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instead, shoot her small glances until your eyes meet and she catches you. When she does, smile slightly and
look away after a second. You'll probably blush as well, which is all the better - blushing indicates you're
nervous, which is a hint that you like her.
She’s Six Steps Make eye contact. Spend a few days catching her gaze every now and then. Don't just
stare at her, though; Away
1. Time it right. When you do talk to her, pick a time that's convenient. Don't try to get her attention when she's
obviously involved in something else, and try to have a bit of privacy - you don't have to be completely alone,
but her attention shouldn't be too distracted.
o Make the interaction extra casual (and put a time limit on it) by talking to her while you're both walking
somewhere else. If you walk to a class at the same time as her, or you start walking the same way
home, this is a great opening.
2. Start with a compliment. Paying a girl the right compliment makes your intentions clear right away - she'll
know instantly that you're interested in being more than her friend. Here are some things to consider:
o Know how to deliver a compliment. Even the best compliment in the world will fall flat if your delivery is
off. Keep a half smile as you talk - it will make you naturally add appealing inflection to your voice. (Try
this trick out when you answer the phone sometime and see if you notice a difference.) Maintain eye
contact with her, and keep the tones of your voice up, but lower the actual volume - speaking softly
immediately communicates intimacy, and it can make her instinctively lean in closer to hear you. If this
all sounds a bit difficult, practice it in front of a mirror first.
o As anyone who's ever had a stalker can tell you, there's a fine but definite line between flattering and
creepy. With this in mind, choose your compliment wisely. Saying something like "You always look
amazing in that shirt" can come off as weird if you don't know her well, and implies that you watch her.
(Even if you do, it's best not to spill that information immediately.) Instead, opt for something general
but cute, such as "Your smile is glowing today. What's making you so happy?" or "I thought what you
said in class earlier was really interesting." A good compliment should naturally lead to more
conversation, instead of just hanging awkwardly in the air after you say it.
o Know what to avoid. If you're going to pay a girl a compliment about her physical looks, stick to her
eyes, smile or hair. Do not comment on her body otherwise, especially on the first interaction.
o If you want to play it extra safe, pick something you already know she's proud of. For instance, if you
know she's a dedicated violinist, say something like, "I've heard you're an amazing musician," and use
it as a way to ask her some questions about it.
3. Keep the conversation moving. You might be tempted to stop talking and just stare at this girl, but don't let
your nerves get the best of you. Allowing a long lull in the conversation will make things feel awkward.
4. Instead, have a mental list of backup questions you can use if you stumble on an uncomfortable pause.
o Ask about what she thinks of a shared homework assignment or an upcoming event. Asking for her
opinion communicates that you care about what she thinks, and see her as more than just an object.
o Use the conversation to find out more about her, but be subtle. For instance, if you want to find out if
she already has a boyfriend, you could casually ask, "So, anything fun planned with your boyfriend for
the weekend?" If she doesn't have one and she's interested in you, she'll let you know immediately.
o Ask open-ended questions. For instance, instead of saying "So, have anything fun planned for the
break?" (which can be answered with a short "yes" or "no"), say "What are you going to do to keep
busy while school is out?" A question that requires a detailed response is always better to keep a
conversation flowing.
5. Make her laugh (optional). If you're sure you've got a joke she'll appreciate, give it a shot. The goal is to show
her you have an engaging sense of humor, but you don't want to come off as desperate or cheesy.
o If possible, crack a joke about the current situation or something you both saw happen. Situational
humor is more meaningful than a joke you read online.
o Don't tell a dirty joke. It's not appropriate for a first conversation, and it might give her the wrong
o If she doesn't get the joke, don't explain it to her unless she asks. Just move on quickly with a new
point of conversation.
o Good humor is really attractive, but bad humor is a complete turn off. If you can't think of a joke that
makes sense with the situation at hand, leave it alone.
6. Close the conversation early. Follow that old saying - "Always leave them wanting more." Find a way to
gracefully duck out of the conversation before it goes stale.Good luck!
Hello Everyone i am also in this same pickle. but the way i look at it is, if we really love these girls...
should it really matter?
Guys, I found myself in this predicament a couple of times with past girlfriends. And I must tell you guys,
the one thing I see over and over again on these post is guys like me.
