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   Bilal Khan Niazi   11-Arid-1314
   Naveed Ahmed       11-Arid-1322
   Asad Mehmood       11-Arid-1294
   Arslan Akbar       11-Arid-1293
   Salik Atta         11-Arid-1326
   Zeeshan Gohar      11-Arid-1335
   Ijaz-ull-Hassan    11-Arid-1185
   Group-4
   System Quality of University Computer Service System
   Section I
   Respondent profile
   1. Gender?         Male                 Female
   2. Age? 15-17 18-20 21-23         24-26         More than 35
   3. CGPA: 0.5-1 1-1.5 1.5-2 2-2.5 2.5-3 3-3.5 3.5-4

   4. What is your class?
      BBA        MBA         MS      MDM       Other
   Section II
   (Completely Dissatisfied = 1, Dissatisfied = 2, Neutral = 3,
    Satisfied = 4, completely satisfied = 5)
                     System Quality            1   2    3   4      5

    1. The usefulness of system functions.

    2. The friendliness of users interfaces.

    3. The up-to-date of platforms.

    4. The necessity of system functions.

    5. The stability of systems.

    6. The response time of system.

    7. The duration of system update.
  Business Statistics:
Statistics is the study of how to collect, organize, analyze, and
interpret numerical information from data. Descriptive statistics
involves methods of organizing, picturing and summarizing
information from data. Inferential statistics involves methods of
using information from a sample to draw conclusions about the
 Individuals and Variables
Individuals are the people or objects included in the study. A
variable is the characteristic of the individual to be measured or
There is no assumption in the descriptive statistics. It is related
   to the facts and figure.
Descriptive statistics measure the central tendency
(Mean median, mode, percentile, and quartile)
Measure of desperation (Range, inter-quarter range, variance,
   standard deviation, coefficient of variable)
Inferential statistics:
 Inferential Statistics: A decision, estimate, prediction, or
   generalization about a population, based on a sample.
   Inferential deal with the assumption and future forecasting.
 Data and data set:

Data is a raw facts and figure. That are collected, summarized,
   analyzed, and interpreted.
The data collected in a particular study are referred to as the
   data set.
   Scales of measurement:
   Scales of measurement include:
    ◦ Nominal
    ◦ Ordinal
    ◦ Interval
    ◦ Ratio
   The scale determines the amount of information contained in
    the data.
   The scale indicates the data summarization and statistical
    analyses that are most appropriate.
   Nominal Scale:
   Data that is classified into categories and cannot be arranged
    in any particular order. For example male-female, Pakistani
   Ordinal scale:
    It categorizes and ranks the variables according to the
    preferences. For example from best to worst, first to last, a
    numeric code may be used.
   Interval scale:
   To put the interval in the order data. It fulfills the
    characteristics of nominal and ordinal scale.
   Ratio scale:
   The data have all the properties of interval data and the ratio
    of two values is meaningful. Variables such as distance,
    height, weight, and time use the ratio scale. This scale must
    contain a zero value.
I.    Qualitative data
II.   Quantitative data
 Qualitative data:

Qualitative is related to the non-numeric form of data. For
    example, male and female, members of the family, eye color.
 Quantitative data:

Quantitative data is related to the numeric form of data. For
    example, age, CGPA, income.
Quantitative data indicate either how many or how much.
Quantitative data are always numeric.
     Further qualitative data has two types
I.     Discrete qualitative data
II.     Continues qualitative data

 Discrete qualitative data: Quantitative data that measure how
  many are discrete.(how many students in the class)
 Continues data:
Quantitative data that measure how much are continuous. (GPA,
 Cross-Sectional and Time Series Data:
 Cross-sectional data:
 Are collected at the same or approximately the same point in time.
Example: data detailing the number of building permits issued in
  June 2000
 Time series data:
Are collected over several time periods.
Example: data detailing the number of building permits issued in
  Travis County, Texas in each of the last 36 months
   Descriptive Statistics:
   Descriptive statistics are the tabular, graphical, and numerical
    methods used to summarize data.
   Statistical Inference:
   Statistical inference is the process of using data obtained
    from a small group of elements (the sample) to make
    estimates and test hypotheses about the characteristics of a
    larger group of elements (the population).
   Frequency Distribution
   Relative Frequency distribution
   Percent frequency
   pie chart
 Frequency Distribution
 A frequency distribution is tabular summary of showing the
  number(frequency) of items in each of several non over
  lapping classes.
 Relative Frequency

A Relative Frequency distribution give a tabular summary of
  data showing the relative frequency for each class.
 Percent frequency

Percent frequency summarize the percent frequency of data for
  each class.

