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10 Tips Towards 
Reducing Content Complexity 
@publishsmarter 14:15
10 Tips Towards 
Reducing Content Complexity 
Wr i te Less. Wr i te Bet ter. 
Bernard Aschwanden 
www.publ ishingsmar 
f or a pr int v er s ion, pleas e emai l 
ber nar d@publ i s hingsmar t er . c om 
About this session 
1. Be lazy 
2. Learn to survive with less 
3. Stop making cuts (and start building revenue) 
4. Put in the time and effort to do as little as possible 
5. Reduce content 
6. Improve meeting value 
7. Increase quality 
8. Get other people to do the work for you 
9. Tips and tricks to do less and deliver more (in 2+ 
@publishsmarter 14:15
Housekeeping and note taking 
Not all slides or topics are 
equally weighted 
Use some, discard others 
Slides speed varies 
Questions? Ask along the 
I’d love to claim errors/typos 
is on purpose… they isn’t, 
ain’t, and weren’t never; 
however, I’ll fix ‘em as I 
@publishsmarter 14:15
About your speaker 
Publishing Smarter: 
Content strategist, 
publishing technologies 
expert, author, and geek-enough 
Certified Technical Trainer 
 Content management 
 Topic-based writing 
Society for Technical 
 Vice President 
 STC Associate Fellow 
@publishsmarter 14:15
Solving business problems through communication 
We help clients: 
 Create great content 
 Manage content as an asset 
 Deliver content the right way 
 Socialize the message 
 Listen to the consumer 
 Improve experiences by 
Create great content 
Manage content as an asset 
Deliver content the right way 
By helping clients: 
@publishsmarter 14:15
Standard disclaimer 
In the interest of brevity I 
will make some blanket 
statements to keep it 
It’s not all 100% “the 
truth”, but I’ll stay close 
Purists may complain 
 And they are wrong! 
 (except when they are 
Topics may be 
@publishsmarter 14:15
What are we worth? 
Let’s get a quick count on 
 Number of people 
 Rough salary range 
 Total $ in this room for 1 hour 
@publishsmarter 14:15
1. Be lazy 
Complexi ty can star t wi th over - thinking 
something that could be simpler. 
@publishsmarter 14:15
The problem 
We spend too much time 
trying to do too much 
 Make content 100% 
 Make people 100% happy 
Trying to make 100% of 
the people 100% happy, 
100% of the time leaves 
you 0% 
You can’t continue to 
meet overly high 
 You: Burnout, stress, 
@publishsmarter 14:15 
 Them: Desensitized, blasé
The solution 
Be realistic about goals 
 100% is an A, so is 90 
 80 to 89 is a B 
 Even Cs get degrees 
Maybe 80% is good 
Set realistic expectations 
early and then meet them 
Trying to make 80%+ of the 
people 80%+ happy, 80%+ 
of the time leaves you sane 
Perfection does not equate 
to success, action does 
@publishsmarter 14:15
The outcome 
People know that you 
have to balance things 
 Work 
 Family 
 Life 
Show appreciation, meet 
them part way, but you 
can’t be everything to 
Content can be simpler 
when you work within 
your means; do less, but 
@publishsmarter 14:15
2. Learn to survive with less 
Less content is of ten bet ter content . 
And i t of ten takes longer to wr i te 
@publishsmarter 14:15
The problem 
We think that more is 
 Not only “would you like 
fries” but we supersize it 
 We document everything 
 We include 
What we fail to realize is 
that no one reads it all 
The “junk” label is 
@publishsmarter 14:15
The solution 
Less is more 
 Document what matters 
 Keep images when they 
Reduce overall content 
and deliver relevance 
People appreciate the 
effort and perceive 
greater value 
You may even be able to 
charge more and people 
are willing to pay it 
@publishsmarter 14:15
The outcome 
People can survive with 
Perceived quality matters 
Provide the right 
 The right information 
 At the right time 
 In the right format 
 To make the right decision 
Don’t provide anything 
more unless someone 
fees may 
(but they are WORTH 
it, and here is why!!!) 
@publishsmarter 14:15
3. Stop cutting, generate 
Bet ter and targeted content means 
you can win the dol lars bat t le. 
