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17th Annual Sahelo-Saharan Interest Group Meeting
2 days of talks on biodiversity conservation in the Sahara and in the Sahel
Sustainable Management of Sahelo-Saharan Protected Areas
Emilien DAUTREY, Threatened Species Officer – Noé
May	4	– 6,	2017
Projet d’appui à la gestion durable d’aires protégées sahélo-sahariennes, Niger et Tchad
Project of support for a sustainable management of the sahelo-saharan protected areas, Niger – Chad
Emilien Dautrey
Endangered Species Officer – NOÉ
Responsable du Pôle Espèces de Noé
17th SSIG, St Louis
4th of May, 2017
Project	financed by	the	European Union
Transboundary sahelo-saharan megafauna conservation project – 04/05/2017
Partners of Noé for this project in 2016
Niger and Chad governments
More than 80 CSOs in Niger and Chad
Financial partners in 2016
Transboundary sahelo-saharan megafauna conservation project – 04/05/17 4
Targeted areas
Réserve Naturelle Nationale de
Termit et Tin-Toumma, Niger
(9 700 000 ha)
Réserve de faune de Ouadi
Rimé Ouadi Achim , Chad
(7 795 000 ha)
Manga-Eguey area, Chad
Global objectives:
Conserve the last viable
populations of the sahelo-
sahara megafauna
Reinforce an effective
management of sahelo-saharan
protected areas and their
Improve the pastoral system for
the use of the local populations
Transboundary sahelo-saharan megafauna conservation project – 04/05/17 5
Specific Objective:
To develop an institutionnal
model of sustainable
management of
multifonctionnals protected
areas : as tools for the
conservation of biodiversity,
local development and political
stability for the local populations
Transboundary sahelo-saharan megafauna conservation project – 04/05/17 6
8 results to be achieved
R1 - Improve the knowledge and implement the priority activities of conservation and
raise awareness of the local populations
R2 - Reinforce the management capacities of the RNNTT, the RFOROA and support a
local management of the natural ressources
R3 - Improve the knowledge of the pastoral practices in Chad and creating a communal
management committee of the natural ressources for the RNNTT
R4 - Implement projects for the pastoral hydraulic and support the pastoral economy in
R5 - Implement health missions and microprojects of education in the RNNTT
R6 - Create / support a consultation framework with the oil industry (CNPC, Savannah
Petroleum) for developping mecanismes of biodiversity compensation
R7 - Think of new way of collecting funds
R8 - Communicate on the priority of conserve the megafauna sahelo-saharan
Transboundary sahelo-saharan megafauna conservation project – 04/05/17 7
R1 - Improve the knowledge and implement the priority activities of
Improvement of knowledge
● Termit and Tin-Toumma Natural National Reserve
Transboundary sahelo-saharan megafauna conservation project – 04/05/17 8
3	field missions	organized and	implemented:
Ø Addax:	aerial and	terrestrial survey
Ø Bustard population:	monitoring
Ø Termit massif	fauna and	wetlands:	monitoring
Four	missions	not	organized :
Ø 2	for	the	Oricou Vulture (identification	of	nest
and	breeding success)
Ø 2	for	the	Addax	(cold	and	heat seasons)
Transboundary sahelo-saharan megafauna conservation project – 04/05/17 9
Ø Establish a	regional action	plan	for	the	conservation	of	this species
Ø Stop	the	poaching from the	military forces
Ø Implement the	same survey in	Manga-Eguey area	in	Chad
Ø Develop and	implement a	program	of	reinforcement and	reintroduction of	the	addax	in	the	wild
Aerial and	terrestrial survey of	the	addax	population
Ø 3	addax	directly observed
Ø Indirect	observations	(feces,	tracks)
Ø Impossible	to	estimate the	size	of	the	population	in	the	Termit and	Tin-Toumma Reserve
Ø High	decrease of	the	population	if	compared with the	results of	the	aerial survey in	2007
Ø Evidence	of	poaching,	around CNPC
Ø Possibility of	a	dissemination of	the	population	on	a	large	scale,	from Niger	to	Chad with few	
