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Digital Marketing Assignment
Email Marketing and Affiliate Marketing
Submitted to, Submitted by,
Dr. Md. Shahnawaz Abdin Sadiah
Table of Content
What is email marketing?
Debunking the myth
Why is email marketing one of the most
preferred ways to contact people?
Sageer Saifi 3-38
The different ways in which email marketing
Tips,tricks and things to keep in mind while
implementing an email marketing strategy
Email marketing services
Sidra Khan 39-53
What is affiliate marketing
How does affiliate marketing work
Sadiah 54-57
9. Marketing Techniques Siyam Ali
Why become an affiliate marketer
The benefits of affiliate marketing
Different affiliate marketing programs
Steps to develop digital marketing strategy
Waqar ----
1.What is email marketing?
What is email marketing? Basically, the use of email to promote products and/or
services. But a better email marketing definition is the use of email to develop
relationships with potential customers and/or clients. Email marketing is one
segment of internet marketing, which encompasses online marketing via websites,
social media, blogs, etc. It is essentially the same as direct mail except that instead
of sending mail through the postal service, messages are sent electronically via
What are some popular myths of email marketing?
· Email marketing is dead
· People no longer want to share data online
· GDPR has ruined email marketing
· No one checks their email anymore
· Other marketing methods have replaced email
· Emails must be sent at a specific time
· Churn is bad
· Millennials don’t use email
Email marketing is dead
There’s no question that social media has become a dominant media source.
Because of this, many opt to grow customer relationships via Facebook or
Instagram. But even with social media’s popularity, email marketing is far from
On the contrary, email marketing is still a more successful way to reach customers.
In fact, 80% of retail professionals indicate email marketing is better at retaining
customers than social media. This is great news for marketers, since customer
retention is both lucrative and cost-effective for businesses.
Email marketing’s superior ROI also indicates the success of email marketing,
because marketers can invest a small amount of resources into email and still see a
big return.
People no longer want to share data
Even with email marketing’s successful nature, data collection is a major concern
for the public. Data breaches are not unfamiliar to most internet users, especially
now. The information shared in the last several years, whether on social media,
credit reporting agencies, or third-party affiliates, has compromised thousands of
people online.
You may recall John Oliver’s HBO segment in which he urged people to freeze
their credit reports after hackers targeted credit reporting agencies. Or you may be
thinking of a slightly fresher story—Facebook’s Cambridge Analytica
scandal—the breach that allowed users’ information to be collected, analysed, and
used politically.
But email is resilient.
While social media fails to win public confidence, email luckily appears to be
holding strong. In fact, over half of adults still feel confident in email providers’
ability to protect their data.
Even as data breaches negatively affect the public’s opinion, email continues to
remain steady. This also means email is seen as a safe alternative to other online
resources, despite a changing online climate.
GDPR ruined email marketing
When it comes to data breaches, part of the concern is the mystery behind data
collection. Just what information are companies collecting? And how much?
How GDPR affects data collection
This is where GDPR comes in. GDPR (General Data protection Regulation) is the
EU’s most recent set of regulations regarding data collection. In short, companies
must comply with a set of rules demanding data transparency.
Users now have more control of their personal data, meaning they can learn about
the data collected and have it removed from websites.
But users are still willing to share data.
GDPR naturally scared email marketers, since personalized and segmented
campaigns largely rely on data collection to be successful. Many marketers
believed GDPR would ruin email marketing as we know it.
But just because people can withhold their data doesn’t mean they will. In fact,
75% of consumers are willing to share personal data, as long as they’re sharing
with a brand they trust.
Many consumers know sharing data can reward them with discounts and
promotions. As long your email campaign is building a sense of trust with your
customer base, chances are they will continue to share their data with you.
No one checks their email anymore
When it comes to myths of email marketing, this one comes up again and again.
After all, the email marketing world is relatively saturated. Why would customers
look at your email over the hundreds of others they receive in a week?
We’re all guilty of ignoring emails from time to time. Promotions or petitions may
sit in our inboxes, unread. When we don’t read these emails, open rates and CTRs
are affected, often leading to one conclusion: No one reads emails anymore.
But people are reading daily.
In fact, 89% of Americans check their email daily, meaning people are seeing your
emails, even if they’re not necessarily opening them or clicking through. If you’re
experiencing poor metrics, consider your personalization and segmentation
Are you catering to individual groups of customers, or are you merely sending the
same email to everyone? A lack of customization can negatively impact your rates.
Consider improving the personalization factor of your campaign by collecting data,
such as high-spending customers, consumer interests, and buyer demographics.
Other marketing methods have replaced email
We discussed some of the issues with social media marketing earlier. But what
about other forms of marketing? How can you be sure email marketing is superior?
Advertisements can certainly seem like a preferable solution to email marketing,
especially since you can pay for an advertisement to go virtually anywhere, and
there’s no guarantee your email will be opened.
But people are opting into email lists.
Still, there’s something to be said for the opt-in nature of email. Ads can be
distracting and annoying, especially since they pop up in unexpected places.
Reading an email, on the other hand, is voluntary.
Plus, 50% of consumers actually prefer to communicate with brands via email,
whereas over 90% of online ads go unnoticed. This means customers are more
likely looking for your emails and scrolling past ads.
Send emails at a specific time
You may have heard about the importance of email send times. This is another
popular myth among the myths of email marketing. According to this idea, you
have to send an email at a particular time to get reads.
But data is superior.
The truth is, no magic formula will entice readers into opening your emails.
Sending at email at 9am on a Monday isn’t inherently better than sending at 2pm
on a Tuesday. Rather than trying to adhere to a perfect send time, let data dictate
your emails.
Distribute a survey to learn about customer preferences. Test different email send
times. Take stock of your numbers. Do people seem to read your emails more
frequently in the mornings or during the afternoon slump? Do varying time zone
affect this data? Collect, analyse, and let the results guide your next steps.
Churn is bad
Churn happens when your subscribers opt out of your list or become inactive.
Because of this, many people assume churn is always a bad sign, especially since
retention is so important.
But churn can be an opportunity.
While no one wants a high churn rate, it’s important to recognize churn as an
opportunity. If someone opts out of your email list, for instance, it could be
because you’re sending that person too many irrelevant emails.
If your subscribers are becoming inactive, it could be a personalization issue. For
instance, someone who purchases an item once a year doesn’t want daily
promotional emails. Instead, they need to receive emails on a schedule that fits
their purchasing habits.
Millennials don’t use email
There’re no doubt millennials are seen as a generation that’s shaking things up.
Many industries have changed as millennials have entered the workforce, but email
is not one of them. In fact, email is one of the few constants that continues to be
popular among all ages.
But millennials are using email more than you might think.
In fact, 73% of millennials identify email as their preferred resource for
communicating with businesses, which is especially interesting, since millennials
are largely seen as the social media generation. However, Americans are actually
less likely to use social media as they get older.
It’s also important to consider just how often younger generations are interacting
with email. On average, millennials spend five or more hours in their inboxes a
day. This means millennials are not only using email, but it’s a huge part of the
way they communicate.
Now you’re not just familiar with popular myths of email marketing, but you also
know why they’re myths. By reading recent studies, you can often debunk myths
before they have the chance to affect your marketing negatively.
And even though there are other marketing methods out there, email marketing
seems to perform the best statistically better than paid advertisements or even
social media. So, even though email may not be as trendy as other platforms, it’s
proven to be relevant and successful when executed well.
Still, we have to remember no broad generalization applies to every marketer. This
is why collecting data continues to be extremely important. By observing analytics
for your subscribers and their behaviours, you can learn what works for your email
list and what doesn’t. So, now that you have the tools to disprove email myths,
what myth will you debunk next?
Reasons Why Email Marketing Is Important for Your Internet
“More than 34% of the people worldwide use email. That’s about 2.5 billion
people. It’s predicted to increase to 2.8 billion email users in the next 2 years. Yup,
email’s popular. The Radicati Group, who came up with that info, also reckon that
the world sends about 196 billion emails daily. Out of these 196 billion emails the
majority, 109 billion, is business email.
1. More effective than social media (for customer
Don’t get us wrong, social media is an extremely important component in any
business’ marketing strategy. Social Media is a great channel for interacting
with your audience and strengthening your personal relationships with them.
And because of that, it is an important first step towards reaching your ultimate
goal – the conversion.
But when it comes to converting people into members, customers or supporters,
email marketing is the way to go.
A study by Custora from 2013 found that customer acquisition via email
marketing has quadrupled in the four years preceding 2013. Email marketing
then already accounted for nearly 7% of all customer acquisitions that occurred
2. Economic and Cost Effective
It’s easy, effective, and inexpensive. Email marketing allows business owners to
reach a large number of consumers at a rate of nearly nothing per message.
For small-business owners on a budget, this makes it a better choice than
traditional marketing channels like TV, radio, or direct mail. You don’t have to
take our word for it. Even with the explosion of all sorts of new technology and
social networks, marketers keep coming back to email.
The reason is clear–for ten years in a row, email is the channel generating the
highest ROI for marketers. According to Direct Marketing Association (DMA),
for every $1 spent, email marketing generates $40 in ROI
Compared to traditional marketing efforts where printing, postage etc. can take
up a lot of cost for your direct mail campaigns. With emails, you are still able to
create the same imagery with the added benefit of having follow-up information
instantly available with one click to your website.
Perhaps just as importantly, with the correct maintenance of an email list, the
cost benefits increase as does the ROI through the closer relationship
established with the recipients. Together with the higher response rates that
email marketing attracts, you, therefore, get more positive responses, more
quickly and at a lower unit cost! Win-win situation!
3 Personal and Customisable
In email marketing, what you’re really doing is segmenting your audience into
lists, and sending each list a tailored email message that resonates with your
reader and can provide them with something of value (segmented and targeted
emails generate 58% of all revenue according to DMA, and marketers that use
segmented campaigns, have noted a 760% increase in revenue, according to
Campaign Monitor).
Then you write a post for one of your social media channels, you address your
audience as a whole (“To all of our fans, we would like to say.”). But by using
your email marketing software correctly, it allows you to address people
individually by name, split certain topics only for certain members of your list
and eventually arrive privately in their personal inbox.
According to research from Campaign Monitor, emails with subject lines that
include the recipient’s name are 26% more likely to be opened.
eConsultancy even goes as far as stating that 74% of marketers say targeted
personalization increases customer engagement.
Email does not have to be SPAM – and it should never be! It can be used
thoughtfully to build loyalty and trust in your brand.
Email marketing is important for building relationships with prospects, leads,
current customers, and even past customers because it gives you a chance to
speak directly to them, in their inbox, at a time that is convenient for them. Be
friendly and personable. You are not invading their space if you have chosen
your message and your recipient wisely.
4 Action Oriented
Whether you realise it or not, everybody is trained to do something with an
email -reply, forward, click-through, sign-up, or even straight buying.
Think about this!
Email is transactional by nature and you can use it to direct traffic to your
website and ultimately drive sales.
As you develop your small business or startup marketing strategy as a whole,
using email will allow you to see results straight away.
This means not just sending out newsletters, but also using email automation
based on triggers of your customers.
Transactional emails have 8x more opens and clicks than any other type
of email and can generate 6x more revenue according to Experian.
5 Measurable
There’s no guesswork in email marketing. When you use any email marketing
software, you can track who opened your email, which links were clicked, and
how many people unsubscribed.
You can easily get a picture of how your email campaigns are performing, make
adjustments and improve your effectiveness. Email marketing metrics are
important to remember as you monitor and measure your internet marketing
strategy as a whole.
If you want to know how successful your email campaigns are compared to
other people in your industry, have a look at the below chart by Constant
Almost all major Email Service Providers (ESP’s) are providing these kinds of
statistics. Others include Get Response, and the one we are using; MailChimp.
A lot of email marketing software allows for split testing of your emails. As
A/B testing comes from direct mail, it should go without saying that A/B testing
in your email marketing campaigns is essential. A/B testing can reveal a great
wealth of data about your subscribers. Do they generally respond better to
tempting subject lines such as “Free”, “20 percent off”, or “Now on Sale”? Or,
are they more open to a softer intro, maybe informing them of what to expect in
your email. All these things can be tested, measured, learned from and
improved upon.
6 Mobile devices allow people to check their email constantly
Because mobile devices have become so common, people are checking their
emails all the time—in line at Starbucks, during their office commute, in the
waiting room at the doctor’s office, at the grocery store, everywhere.
Some people think that with the growing popularity of social media platforms,
email should be forgotten and may be pushed to the side.
A study in 2014 from Exacttarget reports that 91% of people use smartphones
to access their email. This compared to 75% of the people who use their
smartphones for social networking. Not using email as part of your internet
marketing strategy means you are missing out on a channel that a majority of
the world uses!
Different Ways in Which Email Marketing Works
Deciding where to invest your marketing dollars isn’t a decision you take lightly.
You know you need to attract new customers and keep your existing clients coming
back, but you can’t afford to invest time or resources into something that isn’t
going to deliver the results you expect.
An email marketing campaign is a cost-effective solution that gives you the power
to reach customers in a place most people visit every day — their inbox.
But if you really want to find out how small business email marketing can work for
your business, why not ask other small business owners and see how it worked for
We’re constantly on the lookout for the exciting and innovative ways our
customers are using email marketing to build customer relationships and do more
1. Build credibility
People do business with people they know, like, and trust. Email gives you the
ability to build credibility with your audience by sharing helpful and informative
2. Generate calls
When done right, email marketing lets businesses reach the right person, with the
right offer, at the right time. For a business like Rejuvenate Therapeutic Massage, a
well-timed email results in a flood of calls each time they hit send.
3. Improve communication
If your business depends on having a reliable way to communicate with your
members and clients, you need to have a communication channel you can trust. For
real estate management company, Buccini/Pollin Group, email has provided a
reliable solution to keep tenants informed and up to date.
4. Build your brand
With email marketing, you can strengthen brand recognition with new and
potential clients, and extend your reach when people forward or share your
message with a friend.
5. Boost sales
When you have an audience of people who opt in to receiving updates from your
business, you’ll be able to think differently about how you boost sales throughout
the year. This has been especially valuable for a business-like Colorado-based
Allegria Spa, which communicates with local residents and visitors from around
the country.
6. Reach people on any device
With nearly two-thirds of all emails being opened on a mobile device, email
marketing is one of the best tools you can use to take advantage of the growing
popularity of mobile technology.
7. Increase website traffic
Whether you’re an e-commerce business that sells products online, or a retail store
that wants to increase traffic to your website so that you can bring more people into
your store — email marketing campaigns can help.
8. Market with a personal touch
Unlike other marketing channels that often limit your ability to customize your
message for the different audiences you communicate with, email marketing gives
you the ability to organize your audience into lists and communicate with people
based on interest, purchase behavior, location, and more.
9. Get immediate results
When you run a small business, every sale, order, or appointment can have a
significant impact. With email, you’re able to get the results you’re looking for
right away and easily track how your different email marketing campaigns are
10. Generate leads
Not everyone who joins your email list will be ready to make a purchase or sign up
for a service. Email gives you the opportunity to capture new visitor’s attention and
nurture the relationship with helpful and informative content.
11. Promote services
Service businesses face the difficult challenge of keeping clients interested in their
business, even when they aren’t looking for services at different times of the year.
Email gives you the opportunity to keep your client’s attention without
overwhelming them with unwanted information.
12. Grow your audience
As a small business, it’s not always easy to stand out in a crowded market. Email
marketing allows you to build an audience that is interested in hearing from you,
without having to pay for other advertising channels.
13. Increase your value
When you adopt a communication strategy that fits your audience’s needs, you’ll
have more people paying attention to your message and get a higher return overall.
14. Attract new clients
In addition to connecting with the people on your email list, you can also share
your newsletters and announcements on your own social media networks to bring
new people to your business.
15. Stay top-of-mind
By sharing relevant content with your audience throughout the year, you’ll be able
to stay top-of-mind and build credibility. While they may not be ready to act right
away, when your audience knows you have something that can help them solve a
problem, they’ll be more likely to take action when the time is right.
16. Improve visibility
As much as you’d like to think customers know about all of the different products
and services you have to offer, there’s a good chance that many of them don’t. This
was a problem the McDonald Wildlife Photography faced when they first got
started with email marketing for their travel business.
Tips & Tricks to Implement an Email Marketing Strategy
Developing an effective email marketing strategy is a backbone of any business
which presupposes six core steps:
1. Define your goals to shape the audience, the content and tactics for your
2. Build a quality database using signup forms and use a double opt-in to
get the list of subscribers who will be interested in your content.
3. Segment your audience to send the users only relevant emails.
4. Create personalized subject lines to engage your readers in your
5. Optimize your emails for mobile view to upgrade mobile users’
experience of interacting with your brand.
6. Automate the workflow to provide your audience with appropriate
An effective e-marketing strategy helps you to
· direct your business. Although getting ready with an
e-marketing strategy is a time-consuming process, it is always
useful for defining what marketing to send and which audience
to target.
· choose the tactics to apply. Define your dream customers,
choose how to address them, and think which offers may appeal
to them. This way you’ll be able to decide how to run your
email marketing campaign.
· collect the data about your audience. Find out information
about their age, gender, lifecycle stage, and their buying
behavior to build up customer profiles.
· determine the target audience. Figure out the interests of your
audience, the reason why they subscribed to your content so
that you can tailor the content you will send to their
· identify the performance of your email campaigns. Are you
sending out campaigns to escalate the number of opens and
clicks or improve the revenue? No matter what goal your email
has, make sure you’ve set the right KPI to track the
effectiveness of your email campaign.