A bar graph is a graphical device for depicting qualitative data.
 Pie Chart:-
The pie chart is a commonly used graphical device for
  presenting relative frequency distributions for qualitative
   Frequency Distribution
   Relative Frequency
    Percent Frequency Distributions
   Cumulative Distributions
   Dot Plot
   Histogram
   Ogive/ Frequency Polygon
Frequency Distribution
A frequency distribution is tabular summary of showing the
 number(frequency) of items in each of several non over
 lapping classes.
          Classes                   Frequency
         Male                    36
         Female                  14
         Total                   50

        Classes                 Frequency
         21-23                   25
         24-26                   17
         >26                     8
         Total                   50
Relative Frequency
A Relative Frequency distribution give a
 tabular summary of data showing the
 relative frequency for each class.
Percent frequency
Percent frequency summarize the percent
 frequency of data for each class.

      Classes         Percent Frequency
      Male            72
      Female          28
      Total           100

      Classes              Percent Frequency

      21-23                                50.00
      24-26                                     34.00

      >26                                       16.00

      Total                                    100.00
   Cumulative frequency distribution -- shows the number of
    items with values less than or equal to the upper limit of each

         Classes                  C.F.D
         Male                     72
         Female                   100

         Classes                   C.F.D
         21-23                     50.0
         24-26                     84.0
         >26                       100.0
   Cumulative relative frequency distribution -
    - shows the proportion of items with values
    less than or equal to the upper limit of each
   Cumulative percent frequency distribution -
    - shows the percentage of items with values
    less than or equal to the upper limit of each
   Dot Plot
    One of the simplest graphical summaries of data is a dot plot.
    A horizontal axis shows the range of data values.
    Then each data value is represented by a dot placed above
    the axis.
   Histogram
     Another common graphical presentation of quantitative data
    is a histogram.
    The variable of interest is placed on the horizontal axis.
     A rectangle is drawn above each class interval’s frequency,
    relative frequency, or percent frequency.
     Unlike a bar graph, a histogram has no natural separation
    between rectangles of classes.
  Ogive/ Frequency Polygon
 An ogive/ Polygon is a graph of a cumulative distribution.
The data values are shown on the horizontal axis.
Shown on the vertical axis are the:
   ◦ cumulative frequencies, or
   ◦ cumulative relative frequencies, or
   ◦ cumulative percent frequencies
The frequency (one of the above) of each class is plotted as a
The plotted points are connected by straight lines.
 Scatter Diagram:-

Is a graphical presentation of the relationship between two
   quantitative variables.
 Descriptive Statistics: Numerical Methods:
           Measures of Location

Mean are average value of all observation. The mean provides a
 measure of central location for the data.
Sample Mean=         i 1          x1   x2  xn
                         n               n
   Sample Mean:-                      xi
   Where the numerator is the sum of values of n observations,

   Median:-
                        xi x1 x2 ... xn
   Median is the value in the middle when the data are arranged
    in ascending order with an odd number of observations the
    mean is the middle value. An even number of observation has
    no single middle value in this case simply we average the
    middle two observations.
   Mode:-
   The mode is the value that occurs with greatest frequency.
   Value that occurs most often
   There may be no mode
   There may be several modes
 The pth percentile is a value such that at least p percent of
   the observations are less than or equal to this value at least
   (100-p) percent of the observations are greater than or equal
   to this value.
 Calculating the Pth Percentile:-

 Step 1. Arrange the data in ascending order

 Step 2. Compute an index i
 Step 3.                          100

If i is not integer then round up. The next integer greater than i
   denotes the position of the pth percentile .
If i is an integer the pth percentile is the average of the values
   in positions i and i+1.
  Quartile:-
It is often desirable to divide data in four parts, with each part
   containing approximately one-fourth, or 25% of the
Q1= 25th percentile
Q2= 50th Percentile (also the Median)
Q3= 75th percentile
   Measures of Variability
   Range
   Interquartile Range
   Variance
   Standard Deviation
   Coefficient of Variation
 Range:
Range is the difference largest value and smallest value
Range = Largest Value – Smallest Value
 Interquartile Range:

The difference between third quartile Q3 and first quartile Q1
IQR= Q3 – Q1
 Variance:

Variance is based on difference between value of each
  observation and the mean.
Population Variance:
                           2    ( xi x ) 2
   Sample Variance=   s
                                  n 1
 Standard Deviation:
Standard deviation is defined to be positive square root of the
 If the data set is a sample, the standard deviation is denoted
                               s      s
   If the data set is a population, the standard deviation is
    denoted      (sigma).
   Coefficient of Variation:
   In descriptive statistics that indicates how large a standard
    deviation is relative to the mean.

                  CV          100%
   Sample=              x

    Population=        CV            100%
   Measure of Distribution Shapes:-
   Z-Score
   Outliers
   Z-Score:
     Z-score is often called the standardized value. The z-score
    can be interpreted as the number of standard deviation is
    from the mean.
                                      xi       x
   Outliers:
    Sometimes a data set will have one or more observation with
    unusually large or unusually small values. These extreme
    values are called outliers. If the value is greater than ±3 then
    outlier exists.
   Exploratory Data Analysis:
   Five Number Summary:
   Smallest Value
   First Quartile
   Median
   Third Quartile
   Largest Value
   Measure of Association between Two Variables:
   Covariance
   Interpretation of Covariance
   Correlation Coefficient
   Covariance:-
   The covariance is a measure of the linear association between
    two variables.
   Positive values indicate a positive relationship.
   Negative values indicate a negative relationship.
   If the data sets are samples, the covariance is denoted by sxy.
                                ( xi x )( yi y )
                    s xy
                                     n 1
   If the data sets are populations, the covariance is denoted by

                                  ( xi     x   )( yi   y   )
 Interpretation of Covariance:
 It tells us the relation between two variables is positive or
 Correlation Coefficient:

 The coefficient can take on values between -1 and +1.

 Values near -1 indicate a strong negative linear relationship.

 Values near +1 indicate a strong positive linear relationship.

 If the data sets are samples, the coefficient is rxy.

                                        s xy
                                      sx s y
   If the data sets are populations, the coefficient is

                                         x        y
Frequency Distribution W R T Gender
               Frequency     Percent     Percent
Male                   36          72.0        72.0
Female                 14          28.0       100.0
Total                  50         100.0
Classes                            Cumulative
          Frequency     Percent     Percent
21-23             25          50.0        50.0
24-26             17          34.0        84.0
>26                 8         16.0       100.0
Total             50         100.0
Classes                            Cumulative
          Frequency    Percent      Percent
1-1.5              4         8.0           8.0
1.5-2              6        12.0         20.0
2-2.5             12        24.0         44.0
2.5-3             11        22.0         66.0
3-3.5              1         2.0         68.0
3.5-4             16        32.0        100.0
Total             50       100.0
BBA      15    30.0    30.0    30.0
MBA      14    28.0    28.0    58.0
MS        5    10.0    10.0    68.0
MDM       4     8.0     8.0    76.0
OTHERS   12    24.0    24.0   100.0
Total    50   100.0   100.0
Classes                                Cumulative
               Frequency    Percent     Percent
Completely             20         40.0        40.0
Disagree                8        16.0         56.0
Neutral                11        22.0         78.0
Satisfied               9        18.0         96.0
completely              2         4.0        100.0
Total                  50       100.0
Classes                                   Cumulative
               Frequency       Percent     Percent
Completely                 7         14.0        14.0
Disagree               16           32.0         46.0
Neutral                10           20.0         66.0
satisfied              12           24.0         90.0
completely                 5        10.0        100.0
Total                  50          100.0
Classes                                   Cumulative
               Frequency       Percent     Percent
Completely                 9         18.0        18.0
Disagree                8           16.0         34.0
Neutral                21           42.0         76.0
Satisfied               9           18.0         94.0
completely                 3         6.0        100.0
Total                  50          100.0
Classes                                   Cumulative
               Frequency       Percent     Percent
Completely                 5         10.0        10.0
Disagree               11           22.0         32.0
Neutral                14           28.0         60.0
satisfied              12           24.0         84.0
completely                 8        16.0        100.0
Total                  50          100.0
Classes                                   Cumulative
               Frequency       Percent     Percent
Completely                 7         14.0        14.0
Disagree               11           22.0         36.0
Neutral                14           28.0         64.0
Satisfied               9           18.0         82.0
completely                 9        18.0        100.0
Total                  50          100.0