posibilities of	connexion	between these groups	of	animals
Transboundary sahelo-saharan megafauna conservation project – 04/05/17 10
Ø Establish a	formal collaboration	with traditionnal hunters	from the	Sultan	of	Zinder
Ø Stop	the	poaching on	motorbikes in	the	Kandil Bouzou Dilia
Ø Increase the	monitoring	field missions	in	the	area	of	Kandil Bouzou,	piority area	for	dorcas	gazelles,	
bustards and	vultures
Monitoring	of	the	Bustard population
Ø Actors ;		SCF,	Reneco Wildlife and	Noé
Ø Goal:	to	equip10	bustard of	GPS	collars
Ø 2	Traditionnal hunters	to	capture	bustard
Ø 10	bustards captured,	9	equiped,	collars still functionnal
Ø Identification	of	a	new	distribution	area	for	the	megafauna :	Kandil Bouzou Dilia
Ø First	collaboration	with traditionnal hunters	very positive	regarding their knowledge of	the	area	and	of	
Transboundary sahelo-saharan megafauna conservation project – 04/05/17 11
Dorcas	gazelle,	dama	gazelle	and	Barbary sheep
Ø Stable	kilometer abundance index	fo the	dorcas	gazelles	during the	rain season,	creepage distance	
lower in	the	Termit massif	than in	the	Kandil Bouzou
Ø Few	observations	of	dama	gazelles	and	barbary sheeps
Ø Reinforce the	anti-poaching activities
Ø Reinforce the	monitoring	of	the	species in	the	Termit massif
Ø Obtain commitments form the	local	communities for	not	degrading or	stealing the	equipment used
such as	camera	traps
Monitoring	of	Termit massif	Fauna and	pools	of	water
Pools	of	water:
Ø Monitoring	of	all	the	pool	of	water	known and	identified
Ø Only two with water,	and	with the	presence of	livestock and	some waterbirds,	but	no	big mammals
R1 - Improve the knowledge and implement the priority activities of
Improvement of knowledge
● Manga-Eguey (ME) area and Ouadi-Rimé Ouadi Achim Fauna Reserve (RFOROA) in Chad
Transboundary sahelo-saharan megafauna conservation project – 04/05/17 12
Two field mission	organized and	implemented:
Ø Ecological inventory in	the	ME	area
Ø Identification	of	the	main	conservation	and	
management	issues	in	RFOROA
Transboundary sahelo-saharan megafauna conservation project – 04/05/17 13
Ø Determine and	establih the	way to	collect informations	from the	field due	to	the	lack of	agents	from
the	DCFAP	in	this area
Ø Developp a	regular monitoring	in	the	area	for	the	dama	gazelle
Ø Plan	a	terrestrial census of	the	addax	in	the	Eguey area	and	near the	frontier
Ecological inventory in	the	Manga-Eguey area
Ø Collect of	testimony regarding the	presence of	2	groups	of	addax	– one	in	the	Eguey area,	and	one	at
the	frontier with Niger	for	a	potentiel	total	number of	around 50	addax	
Ø Direct	observations	of	dorcas	gazelle	in	the	same area	than durng the	field mission	in	August	2010
Ø Tracks of	dama	gazelles
Ø Presence of	arabian and	nubian bustards
Ø High	diversity of	vultures with 5	different species observed :	Oricou vulture,	Ruppell vulture,	African
vulture,	white	head vulture,		hooded vulture
Ø Carnivores	observed:	fennec,	jackal,	ruppel fox,	pale	fox,	striped hyena,	Cat	from Lybia
Transboundary sahelo-saharan megafauna conservation project – 04/05/17 14
Ecological inventory in	the	Manga-Eguey area	– potentiel	sites	of	presence of	the	Addax
Transboundary sahelo-saharan megafauna conservation project – 04/05/17 15
Ø Determine and	establih the	way to	collect informations	from the	field due	to	the	lack of	agents	from
the	DCFAP	in	this area
Ø Developp a	regular monitoring	in	the	area	for	the	dama	gazelle
Ø Plan	a	terrestrial census of	the	addax	in	the	Eguey area	and	near the	frontier
Ecological inventory in	the	Manga-Eguey area
Ø Collect of	testimony regarding the	presence of	2	groups	of	addax	– one	in	the	Eguey area,	and	one	at
the	frontier with Niger	for	a	potentiel	total	number of	around 50	addax	
Ø Direct	observations	of	dorcas	gazelle	in	the	same area	than durng the	field mission	in	August	2010
Ø Tracks of	dama	gazelles
Ø Presence of	arabian and	nubian bustards