Email marketing remains one of most widely used strategies today, and for a good
reason. On average, brands receive an ROI of 122% from email marketing. That’s
4x higher than other types of marketing strategies. But as with other marketing
strategies, managing an email marketing campaign can quickly turn into a time
sucker if you’re not careful. Part of this is because creating, implementing, and
monitoring an email marketing campaign takes a lot of work. In fact, over 68% of
brands using email marketing spend up to a whole week to create a single email.
The importance of taming your email marketing schedule
Give equal attention to different strategies.
Brands use a combination of different marketing strategies to promote their
products and services.
Unless you have a team big enough to divide each of them to focus on one
marketing strategy, you need to make sure that you and your team give equal
attention to each of the strategies your business uses to get optimum results.
Increase work productivity.
86% of businesspeople prefer emails among other means of communication.
However, spending a great deal of time replying to emails can quickly eat up your
productivity at work.
Maintain healthy client relationships.
Let’s face it: each of your clients believe that their needs require your immediate
attention and action all the time.
Far too often, during these back-and-forth exchanges, you end up getting confused
on which tasks and projects your client wants to be accomplished. Even worse, if
you fall behind, the customer can feel that you’re not meeting their needs and take
their business elsewhere.
Also, spending too much time emailing one person means that you might neglect
the others. If they feel you’re not proactively giving them updates, reports or
answers, they’ll also feel that you’re not particularly concerned about their needs.
That being said, here are ten things you should do to create a time-saving email
marketing schedule that delivers results.
1. Take control of your inbox.
One study report that an average employee spends about 6.3 hours a day on emails:
3.2 hours for work emails and 3.1 for personal emails. Email marketers spend even
more, just because it’s part of their job.
It consumes a significant amount of time during your workday, and your
productivity also suffers. Believe it or not, your brain isn’t wired to handle multiple
things at the same time. What happens when you try to multitask is that your brain
has to stop what it’s currently doing, reboot, and then focus on the new task at
It takes up to 23 seconds to happen – quite an insignificant amount. But this
quickly adds up to minutes, and eventually, hours, wasted. To become more
efficient, limit how often and how long you spend doing emails.
Using a tool like Email Analytics can also help you take your inbox, especially if
you’re using Gmail as your CRM. This software program gives you different
detailed reports. This way you get a comprehensive picture of how long you’re
spending on your email and, more importantly, where you’re spending your time.
One of the things good about this tool is its Top Senders / Recipients report.
It gives you a list of addresses you’re getting the most emails from, and how long it
takes them to respond. Instead of checking your email now and then, you can now
use the received data to set your schedule when to check your inbox. Email
Analytics also helps you monitor the email activity of your team members with its
Average Time Spent per Email report.
2. Create an email marketing calendar.
Having a visual calendar for your email marketing campaign allows you to keep
track not only of when to send your emails but what content you include. It also
ensures that your emails are received and opened by a greater portion of
subscribers in your email list.
This can be as easy as creating a Google Sheet that you can share with your team
so that you’re all on the same page. If your email marketing strategy is a bit more
complex or you’re working with a remote team, project management tools like
Asana or Trello are convenient.
3. Use email templates.
Email templates are an email marketer’s best friend. These are ready-made emails
that you can tweak to make it fit your email marketing campaign.
Get Response has a wide variety of professionally designed email templates you
can use for your campaigns. A step-by-step guide on how to create emails using
these templates is worth checking out.
4. Master the art of time blocking.
Time blocking is a productivity technique where you block off a time range to
complete a task. Hence, the name.
During these time periods, you’re not going to do anything else except the specific
task. I admit doing this can be difficult at first, especially since it’s so easy to get
distracted when you’re online. But with a bit of practice, it will get easier.
Once the time block ends, go to the next task. Don’t give yourself any extensions.
That way, you’re training yourself to stay focused.
I usually go a step further by incorporating the Pomodoro Technique in time
blocking. Adding the Pomodoro Technique divides long time blocks into smaller
chunks, allowing you to take a quick break in between.
5. Set up triggered emails.
As its name suggests, a triggered email is a type of email that automatically gets
sent to your subscriber based on their profile and where they are in your buyer’s
What makes it incredibly effective is that it makes your subscribers feel like you
took the time to address their pressing concerns and needs. And you don’t have
spent vast chunks of time responding to each one of their emails.
More important, you can use these emails throughout your entire buyer’s journey.
This increases your ability to nurture and guide your leads through your sales
funnel even if you’re doing other tasks.
6. Segment your emails.
Email marketers that take the time to segment their lists experience an increase in
open rates, decrease in opt-out and unsubscribe rates, and growth in leads and
email revenue.
The reason is that your target market isn’t going through your buyer’s journey at
the same pace. By segmenting your email list, you can create a more effective and
personalized email content that satisfies their needs.
One thing to remember is not to overdo it. Having too many segments would be
counterintuitive. Instead of saving time on email marketing, you’ll end up spending
more time making sure you give each segment the attention it deserves.
7. Consider outsourcing.
This is a huge time-saver. Especially if you’re the only person in charge of doing
email marketing. Delegating specific tasks to freelancers that have the skills and
talent can free up your precious time and resources.
You can find a lot of highly skilled, yet affordable, freelancers to handle your
email’s content development, edit images, and create mobile-friendly layouts on
sites like Up Work and Fiverr.
8. Keep your emails short but captivating.
Your target audience is busy. So, you have a few seconds to get their attention to
click your email and read its copy. Keeping the subject line and content short and
straightforward will keep your reader’s attention enough for them to click on the
link to visit your website.
Short paragraphs will also make your emails mobile friendly.
9. Create a curated newsletter
Much of the time spent on a campaign is devoted to creating quality content.
It’s challenging to come up with original content with share to your subscribers.
Creating a curated newsletter featuring the latest trends and news within your niche
is a smart way to save time while still providing value to your subscribers. All you
and your team need to do is to write up short lines introducing the posts you’ll add
to your email.
BuzzSumo is a great tool to use for this. This software platform gives you a list of
blog posts and articles performing well in shares in your targeted keyword.
10. Choose the right email platform
I decided to save this for last because it’s the most crucial. No matter how well you
do the first nine, if you’re using an email platform that’s less than par, these won’t
help you manage your email marketing schedule.
When choosing an email platform to use for your email marketing strategy, keep in
mind these three things:
Are you a Mailchimp customer affected by their May 2019 pricing update? Or
looking for a marketing solution that will have it all – only cheaper? Here’s a
GetResponse vs Mailchimp plan comparison.
Ability to integrate with your CRM
Updating your email list manually is time-consuming. You need to make sure that
the email provider you choose can seamlessly collect the details from your CRM
and include these to your email list. That way, you can effectively manage both
your CRM and emails at the same time.
Mobile friendliness
This is the age of mobile. Your email platform’s email templates should be
designed so that it’s easy to read and click regardless of what device your readers
Scalability of features
Your email platform should provide you with features that will help you manage
efficiently as your email list continues to grow.
Summing up
Email marketing is effective in achieving your online marketing goals. While it’s
much work to create, execute, and manage, it shouldn’t come to a point where you
don’t have any more time for other tasks and responsibilities.
On their own, each of these tips can free up the time you spend on email
marketing. Combine them with focus and discipline, and it can increase your
productivity beyond measure.
Styling of Email Campaigns
Each email campaign is made of multiple sections. Although you can style most
sections separately, there are certain “global” style settings that affect your whole
campaign. This creates a consistent look to help you maintain a unified brand.
These global styles are applied throughout each campaign:
· Fonts
· Text sizes
· Link colours
· The surrounding background colour
Style A Section
With the exception of global styles, each section is styled separately. Click a section in
the preview on the left, then use the right panel to style it. For more help, visit our tips on
building and styling each section type:
· Blog
· Button
· Line
· Image
· Product
· Spacer
· Text
· Header (top section)
· Footer (bottom section)
Choose your Front
In any section, click Font Pack to set the fonts for all text in a campaign.
Font packs are combinations of fonts, carefully chosen by our designers to be
pleasing to the eye and help your subscribers focus on your message. Browse the
options to find a font pack that matches the tone and content of your campaign.
There isn't a way to edit individual fonts within a font pack. Our font packs are
curated to look consistent across a wide variety of mail clients. Most mobile email
clients, for example, don't support web fonts, and instead will replace them with
their own default fonts. The fonts in our font packs are selected for maximum
compatibility, so you can be sure that what you see in your draft is as close as
possible to what your subscribers will see in their inbox.
If you need a different font in a specific location, consider adding it as an image, or
using color and formatting to distinguish your text.
Set Your Text Sizes
In any section, click Font Sizes to set the size for all text in your campaign.
· Use the Base Font Size slider to choose the size of your campaign's body
· Use the Type Scale slider to set the text size contrast. For example, a lesser
type scale will result in a “flat” email, where headers are only marginally
larger than paragraph text, and a greater type scale will make headers
relatively larger.
There are a few exceptions. Header text has its own size settings, and the following
elements are currently a fixed size:
· Header text
· Button text
· Blog post and product titles
· Product prices
· Blog post dates
· Unsubscribe links
· Footer address text
Chose Your Colour
When you click an element to change its color, such as a background area or font,
you'll see swatch circles for the colors currently used in that campaign. You can use
these colors or add new colors.
· To use an existing color, click its swatch.
· To add a new color, click within the color picker to find the color you want,
then click the + icon in the swatch that appears.
Background Colors
Each section has its own background colour.
· Click a section and then click Background Colour to set its background
colour from your campaign's swatches.
· Click the area outside the sections to adjust the surrounding Email
· For image sections, the background colour only shows behind captions and
transparent image areas
Style Text Likes
Text links follow your global font pack and global font sizes. To set the colour for
all links in your campaign, click the area outside the sections, then set the Link
To adjust the white space around text and images, click any section to see its
padding options.
Responsive Design
Email Campaigns' built-in responsive design resizes your images and text based on
the visitor's screen. Whether your subscribers are sitting at a desktop computer or
checking their email on a smartphone while waiting for a train, responsive design
helps your campaign look great no matter what.
· Fonts get slightly bigger on mobile devices so they’re more legible on a
smaller screen.
· For blog, products, and image sections, Side and Numbered layouts stack in
narrow browsers and screens. This helps your images and text remain visible.
Image Links
A clickthrough URL turns an image into a clickable link. Some campaign images
have built-in links:
· Images in blog and product sections click through to the post or item pages.
· Logos and header images click through to the homepage.
In an image section, click Unlinked next to the image name and add a web address
in the URL box, or click for additional link options. This is supported for all
layouts except the Card layout.
Writing Email Marketing Campaign
Email marketing is different than social media. It’s more personal, more targeted,
and more dedicated to reaching a specific set of users. With this in mind, consider
these functional tips for how to write content for email marketing.
1. Write a good subject line.
The subject line is the gatekeeper in the world of email marketing. Write a good
one and you’ll see a satisfying open rate. Write a poor one and you’ll suffer the
sound of crickets in the background of your campaign.
While there are dozens of great ways to write a compelling subject line, the best
ones all have a few things in common: they revolve around grabbing a reader’s
interest and keeping it. With this in mind, follow all of the standard rules that come
with writing any great email line: include action words, address the reader directly,
make it unique, succinct, and short, and differentiate it from anything else they’ll
see that day!
2. Personalize your emails.
Personalized email copy performs better than general email copy. With this in
mind, input your customer’s name into your email subject lines and be sure to
target the body of your email so that it speaks directly to your audience and nobody
While it can be easy to worry that your emails will be lost in the fray, the only way
to ensure that they won’t be overlooked is to personalize them fully and
differentiate them from anything else out there.
3. Make your emails clear first and catchy second.
Catchy emails are great, but only if they’re also clear enough to make your
audience want to click on them. With this in mind, focus on making your emails
clear and descriptive first, and then make the catchy second.
This ensure that your audience will understand the purpose of your emails, and that
you won’t be going out of your way to develop email campaigns that don’t draw
real results.
What’s more, emails that are clear boost your authority as a company, since they
promise only what they can deliver, and help readers develop realistic their
4. Keep your subject line related to your copy.
Even if your subject line is clear and catchy, it’s all for naught if it doesn’t also
align with your body copy. Keep in mind that delivering what you promise is
critical in the world of email, and only people who can truly do this succeed in the
long run.
With this in mind, keep your subject text in-line with your body copy. In addition
to providing better value for readers, this will also go a long way toward enhancing
your reputation as a company and making sure that customers want to click your
material in the days to come.
5. Keep it relevant.
Relevance is critical for a good email, so be sure to tie the content of your email in
with something that will ground it as relevant and in-demand. Current events work
well, as does some personal detail about the audience. By showcasing your
relevance, you stand a better chance of grabbing the reader’s attention and keeping
6. Write all of your email copy in the second person.
Second person is the best voice for email because its personal and unique. When
you reach out and speak directly to your customers, it’s easier for them to relate to
the voice and content of your email.
This, in turn, also makes it easier for them to connect with your emails and
enhances the likelihood that they’ll open your emails in the future – which is a
good thing for everyone involved.
7. Showcase the benefits rather than the features of your offer.
If you’re making an offer via email, be sure to showcase the benefits of said offer
rather than the features. In addition to being more valuable for readers, this also
helps present a realistic picture of your product, which goes a long way toward
helping people understand what to expect from it.
While most people focus on the features in an attempt to sell a product, focusing on
the benefits can go much further toward helping the reader understand what’s
unique and special about the product.
8. Keep it short.
Email marketing is not the place to get long-winded and verbose. Instead, keep
your emails as short and to-the-point as possible. This enhances the likelihood that
you’ll keep you audience’s interest and also serves to keep you on track and on
topic throughout the duration of your email campaign.
9. Let your personality shine.
Your personality should show through in the emails you write, and it will benefit
your company and your personal brand if you follow this tip. While you always
want to be professional, allowing your personality to shine through your email
copy is an effective way to differentiate yourself from the crowd.
10. Don’t spam.
Spamming your readers is the cardinal sin of email marketing. With this in mind,
only send outposts when you have things to say and don’t ever, ever send out an
email just to send out an email. Customers are quick to unsubscribe, and you could
be landing yourself in hot water as a result.
Proofreading in Email Marketing
Ever get an email from a brand you loved, and they spelled your name wrong? Or
called you by someone else’s name? It’s kind of hurts, doesn’t it? You know they
didn’t put the email through a proofreading process before they sent it. If it’s a
brand you don’t even remember signing up to get emails from, you probably laugh
and hit Unsubscribe. But if it’s a brand you like and want to hear from, it can be
hard for them to undo the damage.
If you’re writing in Microsoft Word, it’s built in, and it will automatically flag
misspelled words as you type them. Same with WordPress, which will give you a
red dotted line beneath words it thinks you misspelled. The challenge, of course, is
that it won’t always catch misused words. It might even mistakenly change them to
the wrong word through its grammar check. The concern about spell check is that
it becomes a crutch, and you assume it’ll save you. Remember that spell check is
no replacement for proofreading the copy yourself and being able to double check
spell check’s work — and your own.
There’s one in nearly every office. That grammar geek who loves to pick apart
phrasing and compulsively copy edits menus at restaurants. Identify this person
and put them to use. Maybe it’s the marketing director, or a copy writer. Or maybe
it’s someone in sales or customer service. Whoever it is, ask them for a quick
moment to read your copy. And if that person is you, don’t get cocky. You still
need more people to check it than just you.
In the end, if you’re the content writer, you’re likely responsible for proofreading
what eventually goes out. All the help in the world isn’t going to save you from
someone calling you to task if spelling and grammar errors are leaking through to
customers. So, do what you can to educate yourself. Use Google liberally. Pick up
a grammar reference book to keep at your desk. Learn when your neighbourly
grammar geek corrects you and try not to make that mistake again.
Any good proof-reader will tell you, they’re not perfect. The best proof-reader in
the world has a non-zero rate of missing mistakes. The best way to avoid having
mistaken get past your quality-control efforts is to not make that mistake in the first
place. And the best way to avoid mistakes is to not wait so long that you’re rushing
to finish the work. That’s when sloppiness comes into play. That increases the error
rate, along with the chances that errors will make it into the final product.
The best way to avoid having mistaken get past your quality-control efforts is to
not make that mistake in the first place.
Some of these mistakes can seem like nothing, but they add up. You never know
when that new email subscriber you worked so hard to get is the grammar geek in
someone else’s office. Show them you’re careless with your email copy, and you
might not get another chance to earn their business.
Youremail campaign is only as good as the follow-through you give it. Don’t miss
out on potential sales because you failed to optimize your mailings.
1. Use a Newsletter Service
If you’re not already signed up for an email marketing service provider, such as
MailChimp or A Weber, you’re doing yourself a disservice. These companies make
it easy to create beautiful, mobile-optimized emails – a hugely important factor
considering almost 40 percent of users’ access email from mobile devices.
The benefits don’t end there, though. You can also manage email lists, integrate
forms and sign-ups on your website, and track email analytics. If you’ve been
trying to manage every aspect of your newsletters in-house, it’s time to free up
some manpower and let a cloud service take some of the work off your hands.
2. Test Your Subject Lines
According to stats compiled by Impact Branding & Design, 33 percent of email
recipients open their email based on the subject line alone. Your subjects should be
concise and informative, giving the reader a reason to click through. This is no
easy task. That’s why many email marketing services allow you to send outtwo
versions of the same email, each with a different subject line – enabling you to test
which one garners more opens from readers.
3. Personalize Your Message
Readers understand that email campaigns are sent out to the masses, but that
doesn’t mean they want to feel like just another name on a list. When collecting
emails from customers and clients, try to harvest as much additional information as
you can, such as their names, ages, addresses, interests, and social media
information. Be sure to leave these fields optional, though, as many people
navigate away from a page if it requires too much work.
