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An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018
An Introduction to IoT and
An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018
About Me
Pete Gallagher
• IT Consultant
• Decades of Desktop, Web & Embedded
Software experience
• Gadget Addict
An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018
What we’re going to be doing…
Basic understanding of IoT
What platform options are out there
An introduction to the various pieces of software
A description of some basic electronics
Building a basic circuit – “Hello World”
More advanced Topics
An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018
What is IoT?
An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018
The Connected Cow
An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018
The Connected Cow
“To identify a cow in heat, you need to
spend at least 20-30 minutes in the stables
per day, four to five times a day”
An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018
 Oestrus only lasts between 12-18 hours….
 Only once per 21 days
 Normally occurs between 10pm and 8am
 Traditionally detected by visual monitoring
 70% Conception Rate
 Only 55% probability of correctly identifying oestrus
 Pregnancy Rate of 39%
The Connected Cow
An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018
The Connected Cow
“How can this be improved with
An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018
The Connected Cow
An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018
The Connected Cow
16 hours later
Start of Oestrus Optimum for Artificial Insemination
An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018
The Connected Cow
An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018
The Hardware…
An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018
Platform Options
Raspberry Pi Arduino (Uno) Particle (Photon)
BBC Micro:bit Microchip (RN1723)MxChip AZ3166Feather (Huzzah)
Arduino (Mega)
An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018
Raspberry Pi 3B+
Manufacturer: Raspberry Pi Foundation
Quad Core Broadcom BCM2837 ARM Cortex
A53 @ 1.4GHz + 1GB RAM
Connectivity: 4x USB, Gigabit Lan, Wifi, Bluetooth LE
I/O: 40 GPIO Pins – SPI, UART, I2C, PWM
Sensors etc: None
Cost: £35 (+ SD Card + PSU + Peripherals)
An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018
Raspberry Pi In Space!
An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018
Arduino Uno
Manufacturer: Arduino
Processor: ATMEGA328 @ 16MHz + 32Kb Flash Memory
Connectivity: USB
I/O: 20 GPIO Pins – SPI, UART, Analog / Digital, PWM
Sensors etc: None
Cost: £22
An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018
Arduino Mega
Manufacturer: Arduino
Processor: ATMEGA2560 @ 16MHz + 256KB Flash Memory
Connectivity: USB
I/O: 70 GPIO Pins – SPI, UART, Analog / Digital, PWM
Sensors etc: None
Cost: £40
An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018
Particle Photon
Manufacturer: Particle
STM32F205RGY6 ARM Cortex M3 @ 120Mhz +
1MB Flash Memory and 128Kb RAM
Connectivity: Wifi, USB
18 GPIO Pins – SPI, UART, I2C, Digital /
Analogue, CAN, PWM
Sensors etc: None
Cost: £19
An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018
Feather Huzzah
Manufacturer: Adafruit
ESP8266 WiFi microcontroller @ 80MHz + 4MB
of Flash Memory
Connectivity: Wifi, USB
I/O: 9 GPIO Pins – SPI, I2C, Digital, 1 Analogue
Sensors etc: None
Cost: £25
An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018
MxChip AZ3166
Manufacturer: MxChip
EMW3166 Cortex M4 Wifi Microcontroller
@100MHz + 3MB of Flash Memory
Connectivity: Wifi, USB
I/O: 25 GPIO Pins
Sensors etc:
Humidity, Temperature, Magnetometer,
Accelerometer, Infrared, OLED Display, RGB LED,
Buttons, RGB LED
Cost: £30
An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018
Manufacturer: BBC
32-bit ARM Cortex-M0 Microcontroller @
16MHz + 256KB Flash Memory + 16Kb SRAM
Connectivity: Radio, Bluetooth, USB
I/O: 25 GPIO Pins – SPI, I2C, Digital, Analogue
Sensors etc:
2 Buttons, Accelerometer, Magnetometer, 5x5
LED Display
Cost: £17
An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018
Advanced Platform Options
XLR8 LattePanda Particle (Photon)
BBC Micro:bit Microchip (RN1723)MxChip AZ3166Feather (Huzzah)
Arduino (Mega)
An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018
The Software…
An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018
Raspberry Pi…
Python Scratch C# (Mono / Core) C++
Qt Creator Sonic Pi Node Red Node
An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018
Arduino Based Systems…
Arduino IDE Arduino Web Editor Visual Studio Code Visual Studio
PlatformIO IDE Programino* Scratch for Arduino* Embrio*
An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018
Microsoft Make Code
Microsoft Touch
Code Kingdoms
Python EduBlocks
Microsoft Block
Microsoft Make Code
Visual Studio Code
An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018
Hello World!
for (int i=0; i<(noOfPlatforms*noOfLanguages; i++)
An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018
Raspberry Pi…
An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018
GPIO and the Circuit
An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018
Raspberry Pi GPIO
An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018
Raspberry Pi GPIO
An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018
Our Circuit and Parts
Part Qty
Breadboard 1
Green LED 1
220Ω Resistor 1
Push Button 1
Jumper Wires 4
An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018
The Raspberry
 This is the heart of our circuit
and will be controlling
how all of the
electronics work as
well as running our code.