Ø High	diversity of	vultures with 5	different species observed :	Oricou vulture,	Ruppell vulture,	African
vulture,	white	head vulture,		hooded vulture
Ø Carnivores	observed:	fennec,	jackal,	ruppel fox,	pale	fox,	striped hyena,	Cat	from Lybia
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Ø Establish the	management	plan	of	the	Reserve
Ø Developping a	network	of	community agents
Ø Strenghening the	monitoring	of	the	dama	gazelle	population
Ø Strenghen the	capacity of	the	Reserve	to	fight bushfires
Identification	of	the	main	conservation	and	management	issues	for	the	Ouadi-Rimé	Ouadi-Achim	Fauna
Ø Increase of	the	population	of	the	dama	gazelle	certainly thanks to	the	presence of	the	Oryx	camp	with
a	population	estimated between 30	to	50	individuals
Ø Anthropics pressures	:	logging,	permanent	agriculture	causing the	desertification,	and	overgrazing,	
R1 - Improve the knowledge and implement the priority activities of
Conservation actions
● Community guard patrols
Transboundary sahelo-saharan megafauna conservation project – 04/05/17 17
6	community agents,	7	missions	of	community guard patrols:	75	
camps	visited,	more	than 5300	km	of	patrols,	raise awareness of	
3656	inhabitants,	arrest of	4	poachers
● Anti-poaching activities
Ø Purchase of	2	HF	radios,	4	VHF	radios,	fuel,	maintenance	of	
vehicles of	the	Unity of	Management	of	the	Protected Area
Ø New	patrol sheet
Ø Information	boards
Ø Arrest of	8	poachers,	seizure of	60	traps
● Advocacy
Ø Advocacy on	the	need to	change	the	law authorizing the	
forestry officers to	sell the	fauna poached confiscated as	the	
trafic	is now more	oriented on	the	poaching of	living	animals
R1 - Improve the knowledge and implement the priority activities of
Conservation actions
● Recommandations to the Ministry of Environment in Niger
Transboundary sahelo-saharan megafauna conservation project – 04/05/17 18
Ø Support	the	Unity of	Management	of	the	Protected Area	through
the	use	and	the	training	on	tool such as	SMART
Ø Strenghen the	presence of	forestry agents	in	the	Termit massif
Ø Increase the	number of	field missions	and	logisitical and	human
ressources	(35	agents	for	97	000	km2,	3	vehicles etc.)
Ø Allow the	reintroduction in	the	wild of	the	living	fauna
confiscated to	poachers
Ø Give the	community agents	a	official	acknowledgment
Ø Raise awareness on	the	need to	protect and	conserve	
biodiversity of	the	forestry agents	and	military forces	during their
Recommandations pour répondre à l’état
d’urgence écologique au sein de la RNNTT
Contact :
Abdoulaye HAROUNA, Chef de projet Noé Niger
Port. : +227 94 66 22 33
Mai 2016
R2 - Reinforce the management capacities of the RNNTT, the RFOROA
and support a local management of the natural ressources
Capacity building of managers of the 2 protected areas
● Training of forestry agents in Niger
Permanent	training	of	the	forestry agents	during each field mission	on	the	ecological monitoring,	and	the	
knowledge of	the	key species
Support of the decentralization of natural ressources management
● Communal development plan of Tesker
Support	of	the	revision of	the	Communal	Development Plan	of	Tesker for	the	integration of	the	
Management	issues	of	the	Reserve	within the	development plan	of	the	locality.	
Transboundary sahelo-saharan megafauna conservation project – 04/05/17 19
R3 - A communitary management of the natural ressources in the RNNTT
Territory contracts (« contrats terroirs ») for the natural ressources
● Effectiveness of these contracts
Ø Denunciation of	6	illegal wells
Ø Rational	use	of	the	water	pools	in	the	Termit Massif
Ø Information	on	poaching
Ø Stop	of	use	of	poison	against jackals
Ø Stop	disturbance on	Oricou vultures nests
● Dongoumi declaration
Ø 120	people	gathered:	65	chiefs of	nomadic camps,	
regional and	local	authorities,	CSOs
Ø Remind of	the	commitments of	the	local	
communities through the	territory contracts and	
statement that the	government needs to	do	more.
