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The absolute majorityof mature womenuse hormonal contraceptivestopreventpregnancy.When
planningapregnancy,manywomenare wondering«How effective isbirthcontrol?».
Informationaboutsafety andeffectivenessof birthcontrol medicinescanbe foundin:
 Highlightsof PrescribingInformation(the USFDA publishes)
 Summaryof ProductCharacteristics(the UKMHRA publish)
 ProductInformation(the AustralianTGA publishes)
 ProductMonograph (the HealthCanadapublishes)
If you wantto know,howeffectivebirthcontrol methodisbutyoudonot understandmedical terms
whenreadingProductMonograph»,the keyinformationabouteffectivenessof popularhormonal
Whenyoutake the pill everysingleday,it’sgreatatpreventingpregnancy.Butmissingpills,taking
certainmedications,andotherthingsmaymake itnotwork as well.
How effective are birth control pills?
Effectivenessof oral contraceptivesdependsontheirtype.Atpharmacies,youcanfindbirthcontrol pills
containingone orseveral active ingredients.
One of the largestmanufacturersof combinedoral contraceptives –Pfizerclaimsthattheireffectiveness
isequal 99%. This meansthatwhile observingthe recommendeddosingregimenof combined
contraceptive,only1womanoutof 100 may get pregnant.
If the intake of combinationbirthcontrol pillsisperiodicallyskippedortheyare not takenat the same
time,the chancesof becomingpregnantare increased.Reducedefficiencyof birthcontrol pillsisnot
onlybecause of misseddoses,butalsobecause of menstrualdisordersorthe use of combinedoral
If the intake of regulardose of combinedcontraceptive wasskipped,use additional non-hormonal
methodsof birthcontrol to preventpregnancy.
Whenusedperfectly,the pillis99%effective.Butwhenitcomestoreal life,the pillisabout91%
effectivebecause itcanbe hard to be perfect.Soin reality,9 outof 100 pill usersgetpregnanteach
The betteryouare about takingyourpill everydayandstartingyour pill packsontime,the betteritwill
work.But there’saverysmall chance that you couldstill getpregnant,evenif youalwaystake yourpills
If effectivenessisthe mostimportantthingtoyouwhenpickingwhatbirthcontrol to use,youmight
wantto check out IUDs andthe implant.They’re the mosteffective kindsof birthcontrol. Butif you
decide the pill isrightforyou,make sure youtake themontime for the besteffectiveness.
If you are lookingforaneffectivecombinedoral contraceptive,choose birthcontrol pillsinwhichthe
dose of estrogenhormone isnolessthan20 mcg.
How long do birth control pillstake to work?
It dependsonwhenyoustarttakingthem.You can take your firstbirthcontrol pill anydayof the
month,butyou may needabackup birthcontrol method(like condoms) forthe first7 days.
If you start combination pillswithin5daysafter yourperiodstarts,you’ll be protectedfrompregnancy
rightaway. Forexample,if yougetyourperiodMondaymorning,youcan start the pill anytime until
Saturdaymorningand be protectedfrompregnancyrightaway.
If you start combinationpillsanyothertime,you’llbe protectedfrompregnancyafter7daysof taking
the pill.Use anothermethodof birthcontrol — like a condomor female condom — if youhave vaginal
sex duringthe firstweekyou’re onthe pill.
Progestin-OnlyPills(Mini Pills)
You can start progestin-onlypillsatanytime.You’ll be protectedfrompregnancyafter48hours (2
days).Souse anothermethodof birthcontrol (like condoms) if youhave vaginal sex duringthe first48
Your nurse or doctor can helpyoufigure outthe besttime to start yourbirthcontrol pills,andwhen
they’ll startworkingforyou..'
What lowersthe pill’seffectiveness?
The main thingthatmakesthe pill notwork isnot takingiteveryday.But otherthings,like having
vomitingordiarrheaformore than 48 hours mayreduce how well the pill preventspregnancy.The pill
may be a little lesseffective forveryoverweightwomen.Some medicinesorsupplementscanalsomake
it notwork as well:
• The antibioticRifampin(otherantibioticsdonotmake the pill lesseffective)
• The antifungal Griseofulvin(otherantifungalsdonotmake the pill lesseffective)
• CertainHIV medicines
• Certainanti-seizuremedicines
• The herbSt. John’sWort
If you’re takingany of these,use condomsasa backup method.Switchtoa differentmethodof birth
control if you’ll be onthemfor a longtime.
Your nurse or doctor can helpyoudecide if there’sanyreasonthe birthcontrol pill won’tworkwellfor
Is the birth control pill safe?
Chancesare the pill will be totallysafe foryou — mostpeople cantake it withno problems.It’sbeen
aroundfor more than 50 years,and millionsof peoplehave useditsafely.
Can I take the birth control pill?
Like withall medications,the pill isn’tforeveryone.
If you’re over35 and a smoker,youshouldn’tuse the pill oranyotherkindof birthcontrol thatcontains
the hormone estrogen.Youcan use progestinonlypills(mini pills)if you’re asmoker.
Alsoavoidusingcombinationpillsif you’ve hadanyof these healthproblems:
 bloodclots,an inheritedblood-clottingdisorder,orveininflammation
 breastcancer
 heartattack, stroke,angina,orother seriousheartproblems
 migraine headacheswithaura(seeingflashing,zigzaglines)
 uncontrolledhighbloodpressure
 verybad diabetesorliverdisease
Talk withyourdoctor or nurse aboutyour risksandhealthproblems. Itwill helpyoudecide if the pill is
rightfor you.
What are the risks ofbirth control pills?
Eventhoughbirthcontrol pillsare verysafe,usingthe combinationpill canslightlyincrease yourriskof
healthproblems.Complicationsaren’tcommon,butcanbe serious.These include heartattack,stroke,
bloodclots,andlivertumors.Inveryrare cases,theycan leadto death.Forthe mostpart, progestin-
onlypills(akamini pills) don’thave theserisks.
Whentalkingwithyourdoctorabout birthcontrol,tell themaboutanymedicationsyou’re takingand
any healthproblemsyou’ve had.
There’sa veryslightchance thatyou can getpregnantevenif youalwaystake the pill asdirected.But
accidentallytakingthe pillduringearlypregnancywon’tincrease the riskof birthdefects.
It’simportantto rememberthatformostpeople,the chance of havinganyof these problemswhile
takingbirthcontrol pillsisreally,reallylow.Infact,pregnancyismore likelytocause serioushealth
problemsthanthe pill.Yourdoctoror nurse can helpyoufigure outwhichbirthcontrol methodwill be
What warningsignsshouldIknowabout?
