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Question 1- Explain the key phases of a
change management process.
Answer-In today's modern world where
technology keeps on changing so for the
organization to work efficiently, they need to
adopt these new methods and technology
constantly is very essential. These new
processes are adopted to remove the old
inefficient process which ultimately benefits
both employer and the company.
 Sometimes after the discussion, the
changes are advised and must be
applied to achieve the required needs.
 Changing management also gives the
chance to each individual to have some
assigned responsibility, which makes
him/her feel important, which leads to
an increase in employers output.
 Also when the organization has a vision
or target to achieve and each employee
is informed about it then it creates a
healthy environment in the organization
because all the members of the
organization are working towards the
same goal.
 Profit is the ultimate goal of a business
organization and to search for fast profit
there is a great need for an optimized
management process
Question 2- Explain three reasons why
an organization might initiate change
Answer- There are various reasons to
initiate an organizational change some of
these changes are.
 Performance Gaps:- One of the
important reasons is ineffective
performance. When the organization
is unable to achieve its goal in time
then it needs to adopt some changes
to achieve the target in time.
 Organizational pressure:-Both
internal and external pressure are
responsible for the changes in the
oraganisation. Internal pressure
comes from unions and other
organized groups and external
pressure comes mostly from the
customer side or competitors. Some
times change in government
regulations also leads to minor or
sometimes major modification
 Efficient technology:- New and
efficient technology is the key for the
organization to generate profit. Thus
it is very much essential for a
particular organization to keep track
of the new technologies and adopt
them as soon as possible.
Question 3: Explain force-field analysis as a
model for understanding the change
Answer:- Force field analysis is the term used
to specify the imbalance that arises between
the driving force and the force opposing the
driving force(restraint force). This analysis is
done to achieve the changes in the goal.
 It’s a great way of test new corporate
strategies and their outcomes.
 Force field analysis helps the
organizations to realise their mission
and vision of the future.
 To achieve the changes we need to
disbalance the two forces i.e. the driving
force and the restraint force and then
observing the changes and once the
changes are achieved then bringing
back the equilibrium position.
Question 4: Explain the key premises of the
Burke & Litwin organizational change
model and its application to the change
Answer:- A model known as the Burke Litwin
Model of Change tells us about the three main
changes in an organization and these three
changes are derived from the 12 factors that
are ultimately responsible for the changes in
an organization.
 Transformational Change- This
change appears due to the external
environment which directly affects the
main goal of the organization, its
leadership, and strategy.
 Transactional Change- This change
affects the management practices,
working environment of the employee,
and the structure of the organization.
 Bothe Transformational and
Transactional changes together impact
the organizational output and individual
performance level.
Burke Litwin Model of Change's main
application is that it identifies the relationship
between the level of changes and the 12
factors of changes.
Question 5:- Discuss the purpose of
Kotter’s 8-step change model and the steps
involved. Explain each of the steps
Answer:- In today’s world where we see new
technology daily and these new methods and
technologies help in improving the output so to
keep up with the market’s demand and to
maintain the competition organization needs to
adapt to these changes at a very fast pace.
Kotter’s 8-steps tell the most efficient way of
adapting to these changes.
1. Create a sense of urgency- For a
company to succeed there is a great
need for employers to participate in the
change. More the number of employees
involved in the changing process easier
it is to initiate changes.
Kotter suggests that it is very essential
for 75 percent of the company’s
management needs to “buy into” the
change to make the change successful.
We need to develop a sense of urgency
in the oraganisation to initiate the
changes. Honest discussion must be
encouraged. The more the number of
employers is informed about the need
for the change more it will become easy
to initiate the changes.
2. Strong Union in support of change-
Even after informing more the half of the
oraganisation about the change. There
is always a resistance force to the
change. So to overcome that resistance
we a strong union in support of the
change is needed. This will require
strong leadership skills. A powerful
union consists of a variety of people
from a different background that can be
their job title or expertise or political
importance. What our main function is to
identify the true leader as well as true
stakeholders. An emotional commitment
of the key people is very essential.
3. Create a Vision of Change- In the
initial stage when we first start to think
about the change then many brilliant
ideas come to our mind but the most
important thing is to choose that idea
which is easily understandable by other
employees and that idea could be easily
linked to our vision.
 To achieve that we should first
determine our main and most
important value responsible for
the change.