When composing your email campaigns, use customizable fields to personalize
each message. For instance, if you customize the “To” field, the reader can receive
a message that says, “Dear John,” instead of an impersonal, “Dear Customer.” It’s
little details like this that go a long way toward engaging your audience and
encouraging follow-through.
4. Segment Your Emails
To personalize your message further, segment your email lists into smaller, niche
customer groups. Email marketing services make it easy to set up this type of list,
creating groupings based on location, gender, past purchases, and more. The goal
here is to provide a particular customer group with deals and updates likely to
resonate with them.
For instance, if you own a sporting goods line that markets primarily to coaches
and teams, you could segment your list into groups based on sport – football,
basketball, baseball. Then, when you’re running a deal on football helmets, you
could send out an email targeted only to football coaches, rather than to your entire
list. Not only is this likely to make the football coaches happy, but you’re less
likely to annoy the other coaches on your list by sending them information they
don’t care about.
5. Reduce Text and Optimize Calls to Action
Customers and clients want to spend as little time as possible reading through their
emails, so they’re likely to open up your campaign, give it a quick scan, and decide
within just a few seconds whether to delete it or click through. That’s why you
want your message to be short, sweet, and to the point. Cut down on long formtext
and focus on short messages that call the reader to action. Be a little bossy (in a
nice way) and tell them what they need to do next.
For instance, if you run an office supply company and you want to increase
printing supply sales, focus your entire email on one single call to action – buying
more printing supplies. You could do this by offering a quick tip on getting more
out of your toner, and including a coupon for a discount on paper, but the overall
message and all links you provide should be focused on a single call to action,
“View our hot printing deals now!” Your call to action should be obvious and
visually appealing, leaving no room for doubt about what the reader should do
6. Provide Visually Interesting Campaigns
Many email recipients prefer viewing email marketing in HTML, fully optimized
with images, custom fonts, and styles. Because you only have a few seconds to
generate a response from your reader, the more visually interesting your campaign
is, the more likely the reader is to stick around. Include images and graphics that
support your overall message – and avoid generic stock images and choose ones
that “tell the story” of your email. For instance, if you’re providing a coupon to
readers, go ahead and put an image of it in the email with a clear call to action,
“Click for your coupon,” below it.
7. Provide Means for Social Sharing
According to statistics provided by Impact Branding and Design, emails that have
social sharing buttons generate a 158 percent higher click-through rate than those
that don’t. If your goal is to initiate action from your reader, then you absolutely
must include a means for the reader to share your newsletter with their own social
following, as well as a means for the reader to follow you on your social networks.
Many email marketing service providers make this step incredibly easy – all you
have to do is add the social widgets and include any appropriate links.
Don’t make my mistake – understand the importance of your mailing list and focus
on optimizing your emails immediately. You won’t be disappointed.
Personalization, in the context of email marketing, is the act of targeting an email
campaign to a specific subscriber by leveraging the data and information you have
about them. It could be information like their first name, the last product they
bought, where they live, how many times they log into your app, or a number of
other data points.
Personalization is a broad term, and it can vary in sophistication. Basic email
personalization includes tactics like using a subscriber’s name in the subject line,
while more advanced tactics can include changing the content of the email based
on a subscriber’s gender, location, or other things you know about them.
Personalizing your email campaigns is a proven way to increase your open and
click-through rates and can have a measurable impact on your ROI and revenue.
Studies have shown emails with personalized subject lines are 26% more likely to
be opened than those without, and Rich Relevance found that revenue is 5.7 times
higher in emails that employ personalization.
One of the most commonly used personalization strategies is using the recipient’s
first name. However, personalization in an email goes further than simply using
your subscriber’s first name.
So, what exactly is a personalized email?
The following are 3 main elements that make up a personalized email:
1. Relevant
The main cornerstone of a personalized email is relevance. People’s inboxes are
cluttered, with the average worker receiving at least 121 emails per day, and, often,
those emails will address the recipient by name.
To take email personalization further and grab your subscriber’s attention, offer
relevant content. If your content doesn’t directly impact your reader, your email
has high chances of being relegated to the trash box.
2. Timely
Another hallmark of a personalized email is that it has to be timely.
By gathering enough data about your subscriber, you can know what kind of
content they need at a particular stage of their customer journey with you.
For example, if they search for a particular topic or solution on your website, you
gain insight on what they need at that point in time and can then craft and send
them a timely email.
3. Comes from a person
People are more likely to trust and relate to an email that comes from another
person, as opposed to a business. You need to use a person’s name in the “from”
field and use a face instead of a logo.
Email Marketing Service:
Why Choosing the Best Email Marketing Service is Important?
Email marketing is one of the most cost-effective marketing tools for small
businesses. According to the Direct Marketing Association, email marketing on
average sees a 4300 percent return on investment (ROI) for businesses in the
United States.
This is because email marketing is easy to manage, gives you full control, and
allows you to establish a direct contact with your customers.
It’s important to understand that a lot of your success with email marketing
depends entirely on the email marketing software you choose because they are
responsible for making sure that your emails actually get delivered.
If you aren’t careful, then you will end up paying a lot more money for fewer
features and terrible email deliverability rates (which causes you to lose even more
What to Look for in a Good Email Marketing Tool?
A good email marketing service should enable you to create highly engaging email
newsletters with an easy user interface (ideally drag & drop).
You should be able to easily send bulk emails that are actually personalized and
targeted without a lot of work. This is also known as marketing automation.
Aside from that, your email marketing service must make it easy to manage your
contacts, segment users into groups, and track the performance of your email
marketing campaigns.
Most importantly, a good email marketing service ensures that your emails do not
end up in the spam folder.
Having said that, let’s take a look at some of the most popular email marketing
service providers and how they stack up against each other.
4. The different ways in which email marketing works
1. Make it personal. Don't be afraid to get personal with your customers. Personalization
increases response rates and boosts engagement. Use names in email messages to grab
attention, but don't use full names--that can come off as creepy and even make customers
feel uncomfortable. Make sure the customer information you have on file is accurate.
Misspelling names or using incorrect titles can damage your reputation instead of helping
2. Use subject lines, headlines and subheads to your advantage. It can be tempting to
quickly write subject lines, headlines and subheads, but it's worth your time to put some
thought into crafting these smaller, but valuable, facets of customer communication. Be
simple and straightforward, but clever in your subject line and headline. The recipient
should be able to understand the purpose of your message with just a 3- to 5-second scan.
Make sure your subheads support your headline and offer further information and
instruction without distracting from the body of your copy.
3. Write targeted, brief and enticing body copy. People never want to read rambling
copy--and people especially don't want to read rambling copy in an email. Open with text
that will hook your audience, like a rhetorical question or compelling offer. Avoid yes or
no questions, as these can deter customers based on their answers. Introduce the most
compelling benefits of your offer, summarize important details and focus your energy on
one clear call to action. Make your copy easy to scan by using short sentences, simple
language and bulleted lists.
4. Use the side column wisely. In an email with limited space,the right column is your
friend. Use this valuable space to reiterate the value of your offer or insert direct links
that lead to the same destination as the main offer. Don't use the right column to promote
other offers--this can be confusing for your readers and can even decrease the
performance and value of all the offers in the email.
5. Don't overlook the little things. In email, a bit of extra effort on your end goes a long way
for the readers, especially for mobile. You can boost user experience by pre-filling forms,
limiting the number of fields on a form, pulling in user data through progressive profiling
and sizing the fields to match the length of the information to be entered. All of these
steps lead to better response and engagement rates.
6. Know when to send and when not to send. The ideal send frequency can vary depending
on audience expectations, product, service or campaign type. Generally speaking, you
should send emails at least once a month. But don't send an email just for the sake of
sending an email--communicate with your audience when you really have something
good to offer. Make sure the content is useful and the topic is relevant. Don't send too
often and don't be too aggressive. That's a major turnoff.
7. Call users to action. The call to action is everything. Use persuasive words and
incorporate the "What? Why? How?" method. Tell users what they need to do, why they
should do it and how to do it. Tailor the CTA to your audience and provide multiple links
throughout the email to make it easy for users to take action. Use CTA buttons, but avoid
including CTA links within any images.
8. Be smart about your design. User-friendly design is a fundamental aspect of email
marketing. Responsive design, appropriate color and text size, adequate use of white
space and incorporation of company branding and logo can make your email look and
feel more inviting for customers.
9. Make sure your landing page is on point. If your email is effective, but your landing page
is off target, you could still lose out on conversions. Your landing page should be an
extension of your email campaign and contain the same messaging, the same design and
the same offers as advertised in your email. Use your landing page to go into more detail
and elaborate on your CTA. Feature well-crafted copy and the same user-friendly design
as your emails.
10. Avoid common email marketing blunders. Avoiding common mistakes can give your
email and your entire campaign the finishing touches needed to be a success. Don't use
all caps, don't mention opt-in preferences in your email body copy, and don't choose font
colors and sizes that are too hard to read or too large to display on mobile. Use clean and
light HTML coding, include basic company information like name and address, include
an unsubscribe link in the footer and use common fonts to ensure it will be readable on
whatever device your customers are using.
Tips,tricks and things to keep in mind while implementing an email marketing strategy
1. Perfect your timing to maximise engagement
Marketing via email is all about maximising open rates. But this isn’t as simple as writing
high-quality content that captivates customers and motivates them to make a purchase. It’s also
about timing.
For instance, BtB marketers targeting network managers in the power sector may want to post
newsletters between Monday and Friday, probably early in the working day. That way, they can
catch subscribers before they get stuck into their workload.
BtC marketers looking to draw in fashion lovers may use a different strategy. If they post during
working hours, they may miss the sweet spot in the day when people are looking to relax and
read leisurely. Instead, weekends and early evenings could be ideal although lunch breaks are
worth a shot as well.
2. Tips for subject lines: create tags that really shine
Marketing via email is more dependent on titles than almost any other marketing discipline. It’s
amazing how much money depends on a few words. When trying to persuade customers to open
your email, even putting a character in the wrong place can be fatal.
Getting subject lines right is crucial. Firstly, think outside the box. Choosing subject lines which
are a little bit wacky, fun and humorous is a great way to grab attention.
Secondly, use subjects that make readers feel a sense of urgency. It’s often helpful to link email
marketing efforts to deadlines which make readers less likely to put the email to one side. So,
highlight a sales event and how limited the window is. When readers know that time is short,
their brains are much more likely to want to find out more.
3. Stand out from the flood of spam
These days, email marketers aren’t just competing with other companies in their sector; they also
need to ensure that their content isn’t mistaken for phishing emails or other types of spam.
When writing newsletters, put yourself in the place of your email subscribers as they consider
which emails to open. If they are paranoid about malware and sensitive to scams, they will stay
away from anything which seems suspicious.
Double check headers for grammar and spelling errors, keep your style consistent and make sure
that any links you include are 100% secure and accurate. This won’t just help to build credibility
in the eyes of readers; it will also guard against your email newsletter being automatically
consigned to spam folders.
4. Get your email newsletter formatting right every time
Formatting your marketing material is as important as the content it features. Take mobile
campaigns, for example. Nowadays, almost all companies need to appeal to smartphone users,
which means that their newsletters have to be optimised for mobile devices.
Some formatting tips apply to all content. Firstly, make sure that headers, images and body text
are properly arranged with no overlaps. Any visual flaws will be a big turn-off for casual readers.
It’s always advisable to test each newsletter thoroughly to make sure that the layout works.
Similarly, try to ensure that your content fits into standard email client displays. This is easy to
overlook, but it’s essential. Messages which require users to scroll sideways to read each line are
never well received.
Finally, achieve the right mix of content and images. Don’t include images that are too large, and
which dominate the newsletter. Be sure to add key text “above the fold” so that it is the first thing
readers encounter. It’s the text that hooks them more than pretty images (although images can
5. Content is crucial: make every word count
Our last tip is probably the most important of all: whatever content you include in your email
marketing newsletter, make sure that it is relevant, concise, professional and speaking directly to
your target audience(s).
If you use images, link them tightly to your brand identity and the subject of the email. Don’t just
use them for decoration. When you write body text, focus on providing information that matters.
Tell readers about why you’ve written to them and why they should read on.
Don’t waffle about your products or sales. Lead the readers clearly from an above-the-fold
welcome through to an introductory paragraph, then concisely cover the information on whatever
you’re trying to communicate and finish on a tasteful call-to-action to round things off.
Emphasise the call-to-action with links or graphics, but don’t skimp on the body text. The body
is the meat of your newsletter, and it has to be written professionally.
Email Marketing Services -
1. HubSpot
HubSpot's free email tool is easy to use, has an extremely high deliverability rate, and has all the
bells and whistles you'd expect to see within an ESP.
When creating an email, you can pick from one of many drag-and-drop email templates, or you
can craft a custom template tailored to your brand. Once you've got your template, incorporating
content is simple and intuitive.
You can also personalize your emails for different recipients based on device type, country, or list
inclusion -- or use a simple personalization token to ensure that each email includes content that
is specific to each recipient.
Plus, within HubSpot, you can preview an email as a specific recipient, on a specific device type,
or within a specific email provider -- ensuring your email looks exactly how you want it to
regardless of how your customer needs to view it.
When it is time to send, using the smart send feature will ensure that recipients receive your
email at an appropriate time. Additionally, you can run A/B tests to compare different versions of
an email to understand which one resonates the most with your audience. You also won't have to
worry about deliverability -- HubSpot maintains a 99% deliverability rate across the network for
all marketing email sends.
Outside of the email marketing functionality, HubSpot offers a wide range of reports on your
email’s performance, letting you judge what is resonating with your audience and optimize your
strategy accordingly.
You can report on something as broad as your overall email performance in Q1, or you can get
granular and see how one particular lead is interacting with your emails.
In addition, HubSpot's automation platform makes it easy to scale your email marketing strategy,
which will help you quickly turn leads into loyal customers.
2. Constant Contact
Constant Contact is a popular email marketing service for many industries.
It comes with over 100 email templates that you can either use as is, or customized to meet your
specific objectives.
Once your email looks good, you can easily schedule it to send to your contacts. In addition to
drip email campaigns, you can also have emails go out at a regular cadence to celebrate specific
events -- for example, you could have a regular email go out on each customer's birthday.
Constant Contact also makes it easy to manage your contacts.
Additionally, once a list is uploaded, bounces and unsubscribes are automatically updated. They
also have "Plus" features that let you execute very specific types of campaigns -- such as a
coupon offers, donation collections, or surveys.
Image source.
3. Campaign Monitor
Campaign Monitor prides itself in providing powerful, personalized email marketing tools that
are simple and easy to use.
Their drag-and-drop email editor is intuitive, and the included analytics make it easy to optimize
your email strategy and create targeted segments of your customers.
Personalization is key for campaign monitor. They use data to increase personalized content, and
inform your list segmentation to boost your engagement. They also have a visual marketing
automation tool so you can create unique customer journeys at scale.
On top of a great email tool, Campaign monitor has an extensive library of resources, helping
you become a pro at email marketing.
Image source.
4. iContact
iContact has been providing one of the best email marketing services available since 2003.
In the time since then, they've built out an easy to use email marketing tool that helps you and
your team see results fast. While they have all the simple editing and automation features of
other tools in this list, it's their support and customer services team that sets iContact apart.
Customers are paired with a strategic advisor, who helps you get your email marketing strategy
right and find success with their tool.
They also have Social+ marketing consultants that will help boost your entire online presence
through creative social posts that drive traffic to your site.
Image source.
5. MailChimp
Although MailChimp has recently added landing pages and various ads tools, their email
marketing service is still their claim-to-fame.
They have millions of customers in over 175 countries, and they use the data they collect off
those customers to provide you with actionable insights to improve your email strategy. Their
tools are flexible enough for an enterprise company, yet simple enough for someone just getting
started with email marketing.
Best of all, MailChimp has over 300 integrations that help you match their tool to your business.
By using these integrations to further personalize your marketing, you'll get the most out of your
email strategy.
Image source.
6. AWeber
Aweber is an email platform built specifically for small businesses and entrepreneurs.
Their goal is to make it simple for people just getting started with email marketing to segment
their contacts, design a professional email, and start nurturing leads. Customers have praised
AWeber for its deliverability, and AWeber's deliverability team monitors their servers around the
clock to ensure your campaign consistently reaches the customers' inboxes.
Image source.
7. SendinBlue
SendinBlue is a marketing software platform that sends more than 30 million automated emails
and text messages every day. On top of email, they also have a forms tool that lets you collect
new leads, which you can then segment into specific lists, and enter into email nurturing
Not sure how to kick off your email nurturing campaign? No problem. SendinBlue has a
Workflow Library that gives you access to a number of pre-made automation campaigns tailored
to specific goals you might have. If you want to run a more nuanced email nurturing campaign,
you can always create a campaign from scratch to meet your specific business needs.
Image source.
8. ActiveCampaign
ActiveCampaign is a marketing automation platform that offers live chat and a CRM service in
addition to their email marketing tool.
By adding a CRM to their marketing tool, ActiveCampaign can help you surface the right leads
to your sales team through tools like lead scoring. It also lets you serve up dynamic content
within your emails, so you can send one email and provide a different experience to your
contacts based on how you segmented them.
Image source.
9. AutoPilot
Autopilot differentiates themselves from the other tools in this list through their visual marketing
Everything from their email editor to their automation tool is set up to work through a
drag-and-drop interface that is intuitive and easy to use.