Most people onthe pill won’thave anyproblemsatall.Butjustin case,it’sgoodto know what the signs
of a seriousissue are.
See a doctor or nurse right away ifyou have:
 suddenback/jawpainalongwithnausea,sweating,ortrouble breathing
 chestpainor discomfort
 achy sorenessinyourleg
 trouble breathing
 severe paininyourbellyorstomach
 sudden,verybadheadache
 headachesthatare different,worse,orhappenmore oftenthanusual
 aura — (seeingflashing,zigzaglines)
 yellowingof yourskinoreyes
You can alwayscall a nurse,doctor,or yourlocal PlannedParenthoodhealthcenterif youhave
questionsoryou’re worriedaboutanyhealthissues.
Is it safe to take the pill while breastfeeding?
Combinationpillsmayreduce the amountand qualityof yourbreastmilkinthe first3 weeksof
breastfeeding.If you’re nursing,waitatleast3 weeksaftergivingbirthtostartusingcombinationpills.
Your breastmilkwill containtracesof the pill’shormones,butit’sunlikelythatthese hormoneswillhave
any effectonyourbaby.Talk withyournurse or doctor aboutany concernsyoumay have about
breastfeedingwhileusingthe pill.
Progestin-onlypillsare safe touse while you’re breastfeeding.Theyshouldn’thave anyeffectonhow
much milkyouproduce,andwon’thurtyour baby.
What are the differenttypesofbirth control pills?
There are a fewtypesof birthcontrol pills.
Birthcontrol pillswithtwohormones — estrogenandprogestin — are calledcombinationpills.They’re
the most commontype of birthcontrol pill.Most combinationpillscome in28-dayor 21-day packs.
You’re protectedfrompregnancyaslongas you take 1 pill everyday.Youdon’thave to take itat the
exactsame time everyday,butdoingso helpskeepyouinthe habitof rememberingyourpill.Youcan
alsouse alarms,reminders,orbirthcontrol appsto helpremindyou.
28-day packs
Take 1 pill everydayfor28 days (fourweeks),andthenstarta new pack on day 29. The lastpillsin28-
day packsof combinationpillsdonothave hormonesinthem.How manydaysyou take hormone-free
pillsare differentfordifferentbrands.Mostcommonlyyou’ll take hormone-freepillsfor7days, but
sometimesless.These pillsare called“reminder”or“placebo” pills— theyhelpremindyoutotake your
pill everydayandstart yournextpack on time.Evenif youdon’ttake them, you’ll be protectedfrom
gettingpregnantif youhave sex onthose days.Theymay containironor othersupplementsthathelp
youstay healthy.Duringthe time youtake these “reminder”pillsiswhenyougetyourperiod.
21-day packs
Take 1 pill everydayfor21 days (three weeks) inarow.Thendon’ttake anypillsforsevendays(fourth
week).You’ll getyourperiodduringthe fourthweekwhileyouaren’ttakinganypills.It’simportantto
take everypill ina21-day pack because there are no reminder(hormone-free) pills.The hormone pills
will preventpregnancyevenif youhave sex duringthe weekwhenyoudon’ttake anypills. Startyour
nextpack afternottakingyour pillsforsevendays — youmaywant to use an alarm or remindertohelp
youstay on track.
91-day packs
Some combinationpillshave 12weeks’worthof hormone pillsinarow,followedbyupto 1 weekof
reminderpills.Thisissoyou’ll onlyhave yourperiodonce everythreemonths.The hormoneswill
preventpregnancyevenif youhave sex duringthe reminderpill week. Otherpillbrandscanalsobe
usedto skipyourperiodbyskippingthe reminderpills.Readmore abouthow touse pillstoskipyour
Progestin-OnlyPills(akaMini Pills):
Progestin-onlypillshave 1kindof hormone (progestin) — these pillsdon’thave anyestrogen.Youmust
take progestin-onlypillswithinthe same three hourseverydaytobe protectedfrompregnancy.For
example,if youtake yourprogestin-onlypill at12:00 p.m.,takingit after3:00 p.m.the nextdayputsyou
at riskfor gettingpregnant.Alarms,reminders,orbirthcontrol appscan helpyoutake yourpill ontime.
Progestin-onlypillscome onlyin28-day(four-week) packs.All28 pillshave hormones.Youmusttake
everypill inaprogestin-onlypacktobe protectedfrompregnancy — there isno hormone-free week.
You may getyour periodduringthe fourthweek.Youcouldalso have bleedingonandoff throughout
the month(spotting),orgetno periodatall.
How do I use the pill to stop my period?
Skippingyourperiodwiththe pillissupereasy.Basicallyyoumake sure youtake anactive pill with
hormoneseveryday.Youcan do thistwoways:
You can use a brandof pillsthathas3 monthsof active pillsina row so you onlygetyourperiod4 times
a year.
You can skipthe placebopillsinyourpackand jumprightto the nextpack,eitherall of the time orjust
whenyouhave somethingspecialcomingupanddon’twantyour periodthen.
You may have some bleedingorspottingwhenyouuse the pill toskipyourperiod.It’stotallynormal
and if youskipyour hormone-free weekeverymonth,itshouldgoawayafteraboutsix months.
There’snothingdangerousorharmful aboutusingthe pill toskipyourperiod.Anditcomesinreally
handyif you wanta special occasion(like avacationor a hot date) tobe period-free.
I misseda pill.Whatdo I do?
The pill worksbestif youtake it at the same time everyday,butalmosteveryoneonthe pill forgetsto
take it sometimes.Knowingwhattodowhenyoumissa birthcontrol pill isimportant.
Here’sa handytool to helpyoufigure outwhatto do if you missa pill.You’ll needtoknow the name of
the pill you’re oninorderto use thistool.You can findthe name on your pill packor bycallingyour
doctor or the drugstore where yougotit.
If you can’t findoutthe name of yourpill,use a condomanytime youhave vaginal sex until you’re able
to talkwithyour nurse or doctor.If you’ve alreadyhadsex inthe last5 days since makingamistake,you
may wantto use emergencycontraception.
Whencan I start takingbirthcontrol pills?
You can begintakingthe birthcontrol pill anydayof the month.However,whenyoustarttakingyour
pill couldaffectwhetherornot youneedtouse a backupbirthcontrol method(like condoms) forthe
first7 days.
Talk withyournurse or doctor aboutthe besttime for youto start takingthe pill.
 Combination Pills(COCs)
 You can start the combinationpill atanytime.
