mycotoxin distcripiton of cosmid coning vector cloning vectors cosmid toxicity penicillic acid roquefortine pitulin ochratoxin types of mycotoxin puc18 pet 21 plasmid pbr322 yeast artificial chromosome bacterial artificial chromosome artificial vector expression vector shuttle vector sv40 lambda phage phagemid sliced meat product cooked meat product raw meat product meat and meat product microbial examination of specific food food infection fungal intoxication poisonous animals chemical intoxication bacterial intoxication food poisioning food toxin food intoxication bypass cycle of citric acid cycle glyoxylate cycle for ppt on glyoxylate cycle glyoxylate cycle types of carbohydrates polysaccharide disaccharide monosaccharide brief summary of carbohydrates carbohydrates microbial production of hyaluronic acid hyluronic acid ppt on hyaluronic acid hyaluronic acid plant disease rust diases in plant rust pesudomanas as bca bca biological control agent pseudomanas act as biological control agent pseudomonas cry gene cry protein biopesticide bacillus turinginesis bt toxin ppt on sage serial analysis of gene expression sage gene analysis ppt on dna sequencing types of nucleic acid sequencing nucleic acid sequencing alginate microbial product brief summary of alginate microbial production of alginate alginate production imporatnt fact about dna sequencing brief summry on dna sequencing definition of cosmid cosmid alternate pathaway glycolysis alternate pathway pathway glycolysis alternate alternate glycolysis
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