon fabrications and lies
first put forward by the Stalinist Communist regime, namely the Jew head of the KGB
Lavrenty Beria, mentioned earlier.
There are many honest and competent historians who disagree with the Communist line of
propaganda. One outstanding example of orchestrated, modern, Jewish propaganda is the
Hollywood versions of the Simon Wiesenthal stories.
Mr. Wiesenthal is portrayed by the Jewish Hollywood crowd as the foremost Nazi hunter
in the world. He is literally presented as a Jewish hero, and as a wonderful humanitarian,
when in fact, the man is a liar and a hypocrite. He has openly lied and confused the truth, but
our children have never been taught the truth about this lying Jew agent, who even admitted
that he was fighting for the Communists.
What our children are taught is that the Simon Wiesenthal Center was named after this
"great man," and that two American presidents awarded this liar with honorary awards for his
so-called work in tracking down Nazis.
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-
Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-

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Holocaust is Nothing but a HoloHoax.- WILLIE MARTIN-

  • 1. Page | 1 Holocaust is Nothing But A HoloHoax By Willie Martin Every day, in every aspect of the media, you will be reminded of the holocaust of World War II and the damage it did to one group of people. You are supposed to feel guilty and excuse away anything these people, who are portrayed as the only victims, now do to society. You are not to mention others, such as the Poles, Russians and Gypsies who suffered equally if not more, for that would detract from the lie with which the rest of humanity is being burdened. Sure, terribly evil things happen in war, but it is even more terrible to allow lies to be embellished and used to promote guilt, misunderstanding, blackmail and more evil. Sooner or later, there will be a worldwide confrontation arising from this deceit, and the liars will come off second best. It is for this reason I have reproduced a section of one of our books here: Alan Dershowitz believes that all American Jews should think of themselves as victims of the Holocaust; his rationale is that they were ultimately targets of the Holocaust. But, the Holocaust is even bigger than that to the Zionists; they want everyone to believe that all wrong is done to the Jews, and no wrong is done by the Jews. And, there is a reason for this. Robert Faurisson observes, "Elie Wiesel won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1986. He is generally accepted as a witness to the Jewish ‘Holocaust,’ and, more specifically, as a witness to the legendary Nazi extermination gas chambers...." But in what respect is Elie Wiesel a witness to the alleged gas chambers? By what right does he ask us to believe in that means of extermination? In an autobiographical book that supposedly describes his experiences at Auschwitz and Buchenwald, he nowhere mentions the gas chambers. He does indeed say that the Germans executed Jews, fire; by throwing them alive into flaming ditches, before the very eyes of the deportees! No less than that! Here Wiesel the false witness had some bad luck. Forced to choose from among several Allied war propaganda lies, he chose to defend the fire lie instead of the boiling water, gassing, or electrocution lies. In 1956, when he published his testimony in Yiddish, the fire lie was still alive in certain circles. This lie is the origin of the term Holocaust. Today there is no longer a single historian who believes that Jews were burned alive. The myths of the boiling water and of electrocution have also disappeared. Only the gas remains. * The gassing lie was spread by the Americans. * The lie that Jews were killed by boiling water or steam (specifically at Treblinka) was spread by the Poles. * The electrocution lie was spread by the Soviets." Yes, these are all Holocaust lies. "The fire lie is of undetermined origin. It is in a sense as old as war propaganda or hate propaganda, just like the false assertion of human (Jewish) skin being used to make lamp shades. In his memoir, Night, which is a version of his earlier Yiddish testimony, Wiesel reports that at Auschwitz there was one flaming ditch for the adults and another one for babies. He writes: ‘Not far from us, flames were leaping from a ditch, gigantic flames. They
  • 2. Page | 2 were burning something. A lorry drew up at the pit and delivered its load - little children. Babies! Yes, I saw it - saw it with my own eyes...those children in the flames.'" None of this ever happened. And, yet, such lies have earned Wiesel the Nobel Peace Prize, and made it "anti-Semitic" and even illegal to simply tell the truth about the Holocaust. Why have lies superseded truth? And, more specifically, who benefits from the lie? As we have observed, every lie in the evil Zionist-controlled system is designed to exploit; every lie keeps Yahweh's system of evil securely in place. In this world, everything of value is offered up to Yahweh by the Zionists, as a "burnt offering." "Holocaust" means burnt offering; it is the perpetuation of the illusion and the elevation of the lie to the level of supreme truth, religiously. The fact is, the Holocaust is about money, legitimacy for Israel, and the total denial of any moral failings (or evilness) in the Jewish people. Jews are outraged when it is mentioned that many gypsies and Russians suffered the same fate as Jews, because to compare a sub-human to a Jew is unspeakable. The Jewish scripture declares that the life of a Jew is the most priceless thing to "god" and the life of a non-Jew or "goy" is worthless. The Jews have a history of crying "holocaust." The Talmud cites examples of many billions of Jews being killed (including children being burned). Needless to say, there have never been that many Jews on the face of the earth. The same falsification and embellishment is true with regard to the "holocaust" of World War II. Many Jews died, but not the six million that is claimed. Perhaps a million died, none from gas chambers. Red Cross documentation which Jewish controllers refuse to release, is suspected of suggesting that some 100,000 were lost. As historian David Irving and many others have rightly observed, there never were gas chambers at the concentration camps. And, it would have been impossible for the Germans to have gassed and then burned 12,000 Jews every day. Reports by concentration camp survivors that tell of the guards going into "gas chambers" as soon as one batch of Jews had been killed, clearing out the bodies, and then filling the room again are patently false - the guards (none of whom was reported to have worn a mask) would have instantly died, since cyanide does not dissipate or disappear in a few minutes. Also, there would have been bones and ashes to show, with cyanide residue. None of this is found. Even the Auschwitz Memorial which once stated that six million Jews had died now states that perhaps a million died. The plaque has been altered from six to one million. That being said, even a million dead people is a lot. The degree of suffering they experienced, and the treatment they received from hateful, evil Nazis was a fact. Yet, that does not excuse all of the evils and wrongs committed by the victors, who fire-bombed civilian populations in Germany and Japan, and dropped atomic bombs on cities in Japan, before ending the war. The intentional massacring of millions of civilians by the Allied victors was certainly a war crime, and perhaps of larger impact than what happened to the Jews. War is a terrible thing, and though it is an unwritten and unspoken policy, civilian populations are targeted and slaughtered in the worst way, to weaken the morale of the opposition. War is not just fought by soldier against soldier, with some kind of boundary against civilians. Yet, it is always the victors who write the history; they are always in the right, and the losers are always in the wrong. War is not black and white, truth is its first casualty, and what is written in history and in the news has little correlation with the truth.
  • 3. Page | 3 Jewish bankers funded the Nazis, and the Zionists fiercely pressured Western nations to keep Jews from being able to leave Germany before the war began. For perverse political and economic reasons, the Zionists did not want the Jews to go to free nations, but rather had the single-minded objective of claiming Palestine as the Jewish state. Because they could not force the creation of Israel before the war, they readily sacrificed the lives of their "lesser brethren" for the "greater cause": Israel. There are many people who hold that all major wars in the last few centuries have been instigated by, funded by, and profited by, the Zionist international bankers. * First, they instigate wars. * Then, during the war, they loan huge sums of money, and make enormous profits in their military-industrial production. * After the war, they buy up property and industry at pennies on the dollar in the loser nations. This policy of economic conquest is not only a factor in war; it is how the everyday economy operates, worldwide, today. * The Zionists control the economies, governments, and agreements/conflicts between major nations. * They control the daily economy, inflation, and deflation. * They engaged in economic war in creating the Great Depression in the US, in which they obtained vast amounts of property and business by foreclosing on mortgages and debt. * And, they have plundered the resources of Third World nations, via the issuance of debt (loans) which cannot be paid back due to usurious interest rates. We need to understand that nothing in this world "just happens," especially not global events. Everything has a reason and a purpose behind it. There are forces that control all that happens in this world, and there is an unseen "shadow government." It uses the masses or "sheep" as cannon fodder during war, and to gain sympathy and financial aid. We are told that we cannot forget the Holocaust, though we dismiss all other genocide that has occurred to all other racial groups throughout history. Why is that? * Why is there no public relations action to memorialize the millions of Whites who were slaughtered in the slave business; * Wy is there no mention of the millions of Cambodians - nearly half their population - who were slaughtered by Pol Pot; or the twenty million Russians killed in World War II? * Why is it that what happens to these other groups doesn't seem to matter? For the answer, we need to only look to Jewish propaganda and scriptural dogma: the life of a Jew matters, only a Jew is a human being; the non-Jews do not matter, their lives are worthless. The media are controlled by the Zionists, and because most of them are Jewish they are greatly invested in the story of the Jews. They readily promote fiction over fact, the lie over the truth in all other areas, so why not in this area - in which they have such strong emotional and financial interest? Contradicting the Holocaust lies is illegal in some countries (called an act of racial hatred and vilification, defaming the dead, and anti-Semitism). The media quickly label any less than glorifying truth about the Jews as anti-Semitism. And, this, more than anything, has given the evil Zionists the greatest cover and freedom from public scrutiny.