They also provide collaborative tools, which let your entire team work together effectively on an
automation campaign. Using the 'annotate & collaborate' feature, you can quickly mark-up a
customer journey and ask your team for feedback or assistance. You can also quickly share your
work with your team, ensuring that everyone is on the same page before you start your
Image source.
10. GetResponse
GetResponse is a marketing automation service that is available in over 20 different languages.
On top of email marketing and automation, they also offer a CRM, landing pages, and a
complete webinar solution.
They offer over 500 templates to help you get started with email marketing, and also integrate
directly with Shutterstock so you always have a library of creative options directly at your
fingertips. Their drip campaign tool is managed through a calendar interface, allowing you to see
exactly when you will be reaching out to your leads.
Image source.
7.What is Affiliate Marketing
“Affiliate marketing is the process of earning a commission by promoting other people’s
(or company’s) products. You find a product you like, promote it to others and earn a
piece of the profit for each sale that you make.”
● Online shopper decides to buy an item
● He lands on an affiliate site
● He is now redirected to the merchant site
● The shopper finally makes the purchase and the merchant rewards the affiliate
for his effort
Wikipedia talks about 4 different parties that are involved:
the merchant,
the network,
the publisher,
and the customer.
When it comes down to the actual marketing, there are 2 sides of an affiliate equation:
the product creator and seller
and the affiliate marketer.
Therefore, affiliate marketing can be seen as the process of spreading product creation and
product marketing across different parties, where each party receives a share of the revenue
according to their contribution.
It’s not just the promotion or just the product creation that defines who you are as an affiliate
Let’s look at all of the parts of a successful affiliate marketing system.
The Merchant:
Sometimes also known as the creator, the seller, the brand, the retailer, or the vendor. This is the
party that creates the product. It can be a big company, like Dyson, who produces vacuum
This can be achieved by running a review blog of the merchant’s products. For example:
The Affiliate:
This party is sometimes also known as the publisher. Affiliates can also range from single
individuals to entire companies. It’s where the marketing happens. An affiliate promotes one or
multiple affiliate products and tries to attract and convince potential customers of the value of
the merchant’s product so that they actually end up buying it.
The customer:
consumer makes the affiliate system go ’round. Without sales, there aren’t any commissions to
hand out and no revenue to be shared.The affiliate will try to market to the consumer on
whatever channel they see fit, whether that’s a social network, digital billboards or through a
search engine using content marketing on a blog.Whether the consumer knows that they are
part of an affiliate marketing system or not is mostly up to the affiliate.
The Network:
Only some consider the network part of the affiliate marketing equation. But, I believe that an
affiliate marketing guide needs to include networks, because, in many cases, a network works as
an intermediary between the affiliate and the merchant.
8. How does affiliate marketing work
The overall goal of an affiliate program is to create a win-win framework for both brands and
their affiliate partners – a structure that, when established properly and strategically managed,
can make up a significant portion of a brand’s online revenue, with high ROAS and low CPA.
Example of affiliate marketing being used to drive a sale:
Affiliate partner promotes a brand’s products or services on their site.
1. Consumer clicks on brand’s promotion on the affiliate’s site and a cookie is then
stored on the consumer’s browser , this is what makes it possible for the affiliate
network or SaaS platform to track the consumer’s progress from the affiliate’s
website through to the brand’s shopping cart.
2. Consumer is redirected to brand’s website.
3. Consumer purchases a product/service from the brand.
4. The network or SaaS platform then automatically pays out a commission to the
affiliate (based on the rules set by the brand) for driving that sale.
Amazon Associates
In the case of promoting consumer products, like tools, books, toys and household items, the
biggest affiliate network, by far, is Amazon. Their Amazon Associates affiliate program lets you
promote any item that is sold on their platform.
Anyone can sign up and then generate a custom affiliate link to Amazon products. If someone
purchases through your link, you earn a small commission.
With the basic terms clarified, let’s get an overview of how you can best get started with building
your affiliate marketing business.
9.Marketing Techniques
1. Pay Per Sale
Definition :
Online advertising payment model in which payment is based solely on qualifying sales.
In a pay per sale agreement, the advertiser only pays for sales generated by the destination site
based on an agreed upon commission rate.
Paying per sale is often seen as the payment model most favorable to advertisers and least
favorable to publishers. In such an agreement, the publisher must not only be concerned with the
quality and quantity of his or her audience, but also the quality of the advertiser’s creative units
and destination site.
If possible, many publishers avoid sales-based agreements, preferring to stick to the CPM model.
However, some publishers, facing weak ad sales, have little choice but to accept sales-based
agreements to utilize remnant space.
For advertisers, pay per sale has some unique advantages compared to pay per click and pay per
lead. There are fewer concerns about whether conversions are legitimate, and whether traffic is
incentivized or of low quality.
2. Pay Per Lead
Definition :
Online advertising payment model in which payment is based solely on qualifying leads.
In a pay per lead agreement, the advertiser only pays for leads generated at their destination site.
No payment is made for visitors who don’t sign up.
A lead is generally a signup involving contact information and perhaps some demographic
information; it is typically a non-cash conversion event. A lead may consist of as little as an
email address, or it may involve a detailed form covering multiple pages.
One risk to the advertiser is the potential for fraudulent activity by incentivized 3rd-parties or
marketing partners. Some false leads are easy to spot. Nonetheless, it is advisable to make a
regular audit of the results.
3. Pay Per Click (PPC)
Definition :
Online advertising payment model in which payment is based solely on qualifying click-through.
In a PPC agreement, the advertiser only pays for qualifying clicks to the destination site based on
a prearranged per-click rate. Popular PPC advertising options include per-click advertising
networks, search engines, and affiliate programs.
Paying per click is sometimes seen by some as a middle ground between paying per impression
and paying per action. When paying per impression, the advertiser assumes the risk of
low-quality traffic generated by the publisher. When getting paid for actions, the publisher
assumes the risk of low-converting offers by the advertiser. In the PPC model, the publisher does
not have to worry about the sales conversion rate of the target site, and the advertiser does not
have to worry about how many impressions it takes to attract the specified number of clicks.
10. Why become an affiliate Marketer
An associate advertiser is somebody who joins a member organize or for increasingly renowned
items or administrations consents to an agreement or arrangement with the online business to
advance their items or administrations utilizing an offshoot connect.
On the off chance that you're new to member showcasing, at that point you may be vacillating
about whether you should turn into an offshoot.
Before I disclose to you the best ten reasons of why you should turn into a subsidiary know this:
offshoot showcasing has completely changed myself from various perspectives I can't discover
the words to express the affection I have for partner promoting!
There are hundreds and thousands of associates out there everything from wellbeing, riches,
infant garments, show tickets, vehicle parts, and everything else you could conceivable envision.
There are additionally heaps of advantages to advancing offshoot programs with a locally
situated business, here are the main 10 motivations to turn into a subsidiary advertiser.
1. Not Hosting on make an item or administration and the costs connected with the
individuals business sorts. – if you need ever made an item or taken in an ability on offer it
Likewise An administration you might realize that it takes a considerable measure of period
should ace.
Also it often times cosset many many dollars will have an item and loads for period on
expert an aptitude. Subsidiary showcasing bypasses both about these benefits of the business
types, and mossycup oak of the period makes All the more cash in the long run.
An additional stunning relic should specify will be that subsidiary advertising could continuously
adjust of the regularly evolving showcase during the squint of an eye. Assuming that you used
months for your run through with make an item alternately an aptitude set then you can’t simply
try ahead What's more change that without setting off through those whole transform for making
and taking in everywhere throughout once more.
For this reason alone subsidiary advertising is without A mistrust such a staggering relic will
begin for yourself, Be that I’m not don’t just yet stay with perusing around.
2. Subsidiary showcasing need greatly low startup costs. – it hails down should best a couple
things will turned into a subsidiary advertiser and that incorporates you Hosting a web
connection, A computer, and A sure attitude will need to get some place.
You camwood try get An essential PC once Amazon, or Assuming that you bring no cash
what something like that at any point over cart you quit offering on that one or try some place
that need An allowed PC get. If there’s a will there’s an approach trust me.
3. No doltish signup FEES! – Practically the greater part subsidiary projects would free with
join, What's more business achieve is constrained just by those affiliate’s capacity should Push as
much alternately her offers. On you try out and comprehend your subsidiary offer those skies the
breaking point for subsidiary advertising.
4. You could look over many results Furthermore administrations to gain cash from . –
when you ponder it Practically All that you camwood purchase in this planet might make
purchased internet. It’s not tricky with find subsidiary system out there that will pay you for
whatever you need to Push.
Try look at destinations such as CJ. Com Also you will have the ability to discover results
identified with your diversions What's more abilities providing for you those upper hand The
point when you Push the offers have investment in.
5. No special service provider accounts required to run your associate enterprise. – If you
have ever tried to get a merchant account to save clients names, addresses, credit card numbers,
and so forth… than you realize it’s not a fun method.
Basically, a service provider handles all payment processing to your commercial enterprise
and maximum of the time you need to pay massive quantities of money to have one.
With associate advertising you don’t want anything of the kind, you get paid at once to your bank
account, PayPal, or they will send you to take a look at that you can deposit into your bank
account. It cuts out all the trouble of the old commercial enterprise model of having a merchant
6. No silly stock that you need to preserve on hand. – Being an affiliate marketer lets in you to
make cash from anywhere within the world without you having to deliver gadgets. You’re the
middle man in this state of affairs and you don’t deliver whatever, however you reap all the
benefits that an owner has.
7. No delivery costs in any way. – I have owned businesses that cannot run without transport
things and it’s now not amusing by way of any method. With associate marketing you don’t pay
for delivery charges EVER! Again it’s due to the fact you’re the center guy on this scenario.
8. No customer support, employees, or workplace hours EVER! – Having to deal with
customers, employees, and workplace hours suck! Affiliate advertising you do now not rent
personnel or have customer service in your business. That’s due to the fact there’s no need for it
whilst you’re an associate.
You work when you need, wherein you want, and with whomever, you need. Give greater
time for your circle of relatives and buddies as you keep a number of time from commuting
every day by means of being an associate marketer.
9. Make cash whilst you’re sleeping. – I don’t recognize of any other business with a purpose
to pay you whilst you’re doing? Affiliate advertising and marketing lets in you to quite literally
make cash 24/7 each day of the year!
10. Unlimited Revenue Potential (SKIES THE LIMIT)! – Being an affiliate allows you to
make any quantities of profits you notice fit. There’s no restrict to the amounts you can make.
With an ordinary activity you may most probably max out your hourly wage, now not to say
you’re more or much less getting paid for the hours in that you paintings which sucks!
Affiliate advertising permits you to make six figures, seven figures, 8, night, or ten or more
figures a year.
Affiliate Marketing Companies to Consider
eBay Partner Network
The eBay Partner Network has been around for a long time. And the commission rates are up
to 70% of the auction fees. But the auction template itself might turn small businesses people
This affiliate marketing program sells everything including groceries. And the commission rate is
2.5%. Jet offers free returns and free shipments over $35. So it may serve smaller food
retailers well.
Amazon Associates
Amazon Associates offers an overwhelming number of products. The fixed standard program
fee stands at 10% for women’s fashions. And that rate represents the highest. The program
makes over 1 million products available. So this make the Amazon affiliate program a possibble
choice for lots of small businesses.
Gearbest offers Chinese electronics in its store. And joining their affiliate program costs
Web marketers looking to make extra should pay attention here. Because GoDaddy offers a 40%
commission. And the service remains popular with Web designers.
HostGator offers big time web hosting with a large affiliate opportunity. And you can earn $125
per signup
11. The benefits of affiliate marketing
If you’ve been inside the ecommerce area for a little whilst, you’re maximum in all likelihood
familiar with the time period “affiliate advertising.” But many human beings aren’t quite sure
what it virtually is or how the method works. In its simplest terms, affiliate advertising and
marketing is a overall performance-primarily based advertising version that rewards associate
companions for driving a favored movement. These movements can consist of website online
visits, final touch of a lead shape and/or converted sales. This shape of marketing can be an
exceedingly beneficial, low-threat manner to promote your merchandise.
To help you apprehend the actual benefits of associate advertising and marketing, we’ve created
a list of the pinnacle five advantages of associate advertising and marketing:
1. Affiliate advertising is performance-based totally-
Because associates are best paid a fee as soon as the preferred motion has taken area, they’re
extra stimulated to pressure the conversion you’re looking for.
The fundamental gain of having an affiliate program is that it's miles completely overall
performance-primarily based. Because affiliates are simplest paid a fee as soon as the favored
action has taken area, they’re extra stimulated to drive the conversion you’re looking for. This
mitigates any efforts that pressure traffic with little to no fee on your organisation whilst also
making sure that you get what you pay for.
2. It allows develop your audience-
Affiliates may be found in every market and product category that exists nowadays. Whether
you’re looking to break into the retail enterprise or for some thing extra niche like handcrafted
antique toys, there'll usually be relevant websites to align with. The extraordinary information is
that a lot of these affiliates will have already got an established vacationer base. These
partnerships furnish the opportunity to enlarge out into new markets that you might not in any
other case have had the bandwidth to discover or to in addition saturate your existing goal
markets, giving your logo a miles stronger on-line presence. Think of these companions as an
extension of your contemporary advertising or income crew.
3. Affiliates can boost your popularity-
These companions will champion your merchandise and, in our opinion, will similarly solidify
customer confidence to your products or services.
By partnering with relied on bloggers and legitimate web sites, you could similarly the reputation
of your brand and its products. These companions will champion your merchandise and, in our
opinion, will similarly solidify consumer confidence to your product or service. While inside the
studies section of a buy, consumers are much more likely to agree with a 3rd birthday
celebration’s opinion over content produced at once from the web page promoting this product.
Consumers actually have a sure level of consider in web sites they common for product
4. It's value effective-
For some of the motives listed above, associate marketing may be extremely value effective. If
you’re best paying commissions whilst the desired conversion occurs, you’re no longer throwing
away advert dollars on placements that have no verified cost. Furthermore, recruiting affiliates in
new markets is a smooth manner to branch out into that market without the overhead value of
creating an entire advertising campaign, mitigating the need to sink cash into an unproven
marketplace for testing.
5. Affiliates can swiftly scale your visitors (and income)-
The more websites that link for your pages, the greater opportunities you’ll have to convert those
customers into paid customers.
In conjunction with your other advertising efforts, recruiting associates for your application will
let you scale visitors faster. The more sites that hyperlink to your pages, the greater opportunities
you’ll need to convert the ones users into paid clients. Also, despite the fact that associate links
might not have an instantaneous effect to your search engine scores, it's going to have a 'halo
impact' in phrases of extra human beings attempting to find your merchandise and navigating for
your pages - which IS awesome for your scores. In addition to a higher level of referral visitors,
you may almost usually count on a boost in your direct and organic visitors as well.
Affiliate advertising can be a totally effective, low-threat investment to help enlarge your
advertising and marketing efforts beyond a small enterprise’ traditional bandwidth. For the
reasons listed right here, associate advertising is almost continually really worth the investment
and may take your on line shop to new heights
Successful Affiliate Marketing Websites
I wanted to highlight the potential of affiliate marketing with some examples of people who have
done really well in the industry.
We all love seeing concrete results!
The majority of these websites are blogs, typically launched by a single person and eventually
grown into titans of the affiliate marketing space!
Let’s begin:
Smart Passive Income
Pat Flynn owns a blog about all things internet marketing, online business and entrepreneurship.
Pat launched Smart Passive Income in 2008 with the goal of helping people start profitable
online businesses by showcasing his own successes and failures.
Since then his blog has taken off and become a wild success.
You’ve probably noticed the income report picture above and yes, that’s six figures in one
month from a blog.
His income report for January 2017 was a total of $157,131.
$94,824 of that was purely from affiliate marketing referrals.
Here is a detailed breakdown of his affiliate earnings from January 2017, compared to the
previous month:
Pretty staggering numbers huh?
Pat represents a fantastic example of what is possible with affiliate marketing if you
establish yourself as a brandable authority in your niche.
How do you do this?
By providing awesome content that overwhelms people with value. If you focus on
producing amazing content and promoting that content, and you do it consistently, you
can’t lose.
Pretty staggering numbers huh?
Pat represents a fantastic example of what is possible with affiliate marketing if you
establish yourself as a brandable authority in your niche.
How do you do this?
By providing awesome content that overwhelms people with value. If you focus on
producing amazing content and promoting that content, and you do it consistently, you
can’t lose.
ShoutMeLoud is a large blog focusing on a variety of topics such as SEO, entrepreneurship and
affiliate marketing. The blog is owned by a guy called Harsh Agrawal.
Harsh started the blog as a hobby and it has since attracted an audience of over 872,000 people a
Harsh is passionate about helping people quit the 9-5 job they’re stuck in and live life on their
own terms. The main focus of the blog is showing people how they can generate an income
through blogging and other online means.
The last income report published was in December 2016 and the blog pulled in $34,390.
Most of this money came from affiliate commissions as you can see below:
Most of this money came from affiliate commissions as you can see below:
These figures demonstrate that Harsh has fully optimised his site for affiliate
It’s worth mentioning that Harsh started this blog in 2008, so he’s had roughly nine
years to build it up to where it is now. So don’t expect to achieve results like this in a
few months.
The ShoutMeLoud blog has TONS of content and a powerful backlink profile. This is
partly why it receives so much traffic every month.
Check out this snapshot of Harsh’s Google Analytics dashboard:
Most of this money came from affiliate commissions as you can see below:
These figures demonstrate that Harsh has fully optimised his site for affiliate
It’s worth mentioning that Harsh started this blog in 2008, so he’s had roughly nine
years to build it up to where it is now. So don’t expect to achieve results like this in a
few months.