@publishsmarter 14:15
The problem 
Cuts are tough to repeat 
 Like cutting personal 
 At some point, you don’t 
have anything left to cut 
Instead of Starbucks: 
No longer a week in 
Europe: A long weekend 
Forget going to movies: 
You watch a library puppet 
Cuts are seen by many 
as hurtful, should not 
@publishsmarter 14:15
The solution 
Generate revenue (great 
approach, can be 
 More like investing for the 
long term 
401K, mutual funds, 
stocks and bonds, treasury 
Interest is compounded, 
you get paid again and 
Revenue builds profits 
Profits are seen by many 
as an ideal, keep it 
@publishsmarter 14:15
The outcome 
Assume there is a cost to sales in what you do (I 
pick 10%) 
 You deliver a 10% cut 
Assume there is revenue gain in what you do (I’ll 
pick 2%) 
Rev Docs - / + in Y1 Y2 Y3 Y5 Y10 
 I deliver a 2% boost 
10M 1M 100K / 
190K / 400 271K / 610 410K/ 
650K / 2.19M 
25M 2.5M 250K / 
470K / 1M 780K/ 
1M / 2.6M 1.63M / 5.5M 
100M 10M 1M/ 2M 1.9M / 4M 2.7M/ 6.1 4.1M / 10.4 6.5M / 22M 
500M 50M 5M / 10M 9.5M / 
20.5 / 52M 32.6 / 110M 
1B 100M 10M / 20 19M / 40 27M / 61 41M / 104 65M / 219M 
@publishsmarter 14:15
4. Invest to do less 
Take the savings and invest in bet ter 
content tools and processes to 
simpl i fy the workf low. 
@publishsmarter 14:15
The problem 
Stuck with the same 
Use the same templates 
and outdated tools 
Build the same tired 
The audience is 
Business (docs) isn’t 
paying to ID the 
audience, or fix the 
@publishsmarter 14:15
The solution 
Independent process 
Create the right content 
types with the right tools 
Build the right output 
Know your new audience 
Invest money and time to 
fix the core of the 
problem, don’t poorly 
repackage the same 
thing over and over 
@publishsmarter 14:15
The outcome 
Proper process 
Better tools simplify 
Templates meet real 
Multi-channel delivery 
Deliver what the 
audience wants, simpler 
content, better formats 
They come to you to 
investigate, and to buy 
@publishsmarter 14:15
5. Reduce content 
Know when and where text and 
images b e l o n g . D o n ’ t s c r a p t h em , u s e 
@publishsmarter 14:15
The problem 
Learning’s complex 
People clutter docs with: 
 Screen shots 
 Unneeded images 
 Useless text 
Readers don’t have time 
They want to just do the 
Stop telling them 
everything you (or the 
SME) knows 
@publishsmarter 14:15
The solution 
Simplify the message 
Unclutter your docs: 
 Drop most screen shots 
 Consider the value of 
 Replace text with images?! 
People stop manual 
Provide just the core info 
If it is that important, put it 
online, in an appendix, or 
a dedicated spot 
@publishsmarter 14:15
The outcome 
People trust 
Content is clarified: 
 Screen shots have 
 Images enlighten readers 
 Less text, better images, 
There are times that 
words slow down the 
Let readers scan and 
@publishsmarter 14:15
Sometimes more images mean better results 
@publishsmarter 14:15
Images can replace text! Consider scale. 
6’ / 2m 
@publishsmarter 14:15
6. Improve meeting value 
Does i t simpl i fy complexi ty? Yup. 
Fewer, and focused meet ings also 
means less suppor t ing content . 
@publishsmarter 14:15
The problem 
People don’t have a 
sense of the true cost of 
a meeting 
Too many meetings are 
endless debates that 
could be settled offline 
Meetings have bogus 
start times that are 
The agenda is for show 
No order to the 
discussion, chaos theory 
@publishsmarter 14:15
The solution 
ID how much, per hour, 
for attendees and state it 
Ensure offline discussions 
are supported, held, and 
shift content to them 
Start on time even if you 
are the only one in the 
The agenda is gospel 
Based on meeting size: 
Roberts Rules: Get it. 
Read it. Own it. 