 Create a plan to achieve the
 It should be kept in mind that the
change coalition can speak about
the vision in just 5 minutes
 Practice the “vision speech”.
4. Constantly communicate the vision:-
Sometimes our message is more strong
effect than other normal
communications in the industry. Don't
just talk about the change vision in the
meeting but it should be discussed
whenever the team gets the chance.
Embed the vision in the mind, discuss
the problems, apply your vision to every
field from training to the final
5. Remove Unwanted Resistance:- In
the process of making change
successful obstacles may arrive and
removing those obstacles is very
essential. To do that we need to follow
some steps like:-
 Specially hire or identify the
person suitable for the leadership
 Identify the resisting union, talk to
them, find there a problem, make
them understand your vision,
bring them in the mainstream of
the change organization.
 The most important step is to
take quick steps whenever
needed to maintain unhindered
6. Motivate the team with short-term
wins:- Success is the great motivator
for the bigger goal. Create the short-
term and achievable target that may
need hard work for change vision but
with each win, the employees are
motivated and there is a little chance of
7. Keep on learning with each success
or failure:- Declaring short-term wins
may lead to long-term failure. So one
must follow the kaizen principle.
With each success or failure analyze the
output. Identify the points that need
improvement. Continuous improvement
must be encouraged.
8. Finally, make change the part of the
corporate sector:- Finally, when we
start getting the results it becomes very
important to recognise those who
worked hard. Include the success
stories in the training session of the
Question 6:- Explain two strategies that can
be used to effectively communicate and
embed change during an organizational
change process.
Answer:- The best way to communicate during
a change process is by
1. Sharing the results of the proposed
idea:- The best way to make the
organisation understand your vision is
by forecasting the estimated future after
the change and telling the employees
about the profit of the organization and
how the employees will be benefited by
the change. For eg:- in the current
scenario of covid-19 many organisations
have suffered but some of them have
observed this as an opportunity and
have successfully conveyed the vision
of the growth.
2. Appreciate those who give good
results:- Money or some type of reward
are the great sources of a motivator for
the employee to work hard and achieve
the target. Link the vision of the
company with the task of every
employee. This will make generate a
sense of responsibility in the employee.
Question 7:- Explain how the external
environment can impact change strategies.
Answer- External environment factors are
those factors that happen mostly outside the
organization and are almost out of control of
the organization, and these factors cause
changes in the organization.
Example of external environment includes
customer, competition, the economic condition,
market trend, external competitions, etc.
These factors are external but still they play a
major role in the organization's policy plans,
growth of the industry. Ignoring these factors
can be a big blunder for industry managers.
It is recommended to continuously monitor
these external trends and factors that influence
the growth of the industry.
Proactive changes are needed to prevent
future losses, quick adopting techniques are
needed to prevent losses.
Sometimes new government policies may have
a significant impact but the organization must
be flexible about those changes, preplanning is
very important to prevent losses from these
changes or to minimize them.
For example, any economical changes or
changes in the tax code could impact the
future targets but preplanning about these
losses by conducting an environmental scan
will help us predict some part of the future and
minimize the loss.
Question 8:- Explain the importance of a
participative management style when
implementing organizational change.
Answer:- For an organizational change to
become successful it is very important to adopt
that practice that has better results.
For example, participative management
practice has the advantage of engaging the
employees and helps in generating a sense of
ownership among them. It also develops a
sense of pride and motivates them to give their
best effort in productivity. Members of the
oraganisation who take part in the decision-
making process have a sense of responsibility
in their minds and this way more creative
minds are encouraged.
Managers have seen that by using participative
management style employees are more
dynamic to the changes of the market and they
adopt the changes more easily.
Also by consulting more number employees
helps in generating a common sense of goal
and common idea, which will help in increasing
the output.
Innovation and creativity are promoted if more
and more employees of the organization are
given the chance to speak. This will increase
the chance of generating valid, feasible, and
unique ideas for all.
Question 9:- Explain two aspects of
organizational behaviors that can impact on
organizational change.
Answer:- There are various aspects to the
organisational behaviors that help in making
the change successful. Some of them are:
1. Seniors mentality:- It is the most
important aspect of the change that
every employee should contribute their
effort to the industry to make the change
successful and for that to happen, it is
necessary to develop a sense of
responsibility and respect in the
employee that will make the employee
give his full effort in the change process.
And for that to happen the senior
management team must respect each
and every employee and his feeling. If
the industry has a culture that has
values and respects others then it will
act as a motivator for the employee.