  • 4. Page | 4 They are able to go about their agenda of world domination and control with immunity from media attention. If you doubt this, just check to see the last time the Rothschilds and Rockefellers headed the Forbes list of richest people in the world. Rather than holding down the top spots due to their enormous and cunningly concealed wealth, they are not even on the list. The media refuse to acknowledge the power, wealth, authority, and control that the Zionists truly have in this world, because if they did, then some attention would be directed their way when people discuss what is wrong with this world - and why. They have set things up, and controlled things so well, that they never receive this bad publicity. Instead, they portray themselves as philanthropists and benefactors of all mankind - whom they think of as animals, and gladly sacrifice as "burnt offerings" to their blood-thirsty and evil "god" Yahweh (Jehovah). The Nazis allowed a ship full of Jews to leave Germany, to see if another country would be willing to accept Jewish refugees. But, every country, including the United States, refused to let the passengers disembark. Because of this worldwide Zionist policy of refusing to accept Jews anywhere - because of their desire to claim Israel as the homeland of the Jews - many Jews were sacrificed for the political Zionist cause. The shipload of Jews was forced to return, sacrificed as another burnt offering to the greater glory of Yahweh. H.G. Wells noted, "Zionism is an expression of Jewish refusal to assimilate. If the Jews have suffered, it is because they have regarded themselves as a chosen people." The Zionist leaders of the Jewish community have repeatedly, historically, ensured the suffering of their lesser brethren. It is they who have sacrificed the good and innocent among the Jews, willingly, consciously, methodically, so that they could implement their own, self-serving, evil agenda. (Holocaust Fact and Fiction Presented by: Annwn Publications P O Box 28 Malanda, QLD, Australia, 4885) If you want proof that I am right, just watch the jews have a fit about these posts; because if the lies that they have fostered about the HoloHoax were true then they would finance any and all reputable scientists to examine all records and evidence; they would have absolutely no problem with anyone examining the evidence. But because it is a lie and a Hoax they deny anyone, if they can, who tries to do research on the subject. Therefore, by their own denials they prove that it was a Hoax. There have been many terrible "Holocausts." The worst I know of is the 50 million plus Russians murdered by the Communists who ruled Russia (the Soviet Union). Forty years previously (to 1917 Bolshevik Revolution) Dostoevsky had predicted that Socialism would cost Russia one hundred million victims. At the time it seemed an improbable figure. Let me recommend the British press to acquaint its readers with the impartial three-page report of the Russian statistician, Professor Ivan Kurganov. It was published in the West twelve years ago, but, as is so often the case with matters of social significance, we only take cognizance of things that do not run counter to our own feelings. From Professor Kurganov's analysis we learn that if Dostoevsky erred, he erred on the side of understatement. From 1917 to 1959 Socialism cost the Soviet Union a hundred and ten million lives! (These "lives" were for the most part Christians.) (A. Solzhenitsyn, "The West's Betrayal of Civilization", p. 5-6, a B.B.C. address, March 26, 1976) This is a really big time "Holocaust" if numbers make a difference. Why is it that we never see anything about this "Holocaust" in any mainstream media, TV or Hollywood movie?
  • 5. Page | 5 The next biggest "Holocaust" I know about is the one that occurred in Mao's Red China. My 1990 "Guinness Book of World Records" states on p. 367 that during the regime of Mao Tse-tung (1949-1965) between 32.25 and 61.7 were "killed by government forces" according to an estimate by the US Senate Judiciary Committee. I have seen estimates much larger than this. "Killed by government forces" must leave out many millions who starved as a direct result of insane Communist policies such as the "Great Leap Forward' during which many skilled farmers were herded into "steel mills" where they "produced" prodigious amounts of steel by melting tools, impalements, kettles, pots, pans, etc. into "steel." The resulting famine due to a great shortage of farmers caused the deaths of many millions of Chinese people not "killed by government forces." So how many people were murdered by the Communists in the Red Chinese "Holocaust." No one knows for sure, but it was many times 6 million. Again, this is never mentioned in the mainstream media, or wept over in TV programs or Hollywood movies. The 32.25 to 61.7 million (plus many millions more) are forgotten dead. It is estimated that over 40,000,000 (that's FORTY MILLION!) unborn children have been killed by abortion "Doctors" in the US since Roe v. Wade. (1973) Now that's a real HOLOCAUST, but not one wept over by TV, Hollywood, etc. The media only emphasizes a "woman's right to choose." It horrifies me even to contemplate how many more children have been killed by abortionists in numerous other countries. At least 9 million German people died from starvation, exposure, etc. after the Russian armies drove them out of their homes in Germany's eastern provinces at the end of World War II. After the Germans surrendered to the Allies in May of 1945, millions of German soldiers were rounded up and enclosed in barbed wire camps. They were called "disarmed enemy forces." This meant to Eisenhower and his bosses (Roosevelt, Morgenthau, and Truman (all jews), etc.) and his men who imprisoned these DEF's that they did not have to abide by the Geneva convention since they were not POW's. I have pictures of hundreds of thousands of these men in a barbed wire enclosure, standing room only. Family members of these men would come with food and water but were driven away by allied soldiers with machine guns. How long can human beings live in such unsheltered enclosures in mud up to their knees with no food, water, shelter, etc? Of course, not long. Between one and two million German men died in these vast mud pits. Have you ever seen a story about this real holocaust on TV, Hollywood movies, etc? No. This holocaust is forgotten! Many Germans, Eastern Europeans, self-styled "Jews" and Gypsies were severely mistreated and died in Nazi Germany. Many inmates in the Nazi work camps died of starvation, typhus, and other diseases. It is very difficult to transport food when everything that moves is bombed. It is difficult to provide clean drinking water when all water purification plants have been bombed with the idea in mind of causing the very spread of disease that occurred. Did the greedy industrialists profiting from these work camps want their labor force to die or be "gassed." Not if what I have read about their type has any validity. However, if numbers make any difference to you in regards to the "Holocaust" that is "never forgiven" and "never forgotten," and is repeatedly shown in detail in countless TV shows and Hollywood movies and mentioned on at least a weekly basis in mainstream newspapers and magazines please read on.
  • 6. Page | 6 Six Million Jews: Ministers often repeat the Jew story that “Hitler killed six million Jews,” yet the 1939 World Almanac shows 15,688,259 Jews in the world, and nine years later the New York Times reported there were between 15,600,000 and 18,700,000 Jews! If Hitler killed 6 million, how come there were no less in 1948 than in 1939? The same sources report the Jews in Germany in 1938, prior to the supposed killings, totaled only 550,000 (½ million)! If Germans killed 38% of all the Jews in the world, does that mean the 9,688,259 left had six to nine million children in the next nine years? It takes normal populations 100 years to double—how come "Jews" did it in nine? AND THEN NEVER DID IT AGAIN? (the present world population of “Jews” is about the same as it was in 1948) Why do ministers repeat this Jewish propaganda lie to their flocks? [An Open Letter to Any Minister Who Teaches “the Jews Are Israel.” By Pastor Sheldon Emery, (written after 1976, © date not given)] Yes, there have been many Holocausts. I do not deny that. I sorrow over these holocausts more than most people I know. I work to prevent current and future holocausts knowing that "those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it." (Winston Palmer) More Jewish Lies Exposed! For more than fifty years, since the end of World War II, the Talmudic, Zionist Jews have sought to manipulate through Jewish Socialization, White Western public opinion by crying, "Poor, persecuted Jew," while systematically victimizing White Christian culture. This constitutes a perfect description of the Jewish Socialization or Jewish Socialism. Both atheistic, Jewish, Socialism and atheistic, Communist, Socialism are ideas predicated upon the practice of engineering society along atheistic and Jewish ideas. This has been the method of operation of the atheistic, Talmudic, Zionist Jew even before the first century or the time of Christ. Truth at Last: Israeli history textbooks are now being rewritten, reports Ethan Bronner in “The New York Times” (August 14, 1999) as a new generation of historians are replacing myths with facts about the nation’s founding. “Schoolchildren have long been taught that Jews have always been surrounded by enemies and that their victory over five Arab states in the 1948 War of Independence was a new miracle of David-and-Goliath proportions.” The Times reports. “ officially approved textbooks make plain that many of the most common Israeli beliefs are as much myth as fact. The new books say, for example, that it was the Israelis who had the military edge in the War of Independence.” They admit that Palestinians did not voluntarily leave their land, as has been taught, but that they were expelled by Israeli soldiers. One ninth grade text, “Passage To The Past,” mentions the 1948 massacre carried out by radical Zionist forces in the village of Deir Yassin. This is from a report of The American Council for Judaism, December 99. In the Councils publication, “Issues,” is the surprising admission that “the rise of the Holocaust to the top of the Jewish agenda was by no means a spontaneous development” but rather the “consequence of decisions made by communal leaders in response to their appraisals of current communal needs” meaning the need for support for Israel, as pointed out further in the article:
  • 7. Page | 7 The article states, “Examples of how the Holocaust has been used as a weapon to promote policies favorable to Israel are extensive.” Yet to be published by the Council is the fact that the 6 million figure is a myth, invented in 1945 by Llya Ehrenburg, Stalins Jewish propaganda chief during World War II. Since then the figures have been systematically reduced: (1) May 7, 1945: The Soviet Jewish anti-Fascist Committee announced that the number gassed at Auschwitz was 4,00,000; (2) September 1, 1998: Director of Holocaust studies, Yeduha Bauer of Yad Vashem, Holocaust Center at Jerusalem, set the number of deaths at Auschwitz at 1,600,000; (3) 1989: Professor Raul Hilberg, Professor of Holocaust Studies in Tel Aviv, Israel, lists the Auschwitz total at 1,250,000; (4) July, 1990: Polish Historians replaced the plaque at Auschwitz with a new one stating that those who died of all causes and of all nationalities is 1,100,000; and (5) In 1991: Mikhail Gorbachev opened the KBG archives and gave Elizabeth Dole the complete official German register of all deaths, which totaled 74,000. No gas chamber for the extermination of humans has ever been found at any camp. The Jew Eisenhower's Holocaust! "God, I hate the Germans..." (Dwight David Eisenhower in a letter to his wife in September, 1944) First, I want you to picture something in your mind. You are a German soldier who survived through the battles of World II. You were not really politically involved, and your parents were also indifferent to politics, but suddenly your education was interrupted and you were drafted into the German army and told where to fight. Now, in the Spring of 1945, you see that your country has been demolished by the Allies, your cities lie in ruins, and half of your family has been killed or is missing. Now, your unit is being surrounded, and it is finally time to surrender. The fact is, there is no other choice. It has been a long, cold winter. The German army rations have not been all that good, but you managed to survive. Spring came late that year, with weeks of cold rainy weather in demolished Europe. Your boots are tattered, your uniform is falling apart, and the stress of surrender and the confusion that lies ahead for you has your guts being torn out. Now, it is over, you must surrender or be shot. This is war and the real world. You are taken as a German Prisoner of War into American hands. The Americans had 200 such Prisoner of War camps scattered across Germany. You are marched to a compound surrounded with barbed wire fences as far as the eye can see. Thousands upon thousands of your fellow German soldiers are already in this make-shift corral. You see no evidence of a latrine and after three hours of marching through the mud of the spring rain, the comfort of a latrine is upper-most in your mind. You are driven through the heavily guarded gate and find yourself free to move about, and you begin the futile search for the latrine. Finally, you ask for directions, and are informed that no such luxury exists.