Guys who are nice, we try hard, we notice when she is moody, we ask whats wrong, how can we fix it.
And if we complaint for just a second they are so quick to point to the door and say "there is the door,
leave if you dont like it" HONESTLY if it were that simple we would have done it a while ago. And we
cant because we love them, so damn much and we still wanna work things out. because we love the
good times, unfortunetly the good times are few.
I say do what i did. Whenever she is moody, give her her space, I know Ikonw is not easy and most of the
time we want to fix the problem so we can be happy w them like we used to be. but no matter how we
try they just dont see it like that so stop trying the more u try the more she is gonna push you away.
I believe the reason is because she is comfortable in the relationship. she knows you wont leave her.
which is why she makes hurtful comments. She feels like she has a good hold of you. So what do we do?
whenever she is moody, do the same thing she does, act like its nothing and "do your thing" dont let her
mood ruin your day guys. Its hard to explain but involve yourself in your life, I read this in a book " Make
her an aspect of your life NOT the center of it" what im trying to say is make her miss you, and she acts
like that punish her by not giving her attention or being wondrful like you normaly are. BUT dont make it
ovious, she will notice, BUT ofcourse she wont admit to it, trust me give it some time and just like any
old habit, it may be a lil hard to die, but it will die.
Dont worry..
My Girlffriend seemed lovely when i met her all quiet and polite but...
Impress her with your personality, act smarter and more mature than those other idiots. But don't come
off as a geek or nerd. If you REALLY want to impress her, be interested in her, find her fascinating, listen to
her, ask her opinion in little things, value her input and show sincere respect for her as a person. Do this and
you can ignore the rest of the steps in this WikiHow article.
1. Eye contact is really important to girls. If you look deep into our eyes, chances are we'll turn to jelly - at the
right moments of course, after a kiss like you're replaying every moment. Or when you first see her, make eye
contact across a room and wink. She'll love you.
2. Never try to be physical with her. She might get uncomfortable around you and get scared away.
3. Find out if she is single, but don't talk to her about it.
4. Make eye contact as much as you can. Try to get her to know that you notice her.
5. Act charming. Have witty conversations with her.
6. Know the latest fashions, trends, music, movies, and TV shows. Pick up a newspaper or a magazine and
read through all of the sections. Get a general knowledge of what is going on in today's teen world so you will
have a lot to talk about.
7. Make friends with everyone, especially girl friends, but DON'T flirt with every girl you see. Girls might get
discouraged and think you like someone else, and then they will stop trying.
8. Be the guy who everyone sits around and listens to. Be the all around guy. Be able to talk to the goths,
jocks, popular kids, geeks, and everyone else. She will feel way more comfortable around you knowing that you
are cool with everyone you know, instead of being the geek in the back of the classroom who has no friends.
9. Find out what you both have in common, and make sure that she knows that you two have the same
likes and dislikes.
10. Make her feel really comfortable around you. Make sure that she knows that she is able to come to you with
any problems that she might be having in her life. Let her know that not only can you listen to her problems, but
also help solve them, or at least suggest ideas to help her solve them. Be warned, however. Offering advice is
one thing, but girls don't talk about their problems to someone because they want that person to try and solve
them all. They want someone who will listen, first and foremost.
11. Now here's the big step, say "I like you" first and then ask her out to a movie, or to lunch. If she feels the
same way that you feel about her, then she will most likely say yes. Girls usually think that the guy will make
the first move, so ask her out whenever you feel like she's close to you.
12. Don't let anyone dominate you or do something which would show you below the mark. But, if you're not
very good at something, use that to your advantage. If you can't do something very well, be man enough to
admit it. This may seem counter-productive, but the girl will probably see someone who is strong in other areas
and knows his own weaknesses, and can see that as a sign of maturity. A little imperfection doesn't hurt.
13. Be yourself and show her who you really are. Keep in mind that every girl has different thinking so try to
understand her, and don't over limit yourself. Be sincere with her. The truth is if you like yourself, everyone will
like you. It's not an easy task to attract everyone. You have to be yourself in every moment of your life. Be
decent with everyone, not just with her, she'll know of it and appreciate it.
Some times when you find her struggling to get back from other activities, try to guide her by
completely thinking about things from her mind. This will help her to read and understand your mind to
great extent.