2. Appreciating good performance:-
Appreciating one will act as a motivator
for the rest of the employee to work
hard and earn the respect. Appreciation
can be in the form of money or
promotion and at the same time
demotion will also act as a motivator as
fear of losing the post will make the
employee work hard.
Question 10:- Describe five components
that may be included as part of a change
management plan.
Answer:- Components that may be included in
a change management plan are:
1. Easy Approval Process:-Smooth
approval plays a key role in changing
operations. The management must
need to have the right approval papers
and other parameters in place to have a
smooth operation.
2. Process Automation:- Ensuring smooth
flow of processes is very essential
during the change process, especially
when changing from one process to
another so, automating this will prevent
the delay which will be generated due to
confusion, or dependency on co-
workers which will increase the
efficiency of the operation.
3. Governance Tools:- Check and balance
system must be present during the
change. Management must keep this in
mind about creating some rules and
regulations which must be followed
during change operations and this must
be reminded to the employee from time
to time. This will minimize the chances
of error.
4. Data Access:- Employees handling
change operations must have the right
access to data at right time to prevent
5. CAB Functionality:- A CAB brings both
the IT department and the management
department to set a long-term goal,
develop a mechanism that can adapt to
the changing management plan, can
respond efficiently to unexpected
change requests. Also, tasks can be
prioritized accordingly.
Question 11:- Explain three reasons why
individuals or groups within an
organization may resist change. Include at
least one suggestion of how resistance can
be overcome for each of the areas you
Answer:- There are various reasons why
some groups of employees oppose the
change, some of them are listed below.
1. Loss of status or job security in the
organization:- sometimes some
changes may lead to a loss in the job or
reduced functionality of a particular
employee or group of employees.
Maybe that change is very essential but
from their perspective, the change is not
good since it will lead to job insecurity.
Suggestion- The best way to prevent
this is to provide training to those
employees in some other sector. Let us
take an example of automation. Any
industry that decides to opt for
automation will lead to reducing the
requirement of the workforce but on the
other hand, skilled workforce
requirements will increase. So proper
training of the right skilled employee can
be done to prevent future resistance.
2. Non-Rewading System:- Member will
resist changes or will not give their full
effort if they don’t see any reward or
profit. Management should reward the
members after the successful
implementation of changes. Even in the
middle of the implementation after
achieving small targets, the target
achievers can be rewarded, this will
boost the morale of the employee.
Suggestion- Proper Rewarding system
should be opted to maintain a healthy
growth environment in the
3. Lack of Information- The less the team
member informed about the advantages
of the change the more will they resist
the change. Lack of two-way
communication will lead to the spread of
fake rumors in the oraganisation.
Suggestion- Management should keep
as many employees as they can in the
loop to prevent misinformation and also
to remove the sense of surprise and a
fear of the unknown in the employee.
Question 12:- Discuss at least three
barriers to organizational change.
Answer:- Three main barriers of the
organizational changes are:-
1. Inadequate Culture-shift Planning:-
Most of the industries are great in
planning changes and if the
management is too focused on objective
planning and they have a narrow vision
then they don’t focus on the feeling of
the employees. The feeling of the
members of the organization must be
kept in mind before taking any steps
and steps must be taken accordingly to
preserve their work culture.
2. Lack of Employee Participation:-
Members who don’t have the voice or
are not allowed to speak about their
views can become a potential member
of the resistance in the future so it is
very essential to as many members as
possible in the loop of decision making
so that they have the feeling of
responsiveness and the feel to be the
part of the organization’s change.
3. Flawed Communication Strategies:-
Much managing community believes
that sharing the idea of the change will
bring everyone on board the idea but
the reality is something else. The real
change will occur when the managing
leaders will tell the organisation about
the importance of change, why it is
needed, what are the steps will be
involved to make it successful and don’t
forget that role of each and every
member in an organization is very
crucial when it comes to the success of
the change. These 3 questions are the
most important question i.e. why change
is needed, the idea of change, and how
to make it possible.
Question 13:- Discuss at least two
strategies to address barriers to
organizational change.
Answer:- There are various steps involved
when it comes to removing the barriers in
organizational change. Some of them are:
1. Communication improvement:- It's
very crucial to have the two ways of
communication which will be clear and
honest will ultimately be in the favor of
the organization.