Ø Declaration transmitted to	the	minister of	interior
and	minsiter of	environment
Transboundary sahelo-saharan megafauna conservation project – 04/05/17 20
R4 – Develop the pastoral hydraulic and support the pastoral economy in
Reinforcement of traditional wells
Ø Partnerhsip with Savannah	petroleum funding the	building	of	
a	new	reinforced traditionnal well in	the	locality of	N’Gourti
Transboundary sahelo-saharan megafauna conservation project – 04/05/17 21
Support to pastoralism activities
● Improvement to the access of veterinary services
Ø Diagnostic	of	the	main	pathologies	in	the	RNNTT
Ø Schedule	of	campaigns of	vaccination
R5 - Health missions and microprojects of education in the RNNTT
Health microprojects
● Vaccination campaigns
Education microprojects
● Building of 2 classrooms, and equipment of 4
● 12 students from the RNNTT in the internship of
Transboundary sahelo-saharan megafauna conservation project – 04/05/17 22
year 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Nb	mission 3 3 3 3 2 3 2 2
Care 238 423 456 1204 498 647 342 437
vaccination 1241 500 526 948 125 314 518 380
574 128 265 146 91 155 323 0
R6 - A consultation framework with the oil industry (CNPC, Savannah
Petroleum) for developping mecanismes of biodiversity compensation
Building capacities and empowerment of SCOs in Niger
● Diagnostic of the oil context in Chad
Ø Identification	of	the	main	stakeholders in	Chad in	the	assessment of	the	environmental impact	of	the	
oil activities
Transboundary sahelo-saharan megafauna conservation project – 04/05/17 23
● Support to the SCOs
Ø Exchange	visit in	Niamey	between SCOs from Niger,	Chad,	governmental agency for	environmental
assessment from Niger	and	Chad,	Project	Niger	Fauna Corridor,	Noé,	Ministry of	environment in	Niger
Ø Recommandations	on	the	oil exploitation	context in	Niger	for	bringing more	transparency,	on	the	
need of	support	the	conservation	of	the	sahelo-saharan biodiversity,	on	the	need to	create an	
regional netwrok between SCOs for	initiating a	regional collaboration
R6 – A consultation framework with the oil industry (CNPC, Savannah
Petroleum) for developping mecanismes of biodiversity compensation
Building capacities and empowerment of SCOs in Niger
● Advocacy campaigns
● A	slogan	:	« Sauvegardons	notre	environnement	pour	nous	même	et	les	générations	futures	tout	en	
exploitant	durablement	nos	ressources. »
Ø 1600	people	met
Ø One	action	plan	shared with the	ministry of	environment
Ø Meeting	with members of	parliament to	present recommandations	on	the	oil context in	Niger	and	the	
need to	improve it
Ø Lecture	with national	authorities,	french	ambassador,	Minister of	environment
Ø Radio,	TV	following-up
Transboundary sahelo-saharan megafauna conservation project – 04/05/17 24
R6 - A consultation framework with the oil industry (CNPC, Savannah
Petroleum) for developping mecanismes of biodiversity compensation
Promote good practices
● Determine good practices
Ø Good	practices	regarding the	avifauna not	applied
● MoU with Savannah Petroleum
Ø Second	MoU signed between Noé	and	Savannah	Petroleum for	
supporting financialy activities for	the	local	communities
Transboundary sahelo-saharan megafauna conservation project – 04/05/17 25
Fraternité - Travail – Progrès
Constat de Mortalités des Tourterelles (Streptopeiia Spp.) au
niveau de la station intermédiaire de chauffage N°3 sur le trajet
pipeline Gouméri -Raffinerie de Zinder
Présenté par :
M. Halidou ADAMOU,
Chef de Section Protection et Surveillance de la RNNTT
Juillet 2016
Actions menées en 2016/2017
Projet d’appui à la gestion durable d’aires protégées sahélo-sahariennes, Niger et Tchad
Vos contacts chez Noé :
Sébastien PINCHON, Responsable du Pôle International
Port. : +33 6 87 49 24 76 courriel :
Valérie COLLIN, Secrétaire générale
Port. : +33 6 11 34 02 82 courriel :
Abdoulaye HAROUNA, Coordonateur du PCBR
Port : +227 9466 2233 courriel :
Avril 2017
R8 - Communicate on the need of conserve the megafauna sahelo-
Ø Radio,	TV,	articles,	web,	press release	from IUCN,	lectures,	courses	in	University in	Niger`
Ø One musical album named « Addax » from the group Dangana: 2000 CDs and 2000
DVDs disseminated within the military camps
Transboundary sahelo-saharan megafauna conservation project – 04/05/17 26