An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018
An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018
An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018
Node Red…
An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018
An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018
Arduino GPIO
An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018
Our Circuit and Parts
Part Qty
Breadboard 1
Green LED 1
220Ω Resistor 1
Push Button 1
Jumper Wires 4
An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018
Arduino IDE…
An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018
Arduino Create…
An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018
Arduino Web Editor…
An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018
VS Code + PlatformIO…
An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018
Particle Web IDE
An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018
An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018
Microbit GPIO
An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018
Microsoft Make Code…
An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018
Microsoft Make Code App…
An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018
Code Kingdoms…
An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018
Microsoft Block Editor…
An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018
Microsoft Touch Develop…
An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018
Micro Python…
An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018
An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018
The Cloud…
An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018
Cloud Providers…
Microsoft Azure Amazon IoT Core Google IoT Core Mozilla IoT
IBM Watson Particle Cloud Arduino Cloud
An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018
IoT and Microsoft Azure
IoT Hub
Service bus
An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018
IoT and Amazon IoT Core
Device Gateway
Message Broker
AWS Lambda
S3 Storage
Notification Service
An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018
IoT and Google IoT Core
Cloud Functions
Cloud Storage
Big Query
IoT Core
Pub Sub
An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018
IoT and IBM Watson IoT
Cloud Functions
Cognitive Insights
Object Storage
Streaming Analytics
IBM Cloud
An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018
IoT and Mozilla IoT
Things Cloud – Cloud Integration
Web of Things API Things Cloud
Things Cloud – Direct Integration
An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018
Twitter: @PJGCreations
Slides (To Follow):
An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018
Arduino Uno:
Feather Huzzah:
MxChip AZ3166:
Particle Photon:
An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018
Feather Huzzah:
MxChip AZ3166:
Particle Photon:
An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018
Azure Dev Guide:
IoT Hub Learning Path:
Azure IoT Hub Pricing:
More Detailed Pricing:
IoT Hub with Arm Templates:
An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018
Microsoft IoT Homepage:
Some Cool IoT Projects:
An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018
IoT Extensions for VS Code:
An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018
Further Viewing
The Connected Cow:
MVA Introduction to IoT:
Azure Friday Azure IoT Hub:
Azure IoT Deep Dive:
An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018
An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018
What could possibly go
An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018

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Getting started with IoT with only your Laptop - July 2019 - Digital Lincoln
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Building a Raspberry Pi Robot with Dot NET 6, Blazor and SignalR.pptxBuilding a Raspberry Pi Robot with Dot NET 6, Blazor and SignalR.pptx
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Building a Raspberry Pi Robot Arm with .NET 5, Blazor and SignalR - dotNET Stoke
Building a Raspberry Pi Robot Arm with .NET 5, Blazor and SignalR
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Más de Peter Gallagher

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Experience Raspberry Pi 5 - October 2023
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Azure Percept Home Automation - Microsoft Reactor London - 28-05-22
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Azure Percept Home Automation - Microsoft Reactor London - 28-05-22Peter Gallagher
Azure Percept Home Automation - Festive Tech Calendar 2021 - 01-12-21
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Azure Percept Home Automation - Festive Tech Calendar 2021 - 01-12-21Peter Gallagher
Azure Percept Home Automation - .NET Liverpool - 28-10-21
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Building a Raspberry Pi Robot Arm with .NET 5, Blazor and SignalR - Bradford ...
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Más de Peter Gallagher (17)

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Getting started with IoT - Notts IoT - April 2018

  • 1. An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018 An Introduction to IoT and Electronics PETE GALLAGHER PJGCREATIONS.CO.UK 19/04/2018
  • 2. An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018 About Me Pete Gallagher @PJGCreations • IT Consultant • Decades of Desktop, Web & Embedded Software experience • Gadget Addict
  • 3. An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018 What we’re going to be doing… Basic understanding of IoT What platform options are out there An introduction to the various pieces of software A description of some basic electronics Building a basic circuit – “Hello World” More advanced Topics Q&A
  • 4. An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018 What is IoT?