Proper and timely communication is
necessary to address the issues faced
by the ground member who is
responsible for the implementation of
the change. Changes should be
conveyed constantly to the employees,
they should be reminded of their goals
and ideas.
2. Employee Involvement:- Decision-
making will ultimately improve if we
involve more minds in the process.
Chances of failure will decrease and the
feeling of responsiveness will increase.
It is very important to listen to the voice
of each and every member and come
up with a common, feasible idea that is
easy to understand and implement.

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  • 1. Question 1- Explain the key phases of a change management process. Answer-In today's modern world where technology keeps on changing so for the organization to work efficiently, they need to adopt these new methods and technology constantly is very essential. These new processes are adopted to remove the old inefficient process which ultimately benefits both employer and the company.  Sometimes after the discussion, the changes are advised and must be applied to achieve the required needs.  Changing management also gives the chance to each individual to have some assigned responsibility, which makes him/her feel important, which leads to an increase in employers output.  Also when the organization has a vision or target to achieve and each employee is informed about it then it creates a healthy environment in the organization because all the members of the organization are working towards the same goal.  Profit is the ultimate goal of a business organization and to search for fast profit
  • 2. there is a great need for an optimized management process Question 2- Explain three reasons why an organization might initiate change Answer- There are various reasons to initiate an organizational change some of these changes are.  Performance Gaps:- One of the important reasons is ineffective performance. When the organization is unable to achieve its goal in time then it needs to adopt some changes to achieve the target in time.  Organizational pressure:-Both internal and external pressure are responsible for the changes in the oraganisation. Internal pressure comes from unions and other organized groups and external pressure comes mostly from the customer side or competitors. Some times change in government regulations also leads to minor or sometimes major modification  Efficient technology:- New and efficient technology is the key for the
  • 3. organization to generate profit. Thus it is very much essential for a particular organization to keep track of the new technologies and adopt them as soon as possible. Question 3: Explain force-field analysis as a model for understanding the change process Answer:- Force field analysis is the term used to specify the imbalance that arises between the driving force and the force opposing the driving force(restraint force). This analysis is done to achieve the changes in the goal.  It’s a great way of test new corporate strategies and their outcomes.  Force field analysis helps the organizations to realise their mission and vision of the future.  To achieve the changes we need to disbalance the two forces i.e. the driving force and the restraint force and then observing the changes and once the changes are achieved then bringing back the equilibrium position. Question 4: Explain the key premises of the Burke & Litwin organizational change
  • 4. model and its application to the change process Answer:- A model known as the Burke Litwin Model of Change tells us about the three main changes in an organization and these three changes are derived from the 12 factors that are ultimately responsible for the changes in an organization.  Transformational Change- This change appears due to the external environment which directly affects the main goal of the organization, its leadership, and strategy.  Transactional Change- This change affects the management practices, working environment of the employee, and the structure of the organization.  Bothe Transformational and Transactional changes together impact the organizational output and individual performance level. Burke Litwin Model of Change's main application is that it identifies the relationship between the level of changes and the 12 factors of changes.
  • 5. Question 5:- Discuss the purpose of Kotter’s 8-step change model and the steps involved. Explain each of the steps involved Answer:- In today’s world where we see new technology daily and these new methods and technologies help in improving the output so to keep up with the market’s demand and to maintain the competition organization needs to adapt to these changes at a very fast pace. Kotter’s 8-steps tell the most efficient way of adapting to these changes. 1. Create a sense of urgency- For a company to succeed there is a great need for employers to participate in the change. More the number of employees involved in the changing process easier it is to initiate changes. Kotter suggests that it is very essential for 75 percent of the company’s management needs to “buy into” the change to make the change successful. We need to develop a sense of urgency in the oraganisation to initiate the changes. Honest discussion must be encouraged. The more the number of employers is informed about the need
  • 6. for the change more it will become easy to initiate the changes. 2. Strong Union in support of change- Even after informing more the half of the oraganisation about the change. There is always a resistance force to the change. So to overcome that resistance we a strong union in support of the change is needed. This will require strong leadership skills. A powerful union consists of a variety of people from a different background that can be their job title or expertise or political importance. What our main function is to identify the true leader as well as true stakeholders. An emotional commitment of the key people is very essential. 3. Create a Vision of Change- In the initial stage when we first start to think about the change then many brilliant ideas come to our mind but the most important thing is to choose that idea which is easily understandable by other employees and that idea could be easily linked to our vision.  To achieve that we should first determine our main and most
  • 7. important value responsible for the change.  Create a plan to achieve the changes.  It should be kept in mind that the change coalition can speak about the vision in just 5 minutes  Practice the “vision speech”. 4. Constantly communicate the vision:- Sometimes our message is more strong effect than other normal communications in the industry. Don't just talk about the change vision in the meeting but it should be discussed whenever the team gets the chance. Embed the vision in the mind, discuss the problems, apply your vision to every field from training to the final performance. 5. Remove Unwanted Resistance:- In the process of making change successful obstacles may arrive and removing those obstacles is very essential. To do that we need to follow some steps like:-  Specially hire or identify the person suitable for the leadership post.