@publishsmarter 14:15
The outcome 
People see the true cost 
of a meeting, in hard 
Offline discussion means 
less content dragged into 
a room when it’s not 
People begin to show up 
so that they don’t miss 
Agenda topics are offered 
Well managed 
discussions means better 
@publishsmarter 14:15
7. Increase quality 
Qual i ty versus quant i ty: In the long 
term, qual i ty wins. 
@publishsmarter 14:15
The problem 
Striving for an A+ is an 
issue we’ve discussed 
Docs are often worked 
on into the last minute 
Minor improvements are 
pushed into content 
Deadlines come and go 
Unique experiences 
guide different writers 
and consistency suffers 
@publishsmarter 14:15
The solution 
Don’t mix A+, B, and C; 
instead, be consistent 
Work on documentation 
as the schedule dictates 
When docs are done, 
they are done, no more 
Stick to the deadlines 
Get everyone on board, 
standardize writing, topic 
types, content order 
@publishsmarter 14:15
The outcome 
Now move everything 
from a C+ to a B, to B+, 
Respect the schedule 
and it becomes a 
template for time 
Ensure finished materials 
are exactly that 
Deadlines become 
Within and across teams, 
people (and users) see 
patterns to content 
Install/Config Guide Client Satisfaction 
Topic v1.0 v2.0 
Requirements overview A B B 
Download software A C A 
Prep the system D C A 
Partition file space B B 
Install software C C 
Default setup A B C 
Create user groups B F D 
Set group permission D C A 
Configure user IDs A C A 
Assign to groups A B B 
Rollout final version B A 
@publishsmarter 14:15
8. Get others to do the work 
Want to reduce content complexi ty? 
Remember being lazy? Go beyond 
that . 
@publishsmarter 14:15
The problem 
We take on too much 
Others just can’t perform 
at our level of perfection 
Success is tough to 
come by 
People are driven away 
from trying as they just 
fail over and over again 
Discouraged, they stop 
providing anything and 
your workload increases 
@publishsmarter 14:15
The solution 
Outsource it internally 
Don’t expect perfection, 
appreciate what they 
Provide little victories 
Encourage people to 
continue to try; provide 
support along the way 
Encouraged and guided 
people contribute more, 
and it gets better 
@publishsmarter 14:15
The outcome 
Others begin to do more 
The quality level begins 
to increase step by step 
Rewarding success = 
Shared support early 
leads to people teaching 
each other as they move 
You end up writing less 
and can focus your time 
on improved quality 
Quality is more 
important than 
quantity. One 
home run is 
much better than 
two doubles. 
-- Steve Jobs 
@publishsmarter 14:15
9. Tips and tricks to do less 
M i l e a g e m a y v a r y a s I ’m s h o w i n g 
ideas, so adapt them to your 
envi ronments. Some 
funct ions/ features showing best 
pract ices wi th core tools. 
@publishsmarter 14:15
Tip 1: Own/manage the schedule 
@publishsmarter 14:15
The problem 
People sign off on a plan 
They come back with 
new work that is outside 
We blindly accept the 
new work as “it has to be 
Push back is often weak 
or without any logical 
support and backing 
Plans fall apart and 
schedules are left to die 
@publishsmarter 14:15
The solution 
People sign off on a plan 
They come back with 
new work that is outside 
Show them their parts, 
ask what gets removed 
Push back and ask them 
to find new funds, 
resources, or extend 
Plans are firm and the 
schedule must be 
@publishsmarter 14:15
The outcome 
Plans become the rule 
Support for scope creep 
goes away 
Others can decide what 
stays and what goes 
An agreed upon plan 
means stakeholders 
must find funds, 
resources, or time 
Plans and schedules 
become the new normal 
@publishsmarter 14:15
Tip 2: Excel for estimating 
@publishsmarter 14:15
Use Excel and put estimates in place 
Initial estimates are created 
Values are estimates, based on last project(s) 
@publishsmarter 14:15
Track actuals as well as possible 
May not know true numbers, but gather data 
Populate with as much accuracy as possible 
@publishsmarter 14:15
Calculate differences 
=Estimates!B3-Actuals!B3 gives us a value in B3 
Use conditional formats to ID change, show as charts 
@publishsmarter 14:15
Tip 3: PowerPoint for high level planning 
@publishsmarter 14:15
PowerPoint and the outline view 