If you start combinationpillswithin5daysof whenyourperiodstarts,you’ll be protectedfrom
pregnancyrightaway.For example,if yougetyourperiodMondaymorning,youcanstart the pill
anytime until Saturdaymorningandbe protectedfrompregnancyrightaway.
If you start combinationpillsanyothertime,you’llbe protectedfrompregnancyaftersevendaysof
takingthe pill.Use anothermethodof birthcontrol — like a condomor female condom— if youhave
vaginal sex duringthe firstweekonthe pill.
Progestin-OnlyPills(Mini Pills)
You can start progestin-onlypillsatanytime.Pregnancyprotectionwill beginafter48hours (twodays).
Use anothermethodof birthcontrol like condomsif youhave vaginal sex duringthe first48 hours.
You musttake progestin-onlypillsatthe same time everyday.If youtake it more than three hourspast
your usual time,use abackupmethodof birth control forthe next48 hours (twodays).
Starting the Pill AfterPregnancy
You can get pregnantagainshortlyafterbeingpregnant,sotalkwithyournurse or doctorabout starting
your birthcontrol as soonas you can.
You can start takingthe progestin-onlypillrightafteranabortion,miscarriage,or childbirth.
You can start takingthe combinationpill rightafteranabortionormiscarriage.Ingeneral,youcanstart
takingthe combinationpill threeweeksaftergivingbirth,butyoushouldwaitatleastsix weeksif you’re
breastfeeding.Readmore aboutbreastfeedingandbirthcontrol pills.
What do I do if I want to get pregnant?
If you decide youwantto getpregnant,stoptakingthe pill.Nomatterwhatkindof birth control pill
you’re on,it’spossible togetpregnantrightafterstopping.Itcan take a few monthsforyour periodto
go back to the cycle you hadbefore youstartedtakingthe pill,butthatdoesn’tmeanyoucan’t become
What side effectsshouldI expectwhile taking the pill?
Takingthe pill maycause some side effects.One of the mostimportantthingstokeepinmindwhen
startingthe birthcontrol pill isthat mostside effectsusuallygoawayin2-3 months.
Some people have headaches,nausea,sore breasts,orspotting(lightbleeding) betweenperiodsafter
startingthe pill.These birthcontrol side effectsusuallyclearupafteracouple of months.If you still
don’tlike the waythe pill makesyoufeel afterafew months,talkwithyournurse ordoctor. Theymay
suggestanotherbrandor birthcontrol method.Some people tryafew differenttypesof pillsor
methodsbefore findingthe rightone forthem.
Takingthe pill maychange your period.Itmay be lighterandsometimesyoumightnotgetone at all,
especiallyif you’ve beentakingthe pill continuouslytoskipyour periods.Eventhoughthe chance of
pregnancyisverylowif you’ve beentakingyourpill everyday,youcanalwaystake a pregnancytestif
youmissyour periodjusttobe sure.
Remember,youcanalwayscall yourdoctor or a PlannedParenthoodhealthcenterif youhave any
concernswhile usingthe pill.They’re theretohelpandansweryourquestions.
How much do birth control pillscost?
Pricesvarydependingonwhetheryouhave healthinsurance,orif youqualifyforMedicaidorother
governmentprograms thatcoverbirthcontrol pills.Formostbrands,1 pill packlastsfor 1 month,and
can cost from $0-$50. They’re totallyfree withmosthealthinsurance plansorif youqualifyforsome
You may alsoneedtopay fora visitwithadoctor or nurse to get a prescriptionforthe pill.Thisvisitcan
cost anywhere from$35–$250. But underthe Affordable Care Act(akaObamacare),mostinsurance
plansmustcover doctor’svisitsrelatedtobirthcontrol.Learnmore abouthealthinsurance andbirth
If you’re worriedaboutcost,check withyourlocal PlannedParenthoodhealthcentertofindoutif they
can hookyou up withbirthcontrol that fitsyourbudget.
How can I get birth control pillsfor free?
There’sa goodchance youcan get free orlow-costbirthcontrol pillsif youhave healthinsurance.
Because of the Affordable Care Act(akaObamacare),mostinsurance plansmustcoverbirthcontrol pills
withlittle ornocost to you.However,some plansonlycovercertainbrandsof pills orgenericversions.
Your healthinsurance providercantell youwhichtypesof birthcontrol theypayfor, andyour doctor
may alsobe able to helpyougetyour birthcontrol coveredbyhealthinsurance.Learnmore about
healthinsurance andaffordable birthcontrol.
If you don’thave healthinsurance,you’vestillgotoptions.Dependingonyourincome andlegal statusin
the U.S., youcouldqualifyforMedicaidorotherstate programsthat can helpyoupay forbirthcontrol
and otherhealthcare.
PlannedParenthoodworkstoprovide servicesyouneed,whetherornotyou have insurance.Most
to helpyoupaybasedon your income.Contactyourlocal PlannedParenthoodhealthcenterformore
Where can I get birth control pills?
You can get birthcontrol pillsatdrugstores,healthclinics,orPlannedParenthoodhealthcenters.
You needa prescriptionforbirthcontrol pills.Youcan geta prescription fromaprivate doctoror nurse,
a healthclinic,oryour nearestPlannedParenthoodhealthcenter.Ina few states,youmayevenbe able
to geta prescriptiononline.
Duringyour visit,anurse or doctor will talkwithyouaboutyourmedical history,checkyourblood
pressure,andgive youwhatevermedical examyoumayneed.Mostpeople don’tneedpelvicexamsin
orderto get birthcontrol pills.Yournurse or doctorwill helpyoudecide whatyouneedbasedonyour
medical history.
The pill isan effectivewaytopreventpregnancy.
If you followthe instructionsanduse the birthcontrol pill the rightway,itgivesyougreatprotection
Take a pill everyday,andstartyour newpackson time.That’sit.But missingorforgettingpillsmakesit
not workas well.
You can alsouse condomswithbirthcontrol pillstoget maximumpregnancyprotection.Bonus:
condomsalsoprotectyou againstSTDs.
The pill hashealthbenefits.
Side effectsaren’talwaysabadthing,andbirthcontrol pillsaren’tjustforbirthcontrol.The pill has
Both combinationandprogestin-onlypillsreduce menstrual cramps,lightenperiods,andloweryourrisk
of ectopicpregnancy.