  • 8.  Identify the resisting union, talk to them, find there a problem, make them understand your vision, bring them in the mainstream of the change organization.  The most important step is to take quick steps whenever needed to maintain unhindered functioning. 6. Motivate the team with short-term wins:- Success is the great motivator for the bigger goal. Create the short- term and achievable target that may need hard work for change vision but with each win, the employees are motivated and there is a little chance of failure. 7. Keep on learning with each success or failure:- Declaring short-term wins may lead to long-term failure. So one must follow the kaizen principle. With each success or failure analyze the output. Identify the points that need improvement. Continuous improvement must be encouraged. 8. Finally, make change the part of the corporate sector:- Finally, when we start getting the results it becomes very
  • 9. important to recognise those who worked hard. Include the success stories in the training session of the employees. Question 6:- Explain two strategies that can be used to effectively communicate and embed change during an organizational change process. Answer:- The best way to communicate during a change process is by 1. Sharing the results of the proposed idea:- The best way to make the organisation understand your vision is by forecasting the estimated future after the change and telling the employees about the profit of the organization and how the employees will be benefited by the change. For eg:- in the current scenario of covid-19 many organisations have suffered but some of them have observed this as an opportunity and have successfully conveyed the vision of the growth. 2. Appreciate those who give good results:- Money or some type of reward are the great sources of a motivator for the employee to work hard and achieve
  • 10. the target. Link the vision of the company with the task of every employee. This will make generate a sense of responsibility in the employee. Question 7:- Explain how the external environment can impact change strategies. Answer- External environment factors are those factors that happen mostly outside the organization and are almost out of control of the organization, and these factors cause changes in the organization. Example of external environment includes customer, competition, the economic condition, market trend, external competitions, etc. These factors are external but still they play a major role in the organization's policy plans, growth of the industry. Ignoring these factors can be a big blunder for industry managers. It is recommended to continuously monitor these external trends and factors that influence the growth of the industry. Proactive changes are needed to prevent future losses, quick adopting techniques are needed to prevent losses.
  • 11. Sometimes new government policies may have a significant impact but the organization must be flexible about those changes, preplanning is very important to prevent losses from these changes or to minimize them. For example, any economical changes or changes in the tax code could impact the future targets but preplanning about these losses by conducting an environmental scan will help us predict some part of the future and minimize the loss. Question 8:- Explain the importance of a participative management style when implementing organizational change. Answer:- For an organizational change to become successful it is very important to adopt that practice that has better results. For example, participative management practice has the advantage of engaging the employees and helps in generating a sense of ownership among them. It also develops a sense of pride and motivates them to give their best effort in productivity. Members of the oraganisation who take part in the decision- making process have a sense of responsibility
  • 12. in their minds and this way more creative minds are encouraged. Managers have seen that by using participative management style employees are more dynamic to the changes of the market and they adopt the changes more easily. Also by consulting more number employees helps in generating a common sense of goal and common idea, which will help in increasing the output. Innovation and creativity are promoted if more and more employees of the organization are given the chance to speak. This will increase the chance of generating valid, feasible, and unique ideas for all. Question 9:- Explain two aspects of organizational behaviors that can impact on organizational change. Answer:- There are various aspects to the organisational behaviors that help in making the change successful. Some of them are: 1. Seniors mentality:- It is the most important aspect of the change that
  • 13. every employee should contribute their effort to the industry to make the change successful and for that to happen, it is necessary to develop a sense of responsibility and respect in the employee that will make the employee give his full effort in the change process. And for that to happen the senior management team must respect each and every employee and his feeling. If the industry has a culture that has values and respects others then it will act as a motivator for the employee. 2. Appreciating good performance:- Appreciating one will act as a motivator for the rest of the employee to work hard and earn the respect. Appreciation can be in the form of money or promotion and at the same time demotion will also act as a motivator as fear of losing the post will make the employee work hard. Question 10:- Describe five components that may be included as part of a change management plan. Answer:- Components that may be included in a change management plan are:
  • 14. 1. Easy Approval Process:-Smooth approval plays a key role in changing operations. The management must need to have the right approval papers and other parameters in place to have a smooth operation. 2. Process Automation:- Ensuring smooth flow of processes is very essential during the change process, especially when changing from one process to another so, automating this will prevent the delay which will be generated due to confusion, or dependency on co- workers which will increase the efficiency of the operation. 3. Governance Tools:- Check and balance system must be present during the change. Management must keep this in mind about creating some rules and regulations which must be followed during change operations and this must be reminded to the employee from time to time. This will minimize the chances of error. 4. Data Access:- Employees handling change operations must have the right access to data at right time to prevent delay.