Use this to create your highest level slides quickly 
Don’t worry about format yet, create quick high level 
slide content only 
Additional fleshing out, reorg, can be done later 
@publishsmarter 14:15
An initial outline may be flat 
Quick high-level overview of what is to follow 
@publishsmarter 14:15
Further development of outlines 
Rework content to new slides (auto add/remove) 
Tab or Shift+Tab to promote/demote content 
@publishsmarter 14:15
Tip 4: Word templates for everyone 
@publishsmarter 14:15
By default you see a lot of options (too 
@publishsmarter 14:15
Restrict the list in Word 
@publishsmarter 14:15
Recommend styles in order 
@publishsmarter 14:15
Set up what’s next in Word 
@publishsmarter 14:15
Keep together, breaks, hyphenation 
@publishsmarter 14:15 
Beyond the table of contents in Word 
@publishsmarter 14:15
Creating summaries of paragraph types 
@publishsmarter 14:15 
Tip 5: FrameMaker 
@publishsmarter 14:15
Generated lists in FrameMaker 
@publishsmarter 14:15 
Publishing to multiple outputs 
@publishsmarter 14:15
Tip 6: Get connected and use your 
@publishsmarter 14:15
Conclusion and contact 
Summing up the discussion, 
and opt ions to cont inue i t 
@publishsmarter 14:15
About this session 
1. Be lazy 
2. Learn to survive with less 
3. Stop making cuts (and start building revenue) 
4. Put in the time and effort to do as little as possible 
5. Reduce content 
6. Improve meeting value 
7. Increase quality 
8. Get other people to do the work for you 
9. Tips and tricks to do less and deliver more (in 2+ 
@publishsmarter 14:15
Final request 
Please suggest these slides to others 
If there are any problems with them, please let me 
Remember my disclaimer at the beginning 
 Not all slides are equal: Use some, discard others 
 In the interest of brevity I make some blanket statements 
 It’s not all 100% “the truth”, but I’ll stay close 
 Purists may complain 
And they are wrong! 
(except when they are right) 
Topics can be contradictory 
 Not really 
@publishsmarter 14:15
Follow up contact information 
905 833 8448 (Eastern Time) 
@publishsmarter 14:15

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Reducing content complexity: 10 tips

  • 1. 1 10 Tips Towards Reducing Content Complexity @publishsmarter 14:15
  • 2. 10 Tips Towards Reducing Content Complexity Wr i te Less. Wr i te Bet ter. Bernard Aschwanden www.publ ishingsmar f or a pr int v er s ion, pleas e emai l ber nar d@publ i s hingsmar t er . c om 14:15 2 @publishsmarter
  • 3. About this session 3 1. Be lazy 2. Learn to survive with less 3. Stop making cuts (and start building revenue) 4. Put in the time and effort to do as little as possible 5. Reduce content 6. Improve meeting value 7. Increase quality 8. Get other people to do the work for you 9. Tips and tricks to do less and deliver more (in 2+ parts) @publishsmarter 14:15
  • 4. Housekeeping and note taking 4 Not all slides or topics are equally weighted Use some, discard others Slides speed varies (reference) Questions? Ask along the way! I’d love to claim errors/typos is on purpose… they isn’t, ain’t, and weren’t never; however, I’ll fix ‘em as I can… @publishsmarter 14:15
  • 5. About your speaker 5 Publishing Smarter: President Content strategist, publishing technologies expert, author, and geek-enough Certified Technical Trainer  DITA  Content management  Topic-based writing Society for Technical Communications  Vice President  STC Associate Fellow @publishsmarter 14:15
  • 6. Solving business problems through communication 6 We help clients:  Create great content  Manage content as an asset  Deliver content the right way  Socialize the message  Listen to the consumer  Improve experiences by helping Create great content Manage content as an asset Deliver content the right way … By helping clients: @publishsmarter 14:15
  • 7. Standard disclaimer 7 In the interest of brevity I will make some blanket statements to keep it simple It’s not all 100% “the truth”, but I’ll stay close Purists may complain  And they are wrong!  (except when they are right) Topics may be contradictory @publishsmarter 14:15
  • 8. What are we worth? 8 Let’s get a quick count on  Number of people  Rough salary range  Total $ in this room for 1 hour @publishsmarter 14:15
  • 9. 1. Be lazy 9 Complexi ty can star t wi th over - thinking something that could be simpler. @publishsmarter 14:15