The combinationpill canalsoreduce orhelpprevent:
 acne
 bone thinning
 cysts inthe breastsand ovaries
 endometrial andovariancancers
 seriousinfectionsinthe ovaries,fallopiantubes,anduterus
 irondeficiency(anemia)
 PMS (premenstrual syndrome)
 The pill makesyourperioda breeze.
Lots of people like the pillbecause itmakestheirperiodsregularandeasytopredict.The hormonesin
the pill can alsoreduce menstrual crampsandmake your periodlighter.
You can alsouse the pill tostopyour periodaltogether,whichistotallyconvenientforpeople whojust
don’twant todeal withAuntFloeverymonth.
You can get pregnantrightawaywhenyoustop takingthe pill.
Many people onthe pill wanttohave kidswhenthe time isright.One of the greatthingsaboutthe birth
control pill isyoucan get pregnantrightafteryoustop takingit.
Afteryoustoptakingthe pill,itcantake a few monthsforyourperiodstoreturn to the cycle youhad
before youstartedusingit.Once ina while,people have irregularperiodsornoperiodsat all fora few
months.Thisismore likelyif yourperiodswere irregularbefore youstartedtakingthe pill.
Whetheror notyou getyour period,if youstoptakingthe pill,it’spossibletogetpregnant.Soif you’re
goingoff the pill butstill wanttopreventpregnancy, startusinganotherbirthcontrol methodright
The pill is convenient.
Takingthe birth control pill iseasy,butrememberingtotake iteverydaycan be hard.Luckily,pill packs
are small — aboutthe size of a compact mirror — so youcan carry yourpillswithyouwhereveryougo.
The pill isbirthcontrol you don’thave to use duringsex,soitwon’tinterfere withthe action.If youtake
the pill correctly,you’re protectedfrompregnancyall day,everyday.Manypeople saythe pill makes
theirsex livesbetterbecause theydon’thave tointerruptsex orworryaboutpregnancy.
You needa prescriptionfromanurse or doctorto get birthcontrol pills.Butyoumay be able to pickup
manypacks at once or have themmailedtoyou.Dependingonwhere you live,youcanevengetbirth
control pillsonline.
You have to take the pill everyday.
It’sreallyimportanttotake your birthcontrol pill everyday,oryoumightnot be protectedfrom
pregnancy.Usingreminderapps,settinganalarm, orkeepingyourpill packnexttothingsyouuse every
day (like yourtoothbrushorphone charger) canhelpyouremembertotake yourpill.
If you have a reallybusylife andthinkyoumightnotremembertotake a pill everyday,checkoutother
birthcontrol methodslike IUDsor implantsthatare almostimpossibletomessup.Take our quizfor
helpfindingthe birthcontrol methodthat’sbestforyou.
There can be negative side effects.
Like mostmedications,birthcontrol pillscanhave side effects.Butmostusuallygoawayaftertwo or
three months.Manypeople use the pill withnoproblemsatall.
The hormonesinthe pill can change yourlevel of sexual desire.Youmayalsonotice bleedingbetween
periods(mostoftenwithprogestin-onlypills),sore breasts,ornausea.
You may have spottingorbleedingbetweenperiods,sore breasts,nauseaorheadaches.These usually
go awayafter 2 or 3 months.
Birthcontrol shouldn’tmake youfeelsickoruncomfortable.Luckily,youhave manybirthcontrol
options.If youkeephavingside effectsthatbotheryouafterusingthe pill for3 months,talkwithyour
nurse or doctor aboutfindinganotherbrandof pill oranotherbirthcontrol method.Justdon’tstop
takingthe pill before youstarta newmethodoryou’ll be at riskof pregnancy.
Some side effectsof the pill are serious.
Seriousproblemsfromtakingthe birthcontrol pill are veryuncommon.People usingbirthcontrol that
has estrogen,like combinationpills,have aslightlyhigherchance of havinga few rare but dangerous
problemsthanpeople whodon’tuse birthcontrol withhormones.Readmore aboutbirthcontrol pill
Checkout the package insertthatcame withyourpillsortalk to yournurse or doctor for more
informationaboutside effects.
What are the healthbenefitsoforal contraceptives?
Periodsare usuallylighterwithlesscramping
If usedfor several years,the chance of developingcancerof the ovariesanduterusare decreased
Decreasescystsonthe ovaries,endometriosis,anemia,andfibrocysticbreast disease
Are oral contraceptivesreversible?
Yes.Most womenovulate andhave theirmenstrual cycle withinfourtosix weeksonce theystoptaking
the pills.If youhave nothad a menstrual cycle fortwo to three monthsafterstoppingthe pill,a
pregnancy testshouldbe performedandahealthcare providercontacted.
How much do oral contraceptivescost?
The initial physical examinyourhealthcare provider’soffice couldrange from$20 to $200. The monthly
fee foreach supplyof pillsrangesfrom$5 to $30 or more,dependingonyourmedical coverage.
What aboutoral contraceptivesandsexuallytransmitteddiseases(STD’s)?
Oral contraceptivesdoNOTprovide anyprotectionagainstanysexuallytransmitteddiseases,including
What are the pros & cons of oral contraceptives?
 The Pros of Oral Contraceptivesinclude:
 Low failure rate if useddailyasdirected
 Doesnot interruptforeplayorsexual intercourse
 Researchforover40 yearshas provenlongtermsafety
 Moderatelypriced
 Easy to use
 The Cons of Oral Contraceptivesinclude:
 Requiresaprescription
 Potential side effectslikenauseaandbreasttenderness
 Chance of bloodclotsinlegsandlungs
 Must be takeneverydayat the same time
 No protectionagainstSTD’s
How effective isbirth control implant?
Subcutaneousimplantscontainingprogestinhormone analogsare one of the mosteffective medicines
usedfora long-termcontraception.
One of the largestUS suppliersof contraceptive implants –Merck publisheddatathattheyare more
effectivethanoral, transdermal andvaginal contraceptive methods.
Merck assertsthat birthcontrol implantsare as effectiveasinjectable,intrauterine andsurgical
methodsof preventingpregnancy.
Absolute advantage of birthcontrol implantisthatithelpstoprevent pregnancywithin2-3yearsafter
the subcutaneousadministration.
A significantdisadvantageof birthcontrol implantisthata womancannot place itunderthe skinby
herself.Therefore,besidespurchasingbirthcontrol implant,awomanneedstopayfor doctor’sservices.
If you wantmore informationonhoweffective hormonal andnon-hormonalbirthcontrol methodsare,
please,askyourquestionsbyemail orphone.Aftergettingapharmacist’squalifiedconsultationon
online pharmacy,youcanbuy effective birthcontrol medicinesthatare requiredinyourcase.