You can also boast always for impressing a girl. Tttttt
touch her hands and talk friendly to her,give her respect.
girls want to be loved by someone , so to make girlfriend just work on it.
Edit Tips
Compliment her sometimes on something that she doesn't think that you will notice. When she is
wearing something a little more special than normal, comment to her that she is looking especially
nice. She probably put it on to be noticed, so she'll love the compliment. Even if you don't know
anything about fashion, you'll know when she is wearing something nice if she smiles and blushes
when you look at her. Just don't go overboard with the compliments. It will just look creepy. Maybe you
should just say a compliment once a week, maybe twice a week, tops.
Be yourself. Don't try to fake a personality. She will most likely notice, and if the girl you like doesn't
like you for who you are, then she's not worth your time. Don't ever change your personality for
another person. You are who you are, and if people don't like it, they will just have to deal with it. You
are you, and nobody can, or should change that.
Occasionally, be a taciturn kind of a person, and do not always chatter.
On the first date, the farthest you should go is holding hands. This will show her that you don't want to
let her go but you're not pressuring her into anything she doesn't want to do. Most girls won't object to
holding hands on a date, just make sure you keep calm or else your hands will sweat on hers and
she'll be grossed out.
To impress a girl just be sincere with her. Try to understand her and solve her problems.
Showing respect to other girls is a good way to attract a girl.
Finally, just be cool and jovial with her.
Try to be natural and pretend that you are saying truth, whatever is being spoken. Remember try to be
natural before her.
Edit Warnings
Some girls act as if they are in love with you but are instead thinking of giving a complaint.
Don't curse in front of her.
Some girls also hate people who are full of themselves, so if you do decide to play sports, don't brag
about it.
Never brag or act snobby; girls don't like people for their stuff, they like them for looks and personality.
Beware of gossipers that make big deals out of what you say to girls.
Do not try to persuade the girl within your track if she complains or explains her thoughts or feelings
and thinks of you only as a friend.
Never hurt the girl that you love. And never start to be just friends or she'll only think of you as friend.
If a girl talks to you about her bad habits like smoking or drinking, show her that you understand and
that nobody's perfect. Do not say something stupid, like, "Oh, I think girls who smoke are sexy!" or she
may leave.
How to impress a girl by talking/words?
Looking for tricks to woo the woman of your choice?? Read on…
Forget the easier- said- than- done days and approach the woman with full confidence
and positive attitude. Women love to be with men who can look straight into their eyes
and talk without hesitating. Wear a smile whenever you are near her and if the woman
smiles backs at you it’s a positive sign. But watch out… if she smiles too much chances
are she might be taking you to be a fool. A sense of humor is a must but silly jokes can be
a total put off!
The most important thing to keep in mind while you impress a girl by talking is to talk
sensibly and confidently.
An intelligent approach is to befriend the group of friends she has- this helps you to know
what her likes and dislikes are. Do not follow her to the extent of irritating her- don’t
ignore her either. Familiarize yourself with the activities she participates in and if you’re
ignorant about the details- googling would definitely help! Keep yourself updated to
avoid feeling stupid. Keep yourself calm, it might take time.
Women are clever- they can tell when you are pretending. Watch your body language at
all times but do not overdo- neither in dressing up nor in talking. Dress well- choose your
color combinations wisely. She should not take you as outdated in fashion sense. And
most importantly- never put her off with body odor! It’s hazardous!!
Talk less- do not ask too much! While trying to impress a girl with words you must not
ignore her interests- take care of them as well. Prefer listening to her especially when
there is nobody else around. Women generally have lots to say without your asking it!
Don’t lie about anything she asks you, even if it’s about your ex- girlfriend. It’d be
disastrous if she finds it out from somebody else. Treat her as your greatest friend and
confidant… share even the most private details about yourself with her. This is the
moment to confirm if she is interested in you. Watch out for the signals she sends- you
would know your effort to woo her is proving fruitful if she shows interest in even the
most trivial of your talks and asks you details about the same.
Complimenting your woman definitely helps! You must be aware of her tastes and avoid
imposing your own on her. Even if you dislike something that she’s wearing hold your
breath- don’t just say it straight in her face. Rather tell her that she looks great every time
but whenever you think about her you see her in your favorite dress (and mention the
dress too). When you see her wearing it the next time- smile. And if it’s soon… it’s a
positive sign my friend!