The ShoutMeLoud blog has TONS of content and a powerful backlink profile. This is
partly why it receives so much traffic every month.
Check out this snapshot of Harsh’s Google Analytics dashboard:
12. Different affiliate marketing programs
13. Steps to develop digital marketing strategy

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Assignment On Email Marketing and Affiliate Marketing.pdf

  • 1. JAMIA HAMDARD UNIVERSITY NEW DELHI, INDIA DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT Digital Marketing Assignment On Email Marketing and Affiliate Marketing Submitted to, Submitted by, Dr. Md. Shahnawaz Abdin Sadiah 1
  • 2. Table of Content S.NO TOPICS Done by PAGE NO 1. 2. 3. What is email marketing? Debunking the myth Why is email marketing one of the most preferred ways to contact people? Sageer Saifi 3-38 4. 5. 6. The different ways in which email marketing works Tips,tricks and things to keep in mind while implementing an email marketing strategy Email marketing services Sidra Khan 39-53 7. 8. What is affiliate marketing How does affiliate marketing work Sadiah 54-57 9. Marketing Techniques Siyam Ali Khan 58-59 10. 11. Why become an affiliate marketer The benefits of affiliate marketing Shahbaz Jamal 60-72 12. 13. Different affiliate marketing programs Steps to develop digital marketing strategy Waqar ---- 2
  • 3. 1.What is email marketing? What is email marketing? Basically, the use of email to promote products and/or services. But a better email marketing definition is the use of email to develop relationships with potential customers and/or clients. Email marketing is one segment of internet marketing, which encompasses online marketing via websites, social media, blogs, etc. It is essentially the same as direct mail except that instead of sending mail through the postal service, messages are sent electronically via email. What are some popular myths of email marketing? · Email marketing is dead · People no longer want to share data online · GDPR has ruined email marketing · No one checks their email anymore · Other marketing methods have replaced email · Emails must be sent at a specific time · Churn is bad · Millennials don’t use email Email marketing is dead There’s no question that social media has become a dominant media source. Because of this, many opt to grow customer relationships via Facebook or Instagram. But even with social media’s popularity, email marketing is far from dead. On the contrary, email marketing is still a more successful way to reach customers. In fact, 80% of retail professionals indicate email marketing is better at retaining customers than social media. This is great news for marketers, since customer 3
  • 4. retention is both lucrative and cost-effective for businesses. Email marketing’s superior ROI also indicates the success of email marketing, because marketers can invest a small amount of resources into email and still see a big return. People no longer want to share data Even with email marketing’s successful nature, data collection is a major concern for the public. Data breaches are not unfamiliar to most internet users, especially now. The information shared in the last several years, whether on social media, credit reporting agencies, or third-party affiliates, has compromised thousands of people online. You may recall John Oliver’s HBO segment in which he urged people to freeze their credit reports after hackers targeted credit reporting agencies. Or you may be thinking of a slightly fresher story—Facebook’s Cambridge Analytica scandal—the breach that allowed users’ information to be collected, analysed, and used politically. But email is resilient. While social media fails to win public confidence, email luckily appears to be holding strong. In fact, over half of adults still feel confident in email providers’ ability to protect their data. Even as data breaches negatively affect the public’s opinion, email continues to remain steady. This also means email is seen as a safe alternative to other online resources, despite a changing online climate. GDPR ruined email marketing When it comes to data breaches, part of the concern is the mystery behind data collection. Just what information are companies collecting? And how much? How GDPR affects data collection This is where GDPR comes in. GDPR (General Data protection Regulation) is the EU’s most recent set of regulations regarding data collection. In short, companies must comply with a set of rules demanding data transparency. Users now have more control of their personal data, meaning they can learn about 4
  • 5. the data collected and have it removed from websites. But users are still willing to share data. GDPR naturally scared email marketers, since personalized and segmented campaigns largely rely on data collection to be successful. Many marketers believed GDPR would ruin email marketing as we know it. But just because people can withhold their data doesn’t mean they will. In fact, 75% of consumers are willing to share personal data, as long as they’re sharing with a brand they trust. Many consumers know sharing data can reward them with discounts and promotions. As long your email campaign is building a sense of trust with your customer base, chances are they will continue to share their data with you. No one checks their email anymore When it comes to myths of email marketing, this one comes up again and again. After all, the email marketing world is relatively saturated. Why would customers look at your email over the hundreds of others they receive in a week? We’re all guilty of ignoring emails from time to time. Promotions or petitions may sit in our inboxes, unread. When we don’t read these emails, open rates and CTRs are affected, often leading to one conclusion: No one reads emails anymore. But people are reading daily. In fact, 89% of Americans check their email daily, meaning people are seeing your emails, even if they’re not necessarily opening them or clicking through. If you’re experiencing poor metrics, consider your personalization and segmentation strategies. Are you catering to individual groups of customers, or are you merely sending the same email to everyone? A lack of customization can negatively impact your rates. Consider improving the personalization factor of your campaign by collecting data, such as high-spending customers, consumer interests, and buyer demographics. Other marketing methods have replaced email We discussed some of the issues with social media marketing earlier. But what 5
  • 6. about other forms of marketing? How can you be sure email marketing is superior? Advertisements can certainly seem like a preferable solution to email marketing, especially since you can pay for an advertisement to go virtually anywhere, and there’s no guarantee your email will be opened. But people are opting into email lists. Still, there’s something to be said for the opt-in nature of email. Ads can be distracting and annoying, especially since they pop up in unexpected places. Reading an email, on the other hand, is voluntary. Plus, 50% of consumers actually prefer to communicate with brands via email, whereas over 90% of online ads go unnoticed. This means customers are more likely looking for your emails and scrolling past ads. Send emails at a specific time You may have heard about the importance of email send times. This is another popular myth among the myths of email marketing. According to this idea, you have to send an email at a particular time to get reads. But data is superior. The truth is, no magic formula will entice readers into opening your emails. Sending at email at 9am on a Monday isn’t inherently better than sending at 2pm on a Tuesday. Rather than trying to adhere to a perfect send time, let data dictate your emails. Distribute a survey to learn about customer preferences. Test different email send times. Take stock of your numbers. Do people seem to read your emails more frequently in the mornings or during the afternoon slump? Do varying time zone affect this data? Collect, analyse, and let the results guide your next steps. Churn is bad Churn happens when your subscribers opt out of your list or become inactive. Because of this, many people assume churn is always a bad sign, especially since retention is so important. But churn can be an opportunity. 6
  • 7. While no one wants a high churn rate, it’s important to recognize churn as an opportunity. If someone opts out of your email list, for instance, it could be because you’re sending that person too many irrelevant emails. If your subscribers are becoming inactive, it could be a personalization issue. For instance, someone who purchases an item once a year doesn’t want daily promotional emails. Instead, they need to receive emails on a schedule that fits their purchasing habits. Millennials don’t use email There’re no doubt millennials are seen as a generation that’s shaking things up. Many industries have changed as millennials have entered the workforce, but email is not one of them. In fact, email is one of the few constants that continues to be popular among all ages. But millennials are using email more than you might think. In fact, 73% of millennials identify email as their preferred resource for communicating with businesses, which is especially interesting, since millennials are largely seen as the social media generation. However, Americans are actually less likely to use social media as they get older. It’s also important to consider just how often younger generations are interacting with email. On average, millennials spend five or more hours in their inboxes a day. This means millennials are not only using email, but it’s a huge part of the way they communicate. Now you’re not just familiar with popular myths of email marketing, but you also know why they’re myths. By reading recent studies, you can often debunk myths before they have the chance to affect your marketing negatively. And even though there are other marketing methods out there, email marketing seems to perform the best statistically better than paid advertisements or even social media. So, even though email may not be as trendy as other platforms, it’s proven to be relevant and successful when executed well. Still, we have to remember no broad generalization applies to every marketer. This is why collecting data continues to be extremely important. By observing analytics for your subscribers and their behaviours, you can learn what works for your email 7
  • 8. list and what doesn’t. So, now that you have the tools to disprove email myths, what myth will you debunk next? Reasons Why Email Marketing Is Important for Your Internet Marketing “More than 34% of the people worldwide use email. That’s about 2.5 billion people. It’s predicted to increase to 2.8 billion email users in the next 2 years. Yup, email’s popular. The Radicati Group, who came up with that info, also reckon that the world sends about 196 billion emails daily. Out of these 196 billion emails the majority, 109 billion, is business email. 1. More effective than social media (for customer acquisition) Don’t get us wrong, social media is an extremely important component in any business’ marketing strategy. Social Media is a great channel for interacting with your audience and strengthening your personal relationships with them. And because of that, it is an important first step towards reaching your ultimate goal – the conversion. But when it comes to converting people into members, customers or supporters, email marketing is the way to go. A study by Custora from 2013 found that customer acquisition via email marketing has quadrupled in the four years preceding 2013. Email marketing then already accounted for nearly 7% of all customer acquisitions that occurred online. 2. Economic and Cost Effective It’s easy, effective, and inexpensive. Email marketing allows business owners to reach a large number of consumers at a rate of nearly nothing per message. For small-business owners on a budget, this makes it a better choice than traditional marketing channels like TV, radio, or direct mail. You don’t have to take our word for it. Even with the explosion of all sorts of new technology and social networks, marketers keep coming back to email. 8
  • 9. The reason is clear–for ten years in a row, email is the channel generating the highest ROI for marketers. According to Direct Marketing Association (DMA), for every $1 spent, email marketing generates $40 in ROI Compared to traditional marketing efforts where printing, postage etc. can take up a lot of cost for your direct mail campaigns. With emails, you are still able to create the same imagery with the added benefit of having follow-up information instantly available with one click to your website. Perhaps just as importantly, with the correct maintenance of an email list, the cost benefits increase as does the ROI through the closer relationship established with the recipients. Together with the higher response rates that email marketing attracts, you, therefore, get more positive responses, more quickly and at a lower unit cost! Win-win situation! 3 Personal and Customisable In email marketing, what you’re really doing is segmenting your audience into lists, and sending each list a tailored email message that resonates with your reader and can provide them with something of value (segmented and targeted emails generate 58% of all revenue according to DMA, and marketers that use segmented campaigns, have noted a 760% increase in revenue, according to Campaign Monitor). Then you write a post for one of your social media channels, you address your audience as a whole (“To all of our fans, we would like to say.”). But by using your email marketing software correctly, it allows you to address people individually by name, split certain topics only for certain members of your list and eventually arrive privately in their personal inbox. According to research from Campaign Monitor, emails with subject lines that include the recipient’s name are 26% more likely to be opened. eConsultancy even goes as far as stating that 74% of marketers say targeted personalization increases customer engagement. Email does not have to be SPAM – and it should never be! It can be used thoughtfully to build loyalty and trust in your brand. 9
  • 10. Email marketing is important for building relationships with prospects, leads, current customers, and even past customers because it gives you a chance to speak directly to them, in their inbox, at a time that is convenient for them. Be friendly and personable. You are not invading their space if you have chosen your message and your recipient wisely. 4 Action Oriented Whether you realise it or not, everybody is trained to do something with an email -reply, forward, click-through, sign-up, or even straight buying. Think about this! Email is transactional by nature and you can use it to direct traffic to your website and ultimately drive sales. As you develop your small business or startup marketing strategy as a whole, using email will allow you to see results straight away. This means not just sending out newsletters, but also using email automation based on triggers of your customers. Transactional emails have 8x more opens and clicks than any other type of email and can generate 6x more revenue according to Experian. 5 Measurable There’s no guesswork in email marketing. When you use any email marketing software, you can track who opened your email, which links were clicked, and how many people unsubscribed. You can easily get a picture of how your email campaigns are performing, make adjustments and improve your effectiveness. Email marketing metrics are important to remember as you monitor and measure your internet marketing strategy as a whole. If you want to know how successful your email campaigns are compared to other people in your industry, have a look at the below chart by Constant Contact: Almost all major Email Service Providers (ESP’s) are providing these kinds of 10
  • 11. statistics. Others include Get Response, and the one we are using; MailChimp. A lot of email marketing software allows for split testing of your emails. As A/B testing comes from direct mail, it should go without saying that A/B testing in your email marketing campaigns is essential. A/B testing can reveal a great wealth of data about your subscribers. Do they generally respond better to tempting subject lines such as “Free”, “20 percent off”, or “Now on Sale”? Or, are they more open to a softer intro, maybe informing them of what to expect in your email. All these things can be tested, measured, learned from and improved upon. 6 Mobile devices allow people to check their email constantly Because mobile devices have become so common, people are checking their emails all the time—in line at Starbucks, during their office commute, in the waiting room at the doctor’s office, at the grocery store, everywhere. Some people think that with the growing popularity of social media platforms, email should be forgotten and may be pushed to the side. A study in 2014 from Exacttarget reports that 91% of people use smartphones to access their email. This compared to 75% of the people who use their smartphones for social networking. Not using email as part of your internet marketing strategy means you are missing out on a channel that a majority of the world uses! Different Ways in Which Email Marketing Works Deciding where to invest your marketing dollars isn’t a decision you take lightly. You know you need to attract new customers and keep your existing clients coming back, but you can’t afford to invest time or resources into something that isn’t going to deliver the results you expect. An email marketing campaign is a cost-effective solution that gives you the power to reach customers in a place most people visit every day — their inbox. 11
  • 12. But if you really want to find out how small business email marketing can work for your business, why not ask other small business owners and see how it worked for them? We’re constantly on the lookout for the exciting and innovative ways our customers are using email marketing to build customer relationships and do more business. 1. Build credibility People do business with people they know, like, and trust. Email gives you the ability to build credibility with your audience by sharing helpful and informative content. 2. Generate calls When done right, email marketing lets businesses reach the right person, with the right offer, at the right time. For a business like Rejuvenate Therapeutic Massage, a well-timed email results in a flood of calls each time they hit send. 3. Improve communication If your business depends on having a reliable way to communicate with your members and clients, you need to have a communication channel you can trust. For real estate management company, Buccini/Pollin Group, email has provided a reliable solution to keep tenants informed and up to date. 4. Build your brand With email marketing, you can strengthen brand recognition with new and potential clients, and extend your reach when people forward or share your message with a friend. 5. Boost sales 12
  • 13. When you have an audience of people who opt in to receiving updates from your business, you’ll be able to think differently about how you boost sales throughout the year. This has been especially valuable for a business-like Colorado-based Allegria Spa, which communicates with local residents and visitors from around the country. 6. Reach people on any device With nearly two-thirds of all emails being opened on a mobile device, email marketing is one of the best tools you can use to take advantage of the growing popularity of mobile technology. 7. Increase website traffic Whether you’re an e-commerce business that sells products online, or a retail store that wants to increase traffic to your website so that you can bring more people into your store — email marketing campaigns can help. 8. Market with a personal touch Unlike other marketing channels that often limit your ability to customize your message for the different audiences you communicate with, email marketing gives you the ability to organize your audience into lists and communicate with people based on interest, purchase behavior, location, and more. 9. Get immediate results When you run a small business, every sale, order, or appointment can have a significant impact. With email, you’re able to get the results you’re looking for right away and easily track how your different email marketing campaigns are performing. 10. Generate leads Not everyone who joins your email list will be ready to make a purchase or sign up 13
  • 14. for a service. Email gives you the opportunity to capture new visitor’s attention and nurture the relationship with helpful and informative content. 11. Promote services Service businesses face the difficult challenge of keeping clients interested in their business, even when they aren’t looking for services at different times of the year. Email gives you the opportunity to keep your client’s attention without overwhelming them with unwanted information. 12. Grow your audience As a small business, it’s not always easy to stand out in a crowded market. Email marketing allows you to build an audience that is interested in hearing from you, without having to pay for other advertising channels. 13. Increase your value When you adopt a communication strategy that fits your audience’s needs, you’ll have more people paying attention to your message and get a higher return overall. 14. Attract new clients In addition to connecting with the people on your email list, you can also share your newsletters and announcements on your own social media networks to bring new people to your business. 15. Stay top-of-mind By sharing relevant content with your audience throughout the year, you’ll be able to stay top-of-mind and build credibility. While they may not be ready to act right away, when your audience knows you have something that can help them solve a problem, they’ll be more likely to take action when the time is right. 16. Improve visibility 14
  • 15. As much as you’d like to think customers know about all of the different products and services you have to offer, there’s a good chance that many of them don’t. This was a problem the McDonald Wildlife Photography faced when they first got started with email marketing for their travel business. Tips & Tricks to Implement an Email Marketing Strategy Developing an effective email marketing strategy is a backbone of any business which presupposes six core steps: 1. Define your goals to shape the audience, the content and tactics for your emails. 2. Build a quality database using signup forms and use a double opt-in to get the list of subscribers who will be interested in your content. 3. Segment your audience to send the users only relevant emails. 4. Create personalized subject lines to engage your readers in your campaigns. 5. Optimize your emails for mobile view to upgrade mobile users’ experience of interacting with your brand. 6. Automate the workflow to provide your audience with appropriate content. Planning An effective e-marketing strategy helps you to · direct your business. Although getting ready with an e-marketing strategy is a time-consuming process, it is always useful for defining what marketing to send and which audience to target. · choose the tactics to apply. Define your dream customers, 15