For more informationvisitusourwebsite:

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Birth control pills

  • 1. BIRTH CONTROL PILLS: BENEFITS, RISKS AND EFFECTIVENESS The absolute majorityof mature womenuse hormonal contraceptivestopreventpregnancy.When planningapregnancy,manywomenare wondering«How effective isbirthcontrol?». Informationaboutsafety andeffectivenessof birthcontrol medicinescanbe foundin:  Highlightsof PrescribingInformation(the USFDA publishes)  Summaryof ProductCharacteristics(the UKMHRA publish)  ProductInformation(the AustralianTGA publishes)  ProductMonograph (the HealthCanadapublishes) If you wantto know,howeffectivebirthcontrol methodisbutyoudonot understandmedical terms whenreadingProductMonograph»,the keyinformationabouteffectivenessof popularhormonal contraceptivesyoucanfindinthisreview. Whenyoutake the pill everysingleday,it’sgreatatpreventingpregnancy.Butmissingpills,taking certainmedications,andotherthingsmaymake itnotwork as well. How effective are birth control pills? Effectivenessof oral contraceptivesdependsontheirtype.Atpharmacies,youcanfindbirthcontrol pills containingone orseveral active ingredients. One of the largestmanufacturersof combinedoral contraceptives –Pfizerclaimsthattheireffectiveness isequal 99%. This meansthatwhile observingthe recommendeddosingregimenof combined contraceptive,only1womanoutof 100 may get pregnant. If the intake of combinationbirthcontrol pillsisperiodicallyskippedortheyare not takenat the same time,the chancesof becomingpregnantare increased.Reducedefficiencyof birthcontrol pillsisnot onlybecause of misseddoses,butalsobecause of menstrualdisordersorthe use of combinedoral contraceptivesinconjunctionwithothermedicines. If the intake of regulardose of combinedcontraceptive wasskipped,use additional non-hormonal methodsof birthcontrol to preventpregnancy. Whenusedperfectly,the pillis99%effective.Butwhenitcomestoreal life,the pillisabout91% effectivebecause itcanbe hard to be perfect.Soin reality,9 outof 100 pill usersgetpregnanteach year. The betteryouare about takingyourpill everydayandstartingyour pill packsontime,the betteritwill work.But there’saverysmall chance that you couldstill getpregnant,evenif youalwaystake yourpills correctly.
  • 2. If effectivenessisthe mostimportantthingtoyouwhenpickingwhatbirthcontrol to use,youmight wantto check out IUDs andthe implant.They’re the mosteffective kindsof birthcontrol. Butif you decide the pill isrightforyou,make sure youtake themontime for the besteffectiveness. If you are lookingforaneffectivecombinedoral contraceptive,choose birthcontrol pillsinwhichthe dose of estrogenhormone isnolessthan20 mcg. How long do birth control pillstake to work? It dependsonwhenyoustarttakingthem.You can take your firstbirthcontrol pill anydayof the month,butyou may needabackup birthcontrol method(like condoms) forthe first7 days. CombinationPills(COCs) If you start combination pillswithin5daysafter yourperiodstarts,you’ll be protectedfrompregnancy rightaway. Forexample,if yougetyourperiodMondaymorning,youcan start the pill anytime until Saturdaymorningand be protectedfrompregnancyrightaway. If you start combinationpillsanyothertime,you’llbe protectedfrompregnancyafter7daysof taking the pill.Use anothermethodof birthcontrol — like a condomor female condom — if youhave vaginal sex duringthe firstweekyou’re onthe pill. Progestin-OnlyPills(Mini Pills) You can start progestin-onlypillsatanytime.You’ll be protectedfrompregnancyafter48hours (2 days).Souse anothermethodof birthcontrol (like condoms) if youhave vaginal sex duringthe first48 hours. Your nurse or doctor can helpyoufigure outthe besttime to start yourbirthcontrol pills,andwhen they’ll startworkingforyou..' What lowersthe pill’seffectiveness? The main thingthatmakesthe pill notwork isnot takingiteveryday.But otherthings,like having vomitingordiarrheaformore than 48 hours mayreduce how well the pill preventspregnancy.The pill may be a little lesseffective forveryoverweightwomen.Some medicinesorsupplementscanalsomake it notwork as well: • The antibioticRifampin(otherantibioticsdonotmake the pill lesseffective) • The antifungal Griseofulvin(otherantifungalsdonotmake the pill lesseffective) • CertainHIV medicines • Certainanti-seizuremedicines • The herbSt. John’sWort
  • 3. If you’re takingany of these,use condomsasa backup method.Switchtoa differentmethodof birth control if you’ll be onthemfor a longtime. Your nurse or doctor can helpyoudecide if there’sanyreasonthe birthcontrol pill won’tworkwellfor you. Is the birth control pill safe? Chancesare the pill will be totallysafe foryou — mostpeople cantake it withno problems.It’sbeen aroundfor more than 50 years,and millionsof peoplehave useditsafely. Can I take the birth control pill? Like withall medications,the pill isn’tforeveryone. If you’re over35 and a smoker,youshouldn’tuse the pill oranyotherkindof birthcontrol thatcontains the hormone estrogen.Youcan use progestinonlypills(mini pills)if you’re asmoker. Alsoavoidusingcombinationpillsif you’ve hadanyof these healthproblems:  bloodclots,an inheritedblood-clottingdisorder,orveininflammation  breastcancer  heartattack, stroke,angina,orother seriousheartproblems  migraine headacheswithaura(seeingflashing,zigzaglines)  uncontrolledhighbloodpressure  verybad diabetesorliverdisease Talk withyourdoctor or nurse aboutyour risksandhealthproblems. Itwill helpyoudecide if the pill is rightfor you. What are the risks ofbirth control pills? Eventhoughbirthcontrol pillsare verysafe,usingthe combinationpill canslightlyincrease yourriskof healthproblems.Complicationsaren’tcommon,butcanbe serious.These include heartattack,stroke, bloodclots,andlivertumors.Inveryrare cases,theycan leadto death.Forthe mostpart, progestin- onlypills(akamini pills) don’thave theserisks. Whentalkingwithyourdoctorabout birthcontrol,tell themaboutanymedicationsyou’re takingand any healthproblemsyou’ve had. There’sa veryslightchance thatyou can getpregnantevenif youalwaystake the pill asdirected.But accidentallytakingthe pillduringearlypregnancywon’tincrease the riskof birthdefects. It’simportantto rememberthatformostpeople,the chance of havinganyof these problemswhile takingbirthcontrol pillsisreally,reallylow.Infact,pregnancyismore likelytocause serioushealth