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Más de Sahara Conservation Fund (20)

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Sustainable management of Sahelo-Saharan protected areas

  • 1. 17th Annual Sahelo-Saharan Interest Group Meeting 2 days of talks on biodiversity conservation in the Sahara and in the Sahel Sustainable Management of Sahelo-Saharan Protected Areas Emilien DAUTREY, Threatened Species Officer – Noé May 4 – 6, 2017
  • 2. RESULTS 2016 Projet d’appui à la gestion durable d’aires protégées sahélo-sahariennes, Niger et Tchad Project of support for a sustainable management of the sahelo-saharan protected areas, Niger – Chad Emilien Dautrey Endangered Species Officer – NOÉ Responsable du Pôle Espèces de Noé 17th SSIG, St Louis 4th of May, 2017 Project financed by the European Union
  • 3. Transboundary sahelo-saharan megafauna conservation project – 04/05/2017 3 Partners of Noé for this project in 2016 Niger and Chad governments More than 80 CSOs in Niger and Chad SCF Financial partners in 2016
  • 4. Transboundary sahelo-saharan megafauna conservation project – 04/05/17 4 Targeted areas Réserve Naturelle Nationale de Termit et Tin-Toumma, Niger (9 700 000 ha) Réserve de faune de Ouadi Rimé Ouadi Achim , Chad (7 795 000 ha) Manga-Eguey area, Chad
  • 5. Global objectives: Conserve the last viable populations of the sahelo- sahara megafauna Reinforce an effective management of sahelo-saharan protected areas and their funding Improve the pastoral system for the use of the local populations Transboundary sahelo-saharan megafauna conservation project – 04/05/17 5
  • 6. Specific Objective: To develop an institutionnal model of sustainable management of multifonctionnals protected areas : as tools for the conservation of biodiversity, local development and political stability for the local populations Transboundary sahelo-saharan megafauna conservation project – 04/05/17 6
  • 7. 8 results to be achieved R1 - Improve the knowledge and implement the priority activities of conservation and raise awareness of the local populations R2 - Reinforce the management capacities of the RNNTT, the RFOROA and support a local management of the natural ressources R3 - Improve the knowledge of the pastoral practices in Chad and creating a communal management committee of the natural ressources for the RNNTT R4 - Implement projects for the pastoral hydraulic and support the pastoral economy in the RNNTT R5 - Implement health missions and microprojects of education in the RNNTT R6 - Create / support a consultation framework with the oil industry (CNPC, Savannah Petroleum) for developping mecanismes of biodiversity compensation R7 - Think of new way of collecting funds R8 - Communicate on the priority of conserve the megafauna sahelo-saharan Transboundary sahelo-saharan megafauna conservation project – 04/05/17 7
  • 8. R1 - Improve the knowledge and implement the priority activities of conservation Improvement of knowledge ● Termit and Tin-Toumma Natural National Reserve Transboundary sahelo-saharan megafauna conservation project – 04/05/17 8 3 field missions organized and implemented: Ø Addax: aerial and terrestrial survey Ø Bustard population: monitoring Ø Termit massif fauna and wetlands: monitoring Four missions not organized : Ø 2 for the Oricou Vulture (identification of nest and breeding success) Ø 2 for the Addax (cold and heat seasons)
  • 9. Transboundary sahelo-saharan megafauna conservation project – 04/05/17 9 Recommandations: Ø Establish a regional action plan for the conservation of this species Ø Stop the poaching from the military forces Ø Implement the same survey in Manga-Eguey area in Chad Ø Develop and implement a program of reinforcement and reintroduction of the addax in the wild Aerial and terrestrial survey of the addax population Conlusions: Ø 3 addax directly observed Ø Indirect observations (feces, tracks) Ø Impossible to estimate the size of the population in the Termit and Tin-Toumma Reserve Ø High decrease of the population if compared with the results of the aerial survey in 2007 Ø Evidence of poaching, around CNPC Ø Possibility of a dissemination of the population on a large scale, from Niger to Chad with few posibilities of connexion between these groups of animals