  • 15. 5. CAB Functionality:- A CAB brings both the IT department and the management department to set a long-term goal, develop a mechanism that can adapt to the changing management plan, can respond efficiently to unexpected change requests. Also, tasks can be prioritized accordingly. Question 11:- Explain three reasons why individuals or groups within an organization may resist change. Include at least one suggestion of how resistance can be overcome for each of the areas you identify. Answer:- There are various reasons why some groups of employees oppose the change, some of them are listed below. 1. Loss of status or job security in the organization:- sometimes some changes may lead to a loss in the job or reduced functionality of a particular employee or group of employees. Maybe that change is very essential but from their perspective, the change is not good since it will lead to job insecurity. Suggestion- The best way to prevent this is to provide training to those
  • 16. employees in some other sector. Let us take an example of automation. Any industry that decides to opt for automation will lead to reducing the requirement of the workforce but on the other hand, skilled workforce requirements will increase. So proper training of the right skilled employee can be done to prevent future resistance. 2. Non-Rewading System:- Member will resist changes or will not give their full effort if they don’t see any reward or profit. Management should reward the members after the successful implementation of changes. Even in the middle of the implementation after achieving small targets, the target achievers can be rewarded, this will boost the morale of the employee. Suggestion- Proper Rewarding system should be opted to maintain a healthy growth environment in the oraganisation. 3. Lack of Information- The less the team member informed about the advantages of the change the more will they resist the change. Lack of two-way
  • 17. communication will lead to the spread of fake rumors in the oraganisation. Suggestion- Management should keep as many employees as they can in the loop to prevent misinformation and also to remove the sense of surprise and a fear of the unknown in the employee. Question 12:- Discuss at least three barriers to organizational change. Answer:- Three main barriers of the organizational changes are:- 1. Inadequate Culture-shift Planning:- Most of the industries are great in planning changes and if the management is too focused on objective planning and they have a narrow vision then they don’t focus on the feeling of the employees. The feeling of the members of the organization must be kept in mind before taking any steps and steps must be taken accordingly to preserve their work culture. 2. Lack of Employee Participation:- Members who don’t have the voice or are not allowed to speak about their views can become a potential member of the resistance in the future so it is
  • 18. very essential to as many members as possible in the loop of decision making so that they have the feeling of responsiveness and the feel to be the part of the organization’s change. 3. Flawed Communication Strategies:- Much managing community believes that sharing the idea of the change will bring everyone on board the idea but the reality is something else. The real change will occur when the managing leaders will tell the organisation about the importance of change, why it is needed, what are the steps will be involved to make it successful and don’t forget that role of each and every member in an organization is very crucial when it comes to the success of the change. These 3 questions are the most important question i.e. why change is needed, the idea of change, and how to make it possible. Question 13:- Discuss at least two strategies to address barriers to organizational change.
  • 19. Answer:- There are various steps involved when it comes to removing the barriers in organizational change. Some of them are: 1. Communication improvement:- It's very crucial to have the two ways of communication which will be clear and honest will ultimately be in the favor of the organization. Proper and timely communication is necessary to address the issues faced by the ground member who is responsible for the implementation of the change. Changes should be conveyed constantly to the employees, they should be reminded of their goals and ideas. 2. Employee Involvement:- Decision- making will ultimately improve if we involve more minds in the process. Chances of failure will decrease and the feeling of responsiveness will increase. It is very important to listen to the voice of each and every member and come up with a common, feasible idea that is easy to understand and implement.