  • 4. problemsthanthe pill.Yourdoctoror nurse can helpyoufigure outwhichbirthcontrol methodwill be safestforyou. What warningsignsshouldIknowabout? Most people onthe pill won’thave anyproblemsatall.Butjustin case,it’sgoodto know what the signs of a seriousissue are. See a doctor or nurse right away ifyou have:  suddenback/jawpainalongwithnausea,sweating,ortrouble breathing  chestpainor discomfort  achy sorenessinyourleg  trouble breathing  severe paininyourbellyorstomach  sudden,verybadheadache  headachesthatare different,worse,orhappenmore oftenthanusual  aura — (seeingflashing,zigzaglines)  yellowingof yourskinoreyes You can alwayscall a nurse,doctor,or yourlocal PlannedParenthoodhealthcenterif youhave questionsoryou’re worriedaboutanyhealthissues. Is it safe to take the pill while breastfeeding? Combinationpillsmayreduce the amountand qualityof yourbreastmilkinthe first3 weeksof breastfeeding.If you’re nursing,waitatleast3 weeksaftergivingbirthtostartusingcombinationpills. Your breastmilkwill containtracesof the pill’shormones,butit’sunlikelythatthese hormoneswillhave any effectonyourbaby.Talk withyournurse or doctor aboutany concernsyoumay have about breastfeedingwhileusingthe pill. Progestin-onlypillsare safe touse while you’re breastfeeding.Theyshouldn’thave anyeffectonhow much milkyouproduce,andwon’thurtyour baby. What are the differenttypesofbirth control pills? There are a fewtypesof birthcontrol pills. CombinationPills(COCs): Birthcontrol pillswithtwohormones — estrogenandprogestin — are calledcombinationpills.They’re the most commontype of birthcontrol pill.Most combinationpillscome in28-dayor 21-day packs. You’re protectedfrompregnancyaslongas you take 1 pill everyday.Youdon’thave to take itat the exactsame time everyday,butdoingso helpskeepyouinthe habitof rememberingyourpill.Youcan alsouse alarms,reminders,orbirthcontrol appsto helpremindyou.
  • 5. 28-day packs Take 1 pill everydayfor28 days (fourweeks),andthenstarta new pack on day 29. The lastpillsin28- day packsof combinationpillsdonothave hormonesinthem.How manydaysyou take hormone-free pillsare differentfordifferentbrands.Mostcommonlyyou’ll take hormone-freepillsfor7days, but sometimesless.These pillsare called“reminder”or“placebo” pills— theyhelpremindyoutotake your pill everydayandstart yournextpack on time.Evenif youdon’ttake them, you’ll be protectedfrom gettingpregnantif youhave sex onthose days.Theymay containironor othersupplementsthathelp youstay healthy.Duringthe time youtake these “reminder”pillsiswhenyougetyourperiod. 21-day packs Take 1 pill everydayfor21 days (three weeks) inarow.Thendon’ttake anypillsforsevendays(fourth week).You’ll getyourperiodduringthe fourthweekwhileyouaren’ttakinganypills.It’simportantto take everypill ina21-day pack because there are no reminder(hormone-free) pills.The hormone pills will preventpregnancyevenif youhave sex duringthe weekwhenyoudon’ttake anypills. Startyour nextpack afternottakingyour pillsforsevendays — youmaywant to use an alarm or remindertohelp youstay on track. 91-day packs Some combinationpillshave 12weeks’worthof hormone pillsinarow,followedbyupto 1 weekof reminderpills.Thisissoyou’ll onlyhave yourperiodonce everythreemonths.The hormoneswill preventpregnancyevenif youhave sex duringthe reminderpill week. Otherpillbrandscanalsobe usedto skipyourperiodbyskippingthe reminderpills.Readmore abouthow touse pillstoskipyour period. Progestin-OnlyPills(akaMini Pills): Progestin-onlypillshave 1kindof hormone (progestin) — these pillsdon’thave anyestrogen.Youmust take progestin-onlypillswithinthe same three hourseverydaytobe protectedfrompregnancy.For example,if youtake yourprogestin-onlypill at12:00 p.m.,takingit after3:00 p.m.the nextdayputsyou at riskfor gettingpregnant.Alarms,reminders,orbirthcontrol appscan helpyoutake yourpill ontime. Progestin-onlypillscome onlyin28-day(four-week) packs.All28 pillshave hormones.Youmusttake everypill inaprogestin-onlypacktobe protectedfrompregnancy — there isno hormone-free week. You may getyour periodduringthe fourthweek.Youcouldalso have bleedingonandoff throughout the month(spotting),orgetno periodatall. How do I use the pill to stop my period?
  • 6. Skippingyourperiodwiththe pillissupereasy.Basicallyyoumake sure youtake anactive pill with hormoneseveryday.Youcan do thistwoways: You can use a brandof pillsthathas3 monthsof active pillsina row so you onlygetyourperiod4 times a year. You can skipthe placebopillsinyourpackand jumprightto the nextpack,eitherall of the time orjust whenyouhave somethingspecialcomingupanddon’twantyour periodthen. You may have some bleedingorspottingwhenyouuse the pill toskipyourperiod.It’stotallynormal and if youskipyour hormone-free weekeverymonth,itshouldgoawayafteraboutsix months. There’snothingdangerousorharmful aboutusingthe pill toskipyourperiod.Anditcomesinreally handyif you wanta special occasion(like avacationor a hot date) tobe period-free. I misseda pill.Whatdo I do? The pill worksbestif youtake it at the same time everyday,butalmosteveryoneonthe pill forgetsto take it sometimes.Knowingwhattodowhenyoumissa birthcontrol pill isimportant. Here’sa handytool to helpyoufigure outwhatto do if you missa pill.You’ll needtoknow the name of the pill you’re oninorderto use thistool.You can findthe name on your pill packor bycallingyour doctor or the drugstore where yougotit. If you can’t findoutthe name of yourpill,use a condomanytime youhave vaginal sex until you’re able to talkwithyour nurse or doctor.If you’ve alreadyhadsex inthe last5 days since makingamistake,you may wantto use emergencycontraception. Whencan I start takingbirthcontrol pills? You can begintakingthe birthcontrol pill anydayof the month.However,whenyoustarttakingyour pill couldaffectwhetherornot youneedtouse a backupbirthcontrol method(like condoms) forthe first7 days. Talk withyournurse or doctor aboutthe besttime for youto start takingthe pill.  Combination Pills(COCs)  You can start the combinationpill atanytime. If you start combinationpillswithin5daysof whenyourperiodstarts,you’ll be protectedfrom pregnancyrightaway.For example,if yougetyourperiodMondaymorning,youcanstart the pill anytime until Saturdaymorningandbe protectedfrompregnancyrightaway. If you start combinationpillsanyothertime,you’llbe protectedfrompregnancyaftersevendaysof takingthe pill.Use anothermethodof birthcontrol — like a condomor female condom— if youhave vaginal sex duringthe firstweekonthe pill.