  • 10. Transboundary sahelo-saharan megafauna conservation project – 04/05/17 10 Recommandations: Ø Establish a formal collaboration with traditionnal hunters from the Sultan of Zinder Ø Stop the poaching on motorbikes in the Kandil Bouzou Dilia Ø Increase the monitoring field missions in the area of Kandil Bouzou, piority area for dorcas gazelles, bustards and vultures Monitoring of the Bustard population Organization: Ø Actors ; SCF, Reneco Wildlife and Noé Ø Goal: to equip10 bustard of GPS collars Ø 2 Traditionnal hunters to capture bustard Results: Ø 10 bustards captured, 9 equiped, collars still functionnal Ø Identification of a new distribution area for the megafauna : Kandil Bouzou Dilia Ø First collaboration with traditionnal hunters very positive regarding their knowledge of the area and of poaching
  • 11. Transboundary sahelo-saharan megafauna conservation project – 04/05/17 11 Dorcas gazelle, dama gazelle and Barbary sheep Ø Stable kilometer abundance index fo the dorcas gazelles during the rain season, creepage distance lower in the Termit massif than in the Kandil Bouzou Ø Few observations of dama gazelles and barbary sheeps Recommandations: Ø Reinforce the anti-poaching activities Ø Reinforce the monitoring of the species in the Termit massif Ø Obtain commitments form the local communities for not degrading or stealing the equipment used such as camera traps Monitoring of Termit massif Fauna and pools of water Pools of water: Ø Monitoring of all the pool of water known and identified Ø Only two with water, and with the presence of livestock and some waterbirds, but no big mammals
  • 12. R1 - Improve the knowledge and implement the priority activities of conservation Improvement of knowledge ● Manga-Eguey (ME) area and Ouadi-Rimé Ouadi Achim Fauna Reserve (RFOROA) in Chad Transboundary sahelo-saharan megafauna conservation project – 04/05/17 12 Two field mission organized and implemented: Ø Ecological inventory in the ME area Ø Identification of the main conservation and management issues in RFOROA
  • 13. Transboundary sahelo-saharan megafauna conservation project – 04/05/17 13 Recommandations: Ø Determine and establih the way to collect informations from the field due to the lack of agents from the DCFAP in this area Ø Developp a regular monitoring in the area for the dama gazelle Ø Plan a terrestrial census of the addax in the Eguey area and near the frontier Ecological inventory in the Manga-Eguey area Conclusions: Ø Collect of testimony regarding the presence of 2 groups of addax – one in the Eguey area, and one at the frontier with Niger for a potentiel total number of around 50 addax Ø Direct observations of dorcas gazelle in the same area than durng the field mission in August 2010 Ø Tracks of dama gazelles Ø Presence of arabian and nubian bustards Ø High diversity of vultures with 5 different species observed : Oricou vulture, Ruppell vulture, African vulture, white head vulture, hooded vulture Ø Carnivores observed: fennec, jackal, ruppel fox, pale fox, striped hyena, Cat from Lybia
  • 14. Transboundary sahelo-saharan megafauna conservation project – 04/05/17 14 Ecological inventory in the Manga-Eguey area – potentiel sites of presence of the Addax
  • 15. Transboundary sahelo-saharan megafauna conservation project – 04/05/17 15 Recommandations: Ø Determine and establih the way to collect informations from the field due to the lack of agents from the DCFAP in this area Ø Developp a regular monitoring in the area for the dama gazelle Ø Plan a terrestrial census of the addax in the Eguey area and near the frontier Ecological inventory in the Manga-Eguey area Conclusions: Ø Collect of testimony regarding the presence of 2 groups of addax – one in the Eguey area, and one at the frontier with Niger for a potentiel total number of around 50 addax Ø Direct observations of dorcas gazelle in the same area than durng the field mission in August 2010 Ø Tracks of dama gazelles Ø Presence of arabian and nubian bustards Ø High diversity of vultures with 5 different species observed : Oricou vulture, Ruppell vulture, African vulture, white head vulture, hooded vulture Ø Carnivores observed: fennec, jackal, ruppel fox, pale fox, striped hyena, Cat from Lybia