  • 16. choose how to address them, and think which offers may appeal to them. This way you’ll be able to decide how to run your email marketing campaign. · collect the data about your audience. Find out information about their age, gender, lifecycle stage, and their buying behavior to build up customer profiles. · determine the target audience. Figure out the interests of your audience, the reason why they subscribed to your content so that you can tailor the content you will send to their preferences. · identify the performance of your email campaigns. Are you sending out campaigns to escalate the number of opens and clicks or improve the revenue? No matter what goal your email has, make sure you’ve set the right KPI to track the effectiveness of your email campaign. Scheduling Email marketing remains one of most widely used strategies today, and for a good reason. On average, brands receive an ROI of 122% from email marketing. That’s 4x higher than other types of marketing strategies. But as with other marketing strategies, managing an email marketing campaign can quickly turn into a time sucker if you’re not careful. Part of this is because creating, implementing, and monitoring an email marketing campaign takes a lot of work. In fact, over 68% of brands using email marketing spend up to a whole week to create a single email. 16
  • 17. The importance of taming your email marketing schedule Give equal attention to different strategies. Brands use a combination of different marketing strategies to promote their products and services. Unless you have a team big enough to divide each of them to focus on one marketing strategy, you need to make sure that you and your team give equal attention to each of the strategies your business uses to get optimum results. Increase work productivity. 86% of businesspeople prefer emails among other means of communication. However, spending a great deal of time replying to emails can quickly eat up your productivity at work. Maintain healthy client relationships. Let’s face it: each of your clients believe that their needs require your immediate attention and action all the time. Far too often, during these back-and-forth exchanges, you end up getting confused on which tasks and projects your client wants to be accomplished. Even worse, if you fall behind, the customer can feel that you’re not meeting their needs and take their business elsewhere. Also, spending too much time emailing one person means that you might neglect the others. If they feel you’re not proactively giving them updates, reports or 17
  • 18. answers, they’ll also feel that you’re not particularly concerned about their needs. That being said, here are ten things you should do to create a time-saving email marketing schedule that delivers results. 1. Take control of your inbox. One study report that an average employee spends about 6.3 hours a day on emails: 3.2 hours for work emails and 3.1 for personal emails. Email marketers spend even more, just because it’s part of their job. It consumes a significant amount of time during your workday, and your productivity also suffers. Believe it or not, your brain isn’t wired to handle multiple things at the same time. What happens when you try to multitask is that your brain has to stop what it’s currently doing, reboot, and then focus on the new task at hand. It takes up to 23 seconds to happen – quite an insignificant amount. But this quickly adds up to minutes, and eventually, hours, wasted. To become more efficient, limit how often and how long you spend doing emails. Using a tool like Email Analytics can also help you take your inbox, especially if you’re using Gmail as your CRM. This software program gives you different detailed reports. This way you get a comprehensive picture of how long you’re spending on your email and, more importantly, where you’re spending your time. One of the things good about this tool is its Top Senders / Recipients report. It gives you a list of addresses you’re getting the most emails from, and how long it takes them to respond. Instead of checking your email now and then, you can now 18
  • 19. use the received data to set your schedule when to check your inbox. Email Analytics also helps you monitor the email activity of your team members with its Average Time Spent per Email report. 2. Create an email marketing calendar. Having a visual calendar for your email marketing campaign allows you to keep track not only of when to send your emails but what content you include. It also ensures that your emails are received and opened by a greater portion of subscribers in your email list. This can be as easy as creating a Google Sheet that you can share with your team so that you’re all on the same page. If your email marketing strategy is a bit more complex or you’re working with a remote team, project management tools like Asana or Trello are convenient. 3. Use email templates. Email templates are an email marketer’s best friend. These are ready-made emails that you can tweak to make it fit your email marketing campaign. Get Response has a wide variety of professionally designed email templates you can use for your campaigns. A step-by-step guide on how to create emails using these templates is worth checking out. 4. Master the art of time blocking. Time blocking is a productivity technique where you block off a time range to complete a task. Hence, the name. 19
  • 20. During these time periods, you’re not going to do anything else except the specific task. I admit doing this can be difficult at first, especially since it’s so easy to get distracted when you’re online. But with a bit of practice, it will get easier. Once the time block ends, go to the next task. Don’t give yourself any extensions. That way, you’re training yourself to stay focused. I usually go a step further by incorporating the Pomodoro Technique in time blocking. Adding the Pomodoro Technique divides long time blocks into smaller chunks, allowing you to take a quick break in between. 5. Set up triggered emails. As its name suggests, a triggered email is a type of email that automatically gets sent to your subscriber based on their profile and where they are in your buyer’s journey. What makes it incredibly effective is that it makes your subscribers feel like you took the time to address their pressing concerns and needs. And you don’t have spent vast chunks of time responding to each one of their emails. More important, you can use these emails throughout your entire buyer’s journey. This increases your ability to nurture and guide your leads through your sales funnel even if you’re doing other tasks. 6. Segment your emails. Email marketers that take the time to segment their lists experience an increase in open rates, decrease in opt-out and unsubscribe rates, and growth in leads and 20
  • 21. email revenue. The reason is that your target market isn’t going through your buyer’s journey at the same pace. By segmenting your email list, you can create a more effective and personalized email content that satisfies their needs. One thing to remember is not to overdo it. Having too many segments would be counterintuitive. Instead of saving time on email marketing, you’ll end up spending more time making sure you give each segment the attention it deserves. 7. Consider outsourcing. This is a huge time-saver. Especially if you’re the only person in charge of doing email marketing. Delegating specific tasks to freelancers that have the skills and talent can free up your precious time and resources. You can find a lot of highly skilled, yet affordable, freelancers to handle your email’s content development, edit images, and create mobile-friendly layouts on sites like Up Work and Fiverr. 8. Keep your emails short but captivating. Your target audience is busy. So, you have a few seconds to get their attention to click your email and read its copy. Keeping the subject line and content short and straightforward will keep your reader’s attention enough for them to click on the link to visit your website. Short paragraphs will also make your emails mobile friendly. 9. Create a curated newsletter 21
  • 22. Much of the time spent on a campaign is devoted to creating quality content. It’s challenging to come up with original content with share to your subscribers. Creating a curated newsletter featuring the latest trends and news within your niche is a smart way to save time while still providing value to your subscribers. All you and your team need to do is to write up short lines introducing the posts you’ll add to your email. BuzzSumo is a great tool to use for this. This software platform gives you a list of blog posts and articles performing well in shares in your targeted keyword. 10. Choose the right email platform I decided to save this for last because it’s the most crucial. No matter how well you do the first nine, if you’re using an email platform that’s less than par, these won’t help you manage your email marketing schedule. When choosing an email platform to use for your email marketing strategy, keep in mind these three things: Are you a Mailchimp customer affected by their May 2019 pricing update? Or looking for a marketing solution that will have it all – only cheaper? Here’s a GetResponse vs Mailchimp plan comparison. Ability to integrate with your CRM Updating your email list manually is time-consuming. You need to make sure that the email provider you choose can seamlessly collect the details from your CRM and include these to your email list. That way, you can effectively manage both your CRM and emails at the same time. Mobile friendliness This is the age of mobile. Your email platform’s email templates should be 22
  • 23. designed so that it’s easy to read and click regardless of what device your readers use. Scalability of features Your email platform should provide you with features that will help you manage efficiently as your email list continues to grow. Summing up Email marketing is effective in achieving your online marketing goals. While it’s much work to create, execute, and manage, it shouldn’t come to a point where you don’t have any more time for other tasks and responsibilities. On their own, each of these tips can free up the time you spend on email marketing. Combine them with focus and discipline, and it can increase your productivity beyond measure. Styling of Email Campaigns Each email campaign is made of multiple sections. Although you can style most sections separately, there are certain “global” style settings that affect your whole campaign. This creates a consistent look to help you maintain a unified brand. These global styles are applied throughout each campaign: · Fonts · Text sizes · Link colours · The surrounding background colour Style A Section With the exception of global styles, each section is styled separately. Click a section in 23
  • 24. the preview on the left, then use the right panel to style it. For more help, visit our tips on building and styling each section type: · Blog · Button · Line · Image · Product · Spacer · Text · Header (top section) · Footer (bottom section) Choose your Front In any section, click Font Pack to set the fonts for all text in a campaign. Font packs are combinations of fonts, carefully chosen by our designers to be pleasing to the eye and help your subscribers focus on your message. Browse the options to find a font pack that matches the tone and content of your campaign. There isn't a way to edit individual fonts within a font pack. Our font packs are curated to look consistent across a wide variety of mail clients. Most mobile email clients, for example, don't support web fonts, and instead will replace them with their own default fonts. The fonts in our font packs are selected for maximum compatibility, so you can be sure that what you see in your draft is as close as possible to what your subscribers will see in their inbox. If you need a different font in a specific location, consider adding it as an image, or using color and formatting to distinguish your text. Set Your Text Sizes In any section, click Font Sizes to set the size for all text in your campaign. 24
  • 25. · Use the Base Font Size slider to choose the size of your campaign's body text. · Use the Type Scale slider to set the text size contrast. For example, a lesser type scale will result in a “flat” email, where headers are only marginally larger than paragraph text, and a greater type scale will make headers relatively larger. There are a few exceptions. Header text has its own size settings, and the following elements are currently a fixed size: · Header text · Button text · Blog post and product titles · Product prices · Blog post dates · Unsubscribe links · Footer address text Chose Your Colour When you click an element to change its color, such as a background area or font, you'll see swatch circles for the colors currently used in that campaign. You can use these colors or add new colors. · To use an existing color, click its swatch. · To add a new color, click within the color picker to find the color you want, then click the + icon in the swatch that appears. Background Colors Each section has its own background colour. · Click a section and then click Background Colour to set its background 25
  • 26. colour from your campaign's swatches. · Click the area outside the sections to adjust the surrounding Email Background. · For image sections, the background colour only shows behind captions and transparent image areas Style Text Likes Text links follow your global font pack and global font sizes. To set the colour for all links in your campaign, click the area outside the sections, then set the Link Colour. Padding To adjust the white space around text and images, click any section to see its padding options. Responsive Design Email Campaigns' built-in responsive design resizes your images and text based on the visitor's screen. Whether your subscribers are sitting at a desktop computer or checking their email on a smartphone while waiting for a train, responsive design helps your campaign look great no matter what. · Fonts get slightly bigger on mobile devices so they’re more legible on a smaller screen. · For blog, products, and image sections, Side and Numbered layouts stack in narrow browsers and screens. This helps your images and text remain visible. Image Links A clickthrough URL turns an image into a clickable link. Some campaign images have built-in links: · Images in blog and product sections click through to the post or item pages. · Logos and header images click through to the homepage. 26
  • 27. In an image section, click Unlinked next to the image name and add a web address in the URL box, or click for additional link options. This is supported for all layouts except the Card layout. Writing Email Marketing Campaign Email marketing is different than social media. It’s more personal, more targeted, and more dedicated to reaching a specific set of users. With this in mind, consider these functional tips for how to write content for email marketing. 1. Write a good subject line. The subject line is the gatekeeper in the world of email marketing. Write a good one and you’ll see a satisfying open rate. Write a poor one and you’ll suffer the sound of crickets in the background of your campaign. While there are dozens of great ways to write a compelling subject line, the best ones all have a few things in common: they revolve around grabbing a reader’s interest and keeping it. With this in mind, follow all of the standard rules that come with writing any great email line: include action words, address the reader directly, make it unique, succinct, and short, and differentiate it from anything else they’ll see that day! 2. Personalize your emails. Personalized email copy performs better than general email copy. With this in mind, input your customer’s name into your email subject lines and be sure to target the body of your email so that it speaks directly to your audience and nobody else’s. 27
  • 28. While it can be easy to worry that your emails will be lost in the fray, the only way to ensure that they won’t be overlooked is to personalize them fully and differentiate them from anything else out there. 3. Make your emails clear first and catchy second. Catchy emails are great, but only if they’re also clear enough to make your audience want to click on them. With this in mind, focus on making your emails clear and descriptive first, and then make the catchy second. This ensure that your audience will understand the purpose of your emails, and that you won’t be going out of your way to develop email campaigns that don’t draw real results. What’s more, emails that are clear boost your authority as a company, since they promise only what they can deliver, and help readers develop realistic their expectations. 4. Keep your subject line related to your copy. Even if your subject line is clear and catchy, it’s all for naught if it doesn’t also align with your body copy. Keep in mind that delivering what you promise is critical in the world of email, and only people who can truly do this succeed in the long run. With this in mind, keep your subject text in-line with your body copy. In addition to providing better value for readers, this will also go a long way toward enhancing your reputation as a company and making sure that customers want to click your 28
  • 29. material in the days to come. 5. Keep it relevant. Relevance is critical for a good email, so be sure to tie the content of your email in with something that will ground it as relevant and in-demand. Current events work well, as does some personal detail about the audience. By showcasing your relevance, you stand a better chance of grabbing the reader’s attention and keeping it. 6. Write all of your email copy in the second person. Second person is the best voice for email because its personal and unique. When you reach out and speak directly to your customers, it’s easier for them to relate to the voice and content of your email. This, in turn, also makes it easier for them to connect with your emails and enhances the likelihood that they’ll open your emails in the future – which is a good thing for everyone involved. 7. Showcase the benefits rather than the features of your offer. If you’re making an offer via email, be sure to showcase the benefits of said offer rather than the features. In addition to being more valuable for readers, this also helps present a realistic picture of your product, which goes a long way toward helping people understand what to expect from it. While most people focus on the features in an attempt to sell a product, focusing on the benefits can go much further toward helping the reader understand what’s 29
  • 30. unique and special about the product. 8. Keep it short. Email marketing is not the place to get long-winded and verbose. Instead, keep your emails as short and to-the-point as possible. This enhances the likelihood that you’ll keep you audience’s interest and also serves to keep you on track and on topic throughout the duration of your email campaign. 9. Let your personality shine. Your personality should show through in the emails you write, and it will benefit your company and your personal brand if you follow this tip. While you always want to be professional, allowing your personality to shine through your email copy is an effective way to differentiate yourself from the crowd. 10. Don’t spam. Spamming your readers is the cardinal sin of email marketing. With this in mind, only send outposts when you have things to say and don’t ever, ever send out an email just to send out an email. Customers are quick to unsubscribe, and you could be landing yourself in hot water as a result. Proofreading in Email Marketing Ever get an email from a brand you loved, and they spelled your name wrong? Or called you by someone else’s name? It’s kind of hurts, doesn’t it? You know they didn’t put the email through a proofreading process before they sent it. If it’s a brand you don’t even remember signing up to get emails from, you probably laugh and hit Unsubscribe. But if it’s a brand you like and want to hear from, it can be 30
  • 31. hard for them to undo the damage. ALWAYS RUN SPELL CHECK (THOUGH IT’S A DOUBLE-EDGED SWORD) If you’re writing in Microsoft Word, it’s built in, and it will automatically flag misspelled words as you type them. Same with WordPress, which will give you a red dotted line beneath words it thinks you misspelled. The challenge, of course, is that it won’t always catch misused words. It might even mistakenly change them to the wrong word through its grammar check. The concern about spell check is that it becomes a crutch, and you assume it’ll save you. Remember that spell check is no replacement for proofreading the copy yourself and being able to double check spell check’s work — and your own. RECRUIT MORE THAN ONE SET OF PROOFREADING EYES There’s one in nearly every office. That grammar geek who loves to pick apart phrasing and compulsively copy edits menus at restaurants. Identify this person and put them to use. Maybe it’s the marketing director, or a copy writer. Or maybe it’s someone in sales or customer service. Whoever it is, ask them for a quick moment to read your copy. And if that person is you, don’t get cocky. You still need more people to check it than just you. EDUCATE YOURSELF In the end, if you’re the content writer, you’re likely responsible for proofreading what eventually goes out. All the help in the world isn’t going to save you from someone calling you to task if spelling and grammar errors are leaking through to customers. So, do what you can to educate yourself. Use Google liberally. Pick up 31
  • 32. a grammar reference book to keep at your desk. Learn when your neighbourly grammar geek corrects you and try not to make that mistake again. DON’T PUT OFF PROOFREADING UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE Any good proof-reader will tell you, they’re not perfect. The best proof-reader in the world has a non-zero rate of missing mistakes. The best way to avoid having mistaken get past your quality-control efforts is to not make that mistake in the first place. And the best way to avoid mistakes is to not wait so long that you’re rushing to finish the work. That’s when sloppiness comes into play. That increases the error rate, along with the chances that errors will make it into the final product. The best way to avoid having mistaken get past your quality-control efforts is to not make that mistake in the first place. Some of these mistakes can seem like nothing, but they add up. You never know when that new email subscriber you worked so hard to get is the grammar geek in someone else’s office. Show them you’re careless with your email copy, and you might not get another chance to earn their business. Optimizing Youremail campaign is only as good as the follow-through you give it. Don’t miss out on potential sales because you failed to optimize your mailings. 1. Use a Newsletter Service If you’re not already signed up for an email marketing service provider, such as MailChimp or A Weber, you’re doing yourself a disservice. These companies make it easy to create beautiful, mobile-optimized emails – a hugely important factor considering almost 40 percent of users’ access email from mobile devices. 32
  • 33. The benefits don’t end there, though. You can also manage email lists, integrate forms and sign-ups on your website, and track email analytics. If you’ve been trying to manage every aspect of your newsletters in-house, it’s time to free up some manpower and let a cloud service take some of the work off your hands. 2. Test Your Subject Lines According to stats compiled by Impact Branding & Design, 33 percent of email recipients open their email based on the subject line alone. Your subjects should be concise and informative, giving the reader a reason to click through. This is no easy task. That’s why many email marketing services allow you to send outtwo versions of the same email, each with a different subject line – enabling you to test which one garners more opens from readers. 3. Personalize Your Message Readers understand that email campaigns are sent out to the masses, but that doesn’t mean they want to feel like just another name on a list. When collecting emails from customers and clients, try to harvest as much additional information as you can, such as their names, ages, addresses, interests, and social media information. Be sure to leave these fields optional, though, as many people navigate away from a page if it requires too much work. When composing your email campaigns, use customizable fields to personalize each message. For instance, if you customize the “To” field, the reader can receive a message that says, “Dear John,” instead of an impersonal, “Dear Customer.” It’s little details like this that go a long way toward engaging your audience and 33
