ovarian cancer ovarian cancer research clinical trials medical research department of defense immunotherapy genetics ovarian cancer diagnosis risk sgo fda american association for cancer research aacr society of gynecologic oncology american society of clinical oncology food and drug administration asco womens health pain during sex loss of libido cancer survivors vaginal dryness vaginal health cancer patients sexual heath sexuality after cancer ovarian cancer risk lynch syndrome family history brca mutation brca hnpcc breast cancer risk parp parp inhibitors nova study self care resilience survivorship young diagnosis young womens health clinical research clinical trial challenges vaccines ovarian cancer terminology ovarian cancer treatment gynecologic oncology diagnosis immune therapy chemotherapy recurrent ovarian cancer radiotherapy treatment hormone therapy recurrence recurrent disease oncology care model nova trial oncology legal protection cancer disability disability benefits cancer legality cancer working with cancer limitations ada cancer in the workplace cancer risk factor chronic stress stress cancer tumor clinical trial matching treatment options cancer treatment ukctocs early detection
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