  • 16. Transboundary sahelo-saharan megafauna conservation project – 04/05/17 16 Recommandations: Ø Establish the management plan of the Reserve Ø Developping a network of community agents Ø Strenghening the monitoring of the dama gazelle population Ø Strenghen the capacity of the Reserve to fight bushfires Identification of the main conservation and management issues for the Ouadi-Rimé Ouadi-Achim Fauna Reserve Conclusions: Ø Increase of the population of the dama gazelle certainly thanks to the presence of the Oryx camp with a population estimated between 30 to 50 individuals Ø Anthropics pressures : logging, permanent agriculture causing the desertification, and overgrazing, bushfires
  • 17. R1 - Improve the knowledge and implement the priority activities of conservation Conservation actions ● Community guard patrols Transboundary sahelo-saharan megafauna conservation project – 04/05/17 17 6 community agents, 7 missions of community guard patrols: 75 camps visited, more than 5300 km of patrols, raise awareness of 3656 inhabitants, arrest of 4 poachers ● Anti-poaching activities Ø Purchase of 2 HF radios, 4 VHF radios, fuel, maintenance of vehicles of the Unity of Management of the Protected Area Ø New patrol sheet Ø Information boards Ø Arrest of 8 poachers, seizure of 60 traps ● Advocacy Ø Advocacy on the need to change the law authorizing the forestry officers to sell the fauna poached confiscated as the trafic is now more oriented on the poaching of living animals
  • 18. R1 - Improve the knowledge and implement the priority activities of conservation Conservation actions ● Recommandations to the Ministry of Environment in Niger Transboundary sahelo-saharan megafauna conservation project – 04/05/17 18 Ø Support the Unity of Management of the Protected Area through the use and the training on tool such as SMART Ø Strenghen the presence of forestry agents in the Termit massif Ø Increase the number of field missions and logisitical and human ressources (35 agents for 97 000 km2, 3 vehicles etc.) Ø Allow the reintroduction in the wild of the living fauna confiscated to poachers Ø Give the community agents a official acknowledgment Ø Raise awareness on the need to protect and conserve biodiversity of the forestry agents and military forces during their training Recommandations pour répondre à l’état d’urgence écologique au sein de la RNNTT Contact : Abdoulaye HAROUNA, Chef de projet Noé Niger Port. : +227 94 66 22 33 Mai 2016 Photo©ThomasRabeil–SCF-2016
  • 19. R2 - Reinforce the management capacities of the RNNTT, the RFOROA and support a local management of the natural ressources Capacity building of managers of the 2 protected areas ● Training of forestry agents in Niger Permanent training of the forestry agents during each field mission on the ecological monitoring, and the knowledge of the key species Support of the decentralization of natural ressources management ● Communal development plan of Tesker Support of the revision of the Communal Development Plan of Tesker for the integration of the Management issues of the Reserve within the development plan of the locality. Transboundary sahelo-saharan megafauna conservation project – 04/05/17 19
  • 20. R3 - A communitary management of the natural ressources in the RNNTT Territory contracts (« contrats terroirs ») for the natural ressources management ● Effectiveness of these contracts Ø Denunciation of 6 illegal wells Ø Rational use of the water pools in the Termit Massif Ø Information on poaching Ø Stop of use of poison against jackals Ø Stop disturbance on Oricou vultures nests ● Dongoumi declaration Ø 120 people gathered: 65 chiefs of nomadic camps, regional and local authorities, CSOs Ø Remind of the commitments of the local communities through the territory contracts and statement that the government needs to do more. Ø Declaration transmitted to the minister of interior and minsiter of environment Transboundary sahelo-saharan megafauna conservation project – 04/05/17 20
  • 21. R4 – Develop the pastoral hydraulic and support the pastoral economy in the RNNTT Reinforcement of traditional wells Ø Partnerhsip with Savannah petroleum funding the building of a new reinforced traditionnal well in the locality of N’Gourti Transboundary sahelo-saharan megafauna conservation project – 04/05/17 21 Support to pastoralism activities ● Improvement to the access of veterinary services Ø Diagnostic of the main pathologies in the RNNTT Ø Schedule of campaigns of vaccination