  • 5. An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018 The Connected Cow
  • 6. An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018 The Connected Cow “To identify a cow in heat, you need to spend at least 20-30 minutes in the stables per day, four to five times a day”
  • 7. An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018  Oestrus only lasts between 12-18 hours….  Only once per 21 days  Normally occurs between 10pm and 8am  Traditionally detected by visual monitoring  70% Conception Rate  Only 55% probability of correctly identifying oestrus  Pregnancy Rate of 39% The Connected Cow
  • 8. An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018 The Connected Cow “How can this be improved with technology?”
  • 9. An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018 The Connected Cow
  • 10. An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018 The Connected Cow 12th 1am 12th 9am 12th 5pm 13th 7am 13th 9am 13th 5pm STEPS 16 hours later Start of Oestrus Optimum for Artificial Insemination
  • 11. An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018 The Connected Cow
  • 12. An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018 The Hardware…
  • 13. An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018 Platform Options Raspberry Pi Arduino (Uno) Particle (Photon) BBC Micro:bit Microchip (RN1723)MxChip AZ3166Feather (Huzzah) Arduino (Mega)
  • 14. An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018 Raspberry Pi 3B+ Manufacturer: Raspberry Pi Foundation Processor: Quad Core Broadcom BCM2837 ARM Cortex A53 @ 1.4GHz + 1GB RAM Connectivity: 4x USB, Gigabit Lan, Wifi, Bluetooth LE I/O: 40 GPIO Pins – SPI, UART, I2C, PWM Sensors etc: None Cost: £35 (+ SD Card + PSU + Peripherals)
  • 15. An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018 Raspberry Pi In Space!
  • 16. An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018 Arduino Uno Manufacturer: Arduino Processor: ATMEGA328 @ 16MHz + 32Kb Flash Memory Connectivity: USB I/O: 20 GPIO Pins – SPI, UART, Analog / Digital, PWM Sensors etc: None Cost: £22
  • 17. An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018 Arduino Mega Manufacturer: Arduino Processor: ATMEGA2560 @ 16MHz + 256KB Flash Memory Connectivity: USB I/O: 70 GPIO Pins – SPI, UART, Analog / Digital, PWM Sensors etc: None Cost: £40
  • 18. An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018 Particle Photon Manufacturer: Particle Processor: STM32F205RGY6 ARM Cortex M3 @ 120Mhz + 1MB Flash Memory and 128Kb RAM Connectivity: Wifi, USB I/O: 18 GPIO Pins – SPI, UART, I2C, Digital / Analogue, CAN, PWM Sensors etc: None Cost: £19
  • 19. An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018 Feather Huzzah Manufacturer: Adafruit Processor: ESP8266 WiFi microcontroller @ 80MHz + 4MB of Flash Memory Connectivity: Wifi, USB I/O: 9 GPIO Pins – SPI, I2C, Digital, 1 Analogue Sensors etc: None Cost: £25
  • 20. An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018 MxChip AZ3166 Manufacturer: MxChip Processor: EMW3166 Cortex M4 Wifi Microcontroller @100MHz + 3MB of Flash Memory Connectivity: Wifi, USB I/O: 25 GPIO Pins Sensors etc: Humidity, Temperature, Magnetometer, Accelerometer, Infrared, OLED Display, RGB LED, Buttons, RGB LED Cost: £30
  • 21. An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018 Micro:bit Manufacturer: BBC Processor: 32-bit ARM Cortex-M0 Microcontroller @ 16MHz + 256KB Flash Memory + 16Kb SRAM Connectivity: Radio, Bluetooth, USB I/O: 25 GPIO Pins – SPI, I2C, Digital, Analogue Sensors etc: 2 Buttons, Accelerometer, Magnetometer, 5x5 LED Display Cost: £17
  • 22. An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018 Advanced Platform Options XLR8 LattePanda Particle (Photon) BBC Micro:bit Microchip (RN1723)MxChip AZ3166Feather (Huzzah) Arduino (Mega)
  • 23. An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018 The Software…
  • 24. An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018 Raspberry Pi… Python Scratch C# (Mono / Core) C++ Qt Creator Sonic Pi Node Red Node
  • 25. An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018 Arduino Based Systems… Arduino IDE Arduino Web Editor Visual Studio Code Visual Studio PlatformIO IDE Programino* Scratch for Arduino* Embrio*
  • 26. An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018 Micro:bit… Microsoft Make Code Microsoft Touch Develop Code Kingdoms Python EduBlocks Microsoft Block Editor Microsoft Make Code App Visual Studio Code
  • 27. An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018 Hello World! for (int i=0; i<(noOfPlatforms*noOfLanguages; i++) { helloWorld(); }
  • 28. An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018 Raspberry Pi…
  • 29. An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018 GPIO and the Circuit LET’S GET HANDS ON
  • 30. An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018 Raspberry Pi GPIO
  • 31. An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018 Raspberry Pi GPIO
  • 32. An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018 Our Circuit and Parts Part Qty Breadboard 1 Green LED 1 220Ω Resistor 1 Push Button 1 Jumper Wires 4
  • 33. An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018 The Raspberry Pi  This is the heart of our circuit and will be controlling how all of the electronics work as well as running our code.