  • 8. Page | 8 No more time. You find a place and squat. First you were exhausted, then hungry, then fearful, and now; dirty. Hundreds more German prisoners are behind you, pushing you on, jamming you together and every one of them searching for the latrine as soon as they could do so. Now, late in the day, there is no space to even squat, much less sit down to rest your weary legs. None of the prisoners, you quickly learn, have had any food that day, in fact there was no food while in the American hands that any surviving prisoner can testify to. No one has eaten any food for weeks, and they are slowly starving and dying. But, they can't do this to us! There are the Geneva Convention rules for the treatment of Prisoners of War. There must be some mistake! Hope continues through the night, with no shelter from the cold, biting rain. Your uniform is sopping wet, and formerly brave soldiers are weeping all around you, as buddy after buddy dies from the lack of food, water, sleep and shelter from the weather. After weeks of this, your own hope bleeds off into despair, and finally you actually begin to envy those who, having surrendered first manhood and then dignity, now also surrender life itself. More hopeless weeks go by. Finally, the last thing you remember is falling, unable to get up, and lying face down in the mud mixed with the excrement of those who have gone before. Your body will be picked up long after it is cold, and taken to a special tent where your clothing is stripped off. So that you will be quickly forgotten, and never again identified, your dog-tag is snipped in half and your body along with those of your fellow soldiers are covered with chemicals for rapid decomposition and buried. You were not one of the exceptions, for more than one million seven hundred thousand German Prisoners of War died from a deliberate policy of extermination by starvation, exposure, and disease, under direct orders of the Jewish General Dwight David Eisenhower. One month before the end of World War 11, General Eisenhower issued special orders concerning the treatment of German Prisoners and specific in the language of those orders was this statement, "Prison enclosures are to provide no shelter or other comforts." Eisenhower biographer Stephen Ambrose, who was given access to the Eisenhower personal letters, states that he proposed to exterminate the entire German General Staff, thousands of people, after the war. Eisenhower, in his personal letters, did not merely hate the Nazi Regime, and the few who imposed its will down from the top, but that HE HATED THE GERMAN PEOPLE AS A RACE. It was his personal intent to destroy as many of them as he could, and one way was to wipe out as many prisoners of war as possible. Of course, that was illegal under International law, so he issued an order on March 10, 1945 and verified by his initials on a cable of that date, that German Prisoners of War be predesignated as "Disarmed Enemy Forces" called in these reports as DEF. He ordered that these Germans did not fall under the Geneva Rules, and were not to be fed or given any water or medical attention. The Swiss Red Cross was not to inspect the camps, for under the DEF classification, they had no such authority or jurisdiction. Months after the war was officially over, Eisenhower's special German DEF camps were still in operation forcing the men into confinement, but denying that they were prisoners. As soon as the war was over, General George Patton simply turned his prisoners loose to fend for themselves and find their way home as best they could. Eisenhower was furious, and issued a specific order to Patton, to turn these men over to the DEF camps. Knowing Patton as we do from history, we know that these orders were largely ignored, and it may well be that Patton's untimely and curious death may have been a result of what he knew about these wretched Eisenhower DEF camps.
  • 9. Page | 9 The book, OTHER LOSSES, found its way a few months ago into the hands of a Canadian news reporter, Peter Worthington, of the OTTAWA SUN. He did his own research through contacts he had in Canada, and reported in his column on September 12,1989 the following, in part: " is hard to escape the conclusion that Dwight Eisenhower was a war criminal of epic proportions. His (DEF) policy killed more Germans in peace than were killed in the European Theater." "For years we have blamed the 1.7 million missing German POW's on the Russians. Until now, no one dug too deeply ... Witnesses and survivors have been interviewed by the author; one Allied officer compared the American camps to Buchenwald." It is known, that the Allies had sufficient stockpiles of food and medicine to care for these German soldiers. This was deliberately and intentionally denied them. Many men died of gangrene from frostbite due to deliberate exposure. Local German people who offered these men food, were denied. General Patton's Third Army was the only command in the European Theater to release significant numbers of Germans. Others, such as Omar Bradley and General J.C.H. Lee, Commander of Com Z, tried, and ordered the release of prisoners within a week of the war's end. However, a SHAEF Order, signed by Eisenhower, countermanded them on May 15th . Does that make you angry? What will it take to get the average apathetic American involved in saving his country from such traitors at the top? Thirty years ago, amid the high popularity of Eisenhower, a book was written setting out the political and moral philosophy; of Dwight David Eisenhower called, THE POLITICIAN, by Robert Welch. This year is the 107th Anniversary of Eisenhower's birth in Denison, Texas on October 14, 1890, the son of Jacob David Eisenhower and his wife Ida. Everyone is all excited about the celebration of this landmark in the history of "this American patriot." Senator Robert Dole, in honor of the Commander of the American Death Camps, proposed that Washington's Dulles Airport be renamed the Eisenhower Airport! The UNITED STATES MINT in Philadelphia, PA is actually issuing a special Eisenhower Centennial Silver Dollar for only $25 each. They will only mint 4 million of these collector's items, and veteran's magazines are promoting these coins under the slogan, "Remember the Man...Remember the Times..." Pardon me if I regurgitate! There will be some veterans who will not be buying these coins. Two will be Col. James Mason and Col. Charles Beasley who were in the U.S. Army Medical Corps who published a paper on the Eisenhower Death Camps in 1950. They stated in part: "Huddled close together for warmth, behind the barbed wire was a most awesome sight; nearly 100,000 haggard, apathetic, dirty, gaunt, blank-staring men clad in dirty gray uniforms, and standing ankle deep in mud ... water was a major problem, yet only 200 yards away the River Rhine was running bankfull." Another Veteran, who will not be buying any of the Eisenhower Silver Dollars is Martin Brech of Mahopac, New York, a semi-retired professor of philosophy at Mercy College in Dobbs Ferry, NY. In 1945, Brech was an 18 year old Private First Class in Company C of the 14th Infantry, assigned as a guard and interpreter at the Eisenhower Death Camp at Andernach, along the Rhine River. He stated for SPOTLIGHT, February 12, 1990: "My protests (regarding treatment of the German DEF'S) were met with hostility or indifference, and when I threw our ample rations to them over the barbed wire. I was threatened, making it clear that it was our deliberate policy not to adequately feed them."
  • 10. Page | 10 "When they caught me throwing C- Rations over the fence, they threatened me with imprisonment. One Captain told me that he would shoot me if he saw me again tossing food to the Germans ... Some of the men were really only boys 13 years of age...Some of the prisoners were old men drafted by Hitler in his last ditch stand ... I understand that average weight of the prisoners at Andernach was 90 pounds...I have received threats ... Nevertheless, this...has liberated me, for I may now be heard when I relate the horrible atrocity I witnessed as a prison guard for one of 'Ike's death camps' along the Rhine." (Betty Lou Smith Hanson) Note: Remember the photo of Ike's West Point yearbook picture when he was dubbed "IKE, THE TERRIBLE SWEDISH JEW"? By the way, he was next, or nearly so, to the last in his class. This article was first printed in 1990, but we thought it was meaningful to reprint it now. Note: During Cadet Eisenhower's time at West Point Academy, Eisenhower was summoned to the office of the headmaster and was asked some pointed questions. At the time, it was routine procedure to test a cadet's blood to insure White racial integrity. Apparently there was a question of Eisenhower's racial lineage and this was brought to Eisenhower's attention by the headmaster. When asked if he was part Oriental, Eisenhower replied in the negative. After some discussion, Eisenhower admitted having some Jewish background. The headmaster then reportedly said, "That's where you get your Oriental blood?" Although he was allowed to remain at the academy, word got around since this was a time in history when non-Whites were not allowed into the academy. Later, in Eisenhower's West Point Military Academy graduating class yearbook, published in 1915, Eisenhower is identified as a "terrible Swedish Jew." Wherever Eisenhower went during his military career, Eisenhower's Jewish background and secondary manifesting behavior was a concern to his fellow officers. During World War II when Col. Eisenhower was working for Gen. Douglas MacArthur in the South Pacific, MacArthur protested to his superiors in Washington (DC) that Eisenhower was incompetent and that he did not want Eisenhower on his staff. In 1943, Washington not only transferred Col. Eisenhower to Europe but promoted him over more than 30 more experienced senior officers to five star general and placed him in charge of all the US forces in Europe. Thus it comes as no surprise that General George Patton, a real Aryan warrior, hated Eisenhower. [Ed: Patton was keen to fight the Soviets, and reportedly kept some German units ready to move against the Soviets...unsurprisingly he was killed; after the war, in a 'car crash,' just like Lawrence of Arabia was conveniently bumped off, in a similar manner, for his 'pro-fascist' views]. “the Holocaust framework has promoted as well a belligerent stance toward any criticism of Israel.” The atheistic Jew has relentlessly sought to impose his materialistic, atheistic ideas upon the Western White man, both religious and political. He has systematically invaded the White Man's schools of theology, seeking to destroy any lingering first century ideas of Christianity, and in turn pervert Christianity against itself, enabling the Jew to use Christianity as a tool to destroy the White Race. Thus, Judeo-Christianity is nothing more than Judaized versions of so-called Christianity. This becomes a tool of the Jewish Socialist.
  • 11. Page | 11 "The Gnostics derived their leading doctrines and ideas from Plato and Philo, the Zend- avesta, the Kabbalah, and the Sacred books of India and Egypt; and thus introduced into the bosom of Christianity the cosmological and theosophical speculations, which had formed the larger portion of the ancient religions of the Orient, joined to those of the Egyptian, Greek, and Jewish doctrines, which the Neo-Platonists had equally adopted in the Occident.. “It is admitted that the cradle of Gnosticism is probably to be looked for in Syria and even in Palestine. Most of its expounders wrote in that corrupted form of the Greek used by the Hellenistic Jews...and there was a striking analogy between their doctrines and those of the Judeo-Egyptian Philo of Alexandria; itself the seat of three schools, at once philosophic and religious, the Greek, the Egyptian, and the Jewish. Pythagoras and Plato, the most mystical of the Grecian philosophers (the latter heir to the doctrines of the former), and who had traveled, the latter in Egypt, and the former in Phoenicia, India, and Persia, also taught the esoteric doctrine...The dominant doctrines of Plutonism were found in Gnosticism... “The Jewish-Greek School of Alexandria is known only by two of its chiefs, Aristobulus and Philo, both Jews of Alexandria in Egypt. Belonging to Asia by its origin, to Egypt by its residence, to Greece by its language and studies, it strove to show that all truths embedded in the philosophies of other countries were transplanted thither from Palestine. “Aristobulus declared that all the facts and details of the Jewish Scriptures were so many allegories concealing the most profound meanings, and that Plato had borrowed from them all his finest ideas. Philo, who lived a century after him, following the same theory, endeavored to show that the Hebrew writings, by their system of allegories, were the true source of all religions and philosophical doctrines. According to him, the literal meaning was for the vulgar alone...The Jews of Syria and Judea were the direct precursors of Gnosticism; and in their doctrines were ample Oriental elements. “These Jews had had with the Orient, at two different periods, intimate relations, familiarizing them with the doctrines of Asia and especially of Chaldea and Persia...Living nearly two-thirds of a century, and many of them long afterward, in Mesopotamia, the cradle of their race; speaking the same language, and their children reared with those of the Chaldeans. Assyrians, Medes, and Persians, they necessarily adopted many of the doctrines of their conquerors...and these additions to the old doctrine were soon spread by the constant intercourse of commerce into Syria and Palestine... “From Egypt or Persia the new Platonists borrowed the idea, and the Gnostics received it from them, that man, in his terrestrial career, is successively under the influence of the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, until he finally reaches the Elysian Fields." (Morals and Dogmas, Albert Pike) The Jews have also systematically invaded the schools of learning. Today, the atheistic Jew continues to Jewish/socialize little, White, Christian children by teaching his atheistic and communistic holocaust (HoloHOAX) propaganda in the American schools, all the while denying White, Christian Americans their freedom of speech and freedom to rebut or dispute the blatant Jewish liars who come to the American school system to tell their demonic lies, and thereby Jewish/socialize our American White children. "'The Jewish Establishment": “In the early 1930s, Walter Duranty of the New York Times was in Moscow, covering Joe Stalin the way Joe Stalin wanted to be covered. To maintain favor and access, he expressly denied that there was famine in Ukraine even while millions of Ukrainian Christians were being starved into submission. For his work Duranty won the Pulitzer Prize for journalism. To this day, the Times remains the most magisterial and respectable of American newspapers.
  • 12. Page | 12 “Now imagine that a major newspaper had had a correspondent in Berlin during roughly the same period who hobnobbed with Hitler, portrayed him in a flattering light, and denied that Jews were being mistreated, thereby not only concealing, but materially assisting the regime's persecution. Would that paper's respectability have been unimpaired several decades later? “There you have an epitome of what is lamely called 'media bias.' The Western supporters of Stalin haven't just been excused; they have received the halo of victim hood for the campaign, in what liberals call 'the McCarthy era,' to get them out of the government, the education system, and respectable society itself. “Not only persecution of Jews but any critical mention of Jewish power in the media and politics is roundly condemned as 'anti-Semitism.' But there isn't even a term of opprobrium for participation in the mass murders of Christians. Liberals still don't censure the Communist attempt to extirpate Christianity from Soviet Russia and its empire, and for good reason, liberals themselves, particularly Jewish liberals, are still trying to uproot Christianity from America. “It's permissible to discuss the power of every other group, from the Black Muslims to the Christian Right, but the much greater power of the Jewish establishment is off-limits. That, in fact, is the chief measure of its power: its ability to impose its own taboos while tearing down the taboos of others, you might almost say its prerogative of offending. “You can read articles in Jewish-controlled publications from the Times to Commentary blaming Christianity for the Holocaust or accusing Pope Pius XII of indifference to it, but don't look for articles in any major publication that wants to stay in business examining the Jewish role in Communism and liberalism, however temperately." (The Jewish Establishment, Joseph Sobran, September 1995 issue) The holocaust is taught in schools, and the Jew is allowed to come in and teach his religious views in the context of teaching about the holocaust, and he influences our children into believing that Jews are the chosen people of God. In reality, true White Christians are the Chosen People of God. Atrocity propaganda is nothing new to the Jews. It has accompanied every conflict of the 20th century and doubtless will continue to do so. During the First World War, the Germans were actually accused of eating Belgian babies, as well as delighting to throw them in the air and transfix them on bayonets. The British also alleged that the German forces were operating a “Corpse Factory,” in which they boiled down the bodies of their own dead in order to obtain glycerine and other commodities, a calculated insult to the honor of the German Army. AFTER THE WAR, however, CAME THE RETRACTIONS: INDEED, A PUBLIC STATEMENT WAS MADE BY THE FOREIGN SECRETARY IN THE HOUSE OF COMMONS APOLOGIZING FOR THE INSULTS TO GERMAN HONOR, WHICH WERE ADMITTED TO BE WAR-TIME PROPAGANDA. No such statements have been made after the Second World War (The Jews had obtained absolute control of the news papers, magazines and etc., by the end of the war). In fact, rather than diminish with the passage of years, the atrocity propaganda concerning the German occupation, and in particular their treatment of the Jews, has done nothing but increase its virulence and elaborate its catalogue of horrors. Gruesome paperback books with lurid covers continue to roll from the presses, adding continuously to a growing mythology of the concentration camps and especially tot he story
  • 13. Page | 13 that no less than Six Million Jews were exterminated in them. This study will reveal this claim to be the most colossal piece of fiction and the most successful of deceptions; but here an attempt may be made to answer an important question: What has rendered the atrocity stories of the Second World War so uniquely different from those of the First? Why were the former retracted while the latter are reiterated louder than ever? Is it possible that the story of the Six Million Jews is serving a political purpose; that it is a form of political blackmail? So far as the Jewish people, themselves, are concerned, the deception has been an incalculable benefit. Every conceivable race and nationality had its share of suffering in the Second World War, but none has so successfully elaborated it and turned it to such great advantage. The alleged extent of their persecution quickly aroused sympathy for the Jewish national homeland they had sought for so long; after the War the British Government did little to prevent Jewish emigration to Palestine which they had declared illegal, and it was not long afterwards that the Zionists wrested from the Government the land of Palestine and created their haven from persecution, the State of Israel. Massacres Committed by the Jews in Palestine A Partial List The worst of the massacres were the King David Hotel, the Semiramis Hotel, Deir Yassin, Dawayma, Kibya, Kafr Kassim, the attack against the USS Liberty and the Libyan Boeing 727 Airliner, and the massacres against Sabra and Shatila and other refugee camps in Lebanon. Following are just a few of the many massacres committed by the Jewish/Zionists; specifically the Hagana, Irgun and Stern Gangs of Israel: The Massacre of 1. King David Hotel, July 22, 1946. 2. Sharafat, Feb. 7, 1951. 3. Deir Yassin, April 10, 1948. 4. Naseruddine, April 14, 1948. 5. Carmel, April 20, 1948. 6. Al-Qabu, May 1, 1948. 7. Beit Kiras, May 3, 1948. 8. Beitkhoury, May 5, 1948. 9. Az-Zaytoun, May 6, 1948. 10. Wadi Araba, May 13, 1950. 11. Falameh, April 2, 1951. 12. Quibya, Oct. 14, 1953. 13. Nahalin, March, 28, 1954. 14. Gaza, Feb. 28, 1955. 15. Khan Yunis, May 31, 1955. 16. Khan Yunis Again, Aug. 31, 1955.
  • 14. Page | 14 17. Tiberia, Dec. 11, 1955. 18. As-Sabha, Nov. 2, 1955. 19. Gaza Again, April 5, 1956. 20. Houssan, Sept. 25, 1956. 21. Rafa, Aug. 16, 1956. 22. Qalqilyah, Oct. 10, 1956. 23. Ar-Rahwa, Sept. 12, 1956. 24. Kahr Kassem, Oct. 29, 1956. 25. Gharandal, Sept. 13, 1956. 26. Gaza Strip, Nov. 1956. It is a remarkable fact that the Jews emerged from the Second World War as nothing less than a triumphant minority. Dr. Max Nassbaum, the former chief rabbi of he Jewish community in Berlin, stated on April 11, 1953: “The position the Jewish people occupy today in the world; despite the enormous losses, is ten times stronger than what it was twenty years ago.” It should be added, if one is to be honest, that the strength has been much consolidated financially by he supposed massacre of the Six Million, undoubtedly the most profitable atrocity allegation of all time. To date, the staggering figure of six thousand million pounds has been paid out in compensation (For a HoloHOAX that never happened) by the Federal Government of West Germany, mostly to the State of Israel (Which never existed until after the Second World War), as well as to individual Jewish claims. Discouragement of Nationalism: In terms of political blackmail, however, the allegation that Six Million Jews died during the Second World War has much far-reaching implications for the people of Britain and Europe than simply be advantages it has gained for the Jews. Here one comes in the crux of the question: Why the Big Lie? What is its purpose? In the first pace, it has been used quite unscrupulously to discourage any form of nationalism. Should the people of Britain or any other European country attempt to assert their patriotism and preserve their national integrity in an age when the very existence of nation-states is threatened, they are immediately branded as”new-Nazis.” Because, of course, Nazism was nationalism, and we all know what happened then; Six Million Jews exterminated! So long as the myth is perpetuated, peoples everywhere will remain in bondage to, the need for international tolerance and understanding will be hammered home by the United Nations until nationhood itself, the very guarantee of freedom, is abolished. A classic example of the use of the “Six Million” as an anti-national weapon appears in Manvell and Frank’s book, “The Incomparable Crime” (London, 1967), which deals with “Genocide in the Twentieth Century.” Anyone with an ounce of pride in being British will be surprised by the vicious attack made on the British Empire in this book. The authors quote Pandit Nehru, who wrote the following while in a British prison in India: “Since Hitler emerged from obscurity and became the Fuhrer of Germany, we have heard a great deal about racialism and the Nazi theory of the ‘Herrenvolk’...but we in India have
  • 15. Page | 15 known racialism in all its forms ever since the commencement of British rule. The whole ideology of this rule was that of the ‘Herrenvolk’ and the master race...India as a nation and Indians as individuals were subjected to insult, humiliation and contemptuous treatment. The English were an imperial race, we were told, with the God given right to govern us and keep us in subjection; if we protested we were reminded of the ‘tiger qualities of an imperial race.’” The authors Manvell and Franki then go on to make the point perfectly fear for all: “The White races of Europe and America,” they write, “have become used during the centuries to regarding themselves as a ‘Herrenvolk.’ The twentieth century, the century of Auschwitz, has also achieved he first stage in the recognition of multi-racial partnership.” (The Incomparable crime, by Manvell and Franki, p.14) The Race Problem Suppressed One could scarcely miss the object of this diatribe, with its insidious hint about “multi- racial partnership.” Thus the accusation of the Six Million is not only used to undermine the principle of nationhood and national pride, but it threatens the survival of the Race itself. It is wielded over the heads of the populace, rather a the threat of hellfire and damnation was in the Middle Ages. Many countries of the Anglo-Saxon world, notably the United States and Britain, are today facing the gravest danger in their history, the danger poised by the alien races in their midst. Unless something is done in America to halt the immigration and assimilation of Africans and Asians into their country, we are faced in the near future, quite apart from the bloodshed of racial conflict, with the biological alteration and destruction of the American people as they have existed here since we have been a nation. In short, we are threatened with the irrecoverable loss of our European culture and racial heritage. But what happens if a man dares to speak of the race problem, of its biological and political implications? He is branded as that most heinous of creatures, a “racialist.” And what is racialism, of course, but the very hallmark of the Nazi. They (So everyone is told, anyway) murdered Six Mission Jews because of racialism, so it must be a very evil thing indeed. When Enoch Powell drew attention to the dangers posed by colored immigration into Britain in one of his early speeches, a certain prominent Socialist raised the specter of Dachau and Auschwitz to silence his presumption. Thus any rational discussion of the problems of Race and the effort to preserve racial integrity is effectively discouraged. No one could have anything but admiration for the way in which the jews have sought to preserve their identity through so many centuries, and continue to do so today. In this effort they have frankly been assisted by the story of the Six Million, which, almost like a religious myth, has stressed the need for greater Jewish racial solidarity. Unfortunately, it has worked in quite the opposite way for all other peoples, rendering them impotent in the struggle for self-preservation. The American historian Harry Elmer Barnes once wrote that “An attempt to make a competent, objective and truthful investigation of the extermination surely the most precarious venture that an historian or demographer could undertake today.”
  • 16. Page | 16 In attempting this precarious task, it is hoped to make some contribution, not only to historical truth, but towards lifting the burden of a Lie from our own shoulders, so that we may freely confront the dangers which threaten us all. German Policy Towards The Jews Prior To The War Rightly or wrongly, the Germany of Adolf Hitler considered the Jews to be a disloyal and avaricious element within the national community, as well as a force of decadence in Germany’s cultural life. This was held to be particularly unhealthy since, during the Weimar period, the Jews had risen to a position of remarkable strength and influence in the nation, particularly in law, finance and the mass media, even though they constituted only one percent of the population. The fact that Karl Marx was a Jew and that Jews such as Rosa Luxembourg and Karl Liebknecht were disproportionately prominent in the leadership of revolutionary movements in Germany, also tended to convince the Nazis of the powerful internationalist and Communist tendencies of the Jewish people themselves. It is no part of the discussion here to argue whether the German attitude to the Jews was right or not, or to judge whether its legislative measures against them were just or unjust. Our concern is simply with the fact that, believing of the Jews as they did, the Nazis’ solution to the problem was to deprive them of their influence within the nation by various legislative acts, and most important of all, to encourage their emigration from the country altogether. By 1939, the great majority of German Jews had emigrated, all of them with a sizeable proportion of their assets. Never at any time had the Nazi leadership even contemplated a policy of genocide towards them. Jews Called Emigration “Extermination” It is very significant, however, that certain Jews were quick to interpret these policies of internal discrimination as equivalent to extermination itself. A 1936 anti-German propaganda book by Leon Feuchtwanger and others entitled “Der Gelbe Fleck: Die Ausrotung von 500,000 deutschen Juden,” (The Yellow Spot: The Extermination of 500,000 German Jews, Paris, 1936) presents a typical example. Despite its baselessness in fact, the annihilation of the Jews is discussed from the first pages; straightforward emigration being regarded as the physical “extermination” of German Jewry. The Nazi concentration camps for political prisoners are also seen as potential instruments of genocide, and special reference is made to the 100 Jews still detained in Dachau in 1936, of whom 60 ad been there since 1933. A further example was the book by the German-Jewish Communist, Hans Beimler, called “Four Weeks in the Hands of Hitler’s Hell-Hounds: The Nazi Murder Camp of Dachau,” WHICH WAS PUBLISHED IN NEW YORK AS EARLY AS 1933. Detained for his Marxist affiliations, he claimed that Dachau was a death camp, though by his own admission he was released after only a month there. The East German Regime issued a Hans Beimler Award for services to Communism.
  • 17. Page | 17 The fact that anti-Nazi genocide propaganda was being disseminated at this impossibly early date, therefore, by people biased on racial or political grounds, should suggest extreme caution to the independent-minded observer when approaching similar stories of the war period. The encouragement of Jewish emigration should not be confused with the purpose of concentration camps in pre-war Germany. These were used for the detention of political opponents and subversives; principally liberals, Social Democrats and Communists of all kinds, of whom a huge proportion were Jews such as Hans Beimler. Unlike the millions enslaved in the Soviet Union, the German concentration camp population was always small; Reidinger admits that between 1934 and 1938 it seldom exceeded, 20,000 throughout the whole of Germany, and the number of Jews was never more than 3,000. (The S.S. Alibi of a Nation, London, 1956, p. 253) Zionist Policy Studied The Nazi view of Jewish emigration was not limited to a negative policy of simple expulsion, but was formulated along the lines of modern Zionism. The founder of political Zionism in the 19th century, Theodore Herzl, in his work “The Jewish State,” had originally conceived of Madagascar as a national homeland for the Jews, and this possibility was seriously studied by the Nazis. It had been the party platform before 1933 and was published by the party in pamphlet form. This stated that the revival of Israel as a Jewish state was much less acceptable since it would result in perpetual war and disruption in the Arab world, which has indeed been the case. The Germans were not original in proposing Jewish emigration to Madagascar; the Polish Government had already considered the scheme in respect of their own Jewish population, and in 1937 they sent the Michael Lepecki expedition to Madagascar, accompanied by Jewish representatives, to investigate the problems involved. The first Nazi proposals for a Madagascar solution were made in association with the Schacht Plan of 1938. On the advice of Goering, Hitler agreed to send the President of the Reichsbank, Dr. Hjalmar Schacht, to London for discussions with Jewish representatives Lord Bearsted and Mr. Rublee of New York. (Reitilinger, The Final Solution, London, 1953, p. 20) The plan was that German Jewish assets would be frozen as security for an international loan to finance Jewish emigration in Palestine, and Schacht reported on these negotiations to Hitler at Berchresgaden on January 2, 1939. The plan, which failed due to British refusal to accept the financial terms, was first put forward on November 12, 1938 at a conference convened by Goering, who revealed that Hitler was already considering the emigration of Jews to a settlement in Madagascar. (Reitilinger, The Final Solution, London, 1953, p.20) Later, in December, Ribbentrop was told by M. Georges Bonnet, the French Foreign Secretary, that the French Government itself was planning the evacuation of 10,000 Jews to Madagascar. Prior to the Schacht Palestine proposals of 1938, which were essentially a protraction of discussions that had begun as early as 1935, numerous attempts had been made to secure Jewish emigration to other European nations, and these efforts culminated in the Evian Conference of July, 1938.
  • 18. Page | 18 However, by 1939 the scheme of Jewish emigration to Madagascar had gained the most favor in German circles. It is true that in London Helmuth Wohitat of the German Foreign Office discussed limited Jewish emigration to Rhodesia and British Guiana as late as April 1939; but by January 24th , when Goering wrote to Interior Minister Frick ordering the creation of a Central Emigration Office for Jews, and commissioned Heydrich of the Reich Security Head Office to solve the Jewish problem “by means of emigration and evacuation,” the Madagascar Plan was being studied in earnest. By 1939, the consistent effort of the German Government to secure the departure of Jews from the Reich had resulted in the emigration of 400,000 German Jews from a total population of about 600,000 and an additional 480,000 emigrants from Austria and Czechoslovakia, which constituted almost their entire Jewish populations. This was accomplished through Offices of Jewish Emigration in Berlin, Vienna and Prague established by Adolf Eichmann, the head of the Jewish Investigation Office of the Gestapo. So eager were the German to secure this emigration that Eichmann even established a training center in Austria, where young Jews could learn farming in anticipation of being smuggled illegally to Palestine. (Manvell & Frankl, S.S. and Gestapo, p. 60) Had Hitler cherished any intention of exterminating the Jews, it is inconceivable that he would have allowed more than 800,000 to leave Reich territory with the bulk of their wealth, much less considered plans for their mass emigration to Palestine or Madagascar. What is more, we shall see that the policy of emigration from Europe was still under consideration well into the war period, notably the Madagascar Plan, which Eichmann discussed in 1940 with French Colonial Office experts after the defeat of France had made the surrender of the colony a practical proposition. German Policy Towards The Jews After the Outbreak off War With the coming of the war, the situation regarding the Jews altered drastically. It is not widely known that world Jewry declared itself to be a belligerent party in the Second World War, and there was therefore ample basis under international law for the Germans to intern the Jewish population as a hostile force. On September , 1939 Chaim Weizmann, the principle Zionist leader, had declared war against Germany on behalf of the world’s Jews, stating that “the Jews stand by Great Britain and will fight on the side of the democracies...The Jewish Agency is ready to enter into immediate arrangements for utilizing Jewish manpower, technical ability, resources etc...” (Jewish Chronicle, September 8, 1939) This was only a reiterating of a state of war which already existed between Germany and the Jews. For the war between the two was first announced "Judea declares War on Germany." (Daily Express, March 24, 1934) Detention Still Favored It is a remarkable fact, however, that well into the war, the Germans continued o implement the policy of Jewish emigration. The fall of France in 1940 enabled the German Government to open serious negotiations with the French for the transfer of European Jews to Madagascar.