  • 10. The problem 10 We spend too much time trying to do too much  Make content 100% perfect  Make people 100% happy Trying to make 100% of the people 100% happy, 100% of the time leaves you 0% You can’t continue to meet overly high expectations  You: Burnout, stress, dissatisfaction @publishsmarter 14:15  Them: Desensitized, blasé
  • 11. The solution 11 Be realistic about goals  100% is an A, so is 90  80 to 89 is a B  Even Cs get degrees Maybe 80% is good enough Set realistic expectations early and then meet them Trying to make 80%+ of the people 80%+ happy, 80%+ of the time leaves you sane Perfection does not equate to success, action does @publishsmarter 14:15
  • 12. The outcome 12 People know that you have to balance things  Work  Family  Life Show appreciation, meet them part way, but you can’t be everything to everyone Content can be simpler when you work within your means; do less, but better @publishsmarter 14:15
  • 13. 2. Learn to survive with less 13 Less content is of ten bet ter content . And i t of ten takes longer to wr i te less. @publishsmarter 14:15
  • 14. The problem 14 We think that more is better  Not only “would you like fries” but we supersize it  We document everything  We include screenshots+++ What we fail to realize is that no one reads it all The “junk” label is applied @publishsmarter 14:15
  • 15. The solution 15 Less is more  Document what matters  Keep images when they help Reduce overall content and deliver relevance instead People appreciate the effort and perceive greater value You may even be able to charge more and people are willing to pay it @publishsmarter 14:15
  • 16. The outcome 16 People can survive with less Perceived quality matters Provide the right audience:  The right information  At the right time  In the right format  To make the right decision Don’t provide anything more unless someone pays Additional fees may apply (but they are WORTH it, and here is why!!!) @publishsmarter 14:15
  • 17. 3. Stop cutting, generate revenue 17 Bet ter and targeted content means you can win the dol lars bat t le. @publishsmarter 14:15
  • 18. The problem 18 Cuts are tough to repeat  Like cutting personal spending  At some point, you don’t have anything left to cut Instead of Starbucks: Instant No longer a week in Europe: A long weekend “stay-cation” Forget going to movies: You watch a library puppet show Cuts are seen by many as hurtful, should not @publishsmarter 14:15
  • 19. The solution 19 Generate revenue (great approach, can be repeated)  More like investing for the long term 401K, mutual funds, stocks and bonds, treasury bills Interest is compounded, you get paid again and again Revenue builds profits Profits are seen by many as an ideal, keep it coming! @publishsmarter 14:15
  • 20. The outcome 20 Assume there is a cost to sales in what you do (I pick 10%)  You deliver a 10% cut Assume there is revenue gain in what you do (I’ll pick 2%) Rev Docs - / + in Y1 Y2 Y3 Y5 Y10  I deliver a 2% boost 10M 1M 100K / 200 190K / 400 271K / 610 410K/ 1.04M 650K / 2.19M 25M 2.5M 250K / 500 470K / 1M 780K/ 1.5M 1M / 2.6M 1.63M / 5.5M 100M 10M 1M/ 2M 1.9M / 4M 2.7M/ 6.1 4.1M / 10.4 6.5M / 22M 500M 50M 5M / 10M 9.5M / 20.2 13.5M/30. 6 20.5 / 52M 32.6 / 110M 1B 100M 10M / 20 19M / 40 27M / 61 41M / 104 65M / 219M @publishsmarter 14:15
  • 21. 4. Invest to do less 21 Take the savings and invest in bet ter content tools and processes to simpl i fy the workf low. @publishsmarter 14:15
  • 22. The problem 22 Stuck with the same process Use the same templates and outdated tools Build the same tired output The audience is empowered Business (docs) isn’t paying to ID the audience, or fix the problems @publishsmarter 14:15
  • 23. The solution 23 Independent process review Create the right content types with the right tools Build the right output Know your new audience Invest money and time to fix the core of the problem, don’t poorly repackage the same thing over and over @publishsmarter 14:15
  • 24. The outcome 24 Proper process streamlines Better tools simplify Templates meet real needs Multi-channel delivery Deliver what the audience wants, simpler content, better formats They come to you to investigate, and to buy @publishsmarter 14:15
  • 25. 5. Reduce content 25 Know when and where text and images b e l o n g . D o n ’ t s c r a p t h em , u s e them. @publishsmarter 14:15
  • 26. The problem 26 Learning’s complex enough People clutter docs with:  Screen shots  Unneeded images  Useless text Readers don’t have time They want to just do the job Stop telling them everything you (or the SME) knows @publishsmarter 14:15
  • 27. The solution 27 Simplify the message Unclutter your docs:  Drop most screen shots  Consider the value of images  Replace text with images?! People stop manual searches Provide just the core info If it is that important, put it online, in an appendix, or a dedicated spot @publishsmarter 14:15
  • 28. The outcome 28 People trust documentation Content is clarified:  Screen shots have meaning  Images enlighten readers  Less text, better images,  There are times that words slow down the reader Let readers scan and find @publishsmarter 14:15
  • 29. Sometimes more images mean better results 29 @publishsmarter 14:15
  • 30. Images can replace text! Consider scale. 30 6’ / 2m @publishsmarter 14:15
  • 31. 6. Improve meeting value 31 Does i t simpl i fy complexi ty? Yup. Fewer, and focused meet ings also means less suppor t ing content . @publishsmarter 14:15
  • 32. The problem 32 People don’t have a sense of the true cost of a meeting Too many meetings are endless debates that could be settled offline Meetings have bogus start times that are ignored The agenda is for show No order to the discussion, chaos theory @publishsmarter 14:15
  • 33. The solution 33 ID how much, per hour, for attendees and state it Ensure offline discussions are supported, held, and shift content to them Start on time even if you are the only one in the room The agenda is gospel Based on meeting size: Roberts Rules: Get it. Read it. Own it. @publishsmarter 14:15
  • 34. The outcome 34 People see the true cost of a meeting, in hard dollars Offline discussion means less content dragged into a room when it’s not relevant People begin to show up so that they don’t miss things Agenda topics are offered Well managed discussions means better @publishsmarter 14:15
  • 35. 7. Increase quality 35 Qual i ty versus quant i ty: In the long term, qual i ty wins. @publishsmarter 14:15
  • 36. The problem 36 Striving for an A+ is an issue we’ve discussed Docs are often worked on into the last minute Minor improvements are pushed into content Deadlines come and go Unique experiences guide different writers and consistency suffers @publishsmarter 14:15
  • 37. The solution 37 Don’t mix A+, B, and C; instead, be consistent Work on documentation as the schedule dictates When docs are done, they are done, no more tweaks Stick to the deadlines Get everyone on board, standardize writing, topic types, content order @publishsmarter 14:15
  • 38. The outcome 38 Now move everything from a C+ to a B, to B+, etc. Respect the schedule and it becomes a template for time Ensure finished materials are exactly that Deadlines become serious Within and across teams, people (and users) see patterns to content Install/Config Guide Client Satisfaction Topic v1.0 v2.0 Requirements overview A B B Download software A C A B Prep the system D C A C Partition file space B B Install software C C B Default setup A B C F Create user groups B F D B Set group permission D C A B Configure user IDs A C A B Assign to groups A B B Rollout final version B A B @publishsmarter 14:15
  • 39. 8. Get others to do the work 39 Want to reduce content complexi ty? Remember being lazy? Go beyond that . @publishsmarter 14:15
  • 40. The problem 40 We take on too much Others just can’t perform at our level of perfection Success is tough to come by People are driven away from trying as they just fail over and over again Discouraged, they stop providing anything and your workload increases @publishsmarter 14:15
  • 41. The solution 41 Outsource it internally Don’t expect perfection, appreciate what they give Provide little victories Encourage people to continue to try; provide support along the way Encouraged and guided people contribute more, and it gets better @publishsmarter 14:15