  • 7. Progestin-OnlyPills(Mini Pills) You can start progestin-onlypillsatanytime.Pregnancyprotectionwill beginafter48hours (twodays). Use anothermethodof birthcontrol like condomsif youhave vaginal sex duringthe first48 hours. You musttake progestin-onlypillsatthe same time everyday.If youtake it more than three hourspast your usual time,use abackupmethodof birth control forthe next48 hours (twodays). Starting the Pill AfterPregnancy You can get pregnantagainshortlyafterbeingpregnant,sotalkwithyournurse or doctorabout starting your birthcontrol as soonas you can. You can start takingthe progestin-onlypillrightafteranabortion,miscarriage,or childbirth. You can start takingthe combinationpill rightafteranabortionormiscarriage.Ingeneral,youcanstart takingthe combinationpill threeweeksaftergivingbirth,butyoushouldwaitatleastsix weeksif you’re breastfeeding.Readmore aboutbreastfeedingandbirthcontrol pills. What do I do if I want to get pregnant? If you decide youwantto getpregnant,stoptakingthe pill.Nomatterwhatkindof birth control pill you’re on,it’spossible togetpregnantrightafterstopping.Itcan take a few monthsforyour periodto go back to the cycle you hadbefore youstartedtakingthe pill,butthatdoesn’tmeanyoucan’t become pregnant. What side effectsshouldI expectwhile taking the pill? Takingthe pill maycause some side effects.One of the mostimportantthingstokeepinmindwhen startingthe birthcontrol pill isthat mostside effectsusuallygoawayin2-3 months. Some people have headaches,nausea,sore breasts,orspotting(lightbleeding) betweenperiodsafter startingthe pill.These birthcontrol side effectsusuallyclearupafteracouple of months.If you still don’tlike the waythe pill makesyoufeel afterafew months,talkwithyournurse ordoctor. Theymay suggestanotherbrandor birthcontrol method.Some people tryafew differenttypesof pillsor methodsbefore findingthe rightone forthem. Takingthe pill maychange your period.Itmay be lighterandsometimesyoumightnotgetone at all, especiallyif you’ve beentakingthe pill continuouslytoskipyour periods.Eventhoughthe chance of pregnancyisverylowif you’ve beentakingyourpill everyday,youcanalwaystake a pregnancytestif youmissyour periodjusttobe sure. Remember,youcanalwayscall yourdoctor or a PlannedParenthoodhealthcenterif youhave any concernswhile usingthe pill.They’re theretohelpandansweryourquestions. How much do birth control pillscost?
  • 8. Pricesvarydependingonwhetheryouhave healthinsurance,orif youqualifyforMedicaidorother governmentprograms thatcoverbirthcontrol pills.Formostbrands,1 pill packlastsfor 1 month,and can cost from $0-$50. They’re totallyfree withmosthealthinsurance plansorif youqualifyforsome governmentprograms. You may alsoneedtopay fora visitwithadoctor or nurse to get a prescriptionforthe pill.Thisvisitcan cost anywhere from$35–$250. But underthe Affordable Care Act(akaObamacare),mostinsurance plansmustcover doctor’svisitsrelatedtobirthcontrol.Learnmore abouthealthinsurance andbirth control. If you’re worriedaboutcost,check withyourlocal PlannedParenthoodhealthcentertofindoutif they can hookyou up withbirthcontrol that fitsyourbudget. How can I get birth control pillsfor free? There’sa goodchance youcan get free orlow-costbirthcontrol pillsif youhave healthinsurance. Because of the Affordable Care Act(akaObamacare),mostinsurance plansmustcoverbirthcontrol pills withlittle ornocost to you.However,some plansonlycovercertainbrandsof pills orgenericversions. Your healthinsurance providercantell youwhichtypesof birthcontrol theypayfor, andyour doctor may alsobe able to helpyougetyour birthcontrol coveredbyhealthinsurance.Learnmore about healthinsurance andaffordable birthcontrol. If you don’thave healthinsurance,you’vestillgotoptions.Dependingonyourincome andlegal statusin the U.S., youcouldqualifyforMedicaidorotherstate programsthat can helpyoupay forbirthcontrol and otherhealthcare. PlannedParenthoodworkstoprovide servicesyouneed,whetherornotyou have insurance.Most PlannedParenthoodhealthcentersacceptMedicaidandhealthinsurance.Andmanywillworkwithyou to helpyoupaybasedon your income.Contactyourlocal PlannedParenthoodhealthcenterformore information. Where can I get birth control pills? You can get birthcontrol pillsatdrugstores,healthclinics,orPlannedParenthoodhealthcenters. You needa prescriptionforbirthcontrol pills.Youcan geta prescription fromaprivate doctoror nurse, a healthclinic,oryour nearestPlannedParenthoodhealthcenter.Ina few states,youmayevenbe able to geta prescriptiononline. Duringyour visit,anurse or doctor will talkwithyouaboutyourmedical history,checkyourblood pressure,andgive youwhatevermedical examyoumayneed.Mostpeople don’tneedpelvicexamsin orderto get birthcontrol pills.Yournurse or doctorwill helpyoudecide whatyouneedbasedonyour medical history. The pill isan effectivewaytopreventpregnancy.