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  • 1. instead, shoot her small glances until your eyes meet and she catches you. When she does, smile slightly and look away after a second. You'll probably blush as well, which is all the better - blushing indicates you're nervous, which is a hint that you like her. She’s Six Steps Make eye contact. Spend a few days catching her gaze every now and then. Don't just stare at her, though; Away 1. Time it right. When you do talk to her, pick a time that's convenient. Don't try to get her attention when she's obviously involved in something else, and try to have a bit of privacy - you don't have to be completely alone, but her attention shouldn't be too distracted. o Make the interaction extra casual (and put a time limit on it) by talking to her while you're both walking somewhere else. If you walk to a class at the same time as her, or you start walking the same way home, this is a great opening. 2. Start with a compliment. Paying a girl the right compliment makes your intentions clear right away - she'll know instantly that you're interested in being more than her friend. Here are some things to consider: o Know how to deliver a compliment. Even the best compliment in the world will fall flat if your delivery is off. Keep a half smile as you talk - it will make you naturally add appealing inflection to your voice. (Try this trick out when you answer the phone sometime and see if you notice a difference.) Maintain eye contact with her, and keep the tones of your voice up, but lower the actual volume - speaking softly immediately communicates intimacy, and it can make her instinctively lean in closer to hear you. If this all sounds a bit difficult, practice it in front of a mirror first. o As anyone who's ever had a stalker can tell you, there's a fine but definite line between flattering and creepy. With this in mind, choose your compliment wisely. Saying something like "You always look amazing in that shirt" can come off as weird if you don't know her well, and implies that you watch her. (Even if you do, it's best not to spill that information immediately.) Instead, opt for something general but cute, such as "Your smile is glowing today. What's making you so happy?" or "I thought what you said in class earlier was really interesting." A good compliment should naturally lead to more conversation, instead of just hanging awkwardly in the air after you say it. o Know what to avoid. If you're going to pay a girl a compliment about her physical looks, stick to her eyes, smile or hair. Do not comment on her body otherwise, especially on the first interaction.
  • 2. o If you want to play it extra safe, pick something you already know she's proud of. For instance, if you know she's a dedicated violinist, say something like, "I've heard you're an amazing musician," and use it as a way to ask her some questions about it. 3. Keep the conversation moving. You might be tempted to stop talking and just stare at this girl, but don't let your nerves get the best of you. Allowing a long lull in the conversation will make things feel awkward. 4. Instead, have a mental list of backup questions you can use if you stumble on an uncomfortable pause. o Ask about what she thinks of a shared homework assignment or an upcoming event. Asking for her opinion communicates that you care about what she thinks, and see her as more than just an object. o Use the conversation to find out more about her, but be subtle. For instance, if you want to find out if she already has a boyfriend, you could casually ask, "So, anything fun planned with your boyfriend for the weekend?" If she doesn't have one and she's interested in you, she'll let you know immediately. o Ask open-ended questions. For instance, instead of saying "So, have anything fun planned for the break?" (which can be answered with a short "yes" or "no"), say "What are you going to do to keep busy while school is out?" A question that requires a detailed response is always better to keep a conversation flowing. 5. Make her laugh (optional). If you're sure you've got a joke she'll appreciate, give it a shot. The goal is to show her you have an engaging sense of humor, but you don't want to come off as desperate or cheesy. o If possible, crack a joke about the current situation or something you both saw happen. Situational humor is more meaningful than a joke you read online. o Don't tell a dirty joke. It's not appropriate for a first conversation, and it might give her the wrong impression. o If she doesn't get the joke, don't explain it to her unless she asks. Just move on quickly with a new point of conversation. o Good humor is really attractive, but bad humor is a complete turn off. If you can't think of a joke that makes sense with the situation at hand, leave it alone. 6. Close the conversation early. Follow that old saying - "Always leave them wanting more." Find a way to gracefully duck out of the conversation before it goes stale.Good luck! Hello Everyone i am also in this same pickle. but the way i look at it is, if we really love these girls... should it really matter? Guys, I found myself in this predicament a couple of times with past girlfriends. And I must tell you guys, the one thing I see over and over again on these post is guys like me. Guys who are nice, we try hard, we notice when she is moody, we ask whats wrong, how can we fix it. And if we complaint for just a second they are so quick to point to the door and say "there is the door, leave if you dont like it" HONESTLY if it were that simple we would have done it a while ago. And we cant because we love them, so damn much and we still wanna work things out. because we love the good times, unfortunetly the good times are few.