                             Minim Maxim      Deviati Varian
    Classes    N        Range um    um   Mean   on      ce
    Distribu       50     1.00   1.00   2.00 1.2800 .45356   .206
    tion W
    Valid N
    (listwis       50
Classes                                         Std.
                            Minimu Maximu      Deviatio Varianc
             N        Range   m      m    Mean    n        e
Distributi       50     2.00   3.00   5.00 3.6600 .74533   .556
on W R
T Age
Valid N          50
Classes                                         Std.
                            Minimu Maximu      Deviatio Varianc
             N        Range   m      m    Mean    n        e
Distributi       50     5.00   2.00   7.00 4.9400 1.67100   2.792
on W R
Valid N          50
Classes                                         Std.
                            Minimu Maximu      Deviatio Varianc
             N        Range   m      m    Mean    n        e
Distributi       50     4.00   1.00   5.00 2.6800 1.57065   2.467
on W R
T Class
Valid N          50
Classes                                         Std.
                            Minimu Maximu      Deviatio Varianc
             N        Range   m      m    Mean    n        e
ss of            50     4.00   1.00   5.00 2.3000 1.28174   1.643
Valid N          50
Classes                                         Std.
                            Minimu Maximu      Deviatio Varianc
             N        Range   m      m    Mean    n        e
The up-
of               50     4.00   1.00   5.00 2.7800 1.13011   1.277
Valid N          50
Classes                                         Std.
                            Minimu Maximu      Deviatio Varianc
             N        Range   m      m    Mean    n        e
y of             50     4.00   1.00   5.00 3.1400 1.22907   1.511
Valid N          50
Clas                                        Std.
                            Minimu Maximu      Deviatio Varianc
ses          N        Range   m      m    Mean    n        e
of               50     4.00   1.00   5.00 3.0400 1.30868   1.713
Valid N          50
The Usefulness of System Functions

                                     Completely Dissatisfied




                                     Completely Satisfied
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Business statistics