  • 34. encouraging follow-through. 4. Segment Your Emails To personalize your message further, segment your email lists into smaller, niche customer groups. Email marketing services make it easy to set up this type of list, creating groupings based on location, gender, past purchases, and more. The goal here is to provide a particular customer group with deals and updates likely to resonate with them. For instance, if you own a sporting goods line that markets primarily to coaches and teams, you could segment your list into groups based on sport – football, basketball, baseball. Then, when you’re running a deal on football helmets, you could send out an email targeted only to football coaches, rather than to your entire list. Not only is this likely to make the football coaches happy, but you’re less likely to annoy the other coaches on your list by sending them information they don’t care about. 5. Reduce Text and Optimize Calls to Action Customers and clients want to spend as little time as possible reading through their emails, so they’re likely to open up your campaign, give it a quick scan, and decide within just a few seconds whether to delete it or click through. That’s why you want your message to be short, sweet, and to the point. Cut down on long formtext and focus on short messages that call the reader to action. Be a little bossy (in a nice way) and tell them what they need to do next. For instance, if you run an office supply company and you want to increase printing supply sales, focus your entire email on one single call to action – buying more printing supplies. You could do this by offering a quick tip on getting more out of your toner, and including a coupon for a discount on paper, but the overall 34
  • 35. message and all links you provide should be focused on a single call to action, “View our hot printing deals now!” Your call to action should be obvious and visually appealing, leaving no room for doubt about what the reader should do next. 6. Provide Visually Interesting Campaigns Many email recipients prefer viewing email marketing in HTML, fully optimized with images, custom fonts, and styles. Because you only have a few seconds to generate a response from your reader, the more visually interesting your campaign is, the more likely the reader is to stick around. Include images and graphics that support your overall message – and avoid generic stock images and choose ones that “tell the story” of your email. For instance, if you’re providing a coupon to readers, go ahead and put an image of it in the email with a clear call to action, “Click for your coupon,” below it. 7. Provide Means for Social Sharing According to statistics provided by Impact Branding and Design, emails that have social sharing buttons generate a 158 percent higher click-through rate than those that don’t. If your goal is to initiate action from your reader, then you absolutely must include a means for the reader to share your newsletter with their own social following, as well as a means for the reader to follow you on your social networks. Many email marketing service providers make this step incredibly easy – all you have to do is add the social widgets and include any appropriate links. Don’t make my mistake – understand the importance of your mailing list and focus on optimizing your emails immediately. You won’t be disappointed. Personalizing 35
  • 36. Personalization, in the context of email marketing, is the act of targeting an email campaign to a specific subscriber by leveraging the data and information you have about them. It could be information like their first name, the last product they bought, where they live, how many times they log into your app, or a number of other data points. Personalization is a broad term, and it can vary in sophistication. Basic email personalization includes tactics like using a subscriber’s name in the subject line, while more advanced tactics can include changing the content of the email based on a subscriber’s gender, location, or other things you know about them. Personalizing your email campaigns is a proven way to increase your open and click-through rates and can have a measurable impact on your ROI and revenue. Studies have shown emails with personalized subject lines are 26% more likely to be opened than those without, and Rich Relevance found that revenue is 5.7 times higher in emails that employ personalization. One of the most commonly used personalization strategies is using the recipient’s first name. However, personalization in an email goes further than simply using your subscriber’s first name. So, what exactly is a personalized email? The following are 3 main elements that make up a personalized email: 1. Relevant The main cornerstone of a personalized email is relevance. People’s inboxes are cluttered, with the average worker receiving at least 121 emails per day, and, often, those emails will address the recipient by name. To take email personalization further and grab your subscriber’s attention, offer relevant content. If your content doesn’t directly impact your reader, your email 36
  • 37. has high chances of being relegated to the trash box. 2. Timely Another hallmark of a personalized email is that it has to be timely. By gathering enough data about your subscriber, you can know what kind of content they need at a particular stage of their customer journey with you. For example, if they search for a particular topic or solution on your website, you gain insight on what they need at that point in time and can then craft and send them a timely email. 3. Comes from a person People are more likely to trust and relate to an email that comes from another person, as opposed to a business. You need to use a person’s name in the “from” field and use a face instead of a logo. Email Marketing Service: Why Choosing the Best Email Marketing Service is Important? Email marketing is one of the most cost-effective marketing tools for small businesses. According to the Direct Marketing Association, email marketing on average sees a 4300 percent return on investment (ROI) for businesses in the United States. This is because email marketing is easy to manage, gives you full control, and allows you to establish a direct contact with your customers. It’s important to understand that a lot of your success with email marketing depends entirely on the email marketing software you choose because they are responsible for making sure that your emails actually get delivered. If you aren’t careful, then you will end up paying a lot more money for fewer 37
  • 38. features and terrible email deliverability rates (which causes you to lose even more money). What to Look for in a Good Email Marketing Tool? A good email marketing service should enable you to create highly engaging email newsletters with an easy user interface (ideally drag & drop). You should be able to easily send bulk emails that are actually personalized and targeted without a lot of work. This is also known as marketing automation. Aside from that, your email marketing service must make it easy to manage your contacts, segment users into groups, and track the performance of your email marketing campaigns. Most importantly, a good email marketing service ensures that your emails do not end up in the spam folder. Having said that, let’s take a look at some of the most popular email marketing service providers and how they stack up against each other. 38
  • 39. 4. The different ways in which email marketing works 1. Make it personal. Don't be afraid to get personal with your customers. Personalization increases response rates and boosts engagement. Use names in email messages to grab attention, but don't use full names--that can come off as creepy and even make customers feel uncomfortable. Make sure the customer information you have on file is accurate. Misspelling names or using incorrect titles can damage your reputation instead of helping it 2. Use subject lines, headlines and subheads to your advantage. It can be tempting to quickly write subject lines, headlines and subheads, but it's worth your time to put some thought into crafting these smaller, but valuable, facets of customer communication. Be simple and straightforward, but clever in your subject line and headline. The recipient should be able to understand the purpose of your message with just a 3- to 5-second scan. Make sure your subheads support your headline and offer further information and instruction without distracting from the body of your copy. 3. Write targeted, brief and enticing body copy. People never want to read rambling copy--and people especially don't want to read rambling copy in an email. Open with text that will hook your audience, like a rhetorical question or compelling offer. Avoid yes or no questions, as these can deter customers based on their answers. Introduce the most compelling benefits of your offer, summarize important details and focus your energy on one clear call to action. Make your copy easy to scan by using short sentences, simple language and bulleted lists. 4. Use the side column wisely. In an email with limited space,the right column is your friend. Use this valuable space to reiterate the value of your offer or insert direct links that lead to the same destination as the main offer. Don't use the right column to promote other offers--this can be confusing for your readers and can even decrease the performance and value of all the offers in the email. 5. Don't overlook the little things. In email, a bit of extra effort on your end goes a long way for the readers, especially for mobile. You can boost user experience by pre-filling forms, limiting the number of fields on a form, pulling in user data through progressive profiling 39
  • 40. and sizing the fields to match the length of the information to be entered. All of these steps lead to better response and engagement rates. 6. Know when to send and when not to send. The ideal send frequency can vary depending on audience expectations, product, service or campaign type. Generally speaking, you should send emails at least once a month. But don't send an email just for the sake of sending an email--communicate with your audience when you really have something good to offer. Make sure the content is useful and the topic is relevant. Don't send too often and don't be too aggressive. That's a major turnoff. 7. Call users to action. The call to action is everything. Use persuasive words and incorporate the "What? Why? How?" method. Tell users what they need to do, why they should do it and how to do it. Tailor the CTA to your audience and provide multiple links throughout the email to make it easy for users to take action. Use CTA buttons, but avoid including CTA links within any images. 8. Be smart about your design. User-friendly design is a fundamental aspect of email marketing. Responsive design, appropriate color and text size, adequate use of white space and incorporation of company branding and logo can make your email look and feel more inviting for customers. 9. Make sure your landing page is on point. If your email is effective, but your landing page is off target, you could still lose out on conversions. Your landing page should be an extension of your email campaign and contain the same messaging, the same design and the same offers as advertised in your email. Use your landing page to go into more detail and elaborate on your CTA. Feature well-crafted copy and the same user-friendly design as your emails. 10. Avoid common email marketing blunders. Avoiding common mistakes can give your email and your entire campaign the finishing touches needed to be a success. Don't use all caps, don't mention opt-in preferences in your email body copy, and don't choose font colors and sizes that are too hard to read or too large to display on mobile. Use clean and light HTML coding, include basic company information like name and address, include an unsubscribe link in the footer and use common fonts to ensure it will be readable on whatever device your customers are using. 40
  • 41. Tips,tricks and things to keep in mind while implementing an email marketing strategy 1. Perfect your timing to maximise engagement Marketing via email is all about maximising open rates. But this isn’t as simple as writing high-quality content that captivates customers and motivates them to make a purchase. It’s also about timing. For instance, BtB marketers targeting network managers in the power sector may want to post newsletters between Monday and Friday, probably early in the working day. That way, they can catch subscribers before they get stuck into their workload. BtC marketers looking to draw in fashion lovers may use a different strategy. If they post during working hours, they may miss the sweet spot in the day when people are looking to relax and read leisurely. Instead, weekends and early evenings could be ideal although lunch breaks are worth a shot as well. 2. Tips for subject lines: create tags that really shine Marketing via email is more dependent on titles than almost any other marketing discipline. It’s amazing how much money depends on a few words. When trying to persuade customers to open your email, even putting a character in the wrong place can be fatal. Getting subject lines right is crucial. Firstly, think outside the box. Choosing subject lines which are a little bit wacky, fun and humorous is a great way to grab attention. Secondly, use subjects that make readers feel a sense of urgency. It’s often helpful to link email marketing efforts to deadlines which make readers less likely to put the email to one side. So, highlight a sales event and how limited the window is. When readers know that time is short, their brains are much more likely to want to find out more. 3. Stand out from the flood of spam These days, email marketers aren’t just competing with other companies in their sector; they also need to ensure that their content isn’t mistaken for phishing emails or other types of spam. When writing newsletters, put yourself in the place of your email subscribers as they consider which emails to open. If they are paranoid about malware and sensitive to scams, they will stay away from anything which seems suspicious. Double check headers for grammar and spelling errors, keep your style consistent and make sure that any links you include are 100% secure and accurate. This won’t just help to build credibility 41
  • 42. in the eyes of readers; it will also guard against your email newsletter being automatically consigned to spam folders. 4. Get your email newsletter formatting right every time Formatting your marketing material is as important as the content it features. Take mobile campaigns, for example. Nowadays, almost all companies need to appeal to smartphone users, which means that their newsletters have to be optimised for mobile devices. Some formatting tips apply to all content. Firstly, make sure that headers, images and body text are properly arranged with no overlaps. Any visual flaws will be a big turn-off for casual readers. It’s always advisable to test each newsletter thoroughly to make sure that the layout works. Similarly, try to ensure that your content fits into standard email client displays. This is easy to overlook, but it’s essential. Messages which require users to scroll sideways to read each line are never well received. Finally, achieve the right mix of content and images. Don’t include images that are too large, and which dominate the newsletter. Be sure to add key text “above the fold” so that it is the first thing readers encounter. It’s the text that hooks them more than pretty images (although images can help!). 5. Content is crucial: make every word count Our last tip is probably the most important of all: whatever content you include in your email marketing newsletter, make sure that it is relevant, concise, professional and speaking directly to your target audience(s). If you use images, link them tightly to your brand identity and the subject of the email. Don’t just use them for decoration. When you write body text, focus on providing information that matters. Tell readers about why you’ve written to them and why they should read on. Don’t waffle about your products or sales. Lead the readers clearly from an above-the-fold welcome through to an introductory paragraph, then concisely cover the information on whatever you’re trying to communicate and finish on a tasteful call-to-action to round things off. Emphasise the call-to-action with links or graphics, but don’t skimp on the body text. The body is the meat of your newsletter, and it has to be written professionally. 42
  • 43. Email Marketing Services - 1. HubSpot HubSpot's free email tool is easy to use, has an extremely high deliverability rate, and has all the bells and whistles you'd expect to see within an ESP. When creating an email, you can pick from one of many drag-and-drop email templates, or you can craft a custom template tailored to your brand. Once you've got your template, incorporating content is simple and intuitive. You can also personalize your emails for different recipients based on device type, country, or list inclusion -- or use a simple personalization token to ensure that each email includes content that is specific to each recipient. Plus, within HubSpot, you can preview an email as a specific recipient, on a specific device type, or within a specific email provider -- ensuring your email looks exactly how you want it to 43
  • 44. regardless of how your customer needs to view it. When it is time to send, using the smart send feature will ensure that recipients receive your email at an appropriate time. Additionally, you can run A/B tests to compare different versions of an email to understand which one resonates the most with your audience. You also won't have to worry about deliverability -- HubSpot maintains a 99% deliverability rate across the network for all marketing email sends. Outside of the email marketing functionality, HubSpot offers a wide range of reports on your email’s performance, letting you judge what is resonating with your audience and optimize your strategy accordingly. You can report on something as broad as your overall email performance in Q1, or you can get granular and see how one particular lead is interacting with your emails. In addition, HubSpot's automation platform makes it easy to scale your email marketing strategy, which will help you quickly turn leads into loyal customers. 2. Constant Contact Constant Contact is a popular email marketing service for many industries. It comes with over 100 email templates that you can either use as is, or customized to meet your specific objectives. 44
  • 45. Once your email looks good, you can easily schedule it to send to your contacts. In addition to drip email campaigns, you can also have emails go out at a regular cadence to celebrate specific events -- for example, you could have a regular email go out on each customer's birthday. Constant Contact also makes it easy to manage your contacts. Additionally, once a list is uploaded, bounces and unsubscribes are automatically updated. They also have "Plus" features that let you execute very specific types of campaigns -- such as a coupon offers, donation collections, or surveys. Image source. 3. Campaign Monitor Campaign Monitor prides itself in providing powerful, personalized email marketing tools that are simple and easy to use. Their drag-and-drop email editor is intuitive, and the included analytics make it easy to optimize your email strategy and create targeted segments of your customers. Personalization is key for campaign monitor. They use data to increase personalized content, and inform your list segmentation to boost your engagement. They also have a visual marketing automation tool so you can create unique customer journeys at scale. On top of a great email tool, Campaign monitor has an extensive library of resources, helping 45
  • 46. you become a pro at email marketing. Image source. 4. iContact iContact has been providing one of the best email marketing services available since 2003. In the time since then, they've built out an easy to use email marketing tool that helps you and your team see results fast. While they have all the simple editing and automation features of other tools in this list, it's their support and customer services team that sets iContact apart. Customers are paired with a strategic advisor, who helps you get your email marketing strategy right and find success with their tool. They also have Social+ marketing consultants that will help boost your entire online presence through creative social posts that drive traffic to your site. 46
  • 47. Image source. 5. MailChimp Although MailChimp has recently added landing pages and various ads tools, their email marketing service is still their claim-to-fame. They have millions of customers in over 175 countries, and they use the data they collect off those customers to provide you with actionable insights to improve your email strategy. Their tools are flexible enough for an enterprise company, yet simple enough for someone just getting started with email marketing. Best of all, MailChimp has over 300 integrations that help you match their tool to your business. By using these integrations to further personalize your marketing, you'll get the most out of your email strategy. 47
  • 48. Image source. 6. AWeber Aweber is an email platform built specifically for small businesses and entrepreneurs. Their goal is to make it simple for people just getting started with email marketing to segment their contacts, design a professional email, and start nurturing leads. Customers have praised AWeber for its deliverability, and AWeber's deliverability team monitors their servers around the 48
  • 49. clock to ensure your campaign consistently reaches the customers' inboxes. Image source. 7. SendinBlue 49
  • 50. SendinBlue is a marketing software platform that sends more than 30 million automated emails and text messages every day. On top of email, they also have a forms tool that lets you collect new leads, which you can then segment into specific lists, and enter into email nurturing campaigns. Not sure how to kick off your email nurturing campaign? No problem. SendinBlue has a Workflow Library that gives you access to a number of pre-made automation campaigns tailored to specific goals you might have. If you want to run a more nuanced email nurturing campaign, you can always create a campaign from scratch to meet your specific business needs. Image source. 8. ActiveCampaign ActiveCampaign is a marketing automation platform that offers live chat and a CRM service in addition to their email marketing tool. By adding a CRM to their marketing tool, ActiveCampaign can help you surface the right leads to your sales team through tools like lead scoring. It also lets you serve up dynamic content within your emails, so you can send one email and provide a different experience to your 50