  • 34. An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018 Scratch…
  • 35. An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018 Python…
  • 36. An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018 Node Red…
  • 37. An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018 Arduino…
  • 38. An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018 Arduino GPIO
  • 39. An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018 Our Circuit and Parts Part Qty Breadboard 1 Green LED 1 220Ω Resistor 1 Push Button 1 Jumper Wires 4
  • 40. An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018 Arduino IDE…
  • 41. An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018 Arduino Create…
  • 42. An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018 Arduino Web Editor…
  • 43. An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018 VS Code + PlatformIO…
  • 44. An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018 Particle Web IDE
  • 45. An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018 Micro:bit…
  • 46. An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018 Microbit GPIO
  • 47. An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018 Microsoft Make Code…
  • 48. An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018 Microsoft Make Code App…
  • 49. An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018 Code Kingdoms…
  • 50. An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018 Microsoft Block Editor…
  • 51. An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018 Microsoft Touch Develop…
  • 52. An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018 Micro Python…
  • 53. An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018 EduBlocks…
  • 54. An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018 The Cloud…
  • 55. An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018 Cloud Providers… Microsoft Azure Amazon IoT Core Google IoT Core Mozilla IoT IBM Watson Particle Cloud Arduino Cloud
  • 56. An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018 R E S O U R C E S F I E L D IoT and Microsoft Azure I O T H U B IoT Hub Routes Service bus Queue Topics Relay
  • 57. An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018 R E S O U R C E S F I E L D IoT and Amazon IoT Core I O T C O R E Device Gateway Message Broker AWS Lambda S3 Storage Queue Notification Service
  • 58. An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018 R E S O U R C E S F I E L D IoT and Google IoT Core I O T C O R E Cloud Functions Cloud Storage Big Query Datalab IoT Core Pub Sub
  • 59. An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018 R E S O U R C E S F I E L D IoT and IBM Watson IoT I O T P L A T F O R M Cloud Functions Cognitive Insights Object Storage Streaming Analytics IBM Cloud
  • 60. An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018 F I E L D IoT and Mozilla IoT Things Cloud – Cloud Integration Web of Things API Things Cloud WoT API WoT API Things Cloud – Direct Integration
  • 61. An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018 Links Website: Twitter: @PJGCreations Email: Slides (To Follow):
  • 62. An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018 Resources Arduino Uno: Microbit: Feather Huzzah: MxChip AZ3166: Particle Photon:
  • 63. An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018 Resources XLR8: LattePanda: Feather Huzzah: MxChip AZ3166: Particle Photon:
  • 64. An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018 Resources Azure Dev Guide: IoT Hub Learning Path: Azure IoT Hub Pricing: More Detailed Pricing: IoT Hub with Arm Templates:
  • 65. An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018 Resources Microsoft IoT Homepage: Some Cool IoT Projects:
  • 66. An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018 Tools IoT Extensions for VS Code:
  • 67. An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018 Further Viewing The Connected Cow: MVA Introduction to IoT: Azure Friday Azure IoT Hub: Azure IoT Deep Dive:
  • 68. An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018 Questions?
  • 69. An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018 What could possibly go wrong?
  • 70. An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018An Introduction to IoT and Electronics – Pete Gallagher – PJG Creations - 2018

Notas del editor

  1. We all know what the “Internet” in IoT is… Created in 1989 at CERN by Sir Tim Berners Lee. Released to the world in 1991. The Things of course are things like… Toaster was first IoT Device – John Romkey and Sam Hacket – 1990 – First public webpage 1991 – Still needed a human for the bread! Fourth Industrial Revolution
  2. Dairy Farmers Have a Problem They artificially inseminate their coes Cows go into heat - only for short periods Called Estrus or Oestrus!