  • 1.
  • 2. Bilal Khan Niazi 11-Arid-1314  Naveed Ahmed 11-Arid-1322  Asad Mehmood 11-Arid-1294  Arslan Akbar 11-Arid-1293  Salik Atta 11-Arid-1326  Zeeshan Gohar 11-Arid-1335  Ijaz-ull-Hassan 11-Arid-1185
  • 3. Group-4  QUESTIONNAIRE  System Quality of University Computer Service System  Section I  Respondent profile  1. Gender? Male Female  2. Age? 15-17 18-20 21-23 24-26 More than 35  3. CGPA: 0.5-1 1-1.5 1.5-2 2-2.5 2.5-3 3-3.5 3.5-4  4. What is your class? BBA MBA MS MDM Other
  • 4. Section II  (Completely Dissatisfied = 1, Dissatisfied = 2, Neutral = 3, Satisfied = 4, completely satisfied = 5) System Quality 1 2 3 4 5 1. The usefulness of system functions. 2. The friendliness of users interfaces. 3. The up-to-date of platforms. 4. The necessity of system functions. 5. The stability of systems. 6. The response time of system. 7. The duration of system update.
  • 5.  Business Statistics: Statistics is the study of how to collect, organize, analyze, and interpret numerical information from data. Descriptive statistics involves methods of organizing, picturing and summarizing information from data. Inferential statistics involves methods of using information from a sample to draw conclusions about the Population. Individuals and Variables Individuals are the people or objects included in the study. A variable is the characteristic of the individual to be measured or observed. There is no assumption in the descriptive statistics. It is related to the facts and figure. Descriptive statistics measure the central tendency (Mean median, mode, percentile, and quartile) Measure of desperation (Range, inter-quarter range, variance, standard deviation, coefficient of variable)
  • 6. Inferential statistics: Inferential Statistics: A decision, estimate, prediction, or generalization about a population, based on a sample. Inferential deal with the assumption and future forecasting.  Data and data set: Data is a raw facts and figure. That are collected, summarized, analyzed, and interpreted. The data collected in a particular study are referred to as the data set.
  • 7. Scales of measurement:  Scales of measurement include: ◦ Nominal ◦ Ordinal ◦ Interval ◦ Ratio  The scale determines the amount of information contained in the data.  The scale indicates the data summarization and statistical analyses that are most appropriate.
  • 8. Nominal Scale:  Data that is classified into categories and cannot be arranged in any particular order. For example male-female, Pakistani etc.  Ordinal scale:  It categorizes and ranks the variables according to the preferences. For example from best to worst, first to last, a numeric code may be used.  Interval scale:  To put the interval in the order data. It fulfills the characteristics of nominal and ordinal scale.  Ratio scale:  The data have all the properties of interval data and the ratio of two values is meaningful. Variables such as distance, height, weight, and time use the ratio scale. This scale must contain a zero value.
  • 9. I. Qualitative data II. Quantitative data  Qualitative data: Qualitative is related to the non-numeric form of data. For example, male and female, members of the family, eye color.  Quantitative data: Quantitative data is related to the numeric form of data. For example, age, CGPA, income. Quantitative data indicate either how many or how much. Quantitative data are always numeric.
  • 10. Further qualitative data has two types I. Discrete qualitative data II. Continues qualitative data  Discrete qualitative data: Quantitative data that measure how many are discrete.(how many students in the class)  Continues data: Quantitative data that measure how much are continuous. (GPA, income)  Cross-Sectional and Time Series Data:  Cross-sectional data: Are collected at the same or approximately the same point in time. Example: data detailing the number of building permits issued in June 2000  Time series data: Are collected over several time periods. Example: data detailing the number of building permits issued in Travis County, Texas in each of the last 36 months
  • 11. Descriptive Statistics:  Descriptive statistics are the tabular, graphical, and numerical methods used to summarize data.  Statistical Inference:  Statistical inference is the process of using data obtained from a small group of elements (the sample) to make estimates and test hypotheses about the characteristics of a larger group of elements (the population).
  • 12.
  • 13. Frequency Distribution  Relative Frequency distribution  Percent frequency  BAR GRAPH  pie chart
  • 14.  Frequency Distribution A frequency distribution is tabular summary of showing the number(frequency) of items in each of several non over lapping classes.  Relative Frequency A Relative Frequency distribution give a tabular summary of data showing the relative frequency for each class.  Percent frequency Percent frequency summarize the percent frequency of data for each class.  BAR GRAPH A bar graph is a graphical device for depicting qualitative data.
  • 15.  Pie Chart:- The pie chart is a commonly used graphical device for presenting relative frequency distributions for qualitative data.
  • 16. Frequency Distribution  Relative Frequency  Percent Frequency Distributions  Cumulative Distributions  Dot Plot  Histogram  Ogive/ Frequency Polygon
  • 17. Frequency Distribution A frequency distribution is tabular summary of showing the number(frequency) of items in each of several non over lapping classes. Classes Frequency Male 36 Female 14 Total 50  Classes Frequency 21-23 25 24-26 17 >26 8 Total 50
  • 18. Relative Frequency A Relative Frequency distribution give a tabular summary of data showing the relative frequency for each class.
  • 19. Percent frequency Percent frequency summarize the percent frequency of data for each class. Classes Percent Frequency Male 72 Female 28 Total 100 Classes Percent Frequency 21-23 50.00 24-26 34.00 >26 16.00 Total 100.00
  • 20. Cumulative frequency distribution -- shows the number of items with values less than or equal to the upper limit of each class. Classes C.F.D Male 72 Female 100 Classes C.F.D 21-23 50.0 24-26 84.0 >26 100.0
  • 21. Cumulative relative frequency distribution - - shows the proportion of items with values less than or equal to the upper limit of each class.  Cumulative percent frequency distribution - - shows the percentage of items with values less than or equal to the upper limit of each class.
  • 22. Dot Plot One of the simplest graphical summaries of data is a dot plot. A horizontal axis shows the range of data values. Then each data value is represented by a dot placed above the axis.  Histogram Another common graphical presentation of quantitative data is a histogram. The variable of interest is placed on the horizontal axis. A rectangle is drawn above each class interval’s frequency, relative frequency, or percent frequency. Unlike a bar graph, a histogram has no natural separation between rectangles of classes.
  • 23.  Ogive/ Frequency Polygon An ogive/ Polygon is a graph of a cumulative distribution. The data values are shown on the horizontal axis. Shown on the vertical axis are the: ◦ cumulative frequencies, or ◦ cumulative relative frequencies, or ◦ cumulative percent frequencies The frequency (one of the above) of each class is plotted as a point. The plotted points are connected by straight lines.  Scatter Diagram:- Is a graphical presentation of the relationship between two quantitative variables.
  • 24.  Descriptive Statistics: Numerical Methods: Measures of Location Mean Median Mode Percentile Quartile Mean:- Mean are average value of all observation. The mean provides a measure of central location for the data. n xi Sample Mean= i 1 x1 x2  xn x n n
  • 25. Sample Mean:- xi x n  Where the numerator is the sum of values of n observations, or:  Median:- xi x1 x2 ... xn  Median is the value in the middle when the data are arranged in ascending order with an odd number of observations the mean is the middle value. An even number of observation has no single middle value in this case simply we average the middle two observations.  Mode:-  The mode is the value that occurs with greatest frequency.  Value that occurs most often  There may be no mode  There may be several modes
  • 26. Percentiles:-  The pth percentile is a value such that at least p percent of the observations are less than or equal to this value at least (100-p) percent of the observations are greater than or equal to this value.  Calculating the Pth Percentile:-  Step 1. Arrange the data in ascending order  Step 2. Compute an index i p  Step 3. 100 n If i is not integer then round up. The next integer greater than i denotes the position of the pth percentile . If i is an integer the pth percentile is the average of the values in positions i and i+1.
  • 27.  Quartile:- It is often desirable to divide data in four parts, with each part containing approximately one-fourth, or 25% of the observations. Q1= 25th percentile Q2= 50th Percentile (also the Median) Q3= 75th percentile  Measures of Variability  Range  Interquartile Range  Variance  Standard Deviation  Coefficient of Variation
  • 28.  Range: Range is the difference largest value and smallest value Range = Largest Value – Smallest Value  Interquartile Range: The difference between third quartile Q3 and first quartile Q1 IQR= Q3 – Q1  Variance: Variance is based on difference between value of each observation and the mean. Population Variance: 2 ( xi x ) 2  Sample Variance= s n 1
  • 29.  Standard Deviation: Standard deviation is defined to be positive square root of the variance.  If the data set is a sample, the standard deviation is denoted s. 2 s s  If the data set is a population, the standard deviation is denoted (sigma). 2
  • 30. Coefficient of Variation:  In descriptive statistics that indicates how large a standard deviation is relative to the mean. s CV 100%  Sample= x σ Population= CV 100%  μ
  • 31. Measure of Distribution Shapes:-  Z-Score  Outliers  Z-Score: Z-score is often called the standardized value. The z-score can be interpreted as the number of standard deviation is from the mean. xi x zi s  Outliers: Sometimes a data set will have one or more observation with unusually large or unusually small values. These extreme values are called outliers. If the value is greater than ±3 then outlier exists.
  • 32. Exploratory Data Analysis:  Five Number Summary:  Smallest Value  First Quartile  Median  Third Quartile  Largest Value  Measure of Association between Two Variables:  Covariance  Interpretation of Covariance  Correlation Coefficient
  • 33. Covariance:-  The covariance is a measure of the linear association between two variables.  Positive values indicate a positive relationship.  Negative values indicate a negative relationship.  If the data sets are samples, the covariance is denoted by sxy. ( xi x )( yi y ) s xy n 1  If the data sets are populations, the covariance is denoted by ( xi x )( yi y ) xy N
  • 34.  Interpretation of Covariance: It tells us the relation between two variables is positive or negative.  Correlation Coefficient:  The coefficient can take on values between -1 and +1.  Values near -1 indicate a strong negative linear relationship.  Values near +1 indicate a strong positive linear relationship.  If the data sets are samples, the coefficient is rxy. s xy rxy sx s y  If the data sets are populations, the coefficient is xy xy x y
  • 35.
  • 36. Frequency Distribution W R T Gender CLASSES Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Male 36 72.0 72.0 Female 14 28.0 100.0 Total 50 100.0
  • 37. Classes Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent 21-23 25 50.0 50.0 24-26 17 34.0 84.0 >26 8 16.0 100.0 Total 50 100.0
  • 38. Classes Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent 1-1.5 4 8.0 8.0 1.5-2 6 12.0 20.0 2-2.5 12 24.0 44.0 2.5-3 11 22.0 66.0 3-3.5 1 2.0 68.0 3.5-4 16 32.0 100.0 Total 50 100.0
  • 39. BBA 15 30.0 30.0 30.0 MBA 14 28.0 28.0 58.0 MS 5 10.0 10.0 68.0 MDM 4 8.0 8.0 76.0 OTHERS 12 24.0 24.0 100.0 Total 50 100.0 100.0
  • 40. Classes Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Completely 20 40.0 40.0 Dissatisfied Disagree 8 16.0 56.0 Neutral 11 22.0 78.0 Satisfied 9 18.0 96.0 completely 2 4.0 100.0 satisfied Total 50 100.0
  • 41. Classes Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Completely 7 14.0 14.0 Dissatisfied Disagree 16 32.0 46.0 Neutral 10 20.0 66.0 satisfied 12 24.0 90.0 completely 5 10.0 100.0 satisfied Total 50 100.0
  • 42. Classes Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Completely 9 18.0 18.0 Dissatisfied Disagree 8 16.0 34.0 Neutral 21 42.0 76.0 Satisfied 9 18.0 94.0 completely 3 6.0 100.0 satisfied Total 50 100.0
  • 43. Classes Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Completely 5 10.0 10.0 Dissatisfied Disagree 11 22.0 32.0 Neutral 14 28.0 60.0 satisfied 12 24.0 84.0 completely 8 16.0 100.0 satisfied Total 50 100.0
  • 44. Classes Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Completely 7 14.0 14.0 Dissatisfied Disagree 11 22.0 36.0 Neutral 14 28.0 64.0 Satisfied 9 18.0 82.0 completely 9 18.0 100.0 satisfied Total 50 100.0
  • 45. GENDER Std. Minim Maxim Deviati Varian Classes N Range um um Mean on ce Freque ncy Distribu 50 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.2800 .45356 .206 tion W RT Gender Valid N (listwis 50 e)
  • 46. Classes Std. Minimu Maximu Deviatio Varianc N Range m m Mean n e Frequen cy Distributi 50 2.00 3.00 5.00 3.6600 .74533 .556 on W R T Age Valid N 50 (listwise)
  • 47. Classes Std. Minimu Maximu Deviatio Varianc N Range m m Mean n e Frequen cy Distributi 50 5.00 2.00 7.00 4.9400 1.67100 2.792 on W R T CGPA Valid N 50 (listwise)
  • 48. Classes Std. Minimu Maximu Deviatio Varianc N Range m m Mean n e Frequen cy Distributi 50 4.00 1.00 5.00 2.6800 1.57065 2.467 on W R T Class Valid N 50 (listwise)
  • 49. Classes Std. Minimu Maximu Deviatio Varianc N Range m m Mean n e The usefulne ss of 50 4.00 1.00 5.00 2.3000 1.28174 1.643 system function s. Valid N 50 (listwise)
  • 50. Classes Std. Minimu Maximu Deviatio Varianc N Range m m Mean n e The up- to-date of 50 4.00 1.00 5.00 2.7800 1.13011 1.277 platform s. Valid N 50 (listwise)
  • 51. Classes Std. Minimu Maximu Deviatio Varianc N Range m m Mean n e The necessit y of 50 4.00 1.00 5.00 3.1400 1.22907 1.511 system function s. Valid N 50 (listwise)
  • 52. Clas Std. Minimu Maximu Deviatio Varianc ses N Range m m Mean n e The stability of 50 4.00 1.00 5.00 3.0400 1.30868 1.713 systems . Valid N 50 (listwise)
  • 53. The Usefulness of System Functions Completely Dissatisfied Disagree Neutral Satisfied Completely Satisfied