continuous delivery levi9 immutable infrastructure continuous integration automated testing build quality in microservices devops levi nine software testing build test release delivery pipelines keep the product releasable deployment lean startup testing pyramid dtap software development agile software development docker backbase cxp infrastructure ansible configuration management agile lean software development common goal feedback lean it process optimization versioning api contracts testing software circus release change monitoring python it lean cloud status quo validate business technology fail lean enterprise mvp exploit explore innovation mba hypothesis driven development business value experimentation business working together cooperation shared responsibility pdca sdlc build measure learn circuit breaker feature flag feature toggle waterfall nostaging dark launch container feedback loops optimize for the whole eliminate waste culture modern agile friss semantic versioning branching git programmable infrastructure arch9 dual deployment model cloud computing cloud native variability testing in production quality bdd canary blue-green phoenix servers java ec2. aws flask customer experience platform puppet vmware aws amazon
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