  • 19. Page | 19 A memorandum of August, 1942 from Luther, Secretary of State in the German Foreign Office, reveals that he had conducted these negotiations between July and December 1940, when they were terminated by the French. A circular from Luther’s department dated August 15th , 1940 shows that the details of the German plan had been worked out by Eichmann, for it is signed by his assistant, Danecker. Eichmann had in fact been commissioned in August to draw up a detailed Madagascar Plan, and Danecker was employed in research on Madagascar at the French Colonial Office. (Reitilinger, The Final Solution, p. 77) The proposals of August 15th were that an inter-European bank was to finance the emigration of four million Jews throughout a phased program. Luther’s 1942 memorandum shows that Heydrich had obtained Himmler’s approval of this plan before the end of August and had also submitted it to Goering. It certainly met with Hitler’s approval, for as early as June 17th his interpreter, Schmidt, recalls Hitler observing to Mussolini that “One could found a State of Israel in Madagascar.” (Schmidt, Hitler’s Interpreter, London, 1951, p. 178) Although the French terminated the Madagascar negotiations in December, 1940, Poliakov, the director of the Center of Jewish Documentation in Paris, admits that the Germans nevertheless pursued the scheme, and that Eichmann was still busy with it throughout 1941. Eventually, however, it was rendered impractical by the progress of the war, in particular by the situation after the invasion of Russia, and on February 10th , 1942, the Foreign Office was informed that the plan had been temporarily shelved. This ruling, sent to the Foreign Office by Luther’s assistant, Rademacher, is of great importance, because it demonstrates conclusively that the term”Final Solution” meant only the emigration of Jews, and also that transportation to the eastern ghettos and concentration camps such as Auschwitz constituted nothing but an alterative plan of evacuation. The directive reads: “The war with the Soviet Union has in the meantime created the possibility of disposing of other territories for the Final Solution. In consequence the Fuhrer has decided that the Jews should be evacuated not to Madagascar but to the East. Madagascar need no longer, therefore, be considered in connection with the Final Solution.” (Reitilinger, The Final Solution, p. 79) The details of this evacuation had been discussed a month earlier at the Wannsee Conference in Berlin, which memorandum which we shall examine below. Reitilinger and Poiakov both make the entirely unfounded supposition that because the Madagascar Plan had been shelved, the Germans must necessarily have been thinking of “extermination.” Only a month later, however, on March 7th , 1942, Goebbels wrote a memorandum in favor of the Madagascar Plan as a “final solution” of the Jewish question. (Manvell & Frankl, Dr. Goebes, London, 1960, p. 165) In the meantime he approved of the Jews being “concentrated in the East.” Later Goebbels memoranda also stress deportation to the East (i.e., the Government-General of Poland)and lay emphasis on the need for compulsory labor there; once the policy of evacuation to the East had been inaugurated; the use of Jewish labor became a fundamental part of the operation.
  • 20. Page | 20 It is perfectly clear from the foregoing that the term “Final Solution” was applied both to Madagascar and to the Eastern territories, and that therefore it meant only the DEPORTATION OF THE JEWS Evan as late as May 1944, the Germans were prepared to allow the emigration of one million European Jews form Europe. An account of this proposal is given by Alexander Weissberg, a prominent Soviet Jewish scientist deported during the Stalin purges, in his book Die Geschiche von Joel Brand (Cologne,1956). Weissberg, who spent the war in Cracow though he expected the Germans to intern him in a concentration camp, explains that on the personal authorization of Himmler, Eichmann had sent the Budapest Jewish leader Joel Brand to Istanbul with an offer to the Allies to permit the transfer of one million European Jews in the midst of the war. (If the “extermination”writers are to be believed, there were scarcely one million Jews left by May, 1944). The Gestapo admitted that the transportation involved would greatly inconvenience the German war-effort, but were prepared to allow it in exchange for 10,000 trucks to be used exclusively on the Russian front. Unfortunately, the plan came to nothing; the British concluded that Brand must be a dangerous Nazi agent and immediately imprisoned him in Cairo, while the press denounced the offer as a Nazi trick. Winston Churchill, though orating to the effect that the treatment of the Hungarian Jews was probably “the biggest and most horrible crime ever committed in the whole history of the world,” nevertheless told Chaim Weizmann that acceptance of the Brand offer was impossible, since it would be a betrayal of his Russian allies. Although the plan was fruitless, it well illustrates that no one allegedly carrying out “thorough” extermination would permit the emigration of a million Jews, and it demonstrates, too, the prime importance placed by the Germans on the war-effort. Population And Emigration Statistics relating to Jewish populations are not everywhere known in precise detail, approximations for various countries differing widely, and it also unknown exactly how many Jews were deported and interned a any one time between the years 1939-1945. In general, however, what reliable statistics there are, especially those relating to emigration, are sufficient to show that not a fraction of six million Jews could have been exterminated. In the first place, this claim cannot remotely be upheld on examination of the European Jewish population figures. According to “Chamers Encyclopedia” the total number of Jews living in pre-war Europe was, 6,500,000. Quite clearly, this would mean that almost the entire number were exterminated. But the “Baseler Nachrichten,” a neutral Swiss publication employing available Jewish statistical data, establishes that between 1933 and 1945, 1,500,000 Jews emigrated to Britain, Sweden, Spain, Portugal, Australia, China, India, Palestine and the United States. This is confirmed by the Jewish journalist Bruno Blau, who cites the same figure in the New York Jewish paper “Aufbau,” August 13th , 1948. Of these emigrants, approximately 400,000 came from Germany before September 1939. This is acknowledged by the World Jewish Congress in its publication “Unity in Dispersion,” p. 377, which states that: “The majority of the German Jews succeeded in leaving Germany BEFORE THE WAR BROKE OUT.” In addition to the German Jews, 220,000 of the total 280,000 Austrian Jews had emigrated by September, 1939, while from March 1939 onwards the Institute for Jewish emigration in
  • 21. Page | 21 Prague had secured the emigration of 260,000 Jews from former Czechoslovakia. In all, only 360,000 Jews remained in Germany, Austria and Czechoslovakia after September 1939. From Poland, an estimated 500,000 had emigrated prior to the outbreak of war. These figures mean that the number of Jewish emigrants from other European countries (France, the Netherlands, Italy, the countries of Eastern Europe etc.) was approximately 120,000. This exodus of Jews before and during hostilities, therefore, reduces the number of Jews in Europe to approximately 5 million. In addition to those emigrants, we must also include the number of Jews who fled to the Soviet Union after 1939, and who were later evacuated beyond reach of the German invaders. It will be shown below that the majority of these, about 1,250,000 were migrants from Poland. But apart from Poland, Reitilinger admits that 300,000 other European Jews slipped into Soviet territory between 1939 and 1941. This brings the total of Jewish emigrants to the Soviet Union to about 1,550,000. In “Colliers Magazine,” June 9th , 1945, Freiling Foster, writing of the Jews in Russia, explained that “2,200,000 have migrated to the Soviet Union since 1939 to escape from the Nazis,” but our lower estimate is probably more accurate. Jewish migration tot he Soviet Union, therefore, reduces the number of Jews within the sphere of German occupation to around 31/2 million, approximately 3,450,000. From these should be deducted those Jews living in neutral European countries who escaped the consequences of the war. According to the 1942 “World Almanac” p. 594 the number of Jews living in Gibraltar, Britain, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ireland and Turkey was 413,128. Three Million Jews in Europe A figure, consequently, of about a million Jews in German-occupied Europe is an accurate as the available emigration statistics will allow. Approximately the same number, however, can be deduced in another way if we examine statistics for the Jewish populations remaining in countries occupied by the Reich. More than half of those Jews who migrated to the Soviet Union after 1939 came from Poland. It is frequently claimed that the war with Poland added some 3 million Jews to the German sphere of influence and that almost the whole of this Polish Jewish population was “exterminated.” This is a major factual error. The 1931 Jewish population census for Poland put the number of Jews at 2,732,600. (Reitilinger, Die Endtosung, p. 36) Reitilinger states that at least 1,170,000 of these were in the Russian zone occupied in the autumn of 1949, about a million of whom were evacuated to the Urals and south Siberia after the German invasion of June 1941. (Reitilinger, Die Endtosung, p. 50) As described above, an estimated 500,000 Jews had emigrated from Poland prior to the war. Moreover, the journalist Raymond Arthur Davis, who spent the war in the Soviet Union, observed that approximately 250,000 had already fled from German-occupied Poland to Russia between 1939 and 1941 and were to be encountered in every Soviet province. (Odyssey through Hell, N.Y. 1946) Subtracting these figures from the population of 2,732,600, therefore, and allowing for the normal population increase no more than 1,100,000 Polish Jews could have been under German rule at the end of 1939. (Gutachendes Instituts fur Zeitgeshichie Munich,1956, p. 50)
  • 22. Page | 22 To this number we may add the 360,000 Jews remaining in Germany, Austria and Czechoslovakia (Bohemia-Moravia and Slovakia) after the excessive emigration from three countries prior o the war described above. Of the 320,000 French Jews, the Public Prosecutor representing that art of the indictment relating to France at the Nuremberg Trials, stated that120,000 Jews were deported, through Reitilinger estimates only about 50,000. Thus the total number of Jews under Nazi rule remains below two million. Deportations from the Scandinavian countries were few, and from Bulgaria none at all. When the Jewish populations of Holland (140,000), Belgium (40,000), Italy (50,000), Yugoslavia (55,000), Hungary (380,000) and Roumania (725,000) are included, the figure does not much exceed 3 million. His excess is due to the fact that the latter figures are pre-war estimates unaffected by emigration, which from these countries accounted for about 120,000 (see above). This cross- checking, therefore, confirms the estimate of approximately 2 million European Jews under German occupation. Russian Jews Evacuated The precise figures concerning Russian Jews are unknown, and have therefore been the subject of extreme exaggeration. The Jewish statistician Jacob Leszczynski states that in 1939 there were 2,100,000 Jews living in future German-occupied Russia, i.e., Western Russia. In addition, some 260,000 lived in the Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. According to Louis Levine, President of the American Jewish Council for Russian Relief, who made a post-war tour of the Soviet Union and submitted a report on the status of Jews there, the majority of these numbers were evacuated east after the German armies launched their invasion. In Chicago, on October 30h, 1946, he declared that: “AT THE OUTSET OF THE WAR, JEWS WERE AMONGST THE FIRST EVACUATED FROM THE WESTERN REGIONS threatened by the Hitlerite invaders, AND SHIPPED TO SAFETY EAST OF THE URALS. TWO MILLION JEWS WERE THUS SAVED.” This high number is confirmed by the Jewish journalist David Bergelson, who wrote in the Moscow Yiddish paper “Ainikeit,” December 5th , 1942, that “Thanks tot he evacuation, the majority (80%) of he Jews in the Ukraine, White Russia, Lithuania and Latvia before the arrival of the Germans were rescued.” Reitilinger agrees with the Jewish authority Joseph Schechtmann, who admits that huge numbers were evacuated, through he estimates a slightly higher number of Russian and Baltic Jews left under German occupation, between 650,000 and 850,000. (Reitilinger, The Final Solution, p. 499) In respect of these Soviet Jews remaining in German territory, it will be proven later that in the war in Russia no more than one hundred thousand persons were killed by the German Action Groups as partisans and Bolshevik commissars, not all of whom were Jews. By contrast, the partisans themselves claimed to have murdered five times that number of German troops. Treblinka: No Trace of Mass Graves Treblinka Ground Radar Examination Finds No Trace of Mass Graves A detailed forensic examination of the site of the wartime Treblinka camp, using sophisticated electronic ground radar, has found no evidence of mass graves there.
  • 23. Page | 23 For six days in October 1999, an Australian team headed by Richard Krege, a qualified electronics engineer, carried out an examination of the soil at the site of the former Treblinka II camp in Poland, where, Holocaust historians say, more than half a million Jews were put to death in gas chambers and then buried in mass graves. According to the Encyclopedia of the Holocaust (1997), for example, "a total of 870,000 people" were killed and buried at Treblinka between July 1942 and April 1943. Then, between April and July 1943, the hundreds of thousands of corpses were allegedly dug up and burned in batches of 2,000 or 2,500 on large grids made of railway ties. Krege's team used an $80,000 Ground Penetration Radar (GPR) device, which sends out vertical radar signals that are visible on a computer monitor. GPR detects any large-scale disturbances in the soil structure to a normal effective depth of four or five meters, and sometimes up to ten meters. (GPR devices are routinely used around the world by geologists, archeologists, and police.) In its Treblinka investigation, Krege's team also carried out visual soil inspections, and used an auger to take numerous soil core samples. The team carefully examined the entire Treblinka II site, especially the alleged "mass graves" portion, and carried out control examinations of the surrounding area. They found no soil disturbance consistent with the burial of hundreds of thousands of bodies, or even evidence that the ground had ever been disturbed. In addition, Krege and his team found no evidence of individual graves, bone remains, human ashes, or wood ashes. "From these scans we could clearly identify the largely undisturbed horizontal stratigraphic layering, better known as horizons, of the soil under the camp site," says the 30-year old Krege, who lives in Canberra. "We know from scans of grave sites, and other sites with known soil disturbances, such as quarries, when this natural layering is massively disrupted or missing altogether." Because normal geological processes are very slow acting, disruption of the soil structure would have been detectable even after 60 years, Krege noted. While his initial investigation suggests that there were never any mass graves at the Treblinka camp site, Krege believes that further work is still called for. "Historians say that the bodies were exhumed and cremated towards the end of the Treblinka camp's use in 1943, but we found no indication that any mass graves ever existed," he says. "Personally, I don't think there was an extermination camp there at all." Krege is preparing a detailed report on his Treblinka investigation. He says that he would welcome the formation, possibly under United Nations auspices, of an international team of neutral, qualified specialists, to carry out similar investigations at the sites of all the wartime German camps. Krege and his team are associated with, and funded by, the Adelaide Institute, a south Australia revisionist "think tank." Its director, Dr. Fredrick Toben, was jailed in Germany for seven months in 1999 for disputing Holocaust extermination claims. ("'Vernichtungslager' Treblinka: archaelogisch betrachtet," by Ing. Richard Krege, in Vierteljarhreshefte für freie Geschichtsforschung, June 2000 [4. Jg., Heft 1], pp. 62-64; "'No Jewish mass grave' in Poland," The Canberra Times, Jan. 24, 2000, p. 6; "Poland's Jews 'not buried at Treblinka'," The Examiner [Australia], Jan. 24, 2000. [The latter two newspaper items are reprinted in facsimile in VHO-info, May 2000, p. 30.]; Information provided by Richard Krege; M. Weber and A. Allen, "Treblinka," The Journal of Historical Review, Summer 1992, pp. 133-158;
  • 24. Page | 24 Journal of Historical Review | Volume 19, number 3 (May/June); "German Court Sentences Australian Holocaust Skeptic," The Journal of Historical Review, July-August 1999, pp. 2-5; Y. Arad, "Treblinka," in I. Gutman, ed., Encyclopedia of the Holocaust [New York: 1997], pp. 1481-1488.)) “Six Million” Untrue According to Neutral Swiss It is clear, therefore, that the Germans could not possibly have gained control over or exterminated anything like six million Jews. Excluding the Soviet Union, the number of Jews in Nazi-occupied Europe after emigration was scarcely more than 3 million, by no means all of whom were interned. To approach the extermination of even half of six million would have meant the liquidation of every Jew living in Europe. Nothing better illustrates the declining plausibility of the Six Million legend than the fact that the prosecution at the Eichmann trial deliberately avoided mentioning the figure. Moreover, official Jewish estimates of the casualties are being quietly revised downwards. Our analysis of the population and emigration statistics, as well as the studies by the Swiss “Baseler Nachrichten” and Professor Rassinier, demonstrate that it would have been simply impossible for the number of Jewish casualties to have exceeded a limit of one and a half million. Doubtless, several thousand Jewish people did die in the course of the Second World War, but this must be seen in the context of a war that cost many millions of innocent victims on all sides. To put the matter in perspective, for example, we may point out that 700,000 Russian civilians died during the siege of Leningrad, and a total of 2,050,000 German civilians were killed in Allied air raids and forced repatriation after (Operation Keelhaul) after the war. The question most pertinent to the extermination legend is, of course: Ho many of the 3 million European Jews, under German control, survived after 1945? The Jewish Joint Distribution Committee estimated the number of survivors in Europe to be only one and half million, but such a figure is now totally unacceptable. This is proven by the growing number of Jews calming compensation from the West German Government for having allegedly suffered between 1939 and 1945. By 1965, the number of these claimants registered with the West German Government had tripled in ten years and reached 3,375,000. (Aufbau, June 30th , 1965) Nothing could be a more devastating proof of the brazen fantasy of the Six Million. Most of these claimants are Jews, so there can be no doubt that the majority of the 3 million Jews who experienced the Nazi occupation of Europe are, in fact, very much alive. It is a resounding confirmation of the fact that Jewish casualties during the Second World War can only be estimated at a figure in thousands. The New Jewish Religion, The “Supposed” Jewish Holocaust Today, at this late hour of the history of White Christianity, the Jew has sought to brainwash uneducated and ignorant generations into the misplaced pity and sorrow of what can only be called THE JEWISH HOLOCAUST RELIGION.
  • 25. Page | 25 Jews are allowed to teach people to hate Jesus Christ and blaspheme Almighty God, yet they are admired and pitied by most people in the world, while they tell blatant lies about the so-called German "death camps." These lies cannot be proven scientifically and are lies designed only to be cheap, Jewish public relation propaganda to invoke pity for the Jews, while they pick the American White Man's pockets and raid White America like a corporate lawyer. The pity heaped on them is misplaced pity that should be directed to Jesus Christ, as He was the only innocent person ever to walk the face of the earth, and yet was put to death by the Jewish people. Now, however, even though the Jews believe and teach in their synagogues that Jesus is boiling in excrement in Hell, to call a Jew a Christ-killer is an offense that has put people in jail for much of their lives. The Holocaust He was first fabricated by the head of the KGB, the Jew Lavrenty Beria. Since then, week after week, for almost fifty years, the television, radio, and media have continued to brainwash the American public with scores of historically inaccurate anti-Nazi and anti-German movies, claiming a German conspiracy to commit genocide against the Jewish people. Yet, no conspiracy or so-called "Final Solution" has ever been proven to have existed among the Nazi leadership. It is true that hundreds of thousands of people died during World War II, and yes, a small percentage of them were Jews. It is true that thousands died in the internment camps, many of whom were confessed enemies of the national state. Some were gypsies, Communists, Baptists, Masons, homosexuals, Jehovah's Witnesses, Germans, Poles, Czechs and Frenchmen. The Jews have been exposed to claim that those non-Jews who died in the camps were Jewish in order to further exaggerate the numbers of Jews who died in concentration camps. It is very important, for the sake of truth, to remember that the work or industrial camps were continuously exposed to rampant diseases. At the time that these camps existed throughout Europe, there were no magic drugs like our antibiotics. Most people in the European camps died of dysentery, influenza, or perhaps hepatitis B, tuberculosis, cholera, typhus, or even old age. So it may be said that while the majority of deaths were of natural causes or disease, they were nevertheless premature because of the war. Talking about numbers let us examine a few here: 1). How long does it take to cremate a body? Answer: According to crematory operators today, it takes more about two hours to completely cremate a body. 2). How long did it take to cremate a body during World War II? Answer: Cremation was a relatively new thing in the early 40s and therefore it took more than four hours to cremate a single body. It would have been impossible to cremate more than one body at a time, for with more bodies the time needed to create the bodies would increase with each body. From one body and four hours to three bodies and eight hours, four bodies and 12 hours and etc. 3). How much residue and ashes are left after a body is cremated? Answer: Today there is about 10 to 12 pounds of residue, depending upon the size of the body; and that is with the residue being run through a grinder to reduce the larger bone fragments into smaller one. In the 40s there would have been 40 to 50 pounds of residue and
  • 26. Page | 26 no grinding to reduce the larger bone and meat fragments, so there would have no other reduction in the size of the body. 3). How much weight in ashes and bone fragments would it take to fill a box car or hopper car? Answer: The European rail cars are about ½ the size of the ones in the United States, then and now. So it would have taken about 20,000 pounds of residue to fill a box car. 4). How many men would it have taken to transfer the residue from the ovens to the rail siding where they would have been loaded out on? Answer: With one man and one wheel borrow which would have held about 50 pounds of residue it would have taken about 200 hundred men to transfer the 20,000 pounds that would fill the box car. These men would have had to move constantly and therefore would have had to be relieved every few hours to let them rest so that they could work again. Thus the number of men would have to be 600 at the rate of 200 men changing shifts every 8 hours. Now slave labor, as history has shown, is the worst sort of labor; because there is no incentive to produce more and more. Instead the slaves move less and less as time progresses. This would have added another 600 to the work force thus causing the Germans to have use 1200 men for one box or hopper car per day, just to move the residue from the ovens to the rail sidings. Of course we have not taken into consideration the distance that the men would have to travel with their wheel barrow; and thus would have added substantially more men to the work force. 5). How many men would have taken to load the residue in the box or hopper cars after the transfer from the ovens? Answer: Due to the fact that the European cars are about ½ the size of American ones, it would have take at least 4 men on each side of the car shoveling the residue up into the car. Then it would have taken 4 men, two on each side to throw the residue from the door to the back of the car. This would have taken at least 8 men, and since they would have to be relieved every few hours that would increase the work forces from 8 to 24 men. Then just as we had to double the work force because of the slowdown in the movement of the slave labor, it would therefore take 72 men to load the cars. Again we are not taking into consideration the sickness and accidents which would necessarily happen because of humans being just that: humans. Which would also increase the work force. 6). How many cars could be loaded at the same time? And how many cars would a siding hold? Answer: Only about 10 cars could be loaded at one time because if more than that were loaded, the workers would be getting into each others way, thus causing both a slowdown and additional workers to the work force. Therefore, it would take about 1300 men to load 10 cars in one days 24 hours time. 7). How many pounds of residue would 4,000,000 bodies produce? Answer: At the rate of 40 to 50 pounds per body; and we will use the lesser weight of 40 pounds, it would produce 4,000,000 x 40 pounds = 160,000,000 millions of pounds of residue. 8). How many rail cars would it take to move 160,000,000 pounds of residue? Answer: At the rate of 20,000 pounds per car, and that is really filling the car up because the car would probably not hold more than 15,000 pounds, it would take about 16,000 cars.
  • 27. Page | 27 Which would not have been possible because the allied bombers were bombing everything in sight day and night and would have destroyed that many cars in raids. 9). How long would it take at the rate of 10 cars per day to move 16000 cars? Answer: It would have taken 16000 days. 10). How many years would it have taken to move these cars at the rate above mentioned? Answer: it would have taken 16000 days divided by 365 days in a year = 54 years. Therefore, it would not have been possible to cremate 4,000,000 people and move their ashes and residue in 3 years time. The movies give the false impression that only Jews were interned in the work and labor camps. The Jews have claimed hundreds of thousands of non-Jews in order to fabricate their numbers and claim that 6 million Jews purposely were killed at the hands of the SS, simply because they were Jewish. IN RECENT YEARS, WHENEVER A WHITE CHRISTIAN WOULD SPEAK UP TO POINT OUT THE IRREFUTABLE AND BLATANT FACTS ABOUT THE ATHEISTIC JEWISH HOLOCAUST MYTH. THE JEWS HAVE DONE EVERYTHING THEY CAN TO STIFLE THE AMERICAN MAN’S FREEDOM OF SPEECH IN HIS OWN COUNTRY. This is a one-sided presentation of World War II that belittles the American fighting man's part in the war and gives undue credit to the Jews and exaggerates the Jewish deaths at the expense of other more deserving minorities such as the Ukrainian people. As incredible as it may sound, if it can be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Jews themselves were responsible for the excessive and insane bombing policies of the Americans and the British over Germany in World War II, then that would mean that the Jews themselves are directly responsible for the incredible numbers or deaths in the Nazi labor camps. For it is an indisputable fact that what has been called the "atrocities" of the camps did not occur until after the Allied bombers had destroyed the railway systems that shipped food and medical supplies to these camps. If the Nazis had been able to bomb the transportation systems of the Americans and prevent them from shipping medicine and foodstuffs to the Japanese internees and German prisoners of war in American concentration camps, then unsanitary living conditions and malnutrition would certainly have had the same results in extraordinary numbers of Japanese internees dying from dysentery and cholera. But as of this date, not a single American nor British soldier has been tried for war crimes or crimes against humanity, even though thousands of such incidents did occur in the American victimization of Japanese, Germans and people of other nationalities during World War II. To fail to present an objective and truthful look at the events of World War II is to fail to learn from the mistakes of that era. Today, Zionist and Talmudic organized Jewry knowingly and willfully continue to present and perpetuate atheistic, Communist propaganda only because it paints the Jews as the victims of the Nazis. Many courageous Americans such as Senator Taft and many Supreme Court Justices spoke out against the travesty of justice called the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials against the leaders of the German government after World War II. "World War II was a war to renew Jewish domination of Germany and Central Europe and for the maintenance of the power and glory of the British/Jewish Empire. The conspirators in America, England and France are responsible for the greatest tragedy the world has ever known and their names will be dishonored and execrated in history.
  • 28. Page | 28 “It never would have started had not Roosevelt and the half Jew Bullitt guaranteed to Britain and France all of America's resources, which meant, first, repeal of our neutrality act and supplying them with munitions and bombers without stint; second, in time the extension of unlimited credit; third the use of our fleet in the Pacific to protect British, French and Dutch interests; if these did not suffice for victory, then our young men as air pilots and our fleet to be sent to Europe; and lastly, if World Jewry and the British/Jewish Empire could not win without them, millions of our lads to die in Europe's babbles. “The premeditated killing of human beings by another, save in self defense, is murder, a crime against Christianity, morality, humanity, and civilization, and this applies with greatest guilt to the wholesale slaughter by one nation of the people of another who have not attacked or harmed them. After this illegal, secret plot was negotiated, Roosevelt, the Jews and the war-mongers of this country, of England and France sought to overthrow the Chamberlain government and to replace it with the Jews Churchill, Eden, Hore-Belisha and Duff Cooper. “They plotted to get Bonnet out of the French Cabinet and to substitute the Jews Reynaud, Blum and Mandel. The ardent but unsuccessful courtship of Stalin and Soviet Russia was insisted upon by Roosevelt, World Jewry and war-mongers of America, England and France. “One of the reasons for the Roosevelt/Eden plot to overthrow the Chamberlain government and remove Bonnet from the French Cabinet was because they would not agree to pay the price Stalin demanded to encircle and defeat Germany. At Roosevelt's and the Jews' insistence, England and France guaranteed the boundaries of Poland in order to encircle Germany and renew Jewish control. This guarantee of the boundaries of Poland was the direct cause of World War II, it knowingly necessitated it." (War! War! War!, by Cincinnatus, pp. 188-189) Many courageous and patriotic Americans knew that the so-called war crimes and the changes against the German government officials were nothing more than Communist propaganda designed to blame the Germans for many Communist atrocities that Stalin had engineered and perpetrated. It is certainly un-American to be afraid of the truth, and no truth- loving American can possibly stand by and watch the Communist propaganda of World War II continue to be taught in our public school systems. Today, fifty years after Adolf Hitler, there is hardly a week or a day that goes by without an anti-Nazi film or propaganda movie being shown on television channels that one would think they should be no longer political. Moreover, the Jews have made Nazi memorabilia and Nazi member organizations a big business in America. No true American can afford to stand by and allow the Communist, Jewish Zionist, Antichrist Jews to continue imposing their version of history and their atheistic values upon what was once a White Christian Nation. If the holocaust is to be discussed in our schools as legitimate history, then let it be discussed objectively and truthfully, based upon fact instead of Jewish fiction that is designed only to protect the reputation of Joe Stalin and the Jews behind the Bolshevik revolution of world Communism. To insist upon fair play is truly an American idea. If we must hear the Jews side, let us also hear the Arabs' side. We Americans are innately hateful toward anyone who seeks to rob us of our freedom of thought, but today that is exactly what the atheistic, Communistic Jews, and Hollywood one-worlders are seeking to do. Stifling freedom of speech through their Communist tactic of so-called political correctness, they seek to brainwash the next generation of Americans through drug abuse and relentless Communist propaganda. They seek to create a police state wherein freedom of speech is completely stifled, and when freedom of speech is a crime, soon freedom of thought also becomes a crime.
  • 29. Page | 29 The Jews, through the ACLU and other Communist Jewish front groups have, when it is convenient, defended freedom of speech as long as it is a Communist or a dissenter seeking to tear down White America. But when the shoe is on the other foot, they will not defend the rights of White, Christian Americans, which our forefathers fought for and embodied in the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. The Jews are currently using federal and state money that they have conned form the American people to fund their one-sided Communist views of World War II. So, in effect, every state sponsored holocaust program is but another Jewish con game designed to rob the working man and the American tax payer, while enslaving these White people's children into Jewish Socialism. Think of this travesty of freedom in these terms. A group of atheistic, Christ-hating, Devil- worshipers comes to your school system and demands the right to teach your children their God-hating, atheistic values while making no secret of their ulterior motives to undermine your Christian values and your authority as a parent. In addition to this, these same Devil-worshiping pagans claim that Nero of Rome was right to burn the Christians on crosses in his nocturnal garden and to slaughter Christian women and children by throwing them to the vicious, man-eating lions of the Roman circus. What if these same people dared to say that the Jews were absolutely correct in putting Jesus Christ to death and viciously murdering Him? Would you, as a God-fearing person speak up against such an obvious abuse of American freedom? Well, that is exactly what the jews are doing throughout the school systems of America by sending their Jewish evangelists into your classrooms to preach the establishment of their holocaust religious cult. That is exactly what the Jews have made of the Jewish deaths of WW II. They have used the Nazi work camps as an excuse to extort billions of dollars from the American tax payer, all in support of their Antichrist, world domination philosophy known as Zionism, and all for the purpose of supporting the illegal state of so-called Israel in Palestine. We Americans have no objection to the truth, but we do object to liars and to half-truths being promoted in our school systems for the express purpose of manipulating and brainwashing our children. Let us remember that the school teachers and the Jews who sponsor these programs do not invite the local Neo-Nazis to defend their position, nor do they invite the scholars of The Institute for Historical Review, whose address is POB 1306, Torrance, CA 90505. They only present one-sided arguments based upon fabrications and lies first put forward by the Stalinist Communist regime, namely the Jew head of the KGB Lavrenty Beria, mentioned earlier. There are many honest and competent historians who disagree with the Communist line of propaganda. One outstanding example of orchestrated, modern, Jewish propaganda is the Hollywood versions of the Simon Wiesenthal stories. Mr. Wiesenthal is portrayed by the Jewish Hollywood crowd as the foremost Nazi hunter in the world. He is literally presented as a Jewish hero, and as a wonderful humanitarian, when in fact, the man is a liar and a hypocrite. He has openly lied and confused the truth, but our children have never been taught the truth about this lying Jew agent, who even admitted that he was fighting for the Communists. What our children are taught is that the Simon Wiesenthal Center was named after this "great man," and that two American presidents awarded this liar with honorary awards for his so-called work in tracking down Nazis.