  3. Visual Detection - The cow will stand more often + Other methods… Yuck!
  4. A fitbit! Fujitsu 10,000 steps
  5. 95% accurate for the detection of heat Window around insemination First half = female Last half = male
  6. Cow Pedometer Antenna Receiver Router Base Station Cloud Alerts to Mobile Devices Labour Saving Other Devices Necklaces + microphone = movement and noise
  7. Raspberry Pi 3B+: Quad Core Broadcom BCM2837 @ 1.4GHz Wifi, Bluetooth LE 40 GPIO Pins – SPI, UART, I2C, PWM £35 + SD Card + PSU + Keyboard + Mouse Arduino Uno: ATMEGA328 @ 16MHz 19 GPIO Pins – SPI, UART, Analog / Digital, PWM £22 Particle Photon: STM32F205RGY6 ARM Cortex M3 @ 120Mhz Wifi 18 GPIO Pins – SPI, UART, I2C, Digital / Analogue, CAN, PWM £19 BBC Micro:bit: 16 MHz 32-bit ARM Cortex-M0 microcontroller Radio Accelerometer, Magnetometer, 5x5 LED Display, 25 GPIO Pins £17 Microchip AZ3166: 32bit PIC Microcontroller £60
  8. BCM = System on a Chip
  9. BCM = System on a Chip
  10. BCM = System on a Chip
  11. BCM = System on a Chip
  12. BCM = System on a Chip
  13. BCM = System on a Chip
  14. BCM = System on a Chip
  15. XLR8: Quad Core Broadcom BCM2837 @ 1.4GHz Wifi, Bluetooth LE 40 GPIO Pins – SPI, UART, I2C, PWM £35 + SD Card + PSU + Keyboard + Mouse Latte Panda: Quad Core Intel Z8350 @ 1.92GHz Wifi, Bluetooth 4.0, USB 3, HDMI Full Windows 10 Home ATmega32u4 Co-Processor 6 Intel GPIO Pins – SPI, UART, Analog / Digital, PWM 20 Arduino GPIO Pins - £22 Particle Photon: STM32F205RGY6 ARM Cortex M3 @ 120Mhz Wifi 18 GPIO Pins – SPI, UART, I2C, Digital / Analogue, CAN, PWM £19 BBC Micro:bit: 16 MHz 32-bit ARM Cortex-M0 microcontroller Radio Accelerometer, Magnetometer, 5x5 LED Display, 25 GPIO Pins £17 Microchip AZ3166: 32bit PIC Microcontroller £60
  16. Python – Idle Scratch – Scratch C# - Mono or Visual Studio Remote C++ - Qt Creator Studio Qt - Qt Creator Studio Sonic Pi – Sonic Pi IDE Node – VS Code Remote / Any Editor
  17. Visual Studio – Visual Micro Arduino Extension – Free (No Debugging + Nag) – Pro $80 – Student $30 PlatformIO IDE – Visual Studio Code Plugin Programino – Paid: $29 S4A – Requires Custom Firmware Embrio – Like Flow on Pi – Paid: $70 + $8 / month
  18. Need to Copy and Paste Hex to Micro:Bit “Drive” Make Code App – Auto Programs Micro:Bit
  19. General Purpose Input Output. Pi’s way of connecting to the Physical World. Power connections. GPIO Pins. Pin 1 is the pin closest to the Display Connector at the Top. Pin 40 is the pin at the diagonal opposite. Other collections of pins for Serial Communications
  20. Wiring Pi Numbering in Grey. Matches the Code we’ll be using
  21. Hold up the parts
  23. Flows
  24. Hold up the parts
  25. void setup() { // put your setup code here, to run once: pinMode(2, OUTPUT); } void loop() { // put your main code here, to run repeatedly: digitalWrite(2, LOW); delay(1000); digitalWrite(2, HIGH); delay(1000); } --- void setup() { // put your setup code here, to run once: pinMode(2, OUTPUT); pinMode(3, INPUT_PULLUP); } void loop() { // put your main code here, to run repeatedly: int buttonValue; buttonValue = digitalRead(3); if (buttonValue == HIGH) { digitalWrite(2, LOW); } else { digitalWrite(2, HIGH); } }
  26. Installs a Plugin that Chrome talks to to program the board.
  38. Field = “Things” Air Conditioning, Logistics Fleets, Cows Edge = “Routing” Internet = Azure = “Processing”
  40. Pub Sub - Many-to-many, asynchronous messaging BigQuery = Data Warehouse Datalab = Explore, analyze, transform and visualize data
  41. BlueMix - IoT Developer -
  42. Cloud Integration – Low Power Devices – API in Cloud Direct Integration – High power TCP/IP Capable Devices – API in Device