  • 42. The outcome 42 Others begin to do more The quality level begins to increase step by step Rewarding success = more Shared support early leads to people teaching each other as they move ahead You end up writing less and can focus your time on improved quality levels Quality is more important than quantity. One home run is much better than two doubles. -- Steve Jobs @publishsmarter 14:15
  • 43. 9. Tips and tricks to do less 43 M i l e a g e m a y v a r y a s I ’m s h o w i n g ideas, so adapt them to your envi ronments. Some funct ions/ features showing best pract ices wi th core tools. @publishsmarter 14:15
  • 44. Tip 1: Own/manage the schedule 44 @publishsmarter 14:15
  • 45. The problem 45 People sign off on a plan They come back with new work that is outside scope We blindly accept the new work as “it has to be done” Push back is often weak or without any logical support and backing Plans fall apart and schedules are left to die @publishsmarter 14:15
  • 46. The solution 46 People sign off on a plan They come back with new work that is outside scope Show them their parts, ask what gets removed instead Push back and ask them to find new funds, resources, or extend timelines Plans are firm and the schedule must be @publishsmarter 14:15
  • 47. The outcome 47 Plans become the rule Support for scope creep goes away Others can decide what stays and what goes An agreed upon plan means stakeholders must find funds, resources, or time Plans and schedules become the new normal @publishsmarter 14:15
  • 48. Tip 2: Excel for estimating 48 @publishsmarter 14:15
  • 49. Use Excel and put estimates in place 49 Initial estimates are created Values are estimates, based on last project(s) @publishsmarter 14:15
  • 50. Track actuals as well as possible 50 May not know true numbers, but gather data Populate with as much accuracy as possible @publishsmarter 14:15
  • 51. Calculate differences 51 =Estimates!B3-Actuals!B3 gives us a value in B3 Use conditional formats to ID change, show as charts @publishsmarter 14:15
  • 52. Tip 3: PowerPoint for high level planning 52 @publishsmarter 14:15
  • 53. PowerPoint and the outline view 53 Use this to create your highest level slides quickly Don’t worry about format yet, create quick high level slide content only Additional fleshing out, reorg, can be done later @publishsmarter 14:15
  • 54. An initial outline may be flat 54 Quick high-level overview of what is to follow @publishsmarter 14:15
  • 55. Further development of outlines 55 Rework content to new slides (auto add/remove) Tab or Shift+Tab to promote/demote content @publishsmarter 14:15
  • 56. Tip 4: Word templates for everyone 56 @publishsmarter 14:15
  • 57. By default you see a lot of options (too many?) 57 @publishsmarter 14:15
  • 58. Restrict the list in Word 58 1 2 3 4 @publishsmarter 14:15
  • 59. Recommend styles in order 59 1 3 2 @publishsmarter 14:15
  • 60. Set up what’s next in Word 60 1 @publishsmarter 14:15
  • 61. Keep together, breaks, hyphenation 61 2 @publishsmarter 14:15 1 3
  • 62. Beyond the table of contents in Word 62 1 2 3 4 @publishsmarter 14:15
  • 63. Creating summaries of paragraph types 63 2 4 @publishsmarter 14:15 1 3 5
  • 64. Tip 5: FrameMaker 64 @publishsmarter 14:15
  • 65. Generated lists in FrameMaker 65 4 2 @publishsmarter 14:15 1 3
  • 66. Publishing to multiple outputs 66 @publishsmarter 14:15
  • 67. Tip 6: Get connected and use your resources 67 @publishsmarter 14:15
  • 68. Conclusion and contact 68 Summing up the discussion, and opt ions to cont inue i t @publishsmarter 14:15
  • 69. About this session 69 1. Be lazy 2. Learn to survive with less 3. Stop making cuts (and start building revenue) 4. Put in the time and effort to do as little as possible 5. Reduce content 6. Improve meeting value 7. Increase quality 8. Get other people to do the work for you 9. Tips and tricks to do less and deliver more (in 2+ parts) @publishsmarter 14:15
  • 70. Final request 70 Please suggest these slides to others If there are any problems with them, please let me know Remember my disclaimer at the beginning  Not all slides are equal: Use some, discard others  In the interest of brevity I make some blanket statements  It’s not all 100% “the truth”, but I’ll stay close  Purists may complain And they are wrong! (except when they are right) Topics can be contradictory  Not really @publishsmarter 14:15
  • 71. Follow up contact information 71 905 833 8448 (Eastern Time) @publishsmarter @publishsmarter 14:15