  • 3. I say do what i did. Whenever she is moody, give her her space, I know Ikonw is not easy and most of the time we want to fix the problem so we can be happy w them like we used to be. but no matter how we try they just dont see it like that so stop trying the more u try the more she is gonna push you away. I believe the reason is because she is comfortable in the relationship. she knows you wont leave her. which is why she makes hurtful comments. She feels like she has a good hold of you. So what do we do? whenever she is moody, do the same thing she does, act like its nothing and "do your thing" dont let her mood ruin your day guys. Its hard to explain but involve yourself in your life, I read this in a book " Make her an aspect of your life NOT the center of it" what im trying to say is make her miss you, and she acts like that punish her by not giving her attention or being wondrful like you normaly are. BUT dont make it ovious, she will notice, BUT ofcourse she wont admit to it, trust me give it some time and just like any old habit, it may be a lil hard to die, but it will die. Dont worry.. My Girlffriend seemed lovely when i met her all quiet and polite but... Impress her with your personality, act smarter and more mature than those other idiots. But don't come off as a geek or nerd. If you REALLY want to impress her, be interested in her, find her fascinating, listen to her, ask her opinion in little things, value her input and show sincere respect for her as a person. Do this and you can ignore the rest of the steps in this WikiHow article. 1. Eye contact is really important to girls. If you look deep into our eyes, chances are we'll turn to jelly - at the right moments of course, after a kiss like you're replaying every moment. Or when you first see her, make eye contact across a room and wink. She'll love you. 2. Never try to be physical with her. She might get uncomfortable around you and get scared away. 3. Find out if she is single, but don't talk to her about it. 4. Make eye contact as much as you can. Try to get her to know that you notice her. 5. Act charming. Have witty conversations with her. 6. Know the latest fashions, trends, music, movies, and TV shows. Pick up a newspaper or a magazine and read through all of the sections. Get a general knowledge of what is going on in today's teen world so you will have a lot to talk about. 7. Make friends with everyone, especially girl friends, but DON'T flirt with every girl you see. Girls might get discouraged and think you like someone else, and then they will stop trying. 8. Be the guy who everyone sits around and listens to. Be the all around guy. Be able to talk to the goths, jocks, popular kids, geeks, and everyone else. She will feel way more comfortable around you knowing that you are cool with everyone you know, instead of being the geek in the back of the classroom who has no friends. 9. Find out what you both have in common, and make sure that she knows that you two have the same likes and dislikes. 10. Make her feel really comfortable around you. Make sure that she knows that she is able to come to you with any problems that she might be having in her life. Let her know that not only can you listen to her problems, but also help solve them, or at least suggest ideas to help her solve them. Be warned, however. Offering advice is
  • 4. one thing, but girls don't talk about their problems to someone because they want that person to try and solve them all. They want someone who will listen, first and foremost. 11. Now here's the big step, say "I like you" first and then ask her out to a movie, or to lunch. If she feels the same way that you feel about her, then she will most likely say yes. Girls usually think that the guy will make the first move, so ask her out whenever you feel like she's close to you. 12. Don't let anyone dominate you or do something which would show you below the mark. But, if you're not very good at something, use that to your advantage. If you can't do something very well, be man enough to admit it. This may seem counter-productive, but the girl will probably see someone who is strong in other areas and knows his own weaknesses, and can see that as a sign of maturity. A little imperfection doesn't hurt. 13. Be yourself and show her who you really are. Keep in mind that every girl has different thinking so try to understand her, and don't over limit yourself. Be sincere with her. The truth is if you like yourself, everyone will like you. It's not an easy task to attract everyone. You have to be yourself in every moment of your life. Be decent with everyone, not just with her, she'll know of it and appreciate it. Some times when you find her struggling to get back from other activities, try to guide her by completely thinking about things from her mind. This will help her to read and understand your mind to great extent. You can also boast always for impressing a girl. Tttttt touch her hands and talk friendly to her,give her respect. girls want to be loved by someone , so to make girlfriend just work on it. Edit Tips Compliment her sometimes on something that she doesn't think that you will notice. When she is wearing something a little more special than normal, comment to her that she is looking especially nice. She probably put it on to be noticed, so she'll love the compliment. Even if you don't know anything about fashion, you'll know when she is wearing something nice if she smiles and blushes when you look at her. Just don't go overboard with the compliments. It will just look creepy. Maybe you should just say a compliment once a week, maybe twice a week, tops. Be yourself. Don't try to fake a personality. She will most likely notice, and if the girl you like doesn't like you for who you are, then she's not worth your time. Don't ever change your personality for another person. You are who you are, and if people don't like it, they will just have to deal with it. You are you, and nobody can, or should change that. Occasionally, be a taciturn kind of a person, and do not always chatter.
  • 5. On the first date, the farthest you should go is holding hands. This will show her that you don't want to let her go but you're not pressuring her into anything she doesn't want to do. Most girls won't object to holding hands on a date, just make sure you keep calm or else your hands will sweat on hers and she'll be grossed out. To impress a girl just be sincere with her. Try to understand her and solve her problems. Showing respect to other girls is a good way to attract a girl. Finally, just be cool and jovial with her. Try to be natural and pretend that you are saying truth, whatever is being spoken. Remember try to be natural before her. Edit Warnings Some girls act as if they are in love with you but are instead thinking of giving a complaint. Don't curse in front of her. Some girls also hate people who are full of themselves, so if you do decide to play sports, don't brag about it. Never brag or act snobby; girls don't like people for their stuff, they like them for looks and personality. Beware of gossipers that make big deals out of what you say to girls. Do not try to persuade the girl within your track if she complains or explains her thoughts or feelings and thinks of you only as a friend. Never hurt the girl that you love. And never start to be just friends or she'll only think of you as friend. If a girl talks to you about her bad habits like smoking or drinking, show her that you understand and that nobody's perfect. Do not say something stupid, like, "Oh, I think girls who smoke are sexy!" or she may leave. How to impress a girl by talking/words? Looking for tricks to woo the woman of your choice?? Read on… Forget the easier- said- than- done days and approach the woman with full confidence and positive attitude. Women love to be with men who can look straight into their eyes
  • 6. and talk without hesitating. Wear a smile whenever you are near her and if the woman smiles backs at you it’s a positive sign. But watch out… if she smiles too much chances are she might be taking you to be a fool. A sense of humor is a must but silly jokes can be a total put off! The most important thing to keep in mind while you impress a girl by talking is to talk sensibly and confidently. An intelligent approach is to befriend the group of friends she has- this helps you to know what her likes and dislikes are. Do not follow her to the extent of irritating her- don’t ignore her either. Familiarize yourself with the activities she participates in and if you’re ignorant about the details- googling would definitely help! Keep yourself updated to avoid feeling stupid. Keep yourself calm, it might take time. Women are clever- they can tell when you are pretending. Watch your body language at all times but do not overdo- neither in dressing up nor in talking. Dress well- choose your color combinations wisely. She should not take you as outdated in fashion sense. And most importantly- never put her off with body odor! It’s hazardous!! Talk less- do not ask too much! While trying to impress a girl with words you must not ignore her interests- take care of them as well. Prefer listening to her especially when there is nobody else around. Women generally have lots to say without your asking it! Don’t lie about anything she asks you, even if it’s about your ex- girlfriend. It’d be disastrous if she finds it out from somebody else. Treat her as your greatest friend and confidant… share even the most private details about yourself with her. This is the moment to confirm if she is interested in you. Watch out for the signals she sends- you would know your effort to woo her is proving fruitful if she shows interest in even the most trivial of your talks and asks you details about the same. Complimenting your woman definitely helps! You must be aware of her tastes and avoid imposing your own on her. Even if you dislike something that she’s wearing hold your breath- don’t just say it straight in her face. Rather tell her that she looks great every time but whenever you think about her you see her in your favorite dress (and mention the dress too). When you see her wearing it the next time- smile. And if it’s soon… it’s a positive sign my friend!