  • 51. contacts based on how you segmented them. Image source. 9. AutoPilot Autopilot differentiates themselves from the other tools in this list through their visual marketing tools. Everything from their email editor to their automation tool is set up to work through a drag-and-drop interface that is intuitive and easy to use. They also provide collaborative tools, which let your entire team work together effectively on an automation campaign. Using the 'annotate & collaborate' feature, you can quickly mark-up a customer journey and ask your team for feedback or assistance. You can also quickly share your work with your team, ensuring that everyone is on the same page before you start your campaign. 51
  • 52. Image source. 10. GetResponse GetResponse is a marketing automation service that is available in over 20 different languages. On top of email marketing and automation, they also offer a CRM, landing pages, and a complete webinar solution. They offer over 500 templates to help you get started with email marketing, and also integrate directly with Shutterstock so you always have a library of creative options directly at your fingertips. Their drip campaign tool is managed through a calendar interface, allowing you to see exactly when you will be reaching out to your leads. 52
  • 54. 7.What is Affiliate Marketing “Affiliate marketing is the process of earning a commission by promoting other people’s (or company’s) products. You find a product you like, promote it to others and earn a piece of the profit for each sale that you make.” Explanation ● Online shopper decides to buy an item ● He lands on an affiliate site ● He is now redirected to the merchant site ● The shopper finally makes the purchase and the merchant rewards the affiliate for his effort Wikipedia talks about 4 different parties that are involved: the merchant, the network, the publisher, and the customer. When it comes down to the actual marketing, there are 2 sides of an affiliate equation: the product creator and seller and the affiliate marketer. Therefore, affiliate marketing can be seen as the process of spreading product creation and product marketing across different parties, where each party receives a share of the revenue according to their contribution. It’s not just the promotion or just the product creation that defines who you are as an affiliate marketer. 54
  • 55. Let’s look at all of the parts of a successful affiliate marketing system. The Merchant: Sometimes also known as the creator, the seller, the brand, the retailer, or the vendor. This is the party that creates the product. It can be a big company, like Dyson, who produces vacuum cleaners. This can be achieved by running a review blog of the merchant’s products. For example: The Affiliate: This party is sometimes also known as the publisher. Affiliates can also range from single individuals to entire companies. It’s where the marketing happens. An affiliate promotes one or multiple affiliate products and tries to attract and convince potential customers of the value of the merchant’s product so that they actually end up buying it. The customer: consumer makes the affiliate system go ’round. Without sales, there aren’t any commissions to hand out and no revenue to be shared.The affiliate will try to market to the consumer on whatever channel they see fit, whether that’s a social network, digital billboards or through a search engine using content marketing on a blog.Whether the consumer knows that they are part of an affiliate marketing system or not is mostly up to the affiliate. The Network: Only some consider the network part of the affiliate marketing equation. But, I believe that an affiliate marketing guide needs to include networks, because, in many cases, a network works as an intermediary between the affiliate and the merchant. 55
  • 56. 8. How does affiliate marketing work The overall goal of an affiliate program is to create a win-win framework for both brands and their affiliate partners – a structure that, when established properly and strategically managed, can make up a significant portion of a brand’s online revenue, with high ROAS and low CPA. Example of affiliate marketing being used to drive a sale: Affiliate partner promotes a brand’s products or services on their site. 1. Consumer clicks on brand’s promotion on the affiliate’s site and a cookie is then stored on the consumer’s browser , this is what makes it possible for the affiliate network or SaaS platform to track the consumer’s progress from the affiliate’s website through to the brand’s shopping cart. 2. Consumer is redirected to brand’s website. 3. Consumer purchases a product/service from the brand. 4. The network or SaaS platform then automatically pays out a commission to the affiliate (based on the rules set by the brand) for driving that sale. 56
  • 57. Amazon Associates In the case of promoting consumer products, like tools, books, toys and household items, the biggest affiliate network, by far, is Amazon. Their Amazon Associates affiliate program lets you promote any item that is sold on their platform. Anyone can sign up and then generate a custom affiliate link to Amazon products. If someone purchases through your link, you earn a small commission. With the basic terms clarified, let’s get an overview of how you can best get started with building your affiliate marketing business. 57
  • 58. 9.Marketing Techniques 1. Pay Per Sale Definition : Online advertising payment model in which payment is based solely on qualifying sales. •Information• In a pay per sale agreement, the advertiser only pays for sales generated by the destination site based on an agreed upon commission rate. Paying per sale is often seen as the payment model most favorable to advertisers and least favorable to publishers. In such an agreement, the publisher must not only be concerned with the quality and quantity of his or her audience, but also the quality of the advertiser’s creative units and destination site. If possible, many publishers avoid sales-based agreements, preferring to stick to the CPM model. However, some publishers, facing weak ad sales, have little choice but to accept sales-based agreements to utilize remnant space. For advertisers, pay per sale has some unique advantages compared to pay per click and pay per lead. There are fewer concerns about whether conversions are legitimate, and whether traffic is incentivized or of low quality. 2. Pay Per Lead Definition : Online advertising payment model in which payment is based solely on qualifying leads. •Information• In a pay per lead agreement, the advertiser only pays for leads generated at their destination site. No payment is made for visitors who don’t sign up. A lead is generally a signup involving contact information and perhaps some demographic information; it is typically a non-cash conversion event. A lead may consist of as little as an email address, or it may involve a detailed form covering multiple pages. 58
  • 59. One risk to the advertiser is the potential for fraudulent activity by incentivized 3rd-parties or marketing partners. Some false leads are easy to spot. Nonetheless, it is advisable to make a regular audit of the results. 3. Pay Per Click (PPC) Definition : Online advertising payment model in which payment is based solely on qualifying click-through. •Information• In a PPC agreement, the advertiser only pays for qualifying clicks to the destination site based on a prearranged per-click rate. Popular PPC advertising options include per-click advertising networks, search engines, and affiliate programs. Paying per click is sometimes seen by some as a middle ground between paying per impression and paying per action. When paying per impression, the advertiser assumes the risk of low-quality traffic generated by the publisher. When getting paid for actions, the publisher assumes the risk of low-converting offers by the advertiser. In the PPC model, the publisher does not have to worry about the sales conversion rate of the target site, and the advertiser does not have to worry about how many impressions it takes to attract the specified number of clicks. ● 59
  • 60. 10. Why become an affiliate Marketer An associate advertiser is somebody who joins a member organize or for increasingly renowned items or administrations consents to an agreement or arrangement with the online business to advance their items or administrations utilizing an offshoot connect. On the off chance that you're new to member showcasing, at that point you may be vacillating about whether you should turn into an offshoot. Before I disclose to you the best ten reasons of why you should turn into a subsidiary know this: offshoot showcasing has completely changed myself from various perspectives I can't discover the words to express the affection I have for partner promoting! There are hundreds and thousands of associates out there everything from wellbeing, riches, infant garments, show tickets, vehicle parts, and everything else you could conceivable envision. There are additionally heaps of advantages to advancing offshoot programs with a locally situated business, here are the main 10 motivations to turn into a subsidiary advertiser. . 1. Not Hosting on make an item or administration and the costs connected with the individuals business sorts. – if you need ever made an item or taken in an ability on offer it Likewise An administration you might realize that it takes a considerable measure of period should ace. Also it often times cosset many many dollars will have an item and loads for period on expert an aptitude. Subsidiary showcasing bypasses both about these benefits of the business types, and mossycup oak of the period makes All the more cash in the long run. An additional stunning relic should specify will be that subsidiary advertising could continuously adjust of the regularly evolving showcase during the squint of an eye. Assuming that you used months for your run through with make an item alternately an aptitude set then you can’t simply try ahead What's more change that without setting off through those whole transform for making and taking in everywhere throughout once more. For this reason alone subsidiary advertising is without A mistrust such a staggering relic will begin for yourself, Be that I’m not don’t just yet stay with perusing around. 60
  • 61. 2. Subsidiary showcasing need greatly low startup costs. – it hails down should best a couple things will turned into a subsidiary advertiser and that incorporates you Hosting a web connection, A computer, and A sure attitude will need to get some place. You camwood try get An essential PC once Amazon, or Assuming that you bring no cash what something like that at any point over cart you quit offering on that one or try some place that need An allowed PC get. If there’s a will there’s an approach trust me. 3. No doltish signup FEES! – Practically the greater part subsidiary projects would free with join, What's more business achieve is constrained just by those affiliate’s capacity should Push as much alternately her offers. On you try out and comprehend your subsidiary offer those skies the breaking point for subsidiary advertising. 4. You could look over many results Furthermore administrations to gain cash from . – when you ponder it Practically All that you camwood purchase in this planet might make purchased internet. It’s not tricky with find subsidiary system out there that will pay you for whatever you need to Push. Try look at destinations such as CJ. Com Also you will have the ability to discover results identified with your diversions What's more abilities providing for you those upper hand The point when you Push the offers have investment in. 5. No special service provider accounts required to run your associate enterprise. – If you have ever tried to get a merchant account to save clients names, addresses, credit card numbers, and so forth… than you realize it’s not a fun method. Basically, a service provider handles all payment processing to your commercial enterprise and maximum of the time you need to pay massive quantities of money to have one. With associate advertising you don’t want anything of the kind, you get paid at once to your bank account, PayPal, or they will send you to take a look at that you can deposit into your bank account. It cuts out all the trouble of the old commercial enterprise model of having a merchant account. 6. No silly stock that you need to preserve on hand. – Being an affiliate marketer lets in you to make cash from anywhere within the world without you having to deliver gadgets. You’re the middle man in this state of affairs and you don’t deliver whatever, however you reap all the benefits that an owner has. 7. No delivery costs in any way. – I have owned businesses that cannot run without transport 61
  • 62. things and it’s now not amusing by way of any method. With associate marketing you don’t pay for delivery charges EVER! Again it’s due to the fact you’re the center guy on this scenario. 8. No customer support, employees, or workplace hours EVER! – Having to deal with customers, employees, and workplace hours suck! Affiliate advertising you do now not rent personnel or have customer service in your business. That’s due to the fact there’s no need for it whilst you’re an associate. You work when you need, wherein you want, and with whomever, you need. Give greater time for your circle of relatives and buddies as you keep a number of time from commuting every day by means of being an associate marketer. 9. Make cash whilst you’re sleeping. – I don’t recognize of any other business with a purpose to pay you whilst you’re doing? Affiliate advertising and marketing lets in you to quite literally make cash 24/7 each day of the year! 10. Unlimited Revenue Potential (SKIES THE LIMIT)! – Being an affiliate allows you to make any quantities of profits you notice fit. There’s no restrict to the amounts you can make. With an ordinary activity you may most probably max out your hourly wage, now not to say you’re more or much less getting paid for the hours in that you paintings which sucks! Affiliate advertising permits you to make six figures, seven figures, 8, night, or ten or more figures a year. Affiliate Marketing Companies to Consider eBay Partner Network The eBay Partner Network has been around for a long time. And the commission rates are up to 70% of the auction fees. But the auction template itself might turn small businesses people away. Jet This affiliate marketing program sells everything including groceries. And the commission rate is 2.5%. Jet offers free returns and free shipments over $35. So it may serve smaller food retailers well. Amazon Associates 62
  • 63. Amazon Associates offers an overwhelming number of products. The fixed standard program fee stands at 10% for women’s fashions. And that rate represents the highest. The program makes over 1 million products available. So this make the Amazon affiliate program a possibble choice for lots of small businesses. Gearbest Gearbest offers Chinese electronics in its store. And joining their affiliate program costs nothing. GoDaddy Web marketers looking to make extra should pay attention here. Because GoDaddy offers a 40% commission. And the service remains popular with Web designers. HostGator HostGator offers big time web hosting with a large affiliate opportunity. And you can earn $125 per signup . 63
  • 64. 11. The benefits of affiliate marketing If you’ve been inside the ecommerce area for a little whilst, you’re maximum in all likelihood familiar with the time period “affiliate advertising.” But many human beings aren’t quite sure what it virtually is or how the method works. In its simplest terms, affiliate advertising and marketing is a overall performance-primarily based advertising version that rewards associate companions for driving a favored movement. These movements can consist of website online visits, final touch of a lead shape and/or converted sales. This shape of marketing can be an exceedingly beneficial, low-threat manner to promote your merchandise. To help you apprehend the actual benefits of associate advertising and marketing, we’ve created a list of the pinnacle five advantages of associate advertising and marketing: 1. Affiliate advertising is performance-based totally- Because associates are best paid a fee as soon as the preferred motion has taken area, they’re extra stimulated to pressure the conversion you’re looking for. The fundamental gain of having an affiliate program is that it's miles completely overall performance-primarily based. Because affiliates are simplest paid a fee as soon as the favored action has taken area, they’re extra stimulated to drive the conversion you’re looking for. This mitigates any efforts that pressure traffic with little to no fee on your organisation whilst also making sure that you get what you pay for. 2. It allows develop your audience- Affiliates may be found in every market and product category that exists nowadays. Whether you’re looking to break into the retail enterprise or for some thing extra niche like handcrafted antique toys, there'll usually be relevant websites to align with. The extraordinary information is that a lot of these affiliates will have already got an established vacationer base. These partnerships furnish the opportunity to enlarge out into new markets that you might not in any other case have had the bandwidth to discover or to in addition saturate your existing goal markets, giving your logo a miles stronger on-line presence. Think of these companions as an extension of your contemporary advertising or income crew. 3. Affiliates can boost your popularity- These companions will champion your merchandise and, in our opinion, will similarly solidify 64
  • 65. customer confidence to your products or services. By partnering with relied on bloggers and legitimate web sites, you could similarly the reputation of your brand and its products. These companions will champion your merchandise and, in our opinion, will similarly solidify consumer confidence to your product or service. While inside the studies section of a buy, consumers are much more likely to agree with a 3rd birthday celebration’s opinion over content produced at once from the web page promoting this product. Consumers actually have a sure level of consider in web sites they common for product recommendations. 4. It's value effective- For some of the motives listed above, associate marketing may be extremely value effective. If you’re best paying commissions whilst the desired conversion occurs, you’re no longer throwing away advert dollars on placements that have no verified cost. Furthermore, recruiting affiliates in new markets is a smooth manner to branch out into that market without the overhead value of creating an entire advertising campaign, mitigating the need to sink cash into an unproven marketplace for testing. 5. Affiliates can swiftly scale your visitors (and income)- The more websites that link for your pages, the greater opportunities you’ll have to convert those customers into paid customers. In conjunction with your other advertising efforts, recruiting associates for your application will let you scale visitors faster. The more sites that hyperlink to your pages, the greater opportunities you’ll need to convert the ones users into paid clients. Also, despite the fact that associate links might not have an instantaneous effect to your search engine scores, it's going to have a 'halo impact' in phrases of extra human beings attempting to find your merchandise and navigating for your pages - which IS awesome for your scores. In addition to a higher level of referral visitors, you may almost usually count on a boost in your direct and organic visitors as well. Affiliate advertising can be a totally effective, low-threat investment to help enlarge your advertising and marketing efforts beyond a small enterprise’ traditional bandwidth. For the reasons listed right here, associate advertising is almost continually really worth the investment and may take your on line shop to new heights . 65
  • 66. Successful Affiliate Marketing Websites I wanted to highlight the potential of affiliate marketing with some examples of people who have done really well in the industry. We all love seeing concrete results! The majority of these websites are blogs, typically launched by a single person and eventually grown into titans of the affiliate marketing space! Let’s begin: Smart Passive Income Pat Flynn owns a blog about all things internet marketing, online business and entrepreneurship. Pat launched Smart Passive Income in 2008 with the goal of helping people start profitable online businesses by showcasing his own successes and failures. Since then his blog has taken off and become a wild success. 66
  • 67. You’ve probably noticed the income report picture above and yes, that’s six figures in one month from a blog. His income report for January 2017 was a total of $157,131. $94,824 of that was purely from affiliate marketing referrals. Here is a detailed breakdown of his affiliate earnings from January 2017, compared to the previous month: 67
  • 68. Pretty staggering numbers huh? Pat represents a fantastic example of what is possible with affiliate marketing if you establish yourself as a brandable authority in your niche. How do you do this? By providing awesome content that overwhelms people with value. If you focus on producing amazing content and promoting that content, and you do it consistently, you can’t lose. 68
  • 69. Pretty staggering numbers huh? Pat represents a fantastic example of what is possible with affiliate marketing if you establish yourself as a brandable authority in your niche. How do you do this? By providing awesome content that overwhelms people with value. If you focus on producing amazing content and promoting that content, and you do it consistently, you can’t lose. ShoutMeLoud ShoutMeLoud is a large blog focusing on a variety of topics such as SEO, entrepreneurship and affiliate marketing. The blog is owned by a guy called Harsh Agrawal. Harsh started the blog as a hobby and it has since attracted an audience of over 872,000 people a MONTH! Harsh is passionate about helping people quit the 9-5 job they’re stuck in and live life on their 69
  • 70. own terms. The main focus of the blog is showing people how they can generate an income through blogging and other online means. The last income report published was in December 2016 and the blog pulled in $34,390. Most of this money came from affiliate commissions as you can see below: Most of this money came from affiliate commissions as you can see below: These figures demonstrate that Harsh has fully optimised his site for affiliate marketing. It’s worth mentioning that Harsh started this blog in 2008, so he’s had roughly nine years to build it up to where it is now. So don’t expect to achieve results like this in a 70
  • 71. few months. The ShoutMeLoud blog has TONS of content and a powerful backlink profile. This is partly why it receives so much traffic every month. Check out this snapshot of Harsh’s Google Analytics dashboard: Most of this money came from affiliate commissions as you can see below: These figures demonstrate that Harsh has fully optimised his site for affiliate marketing. It’s worth mentioning that Harsh started this blog in 2008, so he’s had roughly nine years to build it up to where it is now. So don’t expect to achieve results like this in a 71
  • 72. few months. The ShoutMeLoud blog has TONS of content and a powerful backlink profile. This is partly why it receives so much traffic every month. Check out this snapshot of Harsh’s Google Analytics dashboard: 72
  • 73. 12. Different affiliate marketing programs 73
  • 74. 13. Steps to develop digital marketing strategy 74