  • 22. R5 - Health missions and microprojects of education in the RNNTT Health microprojects ● Vaccination campaigns Education microprojects ● Building of 2 classrooms, and equipment of 4 classrooms ● 12 students from the RNNTT in the internship of Zinder Transboundary sahelo-saharan megafauna conservation project – 04/05/17 22 year 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Nb mission 3 3 3 3 2 3 2 2 Care 238 423 456 1204 498 647 342 437 vaccination 1241 500 526 948 125 314 518 380 With booster 574 128 265 146 91 155 323 0
  • 23. R6 - A consultation framework with the oil industry (CNPC, Savannah Petroleum) for developping mecanismes of biodiversity compensation Building capacities and empowerment of SCOs in Niger ● Diagnostic of the oil context in Chad Ø Identification of the main stakeholders in Chad in the assessment of the environmental impact of the oil activities Transboundary sahelo-saharan megafauna conservation project – 04/05/17 23 ● Support to the SCOs Ø Exchange visit in Niamey between SCOs from Niger, Chad, governmental agency for environmental assessment from Niger and Chad, Project Niger Fauna Corridor, Noé, Ministry of environment in Niger Ø Recommandations on the oil exploitation context in Niger for bringing more transparency, on the need of support the conservation of the sahelo-saharan biodiversity, on the need to create an regional netwrok between SCOs for initiating a regional collaboration
  • 24. R6 – A consultation framework with the oil industry (CNPC, Savannah Petroleum) for developping mecanismes of biodiversity compensation Building capacities and empowerment of SCOs in Niger ● Advocacy campaigns ● A slogan : « Sauvegardons notre environnement pour nous même et les générations futures tout en exploitant durablement nos ressources. » Ø 1600 people met Ø One action plan shared with the ministry of environment Ø Meeting with members of parliament to present recommandations on the oil context in Niger and the need to improve it Ø Lecture with national authorities, french ambassador, Minister of environment Ø Radio, TV following-up Transboundary sahelo-saharan megafauna conservation project – 04/05/17 24
  • 25. R6 - A consultation framework with the oil industry (CNPC, Savannah Petroleum) for developping mecanismes of biodiversity compensation Promote good practices ● Determine good practices Ø Good practices regarding the avifauna not applied ● MoU with Savannah Petroleum Ø Second MoU signed between Noé and Savannah Petroleum for supporting financialy activities for the local communities Transboundary sahelo-saharan megafauna conservation project – 04/05/17 25 REPUBLIQUE DU NIGER Fraternité - Travail – Progrès ------------------- MINISTERE DE L'ENVIRONNEMENT ET DU DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE ------------------------------------- DIRECTION GENERALE DES EAUX ET FORETS ----------------------------- DIRECTION DE LA FAUNE, DE LA CHASSE ET DES AIRES PROTEGEES ----------------- RESERVE NATURELLE NATIONALE DE TERMIT ET TIN-TOUMMA ------------------------------------- RAPPORT DE MISSION Constat de Mortalités des Tourterelles (Streptopeiia Spp.) au niveau de la station intermédiaire de chauffage N°3 sur le trajet pipeline Gouméri -Raffinerie de Zinder Présenté par : M. Halidou ADAMOU, Chef de Section Protection et Surveillance de la RNNTT Juillet 2016 – Actions menées en 2016/2017 Projet d’appui à la gestion durable d’aires protégées sahélo-sahariennes, Niger et Tchad BILAN Vos contacts chez Noé : Sébastien PINCHON, Responsable du Pôle International Port. : +33 6 87 49 24 76 courriel : Valérie COLLIN, Secrétaire générale Port. : +33 6 11 34 02 82 courriel : Abdoulaye HAROUNA, Coordonateur du PCBR Port : +227 9466 2233 courriel : Avril 2017
  • 26. R8 - Communicate on the need of conserve the megafauna sahelo- saharan Ø Radio, TV, articles, web, press release from IUCN, lectures, courses in University in Niger` Ø One musical album named « Addax » from the group Dangana: 2000 CDs and 2000 DVDs disseminated within the military camps Transboundary sahelo-saharan megafauna conservation project – 04/05/17 26