  • 9. If you followthe instructionsanduse the birthcontrol pill the rightway,itgivesyougreatprotection againstpregnancy. Take a pill everyday,andstartyour newpackson time.That’sit.But missingorforgettingpillsmakesit not workas well. You can alsouse condomswithbirthcontrol pillstoget maximumpregnancyprotection.Bonus: condomsalsoprotectyou againstSTDs. The pill hashealthbenefits. Side effectsaren’talwaysabadthing,andbirthcontrol pillsaren’tjustforbirthcontrol.The pill has manyperksbesidespregnancyprevention. Both combinationandprogestin-onlypillsreduce menstrual cramps,lightenperiods,andloweryourrisk of ectopicpregnancy. The combinationpill canalsoreduce orhelpprevent:  acne  bone thinning  cysts inthe breastsand ovaries  endometrial andovariancancers  seriousinfectionsinthe ovaries,fallopiantubes,anduterus  irondeficiency(anemia)  PMS (premenstrual syndrome)  The pill makesyourperioda breeze. Lots of people like the pillbecause itmakestheirperiodsregularandeasytopredict.The hormonesin the pill can alsoreduce menstrual crampsandmake your periodlighter. You can alsouse the pill tostopyour periodaltogether,whichistotallyconvenientforpeople whojust don’twant todeal withAuntFloeverymonth. You can get pregnantrightawaywhenyoustop takingthe pill. Many people onthe pill wanttohave kidswhenthe time isright.One of the greatthingsaboutthe birth control pill isyoucan get pregnantrightafteryoustop takingit. Afteryoustoptakingthe pill,itcantake a few monthsforyourperiodstoreturn to the cycle youhad before youstartedusingit.Once ina while,people have irregularperiodsornoperiodsat all fora few months.Thisismore likelyif yourperiodswere irregularbefore youstartedtakingthe pill. Whetheror notyou getyour period,if youstoptakingthe pill,it’spossibletogetpregnant.Soif you’re goingoff the pill butstill wanttopreventpregnancy, startusinganotherbirthcontrol methodright away.
  • 10. The pill is convenient. Takingthe birth control pill iseasy,butrememberingtotake iteverydaycan be hard.Luckily,pill packs are small — aboutthe size of a compact mirror — so youcan carry yourpillswithyouwhereveryougo. The pill isbirthcontrol you don’thave to use duringsex,soitwon’tinterfere withthe action.If youtake the pill correctly,you’re protectedfrompregnancyall day,everyday.Manypeople saythe pill makes theirsex livesbetterbecause theydon’thave tointerruptsex orworryaboutpregnancy. You needa prescriptionfromanurse or doctorto get birthcontrol pills.Butyoumay be able to pickup manypacks at once or have themmailedtoyou.Dependingonwhere you live,youcanevengetbirth control pillsonline. You have to take the pill everyday. It’sreallyimportanttotake your birthcontrol pill everyday,oryoumightnot be protectedfrom pregnancy.Usingreminderapps,settinganalarm, orkeepingyourpill packnexttothingsyouuse every day (like yourtoothbrushorphone charger) canhelpyouremembertotake yourpill. If you have a reallybusylife andthinkyoumightnotremembertotake a pill everyday,checkoutother birthcontrol methodslike IUDsor implantsthatare almostimpossibletomessup.Take our quizfor helpfindingthe birthcontrol methodthat’sbestforyou. There can be negative side effects. Like mostmedications,birthcontrol pillscanhave side effects.Butmostusuallygoawayaftertwo or three months.Manypeople use the pill withnoproblemsatall. The hormonesinthe pill can change yourlevel of sexual desire.Youmayalsonotice bleedingbetween periods(mostoftenwithprogestin-onlypills),sore breasts,ornausea. You may have spottingorbleedingbetweenperiods,sore breasts,nauseaorheadaches.These usually go awayafter 2 or 3 months. Birthcontrol shouldn’tmake youfeelsickoruncomfortable.Luckily,youhave manybirthcontrol options.If youkeephavingside effectsthatbotheryouafterusingthe pill for3 months,talkwithyour nurse or doctor aboutfindinganotherbrandof pill oranotherbirthcontrol method.Justdon’tstop takingthe pill before youstarta newmethodoryou’ll be at riskof pregnancy. Some side effectsof the pill are serious. Seriousproblemsfromtakingthe birthcontrol pill are veryuncommon.People usingbirthcontrol that has estrogen,like combinationpills,have aslightlyhigherchance of havinga few rare but dangerous problemsthanpeople whodon’tuse birthcontrol withhormones.Readmore aboutbirthcontrol pill safety.
  • 11. Checkout the package insertthatcame withyourpillsortalk to yournurse or doctor for more informationaboutside effects. What are the healthbenefitsoforal contraceptives? Periodsare usuallylighterwithlesscramping If usedfor several years,the chance of developingcancerof the ovariesanduterusare decreased Decreasescystsonthe ovaries,endometriosis,anemia,andfibrocysticbreast disease Are oral contraceptivesreversible? Yes.Most womenovulate andhave theirmenstrual cycle withinfourtosix weeksonce theystoptaking the pills.If youhave nothad a menstrual cycle fortwo to three monthsafterstoppingthe pill,a pregnancy testshouldbe performedandahealthcare providercontacted. How much do oral contraceptivescost? The initial physical examinyourhealthcare provider’soffice couldrange from$20 to $200. The monthly fee foreach supplyof pillsrangesfrom$5 to $30 or more,dependingonyourmedical coverage. What aboutoral contraceptivesandsexuallytransmitteddiseases(STD’s)? Oral contraceptivesdoNOTprovide anyprotectionagainstanysexuallytransmitteddiseases,including HIV. What are the pros & cons of oral contraceptives?  The Pros of Oral Contraceptivesinclude:  Low failure rate if useddailyasdirected  Doesnot interruptforeplayorsexual intercourse  Researchforover40 yearshas provenlongtermsafety  Moderatelypriced  Easy to use  The Cons of Oral Contraceptivesinclude:  Requiresaprescription  Potential side effectslikenauseaandbreasttenderness  Chance of bloodclotsinlegsandlungs  Must be takeneverydayat the same time  No protectionagainstSTD’s
  • 12. How effective isbirth control implant? Subcutaneousimplantscontainingprogestinhormone analogsare one of the mosteffective medicines usedfora long-termcontraception. One of the largestUS suppliersof contraceptive implants –Merck publisheddatathattheyare more effectivethanoral, transdermal andvaginal contraceptive methods. Merck assertsthat birthcontrol implantsare as effectiveasinjectable,intrauterine andsurgical methodsof preventingpregnancy. Absolute advantage of birthcontrol implantisthatithelpstoprevent pregnancywithin2-3yearsafter the subcutaneousadministration. A significantdisadvantageof birthcontrol implantisthata womancannot place itunderthe skinby herself.Therefore,besidespurchasingbirthcontrol implant,awomanneedstopayfor doctor’sservices. If you wantmore informationonhoweffective hormonal andnon-hormonalbirthcontrol methodsare, please,askyourquestionsbyemail orphone.Aftergettingapharmacist’squalifiedconsultationon online pharmacy,youcanbuy effective birthcontrol medicinesthatare requiredinyourcase. For more informationvisitusourwebsite: