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MTL in Action
Monad Transformer Library
2C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A
MTL type classes
3C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A
Validation failure - FunctorRaise
4C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A
Validation failure - FunctorRaise
5C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A
Events, Logs and Metrics - FunctorTell
6C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A
Events, Logs and Metrics - FunctorTell
7C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A
Interlude – Custom Ops
8C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A
Environment or read-only state – ApplicativeAsk
9C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A
Environment or read-only state – ApplicativeAsk
10C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A
Read-write State – MonadState
11C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A
Read-write State – MonadState
12C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A
Chain it all together
13C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A
Error Handling – ErrorMonad / ErrorApplicative
class MyHandledService[M[_]:
ApplicativeAsk[?[_], Connection]:
MonadState[?[_], Map[UUID, String]]:
FunctorTell[?[_], Vector[Event]]:
ApplicativeError[?[_], NonEmptyList[String]]:
class MyCorrectlyHandledService[M[_]:
ApplicativeAsk[?[_], Connection]:
MonadState[?[_], Map[UUID, String]]:
FunctorTell[?[_], Vector[Event]]:
MonadError[?[_], NonEmptyList[String]]
14C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A
Some historical context
15C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A
May 2014
• Abstraction of Monad higher kinded type
• Motivated by constant changing options for validation monads
• Implemented via use of trait mixins
• Lets pretend this never happened
16C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A
May 2016
• Abstraction of Monad higher kinded type
• Use of type classes for all monad types
• Natural Transformations to move between stacks
• Combinatorial boiler-plate nightmare
• FutureT
• Active in productive code for several years now
17C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A
May 2016
~> ~>
M[ _ ]:Error
18C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A
May 2018
• Abstraction of Monad higher kinded type
• Use of type classes for all monad types
• Use of composable cats MTL to create stacks
• Service flow constructed around one Higher Kinded Type
19C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A
May 2016
M[ _ ]:ErrorMonad
M[ _ ]:ApplicativeAsk M[ _ ]:StateMonad
M[ _ ]:ApplicativeAsk:StateMonad:ErrorMonad
20C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A
May 2016
21C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A
May 2016
22C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A
May 2016
23C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A
May 2016
trait KeyPersonRepo[M[_]]
class KeyPersonStateRepo[M[_]:MonadState[?[_], Map[UUID, Person]]] extends KeyPersonRepo[M[_]]
class KeyPersonSqlRepo[M[_]:ApplicativeAsk[?[_], Connection]] extends KeyPersonRepo[M[_]]
type M[A] = ReaderT[Either[String, ?], Connection, A]
UserCanAccess[M](new KeyPersonSqlRepo[M], new RoleAccessService[M])
24C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A
Service Design
25C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A
Monad Driven Service Design
val result:Either[String, (Map[UUID, Person], Boolean)] =
• Returning an error will drop all writer logs and state changes
• All ‘work’ is effectively annulled
• This is not necessarily a bad thing but needs to be designed for
• Unlifting errors out of the stack as explicit return type
Have to reason about abstract dependencies however
• Can change behaviour but does change how we might reason on our program
26C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A
Monad Driven Service Design
• If only a small section of the service requires a given mtl function, can you
abstract out to a dependency?
• Simplifies testing
• Primarily consider extraction for Reader, State, and IO
Minimise mtl requirements
27C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A
Monad Driven Service Design
State and Environment Products
MonadState[M, Map[String, String]]
MonadState[M, Map[String, Int]]+
MonadState[M, (Map[String, String], Map[String, Int])]
28C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A
Monad Driven Service Design
State and Environment Products
def tupleStateMonad[M[_], S <: Product, S2](implicit S:Selector[S, S2], R:Replacer[S, S2, S2], M:MonadState[M, S]):MonadState[M, S2] =
new MonadState[M, S2] {
val monad: Monad[M] = M.monad
def inspect[A](f: S2 => A):M[A] =
M.inspect(s => f(S(s)))
def modify(f: S2 => S2):M[Unit] =
M.modify(s => R(s, f(S(s))).asInstanceOf[(S2, S)]._2)
def get:M[S2] =
def set(s2: S2): M[Unit] =
M.modify(s => R(s, s2).asInstanceOf[(S2, S)]._2)
29C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A
Monad Driven Service Design
State and Environment Products
def tupleApplicativeAsk[M[_], E <: Product2[_,_], E2](implicit S:Selector[E, E2], A:ApplicativeAsk[M, E]):ApplicativeAsk[M, E2] =
new ApplicativeAsk[M, E2] {
val applicative: Applicative[M] =
def ask:M[E2] =
def reader[A](f: E2 => A):M[A] =
A.reader(e => f(S(e)))
30C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A
Monad Driven Service Design
State and Environment Products
implicit def mInt:MonadState[M, Map[String, Int]] =
tupleStateMonad[M, (Map[String, String], Map[String, Int]), Map[String, Int]]
implicit def mString:MonadState[M, Map[String, String]] =
tupleStateMonad[M, (Map[String, String], Map[String, Int]), Map[String, String]]
31C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A
Monad Driven Service Design
Service Provider Pattern
class UserAnalytics[M[_]](userServiceProvider:TenantId => M[UserService[M[_]]]) {
def getUserCountForTenant(tenantId:TenantId):M[Int] = {
for {
userService <- userServiceProvider(tenantId)
count <- userService.count
} yield count
class TestUserService[M[_]:State[Map[UUID, User], ?]]
type M[A] = State[(Map[TenantId, Map[UUID, User]], Map[UUID, User]), A]
32C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A
33C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A
Simple benchmark 1000x
class Baseline {
def run = {
val a = "a"
val b = "b"
val ab = a + b
val c = "c"
val abc = ab + c
val d = "d"
val dc = d + c
val e = "e"
val f = "f"
val g = "g"
val efg = e + f + g
val h = "h"
val afh = a + f + h
val i = "i"
val j = "j"
val k = "k"
val l = "l"
val ijkl = i + j + k + l
val dijkl = d + ijkl
val m = "m"
val n = "n"
val mn = m + n
val o ="o"
ab + dc + afh + ijkl + mn + o
class MapFlatMapService[M[_]:Monad] {
def run:M[String] =
for {
a <- pure("a")
b <- pure("b")
ab = a + b
c <- pure("c")
abc = ab + c
d <- pure("d")
dc = d + c
e <- pure("e")
f <- pure("f")
g <- pure("g")
efg = e + f + g
h <- pure("h")
afh = a + f + h
i <- pure("i")
j <- pure("j")
k <- pure("k")
l <- pure("l")
ijkl = i + j + k + l
dijkl = d + ijkl
m <- pure("m")
n <- pure("n")
mn = m + n
o <- pure("o")
} yield ab + dc + afh + ijkl + mn + o
34C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
Either Monad
Id Monad
35C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A
Monad Transformer Stack
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Either Monad
Id Monad
type M[R, S, L, E, A] = ReaderT[StateT[WriterT[Either[E, ?], L, ?], S, ?], R, A]
36C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A
ReaderWriterState Monad
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Either Monad
Id Monad
final class IndexedReaderWriterStateT[F[_], E, L, SA, SB, A](val runF: F[(E, SA) => F[(L, SB, A)]]) extends Serializable {
type ReaderWriterState[E, L, S, A] = ReaderWriterStateT[Eval, E, L, S, A]
37C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A
final class IndexedReaderWriterStateT[F[_], E, L, SA, SB, A](val runF: F[(E, SA) => F[(L, SB, A)]]) extends Serializable {
type ReaderWriterStateTEither[E, L, S, A] = ReaderWriterStateT[Either[V, ?] , E, L, S, A]
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Either Monad
Id Monad
38C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A
Service Monad
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Either Monad
Id Monad
final case class ServiceMonad[R, S, L, E, T](f:(R, S) => Either[E, (S, L, T)]) {
39C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A
Unstacked Monad
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Unstacked Monad
Either Monad
Id Monad
40C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A
Unstacked Monad
sealed trait UnstackedMonad[R, S, L, E, A]
final case class UnstackedError[R, S, L, E, A](e:E) extends UnstackedMonad[R, S, L, E, A]
final case class UnstackedPure[R, S, L, E, A](a:A) extends UnstackedMonad[R, S, L, E, A]
final case class UnstackedWriter[R, S, L, E, A](l:L, a:A) extends UnstackedMonad[R, S, L, E, A]
final case class SuccessReturn[S, L, A] private(s:S, l:L, a:A)
final case class ErrorReturn[E] private(e:E)
final case class UnstackedFunction[R, S, L, E, A](func:(R, S) => Any) extends UnstackedMonad[R, S, L, E, A]
41C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A
Unstacked Monad
final case class UnstackedError[R, S, L, E, A](e:E) extends UnstackedMonad[R, S, L, E, A]
final case class UnstackedErrorWithLog[R, S, L, E, A](l: L, e:E) extends UnstackedMonad[R, S, L, E, A]
final case class UnstackedErrorWithLogAndState[R, S, L, E, A](s:S, l:L, e:E) extends UnstackedMonad[R, S, L, E, A]
42C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A
We need to talk about Futures
43C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A
Supporting futures
trait LiftFuture[M[_]] {
def liftFuture[A](f: => Future[A]):M[A]
private def requestWithMethod(
method: HttpMethod,
url: String,
contentType: ContentType,
content: Array[Byte]): M[Array[Byte]] =
for {
res <- liftFuture {
Http().singleRequest(HttpRequest(method, Uri(url), headers, HttpEntity(contentType, content)))
r <- status(url, res)
d <- liftFuture {
r.entity.dataBytes.runFold(ByteString(""))(_ ++ _).map(e => e.toIterator.toArray)
} yield d
44C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A
Supporting futures
final case class UnstackedFuture[R, S, L, E, A](func:(R, S) => Any) extends UnstackedAsyncMonad[R, S, L, E, A]
final case class SuccessReturn[S, L, A] private(s:S, l:L, a:A)
final case class ErrorReturn[E] private(e:E)
final case class FutureReturn private(f:Future[Any])
45C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A
Supporting futures
class EffectfulActorServiceWrapper[D[_], M[_], N[_]:LiftFuture:Monad]
(service: D ~> M, effect: => Effect[M, N], name:Option[String])
(implicit af:ActorRefFactory, timeout:Timeout)
extends (D ~> N) {
import akka.pattern._
val e:Effect[M, N] = effect
def props =
Props {
new Actor {
def receive: PartialFunction[Any, Unit] = {
case d: D[_]@unchecked =>
sender ! e.unsafeRun(service(d))
val actorRef: ActorRef = name.fold(af.actorOf(props)){ n => af.actorOf(props, n)}
def apply[A](fa: D[A]):N[A] =
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Jamie Pullar- Cats MTL in action

  • 1. MTL in Action Monad Transformer Library 21/05/2018
  • 2. 2C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A MTL type classes
  • 3. 3C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A Validation failure - FunctorRaise
  • 4. 4C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A Validation failure - FunctorRaise
  • 5. 5C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A Events, Logs and Metrics - FunctorTell
  • 6. 6C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A Events, Logs and Metrics - FunctorTell
  • 7. 7C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A Interlude – Custom Ops
  • 8. 8C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A Environment or read-only state – ApplicativeAsk
  • 9. 9C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A Environment or read-only state – ApplicativeAsk
  • 10. 10C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A Read-write State – MonadState
  • 11. 11C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A Read-write State – MonadState
  • 12. 12C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A Chain it all together
  • 13. 13C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A Error Handling – ErrorMonad / ErrorApplicative class MyHandledService[M[_]: ApplicativeAsk[?[_], Connection]: MonadState[?[_], Map[UUID, String]]: FunctorTell[?[_], Vector[Event]]: ApplicativeError[?[_], NonEmptyList[String]]: Monad ] class MyCorrectlyHandledService[M[_]: ApplicativeAsk[?[_], Connection]: MonadState[?[_], Map[UUID, String]]: FunctorTell[?[_], Vector[Event]]: MonadError[?[_], NonEmptyList[String]] ]
  • 14. 14C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A Some historical context
  • 15. 15C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A May 2014 • Abstraction of Monad higher kinded type • Motivated by constant changing options for validation monads • Implemented via use of trait mixins • Lets pretend this never happened
  • 16. 16C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A May 2016 • Abstraction of Monad higher kinded type • Use of type classes for all monad types • Natural Transformations to move between stacks • Combinatorial boiler-plate nightmare • FutureT • Active in productive code for several years now •
  • 17. 17C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A May 2016 Reader Monad State Monad ~> ~> M[ _ ]:Error (ReaderStateError)
  • 18. 18C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A May 2018 • Abstraction of Monad higher kinded type • Use of type classes for all monad types • Use of composable cats MTL to create stacks • Service flow constructed around one Higher Kinded Type
  • 19. 19C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A May 2016 M[ _ ]:ErrorMonad M[ _ ]:ApplicativeAsk M[ _ ]:StateMonad M[ _ ]:ApplicativeAsk:StateMonad:ErrorMonad
  • 20. 20C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A May 2016
  • 21. 21C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A May 2016
  • 22. 22C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A May 2016
  • 23. 23C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A May 2016 trait KeyPersonRepo[M[_]] class KeyPersonStateRepo[M[_]:MonadState[?[_], Map[UUID, Person]]] extends KeyPersonRepo[M[_]] class KeyPersonSqlRepo[M[_]:ApplicativeAsk[?[_], Connection]] extends KeyPersonRepo[M[_]] type M[A] = ReaderT[Either[String, ?], Connection, A] UserCanAccess[M](new KeyPersonSqlRepo[M], new RoleAccessService[M])
  • 24. 24C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A Service Design
  • 25. 25C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A Monad Driven Service Design val result:Either[String, (Map[UUID, Person], Boolean)] = service.canUserAccess(uuid).run(state) • Returning an error will drop all writer logs and state changes • All ‘work’ is effectively annulled • This is not necessarily a bad thing but needs to be designed for • Unlifting errors out of the stack as explicit return type Have to reason about abstract dependencies however • Can change behaviour but does change how we might reason on our program
  • 26. 26C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A Monad Driven Service Design • If only a small section of the service requires a given mtl function, can you abstract out to a dependency? • Simplifies testing • Primarily consider extraction for Reader, State, and IO Minimise mtl requirements
  • 27. 27C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A Monad Driven Service Design State and Environment Products MonadState[M, Map[String, String]] MonadState[M, Map[String, Int]]+ MonadState[M, (Map[String, String], Map[String, Int])]
  • 28. 28C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A Monad Driven Service Design State and Environment Products def tupleStateMonad[M[_], S <: Product, S2](implicit S:Selector[S, S2], R:Replacer[S, S2, S2], M:MonadState[M, S]):MonadState[M, S2] = new MonadState[M, S2] { val monad: Monad[M] = M.monad def inspect[A](f: S2 => A):M[A] = M.inspect(s => f(S(s))) def modify(f: S2 => S2):M[Unit] = M.modify(s => R(s, f(S(s))).asInstanceOf[(S2, S)]._2) def get:M[S2] = M.inspect(S.apply) def set(s2: S2): M[Unit] = M.modify(s => R(s, s2).asInstanceOf[(S2, S)]._2) }
  • 29. 29C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A Monad Driven Service Design State and Environment Products def tupleApplicativeAsk[M[_], E <: Product2[_,_], E2](implicit S:Selector[E, E2], A:ApplicativeAsk[M, E]):ApplicativeAsk[M, E2] = new ApplicativeAsk[M, E2] { val applicative: Applicative[M] = A.applicative def ask:M[E2] = A.reader(S.apply) def reader[A](f: E2 => A):M[A] = A.reader(e => f(S(e))) }
  • 30. 30C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A Monad Driven Service Design State and Environment Products implicit def mInt:MonadState[M, Map[String, Int]] = tupleStateMonad[M, (Map[String, String], Map[String, Int]), Map[String, Int]] implicit def mString:MonadState[M, Map[String, String]] = tupleStateMonad[M, (Map[String, String], Map[String, Int]), Map[String, String]]
  • 31. 31C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A Monad Driven Service Design Service Provider Pattern class UserAnalytics[M[_]](userServiceProvider:TenantId => M[UserService[M[_]]]) { def getUserCountForTenant(tenantId:TenantId):M[Int] = { for { userService <- userServiceProvider(tenantId) count <- userService.count } yield count } } class TestUserService[M[_]:State[Map[UUID, User], ?]] type M[A] = State[(Map[TenantId, Map[UUID, User]], Map[UUID, User]), A]
  • 32. 32C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A Performance
  • 33. 33C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A Performance Simple benchmark 1000x class Baseline { def run = { val a = "a" val b = "b" val ab = a + b val c = "c" val abc = ab + c val d = "d" val dc = d + c val e = "e" val f = "f" val g = "g" val efg = e + f + g val h = "h" val afh = a + f + h val i = "i" val j = "j" val k = "k" val l = "l" val ijkl = i + j + k + l val dijkl = d + ijkl val m = "m" val n = "n" val mn = m + n val o ="o" ab + dc + afh + ijkl + mn + o } } class MapFlatMapService[M[_]:Monad] { def run:M[String] = for { a <- pure("a") b <- pure("b") ab = a + b c <- pure("c") abc = ab + c d <- pure("d") dc = d + c e <- pure("e") f <- pure("f") g <- pure("g") efg = e + f + g h <- pure("h") afh = a + f + h i <- pure("i") j <- pure("j") k <- pure("k") l <- pure("l") ijkl = i + j + k + l dijkl = d + ijkl m <- pure("m") n <- pure("n") mn = m + n o <- pure("o") } yield ab + dc + afh + ijkl + mn + o }
  • 34. 34C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A Performance Monads 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 Either Monad Id Monad Baseline Time(ms)
  • 35. 35C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A Performance Monad Transformer Stack 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ReaderTStateTWriterTEither Either Monad Id Monad Baseline Time(ms) type M[R, S, L, E, A] = ReaderT[StateT[WriterT[Either[E, ?], L, ?], S, ?], R, A]
  • 36. 36C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A Performance ReaderWriterState Monad 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ReaderWriterState ReaderTStateTWriterTEither Either Monad Id Monad Baseline Time(ms) final class IndexedReaderWriterStateT[F[_], E, L, SA, SB, A](val runF: F[(E, SA) => F[(L, SB, A)]]) extends Serializable { type ReaderWriterState[E, L, S, A] = ReaderWriterStateT[Eval, E, L, S, A]
  • 37. 37C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A Performance ReaderWriterStateTEither final class IndexedReaderWriterStateT[F[_], E, L, SA, SB, A](val runF: F[(E, SA) => F[(L, SB, A)]]) extends Serializable { type ReaderWriterStateTEither[E, L, S, A] = ReaderWriterStateT[Either[V, ?] , E, L, S, A] 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ReaderWriterStateTEither ReaderWriterState ReaderTStateTWriterTEither Either Monad Id Monad Baseline Time(ms)
  • 38. 38C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A Performance Service Monad 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ServiceMonad ReaderWriterStateTEither ReaderWriterState ReaderTStateTWriterTEither Either Monad Id Monad Baseline Time(ms) final case class ServiceMonad[R, S, L, E, T](f:(R, S) => Either[E, (S, L, T)]) {
  • 39. 39C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A Performance Unstacked Monad 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Unstacked Monad ServiceMonad ReaderWriterStateTEither ReaderWriterState ReaderTStateTWriterTEither Either Monad Id Monad Baseline Time(ms)
  • 40. 40C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A Performance Unstacked Monad sealed trait UnstackedMonad[R, S, L, E, A] final case class UnstackedError[R, S, L, E, A](e:E) extends UnstackedMonad[R, S, L, E, A] final case class UnstackedPure[R, S, L, E, A](a:A) extends UnstackedMonad[R, S, L, E, A] final case class UnstackedWriter[R, S, L, E, A](l:L, a:A) extends UnstackedMonad[R, S, L, E, A] final case class SuccessReturn[S, L, A] private(s:S, l:L, a:A) final case class ErrorReturn[E] private(e:E) final case class UnstackedFunction[R, S, L, E, A](func:(R, S) => Any) extends UnstackedMonad[R, S, L, E, A]
  • 41. 41C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A Performance Unstacked Monad final case class UnstackedError[R, S, L, E, A](e:E) extends UnstackedMonad[R, S, L, E, A] final case class UnstackedErrorWithLog[R, S, L, E, A](l: L, e:E) extends UnstackedMonad[R, S, L, E, A] final case class UnstackedErrorWithLogAndState[R, S, L, E, A](s:S, l:L, e:E) extends UnstackedMonad[R, S, L, E, A]
  • 42. 42C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A We need to talk about Futures
  • 43. 43C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A Supporting futures trait LiftFuture[M[_]] { def liftFuture[A](f: => Future[A]):M[A] } private def requestWithMethod( method: HttpMethod, url: String, headers:List[HttpHeader], contentType: ContentType, content: Array[Byte]): M[Array[Byte]] = for { res <- liftFuture { Http().singleRequest(HttpRequest(method, Uri(url), headers, HttpEntity(contentType, content))) } r <- status(url, res) d <- liftFuture { r.entity.dataBytes.runFold(ByteString(""))(_ ++ _).map(e => e.toIterator.toArray) } } yield d
  • 44. 44C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A Supporting futures final case class UnstackedFuture[R, S, L, E, A](func:(R, S) => Any) extends UnstackedAsyncMonad[R, S, L, E, A] final case class SuccessReturn[S, L, A] private(s:S, l:L, a:A) final case class ErrorReturn[E] private(e:E) final case class FutureReturn private(f:Future[Any])
  • 45. 45C R A F T E D B Y C O N C E N T R A Supporting futures class EffectfulActorServiceWrapper[D[_], M[_], N[_]:LiftFuture:Monad] (service: D ~> M, effect: => Effect[M, N], name:Option[String]) (implicit af:ActorRefFactory, timeout:Timeout) extends (D ~> N) { import akka.pattern._ val e:Effect[M, N] = effect def props = Props { new Actor { def receive: PartialFunction[Any, Unit] = { case d: D[_]@unchecked => sender ! e.unsafeRun(service(d)) } } } val actorRef: ActorRef = name.fold(af.actorOf(props)){ n => af.actorOf(props, n)} def apply[A](fa: D[A]):N[A] = implicitly[Monad[N]].flatten(implicitly[LiftFuture[N]].liftFuture(actorRef.ask(fa).asInstanceOf[Future[N[A]]])) }
  • 46. GET IN TOUCH • GET THE EDGE Concentra Analytics 100 Cheapside London EC2V 6DT +44 (0)20 7099 6910